TEM8 证书英文对照翻译(共8篇)
1.TEM8 证书英文对照翻译 篇一
分析证书 certificate of analysis 一致性证书 cettificate of conformity 质量证书 certificate of quality 测试报告 test report 产品性能报告 product performance report 产品规格型号报告 product specification report 工艺数据报告 process data report 首样测试报告 first sample test report 价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue 参与方信息 party information 农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate 家产品加工厂证书 post receipt 邮政收据 post receipt 重量证书 weight certificate 重量单 weight list 证书 cerificate 价值与原产地综合证书 combined certificate of value adn origin 移动声明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1 数量证书 certificate of quantity 质量数据报文 quality data message 查询 Query 查询回复 response to query 23 订购单 purchase order 制造说明 manufacturing instructions 领料单 stores requisition 产品售价单 invoicing data sheet 包装说明 packing instruction 内部运输单 internal transport order 统计及其他管理用内部单证 statistical and oter administrative internal documents 直接支付估价申请 direct payment valuation request
直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation
临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation
支付估价单 payment valuation
数量估价单 quantity valuation request
数量估价申请 quantity valuation request
合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-BOQ
不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender BOQ
标价投标数量单 priced tender BOQ
询价单 Enquiry
临时支付申请 interim application for payment
支付协议 Agreement to pay
意向书 letter of intent
订单 order
总订单 blanket order 45 现货订单 sport order
租赁单 lease order
紧急订单 rush order
修理单 repair order
分订单 call off order
寄售单 consignment order
样品订单 sample order
换货单 swap order
订购单变更请求 purchase order change request
订购单回复 purchase order response
租用单 hire order
备件订单 spare parts order
交货说明 delivery instructions
交货计划表 Delivery schedule
按时交货 delivery just-in-time
发货通知 delivery release
交货通知 delivery note
装箱单 packing list
发盘/报价 offer/quotation
报价申请 request for quote
合同 contract
订单确认 acknowledgement of order 67 形式发票 proforma invoice
部分发票 partial invoice
操作说明 operating instructions
铭牌 name/product plate
交货说明请求 request for delivery instructions
订舱申请 booking request
装运说明 shipping instructions
托运人说明书(空运)shipper“s letter of instructions(air)
短途货运单 cartage order(local transport)
待运通知 ready for dispatch advice
发运单 dispatch order
发运通知 Dispatch advice
单证分发通知 advice of distribution of documents
商业发票 commercial invoice
贷记单 credit note
佣金单 commission note
借记单 debit note
更正发票 corrected invoice
合并发票 consolidated invoice
预付发票 prepayment invoice
租用发票 hire invoice
税务发票 tax invoice 89 自用发票 self-billed invoice
保兑发票 Delcredere invoice
代理发票 Factored invoice
租赁发票 lease invoice
寄售发票 consignment invoice
代理贷记单 factored credit note
银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer
银行汇票申请书 application for banker”s draft
托收支付通知书 collection payment advice
跟单信用证支付通知书 documentary credit payment advice
跟单信用证承兑通知书 documentary credit acceptance advice
跟单信用证议付通知书 documentary credit negotiation advice
银行担保申请书 application for banker“s guarantee
银行担保 banker”s guarantee
跟单信用证赔偿单 documentary credit letter of indemnity
信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit
托收单 collection order
单证提交单 documents presentation form
付款单 payment order
扩展付款单 extended payment order
多重付款单 multiple payment order
贷记通知书 credit advice 111 扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice
借记通知书 debit advice
借记撤消 reversal of debit
贷记撤消 reversal of credit
跟单信用证申请书 documentary credit application
跟单信用证 documentary credit
跟单信用证通知书 documentary credit notification
跟单信用证转让通知 documentary credit transfer advice
跟单信用证更改通知书 documentary credit amendment notification
跟单信用证更改单 documentary credit amendment
汇款通知 remittance advice
银行汇票 banker“s draft
汇票 bill of exchange
本票 promissory note
帐户财务报表 financial statement of account
帐户报表报文 statement of account message
保险赁证 insurance certificate
保险单 insurance policy
保险申报单(明细表)insurance declaration sheet(bordereau)
保险人发票 insurer”s invoice 131 承保单 cover note
货运说明 forwarding instructions
货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder“s advice to import agent
货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder”s advice to exporter
货运代理发票 forwarder“s invoice
货运代理收据证明 forwarder”s certificate of receipt
托运单 shipping note
货运代理人仓库收据 forwarder“s warehouse receipt
货物收据 goods receipt
港口费用单 port charges documents
入库单 warehouse warrant
提货单 delivery order
装卸单 handling order
通行证 gate pass
运单 waybill
通用(多用)运输单证 universal(multipurpose)transport document
承运人货物收据 goods receipt, carriage
全程运单 House waybill
主提单 master bill of lading
提单 bill of lading
151 正本提单 bill of lading original
152 副本提单 bill of lading copy
153 空集装箱提单 empty container bill
154 油轮提单 tanker bill of lading
155 海运单 sea waybill
156 内河提单 inland waterway bill of lading
157 不可转让的海运单证(通用)non-negotiable maritime transport document(generic)
158 大副据 mate”s receipt
159 全程提单 house bill of lading
160 无提单提货保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading
161 货运代理人提单 forwarder“s bill of lading
162 铁路托运单(通用条款)rail consignment note(generic term)
163 陆运单 road list-SMGS
164 押运正式确认 escort official recognition
165 分段计费单证 recharging document
166 公路托运单 road cosignment note
167 空运单 air waybill
168 主空运单 master air waybill
169 分空运单 Substitute air waybill
170 国人员物品申报 crew”s effects declaration
171 乘客名单 passenger list
172 铁路运输交货通知 delivery notice(rail transport)
173 邮递包裹投递单 despatch note(post parcels)
174 多式联运单证(通用)multimodal/combined transport document(generic)
175 直达提单 through bill of lading
176 货运代理人运输证书 forwarder“s certificate of transport
177 联运单证(通用)combined transport document(generic)
178 多式联运单证(通用)multimodal transport document(generic)
179 多式联运提单 combined transport bill of lading/multimoda bill of lading
180 订舱确认 booking confirmation
181 要求交货通知 calling foward notice
182 运费发票 freight invoice
183 货物到达通知 arrival notice(goods)
184 无法交货的通知 notice of circumstances preventing delvery(goods)
185 无法运货通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport(goods)
186 交货通知 delivery notice(goods)
187 载货清单 cargo manifest
188 载货运费清单 freight manifest
189 公路运输货物清单 bordereau
190 集装箱载货清单 container manifes(unit packing list)
191 铁路费用单 charges note
192 托收通知 advice of collection
193 船舶安全证书 safety of ship certificate
194 无线电台安全证书 safety of radio certificate
195 设备安全证书 safety of equipment certificate
196 油污民事责任书 civil liability for oil certificate
197 载重线证书 loadline document
198 免于除鼠证书 derat document
199 航海健康证书 maritime declaration of health
200 船舶登记证书 certificate of registry
201 船用物品申报单 ship”s stores declaration
202 出口许可证申请表 export licence, application
203 出口许可证 export licence
204 出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprot
205 T出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用)despatch note moder T
206 T1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用)despatch note model T1
207 T2出口单证(原产地证明书)despatch note model T2
208 T5管理单证(退运单证)(欧共体用)control document T5
209 铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment note
210 T2L出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用)despatch note model T2L
211 出口货物报关单 goods declaration for exportation
212 离港货物报关单 cargo declaration(departure)
213 货物监管证书申请表 application for goods control certificate
214 货物监管证书申请表 goods control certificate
215 植物检疫申请表 application for phytosanitary certificate
216 植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate
217 卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate
218 动物检疫证书 veterinary certifieate
219 商品检验申请表 application for inspection certificate
220 商品检验证书 inspection certificate
221 原产地证书申请表 certificate of origin, application for
222 原产地证书 certificate of origin
223 原产地申明 declaration of origin
224 地区名称证书 regional appellation certificate
225 优惠原产地证书 preference certificate of origin
226 普惠制原产地证书 certificate of origin form GSP
227 领事发票 cosular invoice
228 危险货物申报单 dangerous goods declaration
229 出口统计报表 statistical doucument, export
230 国际贸易统计申报单 intrastat declaration
231 交货核对证明 delivery verification certificate
232 进口许可证申请表 import licence, application for
233 进口许可证 import licence
234 无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without commercial detail
235 有商业和项目细节的报关单 customs declaration with commercial and item detail
236 无项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without item detail
237 有关单证 related document
238 海关收据 receipt(Customs)
239 调汇申请 application for exchange allocation
240 调汇许可 foreign exchange permit
241 进口外汇管理申报 exchange control declaration(import)
242 进口货物报关单 goods declaration for implortation
243 内销货物报关单 goods declaration for home use
244 海关即刻放行报关单 customs immediate release declaration
245 海关放行通知 customs delivery note
246 到港货物报关单 cargo declaration(arrival)
247 货物价值申报清单 value declaration
248 海关发票 customs invoice
249 邮包报关单 customs deciaration(post parcels)
250 增值税申报单 tax declaration(value added tax)
251 普通税申报单 tax declaration(general)
252 催税单 tax demand
253 禁运货物许可证 embargo permit
254 海关转运货物报关单 goods declaration for customs transit
255 TIF国际铁路运输报关单 TIF form
256 TIR国际公路运输报关单 TIR carnet
257 欧共体海关转运报关单 EC carnet
258 EUR1欧共体原产地证书 EUR 1 certificate of origin
259 暂准进口海关文件 ATA carnt
260 欧共体统一单证 single administrative document
261 海关一般回复 general response(Customs)
262 海关公文回复 document response(Customs)
263 海关误差回复 error response(Customs)
264 海关一揽子回复 packae response(Customs)
265 海关计税/确认回复 tax calculation /confirmation response(Customs)
266 配额预分配证书 quota prior allocation certificate
267 最终使用授权书 end use authorization
268 政府合同 government contract
269 进口统计报表 statistical document, import
270 跟单信用证开证申请书 application for documentary credit
271 先前海关文件/报文 previous Customs document/message
2.建筑证书中英文翻译 篇二
Certificate of Real Estate Ownership(房地产权证)
The Certificate granted by the government stating the ownership title of the property built on a certain piece of land, location, construction area, etc.The years of property ownership is equal to the years of land use right.New Certificate is a combination of both the land use right information and real estate ownership information.由政府部门颁发的关于某土地上所建建筑权属、地理位置、建筑面积等的证书。房屋所有权年限等于土地使用年限。新的房地产权证包括土地使用权信息和房地产权信息。
Construction Completion Inspection Certificate(建设工程竣工验收备案证书)
A certificate issued by Construction Project Quality Supervision to approve the inspection for the quality of construction after completion.建设工程完工时,对工程质量进行验收检查,合格后由建设质量监督总站颁发建设工程竣工验收备案证书。
Construction Permit(施工许可证)
A permit for the construction company to commence construction on a piece of land issued by Construction Management Bureau.由建设工程管理局颁发的对于建筑单位可以开始在土地上建设的施工许可。
Engineering Planning Permit(建筑工程规划许可证)
A permit issued by City Planning Management Bureau for the construction planning which confirms its legitimacy to protect the lawful rights and interests of an entity or individual.It includes time schedule, details in construction area, approved layout, structure, etc.由城市规划管理局颁发的有关建设工程符合城市规划要求的法律凭证,用以确认有关建设活动的合法地位,保证有关建设单位和个人的合法权益,内容包括施工进度表、建筑地区详情、批准规划和工程结构等。
Land Usage Planning Permit(建设用地规划许可证)
A permit issued by City Planning Management Bureau which confirms its legitimacy for the land usage planning.由城市规划管理局颁发的用以确认建设项目位置和范围符合城市规划的法律凭证。
State-owned Land Use Right Certificate(国有土地使用产权证)
3.钟表术语中英文对照翻译 篇三
1)本司款名;/ Model No.2)客户款名;/ Customer Ref.3)所属类别;/ Assortment 表壳部分 / Case
1)结构(Construction): 大身(Bezel), 壳圈(Bezel ring / Top ring), 玻璃(Crystal), 底盖(Case back);
a.大身外形(Shape), 材料(Material), 电镀(Plating), 打磨(Finish);
主要材料: 合金(Alloy);铜(Brass);不锈钢(S.steel);塑料(Plastic);钛(Titanium);铝(Aluminum);金(Gold);银(Silver);钨钢(Tungsten steel);
主要电镀: PNP;PDP, PCP;IPG;IPS, IP Black;IP Gun metal;Acid gold;Two-Tone plated.主要打磨: 光令(Bright polished);拉直砂(Vertical brushed);拉横砂(Horizontal brushed);拉圆砂(Circular brushed);拉太阳纹砂(Sunray brushed);喷幼砂(Sandblasted);
b.壳圈结构(Construction), 材料(Material), 电镀(Plating), 打磨(Finish);
主要结构: 固定圈(Fixed top ring);假圈(Fake Top ring);单转圈(One-way rotating top ring);双向转圈(Two-way rotating top ring);
主要材料: 合金(Alloy);铜(Brass);不锈钢(S.steel);塑料(Plastic);钛(Titanium);铝(Aluminum);金(Gold);银(Silver);钨钢(Tungsten steel);橡胶带(Rubber band);仿皮带(PU/PVC Strap);帆布带(Canvas strap);牛仔布带(Denim strap);真皮带(Leather strap);陶瓷带(Ceramic).c.玻璃类别(Assortment), 外形(Shape), 厚度(Thickness);
主要类别: 普通玻璃(Mineral crystal);兰宝石玻璃(Sapphire crystal);胶镜(Plastic glass);主要外形:平玻璃(Flat);单桥(Single curved);双桥(Double curved);
d.底盖结构(Construction), 材料(Material), 工艺(Craftmanship), 打磨(Finish);
主要结构: 吸底(Snap back);螺丝底(Screw back);
1ATM=10米防水, 通常防水功能有: 防水结构(W/R Construction);1ATM;2ATM;3ATM;5ATM;10ATM;表带部分
1)表带结构(Construction), 材料(Material), 电镀(Plating), 打磨(Finish);
主要结构: 实心带(Solid band);空心包片带(Hollow band);半实心带(Semi-solid band);迭片带(Foled band);
2)皮带种类(Assortment), 工艺(Craftsmanship);
3)表扣种类(Assortment), 材料(Material), 打磨(Finish);
主要种类: 蝴蝶制(Deployment buckle);折迭制(Fold-over buckle);珠宝制(Jewellery buckle);
1)表面工艺(Craftsmanship), 颜色(Color);
2)表面字钉工艺(System: 植字钉/Applied, 凸字钉/UP, 印刷钉/Printed);
3)内影圈工艺(Dial Ring);
4)日历盘(Date), 星期盘(Day), 跳字窗(Digital window), 小秒盘(Sub-dial)等;
5)表面字印(Dial marking);
表针部分—形状(Shape), 颜色(Color), 级数(Grade), 夜光(Luminous), 尺寸(Dimension)
表的部分—霸的类型(Shape), 材料(Material), 尺寸(Dimension), 电镀(Plating), 字印(Marking)
机芯部分—供货商型号(Vendor No.), 装针高度(Hand setting), 电池(Battery)
时间调校—参照时间, 调整范围
1)设计部, 开发部按客户需求设计及开发新款式, 并推荐给客户;
2)事务部接单将订单信息传递至开发,工程, 采购及生产部门;
3)开发部提供样办, 供事务部同客户进行样办确认;
4)工程部制作并确认配件规格图纸, 供采购部门及质量检验部门使用;
5)采购部门按照订单数据进行配件采购, 并负责物料返期的及时性;
6)质量检验部门按工程收货标准对来料进行查验, 并反馈检验意见;
7)半成品仓库对各类配件物料进行归类存储, 以备调用;
10)包装部将产成品进行包装, 并按订单数据进行存储, 以待出货;
4.《站起来》中英文翻译对照歌词 篇四
(成龙)站起来 我的爱牵着山脉
起点写着我的未来 Hey ya..Hey ya..终点没有成与败
(王力宏)站起来 我的爱拥抱大海
跑过的精彩 依然在 嘿呀嘿呀 泪水是 胜利感慨 嘿呀(成龙)多少~~~风雨的等待
穿越心灵 彩虹告诉我的存在(王力宏)生命真实喝彩
希望看见英雄 奇迹般色彩
勇敢和我一起 用心赢回真爱
站起来终点没了 起点也会在(孙燕姿)站起来 我的爱牵着山脉
起点写着我的未来 嘿呀嘿呀 终点没有成与败
(韩&孙)站起来 我的爱拥抱大海
(韩 红)超越不只是现在
跑过的精彩 依然在 嘿呀嘿呀 泪水是 胜利感慨 嘿呀嘿呀(韩红 SOLO....)站起来
勇敢和我一起 用心赢回真爱
彼此距离不在 你和我的竞赛
站起来终点没了 起点也会在站起来 我的爱拥抱大海
跑过的精彩 依然在 嘿呀嘿呀 泪水是 胜利感慨 嘿呀嘿呀 嘿呀嘿呀
Dance Dance Dance 不用罗嗦 只要演好你的角色
忘掉自我 不要走调
Oh go go 跟我跳三天三夜
够不够 no more no more
夜让你美丽 你让我着迷
跟我跳吧 别让快乐在手中逃脱
夜让你美丽 你让我着迷
跟我一起 不要停下
one~ two~ three~
Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance 热烈世界我行我素
怎么快乐 怎么难过
Oh go go 跟我来眼神交汇~
yo 爱我想象
夜让你美丽 你让我着迷
跟我跳吧 别让快乐在手中逃脱
夜让你美丽 你让我着迷
跟我一起 不要停下
one~ two~ three~
Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance 你的美让我陶醉
togher togher togher ~
Dance Dance Dance
music...one~ two~ three~
Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance 你的美让我陶醉
togher togher togher ~
my queen my queen 爱是一种酒
my queen my queen 无边的温柔
my queen my queen 开启了莎楼
一句魔咒渐渐念以后 又回到三千一百年前 高坐在古老的盛宴 祭师们就要打开祭坛 用胜利的血将神祭奠 祈祷在夜空中弥漫
虔诚的灵魂守候这誓言就在这个时候你出现 命运在这一刻改变 波吕克赛娜
你就是一个美丽神话 穿越了奥里比斯山
5.三十六计中英文对照翻译范文 篇五
2.围魏救赵relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei
3.借刀杀人killing someone with a borrowed knife
4.以逸待劳waiting at one’s ease for the exhausted enemy
5.趁火打劫plundering a burning house
6.声东击西making a feint to the east and attacking in the west
7.无中生有creating something out of nothing
8.暗渡陈仓advancing secretly by an unknown path
9.隔岸观火watching a fire from the other side of the river
10.笑里藏刀covering the dagger with a smile
11.李代桃僵palming off substitute for the real thing
12.顺手牵羊picking up something in passing
13.打草惊蛇beating the grass to frighten the snake
14.借尸还魂resurrecting a dead soul by borrowing a corpse
15.调虎离山luring the tiger out of his den
16.欲擒故纵letting the enemy off in order to catch him
17.抛砖引玉giving the enemy something to induce him to lose more valuable things
18.擒贼擒王capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all the followers
19.釜底抽薪extracting the firewood from under the cauldron
20.混水摸鱼muddling the water to catch the fish;fishing in troubled waters
21.金蝉脱壳slipping away by casting off a cloak;getting away like the cicada sloughing its skin
22.关门捉贼catching the thief by closing / blocking his escape route
23.远交近攻befriending the distant enemy while attacking a nearby enemy
24.假途伐虢attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighbor
25.偷梁换柱stealing the beams and pillars and replacing them with rotten timbers
26.指桑骂槐reviling/ abusing the locust tree while pointing to the mulberry
27.假痴不癫feigning madness without becoming insane
28.上屋抽梯removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up the roof
29.树上开花putting artificial flowers on trees
30.反客为主turning from the guest into the host
31.美人计using seductive women to corrupt the enemy
32.空城计presenting a bold front to conceal unpreparedness
33.反间计sowing discord among the enemy
34.苦肉计deceiving the enemy by torturing one’s own man
35.连环计coordinating one stratagem with another
6.林肯葛底斯堡演说中英文对照翻译 篇六
林肯葛底斯堡演说中英文对照翻译 林肯的讲话是极简短、极朴素的。这往往使那些滔滔不绝的讲演家大瞧不起。
Commented by 鱼化石:林肯的这篇演说是演说史上著名的篇章,其思想的深刻,行文的严谨,语言的冼练,确实是不愧彪炳青史的大手笔。尤其是其中的第二段,建议加以仔细分析,其语义的承转,结构的安排,甚至包括其句式的使用,无一不是极尽推敲之作。GETTYSBURG ADDRESS
Abraham Lincoln
Delivered on the 19th Day of November, 1863
Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continenta new Nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition thatall men are created equal.Now, we are engaged in a great Civil War,testing whether that Nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure.We are met on a great battlefield of that war.We havecome to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for thosewho gave their lives that Nation might live.It is altogether fitting andproper that we should do this.But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannothallow this ground.The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here,have consecrated 声明:本资料由听力课堂网站收集整理,仅供英语爱好者学习使用,资料版权属于原作者。-1-
it far above our power to add or detract.The world willlittle note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget whatthey did here.It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to thegreat task remaining before us;that from these honored dead, we takeincreased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measureof devotion;that this Nation, under GOD, shall have a new birth of freedom;and that government of the People by the People and for the People shall notperish from the earth.葛底斯堡演说
7.TEM8 证书英文对照翻译 篇七
xxx19xx年4月x日 G4xxxxxx学生无
8.TEM8 证书英文对照翻译 篇八
I remembered black skies, the lightning all around me我回忆起乌云满天,电闪雷鸣I remembered each flash as time began to blur我回忆起当时间开始变得模糊的每个瞬间Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me就像预兆的那样,命运已找寻到我And your voice was all I heard而我唯一能听到的就是你的声音Did I get what I deserve?我得到我应得的了吗?So give me reason to prove me wrong那么给我个理由证明我是错的To wash this memory clean去洗刷我的回忆Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes让思想跨越你眼中的距离Give me reason, to fill this hole,给我让我去填补这个空缺的理由Connect the space between连接我们的空间Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让苦楚收手,直接到达真理的彼岸Across this new divide跨越这新的鸿沟There was nothing inside, but memories left abandoned内心里什么也没有,除了尘封的回忆There was nowhere to hide, the ashes fell like snow身躯无处躲藏,灰烬像雪一般飞扬And the ground caved in between where we were standing大地就在我们脚下坍塌And your voice was all I heard而我唯一能听到的就是你的声音Did I get what I deserve?我得到我应得的了吗?So give me reason to prove me wrong那么给我一个理由证明我是错的To wash this memory clean
Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes让思想跨越你眼中的距离Across this new divide跨越这新的鸿沟In every loss, in every lie, in every truth that you deny在每次失去,在每个谎言,在每次否认你的事实And each regret and each goodbye以及每个遗憾和每次离别Was a mistake too great to hide都是一个无法摆脱的错误And your voice was all I heard而我唯一能听到的就是你的声音Did I get what I deserve?我得到我应得的了吗?So give me reason to prove me wrong那么给我个理由证明我是错的To wash this memory clean去洗刷我的回忆Let the thoughts cross the distance in your eyes让思想跨越你眼中的距离Give me reason to fill this hole给我让我填补这空缺的理由Connect the space between连接我们的空间Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies让苦楚收手,直接到达真理的彼岸Across this new divide跨越这新的鸿沟Across this new divide跨越这新的鸿沟
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