


1.《简爱》英文读书报告 篇一

Background of Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of Charlotte Bronte, an English woman author in 19th century. The works possess romanticism and realism. It is also thought that this book is author’s autobiography.

Introduction of Jane Eyre

Jane was a pure and thinkable woman, who lived in substrata of society and struck with life. But she was fractious and the sprite of perusing happiness. The works sing the love respecting each other and break away from conman customs and preoccupation. The most successful of this book is to figure a female image who dared to gainst and try for liberte and egalite.

Characteristics of characters

Jane Eyre was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag. She had a terrible childhood but it’s not affected her future because she is poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl.

Jane was also a thinkable woman in her love, she thought love is equal, free and respecting, so she gain a happy ending with beautiful personality.

My thoughts of Jane Eyre

Jane owns goodness for her lover, Rochester, who lost arms and eyes, and also for someone who had hurt her.

Jane owns pursuit for justice; it helps her to promote goodness on one side and check the badness on the other side.

Jane owns self-respect and clear situation on equality. Also her life experience is hardships, but she never underrates herself. She thinks everyone is the same. She has the right to gain happiness through hardworking.

Jane owns toughness, confidence and striving for life……

She is not beautiful and wealthy and very normal in conman’s mind. But in my opinion, the beauty on the face is not important than in the heart because the beauty of heart could live forever but not the beauty of face.

So, to me or to all girls in the world, we needn’t inferiority and complaint with ourselves if we don’t have beauty and wealth because the true happiness is not gained by the tow things. Actually, we should learn to be a person who is like Jane, how fearless woman.


2.读书报告--简爱 篇二

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

(Book Report)

Jane Eyre ranks as one of the greatest and most perennially popular works of English fiction.Although the poor but plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance, she possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage.She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order.All of which circumscribe her life and position when she becomes governess to the daughter of the mysterious, sardonic and attractive Mr Rochester.However, there is great kindness and warmth in this epic love story, which is set against the magnificent backdrop of the Yorkshire moors.This book, Jane Eyre, tell us that Jane‟s life is filled with pains and suffering until the time of youth, but lastly she herself wins truly love.Jane‟s father is a poor reverend.Unfortunately, her parents passed away when she was just a very young girl.Jane is sent to her aunt‟s home, at the hands of her rich aunt and cousins, she suffers a childhood with no respect and dignity, as “a position even lower than the servants” is described in the book.Later, Jane is sent to Lowood School to receive education.Although her life was even harder and more miserable, she found love and care from Helen Burns and Miss Temple.Jane, as an orphan, suffered all kinds of obloquy and ignominy, and then she turn into a girl of self-help, self-respect and self-assurance.After she graduated, she stays on the school as a teacher, and only two years she leaves the school, due to its solitude and apartness, and then finds a work as a private governess in Thornfield.Jane becomes free and independent, just as spring has come into her life.Jane not only finds respect, love, friends and money, but also develops a strong relationship with the cold and bad-tempered master, Mr.Rochester.They fell in love with each other.Like a flower, their love starts to bloom.Shortly, they decide to get married.On the day of the wedding, Jane finds out that Mr.Rochester has a wife, a mad woman, living on the top of the tower, who makes weird laughter at night.She decides to leave him although he desperately begs her to stay.《简爱》被列为最伟大、最受欢迎的英语小说作品不断。虽然贫穷但勇敢的女主人公是外在面貌质朴,她有一种顽强的精神,一把锋利的机智和极大的勇气。她不得不对抗一个残暴的监护人本人因公常到海外出差,严厉的用人单位与严酷的社会秩序。所有这些限制她的生活,她成为家庭位置时的女儿神秘而迷人的罗切斯特先生了。



For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person.Goodness is to humans what water is to fish.He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person.On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, „The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose‟, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person.People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity.They look down on people‟s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted.As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others.On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit.In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility.If they cannot get profit from showing their „kindness‟, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down.They are one of the sorts that I really detest.Francis Bacon said in his essay, „Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.‟That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything.Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those „vermin-to-be‟ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.对我来说,处于善性的品德是其中一个最必要的个性的一个人。善良是人类就像鱼儿离不开水一样。他是一个谁是没有善尽毫无价值的人。相反,正如著名的谚语所说,“香味的手总是待在给玫瑰”,他与善良无疑是一种快乐和有用的人。收到他的帮助是感恩的人,他也得称心的从他所做的,他做的好事,因此两人,他帮助和他自己。


3.简爱的英文介绍 篇三

The Soul In Jane Eyre Introduction Jane Eyre is such a great novel that it holds an important position in the history of British literature.It has been translated into various languages and adapted for movie,dazzling generations of readers all through the world.And the soul of the Jane Eyre is the female doctrine.Jane Eyre is neigher a very beautiful woman,nor rich,but her genuine,selfless love for Rochester.But she also is a independent woman,who takes a positive and progressive attitude toward love,life,society and religions and who dares to fighe for the liberty and equality.Jane’s sufferings are the deep reflections of the live of lower-class people in Britain.

4.动物庄园英文读书报告 篇四

《动物庄园》是一本看似很薄却很有内涵的书,书中的内容看似荒谬却意味很深。书中主要讲的是曼纳庄园中的动物们在 “老麦哲”这头猪的动员下有了驱逐人类的想法,有了统治庄园的欲望,并由此发起了起义。幸运的是,动物们果真实现了它们一统庄园的梦想,并且由两头名叫“拿破仑”和“斯诺鲍”的猪来统治这个庄园。然而,这看似“成功”的起义在随着时间一点点流逝,随着当权者“拿破仑”逐渐地对当初定下的“七戒”的篡改,随着动物们对当初起义的真正目的的遗忘„„渐渐地走回了一切的起始点,一如故事最后的那句“已分不出谁是猪,谁是人了”。

乍一看像是《夏洛的网》一类的故事,可看多了就能从书中的每一字每一句中读出作者乔治〃奥威尔所要表达的那种讽刺。那种说了真话就得死,那种当权者的说一不二,那种当权者为了谋求自己的利益而不择手段„„总觉得似曾相识不是么? ? 精彩语段











点评:从这里就可以看出当权者拿破仑对“七戒”的篡改,有种被抓了现行的感觉。之前动物们第一次把“七戒”的戒律给记错,没仔细看时还真以为是时间久了动物们记混淆了。直到“记错”的次数逐渐增多,才觉察出一丝的蹊跷,而这 一段则巧妙地揭开了这一真像。


你会常常听到一只鸡对另一只鸡这样讲道:“在我们的领袖拿破仑的指引下,我在六天之内下了五只蛋”,或者两头正在饮水的牛声称:“多亏拿破仑同志的领导,这水喝起来真甜!” 点评:如此无厘头的对话正是借着它的荒谬体现了当权者拿破仑对于这些动物的“思想清扫”程度之深。本是那种再没有思想也不会说出的话却被这些动物像闲聊一般的说出口,似乎完全察觉不到这其中的不合理。? 读书报告




破仑和斯诺鲍的斗争开始,一切开始变得不一样了。那九条狗的出现,像是全文的一条分割线,它们的出现意味着再没有动物敢再在拿破仑面前“放肆”,它们的出现标志着拿破仑专制的出现,它们的出现更是标志着动物庄园退步的开始。《动物庄园》里几乎每一个动物都是现实中一类人的典型代表,拿破仑不就是那些为了私欲却打着“权利”的幌子的腐败官员么?斯奎拉不就是那些为了糊口饭吃而整天跟在高官屁股后边打转的小人么?而本杰明不就是那些不动声色察觉一切的冷静人物么?也许是这样的种种人物在我们身边出现得太频繁,在看《动物庄园》的时候竟没有那种很遥远的感觉,就像是在看一本很隐讳的揭露现实的新闻报道集而已。似乎有些嘲讽不是么,在堂堂高等动物——人类身上发生的事情竟能照搬到一群动物的身上。而那象征着最高权力的不是别的,居然是那在我们口中“愚笨”、“懒惰”的代名词——猪!短短几万个字,而且没有任何涉及专制、私欲的词眼,只是这样一本看似不起眼的书,一本随便一翻就能粗粗看完的书,却包含了那么多人们都心知肚明却又详装不知的东西。这整一个世界只需要一个小小的庄园就可以囊括,明明所有人都可以明白的道理却又有那么多的人不愿面对,只是想着得过且过,还真是讽刺不是么?篇二:《动物庄园》读书报告 读书报告

书名:《动物庄园》 作者:乔治·奥威尔 学生:


作者简介: 乔治·奥威尔(george orwell),本名埃里克·亚瑟·布莱尔(eric arthur blair)。他为后人留下了大量的作品,仅以《动物庄园》和《1984》而言,他的影响已经不可估量。以至于为了指代某些奥威尔所描述过的社会现象,现代英语中还专门有一个词叫“奥威尔现象(orwellian)”。如果说,贯穿奥威尔一生的作品主要是反映“贫困”和“政治”这两个主题,那么激发他这样写作的主要动力就是良知和真诚。1950年1月,奥威尔病逝,享年46岁。当我选择书的时候犹豫了很久,因为本人性格的原因也有各种客观原因很难做出选择,最有我选择了这本说《动物庄园》,以前也听说过不少,后来网上搜了下内容简介,这本书是一部政治寓言体小说,特别的适合我的胃口,于是我开始了我的读书之旅。

虽然这本说不厚,但是内容极是丰富。其中有几段让我记忆深刻: 1.所有动物生来平等,但有些动物比其它动物更平等。2.一旦我们的油水被榨干,我们就会在难以置信的残忍下被宰杀。在英格兰的动物中,没有一个动物 在一岁之后懂得什么是幸福或空闲的涵意。没有一个是自由的。显而易见,动物的一生是痛苦的、备受奴役的一生。3.“那么,同志们,我们这种生活的祸根来自暴虐的人类,这一点难道不是一清二楚 的吗?只要驱除了人,我们的劳动所得就会全归我们自己,而且几乎在一夜之间,我们 就会变得富裕而自由。那么我们应该为此做些什么呢?毫无疑问,奋斗!为了消除人类,全力以赴,不分昼夜地奋斗!同志们,我要告诉你们的就是这个:造反!老实说,我也 不知道造反会在何时发生,或许近在一周之内,或许远在百年之后。但我确信,就象看 到我蹄子底下的稻草一样确凿无疑,总有一

天,正义要申张。同志们,在你们整个短暂 的余生中,不要偏离这个目标!尤其是,把我说的福音传给你们的后代,这样,未来的 一代一代动物就会继续这一斗争,直到取得最后胜利。“记住,同志们,你们的誓愿决不可动摇,你们决不要让任何甜言蜜语把你们引入 歧途。当他们告诉你们什么人与动物有着共同利益,什么一方的兴衰就是另一方的兴衰,千万不要听信那种话,那全是彻头彻尾的谎言。人心里想的事情只有他自己的利益,此 外别无他有。让我们在斗争中协调一致,情同手足。所以的人都是仇敌,所有的动物都是同志”。





姓 名 王广亮

学 号 12115108 专 业 班 级 英语11-2班

读书报告题目animal’s low level of education led to the failure of the 指 导 教 师 徐亚琴

职 称

2013 年 06 月 徐州 animal’s low level of education led to the failure of the revolution animal farm is an allegorical and dystopian novel by george orwell.it was published in england on 17 august 1945 and in united state in 1946.the book reflects some events before the russian revolution of 1917 to the stalin era.it was chosen as one of the 100 best english-language novels by time magazine(1923 to 2005).eric arthur blair(1903 –1950),is widely known by his pen name george orwell.he was an english novelist and journalist.orwell wrote literary criticism, poetry, fiction and journalism.he is famous for the dystopian novel nineteen eighty-four(1949)and the allegorical novella animal farm.when world war ii broke out, orwells wife eileen worked in the censorship department, staying during the week with her family in greenwich.orwell also had the desire to join the war.they wont have me in the army, at any rate at present, because of my lungs, orwell told geoffrey gorger.in the autumn of 1939, he returned to wallington and wrote material for his first collection of essays, inside the whale.for the next year he worked for the listener, time and tide and new adelphi for reviews.on march 1940 he began to collaborate with tribune began with a review of a sergeants account of napoleons retreat from moscow.in early 1940, the first edition of connollys horizon was finished, which provided a new outlet for orwells work and also new literary contacts.orwell subtitled animal farm a fairy story.characters in fairy tales tend to be two-dimensional stereotypes used to reveal some broad observation about life.summary one day, after a storm, the animals find the windmill toppled.napoleon claims that snowball returned to the farm to break the windmill.propaganda machine of napoleon cheats others and themselves.new policy causes chickens’ revolt.but they fail.and the result means any animal that opposes napoleon’s uncontested leadership—meets instant death at the teeth of the attack dogs.with his leadership unquestioned napoleon begins expanding his powers, rewriting history to make snowball a villain.the dogs belong to napoleon kill a lot of animals, which oppose napoleon.squealer, napoleon’s propagandist, justifies every action to the other animals, convincing them that napoleon is a great leader and is making things better for everyone.animal’s low level of education led to the failure of the revolution as we all know, animal farm is an allegorical and dystopian novel.so it might have a little confused.even in the book, readers may discover the place which is obviously absurd.so i’m ready to ignore the place and the accurate history about the soviet union, just focus on the story.next, thinking of the windmill, why the poor animals must build it again and again? it is so ridiculous out of concerning or obeying the leaders.if the animals know that they do not enhance from the windmill, they might give it up unhesitatingly and immediately.but things turn out opposite readers’ wish.animals build it for two times.what they acquire from windmill is disappointment and exhaustiveness.who is the trouble-maker? may be the answer is the animals themselves.the answer must be the deficiency of education for people.《动物庄园》读书笔记

初见“动物庄园”(animal farm)这个名字的时候,以为终于找到了我一直喜欢的以动物为主角的迷人或者感人的充满魅力的歌颂正能量的那一种小说,但直到接近结尾,我才恍悟,这部小说和我想象的完全不一样,可以说背道而驰了。虽然还是以动物为主题,但却是一部借着动物的幌子揭露政治本质,讽刺政治轮回的寓言。阅读讽刺类文体需要一种勇气,就像鲁迅所说,真正的勇士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。我想我是缺乏这一种勇气的,有时候知道真相,知道阳光下的阴影是一件很虐心的事,所以宁愿傻乎乎的什么都不知道,单纯的相信世界很美好。再者,我对政治这个话题想采取避而远之的态度,可能是即使不愿意,耳朵里也钻入了太多政治丑闻,政治的复杂性让我不知道该相信什么是对的,什么是错的,对于不聪明又懒惰的我来讲,最好的方式就是远离政治。现在你明白了,我在毫不知情的情况下抱着在读最喜欢的那一类故事的心情读完了我最不想读的这一类故事„„




作者乔治· 奥威尔(george orwell),是英国评论家,新闻记者,社会评论家。看这几个身份,他能写出《动物庄园》来也不足为奇了。”多一个人看奥威尔,就多了一份自由的保障。’‘评论家如是说。读到这里,我以 为这是一部歌颂自由的小说。故事发生在曼纳庄园里,在被称为“老少校”的一头公猪 摆脱人类暴虐统治,在英格兰的土地上自己为自己生产等言论的鼓动下,终于,动物们在最聪明的猪的带领下造反,讲农场主琼斯等一群人驱逐出了庄园,过上了幸福的生活。但是即使这幸福中,仍然存在着什么不安定因素,不只是故事中的动物们,连我这个读故事的人都体会到了一些别扭,虽然无法言明。果然,在两头领头的最聪明的猪中,对建造风车一事产生了分歧,雪球主张建造风车,它是推动革新的新一派代表人,并且积极地为风车的建造学习,画设计图 „„殚精竭虑。而老一派代表拿破仑坚决反对建造风车,有一阵子,我认为雪球要赢了,新事物虽然没有发展老路可循,但是充满生机,只要给它机会成长,它一定可以开花,结果„„看,背诵高中政治课本还是对我的世界观有一定影响的„„当雪球在辩论中获得大多数支持时,我更坚定的以为它要赢了。不想,不管是故事,还是人生,都有急转弯的时候,比如此时。拿破仑先前培养的九只小狗崽长成了具有攻击力的凶猛的大狗,它们在拿破仑的指挥下驱逐了雪球,它


我一直在期待雪球的回归,可惜,直到结尾,雪球再没出现过,就像一个过客,在历史的舞台上粉墨登场过后便消失了,消失的很彻底。如果拿破仑只是独裁我还可以忍受,但是它最后完全背离造反之初定下的《七诫》,实行起了和农场主琼斯一样的统治,这里我看到了政治的轮回,新的政权在旧政权的腐败和压迫性统治中崛起,然后又逐渐走向和旧政权一样的腐败和压迫性统治。如此轮回„„我一直期待的雪球没回来,到最后都没有留给我们一丝希望,但是转念一想,加入当初是雪球赢了,它最后不会走向覆灭吗? 会的吧,没有一股力量与之对抗,没有监督,走向覆灭只是时间问题。在这里,我忽然想到美国的三权分立和中国的一党制„„总之,权力需要分化,平衡,一旦失衡,就走向最经常发生的悲剧。



5.简爱英文读后感 篇五

This is a story about a special and unreserved woman who has been exposed to a hostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.The story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit.It seems to me that many readers’ English reading experience starts with Jane Eyer.I am of no exception.As we refer to the movie “Jane Eyer”, it is not surprising to find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, but the spirit of the novel remains----to be an independent person, both physically and mentally.Jane Eyer was a born resister, whose parents went off when she was very young, and her aunt,the only relative she had,treated her as badly as a ragtag.Since Jane’s education in Lowwood Orphanage began, she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around.The suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be persevering and prize dignity over anything else.As a reward of revolting the ruthless oppression, Jane got a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Garden.There she made the acquaintance of lovely Adele and that garden’s owner, Rochester, a man with warm heart despite a cold face outside.Jane expected to change the life from then on, but fate had decided otherwise: After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to get marry, she unfortunately came to know in fact Rochester had got a legal wife, who seemed to be the shadow following

Rochester and led to his moodiness all the time----Rochester was also a despairing person in need of salvation.Jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn’t want to betray her own principles, because she was Jane Eyer.The film has finally got a symbolist end: Jane inherited a large number of legacies and finally returned.After finding Rochester’s misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chose to stay with him forever.I don’t know what others feel, but frankly speaking, I would rather regard the section that Jane began her teaching job in Thornfield as the film’s end----especially when I heard Jane’s words “Never in my life have I been awaken so happily.” For one thing, this ideal and brand-new beginning of life was what Jane had been imagining for long as a suffering person;for another, this should be what the audiences with my views hoped her to get.But the professional judgment of producing films reminded me to wait for a totally different result: There must be something wrong coming with the excellence----perhaps not only should another section be added to enrich the story, but also we may see from the next transition of Jane’s life that “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you would get.”(By Forrest Gump’s mother, in the film “Forrest Gump”)

What’s more, this film didn’t end when Jane left Thornfield.For Jane Eyer herself, there should always be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independent considering her fortitude, but for Rochester, how he can get salvation?

The film gives the answer tentatively: Jane eventually got back to Rochester.In fact, when Jane

met Rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and made his heel strained, to a certain extent, which meant Rochester would get retrieval because of Jane.We can consider Rochester’s experiences as that of religion meaning.The fire by his frantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life.After it, Rochester got the mercy of the God and the love of the woman whom he loved.Here we can say: human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accord with the requirements of both two sides.The value of this film may be due to its efforts to explore a new way for the development of humanism under the faith of religion.Life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain.Firmly persisting for the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, which is like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life.In the world of the film, we have found the stories of ourselves, which makes us so concerned about the fate of the dramatis personae.In this era of rapid social and technological change leading to increasing life complexity and psychological displacement, both physical and mental effects on us call for a balance.We are likely to find ourselves bogged down in the Sargasso Sea of information overload and living unconsciousness.It’s our spirit that makes the life meaningful.Heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life.In
