


1.幼儿英语课堂热身律动 篇一

1、Oh rabbit

Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit (双手做兔耳朵学兔跳两下)

red red eyes (双手OK眼前晃三下)

Oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua (双手向前开合五次)

Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit (同上)

long long ears (双手兔耳朵往上伸三次)

Oh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wu (左右手交换做聆听状)

Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit(同上)

Short short tail (右手放臀后)

Oh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia pia(轻拍屁股五下)


Knock konck knock (敲门三下)

Who is it (手放耳边听)

It’s mummy (捏鼻子装妈妈的声音)

Open the door (双手打开门)

Come in please (招手)

Oh ,no (双手胸前摆手)

Big bad wolf (打狼)

Go out (双手推狼出去)

Big bad wolf (打狼)

3、daddy mummy (曲调同‘对面的女还看过来’)

Daddy mummy ,look at me ((左摆手,右摆手,双手OK眼前晃一下)

Look at me ,good baby (双手OK眼前晃一下,依次伸左右手大拇指)

Daddy mummy look at me (同上)

Clap your hands, follow me (拍手,指自己)

4、follow me

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Hands up ,hands down (双手头上举晃腕,向下晃腕)

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Stand up sit down (起立,坐下)

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Let’ s turn around (转一圈)

Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)

Let’s sing a song (手拿话筒做唱歌状)

Oh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei (双手头上晃两下)

Go go go (左手叉腰,右手握拳上举三次,同时跺脚三下)

5、one two three four five

Point up point down (双手食指上指,下指)

Show me one (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示1)

Jump up jump down (学兔上下跳)

Show me two (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示2)

Look up look down (双手OK在眼前上下看)

Show me three(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示3)

Stand up sit down (起立坐下)

Show me four (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示4)

Hands up hands down (双手上举放下)

Show me five (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示5)

One two three four five (依次出手指表示1、2、3、4、5后砍头)

6、up and down

Up up touch your head (单手依次上举然后摸头)

Down down touch your toes (单手依次向下摸脚)

Up and down (双手齐上下)

Touch your hips (摸屁股)

Turn around (转一圈)

Touch the ground (摸地)

Yeah ! (双手上举欢呼)

7、c ome on

Come on ,come on (单手依次招手)

Join me join me (单手依次半握拳于胸前)

Let’s play a ball(左手拍球状)

Let’s play a ball (右手拍球状)

Ok ? ok ?(双手OK晃)

Yeah ! yeah ! yeah !(双手上举欢呼)

8、Nod your head

Nod your head ,yes yes yes (点三下头)

Shake your head , no no no (摇头)

Raise youe hand ,one two three (举右手伸手指示1、2、3)

Put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、3)

Look at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua (双手OK指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)

Look at her ,chua chua chua (指任一女小朋友)

Clap your hands pia pia pia (拍手三下)

Very good ,ha ha ha (双手胸前绕圈,放嘴边大笑)

Two big eyes chua chua chua (双手做望远镜状前伸手三下)

Two big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wu (双手放耳边倾听)

One small nose ,eng eng eng (单手指鼻子,学小猪拱三下)

One little mouth , bo bo bo (指嘴,啵三下)收起


I. Reception入园接待

1. Hi! / Hello! 你好!

3. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you.


4. How are you? I am fine, thank you.


5. Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy. 请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。

6. Come in, please. 请进。

7. Come on. / come here, please. 请过来。

8. Take off your coat. 脱掉外套。

9. Please put on your morning check- card. 请把晨检牌带好。

II. Group Activity集体活动

1. Are you ready? 准备好了吗?

2. Let’s start. 让我们开始。

3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me?


4. Look at me. 看着我。

5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。

6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安静。

7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。

8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把手举起来 / 把手放下。

9. Stop talking. 别说话。

10. Is that clear? / Do you understand?


11. Read with me. 和我一起读。

12. Return to your seat. 回座位。

13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起立 / 坐下。

14. Listen carefully. 仔细听。

15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music.

听我说 / 听音乐。

16. Say it in English. 用英语说。

17. Do you know? 你知道吗?

18. Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。

19. Let’s write / draw something.

让我们来写点什麽 / 画点什麽。

20. Let’s dancing / singing.


21. Let’s listen to a story.


22. Let’s listen to the tape.


23. Let’s watch TV / a play.

让我们看电视 / 看表演。

24. Let’s say it together. 让我们一起说。

25. What did you hear? 你听到什麽了?

26. Who has finished? 谁做完了?

27. Who want to try? 谁想试试?

28. How do you know? 你怎麽知道的?

29. Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?

30. Put your hands on your knees.


31. Attention. 注意。

32. You are right. 你是正确的。

33. You are so good! 你真棒!

34. Paint it in red. 把它涂成红色。

35. Open / close your book, please.

打开/ 合上你的书。

36. Don’t be afraid / shy.

别害怕 / 害羞。

2.幼儿英语课堂热身律动 篇二



合理的热身活动能够充分调动学生学习英语的积极性, 为整节课的教学做好铺垫。因此,我在设计热身活动时注意把握以下几个要点。

1.体现学 生 的 主 体性

热身活动的设计必须体现学生主体性, 并且贴近学生的实际生活, 让学生在真实的感受中产生表达的欲望, 敢于表达,乐于表达。

例如,译林版小学英语4B Unit3“My day”的A部分内容是在学生已学过时间的基础上,学习句型“When do you...?”等。联系学生生活,在热身环节,我设计了一个小调查,T: I go t school at..., how about you ? S: I go to school ... 通过师生互动 , 很自然地引入本课所教句型。

2.体 现 活 动 的丰富性

热身活动的设计应该是多种多样的,作为教师,我们要根据不同的教学内容及学生的年龄特点,选择合适的热身活动, 如游戏、猜谜、歌曲等,使其能充分发挥作用,调动学生思维, 有效地为课堂教学作铺垫。

以译林小学英语6B Unit6“Summer holiday plans”Part A为例,某教师是这样设计的,首先老师准备了一首歌曲,在歌曲中提问“where are you going”,学生回答“I’m...”,在几个学生回答后 引出“He’s /She’s going to... So they’re their plans”,学生自然就能领会plan的含义。课文的教学采用总分总式,在分析课文时,形式丰富多样,不单一,有问问题、判断正误、填空等,最后还有一个亮点,设计与家人的暑假计划,并动手写,然后朗读,最后装订成册,变成一本书,让学生给书命名,起到点题作用。这堂课博得听课老师的一致好评,课后,老师评课时特别提到,虽然是六年级的学生,但也不能让整堂课显得单调无趣,教师要利用多种形式使学生想学、乐学。

3.体 现 过 程 的实效性



1.自 由 交 谈 导 新 知


本学期听过这样一堂公开课, 某老师教的是6B Unit6的一堂课,首先该老师让学生问问题,以此消除紧张气氛,然后出示自己的Name Card,并加以很好的利用,让学生在与其交流中复习旧知,然后引入新知,这段自由交谈的时间足足有六分钟之久。正是有了这样充分的认识和交流,调动了学生的积极性,才使得后面的课自然流畅,彼此配合默契。在评课时,教研员给予了高度评价,说这位老师非常“舍得”,正是有了前面的“舍”,才有了后面的“得”,她向我们展示了一堂非常成功的课。

2.轻 松 游 戏 促 提 高

游戏是儿童喜闻乐见的形式, 能使学生在愉快的情境中参与到学习中。例如在教学动物这一单元时,利用猜谜游戏猜动物:Boys and girls ,do you like games? Yes. Let’s play a guess ing game. It’s an animal,It’s thin. It likes bananas. 借助肢体 语言让学生猜,学生个个热情高涨,学习效果显而易见。学生用英语进行交流, 通过游戏学生可以感受到其中乐趣。学在乐中,使学生的学习积极性大大增强。

3.小 组 合作 共 成 长

语言的最终目的是用来交流的, 所以英语学习中并不是每个任务都能单独完成,需要学生彼此合作,也可以通过活动调动学生积极性,比如单词接龙赛、问题抢答等,提高他们的合作意识。




3.巧用热身活动 激趣英语课堂 篇三

【关键词】中职学生 学习兴趣 热身活动 英语课堂我认为,中职课程改革的核心是将中职学生的被动学习转变为主动学习、消极学习转变为积极学习,这样才能发挥中职学生这一主体的最大潜能,才能让整个教与学的过程充满生机与活力。而转变的关键就是兴趣,人的求知欲是学习的内在动力,兴趣则是诱发求知欲的一个重要前提。在目前的中职英语教学中,教师们无奈地发现许多学生不愿意甚至排斥学习英语,对英语学习产生了强烈的逆反心理。作为中职学校的一名英语教师,我认为治标应该先治本,教师应该想方设法去激发学生的英语学习兴趣,调动学生在英语课堂上的积极主动性,唤起学生学好英语的强烈信心。经过几年的教学与实践,我摸索出巧用以下热身活动来激发、培养学生英语学习兴趣的方法。



I am singing, I am singing.

You are dancing, you are dancing.

He is running, he is running.

She is skipping, she is skipping.

We are jumping, we are jumping.

You are fishing, you are fishing.

They are swimming, they are swimming.


“Interest is the best teacher——兴趣就是最好的老师”。英语课堂是激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生参与行为的场所。托尔斯泰曾说过:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣。”不断激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,努力营造课堂上的学习氛围,不仅能提高教学效果,更是上好英语课的有力保证。因此,我把“对面的女孩看过来”歌词换成幼儿生活中常用的词汇,努力调动学生英语学习兴趣,也为她们今后从事幼教工作提供方法。


Daddy mummy,look at me .(左摆手,右摆手,双手OK眼前晃一下)

Look at me ,good baby .(双手OK眼前晃一下,依次伸左右手大拇指)

Daddy mummy look at me .(同上)

Clap your hands, follow me .(拍手,指自己)



One finger,one finger,turn turn turn,turn to a bird,fly fly fly.


Two fingers,two fingers ,turn turn turn ,turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump.


Three fingers,three fingers,turn turn turn,turn to a cat,meow meow meow .


Four fingers,four fingers,turn turn turn,turn to a dog,wang wang wang.


Five fingers,five fingers,turn turn turn,turn to a duck,ga ga ga .



理工类专业的学生大多基础薄弱,词汇量少,语法知识差,对英语口语更是缺乏开口的勇气。他们学习积极性不高,认为学不学英语,都可以顺利就业,因此对英语无学习兴趣。我想改变这种状况,就根据不同专业的实际情况及学生的具体情况,采用各种教学手段和方法,抓住教材与生活的联系,创设生动活泼的、学生喜闻乐见的情景,创设学生能够开口、也乐于开口的语境,使他们对英语产生学习兴趣。在给他们上第一节课,师生互相问候用到“stand up”“sit down”时,发现学生竟然不知道“up”和“down”的意思,于是我设置了这一情景,让学生与我一起边说边做动作,体会“上”“下”的含义。

Shake shake up,(胳膊和手全部向上摆)Shake shake down. (胳膊和手全部向下摆)

Shake shake shake ,(摇一摇,摇一摇)Lets turn around.(转一圈)

Shake shake up ,(胳膊和手全部向上摆)Shake shake down. (胳膊和手全部向下摆)

Shake shake shake ,(摇一摇,摇一摇)Lets fly a kite.(做出放风筝的样子)


4.幼儿英语律动手指游戏 篇四

FingerPlays.08-Jack and Jill(幼儿英语)Jack and Jill Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after.重点词语:hill, pail, a pail of water FingerPlays.09-The chimney(幼儿英语)The Chimney Here is the chimney Here is the top.Open the lid, Out Santa will pop.重点词语:chimney, lid, Santa, pop FingerPlays.10-Eentsy Weentsy Spider(幼儿英语)Eentsy Weentsy Spider The eentsy weentsy spider Went up the water spout, Down came the rain and washed the spider out;Out came the sun and Dried up all the rain;And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.重点词语:spider, water, spout, rain, sun FingerPlays.11-Five little birds(幼儿英语)Five Little Birds Five little birds without any home, Five little trees in a row, Come and build your nests in the trees, We will rock you to and fro.重点词语:bird, home, nest, tree FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits(幼儿英语)Five Rabbits Five rabbits were hiding, In the woods one day, 1-2-3-4-5 jumped out, and then they ran away.重点词语:rabbit, woods, jump out, run away FingerPlays.13-Five little sausages(幼儿英语)Five Little Sausages(1)Five little sausages frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went BAM!(2)Four……(3)Three……(4)Two……

One little sausage frying in the pan, The pan got hot and one went “wait, wait!Put me on your plate and eat me!” 重点词语:sausage, pan, hot, plate, eat FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits(幼儿英语)Five Rabbits Five rabbits were hiding, In the woods one day, 1-2-3-4-5 jumped out, and then they ran away.重点词语:rabbit, woods, jump out, run away FingerPlays.14-This little pig(幼儿英语)This Little Pig This little pig went to market, This little pig stayed home, This little pig had roast beef, This little pig had none, And this little pig cried “wee-wee-wee” All the way home.重点词语:little pig, market, home, roast beef, cry FingerPlays.15-Three little monkeys(幼儿英语)Three Little Monkeys 1.Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off, and bumped his head , Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said,”No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”


3.One ……He……his……

重点词语:monkey, bed, jump, head, doctor, monkey FingerPlays.16-Hickory dicory dock(幼儿英语)Hickory Dickory Dock(1)Hickory dickouy dock, The mouse ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock.(2)……Two ……the mouse said:boo!(3)……Three ……the mouse said:whee!(4)……Four ……the mouse said:no more!重点词语:mouse, run up, clock, run down FingerPlays.17-Where is thumkin(幼儿英语)Where Is Thumbkin?(1)Where Is Thumbkin? Where Is Thumbkin? Here is am, here is am, How are you today,sir? Very well I thank you.Run away.Run away.(2)……pointer……(3)……tall man……(4)……ring man……(5)……pinky……

重点词语:where is Thumbkin? Here I am.How are you? Very well.Thank you.FingerPlays.18-You are my sunshine(幼儿英语)You’re My Sunshine You’re my sunshine, my only sunshine, You make me happy, when skies are gray, You never know dear, How much I love you, So please don’t take my sunshine away.重点词语:sunshine, happy, I love you FingerPlays.19-Skidamarink(幼儿英语)Skidamarink Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.I love you in the morning, And in the afternoon, I love you in the evening, And underneath the moon, Oh, Skidamarink a dinga ding, Skidamarink a doo, I love you.重点词语:I love you, morning, afternoon, evening, moon FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……

(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……

重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……

(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……

重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)Clap Your Hands(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.(2)Shake……(3)Roll……(4)Rub……

(5)Wiggle your fingers ……(6)Pound your fists……

重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists FingerPlays.21-Gobble Gobble(幼儿英语)Gobble Gobble Gobble, gobble, gobble, Quack, quack, quack, A turkey says gobble, A duck says quack.重点词语: turkey, duck FingerPlays.22-Old macdonald(幼儿英语)Old Macdonald(1)Old macdonald had a farm,EIEIO, And on his farm he had a duck, EIEIO With a quack quack here, And a quack quack there, Here quack, there quack,(2)……Pig …… oink(3)……Cow …… moo(4)……Turkey …… gobble

重点词语:farm, duck, pig, cow, turkey FingerPlays.23-Walking walking(幼儿英语)Walking Walking Walking walking, Walking walking, Jump jump jump, Jump jump jump, Running running running , Running running running , Now let’s stop.Now let’s stop.重点词语:walking, jump, running ,stop FingerPlays.24-Ring around the rosy(幼儿英语)儿歌

Ring around the Rosy(1)Ring auound the rosy, A pocketful of posies, Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.(2)Run……(3)Walk……(4)Hop……(5)Jump……(6)Tiptoe……

重点词语:fall down, run, walk, hop, jump, tiptoe FingerPlays.25-Teddy bear(幼儿英语)Teddy Bear Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around.Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch the ground, Teddy bear , teddy bear,] Show your shoe, Teddy bear, teddy bear, That will do.重点词语:bear, turn around, touch the ground, show your shoe FingerPlays.26-If you are happy(幼儿英语)If You’re Happy

(1)If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands,(repeat)If you’re happy and you know it, Then your face will surely show it, If you’re happy and you know it.Clap your hands.(2)……stomp your feet……(3)……shout hurray……(4)……do all three……

重点词语:happy, clap your hands, stomp your feet, shout hurray FingerPlays.27-Looby loo(幼儿英语)Looby Loo Chorus: Here we go looby loo, Here we go looby light, Here we go looby loo, All on a Sayturday night,(1)You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You give your right hand a shake shake shake, And turn yourself about.(2)……left hand……(3)……right foot……(4)……left foot……(5)……whole self……

重点词语:right, left, hand, foot, whole, self FingerPlays.28-Hokey pokey(幼儿英语)Hokey Pokey(1)You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey, And you turn yourself around, That’s what its all about.(2)……left hand……(3)……right foot……(4)……left foot……(5)……right shoulder……(6)……left shoulder……(7)……right hip……(8)……left hip……(9)……head……(10)……whole self……

重点词语:hand, foot, shoulder, hip, head FingerPlays.29-Head and shoulders(幼儿英语)Head and Shoulders Head and shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes.Eyes and ears , mouth and nose.重点词语:head, shoulder, knee, toe, eye, ear, mouth, nose FingerPlays.30-A-tu-li-ta(幼儿英语)A-Tu-Li-Ta A-tu-li-ta,a-tu-li-ta,a-tu-li-ta,ta A-tu-li-ta,a-tu-ti-ta, a-tu-li-ta,ta(1)Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up,(2)Elbows back ……(3)Knees together……(4)Turn around……

重点词语:thumbs up, elbows back, knees together, turn around FingerPlays.31-Mulberry bush(幼儿英语)Mulberry Bush Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, Here we go round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning,(1)This is the way I wash my face, Wash my face, wash my face, This is the way I wash my face, So early in the morning.(2)……I brush my teeth……(3)……I comb my hair……(4)……I put on my clothes……

重点词语:wash my face, comb my hair, brush my teeth, put on my clothes.FingerPlays.32-There is Thunders(幼儿英语)There Is Thunder There Is Thunder ,There Is Thunder Hear it roar.Hear it roar, Pitter patter, raindrops, Pitter patter, raindrops, I’m all wet, I’m all wet.重点词语:thunder, raindrops, wet FingerPlays.33-Twinkle Twinkle little star(幼儿英语)Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star How I wonder what you are, Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky, Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star How I wonder what you are, 重点词语:star, wonder, high, diamond, sky FingerPlays.34-I am a little teapot(幼儿英语)I’m a Little Teapot

I’m a little teapot, short and stout, Here is my handle.Here is my spout.When I get all steamed up, then I shout.“Tip me over and pour me out.” 重点词语:teapot, handle, spout, shout FingerPlays.35-One two buckle my shoes(幼儿英语)One, Two, Buckle My Shoes One, two, buckle my shoes, Three ,four, open the door, Five, six, pick up the sticks, Seven, eight, lay them straight, Nine, ten, do it again.重点词语:buckle my shoes, open the door, pick up sticks, lay them straight FingerPlays.36-The wheels on the bus(幼儿英语)The Wheels on the Bus(1)The wheels on the bus go, Round and round, Round and round, round and round, The wheels on the bus go, Round and round, All through the town.(2)The driver…… turn turn turn……(3)The door ……open and shut……(4)The people ……up and down……(5)The baby…… wee wee wee……(6)The mother ……shh shh shh……(7)The wheels…… round and round……

重点词语:bus, wheel, driver, door, open and shut, people, up and down, baby, mother 幼儿园英语手指游戏《one little finger》

one little finger, one litter finger(依次伸出左右两个食指)one little finger, tap tap tap(同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)point to the ceiling, point to the floor(指天花板,指地板)put it on your head.(放在脑袋上)

5.幼儿英语课堂热身律动 篇五

[摘要]:上新课前几分钟的热身活动是课堂教学的重要前奏,是整个课堂教学的第一步。成功的课堂热身活动将极大地激发学生对课堂活动的参与和热情,唤起他们对学习知识、掌握主题内容的兴趣,全身心地投入交际活动中。[关键词]:热身 英语课堂教学热身 具体活动


学生是学习的主体,我们的教学工作应当是以为了每一位学生的发展为目的,它是教学的出发点和归宿。我们都知道,体育比赛的选手们在开始比赛前经常会做一些热身运动(a set of exercises that you do just before you start to play a sport, in order to prepare your body)。热身在体育上指正式比赛前进行训练、比赛,使适应正式比赛,以促进自己更快进入最佳竞技状态。更远的是,在此之前组织者们还做了很多的准备工作,这些活动都是整场比赛的构成部分。再如医疗手术,医生在进入手术室前,也先要做一些准备工作,如准备工具,选择时间,进行净身等等,这些手术准备是保证手术能够取得成功的关键和必不可少的一部分。同样的道理,我们学生学习也一样,在正式上新课前也需热身,做做准备活动。如果老师一进教室,师生相互问好之后就马上开始上课的话,由于学生还没进入学习的最佳状态,有的学生可能还在回味思考课间谈论的话题;有的学生的情绪还不够稳定,注意力还没完全集中到课上来;有时学生甚至连最基本的课前准备都没有做好,课堂秩序混乱;或者学生已经开始疲惫,整个课堂气氛死气沉沉,就这样将就把课上下去,很难取得良好的教学效果。新课开始,教师能否在较短的时间里调动起学生的积极性,吸引学生的注意力,使学生思维进入兴奋状态,迅速进入学习轨道,是教学成功与否的关键。因此上新课前几分钟的热身活动是课堂教学的重要前奏,是整个课堂教学的第一步。俗话说的好:“良好的开端是成功的一半”。因此,成功的课堂热身活动将极大地激发学生对课堂活动的参与和热情,唤起他们对学习知识、掌握主题内容的兴趣,全身心地投入交际活动中。


英语课堂的热身活动用英语说是“Warm up(an occasion when you prepare yourself for an activity)”。英语课堂的“热身”环节主要有两个目的:一是 1 将学生的注意力迅速吸引到课堂上来,二是对旧的知识进行复习并自然地导入新课。这个环节看似只有几分钟的时间,但对学习气氛的营造起着重要的作用。在上新课前准备一个几分钟的小话题,内容尽可能与上堂已讲或本堂将讲的内容贴近,由于这种活动无须对学生的表现打分,只要学生稍微做一些准备,而且对学生的听力和口头表达能力的提高有很大的帮助,所以学生们就可以无拘束地进行讨论,尽情地想象和发挥,使他们进入开心、舒畅和兴奋状态,使他们进而忘掉胆怯、紧张和恐惧,这就为创建良好、和谐的课堂心理气氛奠定较好的基础。好的热身活动能有效地缓解甚至消除学生的紧张和疲惫等负面情绪,将学生分散的注意力集中到教师希望完成的任务上,为下一步教学活动排除障碍,做好铺垫。下面是笔者在多年教学实践中的一些做法。


1、Report(1)每个新学期开始,班级同学大都数还比较陌生,因此学期刚开始几周我每节课安排5分钟左右的时间给学生做自我介绍式的Daily report,并结合新课标第一模块第一单元的教学内容加之以对新学校新同学的印象。学生以学号为序每天一人轮流进行。同学们都很早、积极地准备相关内容,他们很珍惜自己的机会,包括那些曾经不敢开口用英语表达自己的同学。几周下来,同学们之间已经变得非常了解,相处得也非常融洽,学习英语的热情和积极性也会随之变得浓厚。

(2)让学生们根据每周学到的语言材料,结合一周以来发生的比较感兴趣的事情写成短文,让他们有感而发。上一周周末通知学生准备,下周一以抽签形式决定由谁代表班级其他同学做Weekly report。当我每次看到学生们特别是英语学习成绩比较落后、参与意识相对淡漠的学生经过充分的准备,能大声且比较流畅的在台上背诵出较长的英语文章(哪怕是照稿读出)时,我都会为他们的努力感到惊喜和欣慰,对他们的努力及向上的意识给予充分肯定,他们每次都能获得全体同学的掌声,这无疑对他们学习英语的自信心的提高有很大的帮助,更易于让他们尽快地投入到即将到来的新课内容的学习中去。

2、Story telling(1)故事接龙式。将班级学生每7—8人编成一组,每组由任意一个学生起头随便说出一个英文句子,然后小组其他学生每人轮流接上说一句英语,形成一 2 段叙事性故事。由于这种形式属临时编组,没有时间给他们做准备,加之不是每个学生想法都一样,所以编出来的故事特别有趣,学生们热情高涨,关注度很高。无论是参加编故事的学生还是坐在座位上的学生听众都是竖起耳朵等待这故事的进展,对他们的听力培养有很大的帮助。


3、Two or three more adjectives or nouns to let the students guess what(who)it is and explain why 尽管这种活动需要学生们有一定的想象力,但是他们迫切想知道结果的热情仍然非常高涨。结合新课标第五模块第一单元的学习,一学生想出三个能形容本班级同学的形容词(名词),让其他同学来猜测描述的是哪个同学并解释其原因,全班同学都想知道自己在同学们心中的印象,因此在这种等待兴奋和怀疑中自然而然地进入到了正常的新授课的学习当中。

当四川汶川发生特大地震的时候,学生们的心情也是一样的沉重,他们对灾区对国家的牵挂超出想象。记得当时我给出了三个形容词让他们发挥想象力:old---tired---beautiful。学生们想出了各种东西和人物并为自己的答案给出了解释。突然一个女学生站起来说“China!” 当我请她解释时,她给的答案是: “China is a country with a long history.It is an old country.Now it has suffered the terrible earthquake.It is very tired.But I am sure before long it will become beautiful again.The people in Sichun will live a happy life and peaceful life again.” 说实话,当她解释完了后,所有的同学都为她热烈鼓掌,大家都是热泪盈眶。

北京第29届奥运会,完美的开闭幕式,精彩的比赛,志愿者的奉献,中国运动员的出色发挥,学生们的“词库”中的形容词得到了最充分的利用,他们尽 3 可能地用恰当的词语来表达他们的赞美。一个小小的热身活动却让学生们的爱国热情得到升华。

4、Impressionist 这种活动对有表演天赋的学生来说无疑给他们提供了一个展示的舞台。结合新课标第六模块第一单元的学习,让学生们模仿他们所喜欢的一个演员、一个同学或一个老师的动作、语言。当然如何让他们把他们所表演出的动作用英语表达出来对他们来说也是一种挑战。对于那些有表演才能但表达不够好的学生我都会请其他同学与之合作“演双簧”。同样这种活动对缓解连续上课给他们带来的疲劳有极大的帮助,尤其是当英语课是两节课排在一起的时候。

5、Talking through noises 如果英语课被排在“赤道”两边,这种热身活动无疑会是一注清泉。在学生们非常疲惫,学习注意力严重下降的时候,怎样才能调动他们上课的积极性尤为重要。这种活动就是让学生大声说话。老师可以就某一事物创造不同的情境,然后让学生用不同的语调和感情把那个情境表达出来。比如 “talking teapot”。If your teapot is your favorite ,when you come back home from work one day, you find ①the teapot is waiting for you at the gate with full tea in it, what will you say to him and how will you express your satisfaction with him? ②the teapot is lying under the table without any tea in it, what will you say to him and how will you experess your anger with him? ③the teapot is lying on the floor, broken and dead, what will you say to him and how will you express your pity and sorrow for him? 在学生们用不同的语调和感情表达出他们内心的感受的时候,他们也体会到了学英语的乐趣,他们的疲劳感会被学英语的乐趣所取代,他们会忘掉疲劳从而将精力投入课堂学习当中。


课堂热身活动的内容应该是不断更新的,活动形式也必须多样化。心理学表明,单调的活动开始会对学生的情绪产生消极的影响,而灵活多样的教学形式对保持学生的学习兴趣十分有利。众所周知,好奇是人的天性。假如老师能尝试不同形式的课堂热身活动,学生不仅有机会体验新东西,而且更加乐意参与到课堂 活动中去。


参考文献1、2、教育部《英语课程标准》 人民教育出版社 2003年 D.John Mcintyre Mary John O’Hair《教师角色》

(the reflective roles of the classroom teacher)中国轻工业出版社 2002 年
