


1.高中现在完成时课件 篇一

The Present Perfect Tense

保定七中 马楠

The Present Perfect Tense No.7 Middle School Ma Nan Tools: multimedia Aims: 1.revise the Present Perfect Tense 2.Get Ss to tell the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense Keys: the Present Perfect Tense Difficulties: the usages of the tense Procedures: Step 1.Revision Teacher(lead in): what tenses have we learned for three years? What are they? Today we will revise one of the tenses.First let’s look at these two sentences together.Would you like talk something about them? The present perfect tense.Ask the students to Show the meaning and the structure of the tense.Step 2.Presentation Talk about the tense.Present the present Perfect tense.Get Ss to know the usage of the tense.Past Action, Present result.Get Ss to match the action and the result, make sure that the students can connect the tense with the present result.Get Ss to image the present result, make sure they know the tense is focused on the present result.Get Ss to summarize the formation of the tense and the past participle.Step 3.Teach the tense 1 Ask the students to revise the key words…

Find the clues of the present perfect tense: already, just, ever, never , before , yet…

Show the time and the action: Get Ss to be familiar with the second usage of the present perfect tense.Get Ss to talk and boast with the present perfect tense(II).Get Ss to find the clues: for + a period of time;since + time point;so far;in/during the past / last + a period of time;since + past simple Make sure: 1.We use insistent verbs when we talk about the usage 2.2.The usage of “have /has been to, have/ has gone to” 3.The usage of the momentary and durational verbs 4.What is the difference between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense? Step 4.do the exercises Step5 make a survey and then write a short passage according to their answers Homework: I.hand in the studying plan II.write a short passage of the survey.首先,在上这堂课之前,我就已经进行了课前反思。即-备大纲、备教材、备教学目的、备教学内容及重点难点,备习题、备板书设计,同时更应备学生,即根据自己学生特点,因人施教,因材施教。从激发学生兴趣入手,把知识完全溶入现实生活之中,为课堂教学做好充分的准备,奠定坚实的基础。



2.高中现在完成时课件 篇二


现在完成时是初中英语语法教学中的重点与难点, 这个时态横跨了两个时间段——过去和现在。这个时态中所表示的动作发生在过去, 但是其强调的是动作对现在有影响或者结果, 同时这种影响或者结果是说话人所关注的点, 因此经常出现后面不用时间状语的情况。

但现在完成时和一般过去时进行混合的时候, 学生往往都很难完全地进行把握和理解, 容易产生一些错误。在英语语法中, 能够与现在完成时态有较大关系, 并且会产生困惑的主要就是一般过去时态。只有在通过对比后, 才能够发现它们的差异。但是能够让人产生困惑的地方仍然会有, 这是因为学生没有理解透彻现在完成时。



对于现在完成时, 必须让学生明白其表达的是“用过去的动作来对现在的情况进行说明”。从动作来看, 是过去发生的动作, 但是既不说明动作发生的时间, 也不对动作的情境进行强调。从实际意义上来看, 现在完成时描写或说明的是现在的情况, 或说明动作所造成的影响, 是对动作发生后对现在所产生的结果进行强调。例如“I have already posted the photos.”意思是我已经把照片邮寄了, 强调的是过去某个时刻邮寄照片的这个动作对现在所照成的影响与结果——“把照片寄出去了, 不在我这里了”。


在对现在完成时进行教学时, 需要通过实际的情境来帮助学生进行理解。例如, 在一开始上课的时候, 教师从讲台走向教室门, 在走的过程中说:“I’m going to open the door.”当走到教室门边并开门时, 边开门边说:“Now, I’m opening the door.”当门被打开之后继续说:“I have opened the door.”接着将这三个句子板书出来, 并标出谓语动词have opened, 然后告诉学生句子中标出来的谓语动词就是今天要学习的现在完成时。这种时态表示的就是在说这句话之前, 开门的这个动作就已经完成了, 并对现在造成了门是开着的结果。然后又让学生来进行表演, 让学生将开着的教室门关起来, 在其关上教室门的时候, 教师可以对学生说:“He has closed the door.”接着在黑板上将句子板书出来, 并在has closed下面进行标记, 告诉学生“has closed”这个动作完成了, 强调的是现在门是关着的。通过这样的方式让学生对于现在完成时产生一个较为直观的印象, 在这样的基础上来开展教学, 将能够让学生更加容易理解这个时态。在这个基础上启发学生对现在完成时的结构进行总结:“主语+助动词 (have、has) +动词的过去分词”。


对于某些知识来讲, 仍然是需要注重一定量的练习, 为此不能够对机械练习进行过分的排斥。因此, 在教学现在完成时的过程中可以进行一定的模仿与重复练习, 让学生进行简单的操练。操练主要可以采取以下两种方式:

(1) 开放式的操练。这部分的练习主要的对象是成绩较为优秀的, 因为他们的学习能力与接受能力相对较好, 所以可以鼓励他们去造出一些具有新意的句子, 例如:

My dog has lived with me for 3 years.

I have studied here for 5 years.

My father has worked in that car factory for 20 years.


(2) 半开放式的操练。教师可以在黑板上写出一些时间短语与一些动词 (过去分词形式的) , 这样可以对那些基础不是很好、接受能力与理解能力较弱的学生进行照顾, 让他们能够有所提高。在他们对基本的句子结构进行掌握之后可以进行难度提升。

综上所述, 现在完成时有着非常重要的地位, 同时学生在学习的过程中也很容易将其与一般过去时混淆, 这不仅不利于学生在中考中获取高分, 同时也会对学生运用英语进行会话产生影响。因此, 我们需要对现在完成时的教学进行重视, 让学生在一定的情境之下去对其含义进行领会, 在这样的基础上结合必要的训练可以产生较好的效果。


[1]邓月娥.浅谈初中英语“现在完成时”的教学[J].教师, 2011 (33) .

3.现在完成时入门 篇三



I have bought two new books.


(2)现在完成时还可以表示过去发生的动作一直持续到现在, 有可能还会持续下去。例如:

I’ve been here since February.


2.标志词:与现在完成时连用的常用副词有:already,yet,just, never, ever, before等。例如:

I have already sung this song.


He hasn’t known this news yet.


小提示:already,just多用于肯定句中,yet, ever, never多用于疑问句和否定句中。例如:

He has just had his meal.


Have you ever read this story?



1.肯定式:由“have / has +过去分词”构成。例如:

We have seen that film.


She has gone home.



2.否定式:由“have / has +not +过去分词”构成。have,has与not可以分别缩写为haven’t, hasn’t。 例如:

He hasn’t come back yet.



3.一般疑问句:将have/ has提到主语前,简略答语为:“Yes, 主语+ have/ has(肯定回答)” 或“No, 主语+ haven’t / hasn’t(否定回答)”。例如:

—Have you ever made cakes?

—Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.



—Has she eaten that orange?

—Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.




—Has Jim finished his homework yet?

—No, not yet.




Ⅰ. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. I ______ just ______ (finish) my homework.

2. You won’t know if it fits you until you ______ (try) it on.

3. How long ______ you ______ (stay) at home?

4. It’s said that he _______ (be) sent to Australia to improve his English.

5. Tom ______ (marry) for 40 years.

6. Her mother _______ (go) to Shanghai. She ______ (leave) this morning.

7. She ______ (not read) the book before.

8. My sister _______ (walk) to school every day last year.

9. _______ he ______ (wait) for an hour yet?

10. ______ you ______ (know) her since then?

Ⅱ. 同义句转换。

1. Do you have any computers?

_______ you ______ any computers?

2. I have already been here for five years.

I have been here _______ five years _______.

3. Where did you go just now?

Where ______ you ______?

4. I came to this school two weeks ago.

I ______ ______ ______ this school ______ two weeks.

5. The supermarket has been open for three months.

______ three months ______ the supermarket _______.

Ⅲ. 下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正。

1. The film has begun for half an hour.

2. How long has he joined the Party?

3. The baby has caught a bad cold since last night.

4. I’m sure that we have seen the film ago.

5. Mr Green has come to this city since 1998.

Ⅳ. 汉译英。

1. 汤姆去过迪斯尼乐园吗?

2. 蒂娜从没去过太空博物馆。

3. 你听说过米老鼠和唐老鸭吗?

4. 你离开学校多久了?

5. 他姐姐去游乐园了。


Ⅰ.1. have, finished 2. havetried 3. have, stayed 4. has been5. has been married6. has gone, left7. hasn’t read 8. walked 9.Has, waited 10. Have, known

Ⅱ. 1. Have, got2. since, ago 3. have, been4. have been in, for5. It’s, since, opened

Ⅲ.1. has begun→has been on2. joined → been in3. has caught → has had 4. ago → before5. come to → been in

Ⅳ.1. Has Tom ever been to the Disneyland?

2. Tina has never been to the space museum.

3. Have you ever heard ofMickey Mouse and Donald Duck?

4. How long have you been away from school?

4.高中现在完成时课件 篇四




she is very tired.she’s been typing letters all day.她很累了。她整天都在打信件。(现在可能仍在打字,也可能刚刚停下。)

i’ve been working for the company for 15 years.我已经在这家公司干了15了。(可能仍在这家公司,也可能刚换工作或退休。)


jim has been phoning jenny every night for the last week.



this room stinks.someone has been smoking in here.



 1.它们的区别主要是通过上下文和所使用的动词来看一件事仍在进行还是已经完成:

i’ve been painting the room.我一直在油漆这个房间。

i’ve painted the room.我已经油漆过这个房间了。


2.某些动词,如learn,lie,live,rain,sit,sleep,stand,study,wait,work等本身就有持续性,故常用于带有since或for的完成进行时;以及how long开头的疑问句中。

i’ve been sleeping for at least 8 hours,yet i still feel tired.


how long have you been waiting here?你在这儿等多久了?

5.现在完成时的句子 篇五

1、Have you ever traveled on a plane?


2、Have you ever been abroad?


3、I’ve just finished reading the book、我刚读完书。

4、I’ve never been there、我从来没去那里。

5、I’ve already been there twice、我只去过那里两次。

6、Who has been to Hawaii? None of us has、谁去过夏威夷?没人去过。

7、Has anybody water-skied before?


8、How long have you been here in Sydney?


9、I know you’ve come to see your father、我知道你来看你的爸爸。

10、You’ve learnt surfing from him, haven’t you?


11、Have you ever been to Hawaii?


12、He has been in Honolulu ever since、他从那以后就在檀香山。

13、I have already won first prize in the city surfing competition、我已经在城市的冲浪比赛中获得了第一名。

14、I’ve been surfing every day、我每天都冲浪。

15、I’ve been here for two weeks already、我已经在这里呆了两周了。

16、How many songs has he learned so far?


17、How long have you been a member of Greener China?


18、I’ve been with Greener China for a year、我跟随绿色中国一年了。

19、What have you done since you joined Greener China?


20、Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?


21、If your answers are “No”,it means that you have already helped protect our environment、如果你的回答是“否”,它意味着你已经帮助保护了我们的环境。

22、Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?


23、Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?


24、Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?


25、If your answers are “Yes”,it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment、如果你的回答是“是”,它意味着你已经为保护环境做了些有用的事。

26、After you have finished the questionnaire, you may decide if your friend is doing very well in protecting the environment、你完成调查问卷后,你可以决定你的朋友是否在保护环境方面做得很好。

27、Has everyone in your class written a letter to a factory to ask them to stop pouring dirty water into the river or lake nearby?


28、How long have you worked in this library?

6.现在完成时的用法 篇六

I have known him for ten years.

For 和since要用延续性动词leave/go- be away,come-be here/be in,buy- have,borrow-keep,join-be in/a member of,die-be dead,begin- be on,finish- be over

2.表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果.常用的时间状语:already,so far,never,just,before,recently,

I have lost my key.(说明过去某时丢的,现在还未找到.)


We have been to the Summer Palace twice.

4. 表示次数.

5.Have been to /have gone to

6.经典句子I haven’ t seen you for a long time.Where have you been?I have been to Shanghai.How many times have you been there?I have been there twice







2)句型It is/ has been+ 时间段 + since

3)表示某人所作过的用This is the….that….结构,后面的句子要用完成时.

This is the first time that I have been here.


5) age /before的区别

ago为副词,表示从现在算起的过去某时间以前,用于名词词组 + ago .ago所在句子的谓语动词一般为过去时,它不可以单独使用,也不可以用做连词.

7.“现在完成时”入门秘籍 篇七



She has finished her homework. 她已做完作业了。

We have cleaned our classroom. 我们已打扫完教室了。


现在完成时的否定句直接在助动词have/has后面加上not, have not与has not可分别缩写成haven’t与hasn’t。肯定句中有already时,否定句中一般要改为yet。如:

Miss Gao hasn’t come back yet. 高老师还没有回来。

They haven’t spoken to a foreigner. 他们还没有与外国人说过话。


现在完成时的一般疑问句直接把have/has提到主语之前,同时也要把句中的already改为yet。肯定的简略回答为:“Yes, 主语+have/has.”,有时也可用“Yes, already.”。否定的简略回答为:“No, 主语+haven’t/hasn’t.”,有时也可用“No, not yet./No, never./Not yet.”等。如:

“Have you returned the book?” “Yes, I have.” “你把那本书还了吗?” “是的,我还了。”

“Have you found your lost bike yet?” “No, not yet.” “你找到你丢失的自行车了吗?” “还没有。”

【温馨提示】在现在完成时的各种结构中, have/has均为助动词,无实际意义。当主语是第三人称单数时要用has。have/has后接动词的过去分词。


1.现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果,常与时间副词already, yet, just, ever, before等连用。如:

I’ve finished my homework already. 我已经完成作业了。

She hasn’t found her dog yet. 她还没有找到她的狗。

They’ve just arrived here. 他们刚到这里。

We have never been to Beijing. 我们从来没有去过北京。

Have you been here before? 以前你来过这儿吗?

2.现在完成时还表示过去发生的动作延续至今还可能继续下去。常和for, since引导的一段时间的状语连用。如:

I’ve lived here for 20 years. 我在这儿住了20年了。(还可能住下去)

She has taught us since I came to this school.



延续性动词:表示动作可以持续一段时间的动词。如:be, live, study, speak, talk, wait, walk, sleep, learn, have, keep, know等,它们可以和表示一段时间的词连用。

终止性动词:表示动作在瞬间就完成的动词。如:come, go, leave, begin, start, lose, buy, join, die, get to, arrive, reach, finish等,它们不能用在how long引导的疑问句中,也不能和表示一段时间的词连用。但是在否定句中,它们可以和表示一段时间的词连用。如:

I haven’t gone to Beijing for two years. 我已有两年没有去北京了。

在现在完成时中,当与表示一段时间的词连用时,终止性动词可以和延续性动词进行转换。如:come to→be in(at), come back→be back, begin/start→be on, borrow→keep, buy→have, join→be in/be a member of, die→be dead, become→be, leave→be away, get to know→know, finish→be over, fall asleep→be asleep, catch a cold→have a cold。



1. “Mum, may I go out to play football?” “____ you ____ your homework yet?”

A. Have; finishedB. Do; finishC. Are; finishingD. Did; finish

2. “Hello, this is Lily speaking. Can I speak to Mr Fox?” “Sorry. He ____ Long Lake.”

A. has been toB. went to C. has gone toD. will go to

3. David ____ Shanghai for more than three months.

A. came to B. has been to C. has been in D. has come to

4. “Anna, could you lend me this book, please?” “I’m sorry, but I ____ it for only two days. I haven’t finished it yet.”

A. have boughtB. have had C. boughtD. had

5. Dongdong has ____ Greener China for two months.

A. joinedB. take part inC. been D. been a member of

6. I ____ this book for two weeks. I have to return it now.

A. borrowedB. have borrowedC. keptD. have kept

7. The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer ____ for half an hour.

A. has leftB. has gone C. has been awayD. has gone away

8. You don’t have to describe her. I ____ her several times.

A. had metB. have met C. met D. meet


1. David has already booked the ticket. (改为否定句) _____________________________

2. I have had my lunch already. (改为一般疑问句) _____________________________

3. The Smiths have had a holiday since Christmas. (对划线部分提问) __________________

4. The dog has been dead for three days. (改为同义句) _____________________________

5. I have been to Beijing three times. (对划线部分提问) __________________________


1. “你曾去过香港吗?” “不,从没去过。”

“____ you ever ____ to Hong Kong?” “No, ____.”

2. 他从未去过长城。

He ____ ____ ____ to the Great Wall.

3. 我叔叔离开上海一周了。他是上星期六离开的。

My uncle ____ ____ ____ ____ Shanghai for a week. He ____ last Saturday.

4. “你到这里多久了?” “两天吧。”

“____ ____ ____ you ____ here?” “For two days.”

5. 这自行车我买了三年多了。

I ____ ____ the bike ____ over three years.

8.一般现在时代替完成时 篇八

hear, tell, learn, write , understand, forget, know, find , say, remember.

i hear (= have heard) he will go to london.

i forget (=have forgotten) how old he is.

2) 句型 “ it is … since…”代替“it has been … since …”

9.一般过去时和现在完成时 篇九

(1)Basketball is my favorite.I am going to be a basketball player someday.(2)Debbie is going to swim across the England channel tomorrow.(3)She is going to set out from the French coast at five o’clock._____________________________________

(4)Look at the clouds.There is going to be a storm.(5)These two groups of people are angry here.They are going to conflict with each other._____________________________________

(6)He is staying in his cousin’s for a week.(7)I am leaving for London next week._______________________________.二._____________________在时间或条件状语中的_____ 表将来

(1)Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims to England.(2)I will be meeting her at the station when she arrived tomorrow.(3)If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it.(4)if he lets you go without a ticket, you will be very lucky.三._____________ 在 _____________中表将来

(1)The sports meeting takes place On October 18.(2)The train leaves at eight every morning from this station.四.现在完成时(have/has done)


We have had our breakfast.我们已经吃完饭了。

表示过去发生而持续到现在的动作或状态。常与since, for连用。谓语动词必须是延续性动词。HHHHHHHHHHHHjjj Hjkasjfklasjfklasdjl;fj he He has been in Hong Kong for ten years.He has learned English for six years.He has learned English since 1997.强调不久前刚刚完成的动作。常与yet(用于否定和疑问句), just, already连用,谓语动词是终止性动词。

He has just gone out.I have already finished my lunch.与一般过去时的区别。一般过去时表示事情发生在过去,不强调与现在的关系,与表示过去的时间状语连用。现在完成时强调与现在的关系、对现在的影响,不能与表示过去的时间状语连用。

现在完成进行时(have/has been doing)。动作从过去开始,一直延续到现在。How long have you been collecting shells? Have you been skating for five hours?


10.点击现在完成时被动语态 篇十


现在完成时被动语态的结构为has/have been done,使用has been done时,主语为单数;使用have been done时,主语为复数。

例1:This book has been translated into many languages.


例2:My homework has been done. 我的家庭作业已经完成了。



例1:Our classroom has been cleaned. You needn’t clean it now.



例2:These flowers have been watered; you can go home.




例1:This book has been published for two weeks.


例2:This work has been done for two hours.




His bike has been stolen. 他的自行车被人偷了。



Not a book in the library has been taken away.



My watch has been repaired. 我的表修好了。



Enough has been said here on this question.



Road Blocked. 道路已被堵塞。(新闻报道,省略了助动词has been。)


The house has been washed away by the storm.



Your letter has been received. 来信收到。



从现在完成时被动语态结构has/have been done可以看出has/have为助动词,因此现在完成时被动语态的各种句型变换均应借助于has/have来完成。构成否定句时直接在has/have后面加not,构成一般疑问句时将has/have提前。

例1:Has this bridge been finished?这座桥竣工了吗?(一般疑问句)

例2:His homework hasn’t been finished.


例3:The blackboard has been cleaned, hasn’t it?


例4:Where has this film been put on many times?


例5:Has your lost key been found in this room or that one?



1. [误]:To my great surprise, she always been admired.

[正]:To my great surprise, she has always been admired.

[析]:现在完成时被动语态的构成为has/have been+过去分词。

2. [误]:No permission has given for anybody to enter the building.

[正]:No permission has been given for anybody to enter the building.


3. [误]:The price has been gone down but I doubt whether it will remain so.

[正]:The price has gone down but I doubt whether it will remain


[析]:不及物动词(词组)不可用被动语态。常用的不及物动词(词组)有:happen, last, take place, rise, break out, belong

to, give out, run out等。

4. [误]:It is true that the light has been turned off for two hours.

[正]:It is true that the light has been out for two hours.



5. [误]:Most of the streets in the city have been not widened.

[正]:Most of the streets in the city have not been widened.

[析]:现在完成时被动语态的否定形式为has/have not been+过去分词。


1.Great changes ____ in our city, and some schools ____ set up.

A. have taken place, have been

B. have taken place, have

C. have been taken place, have been

D. were taken place, were

2.The police found that the house ____ and a lot of things ____.

A. has broken into, has been stolen

B. had broken into, had been stolen

C. has been broken into, stolen

D. had been broken into, stolen

3. ——____ the sports meet might be put off.

——Yes, it all depends on the weather.

A. I’ve been toldB. I’ve told

C. I’m told D. I told

4.——We want to sit at the table near the window.

——I’m sorry, but it ____ already.

A. has takenB. took C. was takenD. has been taken

5. ——How are things getting on?

——All that can be done ____.

A. has been done B. had been done

C. have been done D. has done

6.It is said that the library ____ 80 years ago.

A. has been set upB. was built up

C. was set upD. had been set up

7.The washing machine ____ by the engineer right now.

A. has been repaired B. is being repaired

C. is repaired D. is going to be repaired

8.The bag, in which she put all her money, ____.

A. has been not found B. has not been found

C. having not been found D. had not been found

9.Why don’t you go to the bookstore to buy some books?Many new books ____ here.

A. have just broughtB. have just been brought

C. were just broughtD. are just to be brought

10.Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand ____ cold.

A. has been feltB. feels C. is feltD. has felt
