


1.青少版新概念1AU15教案 篇一

Unit9 Red, white and„pink!红的、白的和粉红的!


题目:Red, white and„pink!—代表英国的颜色是红色,白色和蓝色,所以红—白—蓝象征与英国有关的事物。这里使用pink而不用blue是一种文字游戏。

1:pyjamas—They are bright red!pyjamas是a pair of pyjamas的缩略语:没有单数形式,相应的代词和动词也要用复数。


pure white—复合形容词。pure是一个形容词,通常用来修饰名词,但是在此处,它加强white的程度。(比较wide-awake)

3:Two lovely clean shirts!—lovely没有clean具体。当名词前面有两个形容词时,不太具体的形容词放在前面,更具体的形容词紧挨着名词放在名词前面。

二、there be结构



1、结构:There be+名词+地点/时间状语。

There is a dog under the bed.床下有一条狗。

a dog为主语,there is表示“有”,under the bed为地点状语。

There is a noise in the living-room.客厅里面有动静。

a noise为主语,there is表示有,in the living-room为地点状语。

2、一般疑问句结构:Be there+名词+地点/时间状语?

there be句型的一般疑问句将be提到句子最前面即可。

肯定回答:Yes, there+be.否定回答:No, there+be+not.Is there s noise in the living-room?


Yes, there is./ No, there is not.是的,客厅里有。/不,客厅里没有。


There is a pen and two books on the desk.桌子上有一支铅笔和两本书。

There is two books and a pen on the desk.桌子上有两本书和一支铅笔。


Jump in!上车吧!


题目:Jump in!— 祈使句。1:Hurry up!— 祈使句。

Here’s the bus — 在here后面主语和动词要倒装;the — 表示特指的定冠词=“we both know which bus”(我们都知道是哪辆车)。Wait a minute!— 固定短语。

My bag is/ bag’s — 在不需要重读的情况下,我们可以在形容词前面把is缩写成’s。

2:Oh,no!— 表示沮丧。Oh,dear!— 表示遗憾或沮丧。

Our school buses are all full — our,第一人称复数物主形容词;all — 分配形容词(distributive adjective),描述our buses。All放在动词be后面。3:in your bag — in,地点介词=“inside”(在里面)

4:the buses — 定冠词与名词复数连用表示特指:表示“you know which buses I mean”(你知道我指的是哪些车)。

5:Gee!— 表示吃惊的感叹词。They are heavy!— 由于Claire很吃惊,are要重读。

full of — 表语形容词+介词,固定搭配。当这些“固定搭配”出现时,学生应该及时掌握。

books/people — 一般来说,复数名词前不加冠词。

people 不规则变化的复数形式。(person的复数通常是people而不是persons。)

6:Never mind!— 固定短语=“please don’t worry about it”(别担心),用于提供问题的解决办法。

Mom — 美式英语;英式英语中是Mum。

with the car — with最常用的意思是“in the company of”(和……在一起)。但是在更深的层次上,with的意思是“用”或者“可供使用”。如果Claire指的是她妈妈所在的车,她会说in the car;但是她说的是with the car,因为车子是“available for use”(可供使用)。

Jump in,and put your bags in,too!— 祈使句,固定用法。

2.青少版新概念2AU1教案 篇二


二.教学重难点:Lesson1课文理解,熟读并能回答课后问题 三.三会单词,短语:Arrivals, Baggage

四会单词短语:next to, exit,wait for,suitcase,come round,stand,phone,come out,sit 四.流程: Step one:greeting Good morning ,boys and girls.Step two: warming up Call numbers,lines.Step three.课文理解

T:Today we’ll learn a new book, something about England and English.Look at these pictures,do you what it is? Yes,it’s a Ferris wheel in London,it’s called The London eye.And this is the Big Ben,Thames River,Tower Bridge,Westminster Abbey.Do you want to go to London?So you must practice your oral English!OK,Let’s begin our class.T:Who knows what the title is? Ss:Linda comes to London.T:Very good.So we know one of the actress is Linda,and look here(幻灯片9)and the other two people,Paul and Karen.So think about what’s the relationship between these three people? Ss:自由回答,老师引导 T:And where will Linda go ? Ss:She will go to London.T:Perfect!Now look at this picture,where are they? Ss:Airport.T:Great!Now let’s listen and guess what are they doing?(听录音,回答问题)T:Listen again, and answer another question: Where is Karen and what is she waiting for?(再次听录音回答问题)T: So can you understand the whole dialogue?Good,now you read the dialogue by yourself and underline the new words.(5分钟自读画出生单词)T:listen again and deal with the new words.(听录音,Ss解决生词)T:listen again and speak out the new words when you hear it.(听录音 读出生单词)T:OK,let’s see the new words together.(齐读,操练,游戏,检测)T:now let’s watch the video and then you should practice with your partner.(看视频,同桌操练,检测,游戏奖励)T:turn to page 5,look at part 1,a,I need two students come here,one ask one answer.before that,I’ll give you 3 minutes to prepare.(对话练习1,a 同桌练习,检测。)T:OK, all of you did a very good job,now I have more questions,who can answer,I’ll give you 2points.(对话练习b,c)Step four: sum up.Step five:练习册p2,D Class two 一.教学目标:1.学生对课文知识点熟练掌握会运用

2.学生能分清/iŋ/,/iŋk/ 发音

二.教学重难点:学生对课文知识点熟练掌握会运用 三.单词:class one单词会运用 四.流程:

Step one:review words and dialogue T:Brain storming,let’s think about what words we have learned last class.(Ss抢答)Step two: Text T:Great!Now let’s see these sentences one by one.look at this picture,tell me who are they?What are they doing? Ss:They are Karen and Linda, they are calling.T:Great!Listen and follow this sentence.(听音跟读,注意语音语调)T: OK,act for us,Who can?(找同学表演)T:Well done!Next picture,tell me what is she saying.Ss:I’m in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit.I’m waiting for you,and I’m having a cup of coffee.T:Pay attention to your pronunciation!Listen and follow.(听录音跟读)T;Who can at for us? OK, you please.(找同学表演)T: Who knows what language points are there in this sentence? Ss:next to, 现在进行时态

T:You are right!(其他几段处理方式可灵活掌握,参考:T读,Ss找知识点;Ss读,Ss找;pair-work,group-work,S读,指定对方组同学找。见课件25-42)T:Now let’s see the Chinese and then retell this dialogue together。(看汉语一起复述课文)

T:I’ll give you 7minutes to you and your partner to practice this dialogue and then you act.(学生脱稿表演,带表情动作)Step three:语音

T:now listen to the tape and then tell me what you listened.(听录音,找出相同发音,两者辨别)T:发[ŋ]时,舌根抬高以形成阻碍堵住气流,使得气流流入鼻腔,从鼻呼出,同时振动声带。T:Listen and tell which one is different.(听词,看两个词发音是否相同,左右转)T:give me some more examples.(学生分别举例子)Step five: sum up.Step six:练习册p2C Class three:



二.教学重难点:现在进行时态的了解和熟练运用。三.四会单词:sandwich,armchair,stand up,read,TV,listen to.四.流程:

Step one: review dialogue and language points.Step two:present progress tense.T:Who knows what gramma we will learn today? Ss:现在进行时态

T:Wonderful!Let’s see together.(展示肯,否,疑问句)T:Now I’ll show you some pictures and you say some sentences.If your sentences are the same with mine,I’ll give you the points on the pictures.(T出示图片,学生随便说句子,若与幻灯片上句子相同,加对应分数。见课件P51-60)T:Turn to page 6,let’s read the patterns together.(齐读句型练习,学生总结规律)T:I’ll give you 3minutes to read the patterns by yourselves,then tell me the structures of present progress tense.(学生自己看句型练习,找出现在进行时态句式结构,老师补充,见课件P61-63)T:group work,4students a group,pattern practice,then you check each other.(小组活动,互相检查)T:Now, let’s read this passage together,pay attention to some mistakes.(读短文找错误)T:Look at this picture and write something about present progress tense.(看图写作文)Step three:words.T:(学生自己读,老师纠正,齐读,操练,抽查)Step four:sum up Step five: 练习册P2A,B 课本练习

Home work: 1.听录音5遍,背诵课文,下次检查




3.青少版新概念1AU15教案 篇三

Lesson5—6 I.Words 1.who 谁

(1)—Who’s this/ that? 这/那是谁?—This/That is…

(2)—Who’s this/ that man/woman? 这/那个男人/女人是谁?

—He/She is …

2.on 在…上面

in 在…里面

under 在…下面

behind 在…后面

near 在…旁边 3.man(复数)men

woman(复数)women 4.old 老的;旧的反义词:new 新的/young 年轻的 5.tell sb.to do sth 告诉某人去做某事

E.g.I tell Ben to do his homework.II.Sentences 1.—Who is that boy? 那个男孩是谁?

—He’s Robert.他是罗伯特。2.—Which boy? 哪个男孩?

—The boy on the silver bicycle.那个骑银色自行车的男孩。3.Who’s that woman with the white umbrella? 那个带着白色雨伞的女人是谁?

4.Paul is Lucy’s cousin.保罗是露西的表哥。

5.—Is Robert’s bicycle grey? 罗伯特的自行车是灰色的吗?—Yes,it is.是的,它是。/No, it isn’t.不,它不是。6.Tell me about Robert.告诉我关于罗伯特的事。III.Telephone

*** 关老师
