


1.七年级下册英语书面表达 篇一

正如Lewis (1993:89) 所言, 词汇习得是二语习得的中心, 起着举足轻重的作用。对于非英语专业低年级的大学生来说, 他们除了需要掌握本专业基本理论和宽广的文化科学知识以外, 同时也需要具备坚实的英语语言基础, 能独立运用英语从事各种写作工作。然而在实际的大学英语教学中, 非英语专业的词汇教学仍然是外语教学中的一个相对薄弱的环节。笔者通过一些调查, 发现词汇教学存在很多问题, 其中主要有:1.词汇教学形式单一, 学生死记硬背的多, 巧记拼写的少;2.检查手段不合理, 大多数老师仍以单词听写来衡量学生词汇掌握情况, 学生缺少对词汇知识的全面了解;3.接受为主, 产出困难, 学生对词汇的学习以记忆生词表为主, 而考试中检验学生词汇知识主要以客观题为主, 因此导致学生在书面表达中, 词汇学习的薄弱表现的很明显。


在我国英语教学过程中, 如果尽可能使得学习者学到的词成为其可以灵活使用的词, 即产出性词汇, 是提高学习者词汇学能够习效率的有效途径, 也是提高学习者英语交际能力的保障。有一些研究者对产出性词汇量做了不少的研究, 其中有:

Schmitt和Meara (1997:17-36) 考察了日本学生接受性词汇量与词汇深度知识的发展, 发现两者具有相关性。

Laufer (1998:255-271) 在以色列进行了为期一年的接受性词汇量, 产出性词汇量的发展以及它们之间关系的调查, 结果表明学生的接受性词汇量提高快, 而产出性词汇量无显著变化, 英语学习者面临词汇产出的困难。

崔艳嫣和王同顺 (2006:392-400) 对山东某大学英语专业学生进行的调查研究表明, 学生的接受性词汇量呈线性发展趋势, 而产出性词汇量发展则较为缓慢;接受性词汇量, 产出性词汇量与词汇深度知识在四个学习阶段均有不同程度的显著相关, 但与英语本族语者相比, 中国学生的产出性词汇还远远不够丰富。以上研究成果都说明学生的产出性词汇量还有很大的发展空间。

对于如何提高产出性词汇量, 许多研究者也做出了相应的研究:

美国语言学家S.Krashen (1998:440-464) 的输入假说回答了语言学习中的一个关键问题, 即怎样习得语言, 尤其是外语。Krashen认为单纯地主张语料输入是不够的, 学习者需要的是“可理解输入”。它是语言习得的必要条件。Swain和Lapkin (1995:371-391) 指出“输出假设”在语言习得中起到的重要作用。

根据上述各研究者的理论成果, 我们可以得出结论, 在今后的外语词汇教学中, 应重视词汇深度知识, 不能孤立的教单词, 应该保证学生有一定的阅读量以及应通过产出性训练来提高学生的产出性词汇。


本研究选取西安工程大学英语A、B级班的学生作为研究对象, 将其分为实验组与控制组, 所使用的教材为《21世纪大学英语》读写教程1。前半学期, 笔者使用传统英语词汇教学方法, 在学期中, 经过一次前测, 收集学生初始产出性词汇和书面表达成绩数据。在后半学期的词汇教学中, 笔者对该班加强词汇深度知识教学, 加入更多的词汇相关训练。学期末对该班学生进行一次后测, 此时学生在不同的教学方法下产出性词汇能力和书面表达能力存在差异。本研究中涉及的词汇测定以学生学习阶段接触到的词汇内容为基础, 并用填空的方式对学生学习过的单词进行抽检, 计算出分数作为学生词汇测试的成绩。本研究中涉及的书面表达测定从词汇的丰富性、词缀、搭配和用词恰当性这四个维度来调查学生在书面作文中产出性词汇的变化状况。该研究将采集的数据运用SPSS软件进行统计分析:首先用描述性统计得出学生使用词汇学习策略基本情况的平均数和标准差;其次计算产出性词汇与书面表达能力之间的相关系数。



通常, 书面表达能力由词汇广度, 词频概貌以及词汇使用错误所决定。也就是说, 词汇广度越大, 书面表达能力越强;词频概率里所使用超于2000个基本词汇越多, 书面表达能力越强;词汇使用错误越少, 书面表达能力越强。笔者通过使用SPSS软件对前测进行统计分析, 结果表明实验组与控制组成绩一样, 这也就意味着两组学生所掌握的产出性词汇量一致, 因此两组书面表达能力也是一样。


在后半学期的词汇教学中, 笔者对实验组学生加强词汇深度知识教学, 加入更多的词汇相关训练。结果发现, 两组学生成绩差异较大。实验组学生词汇广度明显增大, 词频概率里所使用超于2000个基本词汇也增多了, 词汇使用错误明显减少, 因此, 实验组比控制组学生的书面表达能力更强。


产出性词汇对知识的掌握要求较高, 包括读音, 拼写, 意义, 词法, 句法和搭配等。无论是以英语为母语还是以英语为外语的学习者, 其接受性词汇都大于产出性词汇。因此, 外语学习者在书面表达能力方面存在一定的困难。本研究论证了加强词汇深度知识学习能提高学习者的产出性词汇, 产出性词汇量的提高可以改善学生的书面表达能力。本文旨在从词汇的基本概念和词汇特点入手, 通过研读心理语言学, 社会语言学, 二语习得, 词汇学和语义学等多方面的研究成果, 剖析词汇知识的组成结构, 分析产出性词汇的特点, 并结合大学英语教学的特点找到扩大广播电视新闻专业学生产出性词汇量的方法, 通过加强词汇学习的深入系统性, 加大词汇学习的任务量投入, 改进词汇检测手段, 增加产出性练习, 促进词汇学习过程中接受性词汇向产出性词汇的转变, 从而提高英语书面表达能力。通过一个学期的试验所得数据来说明扩大词汇量对提高书面表达能力的促进作用。


[1]Krashen, S.We Acquire Vocabulary and Spelling by Reading:Addition Evidence for the Input Hypothesis.Modern Language Journal.2001:440-464.

[2]Laufer, B.The Lexical Profile of Second Language Writing:Does it Change over Time?RELC Journal.1994:21-33.

[3]Meara, P.A Note on Passive Vocabulary.Second Language Research.1990:150-154.

[4]崔艳嫣.接受性词汇量, 产出性词汇量与词汇深度知识的发展路径及其相关性研究[J].现代外语, 2006 (4) :392-400.

[5]刘东虹.产出性词汇与写作策略对写作质量的影响[J].现代外语, 2004 (3) :302-310.

2.七年级下册英语书面表达 篇二





词汇是英语写作必不可少的基本要素,要写好一篇作文来表达自己的思想,必须以足够的词汇量为基础,但实际上大多数学生掌握的词汇量都达不到规定的要求,因而在写作时也就不能随心所欲地表达自己的思想。出现的问题往往有拼写错误;词语误用;某一词语反复使用;文章显得单调乏味;文章中出现大量“造词”或中文代替,让人看了啼笑皆非等。显然词汇量不足已成为制约学生写作的瓶颈。而语法规则和句型句式是英语写作涉及的另一基本要素。学生在写作中语法不规范、句子结构混乱、含义不清等情况屡见不鲜,Chinese English现象更是多见,所以词汇量和语法问题是中学生英语写作时首先要解决的问题。




















请学生以“Kangkangs Family”为题写一篇介绍家庭的小短文。




3.九年级英语总复习之书面表达小结 篇三








1)熟悉并掌握表示并列、递进、转折等关系的过渡词(transitional words)。例如:

并列关系:and, as well as, also„

递进关系:besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more„

转折关系:but, yet, however, although, otherwise, or, in spite of, despite, instead of, in the end„

时间顺序:while, when, soon after, before, afterward, finally, first, then, next, as soon as „

比较、对比:like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand„

总结: in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking„

进一步阐述:in other words, that is to say, for example, for instance, such as „

因果关系:as a result, so, thus, therefore„ 2)明确表达文章主***,内容要点全面,不要节外生枝。3)要点安排得当,使之文通字顺,合乎逻辑,层次清晰。4)注意养成写完后自我检查的习惯,应重点检查:

a, 要点有无遗漏; b.句法、词法有没有问***; c.单词拼写有无错误; d.大小写、标点符号有无问***; e.字数是否在***目要求范围之内。




二、英语写作***分指要 1.句式要有变化 ① 复杂句、并列句:

② 倒装句:(1)虚拟语气中if省略;(2)only+状语置于句首(3)否定词置于句首(4)地点副词置于句首

③ 强调句型:It is „„that(who)„ ④ 非谓语动词: ⑤ 虚拟语气:

⑥ 固定句型结构:too„to„so„that„ such a„that„not only„but also„ neither„nor„ such as„ not „until„ so that„either„or„ ⑦直接引语与间接引语

⑧多种时态,动名词、不定式,并列结构 2.要使用***等级词汇及短语

① 使用***等级词汇 ② 使用短语 ③ 使用谚语 ④ 使用表强调的词,如alone, just, single, only, not„at all;on the earth;the very;on earth等

⑤ 使用修辞手法:明喻,暗喻,夸张,头韵,拟人等:as busy as a bee;as proud as a peacock;as blind as a bat.3.使用连接词,过渡自然,连贯通顺,一气呵成。1)用于按空间展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:

above before me here on the left across below in the distance on the right beyond nearby opposite to over also further next to on top of up down close to beneath under around near to along 2)用于按时间顺序展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有: soon, then, suddenly, at the same time,next, early, this morning /year,now, after, at present, later, afterwards finally,at last, all of a sudden , at noon , in the morning/afternoon/evening 3)用于按分析法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:

first, second, etc.now for this purpose but as a result




furthermore at last moreover also


likewise anotherfinally

for example next yet、for instance

on the contrary once in addition in summary such in this case otherwise in conclusion thus in closing

on the other hand then 4)用于按比较法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:


moreover in addition(to)too, also then

at the same time in the same way

equally important besides in fact

like, similarly

5)用于按对比法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有: on the contrary different from on the other hand despite in spite of yet, but




to not

nevertheless only„but also here„there latter

this„that years ago„today


the former„the the

second then„now

the some„others one„the other once„now on the one hand„on the other hand(一方面„另一方面)6)逻辑关系:

递进: then(然后),besides(还有),furthermore(而且),moreover(此外)转折: however(然而),but(但是),on the country(相反),after all(毕竟)总结: finally(最后),at last(最后),in brief(总之),in conclusion(最后)。强调: indeed(确实),certainly(一定),surely(确定),above all(尤其)。对比: in the same way(同样地),just as(正如),on the one hand„on the other hand



I’m getting on well with one’s study

take several courses at school have English(Chinese, Physics„)every(other)day work hard at „

put one’s heart into„be interested in „be fond of like chemistry best be




tired of „ be good at „;be poor at „;do well in „;be weak in „make progress in „;improve oneself in „;fail in „ pass the examination;give sb.a passing grade;He has the best record in school.他的成绩最棒。get a doctor’s degree 获得博士学位(English is)more interesting to sb.learn about;succeed in„;be active in class(work);take an active part in „;learn„ by heart;work out a(maths)problem;get 90 marks for(English);get an “A” in the exam;have a good command of„lay a good foundation in(language study)won the first prize/ got the first place in the competition the first/top three winners(前三名)


get on well with sb;like to be with students;be gentle with us;be kind to sb;be a strict teacher;be strict with one’s pupils;be strict in work be satisfied with „We think of him(her)as „;help sb with sth;praise sb for sth „blame sb for sth.give advice on „;question sb on „correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day;give sb a lot of work;try to teach sb good study habits;make one’s lessons lively and interesting;teach sb.sth.;teach sb to do sth.devote all one’s time to work;

admire(sb.for)his devotion to the cause of education 佩服他对于教育事业的献身精神。


spend one’s time in many different ways;enjoy doing things by oneself;go swimming;go for an outing/ a picnic;have an outing at(the seashore);see the sights of Beijing;play the piano(violin);play chess(basketball);have a swim;have dances on weekends;have a picnic over the weekend;go to the cinema;have a party;hold a sports meeting;do some reading;help sb do sth;enjoy a family trip;get everything ready for;ride one’s bike with sb.to(the park);There are a lot of activities at(the beach).We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.She would like to bring sth.to the picnic.It was a very relaxing Sunday.There are




good programmes on TV on weekends.Enjoy myself/ourselves;have a wonderful time


take a message for sb;send a message to sb;hear from sb;talk about/of sth;tell/ask sb to do sth;get information about„;express one’s idea(feelings)in English;Write sb a letter saying„apologize to sb for „;make a speech t at the meeting;thank you for „;explain sth to sb;look upon sb as „think sb to be „;take sb’s side


would like to do;allow sb to do;force sb to do;call on sb to do;feel like doing;insist on doing;drive sb.off;speak highly of sb;speak ill of sb;think highly of sb;be afraid to do(be afraid of „); offer to do;refuse to do;agree to do ,be afraid to do(be afraid of „); offer to do, refuse to do;agree to do;prefer to do A rather than do B;had better do/ not do;regret doing;would rather(not)do.keep sb from doing prevent/stop sb.(from)doing);

6、事情过程: have the habit of doing„;have no trouble doing;make up one’s mind to do;prepare sb/oneself for „;give up doing„;do sth as usual;sb is prepared for/to dodo what he wants us to do;set about doing;/set out to do try/do one’s best to do„=go all out to do;get into trouble;help sb out;do one’s bit for the country;do some good deeds to people;wait for sb to do;find a way to do;make friends with sb;show(tell)sb.how to do„;take(send)sb to „;pass the time doing;feel a little excited about doing„;can’t help doing„;be prepared for more hard work;

Some are(doing sth.A), others are(doing sth.B), and still others are doing(sth C)

7、感观活动与思维活动: look around for „;look up(down)at „;catch sight of „;take a look at „;




hear sb do(doing);take notice of „;take view of „;have a good understanding of „;

consider sb(sth)to be „;come to know„;realize that „;know 1.初中英语重点句型大全(初三部分)Have you got a dictionary? 2.Have you seen my dictionary? 3.She used to be a biology teacher/ 4.Her hobby is to read./reading.5.One day the librarian came up with an idea.6.No matter what the weather is like, you can always find surfers out riding the waves 7.There is a big difference between serious surfers and the so-called beach boys.8.They surf three times a day if possible, in both winter and summer.9.For example, Jack Booth, a 21-year-old man, gave up his job in the San Francisco library a year ago.10.He has been in Honolulu ever since.11.Have you just been to the computer room.12.Then he slowed down as the wind became stronger and the waves higher.13.His teacher, Mr.Feng, spoke highly of his student.14.You give it your best shot.15.Do you thing Greener China can do something? 16.Whenever some one throws in some rubbish, it produces a piece of music.17.It’s a pleasant way to help keep our environment clean and tidy.18.Taking care of our environment is very important.19.Wherever you live, you can do something around your neighbo(u)rhood.20.It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.21.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.22.We should plant more trees to make our city greener.The more trees, the better.23.When you throw rubbish at home, make sure that all of the rubbish goes into the dustbin.用心



24.I hope to see him as soon as possible.25.I’m free every day except today.26.How did you find it? 27.It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rush trip by air.28.There were bookshops, fruit stands and stores selling all kinds of things.29.He listened to the click of the rails and soon fell fast asleep.30.I’ll show them to you as soon as they come out.31.There goes the bell.32.We are going to talk about where we are going for our holiday.33.In the south of the island, there is scuba diving, fishing and boating.34.Hainan Island is the place to be, whether it is summer or winter.35.Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan.36.I’d like to book 4 tickets, please.37.It takes ten and a half hours if you take the K12 train.38.Whether large group or small, we are happy to help you.39.He was amazed at all the colours, and all the beautiful fish.40.The waves at Makaha are terrific.41.How long have you been surfing? 42.That’s a deal.43.In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to tell people of sharks in the water.44.I think if I make a pen that has a machine in it, I will be able to white faster.45.Tomas Edison said he liked people who had ideas/ 46.When he was a child, he was always asking questions and trying out new ideas 47.Most of the questions had nothing to do with his lessons.48.She found him to be a very good pupil.=She found he is a very good pupil.49.It was the first newspaper sold on trains in American.50.The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send message by telegraph.51.He said he thought more of a person who has one idea and makes it work, than of a person who has a thousand ideas but doesn’t do anything about them.用心



52.Could you turn your radio down, please? 53.Sometimes you may even wonder if it’s really worth it.54.To be here at Christmas time is a dream that has a dream that has come true.55.It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and dropped some money down a chimney.56.It went into a stocking that a little girl had hung by the fireplace.57.They wake up the other family members, calling “Merry Christmas!” 58.Once upon a time, a man told people of the coming of a boy.59.Every year, parents would tell their children about the boy who would save his people.60.It is said that one night an angel came to Mary and told her she was to have the special boy.61.At that time, everyone had to go back to their hometown to be counted.62.People called him Jesus Christ because Christ means to save.63.It’s made of bamboo and animal’s hair.64.Which language is the most widely used in the world? 65.This is a digital camera.66.Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150million years, and then disappeared about 65million years ago.67.I say it is special because the dinosaur was covered with feather.68.Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight.69.Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight.70.Trees in the forests can keep raindrops from hitting the soil directly, so the soil is not easily washed away.71.Many thousands of trees must be planted every year.72.The only problem is we can’t eat tree.73.There are twenty more trees to be planted.=There is another 20 trees to be planted.74.Children under 1.2m in height cannot be taken into the concert hall.75.All beepers and mobile phones must be kept off during the concert.76.I hope I can make my own computer that way someday.77.Spaceships without people have reached other parts of the universe.78.Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.用心



79.We can also use satellites to help us make telephone calls for foreign countries.80.There will be hardly enough space for anybody else/ 81.When their cars become old, they prefer to buy a new one rather than repair it.82.In America you can buy a used/secondhand car for as little as 300dollars.83.Choose which car each of you wants to buy.84.He downloaded the information about several countries and made a chart.85.He wanted to start with the smallest country and end with the largest one.86.You’d better try them on first.87.She decided to buy a digital camera online so that it could be sent to her.88.She had searched the Internet for 2 hours when she found an ad.for the Canon digital camera.89.This camera seemed to offer the most at the best price.90.Miyoko clicked on the screen, and a form appeared for her to fill in her personal information.91.She enjoyed her visit to Beijing so much that she took a lot of photos with the new camera.92.Do you enjoy being a doctor for animals? 93.To be a doctor for animal is very rewarding.94.To help animals is helping people.95.This is often true for older people who are very lonely..96.So a pet can help a person feel less lonely.97.To complain too often isn’t a good thing.98.After Herriot graduated from high school, he made up his mind to be a vet, especially roe dogs.99.They regarded their pets as members of their family.100.Herriot knew exactly how they felt when they saw their sick dogs become well again.101.Mrs Parley said she felt as if she was in a storm at sea.用心


4.七年级下册英语教案 篇四

学生用书(Student’s Book 2)

Module 2 Spring Festival

Unit 1We’re getting ready for Spring Festival.Teaching Planning




Ⅰ、Teaching goals

1.Make an introduction of the Spring Festival

2.New words :festivalreadycleancooklearnmealdragonlanternsweepfloorhelp

New phrases: Spring Festivalget ready fordragon danceclean the housesweep the floormake lanternscook the mealat work

3.Grammar focus: The questions and answers of the present continuous and the present simple

tense sentences

Ⅱ、Ability goals

1.Enable students to understand the conversation about the Spring Festival

2.Enable students to recognize phrases and short answers

3.Enable students to talk about the Spring Festival with given information and describe the process of festival preparations

Ⅲ、Emotional goals

1.Enable students to be willing to know festivals of different places, and be happy to take part in some English practice activities.2.By doing so, students’ interests in English learning will be developed and improved.3.Cultivate students’ enthusiasm for exotic culture and their passion for life tradions.All these will ,to a certain extent, enhance students’ understanding of domestic culture.4.Students participate in various English activities ,going through all kinds of difficulties ,which enable them to establish correct language learning value in new environment.Ⅳ、Important points

1.Learning new words and phrases

2.Understanding the present continuous tense sentences in the textbook by reading

3.Having a good command of the structure and usage of the present continuous tense

Difficult points

The comparison between the structure and usage of the present continuous tense and the present simple tense

Ⅵ、Teaching aids and methods

Teaching aids: color picturestape-recordermoney in red envelopehand-outblackboard

Teaching method: task-based teaching approach

Ⅶ、Teaching procedures



(2)Recall what we have learned in the last lesson.(the present continuous tense)(重述现在进行时的含义)由下面的例子引入:

T: what are we doing now?

S: We are having an English class.2.While-task

Step 1:

Show the students the money in the red envelope.This is lucky money.When can we get lucky money? Yes, we can get lucky money in the Spring Festival.Teach students the new phrase :Spring Festival.Step 2:

You know people are very busy before the Spring Festival.And what do people often do before the Spring Festival? Present the title of this lesson: We’re getting ready for Spring Festival.Teach students the new phrase: get ready fornew word: ready

Step 3

Show students some color pictures and say :Look at these pictures.From the pictures , we can see people are very busy.What are they doing? Who can tell me? You can speak in Chinese.Several students stand up to answer the teacher’s questions.Teach students’ new words and phrases :cleancookmeallantern


sweep the floorcook the mealclean the housedragon dancemake lanterns

So, people in the pictures are getting ready for Spring Festival.Step 4:

Look and say.Look at the pictures again and say what they are doing.They are…..They are….They are…..(Practice V-ing 句型)

Step 5:

T: Can you do these things in the pictures?Ask two or three students to answer the


If you cannot do these things, you must learn to do them.Teach students the new word :

learn.So , if you can do these things ,you can help your parents before the Spring Festival.Teach students the new word: help

And your parents will be very happy.Maybe your parents will give you some lucky money.Step 6:

1.Match and check.2.Listen and reading on page 8.The Spring Festival is coming.People are getting ready for it.There is a dialogue among Lingling Betty and Tony.(1)Listen to the tape.(2)Work in group of 3.T: At first, you should say :I am Lingling,I am Betty ,I am Tony.Are you clear? Ask the three groups to act out the dialogue.And then ask students which group is best.Give the best group a small present.Step 7:

1.Complete part 3..T: Are the boys making lanterns?

S: Yes, they are.|No, they aren’t.(再举几个例子练习,让两个学生为一组反复操练现在进行时的简短回答,通过反复


2.Complete part 4.Ask two students as a group to practice.There are six groups in all.Ⅷ:Homework

5.七年级下册英语作文 篇五

My friend Wei Hua was born in March, 1992. He lives in Beijing now. His father is a worker and his mother works in a hospital. He is good at maths and often gets full marks.

As good friends, we often play basketball together. He often helps me with maths when I have difficulty in it. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up.


6.怎样做好英语书面表达 篇六

1 仔细审题, 确定题材

下笔前, 要认真地阅读所给的中文提示。先要仔细审题, 不可跑题。确定题材, 不可用错文体。记叙文我们要找出人物、时间、地点、所发生事件的原因、结果, 前三者往往放在文章的开头, 原因放在中间叙述, 结果放在末尾, 哪些祥细写, 哪些略写, 并确定所使用的时态。如果是说明文, 一般所用的时态是一般现在时, 说明的事物性质, 特点及过程, 等等, 应该按照什么样的说明顺序来写, 是由里及外的, 还是由远及近的, 还是从具体到抽象, 等等。如果是议论文, 要确定文章的主题句及每段文章的关键句, 所使用的论据有哪些, 最重要的信息, 应该放在文章的最前面。尤其是中心句, 是一篇文章的眼睛, 在表达和措词上要仔细斟酌。所以, 在写议论文下笔之前, 一定要列出提纲, 每段你要写什么, 关键句是什么, 通过什么来印证你的观点, 你的论据有没有说服力, 以及选择什么样的例子都是你在写文章之前必做的工作。

2 列出关键词, 连词成句

在审好题的基础上, 不妨来一次头脑风暴:把所有跟这篇书面表达相关联的词语能够尽可能多的写下来。能写多少写多少, 不要考虑哪些有用, 哪些没用。一股脑把脑子里想到的全部写出来。如:假定你父亲外出, 你母亲恰巧生病, 你留在家里照顾母亲。中午你洗菜做饭, 你母亲尝后夸奖你做得不错。该篇短文, 首先确定它的题材应该是记叙文。人物涉及到:爸爸、妈妈和我。其中我是主人公。时间:中午。地点:在家。事情:做一次饭。结果:做得不错, 受到了妈妈的表扬。我们所涉及到的词汇有:father, out, mother, ill, stay at home, take care of, at noon, cook a meal, wash vegetables, small pieces, cut, pot, rice, put into, add water, turn on the gas, stir, meal, ok, praise me, a good boy, grow up, happy, and so on。确定时态, 已经发生的事应该用一般过去时。然后试着把这样的关键词连成一个个句子, 必要时加一些起到承上启下作用的词汇和句子。如:Last week, my father went to Beijing and is not back home.My mother was ill yesterday, so I had to stay at home to take care of her.…中的last week, so就起到连接上下文的功能。

3 短句长说, 变换句式

一篇文章, 不可能从头到为尾都是骨架结构。没有修饰语;也不能从头到尾用同一个句式来表达。一篇文章只有骨架结构, 没有修饰语, 没有语言动作的详细描述, 读起来是干巴巴的流水账。平铺直叙从头到尾是一个句式, 势必是一篇没有文采的文章。所以在连词成句的过程中, 要加一些我们平时的生活经验在内。比如, 以上的例文中, 我们可以加如下的内容:It was my first time to cook a meal, so I asked my mother to tell me how to cook a meal.First…Secondly…Thirdly….再如:Looking at me happily, mother praised me for doing a good job.该句子要比“Mother looked at me happily and praised me for doing a good job.”更加有活力。等把骨架写出来后, 不要急于落笔, 动脑筋把句子提升一下会有不一样的效果。

4 平时加强练习, 积累相关语言信息

现在的教材模块教学很适合作专题训练。学生学习之后, 掌握的不仅是专题的信息量, 更重要的是要把学过的东西变成自己的东西表达出来。所以每个专题学完, 我都要给学生留一些写作练习。刚开始提出关键词, 他们根据课文连词成句, 到后来, 自己布置相关题目, 学生自己根据课文内容进行发散。一个专题的内容通过老师在课堂上反复重复, 学生跟说, 课后学生把学过的生词句式的用法通过语篇的形式在脑海中经过加工分析之后, 再传达出来。这样, 既避免了学生记单词的苦恼, 又锻炼了学生用英语思维的能力, 印象自然要深的多。到考试的时候, 也不愁写不出来。这个环节, 不单单是老师以作业的形式布置给学生, 也可以利用教室里现有的资源给学生加强视觉上的宣传和重复, 如可以利用墙壁上的文化宣传, 教室后面的黑板, 上课日志等等。要知道, 让学生现时记住一个单词很容易, 但是要达到长期记忆的效果至少一个单词在学生眼前不定期的出现17次才能达到这种效果, 而且出现的时间间隔上要一次比一次长。所以在英语学习的过程中, 我更多的给我的学生强调:勤奋比聪明更重要。

5 避免汉语思维影响英文表达

有些学生受汉语的影响比较深, 不知不觉就用上了中国式的英语。如:I very like eat vegetables.I by bike to school.I father is on business trip.等等之类让人啼笑皆非的笑话来。学好语言, 不仅仅是语言本身, 更重要的是要学习语言背后的文化。学会将汉语文化与讲英语国家的文化进行对比。为什么How are you?的回答只有一种方式:Fine, thank you.And you?为什么英美国家的人见面不能问:How much do you earn every month?等等。直到现在, 还有些学生在不会读的英语单词或者是平时记忆单词的过程中还是用汉语标注。如:bend (笨的) 、should (瘦的) 、knee (你) 、word (我的) 、need (你的) , 等等。这种方法不用也罢。


好文章不厌百回改, 教师改, 学生本人改, 学生之间交换改。语言能力也在不断的纠错中得到提升。辨别错误的语言也是一种学习。与他人多沟通, 多思考, 关注欧美国家的语言文化和习俗, 确立学习英语的正确思维方式, 而不是每天根词汇和语法打交道, 却不知道英语到底要学什么。

7.中考英语书面表达 篇七


















