


1.出境常用英语 篇一




I am sorry.I cannot speak English.2)箱子上贴的


Cell phone number is XXXXXXXXX 3)出发准备篇

这篇帖子我容纳了3份帖子,然后自己改了一些,虽然烂长,但是还是那个原则,以防万一!其实他们在路上在填表和点餐的时候还是用上了!转机的时候旁边有很多中国人都会英文,都有帮他们(祖国人民super nice),最后还把他们送到转机口给我打了个电话才离开,虽然不认识,但是真的还是特别感谢!1.2.在托运的箱子和登机的行李上挂上联系方式和电话(见附件1)。需要随身携带的物品:




(6)到美国入关时给海关官员的信件(类似于你自己写给签证官的信,但是还是有不同的,千万别用一份,毕竟陈述的事情不一样,参考我的例子,但别用一样的,自己写写呢);给海关的信范例如下 September15, 2011 XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXX XXX TEL:+01XXXXXXXXXXX Dear Sir/Madam, I,XXXXXXX, registered at the University ofXXXXXXX as a full-time student in the Bachelor ofXXXXXXX, would like to invite my mother Mrs.XXXXX, born XXXXX Oct.19XX and my grandmother Mrs.XXXXXX,born XXX Oct.XXXX to visit me in the US during December,20XXX Now I am studying XXXXX major for my Bachelor degree.I have been doing well for my study life in the US.And will graduate in December XXXX, 20XXX from the University of XXXXXXX.The purpose of the visit is to attend my graduation ceremony in December XXth, 20XXX in University of XXXXX and have a short trip for two weeks in the US.During their visit, they will stay with me at the above address and the hotel during the trip.I will make sure that my mother and grandmother will leave the United State before the expiration of their authorized stay.Your help in issuing a temporary resident visa for my mother and my grandmother would be greatly appreciated.During their visit, they will stay with me at the above address and the hotel during the trip.I will make sure that my mother and grandmother will leave the United State before the expiration of their authorized stay.After the ceremony, we plan to take a short trip in some West coast cities, such as Los Angeles.And we will departure from San Francisco together in December XXXX 20XX.I also attached the travel schedule at the end of the letter.Please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or email if you have any further questions.Best regards, XXXXXXXXXX(7)飞机航班信息;



飞机旅行篇 1.座位:(1)每个人的座位上会有一个小毯子(最好自己准备一个,飞机上那个太小了,国际航班会冻死人),枕头,和耳机(插孔在座椅扶手前端);

头顶上有控制灯光和空调的按钮,还有一个带小人图案的按钮,需要乘务员的时候可以按;(2)座位前方有电视,有中文电影和飞行地图,可以实时了解飞机的高度,速度和飞行时间以及到达时间。飞机降落前会播放入关须知,如果想看的话,可以请旁边的人帮忙调一下,不看也没关系。飞机上还是要多喝水多休息; 2.喝水:

(1)每隔一段时间会有乘务员推着小车送酒水饮料,她们一般会问:Anything to drink?(您要喝点什么?),如果不需要的话摇摇头就可以了,如果需要的话可以指着下面的任何一项让她们看:(a)Hot tea,please.(热茶,谢谢。)(b)Hot coffee, please.(热咖啡,谢谢。)(c)Orange juice, please.(橙汁,谢谢。)(d)Apple juice, please.(苹果汁,谢谢。)(e)Water, please.(矿泉水,谢谢。)

(f)Coke without ice, please.(可乐,不加冰,谢谢。)(g)Coke with ice, please.(可乐,加冰,谢谢。)(2)如果想喝热水,可以随时叫乘务员,把杯子给她,指下面这句: Can you give me some hot water, please?(请给我倒一些热水吧,谢谢。)3.去洗手间:

(1)座位的前后一般都有三四个洗手间。一种是往里推的,比如下面这种: 一种是向外拉的,比如下面这种:





不同的飞机可能不是很一样,不过看箭头的方向一般都没问题。(4)冲水的按钮叫做Push, 使劲按一下就可以了。4.吃饭:

飞机上会发菜单,或者在座位前方的袋子里。菜单是中英文对照的。每顿饭可能有两种选择。等乘务员过来送饭的时候指给她就可以了。她可能会问 Chicken or beef? 鸡肉还是牛肉? 回答: Chicken 鸡肉; Beef 牛肉 5.填写表格: 飞机上乘务员会给每人发两个表格,最好在下飞机之前填好。表格有中文版和英文版。如果发的是英文版,可以向乘务员要中文版的,指着下面这句:

Can you give me a Chinese version, please?(请给我一份中文版的吧。)如果填错了,就向乘务员再要一张,指着下面这句:

Can you give me another copy of the Chinese version I-94,please?(请再给我一份中文版的I-94表格。)

Can you give me another copy of the Chinese version Custom Declaration?(请再给我一份中文版的海关申报单。)



(2)这张表要求全部大写字母哦~! Name(姓氏):(给爸妈把要填什么都附在每一项后面 First(Given)Name(名字):xxxx Birth Date(DD/MM/YY)(生日(日/月/年)):xxxxxx Country of Citizenship(国籍): CHINA Sex(Male or Female)(性别(男性/女性)): FEMALE Passport Issue Date(DD/MM/YY)(护照签发日期(日/月/年)):xxxxxxx Passport Expiration Date(DD/MM/YY)(护照过期日期(日/月/年)):xxx Passport Number(护照号码):xxxxxx 9.Airline and Flight Number(航班公司和航班号):xxxxxx 10.Country Where You Live(您在哪个国家居住): CHINA 11.Country Where You Boarded(您在哪个国家搭乘飞机)CHINA 12.City Where Visa Was Issued(您在哪个城市取得签证)是在北京取的就填:xxxxx 13.Date Issued(DD/MM/YY)(签证签发日期(日/月/年)):xxxxxxxx 14.Address While in the United States(Number and Street)(您在美国的居住地址(号码和街道))我的地址:xxxxxxxxx 15.City and State(城市和州)我的城市和州名:xxxxxx,xxx 16.Telephone Number in the U.S.Where You Can Be Reached(在美国可以联系到您的电话号码)我的电话号码:xxxxxx 17.Email Address(邮件地址)填我的:xxxxxxxxxxxx 18.Family Name(姓氏):xxxx 19.First(Given)Name(名字):xxxx 20.Birth Date(DD/MM/YY)(生日(日/月/年)):xxxx 21.Country of Citizenship(国籍):xxxxxxx 18-21和1-4相同,这个部分在入关的时候会被海关人员撕下来订在护照上。一定要在入关的时候确定18-21这部分卡片是订在你的护照上,或者夹在你护照上,因为你出关回国的时候需要这部分。

(2)蓝色的海关申报单 这张表入境的时候会被收走。1.Family Name(姓):xxxxx First(Given)(名): xxxxx Middle(中间名):(中国人没有中间名,即便是三个字的名字,后两个字都是first name,我定美国国内机票的时候犯过这种愚蠢的错位,导致登机不顺利)1.2.Birth date(出生日期)Day(日):xxx Month(月):xxx Year(年): xxxx Number of Family numbers traveling with you(随行家庭成员人数):xxx 3.(a)U.S.Street Address(hotel name/destination)(在美国的地址街名(旅馆名称/目的地)):xxxxxxx.(b)City(市): xxxxxx(c)State(州):xxxx 5.Passport issued by(country)(发照地(国家)):CHINA 6.Passport number(护照号码):xxxxxxx 7.Country of Residence(居住国):CHINA 8.Country visited on this trip prior to U.S.arrival(这次抵达美国之前曾去过的国家):xxx 9.Airline/Flight No.or Vessel Name(航空公司/航班号码或船名):xxxxxx 以下从10-14全写 NO 10.The primary purpose of this trip is business(这次旅行的主要目的去业务出差): Yes(是): No(否): 11.I am(We are)(我(我们)携带)(a)水果,蔬菜,植物,种子,食品,昆虫:Yes(是): No(否):(b)肉类,动物,动物/野生动物产品: Yes(是): No(否):(c)疾病媒体,细胞培养提,蜗牛: Yes(是): No(否):(d)土壤,或曾经到过农场/牧场/饲养场: Yes(是): No(否): 12.我(我们)曾经非常接近(如摸过或者处理过)牲畜:Yes(是): No(否): 13.我(我们)携带超过10,000美元或相等数额的外国货币的现金或代金(代金的定义见背面说明)Yes(是): No(否): 14.我(我们)携带商品:(可供销售的物品,用于招揽订单的样品,或不属于个人用品的物品)Yes(是): No(否): 15.Visitors(居民)你属于visitor,就是选来访者。总金额就写美金1000就好


本人已经读过本申报单背面的重要说明,并且已如实申报。(回答写在X后面)X Signature(签名)Date(day/month/year)(日期(日/月/年))5.其他


(1)I feel not good.Can you help me?(我觉得不舒服,您能帮我一下么?)如果实在觉得不会说英语需要找个会说英语的人

(2)I cannot speak English.Could you please find someone who can speak Chinese? Thank you very much.(我不会说英语,麻烦您帮我找一个会说中文的人吧,谢谢。)入关入境篇


飞了十几个小时以后,虽然会很累,可是胜利马上就在眼前了^-^。下了飞机,拿上随身行李,随着同一趟飞机的人流就会到达海关大厅,在这里排队入关。也就是图中最下面的一个箭头。一般会有两种类型的入关口:US citizens and permanent residents(美国公民及永久居民),以及Foreign nationals(外国人)。每一种都有几个入口,随便找一个外国人入口排队(在屏幕显示Foreign nationals 排队,入关的时候不能用手机)。然后准备好以下文件:(1)护照;



(6)说明不会说英语的纸条(一上去直接把条子给海关看,然后把护照和写给海关的信还有学校邀请函都给海关就好)I am sorry.I cannot speak English.我不会讲英语。



Could you help me find a baggage cart?(麻烦您帮我找一辆行李推车吧,谢谢。)然后从周围小电视的屏幕上可以查到自己航班的行李传送带,一般会显示在航班号的后面,比如AA288,5,就表示行李在5号传送带上。如果找不到的话,可以问别人:

Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find my check-in baggage? My flight number is XXXXX Thank you very much.(抱歉,您能给我指一下哪里可以找到我托运的行李?我的航班号是XXXXXXX。谢谢。)3.入境:


Excuse me.I cannot speak English.I don’t have anything to declare.I am not carrying any meat, plants, or fruits.I take about 100 dollars with me.(抱歉,我不会说英语。我没有东西要申报,也没有携带肉类,植物,水果等。我随身携带了大概一百美元左右的现金。)然后就可以从出口出去了,我们就在外面等着。如果没找到,可以打个电话。万一手机没信号或者出现其他问题,可以找别人借一下手机,说下面这句:

Excuse me.I cannot speak English.I want to call my daughter.Could you help me to make a short phone call? The number is XXXXXXXX.If it is ok, could you please dial it for me? Thank you very much.(抱歉,我不会讲英语。我想给我的女儿打个电话。你能帮我打个电话么?号码是XXXXXXXXX。非常感谢。)4 转机到国内线

取完行李你们要接下来转机去搭国内航线林肯,首先你要找到 United Airline的服务台托运行李 找服务台:

Excuse me!Where is the United Airline? I want to connect my trip to Lincoln, NE.So I need to get my boarding ticket and check in my luggage.My flight is XXXXXXX.Thank you very much(把数字都填上去)你好,哪里是美联航,我想继续我的行程,所以我需要换登机牌并且托运行李。(我给他们定的是UA,这里根据自己情况改改啊)

当你到了United Airline 的服务台,你需要换登机牌,你要说:

My flight is xxxxxx to xxxxxxx.Here is my luggage.Could you help me to change my boarding pass and check in my luggage? Thank you very much.我的航班是xxxxxxx 到xxxxx。这里是我的行李,请您帮我换登机牌并且托运行李。


Excuse me!I can’t find the gate of my flight.Could you help me to find it.My flight is xxxxxxx.Here is my boarding pass.你好,我找不到我的登机口了,请您告诉我在哪里。遇到任何问题,打电话给我就好!电话是:XXXXXXXX 一路平安!美国见啦!

2.出境常用英语 篇二

英语揭示语(English placards)早已成为一种风格独特的常用应用文体,它区别于一般书面语,经常出现在一些公共场合、交通路口、危险禁地和施工现场等处的大小揭示牌上。它要求人们照章行事或提醒路人、游人在某些方面须注意什么,有时还带有一定的强制性。其文字精炼,短小精悍,结构特殊,语意鲜明,给人一种一目了然的感觉,在现实生活中可以说起着某种不可替代的作用。现在大街小巷,无论在哪,各种各样的英语揭示语随处可见,英语爱好者对此不可忽视,甚至还可以把这个视为提高自身英语水平的一个有效途径。



1.1 No+名词或名词化短语

No Horn(不准鸣笛)

No camera(禁止拍照)

No Left Turn(不准左转)

No Trucks(不准通行卡车)

No U Turn(不准转U型弯)

No Buses(不准通公共汽车)

No Passenger Cars(不准通行客车)

No Turn On Red(红灯亮时不准转弯)

No Pedestrians Beyond This Point(施工重地,行人免进)

No Entry For Unauthorized Vehicles(未经许可,车辆不许入内)

1.2 No+动名词或动名词短语

No Smoking(请勿吸烟)

No Spitting(不准随地吐痰)

No Dumping(不准在此倒垃圾)

No Crossing(不准横穿马路)

No Jaywalking(不准乱穿马路)

No Littering(不准乱丢果皮纸屑)

No Bikes Riding(禁止骑自行车)

No Parking here(此处禁止停放车辆)

No Parking Any Time(任何时候不准停车)

No Driving After Drinking(不准酒后开车)

No Scribbling On The Walls(不许在墙上涂写)

No Standing Passengers(乘客不得在车上站立)

No Parking Between Signs(标志之间不许停放车辆)

No Sighting At Bus Stand(不准在公共汽车停车处游览)

No Parking During Emergency(紧急情况禁止停放车辆)

No Driving Against Traffic Regulations(不准违章开车)

No Bicycle Riding On Sidewalk(不准在人行道上骑自行车)

No Parking Here To Corner(从此处到角落之间不准停放车辆)

No Parking This Side of Street(不准在街道一侧停放车辆)


Don’t Disturb(谢绝参观)

Don’t Walk(不准步行通过)

Don’t Litter(不准乱扔东西)

Don’t Move(不准搬动<此物>)

Don’t Trample On Grass(勿踏草地)

Don’t Take Display(不准拿取陈列品)

Don’t Lean On Windows(不准倚靠在窗上)

Don’t Spit On The Floor(不准随地吐痰)

Don’t Tease The Animals(不准逗弄动物)

Don’t Throw Anything In The Urinal(不准在便池里扔东西)

3“Do Not+……”句型

Do Not Pass(不准超车)

Do Not Touch(禁止抚摸)

Do Not Enter(不准入内)

Do Not Block Drive Way(不准堵塞车道)

Do Not Block Intersection(不准堵塞交叉路口)

Do Not Enter When Alarm Sounds(警铃响时,不得入内)

Do Not Take Food Out Of Dining Room(不准将食物带出食堂)

Do Not Throw Objects Into Pool Coin Kill(请勿向池内投掷硬币)

Do Not Work Without Eye Protection(工作时必须做好眼睛保护)

Do Not Walk Through This Classroom While Class Is In Session(上课时不得穿过该教室)


Danger:High Voltage(高压危险!)

Danger:Keep Out(危险!不要入内!)

Danger:Electric Fence(电网危险!)

Danger:Cable Cross(危险!有电缆穿过!)

Danger:Keep Away!(高压危险,切勿靠近!)

Danger:Dogs Patrolling(危险!警犬巡逻)

Danger:Electricity Live Wire(小心触电!)

Danger:Low Flying Aircraft(危险!飞机低飞)

Danger:Men Working Overhead(危险!上面施工)

Danger:High Voltage Keep Away(高压危险,切勿靠近)


Keep Left(靠左行)

Keep Out(请勿靠近)

Keep Closed(注意随手关门)

Keep Off Stage(请站在台外)

Keep Your Hands Off(请勿动手)

Keep Off The Grass/Lawn(请勿践踏草地)

Keep Right Pass Left Only(靠右行,只准从左边超车)

Keep This Passageway Clear(不许在此通道堆放任何物品)

Keep This Doorway Free Of Obstruction(不准在门口通道处堆放任何障碍物)



Caution:Road Up(注意:翻修马路)

Caution:Keep Off(注意:切勿靠近)

Caution:Work Area(注意:施工地区)

Caution:Hold Handrail(注意:握好扶手)

Caution:Attend Children(注意:照顾好小孩)

Caution:Buses Turning(注意:公共汽车转弯)

Caution:Keep Children Away From Water’s Edge(注意:勿让孩子在水边逗留)

Caution:Do Not Play On Or Around(注意:不准在此物上或周围玩耍)

Caution:Not a Weight Bearing On Surface(注意:不准在此物上放任何东西)


Please Pay Here(请在此付款)

Please Queue Up For Bus(请排队上车)

Please Show Passes(请出示通行证/护照)

Please Line Up For Tickets(买票请排队)

Please Line Up On White Line(请沿白线排好队)

Please Watch Your Children(请看护好自己的小孩)

Please NO Food or Drink In This Area(请不要将食物、饮料带入该地区)

Please Don’t Pick The Flowers(请勿攀折花木)

Please Don’t Touch The Exhibits(请勿抚摸展品)

Please Do Not Tap On The Glass(请不要敲击玻璃)

Please Do Not Throw Paper Towers Into Toilet(请勿将纸巾掷入抽水马桶)





3.英语自我介绍常用语及常用句型 篇三

hello everybody.im very glad to stand here to introduce myself.(大家好!我很高兴能站在这儿介绍自己)

firstly,my name is zhao zheng,im thirteen years old.i have a lot of hobbies.i love art ,reading and playing computer.

well,i thing i am a helpful person.(我认为我是个乐于助人的人)and i am also very friendly ( 而且我也很爱交朋友)i hope we can be friends.( 希望我们能成为朋友)

4.出境常用英语 篇四


在外企工作的小伙伴儿们,你们是不是经常发送英文邮件呢?下面就和 找工作 小编一起看看 外企邮件常用英语 以及 商务英语邮件常用语 吧。

关键词: 外企邮件常用英语 , 商务英语邮件常用语 邮件中常见短语表达

1、heads up: 提前打声招呼,比如提前和市场部的人打声招呼,下个月有一个大活动,需要留出活动预算。

2、top-down: 自上而下。这个决定是管理层直接拍板做的。

3、bottom-up: 自下而上。公司自下而上收集大家的建议。(bottoms up 是干杯的意思,但是总觉得不够文雅,最好还是cheers吧)

4、we’re aiming to: 我们的计划/目标是,比直接的we want to看上去文雅了不止一点半点。

5、we’re targeting: 同上,比如我们计划下周发布新的软件版本,就是we’re targeting next Monday to launch the new version.6、be doing: 用将来进行时,看起来比较漂亮的表达方式。比如发个邮件给对方,说接下来你会收到系统发送的邮件,就是: you should be receiving a system email on… 海归求职网()-专注留学生海归求职培训辅导服务

7、refer to: 提及,指。比如问对方邮件中的某个数据是不是代表某种含义,are you referring to…? 你是指…吗?

8、would say: 委婉地表达自己的观点,比如对方说了一个不太对的观点,就可以说 I would say that…

9、in the coming days: 接下来一些天。

10、be communicated via email: 通过邮件方式传达/沟通。

11、you’re encouraged to join: 希望大家踊跃报名参加。

12、there’ll be delays in: 将会有延迟。

13、well received: 收到对方邮件/发送的附件时可以回复一句表示收到了。

14、action urgently required: 需要对紧急情况做出处理。

15、in light of: 鉴于什么样的情况,等于be based on.看过以上的 外企邮件常用英语 以及 商务英语邮件常用语 内容后,大家就知道怎么写英文邮件了。

5.高考英语作文常用素材:英语短语 篇五

1. 经济的快速发展

the rapid development of economy


the remarkable improvement/ steady growth of people’s living standard


advanced science and technology


be faced with new opportunities and challenges


It is commonly believed/ recognized that…


the inevitable result of social development


arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention


It is undeniable that…/ There is no denying that…


a heated discussion/ debate


a controversial issue


a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 …

Some people… while others…

13. 就我而言/ 就个人而言

As far as I am concerned, / Personally,


reach an absolute consensus on…


be supported by sound reasons


argument on both sides


play an increasingly important role in…


be indispensable to …


As the proverb goes:

20.…也不例外 …

be no exception


exert positive/ negative effects on…


the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages


lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in


a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感

sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement

26. 竞争与合作精神

sense of competition and cooperation

27. 开阔眼界

widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision


acquire knowledge and skills


financial burden / psychological burden


take many factors into account/ consideration

★ 天气的英语写作素材

★ 简单英语励志短语

★ 中考英语短语

★ 英语求职信常用短语

★ 园艺英语短语

★ 英语感谢信常用短语

★ 的英语短语

★ 英语作文常用短语

★ 导致英语短语

6.金融英语——常用词汇(九十一) 篇六

The process of evaluating an applicant's loan request or a corporation's debt issue in order to determine the likelihood that the borrower will live up to his/her obligations.


credit analyst信用分析师

One who performs credit analysis.


credit balance信用余额, 贷方余额

The amount remaining in a cash account or margin account after all securities have been paid for.Balance remaining after one of a series of bookkeeping entries.This amount represents a liability or income to the entity. (See Balance.)


credit bureau信用调查机构

An agency which collects and sells information about the creditworthiness of individuals.Clearinghouse of consumer credit information used by businesses to determine the creditworthiness of borrowers.


credit card信用卡

Any card that may be used repeatedly to borrow money or buy products and services on credit.

可凭之多次借款和赊销产品和服务的卡片。是指持卡人向特约商店进行消费购买行为时, 仅凭签账, 无需当时立即付账的一种银行卡。

credit check信用调查

The process of evaluating an applicant's loan request or a corporation's debt issue in order to determine the likelihood that the borrower will live up to his/her obligations.Also called credit analysis.


credit cliff信用悬崖

A slang term meaning that credit deterioration could be compounded by provisions such as rating triggers or financia covenants.These can put pressure on the company's liquidity or its business to a material extent.

行业俚语, 指评级触发事件或财务契约等条款可能加剧公司信用恶化的情况, 这可能对公司的流动现金或业务造成重大压力。

credit crunch紧缩信贷

An economic condition whereby investment capital is difficult to obtain.Banks and investors become weary of lending funds to corporations thereby driving up the price of debt products for borrowers.

难以取得投资资金的经济环境。银行及投资者对向企业借贷有所顾虑, 因而推高债务产品的价格。

credit default swap信用违约转换

A specific kind of counterparty agreement which allows the transfer of third party credit risk from one party to the other.

是一种特定的对手协议, 允许将第三方风险由一方转给另一方。

credit derivative信贷衍生工具

A contract between two parties that allows for the use of a derivative instrument to transfer credit risk from one party to another.


credit derivatives信用衍生品

A contract that enables a user, such as a bank, to better manage its credit risk.A way of transferring credit risk to another party.

是指运用财务工程技术, 将信用风险由原来的借贷双方或交易双方中分离出来, 然后将此风险经由衍生性商品市场, 移转给愿意承担此风险的第三者。

credit enhancement信用增级

The process of reducing credit risk by requiring collateral, insurance, or other agreements to provide the lender with reassurance that it will be compensated if the borrower defaulted.A technique to lower the interest payments on a bond by raising the issue's credit rating, often through insurance in the form of a financial guarantee or with standby letters of credit issued by a bank.

7.展览常用英语 篇七


SECTION 1 Exhibition fair 展位 booth

标摊 standard booth / modular stand / shell shceme 光地 raw space 特装 special design 展团 pavilion

国家展团 national pavilion 主场搭建商 office constructor 主场承运商 official forwarder 主办 organizer

场馆管理费 hall management fee(cost)

搭建及拆展费 installation and dismantling fee 清洁费 cleaning fee

运输费 transportation cost(charges)接线费 connection fee

场馆加班费 hall overtime charge 场馆押金 performance bond 证件费 worker pass/badge 分电箱 electric distribution box 搭建 installation 拆展 dismantling

现场服务 field service 吊点 hatch

限高 height limitation 开口 open side 面积 square meter 通道aisle

SECTION 2 Design

平面图 layout / floor plan 立面图 elevation

左 / 右 / 前 / 后 视图 left / right / front / rear view 顶视图 top view / bird eye view 透视图 perspective 图例 legend 比例 scale

储藏室 storage room 洽谈室 meeting room 接待台 reception 层板柜 Shelve unit 展示台 showcase 吧台 bar counter 地台 stage / platform 天花 ceiling

双层结构 double deck structure 楼梯 staircase 踏步 step 扶手 handrail

柱子 pillar / column 支撑 upright 横梁 beam 灯箱 light box 灯槽 light through 米 meter

厘米 centimeter 毫米 millimeter 角度 angle 圆 round

矩形 rectangle 正方形 square 三角形 triangle 椭圆 ellipse 曲线 curve 弧线 arc 水槽 sink

SECTION 3 Material

木制 wooden 钢材 steel 铁 iron

铁管 steel tube 行架 truss 玻璃 glass

钢化玻璃 tempered glass 磨砂玻璃 frosted glass 弹力布 fabric 纱 cotton / gauze 有机片 acrylic

透明有机片 clear acrylic 奶白片 milky acrylic

防火板 laminated(panel)阳光板 polycarbonate panel 洞洞板 perforated panel 广告钉 chrome bolt 耐火/防火 fire-resistant 防水 waterproof 地毯carpet 涂料 coating

油漆 / 乳胶漆 paint 喷漆 spay paint 手扫漆 brush paint 烤漆 baking paint

真石漆Stone-Like Coating 清漆 clear lacquer 腻子 putty 胶水 glue 硅胶 silica gel 无影胶 UV glue 喷砂 sand blast 塑料 plastic

不锈钢 stainless steel

铝塑板aluminium-plastic Composite Panel 拉丝 wiredrawing 高光Gloss 亚光 matte

矿棉板mineral wool board 轻钢龙骨Steel furring

纸面石膏板paperbacked plasterboard

SECTION D Graphic 海报 poster 即时贴 stick

灯片 film / duratran 喷绘Spray to draw 写真Protrait / inkjet

ACP)(灯布 Light cloth 网格布 fabric 磨砂贴frosted stick

高光相纸 Gloss photo paper 哑光相纸 Matte photo paper 背胶 Self-adhesive

全透片 Whole deeply slice 半透片 Half deeply slice 灯片 film 灯布

light cloth/ banner 网格布 Mesh

车身贴 self-adhesive Vinyl 刀旗 banner

泡沫立体字 3D foam cutout letter(covered by sticker)有机立体字 3D acrylic cutout letter(covered by sticker)发光立体字 3D light letter

霓虹灯立体字 3D neon light letter

防火板雕刻发光 lighting letter in laminated panel by laser cutout 卡纸 paperboard 字体 font 矢量 vector 位图 bitmap 精度precision

双面胶 double side tape 雪氟板foamed PVC sheet

SECTION E Furniture

方桌 square table 圆桌 round table

长方桌 rectangle table 高脚圆吧台

吧椅 bar stool 折椅 folding chair 皮椅 feather chair 绒椅 upholstered chair

锁柜 lockable cupboard / sideboard 沙发 sofa(single double triple)茶几 teapoy / tea table 玻璃柜 glass showcase 镜子 mirror 窗帘 curtain 百页 blind

衣架 coat hanger 层板 shelf / rack

咖啡机 coffee machine(with filter)饮水机 water dispenser 热水器 water boiler

垃圾桶 waste paper basket 大垃圾桶 waste bin 空调 air conditioner 冰箱 refrigerator

盆栽植物 potted plant

SECTION F Electric

射灯 spot light

长臂射灯 long-arm spot light 小太阳灯 flood light 有轨灯 track light 牛眼灯 eye-ball light 筒灯 down light

日光灯 fluorescent(tube)插座 socket / plug 地插 floor socket 开关 switch

电脑摇头灯 Gobo light 卤素灯 halogen light T 管 T tube 派灯 par light

追光灯 following spot 瓦特 watt

安培 ampere / amp.SECTION G EQUIPMENT 等离子 plasma

液晶显示器 LCD monitor 电视墙 TV wall

电视机架 TV mount 幻灯机 slider project

投影仪 overhead projector

电脑LCD投影仪 video projector 投影幕 screen

有源音箱 power speakers 图像特技台 video mixer 调音台 audio mixer

有线/无线花筒 cable/wireless microphone 功放 amplifier

复印机 copy machine 传真机 fax machine 笔记本 notebook 声卡 sound card 显卡 display card 键盘 keyboard 鼠标 mouse 镜头 lens
