


1.高一英语《Unit3_Celebration_Warm-up》教案北师大版 篇一

一. 教学内容分析与要求


(1) .掌握下列短语和词汇的用法:be located in ,have sth./sb done ,be forced to do sth. ,by hand ,enough to do sth. ,be used to do sth. , be famous for , extend from ….to …,protect ,remember ,cary ,excited ,climb .

(2) .掌握下列句型:a. It is said that …

b. It takes /sb. Some time to do sth.

(3) .掌握被动语态的基本用法:be done

(4) .通过限时阅读能正确理解文章内容,能准确回答课文后的问题。







(1) 熟练掌握下列词汇和短语:be located in ,have sth./sb.done ,be forced to do sth. ,by hand , enough to do sth. ,be used to do sth. ,be famous for ,extend from …to…,protect ,remember, carry ,excited ,climb .

(2) 被动语态的用法。






二 教学建议

1) 导入

收集播放关于长城的录像片,向学生简要介绍“The Great Wall”。

例如:The Great Wall is also called the “Ten –Thousand-li Great Wall “,It is one of the wonder of the world .It is the longest wall in the world and runs across noth China like a huge dragon .It has a history of over 2,000 years .In old times ,it was very difficult to build such a wall .


Do you know how the Great Wall was built and why it was built ?




A .Where is the Great Wall ?

B .When was the Great Wall first built ?

C. Who decided to have the walls linked and extended ?

D When was the Great Wall rebuilt ?

E Why did the ancient people build many beacon tower on the wall ?





1. The walls were built to protect these states .句中的were built 是什么结构?

2. …to have the walls linked and extended 是一个什么句型结构?

3. It took them more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions .句中it 指代的是什么内容?

4. Look , on the top of the mountain is the Great Wall .句中On the top of the mountain 是句子的主语吗?



问题1:The walls were built to protect these states .“修建城墙是为了保护他们的国家。”

句中的were built 是过去时的被动语态结构。该句子的主动形式是:They built the walls to protect these states .

例:A young lady looked after my baby at home .“一位年轻女士在家照顾我的孩子。” 被动语态为:

My baby was looked after at home by a young lady .(如果要把动作的执行者表示出来,要用by 加执行者的短语) 。

问题2:to have the walls linked and extended . 该结构中的have 是使役动词,意思是“使,让” ,have sth./sb. done 意思是“使某人或某物被。。。。。。”


----Bob ,I didn’t recognize you just now.

----I have had my hair cut .

问题3:在It took them more than ten years to build it under terrible conditions .句子中it 用作形式主语,真正的主语是不定时短语to build it under terrible conditions . 这是一个很重要的句型,其结构是:It takes /took sb. some time to do sth. 意思是“做某事花费某人多少时间”。

例如 1.It will take us three days to finish the job .

2.It took the worker ten months to build our school library .

问题4:Look ,on the top of the mountain is the Great Wall. 句中的on the top of the mountain 不是句子的主语,本句是倒装句结构,它的正常语序应该是:

The Great Wall is on the top of the mountain .



From the speaker on the wall comes a young lady’s voice.

(4) 精读课文:

仔细阅读课文,掌握文章中的细节和关键信息。 待完成阅读后,把学生分成几个小组利用课件一个一个给出下列语句,要求学生根据课文内容判断正误,采用小组抢答的方式,看哪个小组判断的既快又准:


1. The Great Wall was first built during the Qin Dynasty .

2. They built the Walls to protect their countries against the enemies .

3. At that time ,people could carry the rocks and bricks to the top of mountains with some machines.

4. People built a five-meter-high wall around the earth using the bricks and rocks which were used to build the wall .

5. In the 16th century ,the Great Wall was rebuilt .

6. The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world and was listed by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization) as a World Heritage Site .

7. In ancient time ,soldiers made fire to keep warm on the beacon towers.

参考答案:1 F 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 7 F


(1)将下面的 句子改成被动语态:

1.My little brother broke the window last night .

2.A young man beat my good friend on the playground.

3 People use fire to keep warm .

4 .The classroom is being cleaned (by them) .

(2) 根据汉语意思,完成下列各个句子。

1 .上周我们找人维修房子了。

Last week we _______our house ______.

2 这个小男孩的手伤了。

The little boy ______________________.

3 我的大衣很脏,我必须得找人洗一洗了。

My coat is very dirty .I must _____it _______.

4 .写英语作业花了我两个小时的时间。

It _______me two hours ____________________.

5 从我们村走到城里要花一整天的时间。

It will _______a whole day ______________________from our village.

(3) 将括号内的汉语译成英语,完成下列各句。

1 After the war ,the old temple was __________(重建) in our hometown .

2 Please give them a ___________(简介) because they know nothing about it .

3My father is an ________(工程师)while my uncle is a famous _________(导游)

4 ----------------(据说)an earthquake took place in that area 10 years ago .

5 They built the Great Wall under terrible _____________(条件)。

6 The children are _________(搬运) their own toys into the room .

7Many years ago ,people did this job ____________(手工)

8 Look ,the tower is on the top of the hill . Let’s start___________(攀登)


(1) 1 The window was broken last night by my little brother.

2 My good friend was beaten on the playground by a young man .

3 Fire is used to keep warm by people .

4 The classroom is being cleaned by them .

(2) 1 had ,repaired 2 .had his hand hurt

3 .have ,washed 4 took ,to do my English homework

5 .take , to walk to the town

(3) 1 rebuilt 2 brief introduction3 engineer , guide

4 It was said that5.condition6 .carrying

7 by hand 8 climbing /to climb

2.高一英语《Unit3_Celebration_Warm-up》教案北师大版 篇二

1. extreme sports / X-sports

2. a holiday brochure

3. go parachuting

4. go on a round-the-world trip

5. a couple of videos

6. walk along a mountain path

7. on the horizon

8. watch the sun go down

9. sound exciting

10. as well as

11. special offers

12. keep fit

13. maximum altitude

14. optional tours

15. look awful

16. differ from

17. develop the photos

18. bungee jumping

19. ice diving

20. white-water rafting

21. look for clues

22. mid-air gymnastics

23. sky surfing

24. take up

25. be into sth.

26. turn up

27. back out

28. go through with

29. set up

30. get across

31. be worth doing

32. be keen on sports

33. have an element of danger

34. pull sb. back

35. put on diving equipment

36. dive under a frozen lake

37. walk upside down on the ice

38. cannot stand heights

39. qualify for

40. a complicated game 1. 极限运动

2. 假日手册

3. 跳伞

4. 进行环球旅行

5. 几张碟片

6. 沿着山路走

7. 在地平线上

8. 看日落

9. 听起来令人兴奋

10. 也,和,而且

11. 特殊服务

12. 保持健康

13. 最高海拔

14. 有选择性的旅行

15. 看起来很糟糕

16. 与……不同,有区别

17. 冲洗照片

18. 蹦极跳

19. 冰水潜水

20. 激流漂流

21. 找线索

22. 半空体操

23. 空中冲浪式滑翔运动、空中滑板

24. 占据,开始从事

25. 对……感兴趣

26. 出现,到场

27. 决定不履行(允诺的事),食言

28. 做完,完成(同意或计划的事)

29. 建立,创办,安装

30. 使理解(某事)

31. 值得做某事

32. 热衷于运动

33. 有危险的成分

34. 把某人拉回来

35. 穿上潜水装备

36. 潜到结冰的湖下

37. 在冰上倒立走

38. 不能忍受高度

39. 具有……资格

40. 一种复杂的游戏

41. a minority sport

42. wear helmets and special protective clothes

43. a physical game

44. do trade with

45. be ruled by

46. be impressed by/with

impress sth. on sb.

47. serve in the court

48. do many important tasks

49. in turn

50. be amazed by

51. describe… as

52. be available

53. be confused by

54. break out

55. be put into prison

56. take dictation

57. best-selling books

58. stand by

59. on one’s way to

60. a food base

61. in preparation for

62. make rapid progress

63. break down

64. have difficulty/ problem/ trouble with

sth. /( in) doing sth.

65. lose the goal of one’s ambition

66. be exhausted

67. run out of

68. all the way

69. at one time

at a time

70. in the distant past

71. meet the end with a similar spirit

72. carry on

73. make them into heroes

74. extraordinary courage

75. air-conditioned vehicles

76. four-star hotels

77. ancient ruins

78. well trained staff

79. be home to

80. a real- life adventure

81. survival skills

82. make a fire

83. join the nature hiking trips

84. see the wildlife close-up

85. the Silk Road

86. in particular

87. be associated with

88. identify…as

89. final destinations

90. have a huge influence on

91. a Buddhist statue

92. Xinjiang Autonomous Region

93. an international crossroad

94. for the first time

95. a scary experience

96. be attached to

97. inner fears

98. in the distance

99. basic computer skills

100. sign a ban on producing chemical weapons

101. a chat show

102. call off

103. cheer sb. Up

104. surrounding countries

105. precious stones

106. detailed records

107. Buddhist scriptures

108. the Pole

109. South Pole

110. North Pole

111. Camp Xtreme

112. ski diving

113. snowboarding

114. snow biking

115. ice climbing

116. paragliding

117. sports fans

118. downhill mountain biking 41. 一种少数人的运动

42. 戴着头盔,穿着特殊的保护服装

43. 一种粗野的、暴力的运动

44. 与……做生意

45. 被……统治

46. 某事给某人留下了印象

47. 在宫廷里供职

48. 完成很多重要任务

49. 轮流,反过来

50. 对……感到惊讶

51. 描述成……

52. 可利用的,可获得的,可见的

53. 被……迷惑了,弄糊涂了

54. (不好的事)爆发, 突然发生

55. 被关进监狱

56. 口述、口授做记录

57. 畅销书

58. 坚持(某种)说法;袖手旁观

59. 在去……的途中

60. 食物储存处

61. 为……做好准备

62. 取得了很大的进步

63. 损坏,不能运转,分解

64. 做某事有困难、有问题、有麻烦

65. 失去雄伟的目标

66. 筋疲力尽的

67. 用完,用光

68. 一路上

69. 曾经,一度


70. 在遥远的过去

71. 用同样的精神结束生命

72. 继续做某事,坚持

73. 使他们成为英雄

74. 非凡的勇气

75. 有空调设备的车辆

76. 四星级宾馆

77. 古代遗址

78. 受过良好训练的员工

79. ……的家园

80. 真实生活探险

81. 生存技巧

82. 生火

83. 参加大自然徒步旅行

84. 密切地关注野生动物

85. 丝绸之路

86. 尤其,特别

87. 把……与……联系起来

88. 确认、认为…是

89. 最后的目的地

90. 对……有巨大的影响

91. 佛像

92. 新疆自治区

93. 国际十字路口

94. 第一次

95. 令人恐怖的经历

96. 与……有关联

97. 内心的恐惧

98. 在远处

99. 基础的电脑技能

100. 签署禁止生产化学武器的协议

101. 谈话节目

102. 取消、放弃某事物

103. 让某人高兴,兴奋

104. 周边国家

105. 宝石

106. 详细记录

107. 佛经

108. (南)极点

109. 南极

110. 北极

111. 极限运动营地

112. 高空跳伞

113. 塔板滑雪

114. 雪上脚踏车

115. 攀冰山

116. 滑翔伞运动

117. 体育爱好者

3.高一英语《Unit3_Celebration_Warm-up》教案北师大版 篇三

1.houses cottage ,Flat/apartment detached/semi-detached house,Wood cabin

2.Kinds of buildings Palace,bank,castle ,skyscraper

3.Rooms Sitting/ dining /living/games room,wash/bathroom,bedroom,basement,hall,Study Toilet ,kitchen garage

4.Furniture Curtains, chair , sofa, table , desk, bookshelves ,bed, lamp

5.materials stone ,marble 大理石,glass 玻璃,Grantie花岗岩,metal金属,concrete 混凝土

6.features balcony 阳台,Ceiling 天花板 ,Floor ,tower 塔,Wall ,roof 屋顶,statue 雕像,Air conditioning ,garden, swimming pool, lift, gallery ,

7. style/period in architecture Modern, early twentieth, century, in the 1980’s ancient

8. Paintings: realistic ,abstract, modern

9. shapes : square, circle



in front of, at the back of, in the middle/center of, at the end of, at the corner,on the left, on the right

ahead of , next to, close to, above, below, by the side of, in/on/to the east/ south/ north/ west of…, between…and …, beside, opposite of, along, upstairs, downstairs, against, in the face of, etc.


beautiful, clean, comfortable, tidy, cozy, shabby, simple ____good, bright, wonderful, small, large, damp, dark, old, new, dirty, etc


It covers an area of …square meters. be located in… Between A and B is …

There is … with… furnish… with… On the left is … Next to it is …

III. sample

The Palace of the Doges, in Venice, is one of the best medieval buildings anywhere in Europe. It was finished in 1498. it has beautiful pink and white marble walls. From St Mark’s Square you can see the balcony with statues on either side




3.在厨房与卧室之间有间书房,里面的书桌上 有台电脑。

4.在客厅的前面有个阳台,站在阳台上,你可以 看到前面的花园。










Disco is a form of social dance popular around the world, which first came from Paris,France. In the late 1970s, it quickly became popular all over the world,

It is easy for young boys and girls to learn disco , which has a strong rhythm and many kinds of forms. Young people get together in bars or night club to dance to the music, singing and dancing happily as much as possible . Now it has become a way of fun and relaxing, as well as a way of culture of life.



1. across this painting 在画中

2. at high speed 以高速

3. in a…way 以一种…方式

4. fix one’s eyes on sth. 注视

5.sell for 以…价钱出售

6. be deep in thought 在沉思

7. add …to… 把…加到…上

8. pain sth. (colour) 把…油成…色


9. sort of 有积分地

10. a type of 一种型号的…


11. an article on sth. 有关…的文章

12. date back to= date from 追溯到

13. the look of surprise on one’s face


14. be used for sth. 被用于某物上

15. be used as sth. 被用作

16. be used to do sth. 被用于做某事

17. ring good luck 带来好运

18. relate …to… 把…和…联系起来

19. make patterns on clothing 把图案印在衣服上

20. try out 尝试

21. in the shape of… 以…形状

22. come up to sb. 周到某人面前

23. share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物

24. accept one’s offer 接受某人提供的东西


25. pay rent to sb. 付某人租金

26. too much +n. 太多的..

much too + adj./adv. 太…

27. take a bath 洗澡

28. dream up 梦想

29. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

Communication workshop

30. at the back/front 在后面/前面(部位)

31. in the background/ foreground


32. at the top (of)/ bottom (of) 在顶部/底部

Culture corner and bulletin board

33. A.is … away from B A地离B地有…远

34. It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事

35. be determined to do sth. 决定了做某事

36. do the wallboard 出墙报


1. Across this painting, named Racing Horse, we can see a horse running at high speed.(Lesson1)

2. His interest changed later to simple pictures from everyday life, such as vegetables, flowers, birds

and insects. (Lesson1)

3. It looks as if it’s in the water. (Lesson2)

4. It really looks like something from a fairytale. (Lesson2)

5. Chen Zijiang is a paper-cutting expert whom I interviewed for my article on Chinese Art.(Lesson3)

6. Paper-cutting is something that he learned to do from an early age. (Lesson3)

7. A young farmer who wanted a wife would look at a young woman’s paper-cutting skills before

marrying her. (Lesson3)

8. Paper cuts which show the Chinese character for double happiness are often used to celebrate

weddings. (Lesson3)

9.A present for couples whose child has recently been born might show a paper cut of children, for example. (Lesson3)

10.People to whom the dead person was related would make these offerings on special days and

during festivals. (Lesson3)

= People whom the dead person was related to would make these offerings on special days and

during festivals.

11. By the time we got to Mango street we were six. (Lesson4)

12. But the house on Mango street is not the way they described it at all. (Lesson4)

4.高一英语《Unit3_Celebration_Warm-up》教案北师大版 篇四












新课导入 从《论语》视频导入,激发学生兴趣。回顾春秋战国——秦朝儒家思想的地位演变,春秋战国时期,经过孔子、孟子、荀子的创立和发展,早期儒学在社会上很有影响,称为显学。





战国:百家争鸣:各国纷争,尚未形成统一的中央集权的国家,学术氛围较宽松 秦朝:国家完成统一,建立了专制主义中央集权制度,为巩固统一,必须加强思想控制


① 秦朝统一后,并建立了专制主义中央集权制度,文化成为政治权力的附庸 ② 儒生,游士引用儒家经典,圣贤言论,批评时政,不利于秦朝的统治。③导火线:关于郡县制与分封制之争。








b、使儒学走向低潮 C、受到主流文化的批判





① 政治:王国问题

② 民族关系:北方:匈奴+南方西南地区 ③ 经济:土地兼并,阶级矛盾激化



a、针对中央集权的需要,提出“大一统”和“罢黜百家,独尊儒术” b、针对加强君权的需要,提出“君权神授”与“天人感应” c、针对土地兼并的现实,发挥“仁政”:轻徭薄赋 d、针对为人处事标准,提出“三纲五常”




对教育:太学的建立,是儒学教育官方化和制度化的标志 对社会风气:带动民间积极向学的风气,有利于文化的传播


b、结束各学派思想平等竞争的局面(百家争鸣局面彻底结束),扼制了学术思想的自由发展 c、对思想、文化、教育的重视,、推动了民族历史文化的进步。

3、科举制——儒家思想统治地位进一步强化(自主学习)1.选官制度的变化:世官制——察举制——九品中正制——科举制 2.确立;隋朝——完善:唐朝——发展;北宋——强化:明清 3.特点:①以考试成绩作为选官依据



① 有利于专制主义中央集权体制的稳固:儒生成为专制政治的仆从;儒学成为统治臣民的思想工具

② 促成持久的读书风尚,有利于社会重学风气的形成,文化的发展 ③ 选官方式一定程度上体现了公平公正的原则

④ 读书-考试——做官,知识分子成为官僚队伍的后备力量,有利于提高官员的文化素质 ⑤ 导致古代专心从事科学技术研究的人才力量薄弱,影响科技的发展。



儒家的大一统意识,民本意识、道德意识与和谐意识等,对维护中华民族统一、建立和谐的人际关系,增强历史的使命感和责任感,谋求社会的共同发展和生态环境都不无裨益。但在对儒家思 3 想积极性加以发挥的同时,也不要被一些传统儒家的陈规陋俗所束缚,要做到“取其精华,去其糟粕”。








C类 1.焚书坑儒事件发生以后可能产生的后果中,不正确的是





2.秦始皇“焚书坑儒”摧残了先秦文化,钳制了思想。他的这一作为主要是针对 A.儒学的独尊地位 B.主张分封的思想

C.妄议朝政的儒生 D.企图判乱的六国旧贵族

3.董仲舒对儒学思想作了改造,形成了新儒学体系,其本质意图是 A.通过“举贤良”成为治国人才



D.适应当时加强中央集权的需要 B类 4.董仲舒的新儒学思想中对最高统治者有震慑作用的学说是 A.“春秋大一统” B.“罢黜百家,独尊儒术” C.“天人合一,天人感应” D.“仁政” 5.奶奶不断唠叨:“老天爷爷,你怎么不挣眼,这雨没完没了地下,你还叫我们穷人活不活。”以上是某文学作品中的片段,“奶奶”的话表达了中国传统文化中对“天”的敬意,这与中国古代哪一学派有关

A.道家学派 B.法家学派 C.儒家学派 D.墨家学派 6.今天的博士,是众多莘莘学子追求的高学位,但最初的博士是指 A.专事研究和传播“五经”的教官


C.博闻广记.学问高深的士人 D.帮助皇帝出谋划策的的官员

7.假如你是汉武帝时的一名学生,你要进入全国最高学府接受教育,你必须去哪里? A.长安、太学 B.洛阳、书院 C.南京、国子监 D.曲阜、孔庙 A类 8.假如你是汉武帝时期的一个书生,你所遇到的景况可能是 ①你的教科书除了儒家经典外还会有法家经典 ②你可以到郡县的学校就读

③即使你不是贵族子弟也有机会读书 ④如果你考试合格的话,可以到政府任职

A.①②③ B.①②③④ C.②③④ D.①③④ 9.阅读下列材料:

材料一 臣愚以为诸不在六艺之科.孔子之术者,皆绝其道,勿使并进。邪辟之说灭息,然后统纪可一,而法度可明,民知所从矣。……古之王者明于此,是故南面而治天下,莫不以教化为大务。立太学以教于国,设庠序(教学的地方)以化于邑,渐民以仁,摩民以谊(同义),节民以礼。故其刑罚甚轻而禁不犯者,教化行而习俗美也。──引自《汉书·董仲舒传》 材料二 董仲舒……开启了儒学神学化,儒家宗教化,孔子教主化的进程,为封建统治找到了较为理想的意识形态。他的学说为稳定和巩固大一统的专制主义中央集权的统治起了重要作用,对于形成以汉族为主体的中华民族的心理特征产生了不可估量的积极影响。他与汉武帝一起作为西汉鼎盛时代的代表是当之无愧的。

──田昌五.安作樟主编《秦汉史》 材料三 董仲舒是有汉一代最有影响的思想家,在当时就享有“群儒之首”的声誉,在中国文化史上,也占有重要地位。……董仲舒学说的消极影响也是严重的……我们民族性格中的封闭自我,盲目自足,因循守旧,不思奋进等等劣根性,都与之直接相关。——冯天谕等著《中华文化史》 请回答:




5.高一英语《Unit3_Celebration_Warm-up》教案北师大版 篇五

Words and Expressions in Unit 1, Module I,1.as long as 只要

2.get the world at one’s feet 世界在脚下 3.improve one’s lifestyle 改善生活方式

4.a couch potato 终日懒散在家看电视的人

5.a good play on BBC2 英国广播公司二频道好看的电视剧 6.the remote control 遥控器 7.go off(闹钟)响 8.get changed 换衣服

9.take up 占据,占时间、空间 10.be filled with 充满

11.urgent matters 紧急事件 12.for fun


13.make money for sb.为人赚钱 14.get bored 觉得无聊

15.find… very interesting 感觉/感觉…很有趣 16.suffer from 遭受,遭遇 17.take place 发生 18.lose weight 减肥

19.can’t stand sth./doing sth.无法忍受(做)某事 20.hate doing sth.讨厌做某事 21.prefer doing sth.喜欢做某事

(拓展)prefer sth.to sth.比起…更喜欢…

prefer doing sth.to doing sth.比起做…更喜欢做…

prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做…也不愿做… 22.take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 23.win support from 赢得某人的支持 24.as soon as possible 尽快 25.meet the challenge of 迎接挑战

26.make sb.proud 使某人感到骄傲

be proud of sb./sth.为… 感到骄傲 27.be crowded with 挤满

28.spend some time in doing sth.花时间做某事

spend some time/time on sth.把时间/金钱花在…上面 29.at work 在工作

30.the same …that 和……一样(同一个)31.the same…as 和……一样(不同一个)32.early in the morning 清晨 33.late at night 深夜 34.be free of sickness 没有疾病

be free of… 无…,没有… 35.make sure 确定,确保

36.look after 照顾

37.play with sb 和某人一起玩 38.distance learning 远程学习

39.get the chance to do sth.有机会做某事 40.a restaurant nearby 附近的饭店 41.routine life 日常生活 42.not…anymore= no more 不再…… 43.think of 考虑 44.as a result 结果是

45.result from= because

因为,(因……)发生;(随……)产生 46.result in= cause 造成;导致 47.come up with 想出

48.join sb in sth/doing sth 加入某人做某事 49.serve tea/dishes 上茶/菜 50.in order to do sth.为了……

51.play/have an important role/part in在……方面起很大作用 52.as well as 也,还 ;和 …… 一样好 53.do business 做生意

(拓展)It’s none of your business.不关你的事儿。54.cheer up 兴奋起来 55.feel bored with 对……感到厌倦 56.ask for 要求

57.It has something/nothing to do with… 和……有/没有关系 58.reduce stress 减轻压力

59.have a good diet 有良好饮食习惯 60.make a decision 作出决定 61.graduate from 从某学校毕业

6.北师大版小学英语教案 篇六

A. Listen and tick

1 What lessons do you have?

I have Chinese and Music.

2 What lessons do you have?

I have English and PE.

3 What lessons do you have?

I have Chinese and English.

4 What lessons do you have?

I have Maths and Art.

B. Listen and number.

1. ---Close the window. ---All right.

2. ---What lessons do you like? ---I like PE and English.

3. ---Put on your coat. --- All right.

4. ---What lessons do you have? --- I have Chinese, Maths and Art.

C. Read and match

D. Look and say.



5、Assign homework




3、会说歌谣 Let`s learn 。


1、能听懂特殊疑问句what lessons do you have?并根据实际情况we have …作出应答,语音语调正确。





1、Free talk:

What’s this?(拿出一样东西)

Who is this boy?(指着某男孩)

What can you see?

What do you have?


Say a rhyme:

Let’s learn

We learn Maths. One, two, three!

We learn English, A、B、C!

We learn Music. Do Re, Mi!

We learn Art. Draw you and me!


Look and say:



A. Listen and respond

B. Listen and draw lines

C. Listen and repeat



Politics 政治

Physics 物理

Chemistry 化学 Biology 生物

Geography 地理 Information Technology 信息技术



2、能听懂特殊疑问句what lessons do you have?并根据实际情况we have …作出应答,语音语调正确。

3、会说歌谣 Let`s learn 。


1、能听懂特殊疑问句what lessons do you have?并根据实际情况we have …作出应答,语音语调正确。





A. Free talk:

1、sing a song《My lovely doll》






B、Learn to say:



T:These are some of foreign visitors. Today they`re visiting Su hai`s school.

T:listen!(师放录音) What lessons do you have?

2)重复放几遍,让学生结合情境领会含义。引导学生用 We have …来回答。

3)教学 we , 含义。

T: listen carefully, what does SuHai say?


板书: We have Chinese, Maths and Art.





T: What lessons do you have on Monday?

S : We have ….,…. and ….


(1)活动手册partA ,B.

1)A、Listen and tick


2)B、listen and number


D、Assign homework



7.高一英语《Unit3_Celebration_Warm-up》教案北师大版 篇七


numbers one through ten



fish Structures(New)

Receptive: What is it?

Productive: It’s a dog.Structures(Review)

Receptive: How many…? Teaching preparation:

Prepare the posters and flashcards for this lesson.Teaching steps:

 Step1:review the numbers one through ten.Call out numbers from one trough ten randomly.Have children listen and hold up the correct number of fingers. Step2:Preview

Review the words dog, cat and fish with the flashcards.Hold up the flashcard for rabbit.Present the word rabbit.Model the word at least twice, and then have the children repeat after you in a choral drill.Point to the picture and elicit the word from individual children.Repeat the step above to present the new vocabulary: bird.Review the five words by repeating the step above. Step3:Presentation of new language

Have children open their books and look at the picture.Using Chinese, discuss the picture.Ask children where the characters are, what they are doing, how they feel, what Ann has bought, and so on.Ask, “What colors can you see ?” Hold up your copy of the book and point to different animals, eliciting the colors.Now point to the dogs and ask, “How many dogs are there?” Elicit, “Three.”

Repeat the step above for bird, cat, rabbit, and fish. Step4:Talk about the story

Have the children look at the pictures as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5:Touch and say

Have children open their books and direct their attention to the pictures and words along the foot of the page.Play the tape, and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Without the tape, read the words together.板书设计:

Lesson 1 What is it? It’s a dog.How many…? 课后小结:由于是新授课,学生对单词的掌握情况不太熟练,下节课要多练习。Lesson 2 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)

What is it?

It’s a dog.Vocabulary: dog




bird Teaching preparation:

The flashcards for this Unit.Teaching steps:  Step 1:Preview

Review the flashcards for this Unit.Collect together pictures of fish, dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds.Cover one of the pictures with a piece of card so that when you hold it up, the children cannot see what it is.Have the children guess what animal it is.Elicit “It’s a fish.” Repeat the steps for dog, cat, rabbit, and bird. Step 2:Trace and match

Have the children look at the pictures to be traced at page 4.Have the children trace the animals and say the sentences for each one.Now have children read the sentences on the page.Direct them to join the words to the matching pictures with a pencil. Step 3:Sing the song Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Play the tape without stopping.Have children listen and point to each number and animal as it mentioned.Play the song again and have children join in with the words.As they chant they should point to the illustrations.Divide the class into five groups.Assign each group two consecutive numbers.Each group sings a verse and the class mimes or does an imitation of the animals mentioned. Step 4:Set homework Ask the children to remember the words.课后小结:学生对数字掌握的比较熟练,但个别学生对句子掌握的不是太好,下课后需多加辅导。Lesson 3 Teaching aims: Review: What is it?

It’s a dog.Teaching preparation: Flashcards for cat, dog, rabbit, fish, and bird.Pencils or crayons.Teaching steps:  Step 1:Listen and practice Have the children open their books at page 6.draw their attention to the photograph of the mouse.Point to the picture on the page and say, “This is mouse.” Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, mouse.Repeat the procedure above for the words monkey, net and nest. Step2:Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a thyme about animals.Play the tape, the teacher acts out the thyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the thyme.Play the tape for third time, have the children listen to the tape and encourage them to say one or two words with the tape.Play the tape again and again and have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 3:Match and draw Hold up your copy of the book, point to each drawing and elicit the name of the animal.Draw children’s attention to the seven pictures of pet animal habitats.Explain that they are going to decide which animal lives where.Now have the children copy the line drawing of each animal into the correct place. Step 4:Homework Ask each child to make a mask of their favorite animal.课后小结:这节课作练习效果比较好,学生掌握单词的熟练程度好多了。Lesson 4 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)What is it?

It’s a dog. Vocabulary: dog





mouse monkey Teaching step:  Step 1: Warm-up Review he rhyme from the previous lesson.Have children say the rhyme in a class chorus.Then say it in teams or chose individual student to say the rhyme.Encourage students singing animal songs or saying animal rhyme while imitating the animal. Step 2 Review with poster Using Chinese, ask them to describe the picture.Ask where the characters are, what they are doing and how the children think the characters feel.Say, “Point to a dog.” and have the children point to a dog.Repeat this for bird, cat, fish, and rabbit.Practice asking yes/no questions.Point to the rabbit and ask, “Is it a dog?” Elicit, “No” or “No, it is a rabbit.”  Step 3: Match and color Say, “Open your books.” Have the children look at the picture.Say “Find a dog.” Have children point to a dog in the picture.Repeat the step above for fish, cat, rabbit, bird, mouse and monkey.Draw children’s attention to the text at the top of the page.Have them read each sentence silently.Explain that they are going to match each sentence with one of the animals.Set enough time for children to do the matching activity.Then have them color each animal according to the sentences. Step 4: Find and color Have the children open their books and look at the picture.Explain that in the picture there are some animals.Give children a few minutes to look for the animals.When all the children have found the animals, they can color them and share their pictures with class. Step 5: Set homework Review the words 课后小结:在做练习之前先对单词进行复习,学生熟练掌握之后,再做单词连线,学生掌握的比较好。Unit 8 Shapes Lesson 1 Teaching aims:  Structures(New)Receptive: What shape is it?

Productive: It’s a square. Structures(Review)Receptive: What is it?

Productive: It’s a dog. Vocabulary(New):square circle triangle star

heart rectangle  Vocabulary(Review): dog cat rabbit fish bird mouse monkey net nest Teaching preparation: Prepare student cards, poster for this Unit, scissors, crayons, and pencils.Teaching Steps:  Step 1: Review Review the words.Ask, “What is it ?” and have children respond, “It’s a dog.” Repeat for all the words of animals. Step 2: Preview Use the flashcards to present the new vocabulary.Hold up the flashcard for square and have children look at it.Point to the square and say, “It’s a square.” Present the word, square.Model the word at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill.Then point to the shape and elicit the word from individual children.Repeat the step above and present the new vocabulary: circle, triangle, rectangle, star, and heart.Review the six new words by holding up different shapes and eliciting the word from the children in a choral drill, and then from individuals. Step 3: Model the dialog Pin up the Poster for this Unit where all the children can see it.Allow a few minutes for the children to look at it.Using the cookies on the poster to present the other new structures: It’s a square, It’s a circle, It’s a triangle. Step 4: Talk about the story Have the children open their books at pages 10.Have the class look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5: Story Play the tape and have the children look at the pictures as they listen.Play the tape again, pausing at each picture.Have the children repeat the words each time. Step 5: Set homework Ask the children to remember the words and practice the sentences.课后小结:本课的单词为形状类,而且发音较难,可以指出新单词中发音与原来所学单词相同,学生接受的会更快一些,例如:circle中的/ir/与bird中的/ir/发音相同。Lesson 2 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?

Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: square circle triangle star heart rectangle Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.The puppet of Uncle Booky.Pencils and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps:  Step 1: Review Have the children take out the set of shapes that they made in the previous lesson.Say, “Star” and have children stand up and hold up their star shape.Repeat the step above for square, circle, triangle, rectangle, and heart.Let children call out shape names and have the class listen and trace the shape in the air. Step 2: Preview Place your set of flashcards in a box, a hat, or inside a book so that the children cannot see.Very slowly remove one of the shapes from the box.Children watch and try to guess what the shape is.Have them call out, “It’s a square.”

Continue until you have revealed all the shapes. Step 3: Look and draw Student Activity Book page 12 Have the children look at the shapes to be traced.Give the children a few minutes to look the picture carefully, and find the shapes.Do the first line with the children and give children enough time to finish all the blanks.Check the answers by having children hold up their books and show their pictures to the rest of the class. Step 4: Sing the song Explain to the children that they are going to learn a sng about shapes.Say the names of the shapes and have children point to each one.Read the words and have children listen and follow th e words silently.Now play the tape without stopping.Have children listen and point to each shape as it is mentioned.Play the song angina.Have children join in with the words.As they sing, they should point to the shapes. Set homework Sing the new song to their families.课后小结:兴趣是最好的老师,在游戏中教学往往得到很好的效果,本节课的歌曲引导学生在韵律和节奏中记忆掌握单词,学生掌握情况好多了。Lesson 3 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?

Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: square circle triangle star heart rectangle Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Children’s sets of shapes.Pencils and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps:  Step 1: Review Review the flashcards for shapes that the children have already known. Step 2: Listen and practice Direct children to open their books and draw their attention to the photograph of he orange.Point to the picture and say, “This is an orange.”

Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape on more time and have children listen and repeat he word, orange.Repeat the procedure above for other words, octopus, and pen.Review the word pencil with the flashcard. Step 3: Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape , the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Encourage children to say one or two words with the tape.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 4: Trace and match Have children look at the shapes to be traced at page 15.Direct the children to trace each shape carefully and produce the word for each one.Now have them read the vocabulary words on the page.Explain that they are going to match each word with one of the shapes.Have children join the words to the shapes with a pencil. Step 5: Set homework Ask the children to say the rhyme to their families.课后小结:歌谣提高了学生的兴趣,大部分学生听说练习都达到了熟练的程度,个别学生需要辅导。Lesson 4 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?

Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: square




heart rectangle orange octopus ostrich pig peacock Teaching preparation:

poster for this Unit Pencils and crayons for coloring Teaching steps:  Step 1: Warm-up Review the rhyme from the previous lesson.Have children say the rhyme in a class chorus, then in teams or chose individual student to say it.Review the words belong to shapes. Step 2: Review with poster Give the children an opportunity to produce anything they can about the illustration.Point to different objects and ask, “What color?” Elicit, red, brown, green and so on.Point to different objects and ask, “How many?” Elicit, one, two, and so on.Say, “Show me a circle.” Have children point to a circle.Repeat the step above for square, triangle, star, and heart. Step 3: Read and color Direct their attention to the instructions in the top left-hand corner of the page 16.Read the instructions together and check that all the children understand what they are going to do.Have children find the shapes within the body of the robot and color according to he instructions.Check the answers by having children hold up their books and show their colored pictures to the rest of the class. Step 4: Find and color Explain that children are going to look for the shapes within the picture and say the name of each one.Ask the children to color the shapes and check the answers. Step 5: Set homework Ask the children to review the words and sentences of this unit.课后小结:通过复习和练习,大部分学生已经掌握了本单元的单词和指令,课本练习中的涂色练习很好的检查了学生掌握单词的情况,根据教学反馈及时调整教学进度和教学方式。Unit 9 Food and drink Lesson 1 Teaching aims:  Structures(New)

Productive: I like hamburgers. Structures(Review)Receptive: What shape is it?

Productive: It’s a square. Vocabulary: hamburgers

French fries pizza

chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles Teaching preparation: Flashcards for Unit 8.The poster for this unit Scissors, pencils, and crayons for coloring Teaching steps:  Step 1: Review Review the words of shapes. Step 2: Preview Use the flashcards of food and drink items to present the new vocabulary.Hold up the flashcard for milk.Say, “It’s milk.” Present the word milk.Model the word at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: hamburgers ,French fries, pizza, chicken, juice, milk, ice cream, rice and noodles.Review the nine new words by holding up the flashcards and eliciting the words from the children in a choral drill, then from individuals. Step 3: Presentation of new language Pin up the poster for this unit where all the children can see it.Allow a few moments for the children to look at it.Teach the concept of “like.” Point to the hamburgers on the poster and convey the idea to the children that you like them.Present the structure, I like hamburgers.Model the structure at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the structure from individuals.Repeat the step above ad, using the food and drink illustrations in the poster, present the other new structures:I like French fries, I like pizza, I like chicken, I like juice, I like milk and so on. Step 4: Story Have the children open their books to pages 18.Have the children look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5: Touch and say Have children open their books and direct their attention to the illustrations and words that appear around the border.Play the tape, and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Touch the photograph of pizza, say, “I like pizza.” Repeat this procedure for other photographs.Have children word in pairs.One child points to pictures of food and drink items that he or she likes and produces the structure.The other child looks and listens.Explain to the children that they only point and talk about the pictures of the food and drinks that they like. Step 6: Set homework Ask the children to remember the words of food.课后小结:用情景来引入课文,发现学生的兴趣很高,而且学习效率也提高了很多,以后要多多采用。Lesson 2 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)Productive: I like hamburgers. Vocabulary: hamburgers

French fries pizza

chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Pencils or crayons Children’s sets of food and drink cards.Teaching steps:  Step 1: Warm-up Hold up the flashcard for milk.With the other hand bounce a ball on the floor and have children produce the word milk each time you bounce the ball.Vary the pace at which you bounce the ball.Repeat the procedure with the pictures for the other vocabulary items. Step 2: Preview Cover the flashcard for ice cream with a piece of paper or card so that the children cannot see the picture.Hold up the covered picture and very slowly begin removing the paper or card.Children try and guess what the food or drink item is.Have them call out their guesses.Continue until you have revealed all the vocabulary items. Step 3: Trace and circle Have the children look at the pictures to be traced.Have children carefully race each item and orally produce the word for each one.Now have them read the vocabulary words below each picture.Explain that they are going to choose the correct word for the picture and circle it.Have children circle one of the words with a pencil. Step 4: Sing the song Tell children that they are going to learn a song about food and drink.Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Explain that only the first three verses are printed on the page, but that the children will hear about all the food and drink items that are illustrate.Now play the tape without stopping.Have children isten and point to each food or drink item as it is mentioned.Play the song again and have children join in with the words.As they sing, they should point to the pictures. Step 5: Set the homework Ask the children to sing the song to their families.课后小结:指令练习和歌曲提高了学生的兴趣,在游戏中教学,可以达到事半功倍的效果。Lesson 3 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)Productive: I like hamburgers. Vocabulary: hamburgers

French fries pizza

chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles quilt queen Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Pencils or crayons Children’s sets of food and drink cards.Teaching steps:  Step 1: Warm-up Review the rhyme from the previous lesson.Have children say the rhyme in a class chorus, then have them say it in teams or chose individual student to say.Review the sentence “I like milk.”

 Step 2: Listen and practice Have the children open their books at page 22.Point to the picture and say, “This is a quilt.”

Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, quilt.Repeat the procedure above the words queen, rabbit and rice. Step 3: Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape, the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape again and again and have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 4: Read and draw Have the children open their books to page 23.Have them look at the pictures of food and drink and elicit the vocabulary.Point to the picture of pizza and ask them which category it belongs to.Repeat this for the other eight items.Allow the children time to draw each item in the appropriate group.课后小结:在歌谣学习过程中,鼓励学生看图猜测歌谣大意,引导学生主动学习,并通过歌谣的学习复习单词,效果较好。Lesson 4 Teaching aims:  Structures(review)Productive: I like hamburgers. Vocabulary: hamburgers

French fries pizza

chicken juice milk ice cream rice noodles quilt queen rain robot Teaching preparation: Flashcards for this Unit.Pencils or crayons Children’s sets of food and drink cards.Teaching steps:  Step 1: Warm-up Have children pick a card from their sets of food and drink items.Have them read it and practice the sentences. Step 2: Review with poster Review the vocabulary and structures for this Unit with the poster.Give children an opportunity to produce anything they can about the illustration.Point to the pizza that Ken is eating and ask, “What is it?” Elicit, “Pizza.”

Repeat the step above for the other eight vocabulary items.Point to Mocky’s speech bubble and say, “I like hamburgers.” Have children repeat after you.Point to the other food and drink items and elicit the I like „ structure as a choral drill, then from individuals. Step 3: Read and match Have them read each one silently then look at the pictures.Explain that they are going to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Have children match each sentence to one of the pictures with a line.Check the activity by having volunteers read out a sentence and show the class the picture to which it refers. Step 4: Find and color Have the children look at the picture at page 25.Explain that they are going to look for things within the picture and color each one in a different color.Have the children count the number of each object and write the number on the right column. Step 5: Set homework Ask class to review the words and sentences of this unit.课后小结:本节课是复习课,做练习之前对单词和句型进行充分的复习,再做课本上的涂色与连线练习,学生掌握的效果很好。Unit 10 Family Lesson 1 Teaching aims:  Structures(New)Who’s this? This is my mother. Structures(Review)I like hamburgers. Vocabulary(New)Mother father sister brother friend  Vocabulary(Review)Hamburgers French fries pizza chicken juice milk ice cream noodles Teaching preparation Children’s sets of food and drink picture cards from unit 9 The poster for this unit The mask of Ann A piece of paper for each child, and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps:  Step1: Warm-up Review the food and drink vocabulary from the previous unit. Step 2: Preview Use the poster for this unit to present the new vocabulary.Pin up the poster where all the children can see it and hae them look at it for a few moments.Explain that today they are going to learn about family members.Point to the picture of Ann’s mother and say, “This is Ann’s mother.” Model the word at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then point to the picture and elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: father, sister, brother, friend.Review the new words by pointing to different people in the picture and eliciting the appropriate word from the children. Step 3 presentation of new language Have the children look at the poster.Point to Ann’s mother in the poster and say, “This is my mother.” Present the structure at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill.Repeat the step above and , by pointing to the other people in the picture, present the other new structures: This is my father.This is my sister.This is my brother.This is my friend.Review the structures by pointing to different people in the picture eliciting the structure as a choral drill, then from individual children. Step 4 Talk about the story Have the children open the book at pages 26.Have the children look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 5 Extension Hand out a piece of paper for each child.Explain that they are going to draw pictures of their families.It will include their mother, father, sisters, and brothers.Ask them to include a drawing of a friend.Children place their completed drawings on he desk in front of them.Call out items and have children point to the people in their pictures. Step 6 Set homework Ask children to bring in a photograph or photographs of their families and friends for the next lesson.课后小结:本单元的重点词汇属于家庭类,在引入时注意设置适当的情景启动学生的原有知识库,调动学生学习积极性。Lesson 2 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)This is my mother. Vocabulary Mother





Teaching preparation Flashcards for Unit 10 Children’s family photographs.Teaching steps:  Step 1 Flashcards review Use the flashcards to review vocabulary for this Unit. Step 2 Read and match Have the children look at the pictures of family on the page 28.Direct the children to read the words on the page.Explain that they are going to match each word with a character in the picture.Set a reasonable time for children to complete the task.Check the activity by having children hold up their books and show the class which word they joined with each character.If there is time, children can color the picture. Step 3 Sing the song Have the children open their books at page 29.Explain that they are going to learn a new song about family and friends.Say the words and have children point to each person as you say them.Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Explain that only the first three verses are printed on the page, but that the children will hear about all the people who are illustrate.Play the tape without stopping.Have the children listen and point each family member as they are mentioned.Play the tape again and have children join in with the words.As they sing, they should point to the pictures.Have children take out their family photographs or drawings.Encourage volunteers to point to one of their family members and sing a verse of he song about them. Step 4 Set homework Explain to the children that you want them to sing the new song to their families.课后小结:在课堂上适当调整内容结构,融入一些音乐,学生在欢乐中学到的知识更牢固,以后要多采用。Lesson 3 Teaching aims:  Structures(Review)This is my mother. Vocabulary(Review)Mother


sister brother

friend  Vocabulary(New)Salad



tea Teaching preparation You will need: Pencils and crayons for coloring Children’s family photographs or drawings.Teaching steps:  Step 1 Review Review the words and sentences that have learned. Step 2 Listen and practice Have the children open their books at page 30.Draw their attention to the photograph of the sandwich.Point to the photograph of the word.Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as the listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, sandwich.Repeat the procedure above for the word salad, tomato and tea. Step 3 Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape, the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape again and again and have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher while trying to say the rhyme. Step 4 Trace and match Direct children’s attention to the things they are going to trace.Help them to trace the food and drink carefully and say the names of these things.Read the words in the middle of the page.Ask children to match the pictures with the words.If there is time, have children color the pictures. Step 5 Set homework Tell the children that you want them to color the pictures for homework.课后小结:同过反复的听说练习,加强了学生对单词和句型的理解,在做练习前先复习所学知识,效果比较好。Lesson 4 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)This is my mother. Vocabulary Mother








tea Teaching preparation The poster of this unit.Pencils and crayons for coloring.Teaching steps:  Step 1 Review with poster Using Chinese, talk about the picture.Discuss what Ann and Mocky are doing, where the family is on vacation and what each person is doing in the pictures.Point to the ice cream and ask, “What’s this?” Elicit, “Ice cream.” Review the family members and friend. Step 2 Read and circle Have the children open their books at page 32 and ask them to look at the family tree.Using Chinese, ask them if they know what a family tree.Point to each person in the family tree and elicit the vocabulary words.Now have children read the words below each illustration.Explain that they are going to circle the word that describes the person above/ Have children circle five words and then check the activity together.Have children hold up their books and show the class the word that they circled for each person. Step 3 Find and color Have children look at the picture and say anything they can about it in English.Point to different family members in the picture and elicit the vocabulary.Explain that children are going to look for the things they have learned within the picture and color each one in a different color.Set enough time for the children to color the picture and check the exercise by having children hold up their books and show their pictures to the rest of the class. Step 4 Set homework Review the words of this unit.课后小结:通过学习,学生对单词和句型已经熟练掌握,在原有知识的基础上让学生理解家庭树的含义,学生的兴趣很高,求知欲强,效果比较好。Unit 11 Clothes Lesson 1 Teaching aims  Structures(New)It’s a dress.They are pants. Structures(Review)This is my sister. Vocabulary Dress





shoes Teaching preparation Prepare the flashcards for this unit and the poster for this unit.Teaching steps  Step 1 Warm-up Review the family words and rhyme from the previous unit. Step 2 Preview Hold up the flashcard for sweater.Say, “It’s a sweater.” Model the word sweater at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the new words shirt and dress.Now hold up the flashcard for pants.Say, “They are pants.” Model the word pants at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill, then elicit the word from individuals.Repeat the step to present shoes and socks.Review the new words by holding up different flashcards and eliciting the word from the children in a choral drill. Step 3 Story Have the children open their books at pages 34.Have them look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 4 Touch and say Have children open their books and direct their attention to the words that appear along the foot of the page.Play the tape , and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Direct the children to look at the pictures at the bottom of this page.Have them work in pairs, taking turns to point to and say the words for all the pictures.Provide a teacher-children example: have one child point to a photograph;you respond with the word. Step 5 Set homework Have children open their books to the page of the clothes cards.Have the children color them.课后小结:本单元为服装类词汇,在引入新单词时,要先复习以前所学的颜色词汇,在由学生本身的着装引入所学单词,效果较好。Lesson 2 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)It’s a shirt.They are shoes. Vocabulary Dress





shoes Teaching preparation Prepare the flashcards for this unit and the poster for this unit.Children’s clothes picture cards.Teaching steps  Step 1 Review Have children take turns to call out words and have the other children listen and hold up their picture cards. Step 2 Preview Cover the flashcard of a dress with a piece of paper or a card so the children cannot see it.Hold up the covered flashcard and gradually reveal it by slowl removing the paper or card.Have children try to guess what the clothing item is.Explain that they must use It is or They are in order to win the point.Have theme call out their guesses individually, or make it into a team game.Repeat the procedure with the flashcards of the other clothes vocabulary. Step 3 Trace and match Have children open their books and look at the pictures that they are going to trace and guess what each one is.Elicit, “It’s a shirt.” Or “They are socks.”

Now have children trace each item of clothing with a pencil/ Ask the children to read the words on the page.Have them match each word with one item of clothing.Check the answer by having children hold up their books and show the class which word they joined with which item of clothing. Step 4 Sing the song Have the children look at the illustrations that accompany the song.Say the names of the clothes and have children point to each item.Read the words and have children listen and follow the words silently.Play the song straight through.Have the children listen and point to the clothes as they are mentioned.Play the song again.Have the children join in with the words.Have children take out their sets of clothes cards.Play the tape again and have children hold up the clothes items as they are mentioned. Step 5 Set homework Ask the children to sing the new song to their families.课后小结:歌曲的反复诵唱让学生在节奏和韵律中再次熟悉所学单词,在歌曲的学习过程中,假如适当的动作 帮助学生理解歌词含义,学生兴趣很高。Lesson 3 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)It’s a shirt.They are shoes. Vocabulary(Review)Dress





shoes  Vocabulary(New)Umbrella



watch Teaching preparation Prepare the flashcards for this unit and the poster for this unit.Children’s clothes picture cards.Teaching steps  Step 1 Review Call out clothes words randomly and have children respond by miming getting dressed. Step 2 Listen and practice Ask children to open their books and draw their attention to the photograph of the umbrella.Point to the picture on the page and say, “This is an umbrella.”

Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, umbrella.Repeat the procedure above for other words, violin, watermelon and watch. Step 3 Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape, the teach acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of he rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape for the third time, have the children listen to the tape, and encourage them to say one or two words with the tape.Play the tape again and again and try to have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher wile trying to say the rhyme. Step 4 Read and color Have the children look at the picture on the page 39.Ask children what they can see.Ask them if this looks like their bedroom at home.Now say, “ They are blue.” Have children color the socks blue.Repeat the procedure for the other items in the picture. Step 5 Set homework Ask the children to say the rhyme to their families.课后小结:本课中的连线很好地检测了学生对单词的掌握情况,在听说练习中加深学生对句型的掌握,这样可以达到很好的效果,以后要多采用。Lesson 4 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)It’s a shirt.They are shoes.Teaching steps  Step 1 Warm-up Review the rhyme from the previous lesson.Say the rhyme in a class chorus, then in groups or chose individual student to say. Step 2 Review with poster Review the vocabulary and structures for this unit with the poster. Step 3 Read and match Have children look at the pictures at page 40.Have them say the English names of these pictures.Teacher says the English, and have the children point to the picture.Have the children read the sentences in the middle.Explain that they are going to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Have the children match each sentence to one of the pictures with a line. Step 4 Find and color Have children open their books, look at the picture and say anything they can about it in English.Now discuss the picture briefly in Chinese.Explain that the children are going to look for clothes they know in the picture, and color each one. Step 5 Set homework Review the unit words.课后小结:在复习中让学生做一些小练习,可以检验学生的掌握情况,这样就可以更有针对性地复习。Unit 12 I can swim Lesson 1 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)It’s a dress.They are pants. Structures(New)I can jump. Vocabulary Can











shoes Teaching preparation

The poster for this unit Teaching steps  Step 1 Warm-up Explain that children are going to point to the clothes that you call out. Step 2 Preview Explain that today the children are going to learn how to talk about some things they can do.Make sure you have all the children’s attention and jump into the air.Jump again and say, “I can jump.” Model the word jump at least twice.Now have children repeat after you in a choral drill.Then elicit the verb from individuals.Repeat the step above and present the following new vocabulary: swim, walk, run, dance.Now have children do the actions when you say the words. Step 3 Story Have the class look at the picture as you play the tape.Play the tape again and have the children repeat the words. Step 4 learn the words Have children open their books and direct their attention to the words that appear along the foot of the page.Play the tape, and have them point to each picture as they hear the matching word.Replay the tape while displaying your copy of the page.Without the tape, read the words together.Have the children work in pairs to read the words. Step 5 Set homework Review the unit words.课后小结:本单元的单词为动作类,在情景引入时,可以让学生在课堂前先跟着老师做动作,既提高了学生的注意力,也加深了学生的印象。Lesson 2 Teaching aims  Structures(New)I can jump. Vocabulary Can






Teaching preparation Flashcards for this unit.Teaching steps  Step 1 Review Review the words that have learned last class  Step 2 preview Pin up the flashcards for the five verbs on the blackboard.Have children point to the matching picture when you say the word. Step 3 Touch and say Explain to the children that they are going to look at some photographs of what animals can do.Review the sentence “ I can dance.” Have the children read after you. Step 4 Sing the song Tell children that they are going to sing in English about things that they can do.Have children look at the pictures around the song words.Hold up your copy of the book, point to pictures at random and elicit the verbs.Play the tape without stopping and have children listen and point to the actions as they are mentioned.Play the tape again and this time have children join in.Now children sing along and do the actions as they are mentioned. Step 5 Set homework Ask children to sing the new song to their families.课后小结:在复习词汇的时候,要大量运用肢体动作,学生在快乐中学习的效果很好,再结合歌曲进行很好地复习和巩固,学生掌握单词很熟练。Lesson 3 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)I can jump. Vocabulary Can










Teaching preparation

The flashcards for jump, run, walk, dance, and swim Teaching steps  Step 1 Warm-up Play some music on a tape or on the radio that you know the children enjoy.Say, “Stand up and dance.” Have children stand up and dance to the music.Explain that when the music stops, they are going to stop dancing and change the action.Pause the music and have children stand still.Now say, “Walk.” Have children walk around until out start the music again and they resume dancing.Continue the activity until children have practiced all the actions and are warmed up. Step 2 Listen and practice Play the tape, pointing to the photograph of the word.Now replay the tape and have children touch the photograph as they listen.Play the tape one more time and have children listen and repeat the word, xylophone.Repeat the procedure above for yo-yo, zebra and zoo. Step 3 Say the rhyme Tell the children that they are going to learn a rhyme.Play the tape , the teacher acts out the rhyme while listening to it.Try to make children understand the meaning of the rhyme.Play the tape again, and encourage the children to clap their hands or act out while listening.Play the tape for the third time, have the children listen to the tape, and encourage them to say one or two words with the tape.Play the tape again and again and try to have the children act or clap their hands with the rhyme, have them shout out words or phrases.Have the children act out with the teacher wile trying to say the rhyme. Step 4 Read and draw Have the children open their books at page 47.Have children look at the six little pictures at the side of the page.Explain that they are going to draw one of these pictures in each space.Have them draw the objects and color them according to the text.Check the answers in a class drill. Step 5 Set homework Have the children color the pictures on page 47.课后小结:歌谣的学习更好地巩固了学生所学知识;在练习中又充分的检验了学生掌握知识的情况,发现学生掌握的比较好,但仍有个别学生需要加强辅导。Lesson 4 Teaching aims  Structures(Review)I can jump. Vocabulary Can






Teaching preparation

The flashcards for ball, square, ice cream, pants, book, cat
