


1.英语音频练习题 篇一

2014年全国英语演讲比赛 校内选拔赛 通知

第二十届中国日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛 和 2014“外研社”杯英语演讲比赛将于2014年10月正式启动。两项赛事均为国家级比赛,我校选手选拔和指导任务由外语学院具体承担。比赛分为校选赛、省决赛、全国总决赛三个阶段,现就校选赛具体事项通知如下:

演讲题目(报名校选赛者两个题目均需准备): 1.change the unchangeable(需自加副标题,3 minutes)2.seeing is not believing(需自加副标题,3 minutes)录制3分钟演讲视频:



作品提交: 因邮箱容量限制,请不要重复提交。

电子文稿 开头部分请提供详细个人信息:姓名,性别,手机号,邮箱,学院,班级,曾经获奖情况。




南京工业大学 外国语学院











七、活动过程...................................................................................4 前期准备...........................................................................................4 活动过程...........................................................................................4 后期工作...........................................................................................5



十、可行性分析...............................................................................6 附件.........................................................................................................7





三、活动目的 本班举行此演讲比赛以提高同学们的英语口语水平,提供一个可以展现自我,激励他人的舞台,并且加强在校大学生的竞争意






2)报名:在学习委员处报名登记 3)场地租赁:找导员租借教室 4)桌椅安排:赛前布置场地 5)音频图片:赛前收集选手所需音频图片,制作ppt等 6)奖品购置 7)邀请评委


1)主持人致开幕词并且介绍到场的评委、嘉宾 2)主持人介绍比赛的规则评分细则。3)开始,选手根据比赛前的抽签顺序进行比赛 4)其间主持人向观众及选手公布结果分数 5)在前5号选手参加完比赛之后,中间穿插游戏,现场互动调节比赛气氛。







1)总结全过程,指出不足以便下次改正 2)对每个同学的表现作出评价,并写下不足之处告知该同学。3)对录制的视频做剪辑 4)张贴出每期获胜的同学 5)写比赛报告

八、人员安排篇三:记一次英语演讲比赛 an english speech 记一次英语演讲比赛 an english speech last week, i took part in an english speech contest which was held by our teachers.there were twelve students in the final contest.i was one of them.fifteen minutes before my turn, i picked my topic and prepared for it.i wrote down the outlines and organized what i was going to say.however, when i stood in front of all judges and students, i was extremely nervous.my mind was totally empty.then i took a deep breath to relax myself and started my speech.the result was not as good as i expected, but i preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whose process was the most important for me.i can learn a lot from this contest.i am sure i will be better next time.上周,我参加了学校老师举行的一次英语演讲比赛。总共有十二位同学进入决赛,我是其中之一。轮到我的前十五分钟,我选好我的主题并做好准备。我写下大纲并组织好要说的内容。但是,当我站在评委和同学们面前的时候,我就很紧张,头脑一片空白。于是我深呼吸使自己放松然后开始演讲。虽然结果不像我想象中的那么好,但是我宁愿把它当做一次对自己的挑战,过程对我来说才是最重要的。我能够从这次比赛中学到很多,我相信下次我一定能够做得更好的。篇四:记一次英语演讲比赛 an english speech 记一次英语演讲比赛 an english speech last week, i tookpart in an english speech contest which was held by our teachers.there weretwelve students in the final contest.i was one of them.fifteen minutes beforemy turn, i picked my topic and prepared for it.i wrote down the outlines andorganized what i was going to say.however, when i stood in front of all judgesand students, i was extremely nervous.my mind was totally empty.then i took adeep breath to relax myself and started my speech.the result was not as goodas i expected, but i preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whoseprocess was the most important for me.i can learn a lot from this contest.i amsure i will be better next time.上周,我参加了学校老师举行的一次英语演讲比赛。总共有十二位同学进入决赛,我是其中之一。轮到我的前十五分钟,我选好我的主题并做好准备。我写下大纲并组织好要说的内容。但是,当我站在评委和同学们面前的时候,我就很紧张,头脑一片空白。于是我深呼吸使自己放松然后开始演讲。虽然结果不像我想象中的那么好,但是我宁愿把它当做一次对自己的挑战,过程对我来说才是最重要的。我能够从这次比赛中学到很多,我相信下次我一定能够做得更好的。篇五:记一次英语演讲比赛 an english speech 记一次英语演讲比赛 an english speech last week, i took part in an english speech contest which was held by our teachers.there were twelve students in the final contest.i was one of them.fifteen minutes before my turn, i picked my topic and prepared for it.i wrote down the outlines and organized what i was going to say.however, when i stood in front of all judges and students, i was extremely nervous.my mind was totally empty.then i took a deep breath to relax myself and started my speech.the result was not as good as i expected, but i preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whose process was the most important for me.i can learn a lot from this contest.i am sure i will be better next time.上周,我参加了学校老师举行的一次英语演讲比赛。总共有十二位同学进入决赛,我是其中之一。轮到我的前十五分钟,我选好我的主题并做好准备。我写下大纲并组织好要说的内容。但是,当我站在评委和同学们面前的时候,我就很紧张,头脑一片空白。于是我深呼吸使自己放松然后开始演讲。虽然结果不像我想象中的那么好,但是我宁愿把它当做一次对自己的挑战,过程对我来说才是最重要的。我能够从这次比赛中学到很多,我相信下次我一定能够做得更好的。

2.英语音频练习题 篇二

如今, 计算机多媒体网络技术在教育教学中的全面应用, 促进了教学方法和教学结构的改革、教学思想教学理论的发展, 为探索新的教学模式、教学法和教学手段提供了机会, 而对于英语听力教学更起到积极的作用。而目前, 英语听力课程的一个突出的问题是教学形式需要多样化。

以录音磁带为主的传统媒体日益显示出其局限性和落后性, 如果将之转换成音频在电脑控制台上播放, 不仅容易控制, 而且容易节选素材。而英语听力课程中, 除听教材录音、运用软件进行人机对话外, 收听外国英语节目和、收看网络上原声英语电影也是很好的选择。它们不仅具有实用性、时效性, 而且撰稿及播音均为native speakers, 对学生学习语言大有裨益。但由于其在内容上未加甄选, 因此, 有的或内容与我国政策相左, 或录音、影像长度过长, 只需要摘录其中几段即可满足课堂使用。因此, 教师需要从中精选出有用的内容, 让学生最大限度地从中受益。

另外, 英语听力教师在期末考试时, 不仅要出纸质试卷, 而且要录制相对应的听力考试题。所以, 音频素材的制作处理, 尤其是音频文件格式的转换与剪辑, 在英语听力课件制作及期末考试音频制作中是经常性的工作。笔者结合自身英语听力教学的工作经验, 与读者分享一下常见的音频剪辑和制作技巧, 希望对英语听力教学方法的改进起到一点作用。



(1) 音频文件的编辑。

除了教科书材料外, 听力教师可能要常给学生补充一些必要的听力知识。有时, 可能已有的音频文件长度过长, 只需要从中跳跃式截取部分内容以满足实际教学需要, 这就涉及到对音频文件进行编辑。此处主要介绍WAV与MP3这两种最常用的音频格式文件的剪辑工具及剪辑方法。

WAV、MP3格式音频文件的剪辑常用工具是Premiere, 可以下载一个中文版本的软件。安装后打开界面, 可以看到三个窗口, 换句话说, 其编辑方式有三种:时间线上的编辑、监视器窗口上的编辑、故事板编辑 (工程无标题栏) 。找到故事板编辑 (即工程无标题) 窗口, 在其框中空白处右键单击, 右键单击, 选择“导入”, 进而选择所要导入的文件或者文件夹, 比如, 某个英语音频。然后找到时间线编辑窗口, 在时间线编辑窗口中可以看到五行, 前两行是视频栏, 后三行是音频栏, 把希望编辑的那个文件用鼠标拖动到音频1中, 然后, 找到监视器编辑窗口。其中, 有两个一样的框, 一般用右边的那个框就足够了。用鼠标左键单击右边那个框中标有向右箭头的开始按钮, 即可播放音频1中的录音, 然后, 点击右边那个框中标有正方形的停止按钮, 即可停止播放, 在时间线编辑窗口的左边有几个图标, 其中, 那个像刀片的图标就是截取音频图标, 使用时需要先用鼠标点击一下该图标, 然后可在打算截取的音频处点击一下, 此处音频处就会出现一个短竖线, 把鼠标移到两个短竖线之间的音频段落上, 右键单击, 就可以选择剪贴或者删除此段, 如果有其他需要插入的音频段落可以用鼠标拖至此空白段落中, 完成剪辑与合成。

(2) 另外一款很实用的软件是Total Recorder。

使用步骤为:打开Total Recorder应用程序, 点击“文件”菜单, 选择“打开”, 然后, 选择拟编辑的音频文件的位置和名字, 接着在应用程序下方的选择目录下通过和键进行所需文件前后时段的选择, 最后, 将选定的那部分音频文件在“文件”的菜单下选“保存选择为”目录下进行命名保存。


(1) 磁带转录成MP3。

如今, 许多学校使用多媒体进行英语教学, 但一些听力素材是以磁带形式出现, 无法在电脑上播放, 这需要将磁带转换成MP3格式。如果采取外录的形式, 即一边用录音机播放录音, 一边用电脑录音软件或者是录音笔来录制, 常常会有外界噪音干扰, 录制结果往往不令人满意。为避免这类情况的发生, 我们可以用内录的形式, 设备与步骤很简单。首先, 需要从市场上买一根双头音频线, 两边的音频插头都是一样的那一种, 然后, 从网上下载一个没有录制时间限制的录音软件。比如, Total Recorder (而一般电脑自带的录音机软件有60秒时间限制, 不太符合要求) 。需要注意的是, 电脑作为录音的设备, 需要设置一下。以Windows XP为例, 在控制面板中, 打开“声音和音频设备”, 在“音量”选项卡中设备音量中, 打开“高级” 按键, 在弹出的主音量窗口中, 在菜单“选项”下选“属性”, 在“属性”对话框中, 更改“混音器”为“input”, 然后, 勾选“线路音量”, 确定后退出。最后, 在“录音控制”对话框中勾选“线路音量”。然后, 准备好录音机, 放好磁带, 就可以开始准备录音了。

具体的操作步骤为:首先, 将一根双头音频线, 一头插入录音机的Phone插孔, 一头插到台式电脑声卡的Line in (线性输入) 插孔, 一般来说, 这个插口原来的插头线的颜色标志是黄色的。其次, 运行total recorder应用程序。在“选项→录音源及参数设置”菜单中, 将音源设为“声卡→线路输入”;在“录音参数”选项点击“更改”, 将“格式”改为“MPEG Layer-3”, 属性可以采用默认设置, 然后点击“确定”, 退出参数设置。第三, 用录音机把要录制的歌曲调整好, 按下录音机上Play (播放) 键的同时, 用鼠标单击应用程序的“录制”按钮。结束录制时, 用鼠标单击“停止”按钮。然后起个名字把录制的声音文件保存起来即可。

(2) 视频文件转换成音频文件。

在听力教学中, 有时, 教师需要将收集到的视频文件转换成音频格式。可用千千静听软件打开视频文件 (注意这一软件只能出声音, 无法显出图像) 然后点击其右下角的pl (播放列表) , 在弹出的对话框中可以看到正在收看的视频名称, 右键单击这个视频名称, 在列出的对话框中点击转换格式。然后, 在下一个弹出的对话框中进行设置。具体如下:在输出格式中选择MP3编码器, 音效处理一栏中, 把启动回放增益、启用当前均衡器设置、启用当前杜比环绕器设置三栏都打上勾。在选项栏中, 自己设一下转换文档放置的地址 (如E盘根目录下等) , 把转换后自动添加至播放列表一栏打上勾。然后, 点击立即转换按钮, 就开始实行音频转换了。通常一部两个半小时的视频用20分钟就可以转换成音频。而转换后的音频文件不仅可以在电脑上, 而且可以在MP4上播放。


多媒体网络资源非常丰富, 可以轻松下载。拥有了多媒体网络就等于拥有了一个听力资源库。可以用Total Recorder应用软件进行网络录音, 把网络英语听力资源转换成音频文件。

操作步骤为:首先, 按Total Recorder主界面上的“录音源及其参数设置”按钮, 将录音源选择为“软件”, 然后“确定”。然后, 打开IE到目标网站, 打开想录制的声音档, 接着会弹出新闻在线收听播放器Realplayer, 迅速点击Total Recorder的录音键, 录音开始。录完按停止键即可。想听录好的声音, 按播放钮即可 (如果看录音是否正在正常运行, 只要看录音电平表上的那两个条形的绿色水平柱是否在左右闪动) 。


在英语听力考试中, 教师需要出纸质试卷, 并根据纸质试卷内容录制对应的听力考试题。这涉及到音频剪辑、教师自录麦克风里的声音或者各种外接音源, 比如, CD、碟机的录制, 磁带的录制等。Premiere软件是一款很实用的音频制作软件, 也较易于操作。具体步骤分为剪辑其他音频内容、教师自主录音、音频合成、效果调试四步。


这部分内容与音频文件的编辑相同, 在此不再赘述。


(1) 教师自录麦克风里的声音。

教师可以用耳麦进行自录, 这需要事先设置好录音方式。以Windows XP为例, 在控制面板中, 打开“声音和音频设备”, 在“音量”选项卡中设备音量中, 打开“高级” 按键, 在弹出的主音量窗口中, 在菜单“选项”下选“属性”, 在“属性”对话框中, 更改“混音器”为“input”, 然后勾选“麦克风输入音量”, 确定后退出。最后, 在“录音控制”对话框中勾选“麦克风输入音量”。准备好麦克风, 调节音量大小, 然后, 就可以用我们上文中讲的录音软件来录音了。

(2) 外接音源的录音。

有时, 则可能会从各种外接音源, 比如, CD、碟机, 甚至磁带的录制等。此时, 可选择“声卡”录音模式。先按Total Recorder主界面上的“录音源及其参数设置”按钮, 将录音源从“软件”改成“声卡”, 然后“确定”。回到主界面后按录音钮即可开始录音, 如需停止录音按停止钮。录音完毕, 可点取保存按钮来保存文件。可将文件保存成*.wav (默认) 格式, 也可以将文件保存成*.mp3甚至*.wma等其他格式。


因为教师的素材是零散的, 需要把这些零散的素材在Premiere中组合起来。可以打开Premiere软件, 按照出试题时的音频顺序逐个导入音频文档, 依次拖至时间线上的编辑窗口的音频轨道中, 可以使用多个音频轨道, 可在各音频轨道上叠加音频素材, 最终输出的声音是各音频轨道在时间线上的合成。每拖一个音频, 都用监视器编辑窗口上的播放按钮播放一下, 看看是否内容正确, 确保与前后音频衔接得当。在时间线上的编辑窗口底部, 是时间帧的相关设置, 可以设为1秒、12帧、1帧等形式。帧数越少, 则精确度越高。根据内容, 可以使用刀片工具 (即时间线上的编辑窗口中左方的刀片形按钮) 对音频轨道上的音频素材进行分割及剪切、删除、复制、粘贴等操作。还可以使用音频滤镜对音频进行修饰, 以满足实际使用的需要。最后, 将工作区的各音频轨道进行合成输出, 输出格式可以根据需要选择*.wma、*.wav或*.mp3等文件格式。

计算机多媒体网络辅助教学用于英语教学, 能使“教学形式更加活泼, 教学质量进一步提高, 能变被动接受信息为主动接受信息, 从而激发学生的主动性和创造性” (项国雄, 2000) 。它符合当今国际上外语教学手段更新与发展的趋势, 有助于提高学生的学习兴趣, 有效训练学生的听力理解能力, 优化听力教学效果。而音频剪辑与制作技巧则可以充分发挥计算机多媒体网络的作用, 为英语听力课程教学及其他相关课程教学提供必要的支持。


[1]仇如慧.音频制作技巧在大学英语听力课程中的应用.科技信息, 2007, (15) .

[2]项国雄.多媒体课件设计基础[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2000.

3.高考英语原创练习题精选 篇三






参考词汇:学生社团活动the students’ activities 个性 personality 开阔眼界broaden one’s vision


Recently, we have had a class meeting on whether we should participate in the students’ activities at school, which includes literature, science, culture, sports and so on. At the class meeting, some students say that they can choose what they like according to their own interest, and that the students’ activities can enrich their knowledge, broaden their vision and make their spare time colorful. And also they are clear that it can display their personality and build up the bridge of communication among the students. Some other students, however, are against it, thinking that it is of no help for their future growth, which will waste their time and energy and affect the learning. In general, I think that it is a stage to display our talent in our spare time and it plays an important part of campus culture.


责任编校 蒋小青

4.英语音频练习题 篇四

2.Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed.A.spareB.fastC.moderateD.moral

3.All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65.A.fadedB.illustratedC.confinedD.concerned

4.This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology.A.canalB.tunnelC.channelD.cable

5.The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again.A.beanB.beamC.bakeD.battery

6.When making modern cameras, people began to _______ plastics for metal.A.surroundB.substanceC.stretchD.substitute

7.With the help of the government, a large number of people _______ after the flood in 1991.A.survivedB.suspendedC.sufferedD.subfected

8.He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind, and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about.A.novelB.spoilC.acceptableD.additional

9.Please be serious.I am not _______.You should consider it carefully


10.We do not have a _______ school in our institute.The highest degree we provide for the students is a B.A.and a B.S..A.continueB.bayC.assistanceD.graduate

11.In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state.A.federalB.figureC.scientificD.service

12.He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member.A.traditionalB.scholarC.nurseD.pilot

13.When you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later.A.policyB.plainC.permanentD.principal

14.John _______ to be a polite man.But in fact he is very rude.A.pretendsB.assuresC.affordsD.melts

15.We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty.A.owesB.spoilsC.desertsD.neglects

16.In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______.A.facilitiesB.hensC.votesD.artists

17.When a spacecraft travels, one of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _______.A.surfaceB.atmosphereC.attitudeD.bent

18.This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea.A.boundaryB.stringC.spotD.zone


19.She is already 16years old.But she _______as if she were still a little girl.A.believesB.absorbsC.accessesD.behaves

20.We are _______ at the rapid progress Mark has made in this semester.A.distinguishedB.annoyedC.astonishedD.scored

21.The doctors _______ the medicines to the people in the flood area.A.distributedB.packedC.prayedD.undertook

22.Much of the news provided by this newspaper is _______, not foreign.A.domesticB.strainC.purchaseD.murder

23.He tried to _______relations with his former wife but he failed.A.measureB.maintainC.shelterD.reply

24.He _______ to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.A.resolvedB.resortedC.requestedD.reserved

25.The _______ work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.A.researchB.rescueC.vesselD.vast

26.Many kinds of animals are believed to have _________ from the earth


27.The engineers in this lab spent several weeks _______ their plans for the new bicycle.A.countingB.strippingC.elaboratingD.casting

28.Pine trees are usually believed to _______ cold weather.A.guardB.accomplishC.roarD.endure

29.Free medical service is _______ to nearly all the college students in China.A.favoriteB.availableC.convenientD.average

30.After working for twenty hours without any rest, the doctors were _______.A.exhaustedB.mountedC.wrappedD.restored

31.The college students in China are _______ from smoking on campus because this will do them no good.A.discouragedB.observedC.obeyedD.obtained

32.Professor Smith is also the _______ of the international program office.If you have any problem when you study here, you may go to him for help.A.detectiveB.presidentC.managerD.director

33.We won’t allow any foreign country to _______ in our internal affairs.A.devoteB.districtC.interfereD.wander

34.We can not _______ all the magazines together.A.routeB.drawC.threadD.bind

35.What he said in the meeting _______ everybody present.A.disgustedB.dismissedC.disposedD.eliminated

36.Some lazy men would rather _______ than work.A.indicateB.declareC.solveD.starve

37.This boy was _______ for what he had done in the class.A.scoldedB.overcomeC.inclinedD.displayed

38.Some states in the United States _______ people to carry guns.A.applyB.charmC.ignoreD.forbid

39.Carelessness made him fall in his job _______.A.interviewB.intentionC.stomachD.stocking

40.Sometimes it is very difficult to _______ some of the English words.Even the native speaker can not help.A.decreaseB.createC.defineD.delight

41.Students with _______ problems may apply for student loans.A.economicB.financialC.maleD.economical

42.Both sugar and salt can ______in water.A.desertB.absorbC.dissolveD.involve

43.I have not heard anything from him since his _______.A.departureB.faultC.foundationD.acceptance

44.Without a proper education, people could _______ all kinds of crimes.A.conductB.stoopC.commitD.sweat

45.Several loudspeakers are _______ from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.A.connectedB.sustainedC.associatedD.suspended

46.This morning in the class, our teacher lost his _______ at last because he could not stand any more.A.temperB.terrorC.verseD.contain

47.It is not---_______ for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.A.continuousB.difficultC.convenientD.sufficient

48.When traveling alone in the mountains, you’d better take a _______ with you in case you get lost.A.compassB.compressC.composeD.campus

49.As a teacher, you should not _______ the students from asking questions in class.A.ruinB.restrainC.importD.impose

50.If you have any problems during your study here, please do not _______ to call me for help



1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.A

19.D 20.C 21.A 22.A 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.A 32.D 33.C

34.D 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.D 39.A 40.C 41.B 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.A 47.C 48.A

49.B 50.A

51.His proposal is _______ to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.A.apparentB.appearingC.approachingD.apart

52.This mountain range has many high _______ and fertile valleys.A.peaksB.hillsC.phasesD.pink

53.He gave us a good _______ of his experience.A.demonstrationB.frequencyC.DescriptionD.instruction

54.You have your choice of three _______ of ice cream.A.varietiesB.topsC.respectsD.decks

55.This sick man was _______ in a blanket.A.inputB.issuedC.ensuredD.wrapped

56.This is the military ________.Nobody is allowed to get in without permission.A.bondB.zoneC.butterD.zoo

57.Rock music usually _______ the young people in most countries.A.applies toB.appeals toC.amazesD.actress

58.Would he have seen you if you hadn’t _______ to him?


59.Everyone _______ the right to his own opinion.A.imitatesB.requestsC.deservesD.outlines

60.I’m worried about the appearance of the floor.I need to _______ it.A.cleanB.fixC.waxD.oven

61.He felt _______ of what he had done in school.A.shyB.ashC.advisableD.ashamed

62.Milk, butter and cheese are _______ here from the farms.A.importedB.transferredC.transformedD.transported

63.I never realized that someday I would be married to a _______.A.moleculeB.oxygenC.geniusD.rug

64.We all _______ your coming to help us.A.appropriateB.appreciateC.admitD.affect

65.What they are _______ about is which comes first: the chicken or the egg?


66.I certainly didn’t intend to _______ your plans.A.upsetB.shakeC.shaveD.drag

67.If you want a pen, look inside the _______ of the desk.A.boxB.drawerC.majorD.melt

68.Under no _______ will I go there again.A.circumstancesB.situationC.giantD.happen

69.This supermarket developed rapidly under his _______.A.administrationB.suggestionC.approachD.appearance

70.That is a _______ point of view.I don’t agree with you.A.crystalB.proteinC.unionD.conservative

71.That radio company is so big that it has a lot of _______ in foreign countries.A.introducersB.instructorsC.conductorsD.agents

72.I am afraid it was a _______ for you to do this.A.botherB.bitterC.bakeD.band

73.During these ten years, many new methods have been _______ in the field of

foreign language teaching.A.adoptedB.adaptedC.alarmedD.aided

74.That is _______ behavior and nobody likes it.A.whistleB.structuralC.selfishD.fur

75.Yesterday was such a _______ day we decided to go for a drive.A.gloriousB.dynamicalC.avenueD.invitation

76.Two lines can form an infinite number of _______.A.anklesB.anglesC.angelsD.adults

77.He needed a _______ operation.A.missileB.indirectC.incomeD.minor

78.Most people say that the new film is a ______.A.mysteryB.smartC.furnitureD.custom

79.They serve _______ food in this restaurant.A.castleB.glueC.deliciousD.wing

80.We are leaving this afternoon, but we have not _______ our suitcases yet.A.trappedB.insultedC.packedD.invited

81.The _______ of the house is beautifully painted.A.underneathB.wellC.interiorD.image

82.A general _______ is held in the United States every four years.A.selectionB.choiceC.electionD.choose

83.His friend was injured in an airplane _______.A.breakB.crashC.failD.falling

84.I am a new _______.I was hired yesterday.A.employerB.employeeC.employmentD.fence

85.I didn’t know where to send this _______ letter.A.registeredB.maidC.mailD.male

86.What are the _______ farm products in this region?


87.Alan is a good football player and never breaks _______.A.legalB.regulationsC.limitationD.agreement

88.In college I _______ in science.What was your major?


89.The first part of this paper is the _______ review.A.literatureB.fieldC.studyD.phenomenon

90.The next time I buy a TV set, I’m going to buy one with a larger _______.A.frontB.screenC.partD.menu Contest 5.答案:

51.A 52.A 53.C 54.A 55.D 56.B 57.B 58.B 59.C 60.C 61.D 62.D 63.C

64.B 65.D 66.A 67.B 68.A 69.A 70.D 71.D 72.A 73.A 74.C

75.A 76.B 77.D 78.A 79.C 80.C 81.C 82.D 83.B 84.B 85.A

86.C 87.B 88.A 89.A 90.B

Understanding a budget

A budget is a foreign concept to kids(and, it should be said, to many adults).Younger children, especially, simply won’t realize that mommy and daddy have a _____(1)_____ amount of money to spend every month.But, _____(2)______what a

budget is, and why it is a good idea, is one of the central pillars of financial literacy.The best way to teach kids how a budget works is _____(3)_________ to show them.That’s not to say that you should open your books up to your children and show them every penny coming in or out(although you may consider ______(4)______ some details with teenagers about things like your mortgage payment, car payments, and so on).Instead, just give them a broad ____(5)_______ of how adults have to divide up their money each month.One easy way to demonstrate this concept is to take a stack of Monopoly money(游戏钞票), and tell your child that the stack represents how much money you ____(6)_____ every month from work.Then, divide up the ______(7)_______ one at a time to show how much you spend on the house, how much you spend on food, how much you save, how much you give to charitable _____(8)______, and so forth.The denomination(面额)aren’t important.What’s important is showing your children that you have a _____(9)________ plan for your money, and that you are on the top of the family finances.Encourage your child to start a budget of his own: part of his allowance should go to savings, part to charity, and part of it is just for fun.Help your child identify what he _____(10)_______ values, and budget his money accordingly.A.aware












5.初级英语练习题 篇五

01.我姐姐在那儿吗?她和谁在一起呢? Is my sister there? Whom is she with? 02.我妈妈没在家,她和街坊出去了。

My mother is not at home, she is out with neighbors.03.那本书怎么样?它在你的手里吗? How is that book? Is it in your hand? 04.这是给我的,那些是给谁的? This is for me.Whom are those for? 05.Sam Sterm根本就没在这儿,他每天在二楼办公。

Sam Sterm is not here at all, he is at work on the second floor every day.06.他是干什么的?他不是经理吗? What is he? Isn’t he a manager? 07.你的小狗在哪儿?它在什么里边? Where is your dog? What is it in? 08.这是谁的办公室?里边有人吗?哪间办公室是你的? Whose office is this? Is anyone in? Which office is yours? 09.我的电话出了毛病,手机在哪儿?

Something is wrong with my telephone, Where is the cellphone ?

10.电视开着呢,把它关上吧!The TV is on, turn it off.11.我的备份没在你的电脑里吗? Isn’t my copy in your computer? 12.这是干什么用的? What is this for? 13.我的手机昨天就在这儿放着呢!My cellphone was right here yesterday.14.这个书包是谁的?那是谁的书包?我的在这!她的呢?Whose is this bag? Whose bag is that? Mine is here, wherehers? 15.这本字典不像我的,但那本像。

6.英语六级练习题 篇六

A. The man will probably have to find a roommate.

B. The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs.

C. The man will probably have to buy a car.

D. The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires.


W: Well, tonight we have Professors Brown in the studio to talk about his recent book-Fashion Images. Good evening, professor.

M: Good evening, and thank you for inviting me here this evening.

M: Im looking for an apartment with a monthly rent to around 200 dollars in this neighborhood. Can you give me some advice on that?

W: Well, its rather hard to find anything for less than 300 dollars here. Rents are lower in the suburbs, but youll need transportation if you choose to live there.


B 。根据女士所说的 今天我们请布朗教授带着他的新书《时尚映象》来到我们演播厅 ,可以看出她在主持节目。答案为B。

D。男士问女士建议,女士说: 很难在附近找到房租低于300美元的房子 ,言外之意是合乎男士要求的房子很难找。答案为D。









