


1.圣诞节的英文自我介绍 篇一

Preparation of the Christmas cake


This was an English tradition which started centuries ago. On Christmas eve, plum porridge was served to the people. As years passed, various other things like dry fruits, honey and spices were used. Soon this porridge got replaced with the Christmas cake. Christmas cakes are made using eggs, butter, confections, fruits, etc. Today a Christmas cake is an integral part of a Christmas menu.


Decorating the Christmas tree


This refers to the tradition of decorating a pine tree using lights, tinsels, garlands, ornaments, candy canes, etc. Today, a Christmas tree is an indispensable part of Christmas celebration.


Lighting up the Christmas candle


This refers to the tradition of placing a lighted candle outside houses during the Christmas season. A candle signifies hope as it brings light even to the darkest room. In the earlier times, when Christians were persecuted, they were not allowed to practice prayers. Hence, a single candle used to be placed outside the house as a sign that Christian prayers were being conducted inside.


Distributing Christmas candies


This is one of the most wonderful traditions of all. Christmas candies are distributed to neighbors during the Yuletide season. On the day of Christmas, all misunderstandings and grudges are forgotten and the community comes together to celebrate the birth of Christ.


2.圣诞节的英文自我介绍 篇二

美国《简明不列颠百科全书》、中国博物馆协会、《苏联大百科全书》都明确表示博物馆是通过实物和文字向公众告知某种事物、传播某种文化的场所。宁波帮博物馆汇集并整合了宁波帮的历史人文资源, 是传播中国文化, 尤其是宁波文化的重要媒介。博物馆中陈列着许多富有宁波帮文化特色的展品, 中外参观者可以通过博物馆陈列语言及其英语翻译来理解展品名称、用途及其由来。

我对宁波帮博物馆进行了实地采访, 获取第一手可靠资料, 对其进行研究, 并取得一定的研究成效。本文以宁波帮博物馆实地文字翻译为基本材料, 对博物馆翻译与文化两者之间的关系进行了探索, 并从翻译策略角度———主要是归化和异化翻译策略, 对宁波帮博物馆英语介绍语的翻译进行分析, 比较译者在博物馆翻译中采用的归化与异化翻译策略, 探讨宁波帮博物馆英文介绍语是如何做到既通俗易懂, 又不失文采, 同时还保留其文化内涵的。

2. 博物馆介绍语翻译研究的发展

李莹 (2005) 根据Lawrence Venuti对归化与异化翻译的定义, 对博物馆中文化现象所运用的翻译手段进行分类, 描述性地阐释了在文化背景各异的情况下, 译者由于受到不同意识形态的影响而趋向于选择与占支配地位的意识形态相符合的翻译策略。

丁宁 (2009) 认为在进行异化翻译处理时, 一般以突出异域色彩为出发点, 注重异域风俗文化、价值取向、思维方式和表达习惯等。归化翻译处理则反之。二者的特点决定了译者在博物馆翻译工作中应该灵活掌握, 具体情况具体采用为好。

谭金利 (2006) 认为翻译目的、文本类型、作者意图及读者的接受能力等因素制约着归化和异化策略的应用, 这两种翻译策略之间存在辩证关系, 应该根据具体场景采取适当的策略。

古今中外, 关于博物馆介绍语、博物馆文化及翻译的归化异化策略的研究为数不少, 但是将三者结合为一体, 从归化异化的角度, 研究博物馆介绍语中的文化翻译问题的文章寥寥无几。上述三位学者亦是如此, 有些没有选取特定博物馆进行研究, 其研究过于笼统。有些则没有将其思想与博物馆文化研究相结合。通过调查, 我发现, 专门针对某个博物馆进行的研究几乎为空白。

3. 归化与异化翻译策略

美国翻译理论家Venuti (1995) 在《译者的隐形———翻译史论》一书中提出归化和异化两种翻译策略。归化翻译法是指在翻译中采用透明、流畅的风格, 最大限度地淡化原文的陌生感的翻译策略 (Shuttleworth&Cowie, 1997:43-44) 。它应尽可能地使源语文本所反映的世界接近目的语文化读者的世界, 从而达到源语文化与目的语文化之间的“文化对等”。而异化翻译法是指偏离本土主流价值观, 保留原文的语言和文化差异;或指在一定程度上保留原文的异域性, 故意打破目标语言常规的翻译 (Shuttleworth&Cowie, 1997:59) 。它主张在译文中保留源语文化, 丰富目的语文化和目的语的语言表达方式。

归化翻译使“外国文本的种族中心让位于英美译入语的文化价值观” (Venuti, 1995:20) 。韦努蒂的归化翻译包括目的语文化对文本的选择, 即有意挑选那些能够采用归化翻译方法的外国文本, 以便于将之同化到目的语主流文化当中去 (Venuti, 1997:241) 。

异化翻译是“对译入语文化价值观施加种族离心的压力, 以在翻译作品中体现外国文本语言和文化的差异, 从而把读者送到国外” (Venuti, 1995:20) 。韦努蒂的异化翻译能够抑制翻译中种族中心的暴力, 抑制英语国家“暴力”的归化翻译文化价值观 (Venuti, 1995:20) 。

4. 宁波帮博物馆翻译实例分析

宁波帮博物馆英文介绍语中存在着许多有可分析价值的实例, 篇幅有限, 本文仅选择其中几个具有代表性的实例进行探讨。


“帮”在《现代汉语词典》中的解释是“群;伙;集团 (多指为政治的或经济的目的而结成的) ”。这是一个带有浓重中国文化意味的字。英文中表示“群;伙;集团”意思的词, 如group, 它仅仅只是一小部分人的集合, 他们并不一定具有共同的目的;又如company, 它绝大多数情况下是指两人的友好关系:它们都无法将“帮”传神表达。“宁波帮”一词, 宁波帮博物馆的翻译版本, 直接就是“Ningbo Bang”。“Ningbo Bang”采用异化的翻译策略, 以汉语拼音来诠释“帮”的内涵, 故意打破目标语言常规的翻译, 从而在一定程度上保留原文的异域性。


“宁波人”在宁波帮博物馆中的翻译版本是“Ningbonese”, 这个翻译同时采取了归化与异化的翻译策略。“Ningbonese”看似是一个生造的词, 但是由构词学角度, 它可以被看作是“Ningbo”+“nese”。“nese”在英文中是“ (某国的;某地的) 人”的后缀, “Ningbonese”也就可以马上并清楚地被国外友人理解为“宁波人”了。同时, “Ningbonese”一词发音类似于“宁波宁”, 第二个“宁”在宁波方言中有“人”的意思, 因此, 这一个词的翻译完整地保留并传达了汉语的文化意味, 是一个非常精彩的翻译。

4.3 政治专有名词的翻译

在政治专有名词的翻译上, 归化与异化翻译策略的选择则更偏重于国家在外交时对外宣传的统一翻译口径。在宁波帮博物馆中, 有不少政治专有名词。“九一八事件”译作“The Septermber 18th”, “五四新文化带动的白话文运动”译作“May Movement”。针对其中的一些历史时期, 比如“道光年间”, 宁波帮博物馆中的翻译为“The Daoguang Period”, 这确实是对中国历史时期较普遍的翻译, 但是我认为, 参观博物馆的部分中国人还不一定熟悉中国过去的历史时期划分, 更何况是国外友人。因此, 我建议在此类历史时期后注明时间区间。

4.4 历史人物姓名的翻译

在人名的翻译上, 中西方已经基本达成了文化传播的共识, 即中文名一般以拼音形式翻译成英文, 英文名一般以音译形式翻译成中文。并且, 姓名的翻译还必须符合一定的文化及语法习惯, 即中文名姓在前, 名在后, 而英文名则正好相反。在宁波帮博物馆中, “潘天寿”译为Pan Tianshou, “谭盾”译为Tan Dun, “傅其芳”译为Fu Qifang, 这些都是很容易被国外友人理解的。其中也有一些较特别的人名翻译, 比如“董浩云” (Chao Yung Tung/C.Y.Tung) 、“王宽城” (Wang Kwan Cheng/K.C.Wong) 、“包玉刚” (Pao Yue-kong) 、“张敏钰” (Ming Yu Chang) 、“应昌期” (Ing Chang-ki) 等, 他们是宁波帮的代表人物, 迁居中国港澳台, 并且有着西学的背景, 采用的姓名英文翻译已经约定俗成, 同样的还有“孙中山” (Sun Yat-sen) 、“毛泽东” (Mao Tsetong) 、“蒋介石” (Chiang Kai-shek) 等历史人物。

4.5 宁波歌谣的翻译

宁波帮博物馆中有许多带有宁波本土味道的歌谣, 比如只有八字的“大海洋洋, 忘记爹娘”。没有了实体展品帮助理解, 这类翻译更趋近于文学翻译, 即更偏重于采用归化的翻译策略。宁波帮博物馆中的翻译是“Living so far on the other side of the ocean, I can hardly remember the faces of my parents”。以“I (我) ”为叙事主体, 讲述个人离家甚远思念父母的情感。从中, 国外友人能很快地理解简短的八字中文的内容。

4.6 实例分析小结

宁波帮博物馆的翻译, 根据不同翻译对象的类型, 采取不同的翻译策略。馆中英语介绍语部分采用归化翻译策略, 如“大海洋洋, 忘记爹娘”翻译成“Living so far on the other side of the ocean, I can hardly remember the faces of my parents”, 它最大限度地淡化原文的陌生感, 达到“文化对等”, 使英语国家朋友容易接受;部分采用异化翻译策略, 如“宁波帮”翻译成“Ningbo Bang”, 它故意打破目标语言常规的翻译, 保留原文文化差异;部分同时采用归化和异化翻译策略, 如“宁波人”翻译成“Ningbonese”, 它既保留了源语言的文化, 又接近目的语言文化读者的世界。针对宁波帮博物馆馆中的一些特例, 比如政治专有名词和人名的翻译, 归化与异化翻译策略的选择则更偏重于已经约定俗称的翻译标准。

5. 结论

文化是一个区域独有的表现形式, 通过翻译, 其他区域的人们也能够了解它的文化。在翻译策略中, 归化法要求译者向目的语读者靠拢, 采取目的语读者习惯的语言表达方式来传达原文的内容, 而异化法则正好相反, 要求译者向源语言作者靠拢。宁波帮博物馆英语介绍语针对不同对象, 恰当地使用归化和异化的翻译策略, 既清楚明了, 又保留了本土文化。


[1]Shuttleworth Mark, Cowie Moira.Dictionary of Translation Studies.St.Jerome Pub. (Manchester, UK) , 1997.

[2]丁宁.浅谈博物馆文字翻译的归化异化.中国科教创新导刊, 2009, (10) :80-82.

[3]姜智慧.异化翻译与文化形象的保存——浙江省博物馆“文化介绍”的翻译研究.新疆财经大学学报, 2010, (1) .

[4]李莹.从文化角度看博物馆文物翻译中的归化异化.广东外语外贸大学, 2005.

[5]刘薇.归化与异化在广告翻译中的运用.US-China Foreign Language (Serial No.63) , 2008.12.

[6]谭金利.从跨文化角度论翻译中的异化和归化.西安电子科技大学, 2006.1.

[7]韦努蒂.译者的隐形:翻译史论.外语教学与研究出版社, 2009.

3.圣诞节的英文自我介绍 篇三



christmas is a christian holiday that celebrates the birth of jesus christ.no one knows the exact date of christ´s birth, but most christians observe christmas on december 25.on this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services.during the christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and christmas trees.the word christmas comes from cristes maesse, an early english phrase that means mass of christ.the story of christmas comes chiefly from the gospels of saint luke and saint matthew in the new testament.the history of christmas dates back over 4000 years.many of our christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the christ child was born.the 12 days of christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades)with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early mesopotamians.many of these traditions began with the mesopotamian celebration of new years.the mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god-marduk.each year as winter arrived it was believed that marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos.to assist marduk in his struggle the mesopotamians held a festival for the new year.this was zagmuk, the new year´s festival that lasted for 12 days.the persians and the babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the sacaea.part of that celebration included the exchanging of places, the slaves would become the masters and the masters were to obey.the ancient greeks held a festival similar to that of the zagmuk/sacaea festivals to assist their god kronos who would battle the god zeus and his titans.the roman´s celebrated their god saturn.their festival was called saturnalia which began the middle of december and ended january 1st.with cr

4.不错的英文自我介绍 篇四


Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors.I am very glad to be here for your interview.My name is。。,I come from。。, a very beautiful city.My undergraduate period will be accomplished in。。in July.My major is。。;Generally speaking, I am a hard-working student.Although I have grasped the essential knowledge of the major, but I think I can do many things just in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability.So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value.When I was junior, I found that I was interested in。。, so I wanted to be a postgraduate and study it more.Since professor。。is the leader in this field, I want to join his group and study following him.

5.简历的英文自我介绍 篇五

Name: Hu xiao-lu Sex: Male

Date of Birth: Dec. 28th, 1989 Native Place: Meishan Sichuan, P.R.China

Health: Good

P.R.China 617000

Tel: +86 (MP) ,

E-mail: @diyifanwen.com Marital Status: Unmarried Address: College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua.


Exploitation on teaching, management or research in university or academy;

Education: 20xx.9――20xx.6 Sichuan University Bachelor in Biology chemical engineering

Practice Experiences:

.7――20xx.9 Panzhihua University Teacher as instructor in chemical engineering

department, engaging in courses teaching, experimental teaching and thesis instructing, etc.

20xx.9――20xx.10 Participate in many projects and designs, have four-year experiences

Summary of Abilities:

Be familiar with basic knowledge and principle of metallurgical engineering and chemical

engineering, and be skillful in using Microsoft Office, Origin, Jade, XRD, GC, particle size

analyzer software and instruments, etc.

Be accomplished in science research and design.

Passed CET-4 and CET-6, fluent in English (reading/writing/listening/speaking), especially in

special English on chemical engineering and process.


Sureness, honest, able-minded, laborious, could cooperate with others well, have strong ability of


Project List:

Synthesis Mechanism and Properties of TiO2 with Ordered Mesoporous Structure through Titanium

Sulfate Hydrolysis Process Induced by Supermolecular Template (Chinese Natural National

Foundation, 50474071)

Preparation of nanometer titania via crystal aberration in high density ultrasonic field and thermal

decomposition (Chinese Natural National Foundation, 50274056)

Preparation of lithium ion rechargeable battery using cobalt instead of manganese (Sichuan

province basic application foundation, 02GY029-031)

Preparation of No. II preservative agent of Mango (Panzhihua importance science & technology

tackle key problem foundation, 20xx1-21 )

Basic academic study of SO42-,Cl- on deposition and crystallization of nickel

carbonate (Jinchuan aggregative Co. Ltd. (Sichuan University, 04H433) )

6.圣诞节的英文自我介绍 篇六

1 英文版科技期刊质量的现状

我国英文版科技期刊是对外科技信息交流的重要窗口, 也是我国的科技人员参与国际学术交流的一个平台, 其英文质量, 尤其英文表达的正确性和可读性是其重要的基础。根据2007年国家新闻出版署对148种英文版科技期刊质量检查结果显示, 仅有44种期刊合格, 合格率为29.73%, 约70% 期刊不合格, 其中包括 SCI, EI, IM等国际知名检索系统收录的期刊, 期刊差错率最高达96/万, 表明我国英文版科技期刊质量存在严重问题。此次抽检结果发现主要差错分为10类, 包括语法、结构、词语与搭配、用词、拼写、大小写、标点符号、格式、语言逻辑和引用与文献, 其中语法错误最多, 占约42%。也反映出英文版科技期刊编辑 (简称英文编辑) 的英文水平有待提高。如何采取有效措施提高刊物的英文质量和英文编辑的业务素质成为目前亟待解决的问题。

2 英文版科技期刊编辑的现状

合格的英文编辑必须具备广博的专业知识、熟练的编辑技能、深厚的科技英语写作功底和高度责任感[2]。目前我国英文版科技期刊的编辑人员主要是由转行的专业人员、中文科技期刊编辑转作英文编辑及英语专业毕业的大学生或研究生组成。专业研究人员虽具备较高的专业水平, 但作为英文编辑, 在知识结构方面, 需要由专而精转向博而新, 在英文写作和编辑业务方面, 还需要有一个继续培训、实践和不断自我提高的过程。一般来讲, 英文编辑相应地应该具有较高的学历并经过编辑和英文方面的培训, 在实际编辑工作中锻炼后, 才能更好地胜任科技期刊英文编辑的工作[2] 。中文科技期刊编辑具备一定的编辑业务水平和编辑经验, 但作为英文编辑对英文稿件进行编修, 需要在英文写作方面进一步培训、学习和自我提高。英语专业毕业的大学生或研究生, 虽具有扎实的英语阅读、写作功底, 但专业知识和编辑业务方面非常欠缺, 对科技论文的英文写作的特点, 专业术语及表达方面, 也需要有一个培训、实践和不断自我提高的过程。因此, 应加强英文编辑的培训, 提高其自身的业务素质。

3 英文版科技期刊编辑的继续培训

编辑业务培训。对于英语专业毕业的大学生或研究生, 在开始从事编辑工作时, 最好派他们参加编辑培训班, 使他们系统了解和掌握科技期刊的编排规范及要求, 并在工作实践中消化吸收, 融会贯通, 逐渐提升其业务能力, 尽快胜任编辑工作。

英语培训。对于转行的专业人员、中文科技期刊编辑, 要创造条件让他们轮流参加脱产英语培训, 使他们系统学习科技英语写作和翻译技巧。通过培训学习和工作实践, 使他们更快提高英文水平和稿件编修能力。编辑部应重视英文编辑的培训和交流, 积极派他们参加各种英文编辑培训班和有关讲座, 使他们及时了解和掌握新的英文版科技期刊的编排规范、英文编辑技巧、英文科技论文写作特点和要求;组织英文编辑多与同行交流编辑经验和办刊经验[3];与相关的英文科技期刊交换刊物, 互相学习, 取长补短。

积极参加学术交流。编辑部应积极安排英文编辑参加各种国内外相关的学术会议, 了解相关专业领域最新发展动向及新技术、新方法, 增加他们判断所编辑论文的学术质量及创新性的能力, 能发现及纠正文章中存在的问题和错误, 提高论文的编辑质量。英文编辑应积极参加有关学会组织的英文科技期刊学术活动, 听取国内外资深编辑的科技论文编辑技巧和经验。如2009年高校学报研究会组织的第12次年会英文版期刊分会, 邀请国外资深编辑Ian McIntosh 讲授“Use of the definite and indefinite articles in the English language”, 楼钦元教授讲授“How to write/edit scientific papers”, 同时邀请国内优秀英文科技期刊的编辑介绍办刊理念和编辑经验, 使到会的英文编辑感觉不虚此行, 受益匪浅。

4 英文编辑业务素质自我提高的途径

目前, 我国英文版科技期刊的编辑人员的业务素质参差不齐, 尤其表现在英文写作水平方面;因此, 在英文写作方面均需要有一个不断学习、实践和自我提高的过程。只有在实际编辑工作中不断学习和锻炼, 才能更好地胜任科技期刊英文编辑的工作。英文编辑可通过以下途径提高其自身英语水平。

经常阅读原版英文科技文献。大量阅读著名原版的英文科技文献, 有助于学习和了解英文科技论文的表述特点, 掌握英文科技论文写作的行文规律、语言使用技巧和规范的专业术语, 扩大专业词汇量, 增加语感, 培养识别和修改能力 [2,3];因此, 英文科技编辑应经常阅读国外相关的知名英文科技期刊刊载的最新论文, 如Nature, Science和Cell等, 并与自己所编辑加工的英文论文相比较, 从中汲取英文编辑加工的知识和技能, 规范自身使用的语言, 使编辑的论文在语言表达上更加规范、具有可读性, 达到进行国际学术交流的目的。

翻译中文资料。我国英文版科技期刊的稿件大部分为国内作者所撰写, 因不是母语, 这些稿件或多或少都存在一些“中式英语”的表达问题。在编辑过程中, 会经常发现一些文章完全按照中文稿直译过来, 虽每个单句的语法基本没有错误, 但整段阅读起来, 感觉非常别扭或读不懂, 这就是因为不顾语法, 缺乏修辞, 忽略上下句联系, 不注重逻辑关系所致[2]。

英文编辑, 尤其刚从事编辑工作的英文编辑, 应大量练习翻译相关专业的中文科技论文, 并与国外相关的知名英文科技期刊刊载的相关内容的论文进行比较, 检查和纠正练习翻译过程中存在的语法和科技英语的语言结构问题, 同时更要注重修辞和逻辑问题。英文编辑只有通过大量的练习, 才能具备较强的汉译英的水平和技能, 才会有能力审编改校英文稿件。

研究兼职编辑修改后的稿件。目前多数英文科技期刊聘请出国留学的学者、美籍华人科学家或母语为英语的外国专家, 或资深的科技英语翻译专业人员担当兼职编辑。他们具有扎实的文字功底, 有些又具有全面的专业知识, 是英文版科技期刊编辑质量的最理想的把关者。英文编辑应对他们编辑后的稿件多加学习和研究, 反思自己在编辑中没有发现的问题, 虚心向兼职编辑学习, 这样会起到事半功倍的效果, 使其早日成为一名合格的英文编辑。

注意专业词汇和常用句型的积累。英语学习是一个不断积累的过程。作为英文版期刊的编辑, 要有目的的去摘录和积累一些英文科技论文常用的句型, 并应用于稿件编辑加工中。经常阅读英文专业论文及参加相关专业的学术会议, 不断学习、积累和更新专业词汇, 这样, 在实际工作中才能快速发现原稿中的英文表达错误, 并能准确修正, 以不断提高期刊的英文编辑质量。

阅读英文科技论文写作和编辑方面的文章或专著。经常阅读有关英文科技论文写作或编辑方面的文章或专著, 包括英文科技论文文题、摘要、方法、结果、讨论、结论的写作特点, 科技论文的时态、语态和人称及常用结构和句型, 副词、冠词、分词、名词、合成词等各种词的使用, 及常见错误分析等, 从中学习和掌握英文科技论文的写作方法、特点及各种词的正确使用, 了解常见错误和问题及正确的表述方法, 吸取其他编辑在稿件编辑加工中的经验, 以快速提高英文稿件的编辑加工能力。

充分利用各种工具书和网络。编辑部应配备相关专业的工具书, 如专业英汉词典、汉英词典等, 英文编辑在稿件编辑中, 应充分利用这些工具书, 对于不熟识的专业词汇、术语或词汇, 应勤查词典。同时, 金山词霸、各种专业词典及英文校对软件的开发应用, 使英文单词的查阅更为便利, 单词拼写错误会明显呈现。安装这些软件, 可明显提高英文编辑的工作效率、消除拼写错误。网络的迅速发展, 给英文编辑开阔了视野、拓宽了学习的渠道, 通过各种数据库可以搜索众多学科的科技论文, 从中了解各种专业词汇、短语和词在科技论文中的正确使用方法, 有助于提高科技论文的编修水平和工作效率。另外, 通过百度等也可以查阅一般短语、词的用法。

英文编辑只有通过系统培训、实践和不断自我学习提高, 才能不断提升其审编改校英文稿件的能力, 提高编辑业务素质。只有高素质的英文编辑, 才能确保我国英文科技期刊水平的不断提高, 以实现促进对外科技信息交流, 扩大国际影响力, 参与世界竞争的目的。


[1]陈智, 谈慕华, 王东方.中外学术类英文版科技期刊现状比较[J].编辑学报, 2003, 15 (4) :290-292.

[2]宋福南, 柴瑞海, 朱虹.英文版科技期刊编辑人员业务素质的自我培养[J].编辑学报, 2006, 18 (1) :62-63.

7.新人英文的自我介绍 篇七

Hi, my name is liu xx. Im from hefei Marketing Department. I graduated from the English major of anjiang jianghuai college. Its been half a month since I came here in early November. This is the deepest feeling in this place. The green trees are green and green, the first thing that strikes me is the beauty of this place, and the strangeness of other places is quietly diluted. Then there is anticipation and unease about the unknown. With full of doubt and curiosity, I came to the department for an internship. I think I have a lot to learn. The managers voice was pleasant and intimate; The atmosphere here is also harmonious and warm and soft.

8.小学英文的自我介绍 篇八

hello !!! boys and grils

my name is forest , i 12 old , my is girl .my family have a three people .my is youngest than other two and i is oldest of the tow.my father and my monther very love me,i love them too.i at my family very happily. i love my family very much, and you?

i have a big eyes and a big mouth . i have a short between hair.

i have a lot of hobbies ,for example : ilike play football , basketball , badminton , table tennis , i like draw a paintings, watercolours and landscapes,i like is it .and you?

now, i in a six grade. i like chinese class very much, it very fun ,i love go chinese class. my best like p.e. it very happy. and you?

my dream is to be a computer engineer when i grow up, because i very like playing computers. and you?

i study very hard , i very like study .

9.教师的英文自我介绍 篇九

In 1995, i entered the nanjing university of science & technology (nust) —— widely considered one of the china’s best engineering schools。 during the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department。 i was granted first class prize every semester, and my overall gpa(89。5/100) ranked no。1 among 113 students。 in , i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test。 i selected the shanghai jiao tong university to continue my study for its best reputation on combinatorial optimization and network scheduling where my research interest lies。

at the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa(3。77/4。0) ranked top 5% in the department。 in the second semester, i became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only。 this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university。 presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis。

10.个人介绍 自我介绍 英文 篇十

Personal Introduction

Good morning, Ms Wu.I am glad to be here for this introduction about myself.My name is Zhang Song, 22.I come from Dazhou City of Sichuan Province.Yes, I was born there which left the memory of my whole childhood and youth.I’m thinking about a question all the time.Whether I have a serious face what make it difficult to close.But it is not true.And I find way to correct it by smiling more.So, you can easily guess that I’m a quite boy but I also have so many friends.About my hobbies, I like singing and surfing on the Internet.What I really hate is PE Sport.Maybe it’s not a good habit and I also realize this situation.Thus, I hardly fall into indoosman gens.Finally, I want to share my dream what to be a singing star one day.Thanks!

11.金融专业的英文自我介绍 篇十一


I ** University of Finance Department of Finance(including Insurance)07 graduates, four-year career in the school learning process, we have experienced failure and frustration, experienced success and happiness, I assiduous, at fighting, but is The so-called “A hard, a harvest,” I paid some return.Courses of study by the University for four years, to master and skilled use of international finance, money and banking, Central Bank, Insurance, property insurance, life insurance, the Western finance theory, financial marketing, financial marketing studies, bank accounting, commercial banks, Western economics and other professional knowledge and skills, and mastery of the computer beginner, intermediate knowledge and proficiency in the use of WINDOWS operating system, master internet, can use WpS, Microsoft Word, etc.document editing and operation, and can use tools such as photoshop software graphic design, mastered the production of Microsoft Visual Foxpro database.The intense in learning, eager to make progress, strive to learn each course, and two computers through a national examination.In practice life, I put myself in the real world to learn social knowledge, involved in many social practice, which enrich their knowledge of society.This is me, a solid professional foundation, integrated high quality, small secret agents, big dare, frank, cheerful, humble music students for the financial.Of course, learned a rich background in front of the older generation, I was just ignorant person, but a blueprint of your life and career given space, through Qin-xiu Kulian, tomorrow I do not Yong Yong bidding.

12.销售英文自我介绍的 篇十二

Morning/afternoon professor, I am Wang Jing, I was graduated from Nan Kai University as a computer/network major in year 2004. After graduation I worked in internet operation area, I once participated in the planning and setting of “B2B electronic-business flat”; and I introduced the “e-money system” into that flat successfully in order to combine the operation” and “function” perfectly.

In year 2005 I joined in the China MBA Education Net and I was honored to attend the Sixth Chinese MBA Develop Forum which was held by Nan Kai University. I leaded my team to broadcast the whole process lively in the internet, and that was the first and most successful example in the on line propaganda area. Later because of my excellent performance I was promoted as the district operation manager and being sent to Guangzhou to build up the South Operation Center.

But frankly saying I met a lot of problems during working. The internet industry is not a new growing one anymore; however everything is changing all the time due to its own characteristic. All of them confused me when I was making decision, managing the target and also planning. I can’t overcome them basing on my current knowledge background. So I am looking forward to get an opportunity to learn more from a Commercial college who can provide me the real help, I think Nan Kai is the best choice. So I please every professor here to give me a chance to be a member of Nan Kai and I hope I could give Nan Kai a good feedback. Thank you!
