


1.高三英语小练习 篇一



A.2i B.2i C.12i D.12i



A.cosxcosy B.log3log3

y1x1 C.xy D.()()y


x2y10,(x0,y0),则落入阴影部分的点的个数的估计为()A.5000 B.6667 C.7500 D.7854



12A.B.C.1 D.2 225、已知函数x2,x0f(x)


A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4



bsinC1 acsinAsinB=1且b5且ACAB5,则△ABC的面积为 8、2018“成都国际马拉松赛于10月27日在金沙遗址博物馆开赛,期间正值周末,比赛结束后,某校工会对全校教职工观看马拉松比赛的时间作了一次调查,得到如下频数分布表(1)若把当天观看比赛时间不低于3小时的教职工定义为“体育达人”,其他人定义为“非体育达人”,请根据如下频数分布2×2列联表判断:是否有90%的把握认为该校教职工是否为“体育达人”与“性别”有关。






2.高三英语小练习 篇二










1. 及时公布答案与提示,调动学生自主学习。



2. 尽快发还学生的练习。


3. 讲评时给学生充分的思考时间。





1. 将题目的已知与未知互换。


2. 相同背景下改变设问角度。


3. 原题基础上的延伸。



4. 关键性物理条件的细微变化,防止思维定势。


5. 利用原模型或方法解决新问题。




3.高三英语小练习 篇三



















4.中职英语高三翻译句子练习 篇四

When we were playing in great joy, I suddenly remembered my grandma.2.我们不得不告诉孩子们不要吃太多快餐。

We have to tell children not to eat too much fast food.3.农民们对于他们秋天的好收成非常高兴。

Farmers are very happy with their harvest in autumn.4.他太羞愧了以至于不能说出一句话。He is too ashamed to say a word.5.我匆忙的赶去机场但是我还是迟到了两个小时。I hurried to the airport but I was still two hours late.6.一寸光阴一寸金。(时间就是金钱)Time is money.16.10.16 1.行动胜于语言。

Action speak louder than words.2.这个演员是Tom的爸爸的一位好朋友。The actor is a friend of Tom’s father’s.3.那个瓶子里没有牛奶。

There is no(not any)milk in the bottle.4.不是所有人都认识他。Not all know him.5.他们两个都不想成为医生。

Neither of them wants to be a doctor.6.众所周知,猴子喜欢吃香蕉。

It is known that/As is known, monkeys like to eat bananas.16.10.17 1.他们已经去过加拿大四次了。They have been to Canada for four times.2.从我家到学校走路大约四十分钟的路程。It is about 40 minutes’ walk from my home to school.3.对不起让你等了很长的一段时间。Sorry, I have made you waiting for a long time.4.在你离开房间之前请关掉灯。Please turn off the lights before you leave the room.5.我们最好用最少的钱和最少的人来完成我们的工作。

We had better finish our work with less money and fewer people.6.他喜欢多大号的? What size does he like?


Many people in Africa are now suffering from hunger and diseases.2.我的洗衣机坏了,它需要修理。My washing machine is out of order and it needs repairing.3.这片森林被这场火毁掉了。The forest was destroyed by the fire.4.在今天的报纸上有些重要的事。There is something important in today’s newspaper.5.在我回家的路上我遇到了我的一个老朋友。on my way home, I met an old friend of mine.6.明天我要有一场英语考试。I am going to have an English test tomorrow.7.你要茶还是咖啡?Would you like tea or coffee?

1.吸烟有害健康。Smoking is harmful to your health.2.你最好尽快戒烟。You had better give up smoking as soon as possible.3.Lilly 的观点不同于她同学的观点。Lily’s opinions are different from those of her classmates.4.在周末,我父母允许我上网一小时。

My parents allow me to surf the Internet for one hour on weekends.5.不要紧张。Don’t be nervous.6.吃健康的食物对你的健康有好处。Eating healthy food is good for your health.7.谢谢你令人愉快的(可爱的)聚会和美味的食物。Thanks for your lovely party and delicious food.1.路的两边有很多花和树。There are many flowers and trees on both sides of the road.2.没有人喜欢被嘲笑,所以你应该和蔼地对其他人。

No one likes to be laughed at, so we should be kind to others.3.他赢得第一名的好消息使我们兴奋。

The news that he won the first prize/place made us excited.4.这场事故发生在一个寒冷的冬天的早上。

5.冲刺必备高三英语翻译练习11 篇五

It is believed that more people should be sent to prison for drink-driving offences.2.他私下里所做的和在公众场合所说的不一致。(private)

What he does in private doesn’t agree with what he says in public.3.在银行开个帐户要办什么手续?(procedure)

What’s the procedure for opening a bank account? 4.处理你的申请也许要等几个星期。(process)

It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed.5.她近来作品很少。(produce)

She has produced very little work recently.6.你需要专业人士替你管理财务。(professional)

You need a professional to sort out your finances.7.尽管价格被压低了,建筑商们仍能从这笔买卖中获利。(profit)

Even though the price has been reduced, the builders will still make a profit on the deal.8.两国在为解决争端而举行的谈判中取得了巨大的进展。(progress)

The two countries made great progress in the negotiation to settle the conflicts.9.新的政府法规将禁止未煮熟的肉类制品的进口.(prohibit)

New government regulations will prohibit imports of uncooked meat products.10.我祖父放弃了法律界有前途的职业转而去为祖国战斗.(promising)

My grandfather gave up a promising career in law to fight for his country.11.Jason坚信有第十颗行星, 但他没有确凿的证据证明它的存在.(proof)

Jason firmly believed there was a tenth planet, but he had no conclusive proof of its existence.12.报酬应与工作量成比例, 而不是与花费的时间成比例.(in proportion to)

Payment should be in proportion to the work done, not to the time spent doing it.13.你提议董事长应当早些退休, 这是很不明智的.(propose)

It was unwise of you to propose that the director should take early retirement.14.这家公司在那地区勘探金矿.(prospect)

The company are prospecting for gold in that area.15.这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多.(prove)

The task proved to be more difficult than we’d thought.16.上海已经有能力为商务会议提供合适的设施.(provide)

Shanghai has been able to provide suitable facilities for business conferences.17.他们靠着吃树根和野果熬了过来.(pull through)

They managed to pull through by eating roots and berries.18.那个拳击手向他对手的鼻子猛击了一拳.(punch)

The boxer gave his opponent a hard punch on the nose.19.外国投资商不得购买土地.(purchase)

Foreign investors are not permitted to purchase land.20.要成为一个成功的语言学习者, 你必须独立, 主动而又有目的地学习.(purposefully)

To be a successful language learner, you must study independently, actively and purposefully.21.她决定在获得学士学位之后继续深造.(pursue)

She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.22.把这事记在你的备忘录里,以免忘了.(put down)

Put it down in your memorandum in case you should forget it.23.最后一个走的人请熄灯.(put out)

Whoever leaves last should put out the lights.翻译11


Your passport qualifies you to receive free medical treatment.25.我们的匹萨饼只选用最上乘的原料.(quality)

We use only the best quality ingredients for our pizzas.26.他们仔细盘问她与死者的关系.(question)

They questioned her closely about her relationship with the dead man.27.他经常引用圣经中的章节.(quote)

He is always quoting verses from the Bible.28.这个公司在雇人时不考虑年龄, 种族和宗教信仰问题.(race)

This company hires people regardless of age, race or religion.29.Frank 是在肯塔基州的一个小农场里长大的.(raise)

Frank was raised on a small farm in Kentucky.30.在这个班上, 残障的程度从轻微的听力障碍到完全失聪,各不相同.(range from … to …)

In this class, levels of disability may range from very slight hearing problems to total deafness.31.老师不应该将自己的观点强加给学生。(force)

Teachers shouldn’t force their(own)ideas on students.32.我们盼望能参加下星期举行的艺术节开幕式。(look forward to)

We are looking forward to taking part in the opening ceremony of the art festival next week.33.垄断行业应该进行有效改革来引入竞争机制。(introduce)

Monopoly industries should carry out effective reforms to introduce competition mechanisms.34.泰坦尼克号及时地转了方向,勉强避开了一块超过海面一百英尺的巨大的冰墙。(narrowly)

The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing an immense wall of ice that rose over 100 feet out of the water.35.许多国内企业不愿意雇佣那些离开中国社会很长时间,并且几乎没有工作经历的海归人士。(hesitate)

Many domestic firms hesitate to hire overseas returnees who have left the Chinese society for a long time and have little working experiences.36.他拿起了手提箱,给人的印象是他要登上飞机了。(impression)

He grabbed his suitcase and gave the impression that he was boarding(/ he was going to board the plane).37.直到我在澳大利亚生活,我才意识到树袋熊是多么的独一无二。(It)

It was not until I was living(/ I lived)in Australia that I realized how unique koalas were.38.那可怜的男孩坐到另一个座位以避开那些恶棍,但无济于事。(escape)

The poor boy moved to another seat to escape the tough guys, but that did no good.39.网上购物很有趣。但另一方面,我们可能在上面花了太多时间。(on the other hand)

Shopping on the Internet is interesting.On the other hand, we probably spend too much time on it.40.据报道湖南卫视花了将近一个月说服鸟叔(Psy)在他们的新年联欢晚会上表演。(persuade)

It was reported that Hunan Satellite TV Station spent nearly a month persuading Psy to perform at their New Year gala.41.仅凭你提供的证据不能证明他是有罪的。(alone)

The proof/evidence alone(that/which)you provide can’t prove that he is guilty.42.乘船游玩,你会被浦江沿岸的建筑迷住,尤其在夜晚灯光下。(fascinate)

Take a boat trip, and you will be fascinated by the buildings along the Huangpu River,especially in the lights at night.43. 依我看,你的知识面就越广,就越有能力应付工作中遇到的问题。(capable)

In my opinion, the wider range/scope of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing 翻译11

with the problems you have met at work.44.只有当我们完全理解生命的价值时我们才会珍惜幸福的每一刻并且帮助周围的人。(Only…)

Only when we fully understand the value of life can we cherish/treasure every moment of happiness and help the people around.45.今天我们开会的目的是要讨论如何来解决问题,而不是谁造成了这个问题,所以请不要再浪费时间争论该责备谁了。(blame)

The purpose of our meeting today is to discuss how to solve the problem, not who(has)caused it, so please don’t waste time arguing about who is to blame(any longer).46.老师们今天都不在,下午的足球比赛不得不推迟到下周。(have to)

Due to the absence of the teachers today, the football match this afternoon has to be put off till next week.47.正因为他一直记得熟能生巧的道理,他的英语才能讲得那么流利。(It is … that…)

It is because he always remembers that practice makes perfect that he can speak English so fluently.48.在对这个计划进行热烈讨论的过程中,同学们提出了一个又一个有创意的想法。(come up with)

During the heated discussion on this plan, the students came up with creative ideas one after another.49.地震之后,国内开展了一场运动,呼吁人们捐献食品和药品,或去地震灾区做志愿者。(launch)

After the earthquake, a campaign was launched in the country/ at home to appeal to people to donate food and medicine, or to go to the earthquake-striken area to be/ serve as volunteers.50.一名有资质的外科医生不仅应具备扎实的医学知识,还要用细心,耐心和爱心来对待病人。(Not only)

6.高三英语小练习 篇六

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. My teacher praised me because I had made ___ .

A. great progresses B. great progress C. a great progress D. little progress

2. The ____ is just around the corner. I don’t think you will miss it.

A. bicycles’ shop B. bicycle shop C. bicycles shop D. bicycle’s shop

3. I don’t think there is ____ else for me to do here now.

A. everything B. anything C. something D. each thing

4. ____ people can live to be 150 in the world.

A. Few B. A few C. A little D. Little

5. This road is ____ that one.

A. three times longer than B. as three times long as

C. longer three times than D. as long three times than

6. There were ____ people in the meeting hall yesterday.

A. three thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine.

B. three thousand and seven hundred and ninety-nine.

C. three thousands seven hundred and ninety-nine.

D. three thousands seven hundreds and ninety-nine.

7. To make a living, he had tried ____, and many other jobs, but had failed in all.

A. to write B. writing C. write D. written

8. They asked me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least two years since I ____ a good drink.

A. had enjoyed B. was enjoying C. enjoyed D. had been enjoying

9. The next day, she ____ her father what ____ when her brother came in.

A. told, happened B. was telling, had happened

C. had told, happened D. had told, had happened

10. Rather than ____ the classroom, he always prefers ____ the playground.

A. sweep, to sweep B. sweep, sweep C. sweeping, sweep D. to sweep, sweeping

11. It was the discovery ____ the Curies had made ____ enabled them to be awarded a Nobel Prize.

A. that, what B. What, that C. that, that D. that, which

12. ____ that the necklace wasn’t a real one, things would have been entirely different.

A. Had she known B. If she knew C. She had known D. she knew

13. He paid the boy $10 for washing the windows, ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at least one year.

A. most of which B. most of them C. most of these D. most of what

14. The curious girl didn’t believe the fact ______ thought______.

A. most of them…to be ture B. as most of them…true

C. that most of them…it to be true D. what most of them…was true

15. After ______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

A. being interviewed B. interviewing C. interviewed D. have interviewed

16. You see the lightning _____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.

A. the instant B. for an instant C. on the instant D. in an instant

17.This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen _____ comfortably.

A. is worn B. wears C. wearing D. are worn

18. With the development in science and technology man can make various flowers

______before their time.

A. be bloomed B. bloom C. bloomed D. blooming

19.There are signs_____restaurants are becoming more popular with families.

A. in which B. which C. that D. whose

20.______she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.

A. That was from Stephen B. It was Stephen whom

C. It was from Stephen that D. It was Stephen that

21. When they will start out hasn’t been decided yet,______?

A. will they B. won’t they C. hasn’t it D. has it

22. I have kept that portrait ______ I can see it every day, as it always reminded me of my university days in London.

A. which B. where C. whether D. when

23.______that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites.

A. Such construction robots are clever B. So clever the construction robots are

C. So clever are the construction robots D. Such clever construction robots are

24.The computerized tests are said to______ the traditional paper test.

A. take place B. take the place C. in place of D. substitute for

25.The manager gave him _____ because he was often late.

A. a warning B. an advice C. a threat D. a suggestion

26. Half his money_____ for food and clothes.

A. costs B. spends C. goes D. pays

27. If you are planning a sightseeing, you’ll have to take the weather into ______.

A. conclusion B. construction C. consideration D. connection

28.If you suspect that the illness might be serious you should not _____ going to the doctor.

A. put off B. put aside C. hold back D. hold up

29. It is not rare in ______ that people in _____ fifties are going to university for further education.

A. 90’s…the B. the 90’s…/ C. 90’s…their D. the 90’s…their

30. Several dictionaries are available in paperback edition _____range of most students.

A. well within the price B. the price within well

C. within well the price D. price within well the

31.Tony realized it important to learn computer .______he is taking a computer course during the holidays.

A. Because B. As C. Therefore D. And

32.One more week, ______we will accomplish the task.

A. or B. so that C. and D. if

33.---Didn’t the guard see him breaking into the back?

---No, he ______in the other direction.

A. was looking B. had looked C. looked D. is looking

34.Two hundred and forty dollars _____too much for that low quality TV set.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

35.It’s wonderful for the fact ______the Chinese team won an unprecedented 28 gold medals in Sydney,12 more than its previous best.

A. that B. / C. which D. because

36.In their______ to reduce crime the government strengthen the police force.

A. effects B. efforts C. powers D. means

37.We need someone really ______ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.

A. informative B. efficient C. emotional D. independent

38.These boxes are much of ______ size, but the one under the table is four times______

size of them.

A. a…the B. the…the C. a…a D. the…a

39.It______three months or so before we______ school.

A. is…will finish B. will be…will finish C. is…finish D. will be…finish

40. His experience caused ______ to realize that there is something wrong with the


A. himself B. him C. it D. he

41.Some paintings, ______ this new self-portrait, are so recent that the paint is barely dry.

A. as B. like C. with D. for

42. He ran fast and soon left the other runners______.

A. back B. away C. behind D. far

43.The movements of a clock are _____ and that is why we can use it to measure time.

A. regular B. punctual C. smooth D. continual

44.Fat people should ______ the temptation to eat a lot of sweet things.

A. resist B. disobey C. cancel D. deny

45.She had gone out to ______ a job, for she had two children to support.

A. find B. look for C. search D. search for

46. Each year 1 million smokers quit, but only 3 to 5 percent ______ stay off cigarettes for a year or more.

A. succeed in B. manage to C. stick to D. keep on

47.The coach said that he couldn’t teach______ children aged only four to play football.

A. so much B. so little C. much many D. such little

48. We are only glad to do anything we can her.

A.too; to help B.very; help C.too; help D.very; helping

49.The doorway is low, so _____ your head when you go in.

A. attend B. mind C. protect D. guard

50. The traffic is very _______.It’s quicker to walk.

A. noisy B. heavy C. smooth D. narrow

7.提高教师队列队形能力的小练习 篇七

天津市教委在崇化中学举办的天津市中小学体育教师基本功大赛总决赛, 针对专业理论 (笔试) 和体育技能两部分进行了考核。队列队形考核是该次比赛中最有特色的一道考试题, 能较好地体现作为一名体育教师的基本能力。笔者代表河东区参加了天津市中小学体育教师基本功大赛初中组的比赛 (注:竞赛分小学、初中、高中三个组别, 每区、县每组别5人, 包括3男2女) , 而同组教师采用笔者设计的路线参加比赛最终取得了四个一等奖、一个二等奖的佳绩。此外, 笔者在参赛过程中积极关注其他体育教师的表现, 发现部分体育教师做得不是很规范甚至是错误的, 并突出表现在以下三个方面:

第一, 队列技术动作欠规范, 口令的预、动令缺乏明显的节奏变化。

体育教师A在做“向后—转”这个队列技术动作时, 始终都是一个节奏且动作松松垮垮;口令的预、动令缺乏明显变化。“向后—转”的动作要领可以简言之为“一碾转二并脚、两腿挺直上体保持立正”, 做“向后—转”时脚跟脚掌碾转体180°后应略有停顿然后并脚, 做到“动、静”相宜、节奏变化明显, 以充分展示“向后—转”的特点。口令下达也要有一定的节奏, 注意预、动令之间要有所侧重, 不应平均发音, 要做到有轻有重、有短又长、有缓有急。如, “向后—转”的“后”字则要稍重且发音长;“转”要短促有力, 这样更能发挥口令的作用。

第二, 教师队列技术动作掌握不熟练, 个别技术动作的操作出现错误。

在比赛中, 笔者发现出错较多的是“行进间转法”。“行进间转法”在所有队列技术中属于有一定难度的动作, 有的体育教师在行进间下达口令时动令落脚出现错误造成“行进间转法”的失败。需要注意的是, “行进间转法”除向左转走动令落在左脚外其他都落在右脚上。

第三, 队列技术动作设计路线单一, 一些队列动作及口令反复出现, 操作过程中出现了不必要的停顿。

队列比赛是在一个12米见方的场地内进行, 部分体育教师行进路线单一 (如, 利用一条直线走来走去) , 不能充分利用场地的宽度去展示队列技术动作。“停止间转法”的口令多次被重复使用, 竞赛过程中有明显的停顿现象。

体育教师的基本功比赛是一面镜子, 能够反映出当前体育教师的基本素质, 也能反映出当前体育教师存在的一些问题。在此, 笔者分析出现上述现象的原因如下:

第一, 在平时的体育课教学中, 一些体育教师对队列方面教学内容的安排不足且运用不多。

第二, 体育教师对队列技术动作掌握不熟练, 这既有体育教师自身业务素质的因素, 也与现在一些体育院校的教学有关。笔者在天津体育学院学习时, 体操课与普修课是两年半的时间, 而现在体育院校学生的体操课修习时间远远少于以前。

第三, 受一些新教育思想冲击, 认为体育课中队列队形教学和练习没有必要的体育教师大有人在, 体育教师对队列技术的教学的重视程度大不如前。

针对这些情况, 笔者在基本功大赛之后将这个队列队形比赛的内容介绍给组内的青年教师, 经过一段时间的练习后, 青年教师在队列动作规范性及口令方面有了明显的提高。体操队列能够展示出体育教师身上特有的一股“精、气、神”, 这是别的学科教师所不具备的。在此, 笔者将天津体育教师基本功比赛中“队列队形竞赛的方法、要求”以及笔者设计的行进路线 (见下图) 介绍给大家, 希望对提高体育教师的队列队形调动能力能有所启发。

一、队列队形竞赛要求 (占考核15分)

1.参赛者根据13个规定动作的要求与顺序自行编排, 现场独立操作 (自呼口令与动作示范各占6.5分) , 共13分。

2.参赛者须按照评委的随机提问, 准确回答出某一动作的技术要领, 共2分。

3.从起始点出发, 队列动作操作结束时, 返回至起始点。

4.规定动作如下:A.集合;B.稍息;C.立正;D.向右 (左) 看齐;E.向前看;F.向右 (左) —转;G.向后—转;H.齐步走—立定;I.正步走—立定;J.跑步—走—立定;K.踏步;L.向右 (左) 转—走;M.向后转—走。

