


1.读后感——长腿叔叔 篇一


















2.《长腿叔叔》小说选读 篇二

11th January

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

I meant to write to you from the city, Daddy, but New York is an 1)engrossing place.

I had an interesting-and 2)illuminating-time, but I’m glad I don’t belong to such a family! I should truly rather have the John Grier Home for a background. Whatever the drawbacks of my bringing up, there was at least no pretence about it. I know now what people mean when they say ②they are weighed down by Things. The material atmosphere of that house was 3)crushing; I didn’t draw a deep breath until I was on an express train coming back. All the furniture was carved and 4)upholstered and gorgeous; the people I met were beautifully dressed and low-voiced and 5)well-bred, but it’s the truth, Daddy, I never heard one word of real talk from the time we arrived until we left. I don’t think an idea ever entered the front door.


I’ve seen loads of theatres and hotels and beautiful houses. My mind is a confused jumble of 6)onyx and 7)gilding and 8)mosaic floors and palms. I’m still pretty breathless but I am glad to get back to college and my books-I believe that I really am a student; this atmosphere of academic calm I find more 9)bracing than New York. College is a very satisfying sort of life; the books and study and regular classes keep you alive mentally, and then when your mind gets tired, you have the gymnasium and outdoor athletics, and always plenty of 10)congenial friends who are thinking about the same things you are. ③We spend a whole evening in nothing but talk-talk-talk-and go to bed with a very uplifted feeling, as though we had settled permanently some pressing world problems.

④It isn’t the great big pleasures that count the most; ⑤it’s making a great deal out of the little ones-I’ve discovered the true secret of happiness, Daddy, and that is to live in the NOW.Not to be forever regretting the past, or anticipating the future; but to get the most that you can out of this very instant. It’s like farming. You can have extensive farming and intensive farming; well, I am going to have intensive living after this. I’m going to enjoy every second, and I’m going to KNOW I’m enjoying it while I’m enjoying it. Most people don’t live; they just race. They are trying to reach some goal far away on the horizon, and ⑥in the heat of the going they get so breathless and 11)panting that they lose all sight of the beautiful, 12)tranquil country they are passing through; and then ⑦the first thing they know, they are old and worn out, and it doesn’t make any difference whether they’ve reached the goal or not. I’ve decided to sit down by the way and pile up a lot of little happinesses, even if I never become a Great Author. Did you ever know such a philosopheress as I am developing into?

Yours ever,




那段时光挺有趣的--我也得到了不少启示,我很庆幸我不是这个家族的人!我真的宁愿在约翰·格利尔孤儿院里长大。不管我的出身多么低微,至少过得简单而诚实。现在我明白人们说被“物质”压倒是什么意思了。那房子里的物质生活令人窒息;直到坐上回程的特快列车之后我才松了一口气。那里所有的家具都精雕细琢,经过精心布置,华丽无比 ;我遇见的那些人穿着光鲜,压低声音说话,举止优雅。但叔叔,说真的,从我们进门一直到离开,我没听过一句真话。我觉得这家人根本没谈到任何有意义的东西。


我看到数不胜数的剧院、酒店和漂亮的房子,我的头脑充斥着缟玛瑙、镀金装饰、马赛克地板和棕榈树,被搞得一片混乱。到现在我还是有点透不过气来,但我很高兴又回到了学校,回到了书籍的身边--我知道自己是一名彻头彻尾的学生 ;这里宁静的学术气氛比纽约更让人精神振奋。学校的生活十分惬意 ;书籍、学习,还有有规律的上课时间使你思想活跃 ;如果你觉得精神疲累,你还可以到健身房或户外运动一下 ;这里还有很多志趣相投的朋友。我们有时会整个晚上什么事都不做,只是聊天、聊天、再聊天,然后怀着兴奋的心情上床,就好像我们永久地解决了什么迫在眉睫的世界难题。

生活中最重要的不是那些大的欢乐,而是那些从小事中获得的快乐-- 叔叔,我发现了快乐的奥秘,那就是活在此刻。不要哀叹过去,也不必预计未来,而是尽情享受这一刻。这就像耕作,你可以粗放耕作,也可以精耕细作。今后我要精细地生活,我要享受每一秒,在享受的过程中我还要十分清楚地意识到自己确实在享受生活。很多人不是在生活,他们只是在赛跑。他们试图达到遥远的地平线上的某个目标。然而在拼命奔跑的过程中,他们气喘吁吁,根本无暇顾及沿途美丽宁静的田园风光。然后有一天,他们突然发现,自己已经年老力衰,是否达到目标已经没有任何区别。我决定了,在路上我要不时小憩一会儿,慢慢积累许多小小的快乐,即使我永远不能成为伟大的作家也没关系。你见过像我这样的女哲学家吗?



Know More:

小说梗概 :


Smart Sentences

① I meant to write to you from the city

要表达“我本想”、“我打算”,你会想到I was/am going to,或者文绉绉的I plan to,不过你可以变个花样,用句式I mean to叄蠼佣什欢ㄊ健H纾篐e meant to call you after dinner.(他本打算吃完晚饭后给你打电话。)这个句式还有另外一个意思,表示故意做某事,要注意区别,如:I didn’t mean to wake you, but I needed to call to tell you the news. (我并无意吵醒你,可我得给你打电话,把这个消息告诉你。)

② they are weighed down by Things

weigh down来自它最初始的意思,“让重量压倒”、“不堪重负”,后引申意为精神和心理上的重压,让人难以承受,如 :She is weighed down with many troubles. (她被许多麻烦事压得透不过气来。)

③ We spend a whole evening in nothing but talk-talk-talk

我们常说“除了……什么也没有/也不做”,它与“除此之外”是有细微区别的。在英语里,except可以表达后者,而前者的表达则非 nothing but莫属了。要注意,nothing but后可跟名词、动名词或动词原形,但不能跟动词不定式。

如 :They care about nothing but money. (他们除了钱什么也不关心。)

④ It isn’t the great big pleasures that count the most

这句话也可以说成,Great big pleasures are not the most important thing. 但这样表达太过平淡,采用强调句It isn’t卼hat呍蚋芤鸲琳咦⒁猓忧孔髡咭泶锏囊馑肌hat count the most 即 that is considered the most important。

⑤ it’s making a great deal out of the little ones

a great deal指“很多,大量”,make a great deal out of sth. 通常指“从某事中得到很多”,这种表达可以是褒义的,也可以是贬义的。如:He can always make a great deal out of the smallest transaction.(他总能从最小的交易中赚到很多的钱。)

⑥ in the heat of the going

我们可以用一个很形象的成语来理解in the heat of,这就是“如火如荼”,它表示某事到了高潮、不可开交之际,而跟在该表达后的事情往往是与其意义有点不搭调的,如文中的“lose all sight of叀薄H纾篖ast week, in the heat of the election campaign, he dropped out. (上周,就在竞选进行到最激烈的时候,他却退出了。)

⑦ the first thing they know

first并不总是“第一”的意思,它有另外一层引申含义,表示“重要的”,the first thing they know包含了两层意思,既表达了首先意识到的事,也指他们意识到的最重要的事,通常更强调后者。如:After they finally reached the mountain top, the first thing they knew was that it’s impossible for them to go down before dark. (他们在最终爬上山顶后,才意识到他们无法在天黑之前下山。)

3.长腿叔叔读后感 篇三














4.《长腿叔叔》读后感 篇四




5.长腿叔叔读后感 篇五




6.《长腿叔叔》读后感 篇六













7.长腿叔叔作文读后感 篇七




8.长腿叔叔英文读后感 篇八

This is a fast-tempo society, everybody has an established time schedule and lives in his own world. It is love and communication that combines our different worlds together. However, as we spend too much time chasing our goals and dreams, we have ignored the partners and friends around us more or less. So that one day, when we suddenly pause and think, we find ourselves getting lost in the human crowd.

After reading Daddy-Long-Legs, I am forced to stop and rethink, and save myself out of the confusing crowd. When I was young, I read a lot of romantic fairy tales, and have builded up a wonderful fictitious world in my mind. However, when I gradually grow up and enter the society, the real world appears to be completely different from what I have thought. Hence, I feel very upset about the fraudulent tales, and begin to refuse the deceptive social intercourse. This attitude has helped me to maintain a pure heart, but meanwhile drived the love and friendship away from me. As a result, I’ve always been alone. So although I study very hard and obtain good grades, I’m not happy at all, my life has been filled with depression and coldness for a long period. It is Daddy-Long-Legs that makes me believe in love and miracles again.

Just like the fairy tales, this story is very romantic and beautiful, too. However, as there are no princess or beast, this novel is more close to our real life. It is about an orphan who is so humorous and hardworking that she finally gains her true love.

Judy Abbott was the heroine of the whole book, she was brought up at an old-fashioned asylum. When she was young, she had to wholly depend on the charity and wear other people’s cast-off clothes, this makes her very self-contemptuous. Nevertheless, the miserable fact doesn’t sweep away her good sense of humor, on the contrary, it gives her a special ability to express her feelings in a funny way.

One day, Judy is informed by the asylum’s dour matron that one of the trustees has offered to send her to college. This mysterious man believes that Judy has potential to become an excellent writer, he decides to pay her tuition fees and gives her a generous monthly allowance. He doesn’t ask for any thanks or repayment, but requires Judy to write him a monthly letter to practise her writing skills. However, Judy will never know his real identity; she must address the letters to Mr. John Smith, and he will never reply.

Judy catches a glimpse of the shadow of her benefactor, and knows he is a tall man. Because of this, she jokingly calls him “Daddy-Long-Legs”。 Later, Judy attends a women’s college, and begins to write letters to her trustee. As she is good at describing anecdotes with childlike line drawings, her letters appear to be interesting and meaningful. Afterwards, Judy gets stuck in the affection entanglement with Jervie, this makes her extremely confused. She tries to consult her Daddy-Long-Legs and finally succeeds. However, when she meets the secret man, miracle happens. She finds that Jervie, the man she really loves, is Daddy-Long-Legs, who has always supported her as a relative. Then the story comes to an happy ending, they get married and live a happy life.

I love this story because it demonstrates an ideal world which is full of kindness and warmth, although there is a huge gap between the main roles. It shows that miracles do happen to those who are always hopeful. So no matter how bitter the life is, we should never lose our faith, we must believe that tomorrow will be better. Life is a long way filled with misfortune and adversity, we should learn to confront it bravely. Because when we shed tears for missing the sun, we shall also miss the stars.

When Judy is in the orphanage, she is all alone in the world and almost doesn’t have anything belong to her, but she still lives happily with optimism. Compared with Judy, today’s adolescents are much more fragile. Take a glance at the newspapers and TV programmes, you may not be surprised to find so many youngsters committing suicide, because it is just too common in today’s society. This reveals that today’s young people are too pessimistic and hopeless, thus they won’t treasure their life seriously. This problem is quite alarming among the poor students from the countryside, since they have to face more obstacles and barriers, they are more stressful than their peers. For example, last year a college girl who named Liu wei ended her life because of the unbearable financial pressure. As a result, it is quite urgent for the society to show their loving care to the disadvantaged group.

However, the fact is still far from being. In China, the rich people seem to be more and more cruel and coldhearted toward the poor class. They prefer to take advantage of their dominant strength to exploit others’ industrial fruits rather than help the people who are not so lucky as them. So the economic gap between the rich and poor is still expanding. Furthermore, the wealthy people also discriminate and look down upon the impecunious group, which gives them a strong feeling of inferiority. I experienced this feeling when I just attended the university, at that time, many classmates tended to exclude and spurn me, my roommates even refused to use the same washing machine with me just because my dressing was antipathetic to them. I felt insulted. Hence, I am confused that why don’t the well-fixed people be like Daddy-Long-Legs?

In this book, Daddy-Long-Legs is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a kindhearted philanthropist. He always uses his fortune to help others without expecting any return, and respects the poor people just as his friends. So although he is among the hypocritical trustees, Judy likes him specially. This proves that conscience and kindness will lead to love and happiness, moreover, if everyone treats others sincerely and selflessly, the world will become a better place to live.

In addition, Daddy-Long-Legs also reminds me to treasure the love and friendship in my life. I realise that I’m not alone at all, at least I’m not an orphan, so I am much luckier than Judy to some extent, because she has nobody to rely on except her Daddy-Long-Legs, but I have my parents and friends who will always be there for me to turn to. As a result, I decided to write letters to my parents by imitating Judy’s writing style. When my parents received the letters, they were pleased, which indicated that my letters were grateful and effective. As my parents never went to college, they were quite interested in the campus life, and my letters presented them an active and wonderful university image, so they were delighted. Besides, since I have got a channel to express my feelings and understandings about different people and circumstances, I don’t feel lonely any longer, especially when I received their reply, I felt very happy and contented. It is true that Daddy-Long-Legs has made my family life more joyous and harmonious.

What’s more, Daddy-Long-Legs also teaches me to show my gratitude to the people who really care and love me. For quite a long time, I live in my own world solely and gloomily, regardless of others’ feeling or doing, thus my world has become so small and cold. But when I try to view things in an appreciative way, subtle changes occur in my life. I find more friendly greetings and smiles on the way, and I usually feel accommodative in the class. I think I’m blending into the group and my life circle is being enlarged, this feeling is quite joyful for me.

In conclusion, Daddy-Long-Legs is a book full of love, warmth and miracles, it shows us how to live happily and meaningfully with hope and kindness. In the blue days, we should keep optimistic and work hard to earn a better life; while in the bright days, we should pay more attention to the poor people who are not so fortunate as us, then the world will become more beautiful and cozy. Moreover, It also reminds us to value the love and friendship around us. We are all living in the same world, but if we don’t keep contact with each other, all of us will live in different worlds. As Judy has set a good example for us to write letters in a humourous way, we should also contact our parents and friends, share our happiness and tears with them, and show our gratitude to them. In that way, our little worlds will be combined together, then we will never feel lonely or helpless.
