


1.英语学习的利弊英文 篇一


Foreign travel has doubled in lethan 20 years, but some people say our trips are destroying the places we love most.

Travel and tourism deserves the recognition (认可) and respect as one of the world’s biggest industries. We have to stop thinking of our vacations as a break from real life and see them as part of an economic behemoth (巨大之物) that can make or break countries. It is already the world’s biggest employer, providing jobs for 1 out of 11 workers. It creates $6.4 trillion for the global economy. If it were a country, travel and tourism would be the fifth biggest polluter. This explosive growth is recent. Since 1995 foreign travel has doubled and last year reached the historic number of 1 billion trips.

All that travel is rapidly transforming cultures, countries, and societies, sometimes for the better and often not. France is a model for using tourism to nurture a culture. As part of their tourism industry, the French have protected their villages, historic cities, farms, the arts, and landscapes. Tourists go there to feel French for a few weeks, and they have made France the most popular destination in the world. In turn, tourism is France’s biggest economic drive.

However, left unchecked and without proper regulations, tourism can destroy the places we love most. In the past ten years, Venice of lethan 60,000 inhabitants (居民) has been overwhelmed with over 20 million visitors each year. Now souvenir shops and high-end foreign stores are replacing local crafts and essential local services from schools to clinics to bakeries and green grocers. The United Nations says that Venice is in greater danger of being drowned by tourists rather than by water.

Too often the money spent by tourists doesn’t stay in the local community or help the poor. It goes directly to the foreign hotel chain that tourists prefer, to the foreign banks, and to the local elites. Cambodia is an example of what the industry calls “money-in, money-out.” At least 2 million tourists visit Cambodia’s famous Angkor temples every year. Only 7 percent of tourism income reaches the poor. Hotels buy most of their needs from outside the country―they don’t buy much food from Cambodian farmers―and they employ foreigners at the top jobs.


Tourism may destroy the places we love,don’t you think so?

Foreign travel has doubled in lethan 20 years, but some people say our trips are destroying the places we love most.

Travel and tourism deserves the recognition (认可) and respect as one of the world’s biggest industries. We have to stop thinking of our vacations as a break from real life and see them as part of an economic behemoth (巨大之物) that can make or break countries. It is already the world’s biggest employer, providing jobs for 1 out of 11 workers. It creates $6.4 trillion for the global economy. If it were a country, travel and tourism would be the fifth biggest polluter. This explosive growth is recent. Since 1995 foreign travel has doubled and last year reached the historic number of 1 billion trips.

All that travel is rapidly transforming cultures, countries, and societies, sometimes for the better and often not. France is a model for using tourism to nurture a culture. As part of their tourism industry, the French have protected their villages, historic cities, farms, the arts, and landscapes. Tourists go there to feel French for a few weeks, and they have made France the most popular destination in the world. In turn, tourism is France’s biggest economic drive.

However, left unchecked and without proper regulations, tourism can destroy the places we love most. In the past ten years, Venice of lethan 60,000 inhabitants (居民) has been overwhelmed with over 20 million visitors each year. Now souvenir shops and high-end foreign stores are replacing local crafts and essential local services from schools to clinics to bakeries and green grocers. The United Nations says that Venice is in greater danger of being drowned by tourists rather than by water.

Too often the money spent by tourists doesn’t stay in the local community or help the poor. It goes directly to the foreign hotel chain that tourists prefer, to the foreign banks, and to the local elites. Cambodia is an example of what the industry calls “money-in, money-out.” At least 2 million tourists visit Cambodia’s famous Angkor temples every year. Only 7 percent of tourism income reaches the poor. Hotels buy most of their needs from outside the country―they don’t buy much food from Cambodian farmers―and they employ foreigners at the top jobs.


Tourism may destroy the places we love,don’t you think so?

2.英语学习的利弊英文 篇二

From the past until now, traditional interview (Face-to-Face) is still the dominant format of job interview method during personnel selection in all kinds of organizations (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .The reason why managers prefer to choose this is it indeed has many advantages.Firstly, Face-to-Face interview can take advantage of its synchronous communication of time and place compared with any other method.This advantage not only help managers get information from interviewee's facial language, voice, intonation and body language, but make sure there is no time delay between questions and answers so that the answer of the interviewee is more spontaneous, without an extended reflection (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .Besides, interviewer can create suitable interview ambience for interviewee.For example, if interviewer wants to observe how interviewee performance in real job situation, they can create scenarios simulation ambience; also, if interviewer intends to test the ability to work under pressure, they may create a nervous and stressful atmosphere for interview participants (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .In addition, interview can test interviewee's comprehensive quality according to ask them questions with hypothetical situations or how they handle the situation in previous experience besides job knowledge (Tom Janz, 1982) .

The disadvantage of Face-to-Face interview, however, exists in the process of selection.For instance, Face-to-Face interview has participant limitations.Some participants who live much far from the place of interview are difficult to attend the interview.Moreover, even though managers are willing to recruit employees all over the world, time and cost consuming is also a big problem, such as rent, ticket and facilities.In terms of reliability, Face-to-Face interview has high subjectivity and lack of objectivity to some extent.In other words, most of managers lack of professional skills in many companies.They usually identify whether participants are suitable for jobs just relying on their rich experience rather than specific skills and some quantity analysis.Also, if it is not panel interview, I mean the one-to-one interview is easier to bias results.Finally, most interviews of current companies are un-structured.In a sense, it is unfair that each participant meets different interview contents because of different situations, gender or even mood of interviewers.Discrimination issue may emerge (Michael M.Harris, 1989) .And as the result of un-structured traits, tape recorded and making notes is necessary.Therefore, the transcription of records and notes also needs time consuming (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .

As discussed above, traditional interview has strengths insynchronous communication of time and place, convenience about creating real situation simulation and testing comprehensive quality of interviewees compared with others.And it is dominant personnel selection method all the time.On the other hand, the weaknesses of low reliability, discrimination problem, high time and cost consuming and participant limitation cannot be ignored.Consequently, some suggestions can be considered with respect to the disadvantages of traditional interview method.In the first place, new interview techniques, such as telephoning interview, MSN, email or chat-box interview can be introduced.This asynchronous communication of place or time can make up the drawback of participant limitation for Face-to-Face interview (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .What is more, computer mediated communication not only save time and cost to around the world, but also cancel the step of transcription of notes.Another place can be improved is increasing use of structured and standardization quantity analysis.Schmidt and Hunter (1998) estimated the corrected validity of 0.51 for structured interview and 0.38 for unstructured interviews.Furthermore, structured interview is helpful to decrease discrimination issues, because each person will face coessential interview.Furthermore, Current interview focus more attention to qualify analysis and lack of objectivity.Thus making more use of statistical aggregation and correction techniques, like meta-analysis, across validity studies increasing the precision of the prediction task (Paul R.Sackett and Filip Lievens, 2008) .Meanwhile increasing professional training for interviewers and using panel interviews will increase confidence in the validity of interview process and results.

摘要:如今, 面试方法已经几乎是每个公司选拔人才的必要程序, 虽然面试有语言, 表情的沟通, 以及真实情境的模拟等各种优势, 但是它仍然有高成本与时间的消耗, 主观意识大于客观评价以及地域时间匹配不方便等缺陷。针对面试方法的优缺点, 我们应该如何扬长避短, 从而更好地提高面试的效率。



Michael M.Harris. (1989) ‘Reconsidering the Employment Interview:AReview of Recent Literature and Suggestions for Future Research'Personnel Psychology, Volume42, Issue4, Pages691-726.

Neal Schmitt, David Chan. (1998) Personnel Selection:A theoreticalApproach, London:Sage.

Paul R.Sackett, Filip Lievens. (2008) ‘Personnel Selection’, AnnualReview of Psychology, Volume59, Page419-450.

Raymond Opdenakker. (2006, Augus) t‘Advantages and Disadvantagesof Four Interview Techniques in Qualitative Research’, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum:Qualitative Social Research, 7 (4) , Art.11.


3.语块应用于英语写作教学的利弊 篇三





语块是一种多词词汇现象,它以整体形式储存在大脑中,在使用时直接从记忆中提取,无需语法生成和分析,是固定或半固定、模式化了的块状语言结构(Becker, 1975)。语块具有四个基本特征:(1)由两个或两个以上的单词构成;(2)所构成的单词共同出现频率高;(3)合乎句法;(4)语义完整。根据语块单位的大小,语块可分为五类:(1)复杂词(complex words),例如:womanhood,transport;(2)聚合词(polywords),例如:by the way, upside down,形式完全固定;(3)高频搭配组合(collocations),例如:community service,absolutely convinced,这类词共同出现得频率较高;(4)惯用语(institutionalized utterances),例如:I’ll get it;We’ll see;That’ll do;If I were you…;Would you like …?属于常用的功能型表达;(5)句子框架和引语(sentence frames and heads)和文本结构(text frames),前者例如:That is not as…as you think;后者例如:In this paper we explore ….First …;Secondly …;Finally …,构成文本的框架结构。








3.1语块有5类(如上分类),常用语块几千个,例如NTC’s Dictionary of Everyday American Expressions列了7000多固定表达,The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations列了9000多基本词语搭配。语块单位由词到句再到篇。理论上,它们的实用价值对不同年龄阶段、不同语言水平的学习者来说是不同的。然而很多写作教师和学习者在教学中没有明确哪一类或几类语块是自己的教学重难点,表现出较大的随意性和随机性。





4.1对于初学者,建议把复杂词、聚合词、惯用语、句子框架和引语作为写作教学的重难点;对中高级学者,建议把高频搭配组合和文本结构作为重难点。因为初学者和中高级学习者的语块分解、重组能力以及记忆力各有优劣势。也有研究指出,词汇搭配(lexical collocations)、固定搭配/半固定搭配(fixed expressions/semi-fixed expressions)、习语(idioms)应按照习语、固定搭配/半固定搭配、词汇搭配的顺序教学(Hsu Jeng-yih,2006: 370),它符合学习者由机械到灵活的学习特点。复杂词、聚合词、高频搭配组合、惯用语、句子框架引语和文本结构也是一个完全固定表达到半固定表达的连续统一体,由此也建议按照先教学完全固定表达,再教学半固定表达,即由惯用语和句子框架和引语到高频搭配组合、聚合词和复杂词。

4.2同一个单词涉及到的常用搭配很多,要求挑选真正高频搭配。主要有两种方法。一是,基于语料库检索出最常用和最实用的语块。写作教师和学习者可以利用大型语料库,例如英语国家语料库(British National Corpus,BNC),美国当代英语语料库(The Corpus of Contemporary American English,COCA),因特网在线语料库(Webcorp)检索出某个词的高频搭配组合、惯用语。需要注意的是,语料库里的频率(frequency)和出现范围(range)是重要的选择依据。利用语料库检索非常科学,有数据统计依据。二是,教学者和学习者阅读大量的真实语言。正如Krashen说过,阅读是学习语言的唯一有效方法。通过阅读,在阅读实践中检验词语的实用价值,但是这种方法受限于每个人的英语水平。




[1]Becker J. The Phrasal Lexicon[A]. In R. Shank & B. L Nash-Webber(eds. Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing[C]. Cambridge, MA: Bolt Beranek & Newman, 1975.

[2]Biber D. & Federica Barbieri. Lexical bundles in university spoken and written registers[J]. English for Specific Purposes, 2007, (26): 263-86.

[3]Hsu, Jeng-yih. An analysis of the Multiword Lexical Units in Contemporary ELT Textbooks[C]. The Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the Republic of China. 2006: 363-381.

[4]Pawley, A. & F. Syder. Two puzzles for linguistic theory: nativelike selection and nativelike fluency[A]. In J. Richards & R. Schmidt. (Eds.) Language and Communication[C]. London: Longman, 1983.

[5]Sinclair, J. Corpus, concordance, collocation: Describing English language[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.

[6]郭晓英, 毛红梅. 语块教学对英语写作能力影响的实验研究[J]. 山东外语教学, 2010, 31(3): 52-9.

4.英语学习的利弊英文 篇四

In October 1989,china academy of science(CAS)carried out NCFC(National Computing and Networking Facility of China)project

In November 1990,prof.qiantianbai registered the country Code Top-Level Domain.cn

On April 20 1994 NCFC connected to the Internet.Since then, China has been officially recognized as a country with full functional internet accessibility.Internet plays a very important role in modern life.It revolutionized our lives in manyways.People all over the world can gathered together through the internet.Positive:

Internet makes our study and work more convenient.Now there are a lot of searching engines on the Internet , such as Google and Baidu , supplying more and more information by a very quick way.We can get whatever information we want within only several seconds.Internet is a window on the world for us.We can get more information and knowledge.It helps us expand our horizons and broaden our mind.Internet is just like a bridge of communicating between people.People get closer through it , which promotes interpersonal relationship.Shopping online has become a modern part of our life.Save both money and time, and offers more choices for customers.You can enjoy the beauty of nature all over the world at the same time without stepping outside.Negative:

Too many students ignore study since they are addicted to computer games seriously.There are so many traps that beyond our guard!

5.科技的利弊英语作文 篇五

Some people think that the development of science and technology is beneficial to mankind, but some people think that the development of science and technology has brought about disadvantages to mankind.

In my opinion, the development of science and technology has both advantages and disadvantages, but the disadvantages are still greater.

Take the invention of the automobile for example. When the early automobile served for human beings, it did bring convenience to people, making people travel conveniently and quickly.

But now, there are so many cars, you can see them everywhere. An increase in the number of cars means an increase in emissions. With so much waste gas entering the atmosphere, the earth is unable to dissipate heat quickly, causing global temperatures to rise, melting ice at both poles and losing life there.

Then came the invention of the plastic bag. Although its light and easy to use, it has to be broken down. But extremely difficult. A small bag can take decades or even centuries.

Besides, they still didnt deal with it well. The used plastic bags are thrown on the ground and in the rivers, making the land barren and the rivers muddy. Some living things suffocate because of the plastic bags.

Last but not least, the mobile phone is a double-edged sword. If used well, it will bring convenience to people. If not used well, it can have very serious consequences.

There are a lot of young people who are nearsighted because of excessive use of mobile phones. Some addicted to the game, life becomes decadent; Others play with their phones while charging, causing batteries to explode and causing serious injuries.

6.科技的利弊英语作文 篇六

When I was a kid, technology wasnt that advanced, and our homes were mostly just physical toys, not smartphones and tablets. With the change of The Times, the progress of science and technology, modern civilization has gradually intruded into our life imperceptibly, replaced by the toys that we played happily when we were children. Although the entry of civilization brings us a convenient life, it has buried the traditional things.

Electronic products are always novel, progressive, enjoyable and technological in peoples eyes, but what phenomenon does it make us produce? When you walk on the road, people seem to have cell phones on their hands, waiting for traffic lights, waiting for the bus... Even when he was crossing the street, he risked his life and walked with his head down. The people he saw were so cold that they could not predict what would happen in the next second. Civilization enables us to have a convenient life. When we buy things, we can shop online and buy the things we need without going out. It seems that people are praising the progress of The Times. But while these advances bring us convenience, they widen the distance between people.

How can we improve this phenomenon? I think we can go back in time, and maybe modern children will find our childhood toys so interesting, or maybe its the novelty of electronic gadgets that has caught the modern childs attention, obscuring the physical toys.

7.高考英语改革利弊谈 篇七

1. 减轻学生负担,提高学习兴趣


2. 让英语教学更加理性


3. 转变中国式英语教学方法


4. 让有专业才华的学生有了实现自己理想的机会


5. 让教育变得更加公平






8.浅谈多媒体辅助英语教学的利弊 篇八































