


1.同等学力西医综合考试 篇一




① 把社会主义制度和市场经济结合起来

② 利用已有的组织资源推进市场取向改革

③ 增量改革

④ 适时地推进政治体制改革

⑤ 先试点,后推广

A①②③B ②③⑤C ②③④D ①④⑤

2、对于吉芬商品而言,当价格下降时,替代效应和收入效应的关系是_____________.A 替代效应大于零,收入效应大于零,且替代效应大于收入效应

B 替代效应大于零,收入效应小于零,且收入效应大于替代效应

C 替代效应小于零,收入效应小于零,且替代效应大于收入效应

D 替代效应小于零,收入效应大于零,且收入效应大于替代效应

3、不属于国际贸易当代理论的是______________.A同质产品的产业内贸易理论B 战略政策贸易理论

C需求偏好相似理论D 技术差距论

4、长期性倾销要想成为可能,必须具备的条件包括________________.① 出口商具有一定的垄断能力

② 对手国不报复

③ 国内外市场存在弹性差异

④ 出口国对于国外商品设置足够高的贸易壁垒

⑤ 出口商品的需求价格弹性与进口商品的需求价格弹性之和的绝对值大于1

A①②③B ②③⑤C ①③④D ②④⑤

5、在讨论税收公平原则时,下面哪个不是主要考虑的原则? ________________.A横向公平和纵向公平原则B 收益原则

C福利损失最小原则D 能力原则

6、根据汇率制度选择的“经济论”,汇率制度的选择主要由如下哪些因素决定? __________.① 经济开放程度

② 经济规模

③ 经济制度

④ 进出口贸易的商品结构和地域分布

⑤ 国内金融市场的发达程度及其与国际金融市场的一体化程度

⑥ 相对的通货膨胀率

A ①②③B ②③④⑤C①②④⑤⑥D①②③④⑤⑥

7、关于乘数理论,在三部门经济体系中,下列说法哪个不对? ______________.A 投资乘数的绝对值一定等于政府购买乘数的绝对值

B 政府购买乘数一定大于平衡预算乘数

C 税收乘数的绝对值一定大于平衡预算乘数

D 投资乘数的绝对值与税收乘数的绝对值比较结果是确定的8、财政不平衡的主要原因是_________________.①财政平衡是偶然的,财政不平衡具有必然性






A ①②③B ②③④C ②③④⑤⑥D ①②③④⑤






















4、赤字依存度与赤字比率 :赤字依存度是指财政赤字占财政支出的比例,说明一国在当年的总支出中有多大比例是依赖赤字支出实现的;赤字比率是指财政赤字占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例,说明一国在当年以赤字支出方式动员了多大比例的社会资源。










设h代表本国,f代表外国,R为利息率,E为汇率,o与t为时间,Y为货币量: 有Y量本币,存入银行则本利和为:Y(1+Rh)

如果将Y量本币换成外币存入银行则本利和应为: Y·Eo(1+Rf)






(2)升贴水公式推导:设 Y为存入银行的一笔钱






























2.同等学力西医综合考试 篇二
































3.同等学力西医综合考试 篇三




























4.同等学力英语考试大纲 篇四

第一部分 口语交际



第二部分 词汇


第三部分 阅读理解


第四部分 完形填空


第五部分 短文完成 本部分共设20题,每题1分,考试时间为20分钟。本部分共有3篇短文,每篇短文自身有3~4个空白。同时,每篇短文前面又设有3~4个带有1个空白的语言段。这些语言段前设有方框,其中为每个语言段的空白提供了相应的备选答案。短文和语言段共设置20个空白。本部分要求考生在理解短文和语言段的基础上完成两项任务:一是从语言段前面的方框中所设的备选答案中选出一个最佳答案分别填入各个语言段的空白处,使相应的语言段完整;二是从短文前的3~4个语言段选项中选出一个最佳答案分别填入短文的相应空白处。两项任务完成后应该使短文完整。

第六部分 英译汉


5.同等学力英语考试(真题) 篇五

The bikes are given to students who have good grades and perfect attendance. Nicole says:” Some kids aren’t as lucky as other, 51 they still do well in school. I think they should be 52 for that.” Nicole has received e-mails and phone calls from parents and teachers that say test 53 are improving. “Bikes can take you far, ” she says. ”GOOD grades can take you even 54 .”

Barton Dassinger is the principal of Cesar E Chavez school in Chicago. Students in his school have received bikes. It’s been a great way to 55 students to do their best,” Dassinger says. “They work hard to make it happen.”

46. A. joined B. created

C. helped D. reformed

47. A. In addition to B. In honor of

C. In line with D. In exchange for

48. A. safely B. happily

C. freely D. quickly

49. A. insist B. accept

C. remember D. ensure

50. A. look -out B. drop -out

C. check-up D. line-up

51. A. and B. so

C. but D. or

52. A. insist B. accept

C. remember D. ensure

53. A. papers B. scores

C. conditions D. methods

54. A. higher B. better

C. further D. greater

55. A. require B. exploit

C. entitle D. motivate

Part V Text Completion(20 minutes,20 points)

Directions:In this part there are three short texts with 20 questions (Ranging from 56-75).

Above each text there are three or four phrases to be completed. First, use the choices provided in the box to complete the phrases. Second, use the completed phrases to fill in the blanks of the text. Note you should blacken the letters that indicate your answers on the Answer Sheet.

Text One

A. optimistic about

B. a need

C. A third


A. They felt 56 for

B. Most were 57 the future for women

C. Less than 58 of them

In a recent survey, 55% of 3,000 Japanese women polled said they weren’t being treated equally with men at work, and 59 said they expected women’s live to improve over the next two decades. Yet, only 26% of the women said 60 strong and organized women’s movement. In a similar survey of American women, a much smaller 29% believed they were treated unfairly at work, 61 , and 37% said a women’s movement was needed.

Text Two

A. up to

B. collections

C. library


A. introduce you to your 62 facilities

B. check out 63 five books

C. houses our humanities and map 64

Welcome to the university library. This tour will 65 . First of all, the library’s collection of books, reference materials, and other resources are found on levels one to four of this building. Level one 66 . On level two, you will find our circulation desk, current periodicals and journals and our copy facilities. Our science and engineering sections can be found on level three. Finally, group study rooms and the multimedia center are located on level four. Undergraduate students can 67 for two weeks. Graduate students can check out fifteen books for two months. Books can be renewed up to two tomes.

Text Three

A. to understand them

B. to think about

C. not accent elimination

D. give them the most trouble


A. identify which specific areas of pronunciation 68

B. give you some things 69

C. make it difficult for native speakers 70

D. focus on accent reduction, 71

Many ESL learners are concerned about eliminating their accents, but before you run out and spend hundreds of dollars on the latest pronunciation course, let me 72 .

First, the main goal of any pronunciation course should be to 73 , which is virtually impossible. Rather, students should work on reducing areas of their pronunciation that affect comprehensibility, that is, areas of their accents that 74 . Second, with this goal in mind, students need to be able to 75 . Of course, there are universal areas of pronunciation that affect specific language groups, and reading up on these commonalities will help you.


英语试卷二(50 minutes)

Part VI Translation(20 minutes,10 points)

Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.

Being unhappy is like an infectious diseases. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone and miserable. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous: if you don’t feel happy, pretend to be!

It works. Before long you will find that instead of pushing people away, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

Then the make-believe becomes a reality. Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens filled with grateful friends.

Part VII Writing (30 minutes,15 points)

Directions:Write a composition of at least 150 words about the topic: The possibility of using the mobile phone to study English (or any other subject). You should write according to the outline given below.

1. 我认为手机(不)可以用来学习英语或其他知识

2. 理由是。。。

6.同等学力英语考试真题 篇六

Before the 1970s, college students were treated as children. So many colleges ran in loco parentis system. “In loco parentis”is a Latin term meaning “in the place of a parent.” It describes when someone else accepts responsibility to act in the interests of a child.

This idea developed long ago in British common law to define the responsibility of teachers toward their students. For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in 1913.

Gott owned a restaurant off campus. Berea threatened to expel students who ate at places not owned by the school. The Kentucky high court decided that in loco parentis justified that rule.

In loco parentis meant that male and female college students usually had to live in separate buildings. Women had to be back at their dorms by ten or eleven on school nights.

But in the 1960s, students began to protest rules and restrictions like these. At the same time, courts began to support students who were being punished for political and social dissent.

In 1960, Alabama State College expelled six students who took part in a civil rights demonstration. They sued the school and won. After that it became harder and harder to defend in loco parentis.

At that time, students were not considered adults until 21. Then, in 1971, the 24th amendment to the Constitution set the voting age at eighteen. So in loco parentis no longer really applied.

Slowly, colleges began to treat students not as children, but as adults. Students came to be seen as consumers of educational services.

Gary Dickstein, an assistant vice president at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, says in loco parentis is not really gone. It just looks different. Today’s parents, he says, are often heavily involved in students’lives. They are known as “helicopter parents.”They always seem to hover over their children. Gary Dickstein says these parents are likely to question decisions, especially about safety issues and grades. They want to make sure their financial investment is not being wasted.

26. Before the 1970s, many colleges ran in loco parentis system because .

A. they could take the place of the students’parents

B. parents asked them to do it for the interests of their children

C. this was a tradition established by British colleges

D. college students were regarded as too young to be treated as adults

27. Who won the case of Gott versus Berea College in 1913?

A. Berea College. B. Gott.

C. It was a win-win case. D. The students.

28. The word “dissent”(Para.5) probably means “ ”.

A. extreme behaviors B. violation of laws

C. strong disagreement D. Wrong doings

29. In 1960,the court ruled that Alabama State College

A. had no right to expel the students

B. was justified to have expelled the students

C. shouldn’t interfere with students’ daily life

D. should support civil rights demonstrations

30. According to Gary Dickstein, today’s “helicopter parents_____

A. don’t set their hearts at rest with college administrators

B. keep a watchful eye on their children’s life and study

C. care less about their children’s education than before

D. have different opinions on their children’s education

Passage Three

We tend to think of plants as the furniture of the natural word. They don’t move they don’t make sounds, they don’t seem to respond to anything Cat least not very quickly. But as is often the case, our human view of the world misses quite a lot. Plants talk to each other all the time. And the language is chemical.

Over the years scientists have reported that different types of plants, from trees to tomatoes, release compounds into the air to help neighboring plants. These chemical warnings all have the same purpose―to spread information about one plant’s disease so other plants can defend themselves. But exactly how plants receive and act on many of these signals is still mysterious.

In this week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers in Japan offer some explanations. They have identified one chemical message and traced it all the way from release to action.

The scientists looked at tomato plants infested(侵害) by common pest, the cutworm caterpillar(毛虫). To start out, they grew plants in two plastic compartments connected by a tube. One plant was infested and placed upwind and the others were uninfested and placed downwind. The downwind plants were later exposed to the cutworm caterpillar. The results showed that plants that had previously been near sick neighbors were able to defend themselves better against the caterpillar.

The researchers also studied leaves from exposed and unexposed plants. They found one compound showed up more often in the exposed plants. The substance is called Hex Vic. When the scientists fed Hex Vic to cutworms, it knocked down their survival rate by 17%. The scientists identified the source of Hex Vic, and sprayed it lightly over healthy plants. Those plants were then able to start producing the caterpillar-killing Hex Vic. Researchers confirmed that uninfested plants have to build their own weapon to fight off bugs and diseases. How do they know when to play defense? They are warned first by their friendly plant neighbors.

It is a complex tale, and it may be happening in more plant species than tomatoes. It may also be happening with more chemical signals that are still unknown to us. For now though, we know that plants not only communicate, they look out for one another.

31. What does the author try to emphasize Paragraph 1?

A. How plants communicate is still a mystery.

B. Enough attention has been paid to plant talk.

C. Plants are the furniture of the natural world.

D. Plants can communicate with each other.

32. According to Paragraph2, what remains unknown is ______

A. how plats receive and handle the signals from their neighbors

B. why plants spread chemical information to their neighbor

C. how many types of plants release compounds into the air

D. whether plants send chemical warnings to their neighbors

33. The tomato plants in the experiment were ______

A. placed separately but connected through air

B. expose to different kinds of pests

C. exposed to the pest at the same time

D. placed together in a closed compartment

34. The experiment shows that the infested plant helps its neighbors by ______

A. making more Hex Vic to attract the pest

B. releasing Hex Vic into the air to warn them

C. letting them know how to produce Hex Vic

D. producing enough Hex Vic to kill the pest

35.What may be the best title for the passage?

A. Survival of Plants B. Plant World

C. Talking Plants D. Plant Bug Killer

Passage Four

Vancouver is the best place to live in the Americas, according to a quality-of-life ranking published earlier this month .The city regularly tops such indexes as its clean air, spacious homes and weekend possibilities of sailing and skiing. But its status as a liveable city is threatened by worsening congestion(拥挤).Over the next three decades, another I million residents are expected to live in the Greater Vancouver region, adding more cars, bicycles and lorries to roads that arc already struggling to serve the existing 2.3 million residents.

A proposal by Vancouver’s mayorseeks to prevent the worsening conditions. Upgrades would be madeto 2,300 kilometres of road lanes, as well as bus routes and cycle paths. Four hundred new buses would join the fleet of 1,830. There would be more trains and more “sea bus” ferry crossings between Vancouver and its wealthy northern suburbs. To get all that, residents must vote to accept an increase in sales tax, from 7% to 7.5%. Polls suggest they will vote no.

Everyone agrees that a more efficient transport system is needed. Confined by mountains to the north, the United States to the south and the Pacific Ocean to the west, Vancouver has spread in the only direction where there is still land, into the Fraser Valley, which just a few decades ago was mostly farmland. The road is often overcrowded.

Yet commuters’suspicion of local bureaucrats may exceed their dislike of congestion. TransLink, which runs public transport in the region, is unloved by taxpayers. Passengers blame it when Skytrain,the light-rail system, comes to a standstill because of mechanical or electrical faults, as happened twice in one week last summer, leaving commuters stuck in carriages with nothing to do but expressing their anger on Twitter. That sort of thing has made voters less willing to pay the C$7.5 billion in capital spending that the ten-year trafficupgrade would involve.

Despite the complaints, Vancouver’s transport system is a decent, well-integrated one on which to build, reckons Todd Litman, a transport consultant who has worked for TransLink. “These upgrades are all-important if Vancouver wants to maintain its reputation for being a destination others want to go to.”He says.

36. The biggest problem threatening Vancouver as a liveable city is .

A. increasing congestion

B. climate change

C. shortage of land

D. lack of money

37. The upgrade proposal by Vancouver’s mayor may be turned down by residents because .

A. they do not want more people to move in

B. they are reluctant to move to new places

C. upgrades would take away their living space

D. upgrades would add to their financial burdens

38. The only direction for Vancouver to further expand is towards .

A. the east

B. the west

C. the south

D. the north

39. TransLink is mentioned (Para.4) as an example of .

A. world famous transport companies

B. local residents’complaints about the bureaucrats

C. local effort to improve public transport

D. worsening traffic congestion

40. According to Todd Litman, the upgrade proposal .

A. will solve the traffic problem

B. will benefit local economy

C. satisfies the transport company


