


1.开放英语英语作文 篇一



As can be seen in the picture, there are _____________: _____________, while(当….时,然而,虽然or尽管)/and_________.It/This scene, evidently/obviously, suggests/indicates/implies that_____________.Just as is shown/demonstrated in the picture, __________(此处可以以不同的形式重述图片中所反映的主要内容), which makes me think of ________________.______________________(简单展开分析即可).Generally speaking(总得说来)/Overall(总得说来)/ Briefly speaking(简言地说)/In brief(简言之)/In short(简言之)/In a word(总而言之)/All in all(总而言之)/In summary(总而言之)/In conclusion(总而言之), _____________(对第二段内容进行总结,此段也可放到第二段段尾).模板二:

In this picture, there are ________: _________, while(当….时,然而,虽然or尽管)/and___________.把…考虑在内)/ Once people all the things in the picture 把…考虑在内), a widespread/enlightening /helpful/important/essential philosophy will(that is, 即, 也就是), _______________.This can be well explained by ___________(从自己的生活、经历或社会现象中找到一个典型的例子).Therefore/Thus/Hence/As a result/In consequence/As a consequence/Consequently(因此


From the picture we can see_______: ____________, while(当….时,然而,虽然or尽管)/and________.Undoubtedly/There is not doubt that/It is self-evident that this picture is suggesting/indicating/implying/conveying/communicating an allegoric(寓意的)/a symbolic(象征意义的)/an extra(额外的)/ an underlying(隐含的)/hidden(隐含的)meaning:______________, which can be proved by ____________.Therefore/Thus/Hence/As a result/In consequence/As a consequence/Consequently(因此), It is never hard/It is always easy/It is safe to arrive at(/to reach)such a conclusion that________.模板四:

(It is not hard/It is easy/It is safe to conclude that________.)(It is never hard/It is always easy/It is safe to arrive at(/to reach)such a conclusion: ________.)Weigh the cons and pros: 权衡利弊

We can learn that…….A wise choice

2.开放英语英语作文 篇二

一、加大语言输入, 夯实英语基础

有足够的输入, 才能有充足的输出。中学阶段的语言基础主要指基本句型、词汇和语法, 没有这些语言基础, 要学好写作也就如镜中观花, 可望而不可即。光多记单词还不够, 还要正确理解单词的意义, 了解单词的用法、搭配、褒贬义、感情色彩等。现在高考英语写作变得越来越灵活, 考生平时就要加强阅读, 加强语言积累, 在考试中写出亮点。


这里所说的“高级词汇”, 指的是大纲中没有列入或没有识记要求, 但在实际运用中却出现比较频繁的词汇, 比如:frustration, awkward, awfully, concern等词, 都可以算做是“高级词汇”。考生若能够适当地运用一些“高级词汇”, 定会给阅卷老师留下深刻的印象。如将“The question is really difficult to understand”用使用“高级词汇”的句子“The question is really confusing”替换, 效果就大不一样。


使用相应的同义词替代使用频率非常高的常用词, 做到与众不同, 定能给评卷老师带来清新的感觉。如将“He was such a clever boy that...”改成“He was such a smart boy that...”。


使用短语的难度比单词要大一些, 因此, 适当运用短语更能显示考生的功力。如将“I’m extremely busy now”改成“I’m now as busy as a bee”。

总之, 语言知识是基础, 打好基础是通往成功作文的第一步。

二、重视写作训练, 养成良好习惯

把语言知识放到实际情境中去运用、去练习, 在使用中不断加深理解, 才能达到灵活运用的目的。要学习范文, 分析文章, 模仿写作, 继而创造性地写作;要勤于记英语日记, 勤于记笔记, 重视文章的修改等, 这样才能提高英语写作水平。

想要在英语高考半开放式作文中拿高分, 除了要较多地使用“高级词汇”外, 还要会使用较复杂的句式, 如分词短语、介词结构、并列句、复合句等, 将作文提升到一定的品位。


固定句式 (如感叹句、复合结构、强调句型等) 、定语从句、非谓语动词等都属于较复杂的语法结构。这些结构的正确使用, 可以使文章的语言充满层次感, 从而较好地反映写作者的语言运用能力。

1. 使用固定句式, 如将“The environment willnever improve until everybody takes care of it”改成使用倒装结构的句子“Not until everybody takes care of it will the environment improve”。

2. 使用非谓语动词短语, 如将“Nowadays, wecan easily travel from one place to another and this bridges the gap among different races or cultures”改成使用分词短语的句子“Nowadays, we can easily travel from one place to another, thus bridging the gap among different races or cultures”。

3. 使用定语从句, 如将“My favorite writer is Roddy Doyle.I think he is a genius”改成使用定语从句的句子“My favorite writer is Roddy Doyle, who I think is a genius”。


英语高考书面表达评分标准指出, 书面表达应该注意“上下文的连贯性”, 并能“有效地使用语句间的连接成分, 使全文结构紧凑”。这里所说的连贯性, 就是指通过连接词 (包括并列连词、从属连词和连接性副词) 、非谓语动词短语等语法成分, 使两个或多个意义相互关联的事情或观点在同一个句子内得以表达, 从而使整个段落或篇章浑然一体, 连贯流畅。


连接性副词也被称为过渡词, 它们的位置一般以句首居多。连接性副词承上启下, 能够令读者对后续的句子产生心理上的期待和准备, 因此整个篇章会因它们而紧凑连贯。常见的连接性副词有:also, furthermore, in addition, additionally, hopefully, meanwhile, however, instead, in other words, in brief, in a word, in my opinion, on the whole等等。如将“We have many things to do.We believe we can finish before the day is over”改成使用连接性副词的句子“We have quite a lot to do.Hopefully, we will be able to finish before the day is over”。


常见的从属连词有:after, as, when, while, as long as, as soon as等。如将“You work hard and never give up.You will succeed in your studies”改成使用从属连词的句子“So long as you work hard, you will succeed in your studies”。


英语文章很注重句子间的启、承、转、合, 这在很大程度上依赖于过渡词语。常见的过渡词语按其表达功能分为以下几类。

(1) 递进型, 如:besides, otherwise, what’s more, thus, moreover, even。

(2) 解释型, 如:that is (to say) , in other words, or, in the same way。

(3) 转折型, 如:however, but, yet。

(4) 列举型, 如:firstly...secondly...thirdly...finally, first (of all) ...then...after that...at last, first...then...next...finally, on the one hand...on the other (hand) , at the same time, meanwhile, such as...and so on, for one thing...for another (thing) , also。

(5) 举例型, 如:for example, for instance, such as, like, and so on, that is, namely。

(6) 让步型, 如:though, although, in spite of, much as I like that。

(7) 归纳型, 如:in conclusion, in a word, in the end, at last, finally, after all, in short, in general, generally speaking。

(8) 转换话题型, 如:by the way, I’m afraid, in my opinion, to tell the truth, after all, in fact。

(9) 并列型, 如:and, as well as, also。

(10) 选择型, 如:or, either...or, or else, otherwise。

(11) 原因型, 如:because, because of, owing to, due to, on account of, since, as, now that。

(12) 结果型, 如:so, therefore, thus, as a result, therefore。

(13) 时间型, 如:when, while, soon after, before, later, afterwards。

(14) 比较型, 如:on the contrary, like, as..as。


在英语高考半开放式书面表达题中, 正反观点对比是常见的题目, 其写作步骤为:先构思提纲——文章结构, 后写作。常用的写作格式是:提出问题→两种不同的观点→对两种不同观点的论据 (理由) 逐项作对比→作者本人的观点。即对比类写作经常分三至四个段落。第一段提出问题, 第二段写正方观点, 第三段写反方观点, 或者第二、三段合为一段, 最后一段写作者自己的观点。在全文的处理上, 应显示前后连贯性。各段之间层次清楚, 以使文章显得有条理。从段落内部的层次上讲, 每一段一般又分为三部分:主题句、扩展句和总结句。考生要熟练掌握对比类写作题常用的句型。例如:

1.开头可以用的表达方式, 如:we have a (heated) discussion about..., we have had a survey on...。

2.分别论证时用的表达方式, 如:opinions are divided on the question..., some students think...but others are opposed to..., others are against..., some are in favor of...。

3.发表个人观点时用的表达方式, 如:in my opinion, personally。

4. 进一步论证时用的表达方式, 如:what’s more, besides, in addition, what is more serious is that。

5. 提出多个论据时用的表达方式, 如:first...second..third, to begin with, secondly, besides。

6. 相似的比较, 如:in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner。

7. 相反的比较, 如:on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with。

另外, 考生应养成规范书写的习惯。字迹工整、卷面清洁、布局美观、标点符号正确, 这些都能给阅卷者带来视觉美的感受, 自然就会给阅卷者留下良好的印象, 增加得高分的机会。

三、关注社会生活, 培养思维能力

英语高考书面表达评分标准中所谓“紧扣主题的适当发挥”, 就是指在合乎情理、合乎规范、力所能及的前提下添加一些要点中没有提及的信息。紧扣主题的适当发挥, 需要生活阅历和思维能力作为后盾, 没有这两点适当发挥就可能成为不切实际的空话、不合逻辑的胡话。

目前的半开放式作文的话题常跟学生的学习生活或社会时事信息相关, 如“奥运会志愿者”“学生使用手机问题”“阳光体育活动”“建设和谐社会”“西方节日对传统文化的冲击”“出国留学问题”等。考生在学习之余, 也要关注社会、关心国家大事, 正所谓“家事、国事、天下事, 事事关心”, 广泛接触文化、经济、科学、体育、政治等各种题材, 拓展视野, 扩大知识面。我们应该鼓励学生观看时事分析等电视讲座, 观看央视的“焦点访谈”“对话”“高端访问”等节目, 同时学生之间就共同关心的话题进行交流等。所有这些都有助于提高思维能力, 培养辩证地、全面地、发展地分析问题和解决问题的能力, 从而摆脱思维定势的束缚, 进入更广阔的思维空间。

3.开放式英语作文教学策略 篇三











文章要有条理,要分清要点,详略得当。要使文章上下文连贯,符合逻辑可以用上first/firstly,second/secondly,third/thirdly, in a word/in short/in brief等平时积累的关联词及插入语。此外,健康向上的思想内容,正确积极的人生观和价值观以及新颖的思路均能够充分表现学生的思想品德修养和创造力,这正好符合新课标所提倡的素质教育,因此这一点也是举足轻重的。









4.如何写好高考英语开放作文 篇四






新增加的第二篇作文英文为open-ending composition。它所给提示比较简略,要求学生根据提供的情景,写一段接续文字。这篇作文要求学生充分发挥想象力和创造力,自己拓展主题,组织篇章结构,既能体现出学生活跃的思维。又能表现出他们的逻辑思维能力和灵活运用英语的能力。它要求学生必须在短时间内写出一篇内容充实新颖、思想健康、符合逻辑、交际得体的,字数不少于30个字的作文。













SITUATION: One Saturday afternoon, Li Hua and Wang Ping were playing in the woods when they found a bird on the ground.They picked it up and found it wounded.Supposing you are Li Hua and Wang Ping.Please tell us what you did with the bird.在拿到题以后,我们首先要按做到如下思考:

1、审语境: 一个星期六的下午,李华和王平在树林里玩,这时他们在地上发现一只小鸟,他们拣起小鸟的,发现小鸟受伤了

2、审人称: Supposing you are Li Hua and Wang Ping.从此句的提示中可以看出时要求你以李华和王平两个人的口气续写,因此人称就该是we。

3、审时态:Please tell us what you did with the bird.在这个提示语中的did正是决定学生在写作中所用的时态应该是过去时。




If I were Li Hua I would try my best to save the bird.I would put the bird carefully into my soft hat to keep it warm.And then carried it to an animal hospital as soon as possible.I think doctor could help it.If the bird can live I would carry it back home, and took care of it until it can fly back to the woods.If it couldn’t live, I would buried it.I think whoever meet this thing will do just like what I did.Everybody would like to see this bird family live happily together, isn’t it?


可以说这篇文章没有符合要求,因为整篇文章使用了虚拟语气。从文章的开始If I were Li Hua I would try my best to save the bird.I would put the bird carefully into my soft hat to keep it warm„ 就表示一种与事实相反的陈述:“要是我是李华我就会如何„„”,从作者的意识上就根本没有把“我”当做“李华”,这就没有符合我们刚刚在审题时所提到的:“假如你是李华和王平,讲述你们对这只鸟做了什么。”因此这篇文章严重不符合要求。

例2: First find the wound of the bird quickly.Second, tidy the wound carefully and softly and remember not to make the bird pain a lot.Then put some medicine on it and tie a cloth around the wound.【分析】


例3:I was worried about the little bird when I had picked it up.Its leg was seriously hurt.So I decided to bring it to see the doctor.But Li Hua told me that the doctor couldn’t see the animals.At last we put it on a big tree, because we believed it could be safer in the woods than in the city.We hoped it could be better now.【分析】1.从这篇文章的人称上看,存在着一定的问题。我们在审题时知道

了人称要用we, 按照要求此处应该是以俩个人的口气写的,可是本文却使用了“I”一个人。另外,有的同学还用了they, 同样违背了文章关于人称要求。

2.上面的文章还存在着一定的逻辑性问题。因为第二句已经提到了小鸟的腿严重的受伤,而第五句话中则说我们把小鸟又放回到树上。虽然有“we believed it could be safer in the woods than in the city.”和“We hoped it could be better now.”,但是既然小鸟的腿已经严重的受伤,按照正常逻辑思维,再把小鸟放回树上一般来说它也不可能活下去。

例4:First we are looking at the bird carefully in order to know where the bird has wounded.Then we treated the bird carefully and decided to take the bird to see a doctor, where it could have a better medical care.After that, when the bird is getting better, we let it free.【分析】这篇文章很简洁。请看划线部分,作者在这里只是单纯提到“仔细处理了一下”,但是并没有说明究竟是如何处理的。缺少细致的描写,就像建房只搭架子不用砖一样,显得空洞无味。英语写作有一条座右铭,那就是 “show more than tell”,意思是细节表达一定要多于抽象陈述,也就是写作要细节化或举例说明。我们尽量用看得见、摸得着的东西来具体表达思想。才能使文章充实、有趣,符合开放作文要求的。

例5:One day afternoon, Wang Ping and I were playing happily in the wood.We were playing balls and suddenly the ball ran into the other side of the road.I hurried to get it when I saw a bird lying there and I found it was wounded.We quickly took it to the hospital and the doctor gave the bird some medicine and we took it back home then.It was getting better and better and we decided to set it free the next day.【分析】洋洋洒洒的一篇文章,从语言上看没有问题,似乎很完美。就要求而言,似乎也提到了what we did。但是从文章的整体结构上看,前面的三句话都是和本文要求关系不大,只有后面的两句回答了作文的要求。也就是说这篇文章的五分之三都是脱离主题多余的话,何况文章前面已给了简略的语境提示。此文章没有做到主次之分,得不了满分。

例6:Wang Ping told me that he was a little hungry and we could eat the bird.I agreed with him and we found some dry wood and put it together.Then we cooked the bird.It was really delicious.What a happy day.【分析】文章语言没有问题,虽然也回答了what you did with the bird.。但事情发展的结果是把小鸟烤着吃了,而且感觉It was really delicious。结尾还说“ What a happy day.” 在世界绿色和平组织提倡人类要爱护动物,保护大自然的文明活动中,这种行为可不是人们愿意接受的。作为学生还是应该写一些思想健康的事情。



例7:Thinking that it might die without treatment, we took it home.I made a little nest for it and gave it some rice to eat.Some days later, the bird recovered.We took it out and let it be back to the woods.I thought we had done so good a thing.例8:We put the bird in my hat and took it to the animal hospital.The doctor said that one of its wing was hurt.He gave us some medicine and told us to put it on the wound once a day.We took the bird home and took good care of it.A few days later, the bird could fly again.【分析】这两篇文章的特点是语言清晰自然,非常切合文章的要求。几个动词清晰地表达了要求中提到的what you did。文章符合逻辑,主次分明,思想健康,我们认为是两篇很好的文章。


例9:We tried to save the bird by giving it some water and food.And then we decided to take it to the animal hospital,but it was too late.After a short while, the bird couldn’t move at all and it was dead.So we dug a small hole and put the bird into it as a tomb.What a pity!


另外,我们还要提醒大家注意:① 文章尽量要能够做到首尾呼应,使文章有一定的完整性。② 文章还应该做到“交际得体,表达完全与规定语境中交际对象的需求相吻合”。即具有一定的读者意识,要根据不同读者的需求,选择适当的语言风格与写作内容,也就是说在阅卷老师看完你的文章以后不会对你所表达的语言有疑虑。这样可以不影响得分。③ 字数要符合要求,不要过多也不要太少,过多了显得罗嗦,太少了又无法表明意思。按要求不少于30字。尽量使用口语化语言。



5.开放英语英语作文 篇五

An Interesting Thing



Last month your parents were both on a business trip, and you were left home alone for a few days.Tell your friends what a difficult(or happy)time you had during those days.范文

I really had a difficult time.My parents would wake me up every morning, but during those days I had to get up myself.On the first night I set the alarm at 6 o’clock, but it didn’t wake me up at all the next morning.I was scolded for being late by my teacher.Afterwards, I bought three new clocks and set them all together.What noisy mornings I had!

on a business trip 出差

be left home alone 被单独留在家中

set the alarm at 6 o’clock 把闹钟调到六点钟

be scolded for being late 因迟到而被责备

I Have A Dream



Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your close friend about it now.范文

I have a dream that I am always young.Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want.Moreover, I don’t have to worry about old age during which I even can’t take care of myself.I know that my dream will not come true.However, I think it is lucky that I am young now.So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.close friend 亲密的朋友

have enough energy to do everything 有足够的精力做一切事情

moreover 并且,更进一步

worry about old age 害怕年老

take care of myself 照顾自己

come true 变成现实

treasure my time 珍惜时间

Tell Him or Her What He or She Should Do



One of your close friends tells you, “I’m suffering from depression.I have trouble sleeping.I’m often tired.When I think about the future I feel hopeless about it.I don’t enjoy anything.I’m never happy.I don’t laugh or smile any more.”You would like to help him / her to find one or more solutions.范文

First of all, you’d better try to find an adult you can trust to talk to.For example, your parents are a good place to start, but if that doesn’t work, try teachers or someone else, and simply tell this person about yourself and how you feel.It sometimes seems like everyone else in the world is happy and you are the only one who is miserable.You will be surprised to learn that you are completely normal.I hope this helps and the next day will be better.suffering from depression 正处于沮丧/抑郁之中

feel hopeless 感觉没有希望

I don’t laugh or smile any more.我不再笑

that doesn’t work 那不起作用

you are the only one who is miserable


Learn From Lei Feng



Today is March 5th.To learn from Lei Feng, at 3∶30 p.m., my classmates and I went...范文

Today is March 5th.To learn from Lei Feng, at 3∶30 p.m., my classmates and I went in groups separately to visit some old teachers who had retired from our school.We chatted with them for a while, and then began to do some cleaning for them.Everyone worked very hard and we really felt glad we were able to do something for the old teachers.We hoped to have more chances to take part in such activities.visit some old teachers who had retired from our school


chat with sb 和某人聊天

do some cleaning 打扫卫生

have more chances to take part in such activities





My best friend Wang Ping held a birthday party.He / She invited all of my best friends except me.I was wondering at it when suddenly I remembered that one day...范文

One day when we were taking an English exam, Wang Ping, sitting next to me, passed me a piece of paper and asked me to tell her the answers to the reading comprehension.But I thought it was wrong to cheat in the exam, so I refused.After class, I tried to explain it to her, but she angrily told me never to mention it again.I knew she must have misunderstood me.So I decided to have a heart-to-heart talk with her tomorrow.hold a birthday party 生日聚会

invite all of my best friends except me

邀请了其他朋友,惟独没邀请我take an English exam 英语考试

the answers to the reading comprehension 阅读理解题答案

cheat in the exam 考试作弊

never to mention it again 不要再提这件事

a heart-to-heart talk倾心交谈

No Smoking Day



May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near.Now what do you want to say to smokers to help them get rid of the bad habit?


Today more and more people care for the problem of smoking.On that day, nobody is allowed to smoke, because smoking is polluting the air, also it’s harmful to people’s health and will cause lung cancer.I hope you should make a plan to get rid of the bad habit.It’s our hope that we all take an active part in the activity.I’m sure you’ll succeed in giving up smoking.May 31st, No Smoking Day, is drawing near.5月31日,世界戒烟日,正临近了。

help them get rid of the bad habit 帮助他们摆脱这个坏习惯

care for the problem of smoking 关心抽烟问题

cause lung cancer 引起肺癌

take an active part in the activity 积极参加这项活动

succeed in giving up smoking 成功地戒烟

An Incident



It was a summer morning in the classroom on Monday.Amy found a Band-Aid on Billy’s ankle.She asked Billy what was wrong with his ankle.Supposing you are Billy, please tell Amy what happened to your ankle.范文

Yesterday afternoon I was playing ball games with a few boys from the neighborhood.While kicking the ball, I slipped and fell over.My angle was injured.It bled a bit, so I had a Band-Aid on it.But I don’t think it serious.I hope it will be all right soon.Band-Aid 创可贴

what was wrong with 怎么了,出了什么事

supposing you are Billy 假设你是比利

slipped and fell over 滑倒

bled a bit 流了许多血

On My Way To School



You missed class this morning.Your classmate called you to find out why you were absent.You tell him what happened.I broke my leg on my way to school this morning.It was foggy.I was riding my bike very fast.Suddenly a car drove towards me and knocked me off my bike.I was taken to the hospital immediately.The doctor examined me and found my left beg broken.I had to lie in bed for at least three weeks.missed class 缺课

find out why you were absent 弄清楚为什么迟到

knocked me off my bike 把我从自行车上撞下来

lie in bed for at least three weeks 至少在床上躺三周Sports Meeting



Last Thursday a sports meeting was held in Li Ping’s school.Li Ping was in the boy’s 1000-metre race, but he didn’t finish the race.Suppose you are Li ping, you tell us what happened.范文

When the race began, I felt great!My friend Wang Xiaopeng was running by my side.Halfway during the race, he told me that his legs were hurting.I knew he couldn’t run any further though we only had 200 meters to go.Then, ‘Bang, ’he fell to the ground.Of course winning was my goal, but being a good friend was more important.boy’s 1000-metre race 男子1000米比赛

I felt great!我感觉棒极了!

couldn’t run any further 不能再跑

fell to the ground 摔倒在地上

My Old Tape Recorder



You are a middle school student.You’re going to have an important English examination in two months.You want your parents to buy you another tape recorder to take the place of the old one.Now you tell your parents why you need a new tape recorder.范文

You see, two months later I will have the English examination, including the listening test.I have to do some listening practice.But my tape recorder doesn’t work properly because something is wrong with it.So I need a new tape recorder to take the place of the old one.I hope I can get it as soon as possible.have an important English examination


tape recorder 录音机

take the place of 代替,顶替

do some listening practice 做听力练习

get it as soon as possible 尽快地拿到录音机

Why Do People Play Football


Why do people play football? It’s a stupid game and dangerous, too.Twenty-two men fight for about two hours to kick a ball into a net.They get more black eyes than goals.Sometimes they even break their bones.Football players must be mad.And why do people watch football matches? They must be mad, too.They certainly shout and scream like madmen.In fact I’m afraid to go out when there is a football match.The crowds are so dangerous.I’d rather stay at home and watch TV.But what happens when I switch it on? They’re showing a football match.So I turn on the radio.What do I hear? The latest football scores.And what do I see when I open a newspaper? Photos of football players.Oh, I’m afraid I may be mad about it some day.范文

As a middle school student, I have no much time to spend playing football.However, I watch a football match on TV whenever possible.I like it not only because it’s an exciting game, but also because it is brave and be full of confidence, courage and perseverance.You need to learn to work together with others perfectly.The sport of football can show a spirit as well as strengthen your body.When you are tired after a long time of study.Just watch a football match, which can give your brain a good rest.Over all, I like the sport of football.It’s a game full of challenge.fight for 为„„而战斗

kick a ball into a net 把球踢进网内

shout and scream like madmen 象疯子一样尖叫

I’d rather stay at home and watch TV.我宁愿呆在家里看电视。

switch sb.on 换(电视)台

a game full of challenge 一项充满挑战的比赛


1.With the development of the mode of public transport, the communication between people becomes more and more frequent.随着交通工具的发展,人们的交往越来越频繁。

2.With the result of the Party’s policy of economic reform, there has been a great increase in economic growth, from which Chinese people have benefited a lot.由于党的正确的经济改革政策,我国的经济有了很大的增长,人们从中获益不浅。

3.Some people say the most important element to success is luck, while others claim it is hard work.有人说,成功的关键是运气,而有些人则认为成功是靠努力工作。

4.Now people in growing populations are beginning to recognize the importance of birth control.现在越来越多的人认识到计划生育的重要性。

5.According to a recent survey, more and more students are doing part-time jobs.根据最近的调查表明越来越多的学生在打工。

6.As far as learning a language is concerned, practice is of great importance.就学习一门语言而言,不断的实践是十分重要的。

7.It goes without saying, without advanced science and technology, a country will have poor living conditions.毫无疑问,没有先进的科学技术,一个国家将只能处于贫穷的境地。

8.The telephone has made it possible for us to communicate with our friends far away, without leaving our houses.电话的使用能使我们有可能不出家门而与在远方的朋友们交谈。

9.With help from a computer, this project was completed ahead of time.有了计算机的帮助,这一工程提前完成了。

10.Complicated as the problem is, it can be solved in a few minutes with an electronic computer.虽然这个问题很复杂,用电子计算机几分钟就解决了。

11.So far, computers have found applications in the field of industry, which has caused a surprising change in terms of the productivity.迄今为止,计算机在工业领域中的使用使得生产发生了惊人的变化。

12.The school should make it its aim to help students to develop themselves in an all-round way.学校应该把学生的全面发展作为自己的目标。

13.Professor Mary pointed out that in learning a foreign language, great attention should be paid to the improvement of reading speed.玛丽教授指出,在外语学习过程中,应特别注意阅读速度的提高。

14.He owed his success entirely to his family support.他把自己最终的成功全都归功于他家人的支持。

15.If you persevere, you will accomplish wonders.如果你坚持不懈,定能创造奇迹。

16.What we learn in school will have a great effect on our future.我们在学校所学的东西对我们的未来有很大的影响。

17.Failure is also a type of learning if you can draw a lesson from it.如果能从失败中吸取教训的话,失败也是一种学习。

18.We learn a foreign language in order to communicate with people all over the world.我们学习外语是为了同世界人民进行交往。

19.Newspapers and magazines keep us informed of what is happening around the world.报纸杂志使我们了解世界各地发生的事情。

20.Once you have confidence in yourself, you are sure to make remarkable progress.一旦你对学习有了信心,你的学习就一定会取得显著进步。

21.The result from the study and research has shown/illustrated that people are becoming more and more concern about the quality of their life.研究和观察结果表明,人们越来越关心生活的质量。

22.The first thing I do every morning is to turn on the radio to listen to the weather forecast and the news of the day.我每天早上做的第一件事情是打开收音机听天气预报和当日新闻。

23.Once you get into the habit of smoking, you’ll find it hard to give it up.一旦养成了抽烟的习惯,你会发现很难戒掉它。

24.It indicates that all living things on the earth are being greatly threatened by industrial pollution.这表明地球上所有的生物正在受到工业污染的严重威胁。

25.It’s not allowed to blare horns here, those who fail to obey the regulation will be fined.此地禁止按喇叭,不能遵守此规定者将被处以罚款。

26.People all over the world believe that it won’t be long before a cure for cancer comes into being.世界人民期待着不久的将来有治疗癌症的新药出现。

27.He has got into the bad habit of reading in bed, which is harmful to his eyesight.他已养成一个在床上看书的坏习惯,这习惯有害于他的视力。

28.Working hard is important, but knowing how to make the most of one’s abilities is more important.用功是重要的,但知道如何充分利用自己的才能更重要。

29.Even though l have studied English for a few years, I still find it hard to express myself effectively in English.尽管我已学了几年英语,但仍不能有效地用英语表达自己的想法。

30.Sick and weak as Grandma is, she has taken on all the housework in the family.祖母虽体弱多病,却承担了家里所有的家务。

31.Referring to this accident, the driver admitted that his car knocked down a child.在谈及这次事故时,司机承认他撞倒了一个孩子。

32.I think private cars should be restricted rather than encouraged.我认为,私车应该限制而不是鼓励。

33.Measures must be taken to make the water clean before it goes into the river.必须采取措施,将废水净化后才能排放入河流。

34.Helping others is the source of happiness.帮助别人是快乐的源泉。

35.The computer has completely changed our life.计算机大大地改变了我们的生活。

36.Without computers, the realization of modernization would remain a dream.没有计算机,实现现代化只能是个梦。

37.We must work hard if we want to achieve success.要想获得成功,我们就必须努力学习。

38.Lack of education is an obstacle to success.缺乏教育是成功的障碍。

39.The earth is the only planet and home for the human race.地球是人类唯一的家园。

6.开放英语英语作文 篇六

Id like to say something before Tracy goes back toEngland.

On one hand,Tracy is such a kind and friendly girl that I feel happy to be her friend.

Because of her good character she is very popular with us during her stay here. On the other hand,she gets along well with everyone and all of us have a wonderful time with her. How can we forget (1)the time that we spent together happily(我们一起度过的美好时光)! I remember she doesnt hesitate to help us (2)whenever we have trouble in learning English(无论何时我们学习英语有困难时).Therefore,we are grateful to Tracy from the bottom of our heart and we owe a lot of thanks to her.

(3)As the saying goes,true friendship never ends (正如俗话所说,真正的友谊地久天长),so I hope we can keep in touch with Tracy.I also hope that Tracy can come back toChinaand stay with us in the near future.

Thats all. Thank you!



注意:1. 词数100左右;

1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

7.开放英语英语作文 篇七


一、建立良好的师生关系, 培养学生兴趣

在课堂中, 教师主导着课堂, 在新课程理念下, 教学是开放的, 教师和学生是朋友关系, 良好的课堂气氛要靠和谐的师生关系来营造。 而营造开放、良好教学气氛的关键是要抓住学生的兴趣, 在讲授新课时要做到开头吸引学生的兴趣。 讲授新课有较多的导入方法, 最常用的就是歌曲式导入、提问式导入、幻灯片手段导入、悬念式导入等等, 导入的方式不同, 得到的效果也不一样。 导入新课之后, 教师依然要抓住学生的兴趣, 进行课程内容的讲述, 只有丰富多彩的课堂才能抓住学生们的心, 教师要想做到这一点, 就要在课堂上不断与学生互动, 就要改变传统的观念, 认识到学生的主体地位, 和谐师生关系。 另外, 新课程理念下, 要将每一个学生的学习及综合运用能力放在重要地位, 在教学过程中, 要求教师对学生一视同仁, 公平地对待每一个学生。

二、寓教于乐, 给予学生机会展示自己

在英语课堂上, 教师要给学生足够的机会和空间去展示自己, 比如教师可以利用表演法让学生们参与课堂, 将学到的知识, 利用对话和角色扮演的形式表现出来, 不仅能加强学生们的记忆, 也能提高学生门的兴趣, 丰富课堂教学。 教师要允许学生自由发挥, 将抽象的对话变为生动的情境。

比如, 教师可以用英语做一些日常的对话, 和学生进行互动。 教师可以选择一个角色, 如酒店的服务人员, 在面对客人时, 就要说“ Good morning, This is Seven days Hotel. What can i do for you? ” 而客人则会说:“ Good morning, I will drive to Kunming tomorrow on business. I'd like to reserve a room. ” 通过这样对话的形式, 就能轻松营造了愉快的课堂气氛。


一般的教学都是教师在讲台上讲授, 学生们坐在下面听课, 这样的教学方式很容易让学生们失去学习的兴趣, 单一的教学方式容易让学生们上课走神、开小差。 要丰富英语课堂教学, 小组合作是不错选择。 利用小组合作的形式, 可以进行各种游戏活动, 小组成员之间要相互合作, 共同完成教师布置的任务。比如, 让学生们根据教学内容完成情境对话, 将对话内容表演出来, 该方法虽然上文中已经提到, 但是上文中提到的表演法给予学生的表演机会是不够多的, 而利用小组合作的形式, 则可以给每个学生机会, 将自己充分展现给小组成员。 或者更深一层, 教师让学生们自己编写对话, 并在课堂上表演出来, 这就要求小组成员之间在分组时要注意组员之间的搭配, 使整个活动得以顺利进行。 这样的教学形式, 可以有效的将教学内容和生活实践相结合, 联系实际, 可以培养学生学以致用的能力。 比如, 小组成员之间就可以进行这样的对话:

A:Housekeeping.May I come in?

B:Yes, please.

A: When would you like me to do your room, sir?

B: I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water. I need some hot water to wash down medicine after break -fast.

A: I'm sorry that your flask is empty. I'll go and get you an - other flask that's full at once.

B: Thank you.


在英语教学中, 教师的鼓励对于学生所起到的作用是不能忽视的, 积极的语言激励不仅能够为学生树立自信, 也能够促进学生的全面发展, 为学生学习创造动力。 因此, 教师在课堂上, 对听课认真和积极回答问的同学提出表扬, 教师要认识到学生的主体地位, 不要吝啬自己的赞美, 为学生建立自信才是唤起学生对于知识的渴望, 也能为其他学生树立榜样。

在课堂上, 有认真听讲的学生, 也就有不认真听讲的学生, 对于学习没有积极性的学生来说, 也许鼓励能达到到责备所达不到的效果。 鼓励能够使学生认识到自己的不足之处, 为学生提供改正的动力。 对于高中学生来说, 正处于青春期, 不管是学习, 还是生活中, 都会表现出或多或少的叛逆心理, 因此, 教师要充分认识、掌握学生的心理, 做到尊重学生的心理, 避免对学生进行赤裸裸的点名批评, 而是要委婉地指出学生的错误, 鼓励学生改正。


综上所述, 在新课程理念下, 高中英语课堂的改革任务还比较繁重, 对于教师来说, 也面临着不小的挑战, 本文就新课程理念下如何充实英语课堂提出来自己的意见, 打造阳光、开放的课堂, 改变教学方法、理念, 丰富课堂教学形式, 让学生们真正享受到英语的美妙之处。 虽然英语教学中存在较多的问题, 但我相信, 在教师、学生的共同努力下, 高中英语课堂教会更加丰富和充实。


[1]张芳晓.新课程理念下高中英语合作学习的策略应用[D].华中师范大学, 2012.

[2]王盼盼.新课程理念下如何实现高中英语高效课堂[J].中国校外教育, 2013, (04) .

[3]魏国辉.基于合作学习的高中英语阅读教学研究——以昆山高中英语教学为例[D]苏州大学, 2013.

8.英语开放式教学实践 篇八

1. 开放的教材

在教授新交际英语BOOK 4 Lesson 13时,因为第一次出现较多的动词,为了让学生方便掌握,我试着把它们串联成歌曲来替换课本中的歌曲:

draw, draw, I can draw, I can draw a little tree.

Sing, sing, I can sing, I can sing a little song.

Climb, climb, I can climb, I can climb a little hill.

Swim, swim, I can swim, I can swim in the sea.

Fly, fly, I can fly, I can fly in the sky.

Stand, stand, I can stand, I can stand by myself.

2. 开放的教具

在传统的教学中,教具都是由教师自己制作的,要花很多的时间和精力,其实我们可以把它们交给学生。如我在上时间这一课时,让学生帮忙设计时钟,学生做的时钟漂亮极了,形状各异,五彩缤纷,图案都是他们喜欢的明星、卡通动物。教具也不一定是实物,也可以是人,如在这一课,我就把自己变成了教具,让学生抱着好奇心探老师的“私隐”:What time do you get up? What time do you go to school? What time do you have lunch? What time do you watch TV? What time do you go to bed?

3. 开放的教育方法


MIKE: I can touch the basket, can you?

BEN: That’s easy, watch me!

MIKE: I can shoot this way, can you?

Ben: Yes, I can. Ouch!

Mike: Are you all right, Ben?

我让学生在操场上进行了实地表演,最后Ben假装摔倒,在老师的“Take to the school clinic”中结束。

4. 开放型的作业

在学习“Our school”时,我布置学生设计自己喜欢的学校并写上英文名。在作业中,我发现学生除了会表达课本学过的单词school building, playground, washroom等,还通过查字典写出一些没学过的单词如swimming-pool, stadium, reading-room.有的学生把教师名Miss Qian,Miss Wang及同学名BEN,MIKE也写上了。不仅掌握了知识,而且开发了思维,最重要的是掌握了学习的方法。

5. 开放式的课堂教学理念

寓教于乐型课堂教学主线模式。我在教“English in action”Book 6 Lesson 5时,设计了以旅游为主题的课堂教学法。这一课讲的是Mr. Gore 带Susan, Katy, Ben和Mike去北京旅游,教材的图片有一定的情景,但创设的情景较为单一。于是我把这条旅游热线分成几个情景来教。在课前我把全班分成八个小组,分别代表China, America, Japan, Britain, Canada, Australia, Singerpore and Egypt.我先说欢迎辞:“You’re from the world, welcome!”全班熟悉的同学都成了异国陌生的朋友,新鲜感一下子被激发出来了。他们想重新认识周围的朋友就会积极主动的使用交际性语言:“Nice to meet you. My name is...I’m from...May I know your name? Where are you from?”全班在旅游气氛的带动下,由GUIDE带领登上去JAPAN的飞机并自我介绍:“I will be your guide for the summer camp in Beijing.”空中小姐为大家介绍注意事项:“Fasten your belt under your seat.”并为大家提供服务:“What would you like to have?”这时学生们争着当空姐穿梭在旅客之间,流利地使用交际语言,其他学生模仿喝饮料的样子。最后由GUIDE的“GUESSING GAME”把旅游气氛推到了高潮,这个游戏主要是让一个学生模仿各国著名的动物,其他学生猜:“He is from the country with the animals like this! What country is he from?”

互动型课堂教学主线模式。教“English in action”Book 6 Lesson 6时,我戴着MASK走进教室。学生问:“Are you Miss Qian?”我进行自我介绍:“I’m Miss Wang, a new teacher from Beijing, I will be your guide for your summer camp in Beijing. Do you like me?”为了使师生之间有进一步的了解,我在黑板上列出个人FILE(见左)。

有了个人FILE,我们的课堂教学开展得既有趣味性又有思维性:What’s your name? Where are you from? Which country do you like? Why? Which city do you like? Why? Which place shall we go first? Why?What food do your like? Why? 可以是师生之间的互动,也可以是学生之间的互动。

生活经验型课堂教学主线模式。教师授课前必须充分了解学生,考虑所设计的课堂是否有一定的生活经验为基础,并以此作为激发学生的兴趣的突破口。我们可以把Visit Beijing换成Visit Zhuhai,并把北京的名胜the Great Wall, the Fordden City, the Summer Palace, Tian’anmen Square,换成珠海的Seaside park, New Yuanmin Palace, L otus Park, Golden Beach.学生作为当地的GUIDE,有了一定的生活经验,更有自信把自己美丽的家乡介绍给大家。这就是新课标强调的活动要以学生的生活经验和兴趣为出发点,内容和方式尽量要真实一致。
