


1.毕业生英文的简历 篇一


Name: Mo XX

Sex: Male

National: Zhuang

Ultimately Education: Undergraduate Graduation

Graduate school: Central South University for Nationalities

Date of birth: January 7, 1983

Graduation time: autumn

College: College of Electronics and Information Engineering

Profession: Biomedical Engineering

Political landscape: the Chinese Communist Youth members

Height: 169cm

Health status: good

Students to: Guangxi

Fixed-line telephone:

Mobile phone: 135XXXXXXXXX

Contact Address: Central South University of Electronic and Information Engineering National Institute of Biomedical Engineering 02 class 2

Postal Code: 430074


QQ: 61952337


English Level: skilled

Computer capability:

1. Familiar with Windows 98/2000/XP operating system platforms can use the Microsoft Office office proficiency such as World, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.;

2. Proficiency in C / C + + language programming, proficiency in the application of relevant tools to Turbo C 2.0, Visual C + + 6.0a for application development and database systems;

3. Familiar with SQL language, familiar with the SQL Server2000 database applications can be skilled C + + Builder 6.0

And SQL Server2000 to build C / S structure of the database system, there is a database application system design

Development experience;

4. Familiar with software engineering ideas, the principle of knowledge and understanding of the network with the network protocol TCP / IP protocol;

5. Of computer hardware considerable understanding can be completed independent of the Assembly and Disassembly machine and maintenance, and system installation; to solve the general software and hardware issues.

Personal Hobbies: sports, cultural activities, etc.

Special skills:

Awards and achievements: the third “Challenge Cup” Business Plan Competition of College Students in Hubei Silver

School mathematics competition in and other awards 3

Social activities (including individual representation):

1. From September 2003 until now, as China and South Africa National College of Electronics and Information Engineering University, 2002 9 members of classes of life, and branch secretary Bin mission, the success of the coordination and organization of the class students to carry out collective activities, the effective promotion of the class students exchanges, and the successful organization of the class students to carry out collective activities to help counselors work of teachers of students successful, organizations Party School students to participate in class learning, to assist the Communist Youth League grade, grade to join the party activists, party branches, such as inspection.

2. In April to June 2004 period, participated in the third “Challenge Cup” Business Plan Competition of College Students in Hubei Province, in the marketing team is responsible for part of Wuhan city in the related market research.

3.2004 in LG has a period of computer sales practices; in 2004 during the summer vacation, once a city of Guangxi Guigang Lenovo sales representative.

2.毕业生英文的简历 篇二


简历的主要内容包括个人信息、联系方式、学习经历、实习 (工作) 经历、爱好特长等。简历中的每一句话对你的应聘都应起到积极作用, 无关的一律免去。HR在简历的初次筛选时, 面对着数千份的简历, 往往首先会根据企业岗位条件的一些关键词 (比如毕业学校、专业、学历等) 进行快速浏览, 制作简单明了的简历, 便于HR发现你。但也不要为了追求简单而遗漏部分容易疏忽的信息, 比如许多单位对毕业生生源、政治面貌等比较关注, 因此在个人信息中, 像籍贯、出生地、政治面貌等容易忽略的个人信息应一一列举清楚, 以供参考。

简历最好不要加封面, 假如一定要有一页封面, 那么请务必把你的姓名、学校、专业、学历学位、应聘岗位、联系方式等个人重要信息放在封面最显眼位置。以便于HR查找。假如你搞了个花哨的封面将这些关键信息掩盖或虽然封面上有关键信息但不够明显, 那么你很可能在筛选这一环节就被“误杀”, 除非HR在第一次筛选过程中找不到足够的符合条件的简历数量, 否则, 一旦被误杀, 你“生还”的希望就不大了。

求职信可免则免, 特别是那些千篇一律互相copy的推荐信。假如一定要有, 那么请放在简历最后部分, 并建议针对不同的应聘单位写不同的求职信, 最好能在求职信中出现一些应聘单位所特有的词汇。假如你对自己的硬笔书法有信心, 那么求职信如能用手写则更佳。


联系方式应在首页最显眼处标识, 千万不要放在某处很不显眼的地方。如有可能, 请在简历每页的显眼处予以标识, 并且, 联系电话后面应注明是哪个城市的电话, 以便于HR与你联系前能确定是否在前面加拨0或区号。

对某些有细分专业的应聘岗位应予以明确。比如给排水专业的毕业生是应聘市政给排水, 还是应聘建筑给排水, 应明确告知, 以避免引起不必要的误会。

目前很多企业都是在网上接收电子邮件简历, 甚至直接在邮箱内进行首次筛选。企业对于电子邮件的主题格式、附件格式等都有具体要求, 此时毕业生务必要按HR的要求做, 以确保简历不会被“误杀”, 这也是对HR工作者的一种尊重和理解。发送电子简历时, 个人简历和证书、作品等的扫描件最好以附件1、附件2的形式发送, 这样HR可以根据不同的需要有选择地下载。当然, 招聘单位有特殊要求的除外。

列举实习经历时应根据应聘单位和岗位的不同有所侧重, 把与该专业有关的、有助于说服HR对你另眼相看的实习经历写上, 以突出自己的优势。无关的实习经历一律不写。

简历中的个人特长、兴趣爱好应根据应聘岗位的特点有所侧重, 把最能说明问题的个人特长和兴趣爱好进行适当的描述和表达。规划设计行业招聘毕业生, 除了考察你的培养潜质外, 还要考察你是否能融入其企业文化, 和企业一起成长。那么, 在没见到你本人之前, 你怎么巧妙地去体现你在团队配合、协调沟通等方面的优势呢?这就是你要用心去思考和应对的关键问题。

对自己投过简历的单位应心中有数, 对几个重点目标单位的招聘联系人称呼应牢记于心。以避免出现招聘单位与你联系时, 对方重复了三次, 你还连对方是哪个单位都不知道的窘境出现。


不要弄虚作假, 这一点尤其重要。每个毕业生都希望自己的简历能在千军万马中脱颖而出, 于是有个别同学就想方设法对自认为不是很满意的地方加以修饰或掩盖。这种心情是可以理解的, 但是, 没有了诚信, 就算你才华横溢, 又何以在社会上立足呢?笔者在审阅简历过程中, 就曾碰到过这样的情况:有两位应聘者的两张成绩单复印件, 来自同一个学校, 同一个专业, 同一个班级, 同一学年, 其中一张的必修课门数比另一张少了两门, 并且少课程的那张覆盖后重新复印的痕迹非常明显。还有, 同一个项目, 不止一次地在不同应聘者的实习经历中出现, 并且简历的主人被冠以“项目负责人”的称号等等, 以上应聘者的最后结果都是可想而知的。

避免在简历中出现各种小错误。虽然只是一个小错误, 但失去的可能是大机会。比如:性别栏上, “男”写成了“女”;学习起止时间上, “2008年9月至2011年7月”写成了“2018年9月至2011年7月”;手机号码11位写成10位或13位;出生年月上, 1980年写成2980年等等这些都是笔者几乎每年都会碰到的情况。

3.英文简历(毕业生) 篇三

Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

(010)62771234 Email:good@tsinghua.edu.com

Zheng Yan


To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education

1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics

Engineering Mathematics

Functional Analysis

Electronics and Computer

Circuit Principal

Artificial Intelligence Data Structures Computer Local Area Network Digital Electronics Probability and StatisticsNumerical Algorithm Linear Algebra Operational Algorithm Linear and Nonlinear Programming

Computer Abilitees

Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213

Scholarships and Awards

 1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award1997.4 Academic Progress Award


4.毕业生英文简历 篇四


Central University of XXXX Department of Economics XXXXX(100000)


Central University of XXXX

Department of Economics Management, Major: International Enterprise Management

Bachelor of Management

Academic Achievements

University Scholarship (level III) for Academic Excellence

Merit of Excellence for Research Paper on social research

Title:“Thoughts on Creativity in Enterprise Management”


Excellent written and spoken English skills.


CET 6.

BEC Level 2 (achieved EXCELLENCE in Spoken English Exam).


Proficient in office applications: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook.

Knowledge of and experience with Photoshop, FreeHand.

Proficient in C, Basic, and FoxBASE programming languages.

Passed Microsoft ATC (Advanced) Office XP Exam.

Certifications: Microsoft Office2000 Expert, Microsoft Outlook2000 Proficient User.


1)XXXX GuangZhou June

Marketing Representative

Conducted marketing planning with other team members. Analyzed current consumers and competitors. Predicted future target consumers and developed marketing strategies. Several major survey results and suggestions were adopted by the company.

2)Pointzero Survey, Inc., April 2000

Market Surveyor

Conducted survey in lower-class residential areas. Collected data and analyzed current and future market. Completed heavy workload ahead of deadline, and was highly praised by the employer.

3)XXXX University GuangZhou 2000 - 2001

Department of XXXX

Manager of Public Relations, Student Organization

Key organizer, advertiser and planner for University/Department-sponsored student performance events and academic and sport activities. Successfully conducted advertising and acted as key organizer for events including: “Celebrating Youth,” a performance event, the “BIRD” Marketing Competition, and “Zoom in on Our Times,” a series of student debates.

4)Heguyuan Ltd. (Franchise), Beijing March 1997

Sales Representative

Sold food to retail customers. Conducted customer survey to obtain feedback and identify potential customer needs. Achieved good sales record through effective marketing.


1)xxxxxResearch Center June 2002

Reception Delegate

Reception Delegate, interpreter and tour guide for the Chairman of the xxxxxx

2)Huaweide Cultural Exchange Center, Beijing February 2002 - present

English Translator (written English), part-time

Translated business documents and Economics articles.


Enjoy mountain climbing, swimming, painting and piano.

Won first prize in University’s “Visual Art Competition ’99 ”(Brush Painting).

Won second prize in University’s “Zoom in on Our Times” Poster Design Competition(2000).

Active participant in Chinese traditional writing and painting events. Art works were chosen for collections of Chinese Traditional Art Association.


5.应届毕业生英文简历 篇五

Name in Pinyin: Superman

English name: Superman

Major: Mechanical Electronic Engineering

Health: Excellent

Nanjing.21016 Gender: Female Age&Height: 25 & 181cm Degree: Master E-mail: nico-lemon@foxmail.com Residence: P.O.Box 255,No.29 YuDao St., Mobile:+86-1985466979


Sept.2020--Mar.2024Learning postgraduate courses in HHUC.(class president)

Sept.2025--Jun.2027Finished undergraduate courses in HHUC.(GPA=3.7/5.0 ,Top 5%)Research Experience

Jun.2025—PresentR&D of flat pick-up for AGV based on CPS;

 The application of CPS for AGV can perfectly solve the problem that the battery for AGV can not work for a long time.At last, we except that the flat pick-up can supply 24V for AGV to work

regularly instead of batteries. Familiar with the work principle of

Jan.2025--Aug.2026R&D of Handheld Device of One Card Solution. Designed and developed the Handheld Device that comprises USB, keyboard, display and data transfer functions based on embedded controller LPC2292 and μC/OS-II OS;

 R&D the whole circuit and PCB including power inverter and digital circuit;

Feb.2026--May 2026Research of test device for Contactless Power System(CPS);

 Completed the design of parts drawing and assembly drawing with Pro/E;

 Completed circuit design and programming for ATmega 128 in control part.Practice Experience

Jun.2026--nowSupport staff in VIP center of Nanjing new oriental

The work an a support staff improved the ability of organization and planning,.Due to the need for communication with parents of students, I have a great skill about communication with people.Oct.2026--Nov.2026Practice to operate numerical control lathe, milling machine.Skills

1.Passed3.Passed The Computer Test of National level-II(VC++);

4.Be good at the use of SCM and Proficient at Microcontroller programming;

5.Excellent in Microsoft office and some engineering software such as Visual C++, Pro/E, Protel, MATLAB, etc;

6.Familiar with the use of the μC/OS-II system with ARM.Rewards

1.Excellent Freshman scholarship;

2.Excellent Study scholarship and Triple A Student of University Level every year;

3.Third prize in the Second Mathematical Competition of Jiangsu Province;

4.Excellent student cadre of University Level;

Self Evaluation

6.毕业生英文简历模版 篇六

Female, 20,

Education: high school

Expected salary: -3000

Working lives: no experience

Working area: China - Shanghai

Working experience:

There is no

Education experience:

The 16th three graduates

Introduce myself:

7.应届毕业生英文简历 篇七

Female, 23,

Education: college

Working lives: fresh graduates

Expected salary: 3000-5000 yuan

Working location: guangzhou - there is no limit

Objective: sales

Education experience

In June , graduated from pingxiang college marketing and planning

Self description

8.应届毕业生英文简历 篇八

,仅供参考。RESUME PersonalInformation: FamilyName: WangGivenName: Bin DateofBirth: July12,1971BirthPlace:Beijing Sex:MaleMaritalStatus:Unmarried Telephone: (010)62771234Pager:99900-1234567 E-mail:service@for68.com WorkExperience: Nov.1998-presentCCIDEInc,asadirectorofsoftwaredevelopmentandwebpublishing.Organizedandattendedtradeshows(Comdex99). Summerof1997 BITCompanyasatechnician,designedvariouswebsites.Designedandmaintainedthewebsiteofourdivisionindependentlyfromselectingsuitablematerials,contenteditingtodesigningwebpagebyFrontPage,PhotoshopandJavaaswell; Education: 1991-AugustDept.ofAutomation,TsinghuaUniversity,B.E. Achievements

9.美国毕业生英文简历 篇九


To contribute to your organization with my exceptional personal and organizational gifts.


Solid managerial and administrative experience

Exceptional versatility.

Dedication and drive.

Superlative communication and team-building skills.

Ability to manage multiple tasks in a high-pressure environment.



Entrusted with confidential employee records such as salary changes, vacation/absenteeism reports, and performance reviews.

Met with a wide variety of people while scheduling appointments and making logistical arrangements for executives.


Interacted with clients and utilized excellent organizational skills to arrange and coordinate special events such as annual receptions, inter-company picnics and group retreats.

Managed employee relations and in-house incentive programs

Oversaw daily sales operations at night club.


Served as a swim coach and bartender, proving my multi-tasking capabilities.

Served as right hand to lead managers of entertainment company.


Completed and submitted invoices.

Handled expense reports with accounting.

Consistently entrusted with large sums of money.

Maintained inventory control.

Showed knowledge of and accountability for payroll and employee records, daily sales operations, and profit and loss statements, including inventories, labor, bank deposits, refund orders, and bank deposit verifications.

Managed expenses cash, payroll, inventory, member statements, accounts receivable, and payable.


Proficient in using personal computer skills through CompUSA training in such programs as Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access,PowerPoint, and Visio. Additionally, use WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, Peachtree, Microsoft Publisher, ClarisWorks, First Choice and FirstPublisher for word processing, spreadsheet, and graphic design, including internal/external correspondence, reports, procedure manuals,and presentations.

Created and distributed a variety of reports using Access and Excel.


Administrative Assistant, www.yangmaomao.com , CA, 4/00 to Present

Programmer, www.freereid.com , CA, 11/97 - 4/99

Office Manager, www.yangmaomao.com CA 1/97 - 12/98


University of California, San Diego-- 1999

10.应届毕业生英文简历范例 篇十


Wang Yun


238 Renmin Road, Haiding Station

Beijing City, 100015


E-mail: wyun@263.net


Bachelor of Science, Applied Chemisrty, July 2001

Beijing University of Chemical Technology.Important Courses:

Chemical Analysis, Organic Analysis, Organic Agent of Analysis, Higher Analysis, Electric Chemical Analysis, Science English, GC, HPLC, UV, IR, NMR, MS, TG, ESCA, SEM.Minor: Economic Law, Enterprise Management, Social Relation.ACTIVITES

Broadcast Station, Editor, 1997-1998

Journalist Club, Journalist, 1997-1998

Committee Brief Newspaper, Editor, 1997-1998

Drama Club, Sponsor and Consultant, 1998-1999

Class comrade in charge of propaganda, 1997-2000

Published proses, reports in Campus Newspaper.Edited and approved all copy, layouts and pictures.Honors: Excellent Student Leader.Distinguished Campus Journalist.Won the first prize in the composition.Distinguished Director.LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY

English:CET6, 1998.Fluent in reading, writing, speaking and hearing by learning English for ten years.Japanese: Basic ability in reading, writing, speaking and hearing.COMPUTER PROFICIENCY

Passed National Computer Rank 3.Microsoft Certificate.Be good at internet, frontpage, html,javascript,java,photoshop,.net,asp,photoexpress,flash,dreamwever,firework,pagermaker,3Dmax,windows, word, excel, powerpoint, outlook,foxmail, access, wps, C language, C++,VB,etc.EXPERICENCE

Gone on field trips to Institute of Jilin Chemical Industrical Corporation, Ethylene Factory of Jilin Chemical Industrical Corporation and Shenyang Cast Institute, 2001.Teached Maths, English, Chemistry, Chinese in my spare time as a tutor, 1997-2000.Worked on quality control as a analyst at Beijing Huabang Pharmaceutical CO.LTD, 2001.PERSONAL DATA

Family: Father, Mother

Born: On October 18, 1978

Sex: Male

11.优秀毕业生英文简历 篇十一


RESUME Personal Information: Family Name: Wang Given Name: Bin Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beijing Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried Telephone:(010)62771234 Pager: 99900-1234567 E-mail: service@86jobs.com Work Experience: Nov.1998-present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing.Organized and attended trade shows(Comdex 99).Summer of 1997 BIT Company as a technician ,designed various web sites.Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well;Education: 1991-August 1996 Dept.of Automation, Tsinghua University, B.E.Achievements & Activities: President and Founder of the Costumer Committee Established the organization as a member of BIT President of Communications for the Marketing Association Representative in the Student Association Computer Abilities: Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C , Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process, Pascal, PL/I and SQL software English Skills: Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Past CET-6, TOEFL: 623;GRE: 2213 Others: Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment.Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit.Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths.
