


1.雅思口语高频Part2话题--积极改变 篇一

Describe an interesting event in your school

You should say:

What was the event

When was the event

Why was it interesting

And explain how you felt about it

雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:有趣校园活动(interesting school event)

I was in the third grade at the local primary school in Montreal, Canada when the event took place. It was about participating in a quiz competition and I won the first prize there. I was awarded a certificate and a nice piece of water jar as a recognition. In fact, it was the first achievement of my life. During the school days, I have achieved many other prizes and in the later part of the college, I also secured a notable number of awards. But the memories of the first award in my school is still vivid in my mind. In fact, it was the beginning of the journey. Thank you for this interesting question. It reminds me of my school days. I am turning nostalgic. Here I will describe the event in brief.

It was an inter-class quiz competition. Since I had a neck to know about everything by reading books since an early age, I attempted at the event. My mom also inspired me to participate in the competition. Actually, she inspired me most to be at the competition and also told me that I do not have to win the event. She wanted me to increase my knowledge and experience from that early age. Finally, I took part there and it was a grand success for me. I won the first prize in that inter-class quiz competition. And since then, I have never been second in position in the other competitions I took part in.

The event is still memorable for many reasons. I was a girl of hardly seven years old. And it was really daring to express the intention to take part in a heavy competition. The questions were made based on categories. I selected two categories and correctly answered all the questions. When it was in a group, I tried to score the highest point for my group. The competition was tougher. Most of the participants were my seniors and I was the youngest competitor among them. So, many of them ignored me and when I won the prize, it was a nice reply from my part to them. Hence, the memories are still awake in my mind.

The feelings are sweet. I was a little girl then and now a matured lady. But this time, I have undergone a large number of sweet and sour experiences in my life. I have won in battles, I failed. I stood up again. But the beginning of this battle started with the winning of the quiz competition in my childhood. After that event, I have won many prizes in home and abroad. But the feelings are not the same as it was for the first quiz competition. I feel charmed for that event.

雅思口语Part 2新题范文之礼貌的场合

Describe a situation where you have to be polite

You should say:

What it is

What did you do to be polite

Why did you have to be polite

And explain how you felt about it afterwards

1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:礼貌的场合(a situation where you have to be polite)

Ok, well I would actually like to start by saying that I try to be polite in all situations, because that was basically how I was brought up, but if I was to choose a particular occasion when I had to be polite, then I’ll talk about the time I went to a friend’s house for their birthday party.

And as for when it was, well I suppose it must have been about three or four months ago, and basically what happened was that a friend of mine invited me, along with a few other of his friends, to his house for dinner to celebrate his birthday with him. And when we got there, we were given a nice welcome by his parents, who then offered us some drinks and took us through to the living room to wait for a bit while they finished preparing the dinner. Anyway, it was worth the wait, because the dinner was fantastic, and by the end of it, I was absolutely stuffed!

So regarding why I had to be polite, well, I think it goes without saying that whenever you go to someone else’s house, you should always be polite, you know, it’s common sense, because I mean, if someone’s kind enough to invite you to their home and treat you to food and drink, the least you can do is be polite and well-mannered, and if you’re not, then chances are that you won’t get invited back!

You know, I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all experienced times when someone hasn’t behaved very well when they’ve been a guest at our home, and usually when that happens, the first thing we say to each other when that person’s left is, “there’s no way they’re ever coming back!”. Of course for young children it’s different, but for adults there’s no excuse at all. And if you do make the effort to be polite, then it makes a big difference, because then you’ll leave a very good impression and consequently be welcome as a guest again in the future.

So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to say, so thanks for listening.

2.雅思口语part2话题:名人 篇二

Yes, I think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign cultures. I think we can learn a lot about the way they talk, their language, their likes and dislikes and many other things about their country and culture by having a conversation with them.

What are the disadvantages of working for an international company?

There are not many disadvantages. However, since such companies open up in megacities, people have to move away from home. Another disadvantage maybe the work hours. People may to work in shifts and according to another country’s working hours.

What kinds of problems do people face when they travel or live in a foreign country?

People may face many problems when travelling or living in another country. They may face language and communication problems. They may also face problems with accommodation, food and weather. People may also feel homesick. Sometimes people get a culture shock.

Do you like to make friends with people from other countries?

Yes, I like to make friends with people from other countries I have many relatives living abroad and through them, I have made many friends in other countries. I get to learn about their culture and way of life.

Do you have any international friends?

No, I do not have international friends but one of my friend’s brother lives in Canada. He recently moved to there and my friend told me that his brother has made new friends in Canada. He also said that he will introduce his new friends to me.

How do the cultural differences hinder the growth of an organization/company?

I think nowadays the world is becoming a global village and people have started understanding each other’s culture better than before. But sometimes when people do not understand eat other may be due to language or some cultural rituals it will hamper their team work which be eventually bad for the company.

How do sports help to break the barriers of the cultural differences?

3.雅思口语Part2话题答案 篇三

I still remembered that freezing afternoon, all the audience gathered at Nanjing International Expo Center. To my friend and me, this was a once-in-a-life chance so we excitedly discussed that we should take a lot of photos from the second we enter the studio hall.

Well perhaps plan never runs smoothly cause when we sat down in the fabulous studio hall we were informed that no one was allowed to take photos or videos during the whole recording process. The staff told us that some audience used to take photographs secretly and post them on the Internet ahead of the telecast just in order to steal the spotlight. They were proud to give away the spoiler but it was no doubt a nuisance to the television station.

Although I wanted to take just one picture as a memento and my friend also looked sad, we decided to comply with the rules and packed up our electronic devices. To be honest that night was still amazing and I enjoyed the show even though no photo was taken.

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

what this news was

when and where you heard it

how you heard it

4.雅思口语Part2话题答案 篇四

So you see, it’s kind of a funny and sad history story, and somehow it’s usually told as a cautionary tale of how one beauty can topple a country.


drop-dead 极其引人注目的

gorgeous 华丽的 灿烂的

bug 烦扰

racked his brains 绞尽脑汁

warning beacons 警告航标(灯)

summon 召集

hilarious 滑稽的

had a point 有道理

burst out laughing 突然笑出声来

please 取悦

cautionary tale 警世故事

topple 颠覆 推翻

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:a decision made by someone that you disagreed with

1. What the decision was?

2. How it was made?

3. What you disagreed with?

5.雅思口语高频Part2话题--积极改变 篇五

在谈到“Describe a hobby you have”这一话题时,一位考生是这样开场的:

Today I am going to talk about collecting postcards—a hobby that is both fascinating and financially rewarding. I would like to explain the basic kinds of collectible postcards, why they are so valuable, and how collectors buy and sell their cards.


It’s Saturday morning,and you are helping clean out your grandmother’s house.After working a while,you stumble upon a trunk,open it,and discover hundreds of old postcards.Thinking about getting to your driving lesson on time, you start tossing the cards into the trash can.Congratulations!You have just thrown away a year’s tuition.



在谈到“Describe a traffic jam you had experienced before”这一话题时,一位考生的开场白值得大家借鉴:

Traffic jams are more than a nuisance.They are a worldwide economic problem.In Guangzhou alone,they cost 12 million yuan each year.In major U.S.cities,they are responsible for more than 21 billion liters of wasted fuel and 68 billion dollars in lost productivity.Traffic jams will soon cost the British economy more than 20 billion pounds sterling a year.



有时,令人惊讶的事实能够马上提高我们的兴趣。如以下一位考生的开场白,他在描述“an outdoor activity”前,先介绍了疾病的可怕:

As I speak today, there is a silent killer hiding near here.Who is this silent killer?Not a robber.Not a thief.Not a criminal. It is high blood pressure.



标准一:语言的流畅度与连贯性Fluency &Coherence




得分要素:我们在书中编排了一些可改善语言流畅度和连贯性的练习。由于语言是一个有机的整体,丰富的词汇能使你的语言变得更通顺——你脑海中的词汇越多,你就越能自然流畅地表达自己的观点,也就能避免发言时卡壳和放慢语速,而这些正是将考生得分局限在5 分以下的问题。

标准二:语法知识的广度及准确度Grammatical Range &Accuracy



(2) 语法准确度。考生用的语法准确吗?是否用对了形容词比较级和名词复数形式?是否能意识到主谓一致?动词的形式是否正确?代词和介词的使用是否正确?





得分要素:背单词的确会有用,但掌握词汇的捷径永远是阅读。如果你真想得到7 分,你就应该开始阅读英语书籍。



(1)语音。考生是否能够掌握好英语的发音,比如development或 vital 中v的发音?语音是否容易让人理解?




9 分 Expert User.Has fully operational command of the language:appropriate,accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。

8 分 Very good User. Has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriateness.Misunderstandings may occur unfamiliar situations.Handles complex detailed argumentation well. 非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔不连贯或用词不当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误解,对争论复杂细节掌握得相当好。

7 分 Good User.Has operational command of the language,though with occasional inaccuracies,inappropriateness and misunderstandings in somesituations.Generally handles complex language well and understands detailed reasoning. 良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在某些情况下有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致掌握复杂的英语,也理解其全部内容。

6 分 Competent User.Has generally effective command of the language despite some inaccuracies,inappropriateness and misunderstandings。 Can use and understand fairly complex language,particularly in familiar situations. (澳大利亚移民、英国留学分数线)及格,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生,但大致能有效地运用英语,能使用并理解相当复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的情况下。

5 分 Modest User.Has partial command of the language,coping with overall meaning in most situations,though is likely to make manv mistakes.Should be able to handle basic communication in own field. (加拿大移民、新西兰移民分数线) 适当及格,可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可应付全部的意思,虽然可能犯下许多错误,在本身领域内应可掌握基本的沟通。

4 分 Limited User. Basic competence is limited to familiar situations.Has frequent problems in understanding and expression.Is not able to use complex language. (英国预科分数线)水平有限,只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生问题,无法使用复杂英语。

3 分 Extremely Limited User. Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent breakdowns in communication occur. 水平极有限,在极熟悉的情况下,只能进行一般的沟通理解。

2 分 Intermittent User.No real communication is possible except for the most basic information using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situalions and to meet immediate needs.Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English. 只台目禺尔使用英语,除非在熟悉的情况下能使用单词和简短的短句表达最基本的信息,在说写方面有重大的障碍。

1分 Non User. Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond possibly a few isolated words.不能通过,可能只能说几个单词,无法沟通。


熟悉雅思口语考试的同学们都知道,雅思评分有“四大怪”,即考官按四项标准分别评等级分:流利性与连贯性(fluency and coherence)、词汇多样性(lexical range)、语法多样性及准确性(grammaticalrange and accuracy)、发音(pronunciation)。

而这“四大怪”之首——流利性与连贯性着实给很多烤鸭挖了个大坑,许多同学觉得流利就意味着说得快,因此一个劲地想要提升自己的语速,恨不能练成英文版的“报菜名”。而很多同学常用的伎俩就是背诵大段的成文,然后在考试的时候一字不漏地以迅雷不及掩耳之势背出来,彰显自己的语速。殊不知语速(speed of speaking)这个要素却丝毫没有出现在雅思官方对于流利性与连贯性地解读中。









其次呢,就是要学会语义指示,也就是要学会用一些表达方法,包括词、词组、句式,来暗示自己的思路,告诉别人你下一步要说什么。这类表达方法包括表示比较对比的similarly, in contrast;表示回应他人观点的I agree/disagree with this point;表示举例的for example, a good case in point is that…等等。



在这部分,非常重要的一个能力就是要能够详尽地论述你的观点(build on your point of view)。尤其是在回答part2的时候,很多同学在表述了自己的基本观点后会发生脑子“短路”的现象,完全不知道接下来该说什么,从而出现大量的空白时间,还怎么可能显得流利连贯呢?针对这种现象,大家可以记住几个常见的论述套路,到时候就不怕无话可说啦:

原因与结果(reasons and effects)


举例 (examples)

个人经历 (personal experiences)



是,担心怎么才能说快,并强迫自己使用超出自己能力的语速,这样做是会占用脑容量的!其结果就是你没有脑子来整理思路,准备接下来要说的内容,并且容易过度紧张,导致瞬间智商降为负,“卡壳”的尴尬情况就这样产生了。所以,想要做到不卡壳,除了咱们硬实力要过硬外,一个重要的小技巧,就是宁可语速适当放缓一些,把意思说完整、发音弄清晰,当然了,这里说的是适当放缓,大家还是要注意时间哦。另外,大家要放轻松,谨记在你对面坐着的是一个活生生的human being,咱们人人对话的好处就在于,你说错了可以改一下,说偏了可以解释回来,毕竟在生活中表达出错也是难免,雅思考官本着实用为本的原则,也会谅解不影响表意、意外发生的小错误的。








VOA - Voice of America:learningenglish.voanews.com/

2.练习阐述一个观点,最好找一个speaking buddy(不一定是外国人,中国小伙伴也是可以的),两个人共同讨论一个话题,练习对对方的论述做出回应


4.Practice, practice, practice!语言学习没有捷径,方法可以总结,苦功还是要下,没有环境,创造环境也要练,常常和你的小伙伴们用英文对话吧!

6.雅思口语part2话题库参考 篇六

You should say:

Who he/she is

what he/she did

When you first knew him or her

and why you are interested in him/her




The United States of America is a land of historical events. Besides, the country is also famous for some of its heroic sons. Abraham Lincoln is one of them. I am really glad that I got the opportunity to talk about him for the next few minutes.

I knew about Lincoln from the history class when I was in high school . Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the USA. During his reign, the situations were unusual. The country went under some serious critical moments and the Civil War was one of them. Besides, there were some political and constitutional crises as well. But Lincoln controlled the situations in an efficient manner. It is Abraham Lincoln who abolished the slavery. Before the abolition of this system, racism was at its peak. Lincoln also did some other notable activities. He is the man who also made the federal government system stronger. The modern economy actually started its journey with the association of this President. In fact, many of the facilities we are enjoying today are the gift of this smart man.

Yes, I like him much. He is a historical figure in the history of the USA. He served the country as a great guardian and wanted to improve the existing norms and rules. Accordingly, a good number of changes took place in the country and we are bearing the legacy in the present days. It is really a matter of courage indeed to rule a nation during a bloody war and provide the right directives, working amid internal crisis and more. He also supervised and set strategies during the war so that the losses are minimal. All of his attempts were humane and he dreamt of a modern America. He emancipated the slavery in the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution for the USA. In fact, this the greatest tasks he has ever done and for this reason, a majority of the US citizens like me hail him.

雅思口语题库话题范文之:想认识的人(a person that you want to know more about)

Describe a person that you want to know more about

Who is he or she?

When did you meet this person?

Where have you met?

What did you do?

Why do you want to know more about him or her?

返回查看:口语话题之想认识的人(person that you want to know more about)更多版本范文




I love to meet new people. Today, I would like to talk about a charismatic person I met a year ago.

Last year I was going to Mumbai by train for an official meeting. On the way, a young lady boarded the train from a small railway station. She occupied the seat in front of me. Very soon we started talking about our hobbies, studies and work etc. Her name was Sukriti Singh. She was a second-year student of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai.

One particular thing which made her quite special was her high confidence level. Normally, girls don’t travel alone in my country. In most cases, they are accompanied by their parents or some other family member. But, since she was on her own, that clearly reflected her boldness.

I found this girl very interesting. Her in-depth knowledge of latest technology and space science made me re-think about my opinion about females. I used to think that Indian women are only interested in fashion. Science is not their cup of tea. But, this meeting was a real mind-changer. She helped open my eyes towards the common attitude of ignorance males have towards females regarding their intelligence. Now, I fully understand that women have the potential to succeed in any field.


An introvert.

An extrovert.

An ambivert.

A misanthrope.

A misogynist.

A misogamist.

An introvert:

A person who always worried about what people might think about him. They follow leave me alone attitude. They always worried about people around them. Do they like it?, did I made any mistakes? and How do I look like?. In reality, people won’t care much. They have enough problems. But still, some people worried about people around them. They turn thoughts inwards and not outwards.

An extrovert:

Its an opposite character of introverts. They sincerely interspersed in others problems. They have habits of ” Let’s solve it together” or “Let’s do it”. In this case, your whole thoughts and your interest are not turned inwards but they all are turned outwards.

An ambivert:

A normal people. Neither introvert nor extrovert. A person with both character. Your character depends on time and situation and opportunities. Most of the people belong to this characters. They follow the characteristic of the society they live. So you could say it is equally inwards and outwards.

A misanthrope:

This kind of people doesn’t like other people. they always say people are good for nothing. They hate everyone. They are not very common, but still, you could see this kind of people around you.

A misogynist:

They are very similar to a misanthrope. They hate people but only women. They say “women are no damn good”. This also not a common character, but still, in your life, you might have an experience with this character. They always complainant about women. They might say they don’t know how to drive or how to manage.

A misogamist:

They don’t like marriage. They always try to avoid marriage. But I don’t think you will find many such people. There are few people who hate marriage and we could say they are misogamist. That’s it.


So if you are planning to attend any English test like IELTS or Toefl and if you want to improve your vocabularies systematically and the more natural way I would recommend one book, that is “Word Power Made Easy”. I have this book. I always read it. It is very helpful. So now you must know the most common vocabularies for describing personality.

雅思口语题库Part2范文之:a favorite sport which you watched(观看体育节目)

Describe a favorite sport which you watched

You should say:

What it is

When you watch it

Who you watch it with

And explain why you like watching it





Cricket is a globally popular sport and is played usually between two teams. I also like the watching very much.

Cricket once was considered as the sport for the rich. But with the change of time, it has become common for all and even the poorest country of the world may have a cricket team of their own. In cricket, usually 11 players are in each of the sides. After tossing, the winning team usually decides to bat first or allows the opposition to bat and continues the sport. The batsmen try to hit the ball and run between the bowling lines to make runs. When the ball reaches the boundary line be getting in touch with the field, it is considered as four runs and if the ball crosses the boundary line from above the head, then it is considered as six runs. The game ends either when the bowling is finished or when the batsmen are made out by the fielding team. When one team is made all out or the bowling times are over, then the other team comes to the batting and tries to make upper score than the previous team. The team who makes highest score turns the winner.

Usually, I prefer to watch the sport on a television but when I get free moments in my college I play cricket with my college friends. I prefer to watch the sports on television as it is easier to watch by sitting on a sofa or chair or sometimes by lying in bed.

I love cricket much. Firstly, this is an international sport and allows several players to participate in it. When cricket is played, all the players including the batsmen and fielders are to run to catch the ball. Their purposes are different but the running makes them fit. It is a kind of great exercise. Besides, when I go to play cricket, we are to participate in various exercises to keep us fit and there is no physical trouble during the matches. Besides, cricket players are globally famous in some cases and more influential comparing the television stars which is another positive impact.

雅思口语题库Part2话题参考范文之:Describe an activity near the sea

Describe an activity near the sea

you should say:

What it is

What you should prepare

And explain how you feel about it






7.雅思口语高频Part2话题--积极改变 篇七


My hometown is Hangzhou, the capital/provincial city and biggest city in Zhejiang province. It’s situated in the lower reaches of Qiantang River, the best position in Yangtz Delta. It has a population of about 5 million, but in recent years, more and more immigrants settle down here. Hangzhou is especially famous/noted for the west lake, which has breath-taking sunrise and sunset.


provincial city


settle down

be noted for


1. Developed/developing city /Booming economy /Abundant job opportunities

2. Places for entertainment/amusement

Pubs, cinemas, theaters, clubs of various themes

3. Make friends with people having different culture backgrounds

Enrich the knowledge

Broaden the horizons

1. Living environment

Fresh air




2. City facilities made for the senior/elderly

Welfare system

Guarantee of retirement life

Advanced medical service


Compared to the past years, my hometown has become more and more polluted and congested. It has paid too much to gain the fast rapid of economic development. In the future, I’d rather live in the countryside with good environment and fresh air. Besides, I can also plant some organic food for the family.




fast rapid of economic development

good environment/fresh air

organic food



I live in Beijing, a typical metropolis with booming economy, a dense population and various places for entertainment. People can choose different life styles here. For instance, the city could be fashionable for the large-scaled shopping malls; it could also be cultural for the ancient buildings and museums.

My hometown is a middle-scaled city with a small population, developing economy and limited places for entertainment. Life of the local people is quite routine. They work, study and enjoy the leisure time. Thanks to the relatively low living cost and peaceful environment, living here is relaxing and less competitive.


1. 地理位置得表达:

A在B的东方/西方/南方/北方,A is/lies/is located/is situated in/on/to the east/west/south/north of B.

A在B内部的某个部位,A is in the eastern/southern/western/northern part of B.

A在B……角落,A is at/in the south-eastern corner of B.


2. 家乡类型的表达方式

An industrial city 工业城市

A coastal city沿海城市

An inland city内陆城市

A tourist city旅游城市

A capital city首都

Metropolis 大都市

3. 家乡交通(需要特别注意,这些范畴,也可能会出现在单独的交通话题中)

基础设施:public transport公共交通; Train火车; plane飞机; bus公交; taxi出租车; subway地铁; ferry渡船; mini-bus面包车。

其他设施:shopping mall购物中心;entertainment places娱乐场所;sport facilities 体育设施;high-rise buildings高楼; skyscraper摩天大厦。

4. 名胜古迹特点表述

Cultural diversity多元文化


Numerous historical sites许多历史遗址

Tourist attractions旅游景点

Pleasant climate宜人的气候

Gorgeous landscape华丽的景观

5. 食物描述

Delicacy 精美的

Snack 小吃





Where is your hometown?

Do you like your hometown?

What is famous about your hometown?

What are the biggest changes in your hometown in the past decade?
