


1.动词短语的词组练习题 篇一

Unit 1 Topic 1


















Unit 1 Topic 2



















Unit 1 Topic 3





















Unit 2 Topic 1












Unit 2 Topic 2


















Unit 2 Topic 3
















Unit 3 Topic 1















Unit 3 Topic 2





















Unit 3 Topic 3













Unit 4 Topic 1

















Unit 4 Topic 2















Unit 4 Topic 3

1. 在将来
















be busy doing sth.

be worth doing sth.

instead of doing sth.

can’t help doing sth.

take (a) pride in doing sth.

take (an) interest in doing sth.

be proud of

take care of= look after

take good care of = look after well

succeed in doing sth.= be successful in doing sth.

2.动词短语的词组练习题 篇二

动词和动词短语是历年高考考查的一个热点, 考查方式主要从词义入手, 结合语境, 考查动词和动词短语的词义、动词与介词或者副词构成的固定搭配。


( 一) 动词辨析考查类型

动词包括连系动词、及物动词和不及物动词、持续性动词与非持续性动词, 是高考考查的重点, 并有逐年增加的趋势。动词辨析主要指:

1. 词形相近的动词之间的辨析。例如:lie, lay; rise, raise; sit, seat 等。

2. 意义相近的动词之间的辨析。例如:borrow, lend; speak, say, talk; hope, wish 等。

3. 动词与其他词形相近、意义相似的词的辨析。例如: advise, advice; cost, worth; pass, past等。

4. 意义不同但容易混淆的动词的辨析。例如: explain, say; discover, invent; uncover, find等。

5. 某些常用动词习惯用法的辨析。例如:ask, give, call, make, get, keep, want, see, hear等。

( 二) 热点动词辨析

1. remain 与 stay

( 1) remain着重指在别人已离去, 或其他人或物都有变化以后, 其主语“仍继续停留”或“保持原来的状态”, 它可以表示一种对比的含义, stay无法表示这种对比。例如:

The small village has now become a city, but the old pagoda still remains. 小村庄现在已变成城市了, 但古塔还在。

( 2) 表示“暂住 ( 某处) ”或“客居 ( 某地) ”时, 只能用stay。例如:

We stayed in a very good hotel. 我们下榻在一家很好的旅馆。

( 3) 用作连系动词表示“保持某一状态”时, 可通用。例如:

The door remained ( stayed) open. 门仍然开着。

2. demand, request, require 与 ask

( 1) demand表示“要求, 需要”时, 语气较强, 有强烈要求的含义, 表示行为者认为自己有权这样做。例如:

She demands that she ( should) be told everything. 她要求把一切都告诉她。

( 2) require表示依据权利、条例、规章而“要求”, 常有命令语气, 常用于被动语态, 语气比demand缓和。例如:

You are required by law to send your children to school. 法律要求你送孩子上学。

( 3) request表示客气有礼貌的正式请求、要求。例如:

They requested a loan. 他们请求贷款。

( 4) ask也可表示“要求”, 指的是要求某人做某事或向某人要求什么东西。例如:

He will ask his father for more money. 他会请求父亲多给一些钱。

3. rise, lift, arise 与 raise

( 1) rise表示“升起, 提升”, 但它是不及物动词, 其后不能直接接宾语; 还可指“日月星辰”的升起。例如:

The river is rising from the rain. 雨后河水不断上涨。

( 2) lift侧重指从低处向高处的“抬起, 举起”。例如:

I can't lift this bag. It's too heavy. 我抬不起这个袋子, 它太重了。

( 3) arise表示问题等的“出现”, 其主语多为抽象名词, 是不及物动词; 它还有“起身”的意思。例如:

Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately. 免疫系统不能充分发挥作用时, 身体就会出现问题。

( 4) raise表示“抬起, 举起, 提高”, 是及物动词, 后面直接接宾语; 另外, 它还有“饲养”之意。例如:

The people's living standards have been greatly raised. 人们的生活水平有了很大提高。

4. affect, effect 与 influence

( 1) affect是及物动词, 表示“影响”, 暗示产生的影响如此强烈, 以至于能引起反应; 也可以表示“使……感动”, 指人, 表示思想感情受外界事物的影响而“感动”。例如:

The rise in the price has affected all of them.物价的上涨影响了他们所有的人。

( 2) effect表示“影响”时, 是名词, 不能误用为动词。用作动词时表示“促成, 产生”。例如:

The change was effected quickly. 这种变化很快就出现了。

( 3) influence指通过间接的、不易觉察的方式对人的思想行为产生潜移默化的影响。例如:

My dad influenced me to do electronics. 我学电子是受爸爸的影响。

5. adapt 与 adjust

( 1) adapt“适合, 适应”, 指修改或改变以适应新条件。例如:

He adapted himself to the cold weather. 他适应了寒冷的气候。

( 2) adjust指“调整, 调节”, 使之适应。例如:

You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes. 你把望远镜调节到适合你的角度之后, 你才看得见。

6. injure, hurt, harm 与 wound

( 1) injure着重指偶然事故对人的容貌、内部器官、生理机能的损害, 尤指在事故中受伤。例如:

He injured his leg when playing football. 他踢球时伤了腿。

( 2) hurt为“伤害”的一般用词, 可指肉体上或精神上的伤害, 在许多情况下可与injure通用, 但含有较强烈的“疼痛”意味。hurt除作及物动词还可作不及物动词, 表示“疼痛, 难受”。例如:

I didn't mean to hurt you. 我本无意伤害你。

( 3) harm指对自己或他人、他物造成痛苦, 引起疼痛或不再完整、美丽等。例如:

Failure to pay his bill has harmed his credit.无法付账已给他的信用带来了损害。

( 4) wound指由暴力给身体外部造成严重的“创伤”, 如刀伤、枪伤, 尤指战争中受伤。例如:

The soldier was wounded in the arm. 这个士兵的胳膊受了伤。


动词常与其他词类 ( 多是介词和副词) 搭配在一起, 构成固定词组, 称之为动词短语。一般动词短语可分为以下几类:

1. 动词 + 介词

这类结构中的介词不能与动词分开, 宾语只能放在介 词之后。例 如: agree with“同意……的意见”; ask for“请求, 询问”; arrive at/in“到达”; begin with“以······开始”; come from“来自”; feel like“想要”; fall behind“落在······后面”; fall off“掉下”等。

【考例】In modern times, people have to learn to________all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

A. keep with B. stay with

C. meet with D. live with

解析: D。根据题意“如今, 人们虽然过着舒适的生活, 但也要学会承受各种各样的压力”可知, 应选择live with, 相当于put up with, 有“承受”的意思。

2. 动词 + 副词

这类结构中宾语放在副词之前、之后均可, 但如果宾语为人称代词, 则必须放在副词之前。如果宾语过长, 则应放在副词之后。例如: eat up“吃光”; find out“找出, 查明”; put off“推迟”; go off“走火, 熄灭”; keep out“使不进入”等。

【考例】Einstein liked Bose's paper so much that he________his own work and translated it into German.

A. gave offB. turned down

C. took overD. set aside

解析: D。根据题意“爱因斯坦如此喜欢Bose的论文以至于他把自己的工作置于一旁, 把它翻译成德语。”可知选set aside, 意为“不顾, 把······置于一旁”。give off“发出, 放出”;turn down“拒绝”; take over“接收, 接管”。

3. 动词 + 副词 + 介词

这类结构中, 介词的宾语不能置于介词之前。例如be fed up with“厌倦”; catch up with“赶上”; go on with“继续”; get on with“与······相处”等。

【考例】—Have you ______some new ideas?

—Yeah. I'll tell you later.

A. come aboutB. come into

C. come up withD. come out with

解析: C。come about“发生, 产生”; come into“进入, 继承, 得到 ( 遗产 ) ”; come up with“想到, 找到答案”; come out with“说出”。根据题意可知选C。

4. 动词 + 名词 + 介词

常见短语有: take care of“照料, 照顾”;make room for“给……腾出地方”; make friends with“与……交朋友”; play a joke on“戏弄某人”; have a look at“看一看”; have a drink of“喝一点”; say goodbye to“告别”等。

【考例】Unfortunately, not everyone has realized the important part the balance of nature_______their daily life.

A. plays inB. playing

C. plays ofD. to play in

解析: A。本题解题 关键在于 识别短语“play an important part in”其中宾语part作先行词, 所以定语从句中缺宾语, 应用关系代词which / that引导定语从句, 而且可以省略。

5. 动词 + 反身代词 + 介词

常见短语有: help oneself to“随便吃……”;give oneself to“热心于”; occupy oneself with“忙于”; dressed oneself in“穿着”; break oneself to“去掉……的习惯”; devote oneself to“专心, 致力于”; throw oneself to“投身于……”等。

【考例】Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to_______some schools for poor children.

A. set upB. setting up

C. have set upD. having set up

解析: B。本题考查固定短语devote oneself to, 意为“专心, 致力于”, 其中to为介词, 所以选B。


( 一) 选择单词并用适当形式填空

1. William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to______.

2. If you don't like the drink you______just leave it and try a different one.

3. Mary, I____John of his promise to help you.

4. Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also ______our thinking.

5. The minister said, “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we'll never________with criminals. ”

6. Clinical evidence began to_____, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.

7. —Are you still mad at her?

—Not really, but I can't________that her remarks hurt me.

8. I'd prefer to______my judgment until I find all the evidence.

9. You are old enough to_____your own living.

10. I______a bank account after I made$ 1, 000 by doing a part-time job during the summer vacation

( 二) 选择短语并用适当形式填空

1. I can_______the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.

2. The government has taken measures to________the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.

3. They are broadening the bridge to_____the flow of traffic.

4. You can't predict everything. Often things don't________as you expect.

5. —You look upset. What's the matter?

—I had my proposal_______again.

6. If you_______faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.

7. He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of_________at a hotel for the night.

8. Born into a family with three brothers, David was_________to value the sense of sharing.

9. To get a better grade, you should________the notes again before the test.

10. I often________the words I don't know in the dictionary or on the Internet.

11. She_________an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.

12. Some insects________the color of their surroundings to protect themselves.

( 三) 单项选择

1. The news was a terrible blow to her, but she will_______the shock soon.

A. get outB. get through

C. get offD. get over

2. The sound of the music_____louder and louder as the band marched nearer to me.

A. grewB. felt

C. appearedD. remained

3. Off the east, the sky looked pale enough to________the storm would be passing quickly.

A. suggest B. report

C. prove D. explain

4. —Have you finished your homework yet?

—Not yet, I______to do it just a few minutes ago.

A. got down B. set out

C. set about D. set up

5. The thing that______is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.

A. matters B. cares

C. considers D. minds

6. Old memories are often______when you hear a particular song or a piece of music.

A. called in B. called on

C. called out D. called up

7. To be honest, I don't quite____with you some general views on the weather.

A. agree B. allow

C. bother D. share

8. Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may_______the shocking ending.

A. give away B. give out

C. give up D. give off

9. The old houses are being pulled down to_______a new office block.

A. supply with B. make use of

C. make room for D. take the place of

10. It is fashionable to drive a car, but todrive a car is not nearly as difficult as it is imagined on condition that you________the specialized rules.

A. give upB. stick to

C. insist onD. connect to

11. Will you_______ my composition to find out whether I've made any spelling mistakes?

A. look through B. look on

C. look upD. look out of

12. As is known to us all, failure usually______laziness while diligence can________success.

A. results from; lie in

B. results in; result from

C. leads to; lie in

D. results from; result in

13. He has been fired and will have to_______over charge of his office tomorrow.

A. takeB. hand

C. getD. go

14. His aunt's letters__________him of thosebeautiful days when they used to live together in his hometown.

A. call up B. call for

C. call on D. call at

15. — Did you reach the top of the moun tain?

—Yes. Even I myself didn't believe I could_______it.

A. work B. climb

C. get D. make

16. In Britain today women______44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A. build up B. make up

C. take up D. send up

17. We trust you; only you can _______him to give up smoking.

A. suggestB. attract

C. adviseD. persuade

18. —Have a good rest; you need to_________your energy for the football match this afternoon.

—Thanks a lot.

A. leave B. save

C. hold D. get

19. In that country, guests usually feel that they are not highly_______if the invitation to a dinner party is given only three or four days before the party date.

A. regardedB. thought

C. admiredD. concerned

20. Difficulties and hardships have______the best character of the young geologist.

A. brought inB. brought up

C. brought outD. brought about

21. Our daughter doesn't know what to________at the university; she can't make up her mind about her future.

A. take in B. take up

C. take over D. take on

22. Ling Feng won the first prize in the national English competition and I'm glad that her efforts at last__________.

A. worked out B. got back

C. paid off D. turned out

23. The Browns sent lots of invitations for their party. But because of the improper time, few people______it.

A. attended B. accepted

C. received D. enjoyed

24. I think John will__________a good monitor, so I'd like to vote for him.

A. turn B. change

C. elect D. make

25. The girl________to be a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.

A. expectsB. allows

C. wishes D. promises

26. —What do you think of Andrew?

—There are some things that are not easy to_________, and his coldness is one.

A. put asideB. put up with

C. think ofD. get along with

27. —Does he know how to work out the problem?

—Yes, he has_______a good idea to solve it.

A. caught up with B. kept up with

C. come up with D. put up with

28. —Will Thursday or Friday _______you?

—Either will ________.

A. fit; be B. fit; OK

C. suit; all right D. suit; do

29. Eating too much fat can_______heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result fromB. contribute to

C. attend toD. devote to

30. It suddenly________to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.

A. happened B. occurred

C. thought D. took place

31. The teacher has a peculiar way of________her student's nervousness when they speak English.

A. breaking down B. going over

C. taking off D. giving away

32. In the cross-lake swimming race, a boat will be_______in case of an emergency.

A. standing byB. turning on

C. getting onD. running doan

33. You_______only half the price, how would the seller sell the jacket to you?

A. spentB. paid

C. chargedD. offered

34. He_____the problem______in his mind for a whole week before he did anything about it.

A. switched; onB. kicked; up

C. turned; overD. took; on

35. At times the balance in nature is________, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A. troubled B. confused

C. disturbed D. puzzled

36. — So how is your new roommate?

— She really________. She always makes loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.

A. turns me over B. turns me down

C. turns me off D. turns me out

37. People have planted a great many trees in order to_________wind and sand in the desert.

A. hold down B. hold up

C. hold back D. hold out

38. — Would you like to go to Paris with us next year?

— I'd like to, but my mother_________that I am too young.

A. is against B. opposes

C. objects D. explains

39. There's no beer left and the pubs are shut so you'll have to______.

A. go outB. go off

C. go withoutD. go through

40. The film__________a great success and brought in a large profit to the cinema.

A. appreciated B. enjoyed

C. won D. seized


( 一) 1. fail2. ordered3. reminded4. limit 5. negotiate 6. accumulate7. deny8. reserve 9. earn10. opened

( 二) 1. put up with2. bring down3. speed up4. work out5. turned down6. care about7. putting up 8. brought up9. go over10. look up11. came across12. take on

( 三) 1. D。本题考查相近动词短语的词义辨析能力。四个词组只有get over有克服之意, 故选D项。

2. A。grow“变得”, 表示一个渐进的过程;feel“认为, 感觉”; appear“显得”; remain“保留, 依然”。题干中的as是关键词, 句意为“随着乐队向我们走的越来越近, 音乐的声音也变得越来越大。”故选A项。

3. A。本题检测近义动词的辨析能力。suggest“暗示, 意味着”; report“报告”; prove“证明”; explain“解释”。句意为“东方灰蒙蒙的天空暗示着暴风雪即将来临。”

4. B。get down to doing sth“开始做某事”;set out to do sth“着手做某事”; set about doing sth“开始做某事”; set up“建立”。故选B项。

5. A。句意为“重要的事情是: 不是你失败与否, 而是你是否努力了”。matter“要紧, 重要”。故选A项。

6. D。call up“使人想起”; call on“号召”;call in“收回, 请来”; call out“出动, 唤起, 引起, 大声叫出来”。根据句意选择D项。

7. D。本题的句式结构变一下, 就可看出本题考查的是share sth with sb, 故选D项。

8. A。句意为“不要在故事的开头提及它, 否则, 那会泄露故事具有震撼力的结尾。”可知选A。

9. C。旧房子被推倒的目的是给新办公楼腾出地方。make room for“为……腾出空间”, 故选C项。

10. B。give up“放弃”; stick to“坚持或维持某事物”; insist on“坚持要求”; connect to“与……有联系”。根据句意可知选B。

11. A。“你能否浏览一下我的作文, 看一下是否有拼 写错误?”look through“浏览, 翻阅”, 故选A项。

12. D。result from“因……而发生”, 后接原因; lie in“存在于”, 后接原因; result in“产生某种结果”; lead to“导致”后接结果。由题意可知选D。

13. B。hand over“把……移交”; take over“接收, 接管”; get over“克服”; go over“复习”。根据句意可知选B项。

14. A。call up“想起某事物, 回忆某事”;call for“需求, 需要”; call on“号召, 请求拜访 ( 某人) ”; call at“拜访 ( 某地) ”。由句意可知选A项。

15. D。make it意思为be successful。climb it只表示爬山, 不能表示爬到山顶。故选D项。

16. B。build up“变得更大、更多或更强”;make up“组成, 构成某事物”; take up“占据”;send up“发射”。由句意可知选B项。

17. D。suggest不跟动词 不定式; attract“吸引”; advise只是劝说而已, 未必成功; persuade“劝服, 说服”。由题意可知选D项。

18. B。由题意可知选save, 意为“储存, 保存”。

19. A。句意为“在那个国家, 如果赴宴会的邀请书仅在宴会前三四天收到, 会让客人感到他们不被重视。”可知选regarded, 意为“重视”。若选B项, 则应用thought of。

20. C。bring in“逮捕, 搜集”; bring up“培养”; bring out“产生某种 品质”; bring about“使……发生”。句意为“困难和困苦已经使那名年轻的地质学家形成了优秀的品格。”故选C项。

21. B。take in“吸收, 包括”; take up“从事”; take over“接管”; take on“呈现”。由句意可知选B项。

22. C。pay off“偿还, 偿清, 回报”。由句意可知选C项。

23. A。it指代的是party。因为时间不合适, 很少人出席晚会。故选A项。

24. D。句意为“我认为约翰会成为一名好班长的, 所以我投了他一票。”由句意可知选make, 意为“变成”。若用A项, 则应变成turninto或去掉冠词a。故选D项。

25. D。句意为“如果那个女孩在艺校进行良好的训练, 她有望成为一名好舞蹈家。”promise“使······很有可能”, 有望。故选D项。

26. B。put aside“储存, 把······放到 一边”; put up with“忍受, 容忍”; think of“考虑”;get along with“与······相处, 进展”。由句意可知选B项。

27. C。catch up with“跟上, 赶上”; keep up with“跟上”; come up with“找到, 想起”; put up with“容忍, 忍受”。由句意可知选C项。

28. D。fit作动词时, 表示衣服的大小是否适合, 排除A、B两项。若选C项, 则应用be all right。故选D项。

29. B。句意为“吃太多的脂肪容易导致心脏疾病和高血压。”由题意可知选contribute to, 意为“导致, 促成”。故选B项。

30. B。由题意可知选occur to sb, 意为“想到, 想起”。

31. A。break down“消除, 破除 ( 障碍或偏见) ”; go over“复习”; take off“脱下, 起飞”; give away“分发, 泄露 ( 秘密) ”。由题意知选A。

32. A。stand by“准备行动, 待机”; turn on“打开”; get on“进展”; run down“撞倒”。根据题意可知, B、C、D三项均不符合。

33. D。offer“出价”; charge“收费”; spend“花费”; pay“支付”。由句意可知选D。

34. C。turn over“仔细考虑”; switch on“把开关打开”; kick up“引起”; take on“呈现”。由题意可知选C。

35. C。trouble“麻烦, 烦恼”; puzzle“使困惑”; confuse“使混乱”; disturb“打扰”。由题意可知选C。

36. C。turn sb over“把······移交, 把······交给”; turn sb down“拒绝”; turn sb off“使对 ( 某人) 感到厌烦”; turn sb out“驱逐, 赶走”。由题意可知选C。

37. C。hold down“压制, 限制”; hold up“推迟, 耽搁”; hold back“阻挡, 抑制”; hold out“提供, 提出”。由题意可知答案选C。

38. C。前三项意思相同, 都可以表示“反对 ( 做) 某事”。常用搭配为be against ( doing) sth; oppose ( doing) sth; object to ( doing) sth, 但是object还可接宾语从句, 为及物动词, 意思为“提出异议”。前一句邀请对方一起去Paris, 答话人说他很愿意去, 但是妈妈提出异议说他年龄太小。D项explain虽然也可接that从句, 但是它的含义为“解释”, 不能明确地说明妈妈的态度是赞成还是反对。故可知选C。

39. C。go out“外出, 熄灭”; go off“爆炸, 中断”; go through“通过, 完成, 经历”; go without忍受某事物的缺乏。句意为“啤酒卖完了, 酒吧也都关门了, 所以你只好将就一下了。”

40. B。易误选C, win指赢得了比赛、奖励、胜利等, 不可以与a great success连用。enjoy“享有”, 本题中的enjoy a great success意为win large sales。

3.灵活亲切的短语动词 篇三

Long long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food.

The mice could no longer put up with this and one day they had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that. At last a young mouse got up, and said that he came up with a good idea.

“We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away.”

Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, “That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?” The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.

上面小短文中用了很多动词短语:put up with(容忍),talk about(谈论),deal with(处理),get up(起身),come up with(想出,提出),approve of(赞成),look at(看着)。这些动词短语就是我们今天要谈论的内容。

一、 短语动词的构成


二、 短语动词用法

1. “动词 + 副词”类动词短语

以take off 为例,它可以用作及物动词短语,表示“脱去,除去”,如:take off the coat;它也可用作不及物动词短语,表示“起飞”,如:watch the plane take off。

需要注意的是,及物的“动词 + 副词”类动词短语,其宾语可以置于副词之前、之后均可,但如果宾语为人称代词,则必须放在副词之前。

例如:The sun makes people happy to take off their moderate coats. (=...take their moderate coats off) 阳光使人们高兴脱下他们保暖的外套。

The mother looked at the kids’ muddy coats and shouted, “Take them off right now!” 这位母亲看着孩子们沾满泥土的衣服,叫道:“快把它们脱下来!”

2. “动词 + 介词”类短语动词


例如: Mrs. Forster, I don’t want to bother you, but would you please look after my baby for a while? 福斯特太太,我不想麻烦您,但您能帮我照看一下我的孩子吗?

So if I always come across the number 140, then it’s likely to win a lottery ticket with the number 140? 那么如果我总是遇到140这个号码,去买号码为140的彩票就很可能中奖咯?

We don’t in general take to foreigners here, Mr. Lockwood, unless they take to us first. 洛克伍德先生,我们一般不会喜欢上外国人,除非他们先喜欢上我们。

3. “动词 + 副词 + 介词”类短语动词

这类动词短语的宾语只能放在介词的后面。我们经常遇到的这类短语有:hold on to(坚持), put up with(容忍、忍受), come up with(想出、提出),catch up with (赶上),break away from(脱离),look up to(尊重),make up for(弥补),run out of(耗尽、用光)等。这类短语动词必须看作一个动词,不能拆分。

例如: How can you put up with so much advertising after each program? 你怎么能忍受每个节目之后那么多的广告?

以上三类短语动词都是一些固定搭配,这些短语动词与某些非固定搭配是有区别的。如:The lights went out. 和He put on his coat and went out. 前句中的went out是由“动词 + 副词”构成的短语动词,表示“熄灭”;后句中的went out不是短语动词,went 是动词,out是副词,作状语,表示“出去”。

4. “动词 + 名词 + 介词”类短语动词

这类短语动词相当于一个动词,后接宾语,表示一个完整的意思。常见的有:make fun of(取笑),make use of(利用),pay attention to(注意),have effect on(对……有影响),take care of(照顾)等。

5. “动词+形容词+介词”类短语动词

该类短语动词多由be、feel等感官动词引导,常见的有:be concerned with(担忧、关注……),be curious about(对……感到好奇),be busy with(忙于),be short for(是……的简称),be proud of(为……感到自豪)等。它们也相当于一个动词,后接宾语,表示一个完整的意思。

从以上对短语动词的结构分析可以发现,短语动词常常作为整体表示某个特殊含义,如:give up意为“放弃”,并不是由give与up两次意思叠加而成。许多短语动词含有多种意思,如:make out可表示“看清、听清”,如make out a figure in the darkness,也可表示“理解”,如:make out what the teacher means。所以要学好短语动词,需要多总结、对比、归纳,多从不同语境里理解短语动词的不同含义,特别是诸如get,give,hold,keep,look,go,put,turn等动词,以它们为中心可以构成大量的短语动词表示豐富多彩的意思。如,以take为首的短语动词有take up(占据、从事),take in(接受,理解,欺骗),take over(接管),take on(承担,呈现,雇用)等。


1. His words puzzled me so much that I spent several minutes ________.

A. making it upB. to make it up

C. figured it outD. figuring it out

2. I don’t ________ computer games. I think it’s a waste of time.

A. go away withB. go into

C. go afterD. go in for

3. I hope this fine weather will ________ for another week.

A. hold onB. hold out

C. hold upD. hold off

4. The company decided not to ________ more employees in times of economic crisis.

A. take inB. take up

C. take overD. take on

5. Helen always helps her mother even though going to school ________ most of her day.

A. takes upB. makes up

C. saves upD. puts up

4.考研英语写作动词词组 篇四

turn someone away 不让进入(或通过)

turn back (或turn someone/thing back) (使)折回

turn someone down 拒绝(某人的建议或申请)

turn something down 拒绝;调低(声音、温度等)

turn someone in 告发,检举

turn something in 提交,呈递

turn someone off (非正式)使(某人)感到乏味(或厌恶、性反感)

turn something off (用龙头、开关、按钮)关掉

turn someone on (非正式)(尤指在性方面)刺激某人,激发某人性欲

turn something on (用龙头、开关、按钮)打开

turn someone on to (非正式)使(某人)对(某物,尤指毒品)感兴趣

turn someone out 赶走,驱逐; (军)集合,召集;穿着

turn something out 关灯;生产;倒空(某物,尤指口袋);(把做好的食物)从模子里倒出

turn someone over to 把……移交

turn something over 使引擎运转; 移交(控制、管理权);改变(功能或作用);(非正式)抢劫;营业额达

turn something round (或 around) (船或飞机)准备返航;(尤指公司)情况好转

turn something up 把(声音,暖气等)调大;显示,发现;(折摺)使衣服变短

at every turn 处处;时时

by turns 轮流地,交替地

in turn 依次地,轮流地

out of turn 未按照正当的次序或顺序地;不合时宜地,轻率地

to a turn 正好;恰好

turn a blind eye 熟视无睹:拒绝正视,装作没看见

turn a deaf ear 置若罔闻,装作没听见

turn a hair 慌张,不安:变得慌张或不安

turn (one’s) hand 着手:从事,如一项工作

turn over a new leaf 改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态度成举止

turn tail 逃跑,逃走

turn the corner 或 turn a corner 到达并超越了终点或里程碑

turn the other cheek 逆来顺受:以忍耐对待侮辱和伤害

turn the scales 打破僵局:打破某一形式的平衡状态

turn the tables 转败为胜:扭转了局势而处于上风

turn turtle 倾覆,底朝天翻转

turn up (one’s) nose 轻视,看不起:不把…放在眼里,蔑视

5.代替的英文短语词组 篇五


There is no substitute for practical experience.


The printed word is no substitute for personal discussion with a great thinker


She is seeking a substitute for the very man whose departure made her cry.


Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese

6.动词副词词组英语顺口溜 篇六

walk carefully,walk carefully小心地走,

走得小心walk carefully练平衡。

jump high,jump high 跳得高,

跳得高jump high弹力足。

sit quietly,sit quietly安静地坐,

坐得安静sit quietly养身心。

run fast,run fast跑得快,

跑得快run fast箭步飞。

dance beautifully,dance beautifully跳得美,

跳得美dance beautifully似蝶舞。

speak loudly,speak loudly大声地叫,

7.考点回顾短语动词 篇七


1. (2011年福建卷)Born into a family with three brothers,David was to value the sense of sharing.

A.brought up

B.turned down

C.looked after

D.held back

2. (2011年海南卷)I can _______ the house being untidy, but I hate it if its not clean.

A.come up with

B.put up with

C.turn toD.stick to

3. (2011年江苏卷)

—You look upset. Whats the matter?

—I had my proposal _______ again.

A.turned overB.turned on

C.turned offD.turned down

4. (2011年江西卷)You cant predict everything. Often things dont _______ at you expect

A.run outB.break out

C.work outD.put out

5. (2011年四川卷)To get a better grade, you should _______ the notes again before the test.

A.go over

B.get over

C.turn over

D.take over

6. (2011年天津卷)She _______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.

A.turned down

B.dealt with

C.took afterD.came across

7. (2011年山东卷)They are broadening the bridge to _______ the flow of traffiC.

A.put offB.speed up

C.turn onD.work out

8. (2011年陕西卷)Some insects _______ the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.

A.take in

B.take off

C.take on

D.take out


1. A。考查动词短语的区别。此处bring up的意思是“抚养,教育”。Turn down 的意思是“调低,拒绝”; look after的意思是“照看”;hold back的意思是“阻止,阻挡”。

2. B。考查动词短语的区别。此处put up with的意思是“忍受”,符合句子的语境。而come up with的意思是“想出”;turn to的意思是“转向,朝向”;stick to的意思是“坚持”。

3. D。考查动词短语的区别。此处turn down的意思是“拒绝”,符合句子的语境。而turn over的意思是“翻转”;turn on的意思是“打开”;turn off的意思是“关掉”。

4. C。 考查动词短语的区别。此处work out的意思是“结果”。而run out的意思是“用完”;break out的意思是“爆发”;put out的意思是“扑灭”。

5. A。 考查动词短语的区别。此处go over的意思是“复习”。而get over的意思是“克服”; turn over的意思是“翻转”;take over的意思是“接管”。

6. D。 考查动词短语的区别。此处 come across的意思是“遇到”,符合句子的语境。而turn down 的意思是“拒绝”;deal with的意思是“对付”;take after的意思是“长得像”。

7. B。本题考查短语动词。此处speed up的意思是“加速”,符合句子的语境。而put off的意思是“推迟”;turn on的意思是“打开”;work out 的意思是“算出”。

8. C。本题考查短语动词。此处take on的意思是“呈现”,符合句子的语境。而take in的意思是“吸收,吸纳”;take off的意思是“起飞”;take out的意思是“拿出,取出”。






1. 动词+介词:这类短语动词均为及物动词性质,其宾语不管是名词,还是代词,都只能放在介词之后。

如agree with, come from, fall off, knock at, look after, laugh at, play with, run into, go after, think of, wait for, ask after(问候),care for, break through(突破)等。

I ran into an old friend in the street.我在街上偶遇一个老朋友。

The police went after the escaped criminal, but he went away.警察追捕那个逃跑的罪犯,但他逃走了。

2. 动词+副词:这类短语动词可分为及物动词性质和不及物动词性质两大类。具有及物动词性质的短语动词的宾语如果是名词,该名词可置于动词和副词之间或副词之后;如果是代词,这个代词就只能置于动词和副词之间。

如dress up, eat up, pick up, pass on, take off, get over, give up, see off, show around, put off, work out, turn up等。

They will have to find means to get over the difficulty.他们必须想方设法克服困难。

Where did you pick it up?你在哪儿捡的它?

具有不及物动词性质的短语动词,如come along, get up, grow up, look around, set out, go up, break out, die out, hang up, look out等。

The temperature will go up quickly.温度会很快升高。

Tigers would die out if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wisheD.如果允许人们随意捕杀老虎,老虎就会灭绝。

3. 动词+副词+介词:这类短语动词均为及物动词性质,宾语必须放在介词之后。如put up with, stand up to, do away with, get down to, break away from, live up to, catch up with, come out of, do well in, look down upon等。

The taxes on these articles ought to be done away with.这些物品应该免税。

I hope I can live up to the expectations of my parents.我希望自己不辜负父母对我的期望。

4. 动词+名词+介词:这类短语动词也都是及物动词性质,宾语必须放在介词之后。如have a look at, get wind of, have a drink of, take care of, take part in, make fun of, pay attention to, make light of, catch sight of, keep an eye on, put an end to, give rise to等。

He got wind of the situation and went home.他听到有关形势的风声就回家了。

He made light of what she had done for him.他轻视她为他所做的一切。

此外还有由其他方式构成的短语动词。如take place, make sure, get in touch with等。

注意:1. 短语动词用被动语态时,要保证短语动词的完整性,动词后面原有的介词或副词切切不可以省略。如:

The wounded soldiers are taken good care of by the nurses.护士把受伤的战士们照顾的很好。

The house was set fire to by a naughty boy.房子是由一位淘气的男孩点着的。

2. 要了解短语动词是及物还是不及物。如:ask for是及物动词;set off是不及物动词;set up为及物动词。

3. 要弄清楚动词后面跟的是介词还是副词,如:pay attention to中的to 是介词;take off中的off 是副词。


1. When a fire _______ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.

A.broke off

B.broke out

C.broke down

D.broke up

2. The student was just about to _______ the question, when suddenly he found the answer.

A.gives up

B.gives in

C.gives awayD.gives off

3. I always _______ what I have said.

A.get to

B.hold to

C.lead toD.see to

4. Generous public finding of basic science would  considerable benefits for the countrys health, wealth and security.

A.lead to

B.result from

C.lie inD.settle down

5. A wellwritten composition _______ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.

A.calls on

B.calls for

C.calls upD.calls off

6. A notice was placed by the thin ice, warning people _______ .

A.to keep offB.keep off

C.to keep up D.keeping up

7. He was made _______ the _______ of his master.

A.watch over; sheepB.to watch over; sheeps

C.watch on; sheepsD.to watch over; sheep

8. —Your brother is very careful and honest.

—I agree. What he has just done _______ itself.

A.speaks ofB.thinks of

C.speaks forD.thinks for

9. The market was filled with salted fish, _______ the worst smell that you can imagine.

A.sending off

B.giving off

C.putting off

D.setting off

10. It was dark, we decided to _______ for the night at a farm house.

A.put away

B.put down

C.put upD.put out

11. Use the following words in sentences to _______ their meaning of a passage.

A.bring aboutB.bring off

C.bring outD.bring on

12. Elephants would _______ if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

A.die down

B.die out

C.die fromD.die of

13. —Why did you stop writing?

—My ink has _______ .

A.used up

B.run out of

C.given away

D.given out

14. It was midnight when our car _______ outside the railway station.

A.pulled upB.set up

C.took upD.shut up

15. The nurse _______ the young man to see where his wound was.

A.turned to

B.turned over

C.turned on

D.turned off

16. They are waiting for the magazine to _______.

A.be come outB.come out

C.come onD.come in

17. Women used to be _______ before. But things are different now.

A.looked down

B.looked up

C.looked down upon

D.looked for

18. A good friend is one who will _______ you when you are in trouble.

A.stand for

B.stand by

C.stand up to

D.stand up with

