


1.ful作后缀的单词10个 篇一


Money was plentiful, and rarely did anyone seem very bothered about levels of expenditure


Fish are plentiful in the lake.


Opportunities to practice what has been learned from books are plentiful.


That company provides abundant/ plentiful promotion opportunities for staff with overseas education experience.


There is plentiful rainfall in the regions where rice is grown.


2.英国人也嫌拗口的10个单词 篇二

A poll found 10 words that Britons consistently find the most challenging to pronounce. The word they find hardest to pronounce is “phenomenon”. Next in the top 10 of tongue-twisters are “remuneration”, and “statistics”.

Speakers also have a problem getting their tongue around “ethnicity”, “hereditary” and “particularly”, according to the body charged with recording public utterances. Completing the list are “conjugal”, “specific”, “processes” and “development”.

Leah Willersdorf, of the BIVR, said, “We work with many different types of professionals and hear all kinds of voices during our work. However, when it comes to the English language it always seems to be the same few words that verbally trip people up, with the speaker having to repeat the word in order to get it right, or just abandoning their attempts and moving on.”

BIVR members were quizzed by the team behind the popular word game Scrabble. According to the words buffs, one in 10 players admits to being reluctant to producing words that they cannot pronounce.

University of York sociolinguistics expert Professor Paul Kerswill said the English language has evolved to compensate for tricky pronunciations but some words remain a challenge.

He said, “People always find a way of simplifying words that they find difficult to get their tongues round, so that an everyday word like ‘handbag’ sounds like ‘hambag’. Our forebears simplified ‘waistcoat’ to ‘weskit’—but we’ve turned our backs on that. And most people talk about ‘Febry’ and Wensday!”








3.后缀的单词ful 篇三

cheerful adj.高兴的;爽快的

colorful adj. 颜色丰富的;色彩丰富的

disgraceful a. 可耻的,不名誉的

disgustful adj. 令人生厌的

disrespectful a. 失礼的,无礼的

distasteful a. 讨厌的;乏味的

distressful a. 使苦恼的,苦难重重的,不幸的

distrustful a. 不信用的,怀疑的,可疑的

doleful adj. 忧愁的,消沉的

doubtful a.难以预测的;怀疑的

dreadful a.可怕的;令人敬畏的

dutiful a. 忠实的,顺从的,守本分的.

eventful a. 变故多的,多事的,重要的

faithful a.忠诚的;如实的

fanciful a. 奇怪的,稀奇的,想像的

fateful a. 宿命的,重大的,决定性的

fearful a.害怕的,可怕的

4.加ful后缀的单词词性 篇四


The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.


The dog looked at me with a doleful expression.


Other game manufacturer is unwilling also and doleful.


I once thought, in a doleful night.

5.以ist作后缀的单词20个 篇五

Baptist n. 施洗者约翰,施洗者,浸信会教友;

biologist n. 生物学家;

botanist n. 植物学家;

buddhist n. 佛教徒;

capitalist n. 资本家,资本主义者;

cardiologist n. 心脏病学家;

casuist n. 决疑者,诡辩家;

chauvinist n. 沙文主义者,盲目的爱国主义者;

chemist n.化学家;药剂师;

chiropodist n. 手足病医生;

christ n. 救世主(耶稣基督); int. 天啊!;

6.10个ation后缀的单词 篇六


He had been with the company since its creation in .


The cake was a delicious creation of sponge, cream and fruit.


He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank


The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical to the long-term future of London.

7.cial后缀的单词10个 篇七

A job interview is a very artificial situation.


The juice contains no artificial preservatives.


This food contains no artificial flavourings.


The treatment does not involve the use of any artificial drugs.


He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means.

8.ence后缀的单词10个 篇八

condolence n. 吊唁,哀悼

conference n.会议,讨论会

confidence n.私房话,秘密,机密

confluence n. 合流,汇流

congruence n. 适合,一致,相合性

conscience n.良心,道德心

consequence n.结果,后果

consistence n. 坚固性,浓度

continence n. 节制、克制力

convalescence n. 病后康复期

convenience n.便利,方便;厕所

convergence n. 集中,收敛

corpulence n. 肥胖,臃肿

correspondence n. 往来函件;通信;符合;相应,相当;信件,一致对应

credence n. 相信,信任

decadence n. 衰落,颓废

9.ist作后缀的单词5个 篇九

apologist n. 辩护者,辩证者,护教论者

motorist n. 乘汽车者,常坐汽车的人

underwaist n. 穿在马甲下的胸衣,小孩的内衣

philanthropist n. 慈善家

grist n. 大量,许多

moralist n. 道德学家,卫道士

alpinist n. 登山运动员

antagonist n. 敌手,对手

geologist n. 地质学家

zoologist n. 动物学家

recitalist n. 独奏家

abolitionist n. 废除主义者,废奴主义者

organist n. 风琴弹奏者

satirist n. 讽刺诗作者,讽刺家,爱挖苦别人的人

evangelist n. 福音传道者,圣经新约福音书的.作者

revolutionist n. 革命家

unionist n. 工会会员

florist n. 花商,种花者

escapist n. 会消遣的人

opportunist n. 机会主义者,投机取巧者

machinist n. 机械师,机械安装修理工,机械工

activist n. 积极分子

philatelist n. 集邮家

annalist n. 纪年表编者,编年史作者

receptionist n. 接待员

anatomist n. 解剖学家

evolutionist n. 进化论者

prohibitionist n. 禁酒论者

economist n. 经济学者,经济家

psychiatrist n. 精神病医师,精神病学家

dramatist n. 剧作家

casuist n. 决疑者,诡辩家

archaeologist n. 考古学家

ventriloquist n. 口技者

gerontologist n. 老年医学家

optimist n. 乐观主义者; 乐观者

extortionist n. 勒索者,敲诈者

perfectionist n. 力求完美者,吹毛求疵者

federalist n. 联邦主义者

alchemist n. 炼丹家

vocalist n. 流行歌手,声乐家

anesthesiologist n. 麻醉学家

anesthetist n. 麻醉医生

Methodist n. 美以美教徒, 墨守成规者

somnambulist n. 梦行

nationalist n. 民族主义

thaumaturgist n. 魔术师,奇术士

ornithologist n. 鸟类学者

agronomist n. 农学家

feminist n. 女权运动者

optometrist n. 配镜师

dermatologist n. 皮肤学者,皮肤科医生

cyclist n. 骑脚踏车的

meteorologist n. 气象学者

numismatist n. 钱币学家,钱币收藏家

percussionist n. 敲击乐器,乐师

pugilist n. 拳击家

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