


1.休产假影响年终奖吗? 篇一










2.未婚生孩子能休产假吗 篇二





3.女职工休产假规定 篇三




第六十二条 女职工生育享受不少于九十天的产假。

三、《四川省〈中华人民共和**婴保健法〉实施办法》 第二十四条 推行母乳喂养。医疗保健机构应当为母乳喂养提供技术指导和必要条件,提高婴儿母乳喂养率。实行纯母乳喂养的女职工增加一个月产假,产假视为出勤。


第三十二条 实行晚婚的,除国家规定的婚假外增加婚假20天;已婚妇女晚育的,除国家规定的产假外增加产假30天,给予男方护理假15天。婚假、产假、护理假视为出勤,工资、奖金照发。第十三条 稳定现行生育政策,提倡和鼓励公民晚婚、晚育,做到少生、优生、优育。提倡和鼓励一对夫妻生育一个子女。









4.男人休产假的坏处(英文) 篇四

Affect a company’s normal events.One of the reasons why some companies don’t like women is because women will give birth to a child and have maternity leave.This makes the company lack persons to work and have trouble in normal affairs.The owners of the company don’t want these things to happen.So, if a man also has maternity leave, he will also affect the company’s normal events which will trouble the bosses a lot.For example, when a man has a big project on hand and hasn’t finished, but his wife has a baby and he need to have maternity leave, how about the unfinished project?

Lead to financial stress to the family.When people have maternity leave, the money which their companies give them will decrease a lot.So, when both the man and woman have maternity leave, their income will decrease a lot.But the new born of a baby doesn’t only bring happiness, but also lead to the necessary of large amounts of money which is used to raise baby and pay the fees of education.This large amount of money is a very hard work to the parent.And decrease the income by having maternity leave may trouble the family a lot.Men have little ability to help women.When women need to give birth to a child, they will be very nervous and excited, also exhausted.And generally, men always do things carelessly, which will lead to women’s angry comments at ordinary time.And there is a big possibility that men will make women angry during the maternity leave.Being angry is very bad for women and her baby.So, let men go to work instead of staying at home is better.On the other hand, men always don’t know how to take care of people, especially women, and also don’t know how to do housework.So, there is little need to let men stay at home.Taking care of baby and wife is an excuse.To some men who are considerate, responsible and centered, the maternity leave really gives him a good chance and time to show his love and care to his wife and child.But to some irresponsible men, the maternity leave is only an excuse.When having the maternity leave, these men don’t do any housework or take care of his wife and baby, but just sleep at home or even play video games and go out playing.They don’t take their wife and child into account.How can we give these men maternity leave?

Increase the expense of government.When men and women have maternity leave, they still have salaries.And their salaries depend on the government.This will increase the expense of the government, thus bring the stress to the economy of the government.Maternity leave encourages bearing.Many foreign countries have only a small population and lack newly-born children seriously for a long time.So most of them have maternity leave and use it as one of the ways to encourage people to give birth to more children and thus expand the population.But China doesn’t need to consider this matter.China has a large population and has limited the number of newly-born children for a long time.China doesn’t need to expand the population, but to decrease the population.So, considering that the maternity leave encourages bearing, there is no need and reason to give men maternity leave in China.Having maternity leave may make the man lose his job.Pressures of work and life are great now, husbands are hesitant on whether have maternity leave or not.They desire to enjoy the maternity leave and share the joy of having a child in heart.But by doing so, they will be faced with unemployment crisis.Many companies don’t want their employees to have maternity leave because of the bad effect to the companies’ profit by having maternity leave.No one is willing to take the risk.Although the government has policies and allow men to have maternity leave, in order to preserve the work, many husbands won’t have maternity leave.The tradition that men are responsible for the outside and women are responsible for the inside is hard to change.From the ancient time in China, men are more superior to women in status.So, there is an old tradition that men are responsible for the outside and women are responsible for the inside.This old tradition has lasted thousands of years.Though recent years, women are fighting for their equal rights and women’s status is rising, but the tradition still exists and is hard to change in the near future.As a result, letting men become inside and doing housework is hard to realize.It is hard to practice.Implementation and improvement of any regulation need a process.The regulation of men’s having maternity leave is a kind of exploration, and difficulties surely exist during the process of implementation.Its expanding depends on the degree of implementation of the companies and the citizens’ understanding of their legal rights to a large extent.Many people don’t know the regulation and most of the private companies avoid mentioning it, which lead to difficulties in performing the regulation.Due to the great pressure on employment, many people feel unwilling to argue with the company for a-dozen-day holiday.Therefore, it is rare that someone will reflect to the related department.

5.关于员工休产假的相关规定 篇五

















