


1.主持人英文稿 篇一

[Before Start]

Ladies and gentlemen, as the competition is about to start, please be seated and make sure your cell phone has been switched off or turned into mute mode.Please do not walk around or speak loudly during the competition.Thank you for your cooperation.[Opening]

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the campus qualifying contest at xxx University for the xxx English Speaking Competition.I’m xxx from xxx.It’s my great honour to host today’s contest.And this young man beside me is xxx from xxx.The xxx English Speaking Competition was initiated by xxx club.Since the foundation of this club, it has been dedicated to improve our abilities of communicating in English.Similar qualifying contests are taking place in another two universities;they are xxx University and xxx University.Today’s top two winners will compete with winners from the other two universities in the intercollegiate competition, which will be held on xxx.Today is the final stage of this qualifying competition in our university.The 10 winners from the semi-final will display their talents in communicating in English today.We believe they will give us their best performance, and we also believe that you, the audience will enjoy the excitement.[Competition Rules]

Now let’s go over the rules of today’s contest.The contest is mainly divided into two parts.The first part includes prepared speech, impromptu speech and answering questions from our judges.In the second part, there are group debates.And also, we will have interactive session in between for our audience.The theme for today’s prepared speeches is “xxx” and the topic of impromptu speech and the debate will be assigned by lot.The highest possible score for each contestant is 100 points: 65 points for the first part;30 points for the second part.Additional 5 points will be given based on each contestant’s popularity.The

contestants’ speeches and debates will be measured on content, language and the way they show themselves.[Judges]

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honour to introduce our 6 judges of today’s competition.They are xxx… Let’s give all our judges a warm welcome.[Awards]

As for the prizes of today’s competition, the top 2 winners will be qualified to

compete with the other winners from the other two universities.The result will be announced at the end of today’s competition.Besides, there will be 1 first prize winners, 1 second prize winners, 2 third prize winners and 6 excellence award

winners.And all the contestants will receive certificates and prizes given by xxx Club.All the audience will have the chance to get the gifts if you answer our questions correctly.Okay, is everyone clear on this? So, are you ready? All right, time to go!【AP】

[Game Started]

The first part.In this part, each contestant will be given 3 minutes to present a prepared speech.After that, each contestant will pick a topic for the impromptu speech.Each one will be given 60 seconds to prepare and two minutes to present.And then, judges will ask one or two questions about the impromptu speech.Ok, so now let’s welcome contestant No.1… Thank you, contestant No.1.pick your topic, please.[Read the topic].计时开始。好,时间到。Now judges, you may ask some questions.[Finish]Thank you.Now let’s welcome contestant No.2… Now let’s welcome contestant No.3…Thank you, contestant No.10.And this is the end of the first part of today’s contest.The score of contestant No.10 has come out, and it’s **.And here are the scores for the first part.(Point to the screen)

Now let’s move on to the second part: Debate, 2 versus 2 and 3 versus 3 group

debates, for 10 minutes and 15 minutes respectively.(Groups have been assigned by lot before the contest.)

反方会听到这样的提示音……The topic of the 2 versus 2 debate is ***;No.x &x are on the affirmative side.They think();No.x &x are on the opposing side.They think()

The topic of the 3 versus 3 debate is ***;No.x &x are on the affirmative side.Theythink();No.x &x are on the opposing side.They think()

This is the score sheet of the second part—debate.(Point to the screen)Then,according to our statistics, here are the score for the popularity.(Point to the screen)Here are the final score for each contestant!(Point to the screen)

[Awarding session]

Now, here comes the most exciting moment.First let’s announce the names of

today’s excellence awards winners.他们是……Congratulations!Let’s give them a big hand.Let us invite ********* to present the prizes.Now we come to the third prize winners他们是……Congratulations!Now let us invite *** to present the prizes. Now we come to the second prize winner and the first prize winner他们是【N+T】.Congratulations!Now let us invite *** to present the prizes.[Closure]

Ladies and gentlemen, we are approaching the end of today’s competition.Let’s congratulate all the contestants for their excellent performance, and let’s appreciate our hard-working judges and our dear audience.Thank you all!

See you!

2.主持人英文稿 篇二


(一) 播音主持专业学生英语学习水平现状

对播音与主持专业学生英语水平的调查研究采用了高考成绩统计的形式, 统计对象选为我校2008级播音与主持专业的40位同学, 因各地的英语高考分数制式的不同, 若统一为100分的满分制, 一下为统计结果:75-80分以上的同学1名, 70-75分以上的同学1名, 65-70以上的同学1名, 60-65分以上的同学, 4名, 55-60分以上的同学11名, 50-55分以上的同学9名, 40-50分以上的同学8名, 40分以下的同学5名。从此数据来看, 82.5%的学生入学成绩低于60分, 表明学生英语水平整体低下;学生英语水平离散程度很大, 水平参差不齐。学生的听说读写的能力, 多数同学水平一般, 写作能力欠缺, 口头表达能力更是绝大多数同学的死穴。故大学英语教学中需要激发学生学习英语的兴趣和热情, 提高听说能力, 加深对西方文化的了解, 提高学生的跨文化交际能力。

(二) 电影配音在英语课堂中的重要性

1.提高学生英语学习兴趣, 提高学习效率。研究发现, 视听结合比单纯听力训练, 学习者疲劳感的到来明显变慢。那么, 利用电影可以进行有效的教学, 同时更有助于学生记忆单词的用法, 在恰当的语境中利用句子进行表达。

2.训练语音, 从而提高综合能力。听是学习语言的输入系统。通过反复听, 学生既能积累词汇。说, 是语言的输出系统。语言的输入和输出系统必须是平衡关系。利用电影配音在潜移默化中培养语感, 感受不同的重音、节奏、音高、停顿、语速所携带的大量信息。

3.了解社会背景, 培养跨文化交际能力。语言是文化的载体, 是文化的一部分, 学习一门语言与了解背景文化应紧密结合在一起。

(三) 播音主持学好英语的重要性

现阶段, 播音主持专业对于英语的应用越来越高, 需求也越来越大。双语晚会、双语新闻、双语访谈越来越多的出现在我们的视野中, 也有越来越多的双语播音主持能力的主持人渐渐走进我们的生活, 如中央电视台的水均益、季小军等, 凤凰卫视的许戈辉、陈鲁豫、陈晓楠等。目前, 以双语方式主持的节目还出现在地方台, 涉及的领域亦比以前要广, 政治、经济、文化、医疗、娱乐等。当今社会, 国际交流日益频繁、竞争日益激烈, 作为国家软实力之一的大众传媒是国家间竞争的前沿阵地。对于技术和内容本质相差不大的全球化传播而言, 双语播音主持以其与生俱来的语言优势行使一种媒介话语权, 无论是新闻直播、综艺晚会还是访谈节目, 优秀双语主持人在双语转换的即时性和准确性方面的优势都是同声传译所无法比拟的。但是, 就目前来说, 汉、英双语播音主持少之甚少, 培养双语播音主持人也引起了教育者的关注。那么, 对于播音主持专业的学生, 英语的学习就显得尤为重要了。

(四) 如何进行电影配音活动教学

活动形式有学生和教师的课外共同准备, 在课堂上进行展示, 具体步骤如下:

1.给小组下达任务:教师提供电影片段给各小组, 最好是多个影片供各小组选择;教师根据学生的选择, 分别指导, 解决存在的疑问, 并提出需注意的语言点或文化点以便通过展示达到学习目的。

2.给出任务完成的期限及课堂展示的时间, 并在学生准备任务期间提供一些可能的指导和帮助, 尽量做到对影片配音片段的真正理解和正确把握 (模仿电影教学软件, 学生主要从“赏、析、模、演、配”即“看、听、读、练、说”几方面去准备) 。教师应有针对性地设计提问, 使学生带着问题观看电影。

3.在课堂上表演时, 由各组选出的学生评委们根据选手的英语发音、与电影场景配合的语调、与电影场景配合的语速、声音的艺术表现性、以及创造性和配音的总体效果印象这几个方面为每一组打分并给出适当的理由和评语或有益的建议。同时还有展示者的自评和教师的总结性的评语。

4.展示完成的小组要上交一份活动情况报告, 包括各成员的表现, 所学到的语言知识, 活动的心得体会或是自我评价与反思或是问题等。


6.展示之后, 评选出最优秀的一组, 该组可以多得一次展示机会, 也就意味着多一次平时成绩。同时教师要善于总结, 把一轮展示中的要点与经验加以重复和巩固。让学生在反复中巩固技能, 使之真正成为自身的本领, 达到全面提高。

3.圣诞晚会英文主持稿 篇三

开始:合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!

Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Girl: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

Boy: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves

Girl: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us

合: Letrsquo;s shout,”Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!

Girl: Jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, I canrsquo;t be more excited。 How about you?

Boy: Of course, Monica(女主持人姓名), me too。 And I dare say that Irsquo;ve never been so happy in my life。 I bet you do, yeah?

Girl: Sure, you are right。 So why are we still waiting? I guess our audience canrsquo;t wait to enjoy our exciting performance。 Do you think so?

Boy: Itrsquo;s just the truth。 So now, letrsquo;s enjoy!!!结束:

Girl: Thanks for the great performance of our students!

Boy: Thanks for the present of our dear parents!

合: Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Letrsquo;s look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you……。

4.圣诞节英文主持稿 篇四



开场: 齐唱Jingle Bells

(Music---We wish you a merry Christmas and Jingle Bells)A: Dear teachers and dear classmates, Welcome to our Christmas party.B: 亲爱的老师,亲爱的同学们。欢迎来到我们的圣诞party。C:This is xx and xx.Let’s sing together.D:这是XX,和XX,我是XX 首先让我们一起欢唱《Jingle Bells》

环节一: 圣诞知识抢答赛

D:What a nice piece of music!We know Christmas Day is Dec.25th,but do you know the origin of Christmas?


B:…will tell us the origin of Christmas.…, Please!Welcome.A:…将会向我们讲述圣诞由来,大家掌声欢迎!

A:Thank you …!Do you know the origin of Christmas now? B: 谢谢你。。现在大家知道圣诞的由来了吧!C: It’s time for answer-question game.D: 下面是有关圣诞节的问题抢答游戏。

B:The one who answers the question will get gifts from the Santa Clause.A:答对的组将获得圣诞老人送出的礼品1份。

A+B 主持这环节(有奖问答用中文)




4、圣诞老人叫什么名字?Santa Clause



环节二:装扮圣诞树!(可以是祝福小卡片 小星星 等等)

B:现在我们都知道了,装扮圣诞树是圣/fanwen/1537诞节的传统节目。Let’s decorate the Christmas trees on the blackboard together.A: 我们为大家在黑板上画了两棵圣诞树。让我们一起来装饰吧!D: We will do it one group by one group with our tiny cards.C: 请每个同学把写好祝福语的小卡片带到圣诞树前,一个一个的轮流将卡片挂到圣诞树上。





A:How beautiful Christmas trees!B: 多美得圣诞树啊!

5.英文辩论赛决赛主持稿 篇五


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s English debating competition.I’m the host().First, it’s my great honour to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher(), welcome!our dear teacher(), welcome!our dear teacher(), welcome!Welcome you all!

The debating topic of non-English major group is

___Men or women , who face greater pressure in modern life? ________________

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(陈颖诗), the second debater(杨嘉豪), the third debater(叶颖欣), the forth debater(柯 勃).They are from 化学与环境工程学院 They hold the view that__In the modern world, women face greater pressure than men in life.________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater(高原), the second debater(刘烨婷), the third debater(张甄), the forth debater(吴晓玲).They are from 旅游与地理学院.They hold the view that____In the modern world, men face greater pressure than women in life____________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you.Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.The first part, give opening statement.Each team has 3 minutes to give their opening

statement.At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear one ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking.The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section.In this part, each team has5 minutes to debate against the other side.Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement.Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.Now, let’s begin the debate.(1)First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes.Now, please begin.(正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement.You have 3 minutes as well.Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking.Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section.Each team has 5 minutes.Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up.Thank you, A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,concluding statement.Each team has 3 minutes.Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement,.(正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.And it’s time for you, my dear audiences!You can ask any question you want.(Alright, back to the track.Let’s

welcome___________to make some comments.Thanks for remarking.)

可能会在这增设评委点评非专业组的环节 OK!Time’s up.Let’s begin the second group.The debating topic of English major group is___AIDS is a social issue, or a medical issue?____

Sitting on my right side is the affirmative side, and we have the first debater(余颖欣), the second debater(林悦), the third debater(丁小龙), the forth debater(钟怡).They are from class_1_ grade__3_.They hold the view that_______AIDS is a social issue, not a medical issue________

And sitting on my left side is the negative side, we have the first debater(伍结玲), the second debater(周华丽), the third debater(刘焕彬), the forth debater(卢泳贝).They are from class_2_ grade_1__.They hold the view that__AIDS is a medical issue, not a social issue________

Now, I would like to clarify several rules for you.Our debate will be divided into 3 parts.team has 3 minutes to give their opening statement.At the final 1 minute, you’ll hear a ring, then at the end of the 3 minutes, you’ll hear the double ring, then you must stop speaking.The second part, we’ll move to the free debating section.In this part, each team has 5 minutes to debate against the other side.Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.Then the last part, each team will have 3

minutes to give their concluding statement.Also, in the final minute you’ll hear one ring, when time’s over, you’ll hear double ring and you must stop speaking.Now, let’s begin the debate.(1)First, welcome the first debater on the affirmative side to give your opening statement, you have 3 minutes.Now, please begin.(正方一辩陈词)

Ok, let’s take a look at the negative side’s statement.You have 3 minutes as well.Now please.(反方一辩陈词)

(2)Thank you for your wonderful speaking.Now let’s move to the second part:the free

debating section.Each team has 5 minutes.Now we’ll begin from the affirmative side.(自由辩论)

(3)Time’s up.Thank you,.A wonderful free debate, right? Now let’s begin the last part,concluding statement.Each team has 3 minutes.Now let’s begin from the negative side.(反方四辩总结)

Ok, it’s time for our affirmative side to give their concluding statement, welcome.(正方四辩总结)


Now it’s time for our dear judges to make their decision.And it’s time for you, my dear audiences!You can ask any question you want.Alright, back to the track.Let’s welcome ____________ to make some comments Thanks for remarking.It is high time to announce who is the winner.The winner ofnon-English major group is______________.Congratulations!

Then please one of your group members come up to the stage.Let’s welcome_________ to deliver the price.The winner of English major group is________________.Congratulations!

6.中英文 升旗仪式主持稿 篇六

升旗主题:重温行为规范 争做文明小学生

Dear honored leaders, teachers and classmates: Good morning!

尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好!

1、The 2nd week’of semester one’s flag-raising ceremony for()now begins.()学校第2周升旗仪式现在开始。

2、March out the flag.出旗。

3、Raise the national flag;Sing the national anthem(salute).升国旗、唱国歌,大家行注目礼,少先队员行队礼。(礼毕)

4、Let’s sing the school song together.请大家齐唱校歌。

5、Let’s invite(),()from Grade()to give us a speech.请大家用热烈的掌声欢迎()年级的()和()同学做国旗下讲话。掌声欢迎!

6、Let’s inviteMr.Sunto recite our school motto with us together, and give us a speech.请孙校长领颂校训和讲话。

7、Now, the national flag squad will exit.国旗班退场。

8、Now the ceremony will end.升旗仪式到此结束。请大家有秩序地退场。

(合)Thank you!






7.新发中英文学校主持稿 篇七

男:的各位领导,各位来宾: 女:的老师、同学们:





女:踏着新年的脚步,展望2016,我们更加踌躇满志:2016,我们怀揣灿烂的梦想,我们走在快速发展的星光大道;2016我们将描绘出大步跨进的新奇迹!男:今天,我们相聚在这里,用歌声唱出我们的 快乐与感动!女:今天,我们相聚在这里,用舞姿传达出我们的幸福和欢喜!




男:先,让我们以热烈的掌声,感谢所参与 旦文艺汇演的学校领导、老师,参与表演工作的同学们,以及各位尊敬的家长们因为你们的到来使得我们的汇演更加精彩!






























男:谢谢John为我们带来的歌曲,你的歌声回荡在我们的脑际,为新发元旦汇演增添了些许乐趣与激情,Thank you very much.女 :钟坚,你发现没?下面有一群姑娘手里都拿着一个小小的铃鼓,这是要干嘛呢? 男:发现了,其实这些小铃鼓是舞蹈道具呢。美妙的音符在回荡,舞动的旋律开始绽放。下面请欣赏校舞蹈队带来的舞蹈《快乐的铃鼓》,掌声欢迎。






结尾:《难忘今宵》背景音乐起。男:难忘今宵 难忘一片沸腾的热情!女:难忘今宵

难忘这一段相逢的征程!男难忘今宵 缤纷的心愿迷离,如春天的雨!女:难忘今宵 精彩的才艺绽放,如感受春风!



8.主持人英文稿 篇八

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

女士们先生们,大家晚上好!Welcome to the Scientific Research and Paper Writing Tutoring Lecture Series of the IAHRWHUSC, We are very happy to gather here to hold an Doctoral Supervisor Forum, I’m your host XXX.欢迎来到IAHR武汉大学学生分会“科学研究与论文写作辅导系列讲座”第4期活动现场,今天我们很高兴能够为大家举办一场博导论坛,我是主持人XXX。

Today we are much honored to invite Dr.Preben Maegaard to Wuhan University.Dr.Preben Maegaard is from Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy, and he is the founder and director emeritus of this non-governmental organization.今天我们非常有幸邀请到了Preben Maegaard来到武汉大学。Preben Maegaard 来自北欧可再生能源总中心,他是这个非政府机构的建立者和名誉主任。

He has devoted himself to the Renewable Energy career since 1970s.For his contributions, he was awarded XXX, XXX, XXX and so on.Actually he has come to China for many times, so he is an old friend to us Chinese.他从1970年代就开始投身于新能源发展事业,为了表彰他的贡献,他被授予XXX,XXX和XXX等奖项。事实上他已经来过中国很多次了,所以他已经是我们中国人的老朋友了。

Thank you.The theme of the speech today is The Utilization of Renewable Energy.Now, let’s warmly welcome Dr.Preben Maegaard to give the speech.今天讲座的主题是“可再生能源开发利用”。下面,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎Preben Maegaard先生作报告!

Thank you very much for your wonderful speech, we have learned a lot from it.And now is the time for questions from the audience.So, do you have any questions for Dr.Preben Maegaard?

非常感谢您的精彩演讲,我们从中学到了很多。接下来是提问环节。大家有没有什么问题要问Preben Maegaard先生?

9.主持人英文稿 篇九

A: Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!感谢神,因他有说不尽的恩赐。

B: Thanks be to God!He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.感谢神,使我们藉着我们的主耶稣基督得胜

A:As another year comes to a close I want to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to our Lord Jesus Christ for his grace and favor over our lives in 2013.在又一年即将结束之际,我想借此机会来感谢我们的主耶稣基督在2013年中向我们彰显的恩典和慈爱。B:I also want to say a very big thank you to our Lord Jesus Christ for his guidance and discipline over our lives in 2013.我也想感谢我们的主耶稣基督在2013年中对我们的指引和教导。

A: He performs wonders that cannot be understood, miracles that cannot be counted.I believe that each one of us here have got a lot of blessings from our heavenly father in 2013.The weak became strong;the poor became rich, those who were unmarried got married, and those who were not a father but now became a father.他行大事,不可测度,行奇事,不可胜数。在2013年,我相信在这的每一个人都从我们的父神那里得到丰盛的祝福。软弱的变刚强,贫穷的变富足。单身的已结婚,很多都已是父亲了。

B: We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was.How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!And that is what we are.你看父赐给我们是何等的慈爱,使我们得称为 神的儿女!我们也真是他的儿女。“昔在、今在的主 神,全能者啊,我们感谢你!因你执掌大权作王了。A: For the Mighty One has done great things for us--holy is his name.那有权能的,为我们成就了大事,他的名为圣。
