


1.职业英语口语大赛 篇一

杭州市职业英语技能大赛 职场应用







1.选手只能用英语交流(包括读和写),否则将被取消参赛资格; 2.两名选手之间不得互相展示或交换任何材料,否则将被取消参赛资格;



For Contestant A Only


在比赛第一阶段(30分钟内),你需要完成: 1.阅读关于食品安全的介绍,提取相关信息; 2.向队友询问关于社区居民食品安全的调查信息;

3.与队友讨论,确定4项主要食品安全措施,完成任务单(有关食品安全的展板); 4.准备第二阶段的汇报内容。



(1)What are the common keys to safer food?(2)What are the four keys to safer food you’ve chosen?(3)Why are the four keys most important to safer food?

For Contestant A Only

Each day millions of people become ill and thousands die from a preventable foodborne disease.More than 200 diseases are transmitted through food.Please read the information about some keys to safer food:

• Wash your hands often during food preparation.Some dangerous microorganisms are carried on hands, wiping cloths, and kitchen equipments, especially cutting boards.The slightest contact can transfer them to the equipments, which may cause foodborne disease.• Use separate equipment, such as knives and cutting board for handling raw foods.Raw food, esp.meat, poultry and seafood can contain dangerous microorganisms which may be carried onto other foods.• Cook food thoroughly, esp.meat, poultry and seafood.Studies have shown that cooking food to a temperature of 70oC helps ensure it is safe to eat.• Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours.Microorganisms can multiply very quickly if food is stored at room temperature.• Do not store food too long even in the refrigerator.Some dangerous microorganisms still grow below 5oC.• Protect kitchen areas and food from insects, pets and other animals.Some dangerous microorganisms are widely found in soil, water, animals and people.杭州市职业英语技能大赛 职场应用








1.选手只能用英语交流(包括读和写),否则将被取消参赛资格; 2.两名选手之间不得互相展示或交换任何材料,否则将被取消参赛资格; 3.选手可根据需要在赛题上书写内容,汇报或回答问题时可携带此材料,但不得携带除此以外的其他材料;


For Contestant B Only



1.阅读关于社区居民食品安全情况的调查报告,提取相关信息; 2.与队友沟通,向其提供所需信息;




For Contestant B Only

Please read the following report on food safety and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.Many people have a limited knowledge of risks related to handling and preparing food.The following are some typical cases of people’s common practice in food preparation: Miss Wang is often busy with her work.She loves fish very much.Once a month she goes shopping and buys a lot of fish to fill her freezer, as she wants to save the time of shopping.She thinks the food is pretty safe because it’s kept frozen.Ms.Yan lives in a small apartment, and there is limited room in the kitchen.She never bothers with a set of knives and different cutting boards.Instead she always uses one knife and cutting board.She thinks it’s a good way to keep her kitchen tidy.Mr.Cui has got a big cat.Every night, Mr.Cui sends his cat to sleep in the kitchen, as he thinks it’s an effective way to scare away insects in the kitchen.Mr.Sun loves shrimps.One of his favorite dishes is Zui Xia.When he buys some live shrimps, he often shells them and put them in the liquor for 3 hours.With some other spices, like salt and vinegar, the shrimps taste really delicious.

2.职业英语口语大赛 篇二

1 职业英语大赛面临的问题

1.1 选人才难。

1.1.1 中职学生英语基础普遍较差, 对职业英语大赛缺乏积极性。

中职学校生源总体文化水平较差, 综合素质较低。中职教学深陷低谷, 其中英语教学尤为突出。英语学习掉队的现象逐年凸显。许多中职学生没有达到初中二年级应有的水平, 有些还存在英语单词读写的困难, 对基本语法不清晰, 没有达到初中英语教学大纲规定的对单词和语法知识掌握的要求。在这种严峻的现实面前, 职业英语大赛的人才的选拔举步维艰。

1.1.2 中职学生自信心不足, 对职业英语大赛缺乏兴趣。

当前多数中职学生入学成绩较差, 对自己信心不足, 认为上中职学校是不得已的选择。觉得前途渺茫, 对英语学习兴趣缺乏, 进而对职业英语大赛缺乏兴趣。中职生大多是独生子女, 相当一部分学生在人格发展上存在不可忽视的心理缺陷, 承受能力、适应能力、实践能力都较差。有的学生也想提高英语成绩, 又苦于基础薄弱, 无从下手。中职生对英语学习有畏惧心理, 极少有兴趣报名参加职业英语大赛。绝大多数表现为被动参与, 毫无兴趣, 消极懈怠。

1.2 选题材难。

2012年河南省中等职业学校学生素质能力大赛之职场英语大赛, 其中的“职场应用”与“职业风采”的题材 (鼓励原创) 须事先有充分准备。辅导老师该如何有针对性地选择适合职场应用的题材, 实属不易。如何让选手合作完成通用职业场景中的任务, 如商务英语的At the Airport, Travelling, Offer, Conclusion of Business等等。如何创作或者选择合适的题材去体现当代中职生的英语风采和青春活力, 如何选择“内容健康向上, 题材新颖, 有时代感, 有职业或专业特色”的题材, 对于所有中职英语教师都是一个极大地挑战。

1.3 配置服装及道具难。

辅导教师针对职业英语大赛的比赛项目“职业风采”, 编排好适合学生表演的题材后, 要保证了参赛选手的配套服装及道具的及时到位。参赛选手只有穿上合适的服装和道具, 才能突出舞台效果, 着装得当, 舞台感染力强。但现实情况是, 中职学校招生形势严峻, 资金十分困难, 尽管学校领导十分支持职业英语类大赛, 总有心有余力不足的感觉, 因而使得大赛所需服装及道具难以及时到位。

1.4 相关大赛的信息获取难。

对于我们省会之外的参赛师生来说, 距离省城遥远, 对大赛细节的相关信息获取难。在比赛的前一天到河南省素质能力大赛指定的比赛学校报到签名, 参赛师生一定及时熟悉比赛的场地, 关注比赛的相关细节是否有所增减。各项规定是否与自己的理解有出入等等。如学生赛前需化妆, 要跟主办方老师协调, 做好充足的准备。

2 职业英语大赛的问题对策

2.1 增强中职学生的自信心, 提高职业英语学习兴趣和积极性

虽然中职生存在自信心不足, 学习兴趣不高、缺乏积极性的现象, 但是, 笔者从中职新生所写的《新学期新打算》可以看出, 他们内心深处都有强烈的自尊心, 渴望在新的学习环境下学习进步, 决心学好英语这门课。对于教师来讲, 要适时诱发学生学习英语的内部情感动力, 多用赞美的评语, 及时恰当地鼓励学生的点滴进步, 去激发中职生的学习潜能。比如:教师要常常用名言警句来唤醒中职学生, 用名人的经典实例鞭策学生, 让学生以一种积极地心态来面对英语。

2.2 鼓励中职生正确模仿坚持背诵, 夯实基础英语根基。

教师在课堂上要常播放标准的录音材料, 让学生把握好基本语音、语调、重音和感情基调, 然后模仿朗诵。职业英语大赛要求选手发音要标准、口齿要到位。元音要饱满清亮, 辅音爆破要得当。因此, 课堂持续的听力训练保证了学生准确的语音语调。准确模仿之后。教师要引导学生背诵, 夯实基础英语根基。中职生处在人生记忆的黄金期, 弥补薄弱的英语基础乃是学好英语的关键所在。许国璋先生认为背诵可使学习者“无心造句, 句子自成”。背诵涉及到听、说、读、写等言语活动, 而这些言语活动都包含一定的记忆过程。在背诵过程中, 心、眼、口、耳、脑并用, 训练了学生的听、说、读、写、译的综合能力, 因此, 背诵是中职生扭转中职英语学习现状的法宝。

2.3 强化口语基本功, 从容应对职业英语大赛。

最新的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》规定:服务类“侧重听说能力”。也即职业英语大赛把学生英语口语基本功放在首位。在语音面貌、词汇量、语法规则等方面加强训练, 尤其是语音, 只有学生自己感觉到语音发生了改变和提高, 才会有更大的动力开口说英语。教师在学生表演过程中, 要细心观察并记录下不足之处, 及时进行点评纠正。适时导入英美文化的基本知识, 能够帮助学生纠正因文化背景知识缺乏引起的语言失误和理解偏差。在学生的口语训练过程中, 教师要用自己的爱心、耐心及责任心去关注每一位学生。

2.4 模拟真实商务英语职业场景, 课堂教学实践中形成良好的交际氛围。

在职业英语课堂教学过程中, 适时创设职业英语交际场景, 进行简单有效职业沟通。以商务英语教学为例, 教师要经常模拟真实的商务职业场景, 通过形式多样的课堂教学方法, 如创设情景、角色扮演、分组讨论等, 形成良好的交际氛围。让学生自己去表演、讨论、与人合作。商务英语有很多内容适合学生模拟真实职业场景:寻求商务伙伴、询盘、发盘、还盘、反还盘、达成交易、合同签订、包装、装运等等。例如:在讲授“达成交易”一课时, 笔者设计了这样一个职业场景, 让交易的双方面对面的讨价还价, 几个回合的谈判, 双方互不相让, 难分难解, 但双方最终达成了交易。这场谈判, 学生讨论热烈, 参与积极性高, 收到了良好地教学效果。课堂教学实践中模拟真实的商务英语职业场景, 增加了辅导教师的底气, 面对职业英语大赛, 辅导老师就可以很轻松编排适合“职场应用”及“职业风采”的题材。


学习其他中职院校职业英语大赛的成功经验, 多向主办方询问大赛的细节, 克服远离省城的劣势, 克服相关大赛的信息获取难的弊端。参赛师生精诚合作, 定能取得职业英语大赛的好成绩。

结语:“基础教育有高考, 职业教育有大赛”。2012年的河南省中等职业学校学生素质能力大赛给职业英语明晰了方向。现代职业英语教育要从实际出发, 以大赛为契机, 寻找切实可行的解决职业英语大赛的问题对策, 全面提高学生的听说能力和口语交际能力, 帮助学生初步形成职场英语的应用能力。


[1]中华人民共和国教育部.中等职业学校英语教学大纲[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2009.

[2]蒋乃平.文化课应该让中职生“学得会”[J].中等职业技术教育, 2008 (14) .


[4]杨芹.Krashe“n语言输入”理论与我国外语教育[J].黑龙江高教研究, 2010 (4) .

3.职业英语口语大赛 篇三

关键词: 职业英语 技能大赛 口语教学



















[3]黄玲玲.以英语技能大赛为抓手 锻造职业核心能力[J].价值工程,2010(06):188.

4.职业英语口语大赛 篇四


Recycle 2 A Farewell Party

主讲人:韩堂堂 2014年12月5日

Good afternoon everyone.How are you ?I’m very glad to present my lesson here today.The lesson plan I’m going to talk about is Farewell Party.I will divide my instruction into six parts.There are Teaching materials analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching key points, and difficulties, Teaching methods, Learning methods and Teaching procedures.Ok,let’ begin our class

Ⅰ(The first part is)Teaching material analysis It is the last unit in primary school.So it plays an important role in this term.I take the lesson as a review class.This lesson shows deeply human approach.As I see, we should learn the lesson by review and design.Ⅱ(The second part is)Teaching aims

I have three objects.There knowledge objects ability object , and moral object.Knowledge objects:

Review the grammar we have learned and teach the students to learn more expressions.Ability object:

Know how to communicate with others and

train the students’ listening and speaking.Moral object:

Let students recognize the importance of friendship as well as let them cherish friendship.Ⅲ(The following is)Teaching key points and difficulties Key points: know the modal verb(Such can, should, need etc.)and future tense.(Be going to do sth)use the sentence “what can you do?” “I can…” “I like doing…” “I am going to…”

——For example: What can you do ? I can dance.I like dancing.I am going to have a party.Difficulties: The structure of these sentences and how to express oneself

Ⅳ(Next is)Teaching methods We have known the key points and difficulties.So I decide to use communicative approach.In this class, situational teaching is used mainly and activity method of teaching is additional.We can train students’ ability on understanding, expressing and thinking in English.In the procedures, I will use my way to organize the activities to improve their ability of self-study.Ⅴ Learning methods.What can students learn form the lesson?

The students can learn this lesson using the method of discussing, cooperation, summarizing.Ⅵ Teaching procedures(This section contains five parts)1(The first is)Warm up Let’s have a free talk.What’s the date today?

It’s December 4th

What’s your hobby? Riding

the purpose is to review what can you do for the farewell party ? I can…

The purpose is to lead in the new lesson.2(The second is)Learning Review: “Can you …” Yes, I can /No I can’t.Can you dance ? Yes ,I can.Teach the new words(farewell)and grammar(I like …

We are going to …)I like fishing.We are going to fish.3(The third is)Practice

1)Listen to the tape and read the dialogue together.(Pick one or two students read it by themselves.Correct it)

2)Act out the dialogue.(pair work)(Cooperation is important to children’ education Choose three pairs of students.Act the dialogue out In the end of the game, all student together to elect winning group.)4(The fourth is)Consolidation and Extension 1)Write an invitation.2)Express one’s wishes

5.职业英语口语大赛 篇五

1.Q:How do you respond if a guest wants to buy something nice to take back to his little girl? A:I will recommend the hotel gift shop to the guest.And if time permits, I will recommend the local market to him as well.2.Q:You come to make up room for a guest, but he tells you that he prefers it later

because he is busy doing some paper work , what will you say? A:I will say: That’s all right.I will come back later.What time would it be convenient for you, sir?

3.Q:You are making up rooms when a guest comes and asks you to reschedule and

clean up his room now, since he is having a visitor in an hour.What will you say? A: I will say: We usually do the check-out rooms first, but we can make up rooms earlier on request.4.Q:What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer, but it’s 110 volts?

A:I will tell the guest that the electrical voltage in China is 220 volts.And I will send her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts.5.Q:If the guest says that he will leave and come back 2 days later, and he is not able to take the laundry the next day.What will you say? A:I will tell him: they provide “hold-for-return” service in the Laundry Department, where he can have his laundry kept until he returns.6.Q:You are going to do turn-down service for the guest, but he is working, what will you do?

A:I will ask the guest if he’d like me to do the turn-down service now.If not, I will ask him when it will be convenient for him.7.Q:What will you say if the guest tells you the temperature in the room is not agreeable? A:Don’t worry.I will adjust the air-conditioning for you.8.Q: If the guest comes to you and says he can’t open the door with the key to his room, what will you do? A: I will go and have a check with him, and help to have his key changed if necessary.9.Q:What do you ask so as to see whether the guest needs some more help? A:Good afternoon.Is everything all right? Is there anything else I can do for you?

10.Q:If the guest complains that there is hair all over in the bathroom, what will you do? A: I will apologize first, and then I will tell the guest we’ll have a room attendant take care of this immediately, as hygiene and tidiness is our top priority.11.Q:Try to introduce the different types and styles of rooms in the hotel to Mr.Bellows

who is making a reservation over the phone.A:What kind of room would you like, Mr.Bellows? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, British,Roman, French and presidential styles.12.Q:A guest tells you that he is attending an important conference, and wants to have his suit dry-cleaned as soon as possible.What will you do to help? A: I will suggest that he take the express laundry service.There will be an extra charge of 50% for the express, but the laundry will be sent back to him in four hours.13.Q:What will you do if the guest wants to surf the internet in the hotel?

A:I will tell the guest that the hotel offers free internet service in the room.Besides, guest is always welcome to the Business Centre or the Internet Café of the hotel.14.Q:What’s the information you give when you’re introducing a guestroom to the guest?

A:I will introduce the equipment, the services provided, special facilities and the view the guest may get from the room.15.Q:When a guest calls to ask if you can send someone to take her laundry, what will you say?

A:Sure I will inform the valet to pick up your laundry.May I have your room number, please?

15.Q: You show the guest to his room, and he asks where he can get the slippers.What will you say? A: “Let me get the slippers for you, they are here in the wardrobe.”

17.Q:If the guest says he would like to sleep late the next morning, what will you suggest? A:Please press the “Do Not Disturb”(DND)button before you go to bed, and you won’t be disturbed the next morning.18.Q:A guest wonders if the outdoor swimming pool of the hotel is a right place to cool off and relax.A: Our outdoor roof-top swimming pool features a 150-metre long pool.It presents an excellent oasis for the guests to cool off and relax after a busy day.19.Q: If the guest asks you to look after the baby for her, what will you say? A: I’m sorry, madam.I can’t do that.It’s against our hotel’s regulation.But we have a very good baby-sitting service.The sitters are well-educated and reliable.20.Q:What do you need to check when you collect the guest’s laundry?

A: I will check how many pieces of laundry there are and see if the guest has filled out the laundry list.21.Q:What will the attendant say to help if a guest asks to have a stain on his clothes removed? A:Sure.We will try our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.22.Q:What will you say when the guest has finished checking-in at the Front Desk? A:Here is your room key and the bellboy will show you up to your room.Hope you’ll enjoy your stay in our hotel.23.Q:As a Front Office clerk, how do you deal with a miscalculated bill? A:I will apologize for the miscalculation to the guest first, and then check it with the department concerned.24.Q: What will you say if the guest complains the beef steak sent by Room Service is rare, while he asked for well-done? A: I’m terribly sorry.I will inform the Food and Beverage Department;they’ll see to the matter and have another steak prepared to your appetite.25.Q:What will you say if there is no room available for the guest who is calling to make a reservation? A:I’m sorry, but we are fully booked.Shall I put you on the waiting list? We will contact you if there is a cancellation.26.Q: If the guest says some of the lights in the room are flashing, what will you do? A: I’m sorry.I will inform the Maintenance Department to deal with it right away, and they will make sure to change some new lights for you as soon as possible.27.Q:What do you say to the outside phone caller when you’ve got no response after putting him through to one of the guest’s room?

A:I’m afraid he is not in the room at the moment.Would you call back later?

28.Q:What will you say when you notice a guest is not feeling well?

A:Are you all right / What’s the matter, Mr.Simpson? You look pale.Shall I send for a doctor?

29.Q: What will you say if the guest calls to borrow a patch board? A: May I have your room number? I will send an attendant up with a patch board to you right away.30.Q: How do you respond to an unexpected request from the guest?

A: I’m not sure, but we’ll see what we can do for you./ I can’t guarantee, but let’s see what we can do.31.Q:Tell the guest how to use the “Make up Room” sign.A:If you want the housemaid to make up your room earlier, just hang the “Make up Room” sign outside on the door.32.Q:Tell the guest how to ask for Room Service by telephone.A:You can dial 515 to ask for Room Service.Room Service is available round the clock.33.Q:Inform the guests about breakfast service in the hotel.A:The hotel provides buffet service for breakfast, which is available between 6:30am and 10:00 am.34.Q:Explain to the guest the hotel preference policy in making up rooms.A:We always make up the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.35.Q: Explain to the guest the use of the Hotel Service Directory.A:By referring to the Hotel Service Directory on the writing desk, you’ll find detailed information about all the services we provide in the hotel.36.Q:Inform the guests about the free shoe shining service of the hotel.A:The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.Just put them into the shoe basketif you want to have them polished.37.Q:Tell the guests about the voltage difference between the USA and China;remind him that the sockets in the bathroom are for 110 volts and 220 volts respectively.A:The voltage here is much higher than that in the USA.There’re two sockets in the bathroom, one is for 110 volts and the other 220 volts.38.Q:The guest would prefer the turndown service for him after 9:00 pm when you’ll be off duty.How do you respond? A:Don’t worry, sir.I will make sure to let the night staff know, and he’ll do the turndown service for you after 9:00 pm.39.Q:Introduce 3-4 types of laundry services the hotel provides to the guests.A:The Laundry Department of our hotel is experienced, and they provide the same-day service, the express service, the next-day service and the express pressing service.40.Q:A guest calls to complain that there are not enough hangers in his room, how do you respond? A:Don’t worry, sir, I will have some more hangers sent to your room right away.May I know your room number? 41.Q:Explain to the guest how to use the door knob menu to order and have his breakfast in the room.A:You may use the door knob menu to order Room Service.Just tick the items you’d like for breakfast, write down the time, and hang the door knob menu outside the

door before you go to bed tonight 42.Q:The guest orders Room Service, and now you are delivering his breakfast to the room.What do you say after knocking on the door?

A:This is Room Service.I’ve brought you your breakfast.43.Q:The guest complains that the water tap is leaking, and the noise of it is driving him crazy.How do you respond? A: I will tell the guest that I will report it to the Maintenance Department and have the tap fixed as soon as possible.44.Q:Phone the guest and tell him that you’ve found the cell phone he lost the other day.A:This is Lost and Found.We have found your cell phone.45.Q:Apologize to the guest for the delay of his baggage delivery.A:I’m sorry for the delay.But the bellman is delivering your baggage up to your room now.46.Q:A visitor comes to meet Mr.Smith in Room 2501, but he is not in the room now, what do you say to the visitor?

.A:I’m afraid Mr.Smith is not in the room now.Would you like to leave a message?

47.Q:How do you respond if a guest complains that one of the pillows in his room smells funny?

A: I’m sorry, sir.I will have a new pillow sent to your room right away.48.Q:What do you say when you want the guest to follow you to his room?

.A:Room 1502 is nice and comfortable.Let me show you to your room, sir.This way please.49.Q:How do you check with the guest when sending up his luggage?

.A:Here we are, Room 1208.You’ve got three pieces of luggage in all.Is that right, sir?

50.Q:How do you ask the guest to make sure if there is something identical attached to his luggage?

A: Is there a tag or anything identical attached to your luggage, sir?

51.Q:The guest wants to know if he can make a direct dial international call from his room.A:Yes, sir.You can make a direct-dial international call from your room.Please dial 9 first, and then the country code, the area code and finally the telephone number.52.Q:Tell the guest where to leave his laundry..A: Just leave your laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.The attendant will come and collect the laundry.53.Q:Tell the guests to contact you when they have requests..A:If you have any requests, please feel free to let us know, we are always at your service.54.Q:You’re sending back the laundry to Mr.Dave.Tell him a button on his shirt is missing, and you’ve sewed on a new one for him..A:Mr.Dave, here’s your laundry.By the way, one button was missing from your shirt, and we’ve sewed on a new one.55.Q:One guest looks worried, show your concern and offer your help..A:Good afternoon, you look worried.What has happened? How can I help you? / Can I be of assistance?

56.Q:Apologize for the inconvenience caused to the guest, and assure him it will not happen again..A:I’m sorry for the inconvenience, sir.I assure you this won’t happen again.57.Q:The guest tells you that he’s just had a shower, and the bathroom is quite a mess.A:Don’t worry sir.I will tidy up your bathroom right away.58.Q:How do you respond if the guest asks you whether baby-sitting service is available in the hotel? A:Yes, we do have Baby-Sitting Service in the hotel.You can dial 888 for Baby-Sitting Service.The sitters are competent and experienced.59.Q: How do you greet the checking-in guests at the Front Desk?

A: Good morning.Welcome to the Hotel.Do you have a reservation?

60.Q:How do you bid farewell to a checking-out guest?

A:Thank you for coming.Hope you enjoyed your stay with us.Good bye.61.Q:Inform the guests that the hotel provides a hand torch for the guest.A:There’s a hand torch in the drawer of the bedside table for your convenience.62.Q:What are the items of information a receptionist should ask the guests to enter when filling out the registration form? A:The receptionist should make sure that such information items as the guest’s full name, address, nationality, forwarding address, visiting purpose and signature are all entered correctly and legibly.63.Q:How do you ask for guests’ personal information politely?

A:Excuse me.May I have your name, address and your telephone number?

64.Q:Inform the guest that you are able to accept his booking.A: We are glad to tell you that we are able to accept your booking.65.Q:How to ask about the Room Rate for a double room? A:What is the price for a double room? / How much is a double room per night?

66.Q:How do you ask the guest to fill out the registration form while you’re busy with the key card? A:Would you please fill out this registration form while I prepare your key card?

67.Q:You’ve helped the guest check in at the Front Desk.And now tell him to follow the bell boy to his room.A:If you are ready, the bell boy will show you up to your room.68.Q:A guest is making a reservation and he wonders if there is a special rate for group reservation.A:Yes, there is.We offer a 10 per cent discount for a group reservation.69.Q:How to request for an extension of stay in the hotel? A:I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at the hotel.70.Q:How do you inform the guest of the arrival of his visitor? A:A certain Mr.Zhang wants to see you, sir.He is now waiting in the lobby.71.Q: Give an example of making a general comparison of three Hotels.A: The Palace, the Plaza and the Regent are distinguished international hotels.The Regent is the largest but the Palace is the most modern./ The Plaza is not as luxurious as the Palace, but it is just as comfortable as the Regent.72.Q: How do you ask the speaker to slow down? A: Excuse me, but would you please slow down a little? / Excuse me, madam, but would you mind slowing down a bit?

73.Q: How are advance reservations made?

A: Advance reservations are made in different ways.Some people send reservation letters to the hotel.Some go directly to the hotel and make reservations in person.Others call the hotel and make reservations over the telephone.Still others telegraph hotels for rooms.Nowadays, more and more people make reservations by Internet Service.74.Q: Give two examples of recommending an executive suite to the guests.A: May I suggest that you try the executive suite? / You might want to try the executive suite of our hotel./ Why don’t you try the executive suite? / You could try the executive suite if you like.75.Q: Give two examples of making courteous parting remarks.A: Thank you for calling us, sir./ Thank you for choosing us for your service, sir./

Thank you for staying with us, sir./ Thank you for using Room Service, sir.76.Q: Give two examples of quoting a price for a single room to the guests.A: A single room would run you between $80 and $95 at this time of year, madam./ A single room can cost you between $80 and $95, madam./ Room rate ranges from $80 to $95 for a single room, madam./ It is between $80 and $95 per night for a single room, madam.77.Q: How do you talk about distance when showing guests the way? A: It takes about 20 minutes to get there by taxi/bus/on foot./It is 20 minutes’ taxi ride/ bus ride/ walk from here.78.Q: How do you give directions when showing guests the way? A: Walk two blocks down Queen Street, until you hit Cypress Street./ Go straight along Sunshine Street, and turn left at the first traffic light./ Walk all the way down this street, until you get to the first intersection.79.Q: How do you check if the visitor of a guest, named Williams, has an appointment? A: Did Mr.Williams know that you were coming? / Is Mr.Williams expecting you? / Do you have an appointment with Mr.Williams?

6.职业英语口语大赛 篇六









副组长:韦小波 梁毅 黄庆华

























7.职业英语口语大赛 篇七

一、有助于学生设定学习目 标,培 养 学 生 的 自 主 学习能力

很多中职生英语学习自信心受挫,学习动机 欠缺,目标不明确。各层级各专业技能大赛的举办为中职生提供了一个展示才华、表现自我的平台。技能大赛一般分为学校、市、省、国家级等赛事,在比赛中获奖 成为技能明星甚至直接被录取进入本专科院校,越来越成为很多中职生的学习目标和学习动力。为参加市赛,我校在全体学生中开展职业英语技能校级比赛、英语演讲比赛等赛事,评选班级英语之星、专业部英语之星、校英语之星,产生了广泛的影响。榜样的作用是无穷的,这些“明星”在英语竞赛中取得各种荣誉和成绩,调动了其他学生学习英语的积极性。自职业英语技能大赛开展以来,我校学生英语学习的目标意识得到增强,自主学习英语热情高涨。通过参加职业英语技能大赛,有效激发了中职生的英语学习动机,特别是旅游、商贸等服务类专业的学生。

二、有助于将英语与职场应 用 相 结 合,提 高 学 生 的英语学习兴趣

职业英语大赛强调英语的职业方向,与学生所选的专业联系在一起。大多数中职生对自己的专业较重视,感兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师,是构成学习动机的重要心理要素。教师在上课时可将英语知识与其专业相结合。例如,给旅游专业学生上课时,可介绍一些常用的旅游专业英文词汇,如visa,customs,immigration,tax re-fund,checkout等,模拟办理登机、出入境、海关申报、登记入住酒店等手续;对商贸专业学生增加市场变化、产品介绍、日常或商 业会务安 排等与行 业密切相 关的主题;对电子专业的学生也可以用一些电子产品、进口设备、仪器的英语说明书和使用手册,引导他们学会阅读,熟悉常用专业术语的英文表达;计算机专业中对有关计算机的操作指令、提示信息、通用和专业软件的使用说明、互联网络调用命令等都可纳入教学内容。这些增加的职业实用性强 的教学内 容,与学生未 来岗位关 联密切,能学以致用,使学生体会到英语的实用价值和学习乐趣,起到鼓励和促进学生学习的作用。

三、有助于促进教学模式改 革,调 动 学 生 课 堂 参 与的积极性与主动性

2014年江苏省职业英语技能比赛内容分为能力测试、情境交流、职场应用三部分,考查学生英语职场应用能力和基本职业能力。这种技能要求是以往传统的英语教学模式无法让学生达到的,教师必须适应新形势的要求,不断创新变革教学模式,更好满足大赛对学生的能力需求。教师研究大赛的要求,探讨新的教 法,如运用情境教学法、交际教学法等,改变枯燥乏味的旧教学方式。情境教学法的形式多样,如参观采访、现身体验、表演、图片描绘等。教师在运用任务教学法时,围绕大赛各项目的技能要求,将教学内容分解成有机联系的技能训练项目,并以此为中心鼓励学生都参与小组活动,在活动中给他们分派适当的角色任务,适时予以帮助。教学内容也要选择具有知识性、趣味性和真实性的语言材料,创设与学生的生活体验或职场应用接近的场景,如创设商店购物、问路、订票、面试、看电 影等情境。教法与内容的改变,和谐又富有竞争的课堂教学氛围能有效激发学生的学习兴趣和学习动机。

四、有助于促进评价方式的 变 革,增 强 学 生 学 习 自信心

职业英语技能大赛在评价方式上既有英语能力 测试环节的理论考试,又有职业技能考核;在评价内容上除了职业英语知识外,还包括信息处理、沟通协作、思辨与表达等这些职业能力。大赛更关注选手在比赛过程中的表现。所以,建立重视过程评价的多元化评价方式符合大赛要求,更能体现职业能力为本位的考核方向,如纳入学生在课堂教学中完成各项任务的表现、参加英语角与校内外各类英语技能比赛的表现、学生的自评与互评等。这种多元综合评定更加客观也更有激励作用,促使学生积极参与课内外活动,多方位主动学习,增强英语学习的自信心。

定期举办职业院校技能大赛是中职教育的一项 重要工作。学习动机是影响中职生学习效果的核心因素之一。职业英语技能大赛也已成为推动中职英语教学改革的助推器。教师应善于利用职业英语技能大赛这一平台,抓住大赛对英语学习的一切有利因素,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的积极性,使学生产生乐学英语的学习动机,从而提高中职英语教学效果。


8.职业英语口语大赛 篇八







职业英语大赛强调英语的职业方向,与学生所选的专业联系在一起。大多数中职生对自己的专业较重视,感兴趣。兴趣是最好的老师,是构成学习动机的重要心理要素。教师在上课时可将英语知识与其专业相结合。例如,给旅游专业学生上课时,可介绍一些常用的旅游专业英文词汇,如visa, customs, immigration, tax refund, checkout等,模拟办理登机、出入境、海关申报、登记入住酒店等手续;对商贸专业学生增加市场变化、产品介绍、日常或商业会务安排等与行业密切相关的主题;对电子专业的学生也可以用一些电子产品、进口设备、仪器的英语说明书和使用手册,引导他们学会阅读,熟悉常用专业术语的英文表达;计算机专业中对有关计算机的操作指令、提示信息、通用和专业软件的使用说明、互联网络调用命令等都可纳入教学内容。这些增加的职业实用性强的教学内容,与学生未来岗位关联密切,能学以致用,使学生体会到英语的实用价值和学习乐趣,起到鼓励和促进学生学习的作用。





定期举办职业院校技能大赛是中职教育的一项重要工作。学习动机是影响中职生学习效果的核心因素之一。职业英语技能大赛也已成为推动中职英语教学改革的助推器。教师应善于利用职业英语技能大赛这一平台,抓住大赛对英语学习的一切有利因素, 激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的积极性,使学生产生乐学英语的学习动机,从而提高中职英语教学效果。
