


1.研究生求跨国公司职位的英文求职信 篇一

On my graduation from college this fall, I am desirous of securing aposition that will offer me opportunity in the field of import and exporttrading.Knowing something of the scope and enterprise of your huge exportdepartment, I thought perhaps you would keep me in mind for a possibleopening.I am strong and healthy, and shall be twenty years of age in September nextyear.At present I am a student in the college of XX but I shall graduate fromthe college this coming July, finishing the requirements in three years, I havehad no business experience, but my college record has been good.A copy of myantecedents is enclosed for your reference.Dr.A.Tang, president of the college of XX will be glad to tell you moreabout my character and ability, I shall be glad to call at any time for aninterview.编辑:

2.研究生求跨国公司职位的英文求职信 篇二

Richard P. Ruby

1128 2nd Avenue South Edmonds, Washington 98020

October 25, 2005

Mr. Michael B. Dixon

Holland and Hart

P. O. Box 2147

Denver, Colorado 80302

Dear Mike,

I was interested to hear that your firm is considering ways to acquire more capability regarding international business transactions.

As you know, I have worked as an independent consultant these past two years dealing with the business, financial and governmental problems that accompany overseas investments. I have found, however, that companies large enough to have significant international exposure are bombarded by major league players such as:

a) the large investment banking houses,

b) major law firms,

c) consulting firms such as McKinsey and Arthur D. Little,

d) and, increasingly, by the consulting units operating within the major accounting firms.

It has become pretty clear that marketing my “Lone Ranger Act” in the face of this kind of competition is, at best, a difficult job. For the past few months I’ve been investigating ways to merge my talents into a better known and more broadly based entity. If you are looking for additional arrows to round out Holland and Hart’s quiver of talent, then perhaps we should do some talking.

The many hi-tech firms in the Front Range area are beginning to push into the international arena, and you mentioned that you have already taken steps to strengthen your intellectual property team. These hi-tech groups often face significant trade issues in Washington as well as complex government and financial negotiations abroad.

There are many other exporters in this area--such as the U.S. Meat Exporter Federation (composed of entities such as Monfort)--that are large enough to have real international needs as well.

Some of your “competition” has already mounted a campaign to try to serve these needs--see the attached flyer on “Going International.”

The clipping from the Wall Street Journal of October 16, 19-- shows what firms such as Stearns Roger and Morrison-Knudsen are up against internationally. I’ve marked the clipping to show how the things we did for Cuajone parallel what Bechtel is doing now.

3.公司高层职位的英文缩写 篇三

CEO:Chief Executive Officer首席执行官

CFO: Chief FinancialOfficer首席财务官

COO : Chief OperatedOfficer首席运营官

CTO: Chief Technology Officer首席技术官

CIO: Chief Information Officer首席信息官

CRO : Chief Risk Officer首席风险官

CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,是美国人在20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时的产物,它的出现在某种意义上代表着将原来董事会手中的一些决策权过渡到经营层手中。在我国,CEO这个概念最早出现在一些网络企业中。在那里,CEO往往是自封的,也很少有人去研究这一称谓对企业到底意味着什么。但是,当“CEO”在中国叫得越来越响的时候,我们应该认识到,高层人员称谓的改变不是一件小事,设立CEO职位不应仅仅是对时尚的追赶。

CFO(Chief Financial Officer)意指公司首席财政官或财务总监,是现代公司中最重要、最有价值的顶尖管理职位之一,是掌握着企业的神经系统(财务信息)和血液系统(现金资源)灵魂人物。做一名成功的CFO需要具备丰富的金融理论知识和实务经验。公司理财与金融市场交互、项目估价、风险管理、产品研发、战略规划、企业核心竞争力的识别与建立以及洞悉信息技术及电子商务对企业的冲击等自然都是CFO职责范围内的事。在一个大型公司运作中,CFO是一个穿插在金融市场操作和公司内部财务管理之间的角色。担当CFO的人才大多是拥有多年在金融市场驰骋经验的人。在美国,优秀的CFO常常在华尔街做过成功的基金经理人。

COO(chief Operation officer)首席营运官的职责主要是负责公司的日常营运,辅助CEO的工作。一般来讲,COO负责公司职能管理组织体系的建设,并代表CEO处理企业的日常职 能事务。如果公司未设有总裁职务,则COO还要承担整体业务管理的职能,主管企业营销与综合业务拓展,负责建立公司整个的销售策略与政策,组织生产经营,协助 CEO制定公司的业务发展计划,并对公司的经营绩效进行考核。

CTO(首席技术官、技术长)是英语Chief Technology Officer的简写,意即企业内负责技术的最高负责人。CTO是技术资源的管理者,职责是把握总体技术方向,对技术选型和具体技术问题进行指导和把关,完成所赋予的各项技术任务/项目。通常只有高科技企业、研发单位、生产单位等才设立CTO职位。

CIO 英文全称是Chief Information Officer CIO原指政府管理部门中的首席信息 官,随着信息系统由后方办公室的辅助工具发展到直接参与企业的有力手段,CIO在企业中应运而生,成为举足轻重的人物。美国企业的首席信息经理相当于副总经理,直接对最高决策者负责。

CRO(Chief Risk Officer)首席风险官首席风险官在中国还是一个全新的职务,但在国外却有约40%的企业设立了该职位,而且是最重要职位之一。这是一个应企业风险管理意识的加强而产生的职位。全球第一个CRO诞生于1993年。一份调查显示,2002年,美国只有20%的大型企业设有CRO职位,到2004年,美国已有40%的大型企业设有 CRO职位。目前,80%以上的世界性金融机构已设定了CRO工作职位。

艺术总监【CAO】 chief Artistic officer

首席品牌官【CBO】 chief brand officer

首席文化官【CCO】 Chief Cultural Officer

开发总监【CDO】 chief Development officer

首席执行官【CEO】 Chief Executive officer

首席财务官【CFO】 Chief finance officer

人事总监【CHO】 Chief Human resource officer

首席信息官【CIO】Chief information officer

首席知识官【CKO】 chief knowledge officer

首席市场官【CMO】 chief Marketing officer

首席谈判官【CNO】 chief Negotiation officer

首席营运官【COO】 chief Operation officer

公关总监【CPO】 chief Public relation officer

质量总监【CQO】 chief Quality officer

销售总监【CSO】 chief Sales officer

首席技术官【CTO】 chief Technology officer

评估总监【CVO】 chief Valuation officer

GM:General Manager 总经理

VP:Vice President 副总裁FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁

AVP:Assistant Vice President 副总裁助理

HRD:Human Resource Director 人力资源总监

OD:Operations Director 运营总监

MD:Marketing Director 市场总监

OM:Operations Manager 运作经理

PM:Production Manager生产经理、Product Manager产品经理、Project Manager项目经理)

注:这里面变化比较多,要结合谈话时的背景来判断究竟是指哪种身份)BM(Branch Manager)部门经理

DM(District Manager)区域经理

RM(Regional Manager)区域经理


AAD〔Associated Account Director〕——副客户总监

AAD〔Associated Art Director〕——副美术指导

ACD〔Associated Creative Director〕——副创作总监

AD 〔Account Director〕——客户服务总监、业务指导

AD〔Art Director〕——美术指导(在创作部可以独挡一面执行美术指导工作的美术监督)

AE〔Account Executive〕——客户执行、客户服务、客户主任;预算执行者,负责广告代理商和广告主之间的一切有关业务,观念,预算,广告表现之联系 AM 〔Account Manager〕——客户经理

AP〔Account Planner〕——客户企划(分策略企划和业务企划两种)

ASM〔Area Sale Manager〕——大区销售经理

CD〔Creative Director〕——创作总监、创意总监、创意指导(CD的前身,不是撰稿人便是美术设计,因为积累了丰富的经验,并有优异的创作成绩而成为督导)

CGH〔Creative Group Head 〕——创意组长

〔Computer Visualizer〕——计算机绘图员


DCS〔Director of Client Service〕——客户主管

ECD〔Executive Creative Director〕——执行创意总监

FA〔Finish Artist〕——完稿、画师〔Finish Artist Group Head〕——完稿组长 GAD〔Group Account Director〕——客户群总监

GCD〔Group Creative Director〕——创意群总监

GMD〔General Managing Director〕——总经理

MD〔Media Director〕——媒体指导、媒介部经理

SAD〔Senior Art Director〕——高级美术指导

SCW〔Senior Copywriter〕——高级文案〔Copy Director〕——文案指导

〔Media Supervisor〕——媒介主任、媒介总监

〔Media Planner〕——媒介策划

〔Planning Director〕——企划指导

〔Planning Supervisor〕——企划总监

〔Print Production Manager〕——平面制作经理

〔Production Manager〕——制作经理

〔Research Supervisor〕——调查总监

〔Studio Manager〕——画房经理、作业室经理

〔Traffic Control Specialist(简称Traffic)〕——制管人员

〔Traffic Coordinator〕——平面制作统筹

〔TV Producer〕——制片


〔Visualizer Group Head〕——视觉设计组长


President 总裁

Vice-President 副总裁

Assistant VP 副总裁助理

Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监

General Manager 总经理

Branch Manager 部门经理

Product Manager 产品经理

Project Manager 项目经理

Regional Manager 区域经理

Production Manager 生产经理

Transportation Manager 运输经理

Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员

Computer Operator 电脑操作员

Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管

Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师

Computer Technician 电脑技术员

MIS Manager 管理信息系统部经理

Developmental Engineer 开发工程师

Operations Analyst 操作分析

Director of Information Services 信息服务主管

LAN Administrator 局域网管理员

Systems Analyst 系统分析

Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理 Systems Engineer 系统工程师

Product Support Manager 产品支持经理

Systems Programmer 系统程序员

VP Sales 销售副总裁

VP Marketing 市场副总裁

Senior Account Manager 高级客户经理

Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监

Sales Administrator 销售主管

Telemarketer 电话销售员

Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理

Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员

Regional Account Manager 地区客户经理

Salesperson 销售员

Sales Representative 销售代表

Merchandising Manager 采购经理

Sales Manager 销售经理

Marketing Consultant 市场顾问

Sales Executive 销售执行者

Marketing Assistant 市场助理

Sales Assistant 销售助理

Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监

Retail Buyer 零售采购员

Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员

Manufacturer’s Representative 厂家代表

Purchasing Agent 采购代理

Assistant Account Executive 客户管理助理

Marketing Manager 市场经理

Advertising Manager 广告经理

Marketing Intern 市场实习

Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员

Marketing Director 市场总监

Advertising Assistant 广告助理

Account Manager 客户经理

Account Representative 客户代表

Accounting Payable Clerk 应付帐款文员

Accounting Assistant 会计助理

Accounting Manager 会计经理

Accounts Receivable Clerk 应收帐款文员

Accounting Clerk 会计文员

Certified Public Accountant 注册会计师

Senior Accountant 高级会计

Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官

Audit Manager 审计经理

Collections Officer 收款负责人

Actuarial Analyst 保险分析员

Auditor 审计师

Junior Accountant 初级会计

Loan Administrator 贷款管理员

Management Accountant 管理会计

Billing Clerk 票据文员

Billing Supervisor 票据管理员

Bookkeeper 档案管理

Staff Auditor 审计员

Bookkeeping Clerk 档案管理助理

Budget Analyst 预算分析

Tax Accountant 税务会计

Credit Analyst 信用分析

Credit Manager 信用管理经理

Vice-President of Administration and Finance 财务行政副总裁 Financial Analyst 财务分析

Vice-President of Finance 财务副总裁

Financial Consultant 财务顾问

Financial Manager 财务经理

Financial Planner 财务计划员

VP HR 人力资源副总裁

Assistant VP HR 人力资源副总裁助理 HR Director 人力资源总监

Compensation & Benefit Manager 薪酬福利经理 Staffing Manager 招聘经理

Training Manager 培训经理

Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员

Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表 Payroller 工资专员

Training Coordinator 培训协调员

Training Specialist 培训专员

HR Supervisor(Training)培训主管

Vice-President of Administration 行政副总裁 Administrative Director 行政总监

Office Manager 办公室经理

File Clerk 档案管理员

Administration Assistant 行政助理

Receptionist 接待员

General Office Clerk 办公室文员

Secretary 秘书

Order Entry Clerk 订单输入文员

Operator 接线员

Typist 打字员

4.广告公司职位 中英文对照 篇四


Chief Executive Officer首席行政长官(简称:CEO)Managing Director董事总经理(简称:MD)General Manager总经理(简称:GM)HI & Admin Manager人事/行政经理 HI Supervisor人事督导 Admin Assistant行政助理

information Technology 信息技术

Information Technology Manager信息技术经理

Information Technology Administrator信息技术管理员 Information Technology Support信息技术支持

account Management客户服务

Director of Client Services客户服务部总监

Group Account Director客户事务群总监(简称:GAD)Senior Account Director高级客户总监(简称:SAD)Account Director客户总监(简称:AD)

Associate Account Director助理客户总监(简称:AAD)Account Manager客户经理(简称:AM)Account Manager-Freelance兼职客户经理

Senior Account Executive高级客户执行(简称:SAE)Account Executive客户执行(简称:AE)Associate Account Executive助理客户执行

strategic Planning策略策划 Planning Director策略策划总监

Senior Account Director高级客户总监 Strategic Planning Assistant策略策划助理


Chief Creative Officer首席创意总监(简称:CCO)

Group Executive Creative Director执行创意群总监(简称:GECD)Executive Creative Director执行创意总监(简称:ECO)

Group Director(Group Creative Director)创意群总监(简称:GD/GCD)Senior Creative Director资深创意总监(简称:SCD)Creative Director创意总监(简称:CD)

Associate Creative Director助理创意总监(简称:ACD)Senior Art Director资深美术指导(简称:SART)Art Director美术指导(简称:ART)Group Head创意组长

Senior Copywriter资深文案(简称:SCOPY)Copywriter文案(撰文)(简称:COPY)Copywriter-Freelance 兼职文案

Senior Designer-Integrated资深设计师(简称:DESI)Designer-Integrated设计师

Creative Service Supervisor创意服务监督

creative Support创意支持

Head of Creative Service创意服务总监 Studio Manager制作经理

Production Coordinator制作协调 Designer设计

Computer Artist美工 Visualizer画师

traffic 流程控制

Traffic Manager流程控制经理

Senior Traffic Coordinator资深流程控制协调员 Traffic Coordinator流程控制协调员

TV.Production 影视制作

Head of TV Production影视制作总监 Senior Producer资深制作人 Producer制作人

Producer-Freelance兼职制作人 Assistant Producer助理制作人

5.IT公司实习的英文求职信 篇五

Dear Sirs,I am a senior of computer science in Shanghai University of technology。I would like to work as an intern for an IT company。As I have a wide interest in computer,I will do whatever job assigned to me,in software development or in technical support。One of my strong points is that I am able to work conscientiously under great pressure。The more challenging my task is,the better。

My main purpose is just to put into practice what I have learned from the classroom in the past few years and to learn about my own ability in practical work。I do not take remuneration into consideration。

I am enclosing a resume and looking forward to hearing from you。

6.公司经理的英文求职信 篇六

Dear Sir/Madam,

Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?

I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.

I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm. Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company’s Information Industry Division. Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:

1.Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance

2.Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database

My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.  自我介绍演讲稿

