


1.高分布列练习题 篇一







例如:choose a place you like and explain why you like this place.


Well, the place I enjoy the most is a small town located in France. I like this small town because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.

Of course I like this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.





4、有景色描写(beach)、有人物(French girls)、有事件(make friends),有具体事物(a watch)。为何如此设计,等一下就会讲到。


题目:Choose a restaurant you like and explain why you like this restaurant

参考答案:Well, the restaurant I enjoy the most is a French restaurant located on a beautiful beach. I like this small restaurant because it has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.

Of course I like this small French restaurant also because it offers the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls in that restaurant. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.


Choose an important event/ a favorite activity and give reasons explaining why this event is important/ why this activity is your favorite. 从抽象的事物转化成具体的景色描写

Well, one very important event in my life/my favorite activity is a little trip to France. I like this trip so much because we visited a small French town. The town has very charming ocean view. I mean the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.

Of course I like this little trip to France also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, I have been benefited a lot from this trip to France because I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them even gave me a little watch as a souvenir of our friendship.



1.Describe one object that is of special value to you and explain why it is of special value to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

2.Choose a teacher you like and explain why you like him or her. Include specific details in your statement.

3.Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What’s your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.


参考答案:Well, the object of special value to me is a little watch. 点题,复述原题 the watch was designed for women and one of my French girlfriends gave it to me as a souvenir of our friendship. This little watch is of very special meaning to me because it always reminds me of those days I spent in a beautiful French town located by the beach. My watch is deep blue, as blue as the charming ocean view on the beach. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.

The most important, I made friends with some gorgeous French girls. One of them gave me this little watch as a gift. I cherish the watch just as much as we cherish our friendship.

2.Well, the teacher I admire so much is a gorgeous French lady. She was from a beautiful French small town located by the beach. She has very charming deep blue eyes, as blue as the ocean view on the beach. I admire her so much because she is not only a teacher to me but also a very good friend. Last summer, she invited me to travel to her hometown. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.

Also, she brought me to some restaurants offering the best seafood such as lobsters and tuna fishes. Finally, she gave me a little watch as the souvenir of our friendship. Ever since I was a kid, I had a dream to travel to France. My parents told me that there is a little French town located by the beach. It has very charming ocean view. They told me the sky there is so blue and the beach is always full of sunshine. You know how romantic it can ever be, just relax yourself on the beach, when the sun is setting down, when the ocean breeze is blowing and the seabirds are singing.

Of course I want to travel to this small French town also because there are many great French restaurants. They offer the best seafood in the world like lobsters and tuna fishes. The most important, there is a good chance to make friends with some gorgeous French girls.



Independent Task Personal preference ex: object, event, place, person, activity, book Choice

Score Point:

Topic sentence

(1)With 3 or more supporting examples

(2)Every example must have solid reason (for expansion)

Integrated Task Campus Situation

(1) Reading then listening

(2) The second speaker is the importance at the most of the time Academic Course

Reading then a expert from lecture Campus Situation

Only listening passage

.择2个或以上的supporting idea 去阐述

6. Academic Course

Only listening




.dioms → get bonus !!!

.he using of the spoken vocabulary

Ex: I think/ figure/ suppose/ You know You see Well………


不可涉及,政治,宗教,肤色,Dirty words or vulgarity




黑种人:African-American (适用于美国黑人),African

Format for the NO. I/II task: Take Note-TST

T— topic sentence. One sentence

S—supporting ideas (personal experiences, examples, reasons) - easy to understand

T—transition (First, because, second, finally


-reuse and recycle your answers at the similar topic

-story telling (create a theme)

-make use of universal reasons number (ex: According to the survey 80% of the people………..) convenient ( ex: It is convenient to do ……….) peer pressure ( ex: Because of the peer pressure, 80%of my fiend would prefer the……….. So, I go with them.)


Skeleton for the NO. III task: (T + M)

In this set of materials, the reading passage is a notice/ note/ memo/ advertisement/ letter/ announcement ………………….. And the listening passage is a discussion by two students on…………………... (Summarize each passage with one sentence)

According to the reading passage, the notice/note/memo explains (discusses) …………………... In the listening passage, the students discuss the notice/note/memo …………………..


第二空:填入this notice/ note/ memo/ advertisement/ letter/ announcement 是什么就说什麽。

第三空:填入阅读的topic sentence



Skeleton for No. 4 task: (T + M)

In this set of materials, the reading passage describes ………….. and the listening passage is a lecture by a professor/speaker on…………

According to the reading passage………….In the listening passage, the professor/speaker discusses………….


第一空:Reading 的第一句, 找出关键动词,对句子进行reorganize,再叙述,千万不能照搬


第三空:Reading 的最后一句,找出关键动词,做与第一空一样的工作




Take Note:

Major point

Important example

Causes (Causes and effect relationship)

Verb and Noun


Skeleton for NO. 5 task: (Take Note-TST)


Describe the man/woman’s problem

Describe suggestion

Tell you preference

Explain why → reason听力中出现

In this listening material, the woman (man) has a problem. …..(main points from the listening material).

The man (woman) gives him or her two/three suggestions. One is ……..The other one is ………. As far as I am concerned, I think …..is better. First, because………….. Also,……………..


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2.高分布列练习题 篇二


A.人们习惯上称戏班、剧团为“杏园” B.京剧行当中的“净”是指女性角色

C.“梅派”唱腔创始人是京剧艺术大师梅兰芳先生 D.《梁山伯与祝英台》是京剧经典曲目之一

2、在我国,各级人民检察院属于()。A.立法机关 B.执法机关 C.司法机关 D.法律监督机关


A.应负刑事责任。李某抢走他人车辆,属于抢劫行为,侵犯他人利益 B.应负刑事责任。李某抢走他人车辆,属于盗窃行为,侵犯他人利益

C.不应负刑事责任。李某抢走摩托车属于正当防卫,保护了公司和个人的合法权益 D.不应负刑事责任。李某抢走摩托车属于紧急避险,损害了他人合法权益但保全了更大的合法权益


A.政治建设、法制建设、精神建设和社会建设 B.经济建设、法治建设、文化建设和体制建设 C.经济建设、政治建设、文化建设和社会建设 D.政治建设、经济建设、精神建设和体制建设

5、孙某委托吴某为代理人购买一批货物,吴某的下列行为中,违反法律法规的是()。A.无谋生重病,停止了购买货物事宜,并通知了孙某 B.及时将购买货物过程中的情况报告给孙某 C.经孙某同意,另行委托林某,办理购买事宜 D.与陆某恶意串通,以明显不合理的高价格购入货物

6、提起行政复议的申请人是()。A.行政相对人 B.行政机关 C.上级行政机关





A.B区人民法院 B.C区人民法院 C.A市中级人民法院 D.B区或C区人民法院

8、发现行星运动定律的天文学家是()。A.伽利略 B.开普勒 C.哥白尼 D.托勒密 1.正确答案是 C

解析习惯上称戏班、剧团为“梨园”而非“杏园”,A表述错误;京剧行当中的“净”指的是男性花脸,并非女性,B表述错误;“梅派”唱腔创始人是京剧艺术大师梅兰芳先生,C表述正确;《梁山伯与祝英台》是越剧经典曲目,而非京剧,D表述错误。综上,故正确答案为C。2.正确答案是 D

解析 根据《宪法》第129条规定,中华人民共和国人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关。虽然广义上讲,司法机关是行使司法权的国家机关,广义是包括检察机关,但狭义上仅指法院,因此本题选D更合适。故正确答案为D。

3.正确答案是 D

解析 本题是考查刑法的题。根据《刑法》第21条,为了使国家、公共利益、本人或者他人的人身、财产和其他权利免受正在发生的危险,不得已采取的紧急避险行为,造成损害的,不负刑事责任。


4.正确答案是 C

解析 十七大报告指出,社会主义社会是全面发展、全面进步的社会。中国特色社会主义事业的总体布局是由经济建设、政治建设、文化建设和社会建设构成的。




故正确答案为C。5.正确答案是 D

解析 我国《民法通则》第 18 条规定,委托代理人为被代理人的利益需要转托他人代理的,应 当事先取得被代理人的同意。事先没有取得被代理人同意的,应当在事后及时告诉被代理人,如果被 代理人不同意,由代理人对自己所转托的人的行为负民事责任,但在紧急情况下,为了保护被代理人 的利益而转托他人代理的除外。《民法通则》第 16 条规定,代理人和第三人串通,损害被代理人的利 益的,由代理人和第三人负连带责任。

故正确答案为D。6.正确答案是 A

解析 《行政复议法》第9条第1款规定:“公民、法人或者其他组织认为具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益的,可以自知道该具体行政行为之日起六十日内提出行政复议申请;但是法律规定的申请期限超过六十日的除外。




7.正确答案是 A

解析 《中华人民共和国最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>若干问题的意见》第十五条规定:“中国公民一方居住在国内,一方居住在国外,不论哪一方向人民法院提起离婚诉讼,国内一方住所地的人民法院都有权管辖。”根据题意,中国内一方的李某向居住国外的王某提出离婚诉讼,其住所地A市B区法院有管辖权,故选A。

8.正确答案是 B

解析 开普勒根据第谷毕生观测所留下的宝贵资料,孜孜不倦地对行星运动进行深入的研究,提出了行星运动三定律。






3.高分布列练习题 篇三



