


1.雅思口语话题素材:高薪职业 篇一

Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions.

You should say:

when you received

who gave you the suggestions

what you did

and explain why the suggestions were positive/how you felt




Well I am going to talk about a good suggestion that one of my leaders told me when I worked as an intern teacher in the last summer holiday. Back then I just got back home from school and I got an internship in a language training school. I was supposed to teach children aged from 5 to 10 some easy English lessons and I needed to report their studying feedbacks to their parents. Since I did not have any teaching experience, I felt very nervous. I was so afraid that these children would not like me and their parents would consider me too young to do the job. When I made phone calls to these parents, I had to prepare every line I was supposed to say in advance or I would be too nervous to talk naturally. My manager saw how anxious I was and she told me “never fear for what have not happened and don’t always prepare for the worst”.

After pondering over her words, I felt that I should be more optimistic. Sometimes we are so seized by fear that we are totally trapped in this kind of emotion. We couldn’t think and we couldn’t act normally. So after hearing the suggestion she offered to me, I determined to put aside all these worries and just did my best. My efforts were well paid off and these children and their parents liked me.



In our life we often give advises to others in times when we feel that’s necessary. This is a basic human nature to give advices and share thoughts with others. I gave many advises to others, mostly to my friends and relatives, and one such advise I still remember and feel good about was the one that I gave to one of my classmates when I was in the college.

I advised him to continue his study no matter what. The friend whom I gave advice was (…say a name…) and I talked to him for more than 3 hours. He one day told me that he had been planning to quit the college and get involve in some kind of job to support his family. That was in my opinion a very wrong decision as it would ruin every possibility he has in his career and he would have to work on low level jobs for the rest of his life. I advised him not to drop out from the college and study hard. I showed him some of the examples where others are supporting their family even after continuing their study. I told him that it would be very tough and sometimes you would feel like abandoning the college but don’t even think of doing it. I also advised him to manage any part time job in local library or to talk to our teacher about his condition.

After few days, he told me that he had given some serious thought about it and won’t quit the college. I felt overwhelmed and happy to hear that. He talked to our course teachers and one of the teachers arranged him a part time job. He was happy and he finally finished his graduation from one of the prestigious universities of our country. Now he is working in a respectable government office and he is still grateful to me for the advice I gave him. I felt very well when I found him continuing his study and in fact he was a bright student. I still feel very glad to be able to give him an advice that proved to be very helpful for him.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue Cards as well:

Describe a conversation you have had recently.

Describe an event when you gave suggestion to someone.

Describe an idea/ advice or plan you shred with someone.

Describe an advice someone gave to you.

2.雅思口语素材端午节 篇二

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.

The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. This regattacommemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during the Warring States Period . He was upright, loyal and highly esteemed for his wise counsel that brought peace and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. Realizing that the country was now in the hands of evil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbed a large stone and leapt into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to try and save him but were unable to even recover his body. Thereafter, the state declined and was eventually conquered by the State of Qin.

The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a huge reptilein the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river.

3.雅思口语part2素材积累 篇三


可爱的 cute; adorable

天真的 naive

认真的 conscientious

勤奋的 hardworking

害羞的 shy

好奇的 curious

依赖的 dependent

多才多艺的 versatile

诚实的 honest

懒惰的 lazy

听话的 obedient

顽皮的 naughty

聪明的 smart

恶作剧的 mischievous


Old people























聪明的 intelligent

幽默的 humorous有进取心的aggressive

乐观的 optimistic







值得信赖的 trustworthy



2. 雅思口语常考人物题:

1) A child;

2) A friend you admire, a good neighbor, a family member you admire, a person you helped, one of your own good personalities, a person who is a good leader, the oldest person you know, a student with high scores, someone you know who has a healthy lifestyle, a childhood friend, two people from the same family

3) An adventurous person, someone in the news you want to meet, a famous person, a successful person, a presenter you like.

4) A character from a childhood story

3. 常用开头:

①I want to talk about…., who is….②I firstly knew him/her….from….③He/she is good-looking person with …., ….and….④Generally speaking, he/she is…., ….and…., so he/she is very popular with…

4. 中间展开:


① He is quite into watching cartoons.

② (In fact, he began to watch cartoons at the age of two. )

③ As soon as he arrives home, he turns on the T V to watch cartoons. He doesn’t stop until his mum asks him to have a dinner. On average, he can watch cartoons at least one hour per day. Every weekend, he will surely watch cartoons for two hours if his parents are not at home. Also, he likes stickers of cartoon characters. He told me that his favorite stickers are happy sheep and big, big wolf.


① He is a modest guy, always very quite.

② He never shows off what he knows or what he is good at, which is quite opposite of me.

① She has got a quick temper. When she is happy, she smiles; when she is angry, she will let you know.

② She just can’t cover her real emotion. Pretense is the last thing she will do.


① He is an excellent singer who has released more than 10 albums and held hundreds of concerts.

② Many people like his songs, because his songs have pleasant melody and meaningful lyrics.

③ Along with that, he has written a lot of songs for other singers, including his ex-girlfriend, Jolin.

4.雅思口语高频话题 篇四

What’s your favorite vegetable and fruit?


词汇:a healthy diet, one apple a day, keep the doctor away

回答:my favourite fruit is apple, which is very popular with people who prefer to have a heathy diet. As the old saying goes, one apple a day, keep the doctor away

How often do you eat fruits?


词汇:a source of vitamins, improve health

回答:I do eat fruit every day, because it is a healthy habit. Fruit is an important sources of vitamins, which can improve my health.

高频口语题目:What’s your favorite color?


I love the color white because it’s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.


I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.


It’s the color of the sea and the sky. It’s also the color of jeans.

So I guess in a sense, it’s a young and free color.


Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.

And it’s the color of China.


The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.

It’s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.

So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.

Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?


Well, yeah.

I’m a kind of person that likes something and doesn’t change.

And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.

I’m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.


I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I’m a 20 years old young man, I’m more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.

What can you learn about a person from the color they like?

I think you can tell about a person’s personality by his or her favorite colors.

For example, if a person loves the color red, he’s very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.

Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?

I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,

because they’re the main colors of the national flag.

The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.

I know that the color white means wedding in the west.

Yet, the it means death in China.

Surprising, huh?

雅思口语话题:Describe a musical event you attended

Describe a musical event you attended

You should say

What kind of musical event it was

When and where you saw it

What you did there

and explain why you liked it

很多同学拿到题目的第一反应就是好难!没参加过Musical Event!其实音乐事件不需要交响,那样高大上,一些接地气的活动比如concert,music festival都是可以的~



Topic——伦敦爱乐乐团 London Philharmonic Orchestra, 伯明翰交响乐团City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra这种, musical event其实还可以是接地气的活动比如concert,music festival 潮一点的可以说草莓音乐节Strawberry Music Festival,山炮一点的也可以说学校里的唱歌比赛 singing competition嘛




展开一个musical event的时候考生往往觉得很难展开,一道一道题看:

What kind of musical event it was,可以使singing competition, live concert, symphony (交响乐)

When and where you saw it,在哪里,什么时候看的

What you did there,比如演唱会上,我跟着喜欢的歌手一起唱,观众一起尖叫

and explain why you liked it,可以用大篇幅展开

如果大家不太会表述musical event本身的内容,可以把内容更多描述这个musical event为什么对你很重要,讲一个故事,也许因为这个表演者是你的偶像,可以说说这个偶像对你的影响;也可以是因为跟你一起看表演的人对你来说有特殊的意义,于是这次musical event变得格外有sentimental value等等


concert/ live performance/ VIP ticket/ melody/ lyrics/die-heart fan/ vocal ability/ atmosphere/ sentimental value


Well I’ve been to various sorts of musical events, like concerts performed by LPO(London Philharmonic Orchestra) , CBSO(City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra) and piano concert conducted by LangLang who is the most renowned pianist in China. But today I’d like to talk about Beyoncé’s live performance, which stands out particularly.

I still vaguely remember that was around a couple of years ago, I was doing my bachelor degree at Shanghai. My bestie offered me a VIP ticket as my birthday gift, allowing me to watch the live show at the first row. I was like totally thrilled, not only coz that’s my first time to see those celebrities so closely, but the show was also performed by Beyoncé. Well actually, I am her die-hard fan, since I can feel her soul and energy lying in her melody and lyrics.

It was raining a little during that night, which was beautiful yet incomplete. The live concert turned out to be a starry affair. The spacious Shanghai Stadium was packed by the passionate music nuts who are obsessed by Beyoncé’s phenomenal live performance. Unlike some of the recording artists, Beyoncé could always ignite the night and her fans through her unique vocal abilities and strong dancing performance. Everyone was singing along with Beyoncé and the enthusiasm was contagious among the crowd, the attendance of the Eminem pushed the concert to the climax. I could still remember my heartbeats in my chest.

5.雅思口语话题解析 篇五




6.雅思口语话题 篇六

economical way of travel

learn to cooperate with others when in difficulties

7.雅思口语话题预测 篇七

Be supposed to 应该

Give someone a ring 给某人打电话

Hit the ceiling 撞到天花板

Collide something/somebody 碰撞的东西/人

Friend indeed 真朋友

Draw a lesson 画一个教训

Jump to the conclusion 跳的结论

Impose something on someone 的东西强加给别人

New words for person description 人的新词汇

Humble 卑微的

Sincere 真诚的

Aggressive 咄咄逼人的

Furious 愤怒的

Guilty 有罪

雅思口语Part 3

1. Is it important to say sorry?

“Yes, of course! Everyone makes mistakes that leads to a misunderstanding or even argument and it’s very important that you should say that you are sorry for what you have done for your and for others ‘sake. On the one hand it will help you to release bad feelings you’re definitely holding when you did something bad. On the other hand, saying sorry and showing that you’re sincere can bridge any gaps between you two, I believe that. If you didn’t say that, they would hold ill feelings for you in the future and you can even end up ruin a relationship”

2. What situations do people say sorry?

“Well, there are many situations that lead people to say sorry, when you do something wrong, you broke something, or simply just bump against or collide with each other on the bus, you know but the one that comes up quite often is when you accidentally hurt someone’s feelings. Then we really need to say that we are sorry for our thoughtlessness, as soon as possible”

3. Why do some people hate to say sorry?

“Well, admittedly, saying that you’re sorry to a person for what you have done, especially in serious situations, not the casual ones is really hard. It takes you courage to do that because everyone has their own self-esteem and no one wants to admit that they’re wrong, especially for those who are pigheaded and stubborn”

4. When will people say thank you?

“Well I believe that “Thank you” can be an incredibly powerful pair of words, especially if the person you’re thanking really needs to hear them, or isn’t expecting them. People often say thank you when they really appreciate something that you did for them, even if it’s something that you’re supposed to be doing anyway or even the simplest gestures in daily life. And saying thank you is as important as saying sorry because being appreciated is one of those things that really satisfies and motivates us so a little goes a long way if you can offer up a genuine thank you when it’s appropriated”

8.雅思口语话题总结 篇八

<1> JOB

Are you working or studying?

Can you describe your daily work?

Are you satisfied with your current job?

Do you want to change your job?

What do you think of your future job?


What places do you often go shopping?

What things do you often buy?


Who do major housework in your family?

Do you do housework in your home? What housework do you like to do?

What are the changes of status of family members in Chinese families?

What kind of housework do you think it is the most important?

What benefits can we get from the improvement of technology?

<4> FOOD

What foods do you like or dislike?

What food can you cook?

What are the differences betweenshavingsmeals at home and going to restaurant?

What is your favorite restaurant? Why?


Can you outline the industries in China?

What is major industry of China?

What technologies is China lack of?


Do Chinese like or dislike animal? Why?

How to preserve the animals?

What animals can people see in China?

What is the most famous animal in China?

What is the role of animal in China? What should animal be use as?


What do people do in their spare time? What do you like to do?

Do you think spare time is important to you? Why?


Do you like watching films?

What kind of movies do like?

What are the difference between watching films on TV and going to cinema?

Do you like to see a film alone or with your friends? Why?

How do think of the future of movie?


What’s your favorite transport?

>>What are advantages and disadvantages of the different transports?

>>Do transports cause pollution?

>>How to improve the traffic of cities?


Can you describe your childhood briefly?

Where do you play? Play what?

What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?

What is your favorite story in your childhood?



here is your hometown? What do you like/dislike your hometown?

<12> HOBBY


hat’s your hobby? Why?



hat kinds of legal holidays are there in China?

How do you arrange your holidays?

What activities do you do to relax in your spare time?



hich festival is important for the Chinese people?

How do Chinese celebrate the festivals?

<15> FAMILY_

What do you think of the increase of divorce rate and single-parent household?

雅思口语PART 2 & PART 3


Describe your favorite TV program

-What is it? Which channel?

-When andswheresdo you watch it?

-What kind of it? What’s it talk about?

And explain why you like it?

-What are the differences between day programs and evening programs?

-What are the TV program’s effect on the children and the elderly?

-What are the differences of TV programs between now and past?

-What are the improvements on TV program in China?

-What is the situation of cinemas in China?

-How do you think that many people buy DVD and watch at home instead of going to the cinema?


Describe a sports star

-Who she/he is

-What sports he/she play

-Why you like this star

Do your friends like him?

What are the benefits from sports?

Do people around you like sports?

What sport do they like?

Do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary?

Can sports star earn money through commercial advertising?

What are differences of view on sport between men and women?

Can you have a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Beijing’s holding Olympic Games?


Describe an important/recent success in your life

When /where/what about it

How do you make it

Why it is important for you

How can you get to success?

What are the essential conditions /qualifications of success?

Why people must have a future goal?

What is the effect of goal?

What is people’s goal nowadays?

What is your aim of life?


Describe a child you are familiar with

-His or her name

-Age, appearance

-Hobby and explain why you like him/her

Which are happier, children nowadays or the ones 20 years ago?

What do you think of adolescent education in China?

What are the effects of pressures exerted by teachers and parents?

How do think of educational mode of elementary school in China? Are there any problems?

What is the proper educational mode?

What are the improvements in educational mode in China?

What do you like to play when you were young, for example, when you were 10?

What are the differences between Chinese children and foreign children?

What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?

What do you think of the problem the problem the parents overindulge their children?


Describe your best friend.

how you knew each other

How you became friends

How you spend time together

Explain why he/she is your best friend

What is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your childhood?

What’s the most important thing between friends?

Is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up than before?


Describe your favorite music/song


-What it is about

-Why you like it

How about the music’s development of China?

What is the difference between native music and foreign music?

<7> TOY

Describe a toy for children

-What it is

-Who gave you?

-Why you like it

What are the differences in toys between now and past?

What are the differences of toys between boys like and girls like?

What role do toys play in the process of children’s growth?

What are the factors that influence adolescent?

What are parent’s attitudes toward too early love affairs of their child?

What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?

Is there any relation between toy and education?

<8> PARK

Describe your favorite park or garden


-How often

-What kind of people like it

-Why you like it

What are the effect of parks on people’s life?

What are advantages and disadvantages of private garden?

To what the purpose people want to possess a private garden?

Do you think we need much more parks?

Is it convenient to go outing?


Describe your ideal house or department

-Where it is

-Outside/inside? surrounding?

-Why you like it

Where do you live?swheresdo you want to live?

Do you live in city or countryside? Tell about advantages and disadvantages from both areas.

Do private space become smaller? How to solve/settle it?

Are there many people live in high buildings and large mansions?

What is the difference between old house and modern house? Which one do you prefer? Why? What is the advantage of the one that you exclude?

How do government settle the problem of houses in danger? What’s your opinion?

What kind of house is popular?

What are the good houses that majority believe?

Why people like big house?

Why should we preserve the old building?


Describe an exciting period in your life

-When is it

-What did you do during that time

-Who are the friends you made in that time

-Why it is exciting

What is the legal age of Chinese people?

What is the purpose of legal age? Why?

May the legal age change?

What can people do when they reach legal age?

What do you do when you were at university?

What do old people concern about?

Who would look after them when people get old?

When does the early education usually begin in your country? What is the advantage and disadvantage of beginning education at this age? Why?


Describe the features of four seasons in you country

-What the seasons are


-What people do in each season?

-Which season you like best?

With the alternation of seasons, are there any changes in wearing clothes?

What differences are there in architectural style between north and south considering the differences in season and climate?

What differences are there in life style between people from south and the ones from north, For instance, Beijing and Nanjing?

Is there any change of climate in the past 20 years?

What do you think of the environment in the future?

What is the cause of disasters? What are effects of disasters? Can we solve it?

What should government do to prevent disasters? Such as flood.

What do you think of the climate of China?

Can you describe the bad weather you met?

What is your favorite season? Why?

Which season do Chinese like best?

What is green house effect?


Describe a piece of equipment you think it is useful

-What it is

-How it is used

-Advantages and disadvantages

Will today’s technology/electric apparatus still be in use (popular) 50 years later?

What differences in purposes of use are there between the young and the old?

Are there any differences in attitudes about technology between men and women? What are those?

Do the young people nowadays rely/depend too much on technology?

How does technology influence people? Does it make life better?

Do you think the development of science and technology would bring people much more convenience? In what aspects does it show? Can you imagine what aspect it is?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of new technologiy?

Are there any people around you who don’t accept new technology?

<13> TRIP

Describe a exciting trip you made

.When did you take it?

.How did you get there? By what transport?

.Introduce that trip. What did you see there?

.Who do you with?

.Explain why you liked it.

What transports are available for Chinese people’s trip?

What is the difference between traveling by single and traveling in a group?

What are defects of tourism?

Why many people come to China? Are there any advantages and disadvantages?

Why many people go abroad for a trip? What are advantages and disadvantages?

What your opinion about the prospect of tourism in China?

What kind of people go to China for trips? Why?


Describe a book/story you read before



.What influence it brings to you

What kind of libraries do you often go to?

What facilities are there in the library?

What improvement do you think that we should make?

Where do you like to read, in the library or at home?

Do every village and city have libraries

Do majority of people read for study or entertainment?

Do you like reading novels?

Some writings can be handed down as classics. What requirements do they must fulfill to make these achievements? / What are the preconditions to be classic?

What is your ideal library?


Describe a normal commodity in Chinese family?

.What it is

.How it is used

.Advantages and disadvantages

Note: This topic is similar to the “EQUIPMENT” topic

What are advantages and disadvantages of high technology?


Note: For this topic, you can combine the “HOLIDAY” of PART 1 and the “TRIP” topic to answer it.


Note: There are some questions about international relations in PART 3.

With competition between countries, how to reinforce the cooperation between countries?

Can you describe one of your country’s success? What are the native effects and international effects of your country’s success?

What is your goal of life?

9.雅思口语话题答案 篇九


1, Whatsubject are you studying?

My major is financial management in Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade.2,Why did you chose the major?

Frankly speaking, I chose the major as my parents’requirement ,for they think this major can bring me a promising future which is very popular nowadays.3,DO many people from your country choose this subject? Of course!You even can’t believe how popular it is!And I think the reasons are that this subject will be in great demand in the future and you will get satisfying pay from this kind of job.4, Why did you chose this university?

To be honest, my university is not a keystone university in china.But it earns a good reputation with great learning atmosphere and thoughtful , knowledgeable professors.So I believe I can learn a lot and will have a bright future after graduating from this university.5,What’s the most important part of your subject?

I think the most important part of my subject is acquiring skills for life.You learn professional knowledge concerning about your future work.6,Do you have any recreational activities at your university? Certainly,I do.In my opinion, university is not only a place where you can

gain knowledge,but also a channel help you exercise ability and open your mind.So I take part in lots of extra-curricular activities to rich my after school time.Such as find a part time job, do volunteer work and tour through Shanghai etc.7,What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?

I have a dream that I can study in London Institute of Politics and Economy one day.So I’ll go further study without second thought to realize my dream.二,Work

1,What job do you want to do ?What is nature of that work? I want to be an accountant who accounts business and manages the company’s property.2,Why do you want to choose that job ?

Because my major is financial management and this kind of job can make full use of my knowledge got from university.三,Hometown

1, Where do you come from?

I’m from a coastal city called Zhejiang which is next to Shanghai.My

hometown is a medium sized city but the living environment is a little noisy with the bumper-to-bumper traffic.What’s more, in recent years, the economy of my hometown is growing fast which attracts a great number of non-natives.2,What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Because my hometown is located near the sea, so it’s famous for coastal views.You can see lots of aquariums and ocean parks.In addition, many beautiful mountains stand around the city where you can enjoy wonderful mountain scenes.3,Is your hometown famous for anything?

Despite the sea views, my hometown is rich in history too.Many famous poets and writers are from my hometown.Such as Zhuziqing ,Taoyuanming,etc.4,Is your hometown a good place for young people?

Of course!As for entertainment, my hometown has many interesting aquariums and ocean parks which attract children’s attention a lot.What’s more, you can also find the beaches of my hometown are very fascinating and worth a visit.As for education, my hometown which is historical has many schools and can provide children a good studying environment.四,Living

1,What kind of place do you live in?

I live in a three-bedroom apartment with my parents.2,Do you plan to live there for a long time ?

Yes,I do, I love my living place very much.My apartment besides a beautiful lake and lots of green trees stand around it.So the environmentis very peace, you can breathe fresh air, hear pleasant songs of birds and enjoy wonderful view outside the window.What’s more, my apartment is spacious and well-furnished.If have a chance, it’s my honor to invite you to pay a visit to my house!

3,What kind of housing is the most popular in china? I think is the condo which mainly serves to white-collars and students.4,Are the transport facilities to your home very good? Yes.Although my home is between the city center and my college, where many cars passing by every day.The transport facilities are well-maintained and there is a traffic police standing especially rainy days.5,Is there anything you don’t like about the place where you live?

Yes, nothing is the most perfect.Just as I mentioned, my apartment is near a big lake which is so wet that at times you’ll find some uninvited guests such as house lizards which make me crazy and scared!


1,Does your name have any special meaning?

Yes, my given name is BeiRou.You should separate it to understand.First,”Bei”is “Beilei” in Chinese means a bud.It stands for a new life, hope and power.Second,”Rou” is “Wenrou” in Chinese means gentle.My parents hope me can be a girl like flower soft, gentle and full of hope and power.They believe one day I’ll blossom my own beauty and fragrance.2,What name do people at home call you ?

They call me “Rourou” for short.They think is very pleasant to hear.3,How are babies given their names in China?

Giving babies names is a very important and serious thing in China.People show particular concern for the meaning, form and sound of the words when they name children.What’s more, names often carry the parents’ wish and pursuit.4,Do people in China ever change their names?

Yes, in some occasions.For example, when a couple divorced and child is raised by mother.Then probably the child will be changed his family name.Besides, if a person thinksthat his name brings him bad luck or hinder their career progress then a fortune teller is often consulted to

change the name.六,Housework

1,Do you usually do any housework?

To be honest, I do housework sometimes not often.And I usually sweep the floor, do the dishes and make the bed.2,What housework do you least like doing?

I hate mapping the floor.My house has wooden floor which is easy to

3,Who usually does the housework in your home?

4,When you were a child,did you ever do any housework?
