译林牛津 高一一模块二单元Period 4 Word Power教案


译林牛津 高一一模块二单元Period 4 Word Power教案(精选4篇)

1.译林牛津 高一一模块二单元Period 4 Word Power教案 篇一

Grammar and usage

Period one

Teaching aim:

To give a brief introduction to attributive clauses.

Teaching procedures:

1. Tell the students what is attributive clause.

2. Tell the students the basic usage of relative pronouns such as which, who, that, whom, whose and relative adverbs like when, where and why.

3. Ask the students to read the article on Page 9 and find out the attributive clauses in the article.

4. Check the answers with the students.

5. Explain some language points in the article.

6. Give the students some more exercises of attributive clause.

7. Assignment.

Period two

Teaching aim:

To make the students get familiar with attributive clauses and get them to know some more usages of relative pronouns.

Teaching procedures:

1. Check the homework with the students.

2. Ask the students to read the 5 points on Page 10, tell them the usages of different relative pronouns.

3. Fill in the blanks on Page 11, check the answers with the students and explain the language points.

4. Tell the students several points that they must pay attention to when they use attributive clauses.

5. Some exercises which are to review what they learn in this lesson.

6. Assignment.

Unit 1 Project Starting a new after-school activity

Period One

Teaching aims:

To learn two articles about after-school activities in school

To learn the use of as and require

To find out how an activity attracts the students and helps the students

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Listen to the recording of the articles on page 18

True or False questions:

1. The radio station is run by the principal.

2. The radio station started 2 years ago when CD players were allowed in school.

3. Members of Poets of the Next Generation meet up on the last Friday of every month.

4. Everyone was nice and friendly in the group. They liked the first poem Bob read to them.

Step 2: Read the two articles and answer the following questions:

What do the student members in the radio station do during exam time?

What do they do when parents come to visit the school?

Who started “Poets of the Next Generation”?

What do the members of the group do when they meet?

Step 3: Fill in the blanks:

The radio station in our school is ____ by the student. Two years ago, I asked the ________ if music could be played during _____ ____. He agreed.

We tell students the _______, _____ _____ and some special messages. During _____ ____ we tell the students what they ______ or _________ do for preparation. When parents come, we play songs _____ by students and _____ them of ______, such as _________ and ______ _____.

Our English teacher Mr Owen started the group “_____________________________”. Group members ____________ to talk about ________ and _______ that we like.

When I _______ it, I was ________ to write five poems and _____ one ____ to the group. I ______ every one around a tree before I read. The group said they loved the poem I read.

Step 4: Vocabulary and language points:

allow: permit sb./sth. to do sth.

principal: person with the highest authority in certain schools

generation: all people born at about the same time

select: choose sb./sth.

calm: not excited, nervous

require: order or command sth.

The use of as and require

Step 4: Discussion

How do these two activities attract the students?

How do they help the students?


Try to find the answers to the following questions:

What after-school activities do you have in your school?

Do you like them? Why/ Why not?

If you could start a new after-school activity to enjoy with your schoolmates, what new activity would you choose?

Period Two:

Teaching aims:

To do the project of starting a new after-school activity

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Check homework

Every student has to tell their classmates what after-school activities they would like to start if they could. Form groups of members with the same choice and every group consists of at least four students.

Step 2: Plan

Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for what tasks.

Research information:

Make the poster:

Present the poster:

Step 3: Prepare

Members responsible for doing research need to find information from various sources about after-school activities and posters.

Activity: What does it do? How does it attract new members? How does it help members achieve their goals?

Poster: What does the poster consist of? How does it attract its viewers?

Step 4: Produce

Group members who are making the poster will have to draft the poster based on all the ideas from our previous research and discussion.

When the draft is done, each member should read it carefully and give suggestions on its wording and design.

Assignment: (Assignment)

The poster makers finalizes the poster based on the suggestions of the other group members.

The entire group approve the poster before next period.

In next period, they are to present their poster to the class. Tell the class what is special about their activity.

Unit 1 Task

Teaching aims:

1. Use abbreviation to fill in timetable.

2. Compare information of two different sources.

3. Write a notice with important information and clear expression.


1-1. Introduce abbreviation.

1-2. Complete school programme timetables with abbreviation

1-3. Compare information of 2 different sources.

2-1 Report the timetable

2-2 Find out important information in a notice.

2-3 Write a notice to notify classmates.

by Miranda Gu

Unit One Word power


1. Present one of the school maps from the students’ repairing work. And encourage him or her to tell us how he or she found the way out on the first day. Encourage more students to think of the pattern drills and useful expressions they have learned in junior school:

Do you have any difficulty finding your way out on the first day? If you don’t know your way, how can you ask and answer the way?

2. Encourage more students to talk about the following questions such as: which facility attracts you most in our school? Why? Help the students to recall related words and expressions

What do you think of our canteen? How about the gym? Is our car park ok in the school?

Encourage them to express their genuine opinions.

3. Ask students to focus on the map of Part A first. Read Wei Hua’s thoughts quickly and match her routes on the map. Remind students to pay attention to the usage of the words and expressions on the map.

Vocabulary learning

1. Ask students to do Part B. Write a description of the quickest way to get from the dormitories to class 4 and read it to the class.

Sample answers

B If you are standing at the door of the dormitories, first turn right and go past the medical centre and the gym, then turn left and walk until the end of the road. Classroom is on your left.

2. If possible, design some more samples for the students to practice. For example, ask students to mark the shortest way from the science laboratory to classrooms 16-25. This exercise encourages students to familiarize the phrases of finding the way.

3. Ask students to read Part C and complete it. Check the new words in the passage while they give the answers. Aim to make sure the students have done the repairing work of looking up possible new points in the dictionaries before class. available, qualified, access.


C 1 car park 2 classrooms 3 library 4 labs 5 gym 6 swimming pool 7 dormitories 8 medical centre 9 canteen

Vocabulary extension

1. Focus on the equipments of Part D. Ask students to name out some of their names if possible. Then teach new items. Help them to know about each gymnastic items.

2. Ask students to finish Part D and encourage them to have a short discussion like: Do you think it’s important for schools to have a gym? How do you like these equipments?


D 4 beam 7 barbell 1 climbing bars 6 basketball court 2 rings 8 mat 3 dumb-bell 5 skipping rope


1. let the students to remember all the useful words and expressions in Part A, B, and D . Learn to make sentences with the key words in Part C.

2. Do Part A and B in writing on Page 85.

3. Pick out attributive clauses in the passage of Part C.

Self-assessment(1)---Reflections on Unit Learning

Class:___________ Name:____________ Unit:____________

Think about this last unit and write your personal reflections on the following:

The ideas for English learning which I have picked up

The cultural information I have learned

The language I have learned

The strategies I have used to improve my English

The amount of effort I have put into using what I have learned

Other thoughts I have about my English learning

Self-assessment(2)---English Proficiency Test(60 minutes/100 points)

Class:___________ Name:____________ Score:__________

Ⅰ. Multiple choice(10 points)

Ⅱ. Close test(30 points)

Ⅲ. Reading comprehension(30 points)

Ⅳ. Vocabulary(10 points)

Ⅴ. Sentence patterns(10 points)

Ⅵ. Error correction(10 points)

2.译林牛津 高一一模块二单元Period 4 Word Power教案 篇二

2. 与---相似 be similar to…

3. 思考一些社会上的问题think about some problems in society

4. 对---作研究 do research on…

5. 与---分享 share with

6. 有说服力的广告语言 persuasive ad language

7. 推销产品 promote a product

8. 公共福利 public welfare

9. 意识到- be aware of ..

10. 挑战口臭 fight bad breath

11. 对---感觉良好 be good about..

12. 上当受骗 fall for…

13. 作弄--- play tricks on..

14. 有创意性的图片,original images

15. 旨在教育大众 be meant to educate the public

16. 过着美好的生活lead a good life

17. 公益广告宣传活动 public service ad campaign

18. 珍爱生命,远离毒品yes to life ,no to drugs

19. 希望工程 Project Hope

20. 犯罪 commit crimes

21. 对---精明 be smart about..

22. 为大众服务 serve the public

23. 让每个孩子都能上学school every child

24. 作市场调查 do market research

25. 高质量 of high quality

26. 最好的建议 top advice

27. 上升到 rise to increase to grow to

28. 降低到最低点 fall to drop to the lowest point

29. 最大值 maximum

30. 目标受众 target audience

31. 脑海中有---- have … in mind

32. 迎合---的反映方式appeal to the way …

33. 关注be concerned with care about

34. 把你的信息传达给---get your message across to…

35. 组织、汇集 put ..together

36. 主要取决于--- depend mainly on..

37. 吸收主意力 catch one’s attention

38. 达成理解 reach an understanding

39. 免费得到get ..for nothing for free

40. 对---习以为常 beget used to..

41. 诱使某人做--- trick ..into doing..

42. 对---感到厌倦 be bored with..

43. 完全的 complete

44. 宣称,号称 claim..

45. 不真实的 untrue

46. 广告牌 billboard

47. 消费者 customer

48. 评论 comment

49. 全国范围内 nationwide

50. 社会的 social

51. 标语 slogan

52. 满意的 satisfied

53. 独一无二的 unique

54. 迷人的 fascinating

55. 年长的,资历深的 senior

56. 购买 purchase

57. 重新包装 repackaging

58. 设计,图案 design

59. 特色 feature

60. 软饮料 soft drink

61. 难以忘怀的 unforgettable

62. 时髦的 fashionable

63. 实用的,机能的functional

64. 可获得的 available

65. 各种各样的 various

66. 决定 determine

67. 特别的 particular

68. 牛仔裤 jeans

69. 极其地 extremely

70. 途径,方法 approach

71. 我们对广告太习以为常了,我们甚至常常意识不到一天当中能看到和听到多少广告中。

We are so used to ads that we often do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.

72. 商业广告是广告客户支付费用以推销某种产品或服务的广告。

A commercial ad is one which someone has paid for to promote a product or service.

73. 我们对商业广告中所使用的技法还是得有些意识。

We must be aware of the methods used in a commercial.

74. 该信什么、不该信什么,我们需要在方面变得精明起来。

We should be smart about what we believe.

75. 与一则广告不同的是,广告宣传活动是一个经过组织的广告计划,使用各种类型的广告形式,以达到特定的目标受众。

3.译林牛津 高一一模块二单元Period 4 Word Power教案 篇三



牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (下)







contest, replace, possession, complete, include, programme, present(v), event, item, venue, timetable, compare, issue, order, dynasty, professor, unnecessary, attractive, underline, approve, , generation, require, scary, design, draft, wording, previous, finalize, poem, poet, confident, run(manage,operate), host, hostess, advertise,vote.


refer to 指 , function as当作…使用, 具有….的功能 , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short form用宿略的形式, take place发生, make decision作决定, make comparison作比较, take turns轮流, follow the outline按照纲要, be responsible for对…负责, consist of包含,由…构成, come up with想出, base on根据, have it approved by…征得…..的同意, inform sb of sth告知, sign up签名参加.


1. I have to do my home work in a place that has desks and chairs.


I don’t want to study in a room where desks and chairs are too small.


第一句里定语从句 that has desks and chairs的关系代词that指代主句中的名词room,作从句的主语;第二句里定语从句where desks and chairs are too small的关系副词where 指代主句中的in a room, 在从句中是地点状语。试比较:

This is the beach where(on which) many North Europeans spend their summer holidays.

This is the beach that(which) has white sand and palm trees.

上一句的beach是北欧人度假的地方,在这个地方是地点状语,所以用关系副词where 指代; 下一句中有白沙和棕榈树的是beach,它是从句的主语,所有以用关系代词that来指代。

2. Besides, I might be reading the books in your father’s bookcases instead.


She will be reading newspapers and magazines instead of doing her homework.


“might be reading”,“will be reading”属于“情态动词+be+doing” 的结构,表示对某个时间正在发生的事情的预言、推测或期待。例如:

I shall be lying in bed and watching my fvourite football game by the time he finishes his homework..等他做完家庭作业时,我早就会躺在床上看我喜爱的足球比赛了。

“instead,instead of ”都表示“代替,而不是….” “instead”通常需要承接上文才能表达完整的意思,“instead of ”则可以在一句话中表达做了和没做的事情。例如:

We didn’t go home after school. We went to a net café instead.

→Instead of going home after school, we went to a net café.

2) Students in UK don’t have lots of home work.. They have many school activities.

→Students in UK have many school activities instead of homework.

3. A programme is a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved.



4. The more choices you have, the better your final decisions will be.

相当于:If you have more choice (条件状语从句为一般现在时), you will make better decision(主句用将来时). 你的选择越多,最后的决定就越好。“The+比较级(adj/adv)或含比较级的词组,the+另一个比较级(adj/adv)或含比较级的词组”, 表示“越……就越…..”。

5. Your teacher has received an e-mail from a friend asking her about a history book from your school library.


划线部分是现在分词短语作定语,补充说明宾语e-mail 的内容。

6. ISBN ( International Standard Book Number) 国际标准图书编号

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)国际标准期刊编号

7.make常见的动宾搭配: make tea/coffee 沏茶、冲咖啡 , make friends交朋友 , make mistakes犯错误, make trouble惹麻烦, make a suggestion提建议, make a fire生火, make faces做鬼脸, make a decision做决定, make comparasions作比较, make a living谋生, make money挣钱 , make a request提要求, make an application申请。


通知是上级对下级、组织对成员或平行单位之间部署工作、传达事情或召开会议等所使用的应用文。以布告形式贴出,把事情通知有关人员,如学生、观众等,通常不用称呼;通知要求言简意赅、措辞得当、时间及时。 例一:布告形式的通知:通常此类通知上方正中写Notice或NOTICE(通知),发出通知的的单位的具体名称可放在正文前,也可放在正文后,右下角处,发出通知的日期写在左下角处。例如

NOTICE All mumbers of the students’union are requested to meet in the school conference room on Saturday, Sept18th, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss questions of international culture exchanges with New Zealand high school band. Sept.14,


Make a poster explaining a safety rule. It should give us a good Stay Alert message. If your poster wins you will receive a SASS T-shirt and it will appear in the SASS Gallery.

Mail you poster to:Stay Alert ... Stay SafeP.O. Box 93006,499 Main St. S.Brampton, OntarioL6Y 1N0


1.定语从句中关系代词that、which 用来指代物,who 、whom和that 用来指代人,whose用来表示所属关系,关系副词when、where和 why指代时间、地点和原因。

2.关系代词的用法 (1) 如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。例如: All that I have is my love for this land.

There isn’t much that we can do to ease his pain. (2) 如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, only, few, much, no, some, very等词修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which。例如:

The last person that we want to invite to our house is Uncle Sam.

No nation that is capable of such atrocity can be trusted by its neighbours. (3) 非限制性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that,作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略。例如: There are about seven million people taking part in the election, most of whom are well educated. (4) which还有一种特殊用法,它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思是与and this 相似。例如: She failed in her attempt to catch the prince’s attention, which was a great disappointment to her mother. (5) 如果作先行词的集体名词着眼于集体的整体,关系代词用which;若是指集体中的各个成员,则用who。 (6) 先行词有两个,一个指人,一个指物,关系代词应该用that。例如: The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely. (7) 如果先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody,关系代词应该用 who 或whom,不用 which。例如: Is there anyone here who will go with you?


The girl (whom) you just saw is the cheer leader of our football club.

Every moment(that) we spent in the UK will be a precious memory for us. As在定语从句中的用法 一. 引导限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 (1)as多与such 或the same连用,可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。 (2)as 也可单独使用,引导非限制性定语从句,作用相当于which。例如: The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see.二.关系副词引导的定语从句 1.关系副词也可以引导定语从句 关系副词在从句中分别表示时间.地点或原因。关系副词when在从句中充当时间状语,where 充当地点状语,why充当原因状语。例如:We shall always remember the day when Japan surrendered to the ally force.

This is one of the few places where you can buy top quality wine. 2. that有时也可引导定语从句表示时间.地点或原因 That有时可以代替关系副词 when, where 或者why引导定语从句表示时间.地点或原因,这种定语从句中的that也可以省去。例如:

That is the time(that) he arrives.

That is the reason (that) he came.



1. His parents wouldn’t let him play with anyone ______ scores was poor.

A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose

2. She heard a terrible noise, _______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. which C. this D. that

3. In the dark street , there wasn’t a single person _____ she could get help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

4. The day _______ he chose for his son wedding was a lucky day in the lunar calendar.

A. when B. where C. that D. who

5. After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.

A. whichB. where C. that D. when

6.This monument is all ______ remains of the ancient kingdom.

A. it B. that C. when D. which

7.He mentioned a book the tile of ______ I can’t remember now.A.whoB.which C.this D.what

8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _____ was very reasonable.

A. which price C. the price of which

C. its price D. the price of whose

9._____ has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A. As B. It C. That D. Which

10. He lived in London for 3 months , during ____ time he learned some English.

A. this B. which C. that D. same

11. On the wall hangs a picture, _____ color is blue.

A. whoseB. of which C. which D. its

12.I still remember the time ______ I first became a college student.

A. what B. whichC. that D. when

13. Mr.Ford still talks like the man______ he was ten years ago.

A. that B. where C. which D. there

14. The boss ____ department Ms King worked ten years ago looked down upon women.

A. in which B. in thatC. in whose D. whose

15.I don’t like _____ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

16.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ._______ I got wet through .

A. It’s the reason B. That’s why

C. There’s why D. It’s how

17. He made another wonderful discovery , ____ of great importance to science.

A. which I think is B. which I think it is

C. which I think it D.I think which is

18. There is only one dish on the table_______ I want to eat .

A. who B. that C. what D. whcih


4.译林牛津 高一一模块二单元Period 4 Word Power教案 篇四

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Make students pay attention to their health, and how to keep healthy.

(2) Get the Ss to improve oral English by talking about the pictures.

教学重、难点 Students are expected to express their own opinions by comparing the importance of beauty and health

Encourage students to speak freely

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

Step 1 Lead-in

(1) Look at pictures about some famous people, and think of the question “Is a person’s ability judged by their appearance?”

(2) Some questions about yourself:

Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life?

Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?

Step 2 Talk about the pictures

“Wow! I think this blouse will make me look slimmer.”

“This is really difficult but I feel so strong.”

“You must get enough sleep to stay healthy.”

“Eating more fruit makes me feel better.”

Step 3 Discussion:

Choose one picture and have a free talk.

(1) Who is the person? (2) The reason why he/she does so as the picture shows

(3) Give some details about the picture

(An example: Jane is a high school student and she is extremely happy, because she has been admitted to university. Tonight her parents will hold a party to celebrate her success and achievements. All their friends and relatives are invited to share her happiness. However, now she is at a loss about the clothes she is going to wear tonight. She is confident about everything except her weight. She always worries about being too fat. At this moment, she has spent at least half an hour selecting clothes without success.)

Step4 Talk about questions on P41

(1) Do you think we can change our appearance by wearing different clothes?

(2) Which do you think is more important, eating well or doing exercises?

(3) What do you do to keep yourself looking good and feeling good?

Step 5 Further discussion:

Looking good Feeling good



Step 6 Homework

(1) Preview the reading text.(2) Choose one picture on P41, and write down the details about it.

Step 1: Do the following tasks:

Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life?

Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?

2: find more examples:


Choose one picture and have a free talk.

(1) Who is the person? (2) The reason why he/she does so as the picture shows

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-2 Reading 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the three letters written by two good friends---Amy’s problems, how she dealt with it and Zhou Ling’s concerns and advice to Amy.

(2) Stimulate the Ss’ interest in learning English by talking about their own opinions when it

comes to the topic “To be beautiful or to be healthy ”

教学重、难点 Find the main points in the three letters and express them.

Find the main points in the three letters and express them.

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

Step 1 Lead-in

(1) Some people are overweight, some are a little fat, and some are slim. Find why people are fat.

(2) Discuss ways of losing weight.

a) going on a diet b) exercising in the gym

c) receiving surgical treatment d) taking weight-loss pills

(3) Talk about the advantages, disadvantages & examples of the ways of losing ways.

Step 2 Reading comprehension

(1) General questions: (1st reading)

Where does Amy come from?

What kind of pills did Amy take?

What caused Amy’s liver to fall?

(1) Ex C1 Choose the best answers. (2nd reading)

Questions: 1-6

Step 3 Further reading

(1) Ex C2 Find the main points in the three letters (3rd reading)

Subjects Main points

1 Dying to be thin

2 Recovering

3 Re: Recovering

(2) Ex D1 D2 Detailed understanding and learning new words in the context.

Step 4 Develop reading ability through usage

(1) Ex E Complete the letter based on the text.

Step 5 Consolidation and Expansion (Choose one of the following.)

(1) Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. What advice or suggestions would you give to Amy?

(2) Do you think pictures of film stars and models cause young people to worry about their looks? Why or why not?

(3) What do you think is the best way to keep healthy? Why?

Step 6 Homework

Read the whole text (1) to know what Amy had to stay slim and how she recovered.

(2) to learn some language usages

Step 1: Discuss ways of losing weight.

a)going on a diet b) exercising in the gym

c) receiving surgical treatment d) taking

stepII Talk

Talk about the advantages, disadvantages & examples of the ways of losing ways.


课 题 M1U3 课时 10-3 Reading language points 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Encourage the Ss to raise reading ability by focusing on language points.

(2) Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.

教学重、难点 Language usage:

used to do sth be/get used to sth/ doing sth use sth to do sth be used to do sth

touching; exciting; moving; disappointing, interesting… (arouse the feeling…) touched; excited; moved; disappointed, interesting… (be made to feel…)

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注

Step 1 Revision

Check the language usage in the text

(1) words & phrases (2) Non-restrictive attributive clauses (3) ‘however/but’ (4) Question tags

Step 2 Language points (Learn and use)

(1) I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.

used to do sth be/get used to sth/ doing sth use sth to do sth be used to do sth 区别和用法

It used to be thought that the Earth was flat, but now everyone knows it is round.

Dr Ma used to work in a children’s hospital in Nanjing, usedn’t /didn’t he?

I never got used to going to bed so late.

Computers are used to do a lot of work in many companies.

(2) I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.

Many famous actors keep fit by working out in the gym every day.

The room smelled wonderful but they could not work out where the smell was from.

(3) I’m trying to lose weight because I’m so ashamed of my body.

be ashamed of sb./sth./doing.../ be ashamed to do.../ be ashamed that…

(4) Since I’m preparing to act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less, which are quite popular among young women here.

Since you have a three-day holiday, why not go to the countryside to enjoy the quiet life there?

(5) They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. contain / include区别和用法

To keep fit, we should always avoid food containing too much fat.

The price includes the postage charges.

My pet dog has caused me a lot of trouble. What caused him to fall off his horse?

Step 3 Consolidation

Read the text and find the sentences containing the language usages we have just learned.

Step4 Homework

(1) A1/A2(P102) (2) B1/B2(P103) (3) Learn the new words by heart.

(be made to feel…)

The excited children were opening their Christmas presents. (excite)

She was deeply moved when she watched the moving film. (move)

Step 3 Consolidation

Read the text and find the sentences containing the language usages we have just learned.

Step4 Homework

(1) A1/A2(P102) (2) B1/B2(P103) (3) Learn the new words by heart.

Step 1: Discuss ways of losing weight.

2.have a dictation

Take notes.

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-4 Word power 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1). Learn and master the new words about sports

(2). Enlarge the knowledge about sport

教学重、难点 Talk about sports to learn new words

Remember some new names of sports

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注


Step 1 Lead-in

Talk about the 10th National Sports in Nanjing:

(1) What have Nanjing people done for the 10th National Sports ?

(2) What can I do for this sports meeting?

(3) How many kinds of sports can you name ?

Free talk about yourself.

(1) Of all kinds of sports, which do you like most?

(2) Are there any school clubs in your school? Have you ever joined one? If not, are you planning to join one?

Step 2 Read and speak

(1) Part A on page 46

(2) Find all the names of clubs

Step 3 Further study

Talk about expressions of the pictures about sports:

badminton tennis boxing fencing

weightlifting squash shooting volleyball

basketball football aerobics triathlon

Step 4 Read and understand

(1) Complete the exercise of Part C on page 47.

(2) Some questions for you :

1) What suggestions does Zhou Ling give to Amy?

2) Zhou Ling gives specific advice to Amy about the exercise she can do after the operation: Firstly, if Amy wants to get strong and have some fun with friends,_________________.

If Amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, Zhou Ling advises her to__________________.

If Amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try_________________.

(3) Types of sports Part D (P47)

Do you know which are indoor sports and which are outdoor sports? Think more!

boxing beach volleyball fencing

gymnastics skiing baseball…

Step 5. Homework

(1) Learn all the new words by heart.

(2) Make sure you know how to use it.

Step 1:Answer the following questions

Read and speak

(1) Part A on page 46

(2) Find all the names of clubs

Take notes.

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-5 Grammar and usage 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Master the usage of non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

(2) Practice about all kinds of Attributive Clause.

教学重、难点 (1) Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

(2) The usage of “which” and “that” in Attributive Clause.

(3) Some special usage of “that” in Attributive Clause

Remember some new names of sports

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注


Step 1 Lead-in

(1) T shows a picture of Brad Pitt. T gives 3 blanks to be filled in using information from the picture involving restrictive Attributive Clauses

(2) T shows another picture of Zhang bozhi. T gives 2 blanks to be filled in using information from the picture involving non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

(3) Ask Ss to find out the differences between these sentences.

That is, Comma;

The Non-restrictive Attributive Clause can be left out;

We can’t use “that” in this kind of sentence;

We can’t miss the relative words, either.

Step 2 Initial knowledge of Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

Find out the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause on page 42-43 (Reading).

Step 3 Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses

(1) T gives Ss some more examples and tells Ss that we can use “which” to refer to the whole main clause, and we can’t use “that”. Some exercises are available as well;

(2) T gives Ss some more examples and tells Ss that we can use most/ all/ some/ both/ part + of + whom/ which to express a complete or partial quantity. Some exercises are available as well;

(3) More exercises.

Step 4 Further study of the Attributive Clauses

“That” must be used in Attributive Clause in the following cases:

(1). the antecedent is all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything, none, one, etc.

(2). The antecedent is modified by all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some, etc.

(3).The antecedent is modified by an ordinal or superlative

(4). The antecedent is modified by only, very, last, etc.

(5). The antecedent refers to people and things.

(6). A sentence begins with who or which.

(7).A relative pronoun functions as predicative.

More examples are available in each part.

More exercises are available as well.

Step 5 Summary and homework

A brief summary of the usage of Attributive Clauses

Complete the exercises on page 48-49.

Step 1 know the

knowledge of Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

Further study of the Attributive Clauses

Take notes.

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-6 Grammar 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Master the usage of non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

(2) Review the usage of all kinds of Attributive Clause.

(3) Review the usage of intonation, and learn how to read question tags.

(4) Learn and master the form of question tags.

教学重、难点 Some special forms of the question tags.

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注


Step 1 Lead-in

T shows a picture, and tells a story of “shmily”. A old couple keep playing the “shmily” hide and seek game. They write “shmily” on a piece of paper, and hide it in their house. Sometimes, they hide it under a cup, sometimes they hide it under a book. And the meaning of “shmily” is ‘see how much I love you’.

T: Do you say “I love you” to your parents? And how do you say it?

S: …

T: Do your parents say “I love you” to you? If they are too shy to say “I love you” to you, you can ask them, “You love me, don’t you?” and remember, in a rising intonation. When we expect the other person to agree with us, the question tad has a falling intonation.

Step 2 Question tags

T introduces the definition of question tags and the basic usage of question tag.

(1) We use a negative question tag at the end of a positive statement; we use a positive question tag at the end of a negative statement;

(2) Words like neither, none, nobody, nothing, few, little, never, hardly or seldom are considered negative;

(3) We use a personal pron. like I, we, you, he, she, it or they in a question tag.

(4) We use an auxiliary verb, model verb or be in a question tag.

(5) After an imperative clause, we use will you. After Let’s, we use shall we.

Some exercises are available as well.

Step 3 Language points

T asks Ss to read out the answers and T introduces the important language points as well.

(1). consider

a. 考虑consider sth./doing sth.

b. consider 认为 +that clause/ sb. to be

c. consider as 认为……是……

(2). be skinny= be very thin

(3). lift weights(4). side effect

(5). achievement(6). take the risk

(7). read your post

Step 4 Homework

P51, A, B; P104, C1, C2

Step tells a story of “shmily”

introduces the definition of question tags and the basic usage of question tag.

Take notes.

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-7 Task 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Practise students’ language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing

(2) Help students to learn 2 skills of finding information

教学重、难点 教学重点: Find and underline the main ideas

教学难点: Find and circle the key words

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注


Step 1 Introduce two skills of finding information:

(1) Read the questions carefully before you begin.

(2) Skim the passage, and look for main points and key words.

Step 2 Practise

(1) Find the main ideas and key words in a passage:

Main idea: I think too many people take weight-loss pills without really knowing that they can damage their health.

Key words: cause liver failure; worried about her figure;

health is priceless; eat properly

(2) Read two pictures about “Better Body Gym”, and find the main points and key words.

(3) Passage understanding

Some questions about the above two pictures;

1.Membership fee:


2.Number of gyms in the city:

1.____ 2.____ 3.____

3.What do you get for free?__________________________________________

4. How big is each gym?

5.Can you get advice from a personal trainer?

Yes______ No______

6. How can you find out more?


Step 3 Practise listening

1.One in Jinshan Road; one near the King Hotel


3.Provide with your ID number


Step 4 Practise writing

(1) Complete a letter to your friend. Explain why you think he should join the gym by using the given information .

(2) Write a letter to recommend a gym to a friend

Step 5 Homework

(1) Find information about a club.

(2) Invite your friend to join it.

and look for main points and key words.

Find the main ideas and key words in a passage:

Main idea:

Practise writing

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-8 Task 2 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Get the Ss to focus on note-taking skills by studying and practising.

(2) Encourage the Ss to use abbr, key words and symbols in taking notes.

教学重、难点 教学重点:

(1) Use abbreviations & contractions.

(2) Write down the key words.

(3) Use symbols


(4) Use punctuations

(5) Interviewing classmates about exercise and taking note

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注


Step 1 Lead-in

Guess the meanings:

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec mor afn min sec hr ﹥ ﹤ ↑↓ A Q ABC BA circamara SOHO contd Art Fest

Step 2 Note-taking

1 use abbreviations & contractions:

PRC NO. Dept e.g. SH1 I’D shan’t won’t mfr Art Fest

2 Write down the key words.

(1)Model: Gym can be expensive = Gym memberships can sometimes be very expensive.

(2) Practice: Let’s try.

3 Use symbols

(1) Model: By swimming regularly, jogging, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep, I can be healthier. swimming + jogging + water + sleep →healthier

(2) Practice: Let’s try.

Step 3 Listening practice:

1 The number seven bus is not on time. No. 7 bus isn’t on time.

2 Our department is increasing the number of teachers. Our dept is↑the no. of teachers.

3 I’d like to see the manufacturer. I’d like to see the mfr.

4 Senior High 1 has a bigger class than Senior High 2. SH1 has a ﹥class than SH2.

5 The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. PRC was founded in 1949.

Step 4 Interviewing classmates about exercise

(1) Listen to the speaker and take notes about the equipment available in the gym.

(2) Interview your partner. (3) Tell your class what exercise your partner does.

what basketball/dancing/football /gym / running / swimming

Why fit / fun / healthy / strong

When Often/sometimes/ seldom /never

Whom classmates / family /friends

Step 5 Using punctuation

(1) Do you know these punctuation


(3) marks? , . ? ! : ; ‘ ’ ’ - -

(2) Practice: Let’s try:

Step 6 Consolidation

Write an e-mail to your friend recommending Better Body Gym.

Step 7 Homework

Exx D1 & D2

Guess the meanings

Listening practice:

Listen to the speaker and take notes

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-9 Project 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Get the Ss to know about proper health and fitness so that they can take care of themselves.

(2) Improve the students’ ability of making a survey and making a questionnaire.

教学重、难点 教学重点: (1) Read the passage about health.

(2) Make a survey about health.

教学难点: (3) Complete a report about health.

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注


Step 1 Lead-in

T shows two pictures, one is Nicole Kidman, and the other is Victoria Beckham. Ask the Ss whether they know them? What do they think about them? Do they think they’re beautiful? What is beauty in their eyes?

Step 2 Skimming

(1) Try to get the main idea of each paragraph.

(2) Try to get the general idea of the whole passage.

Step 3 Introducing the project

Make a booklet about how healthy the students in our school.

Step 4 The procedures of doing the project

(1) Planning:

Get into groups(4-6)

Clear assignments

Decide which group your group will survey.

(2) preparing:

Make a questionnaire.

Give out and collect the questionnaires.

Record and analyze the statistics.

Write the report.

(3) Producing:

a. You can make a questionnaire based on the following points: How many; How often; Have you; How much; Do you

A sample questionnaire is provided as a reference as well.

b. Remember to talk to the teacher to get enough time to give out and collect your Questionnaire.

c. Record and analyze statistics and remember to compare your figures with the numbers and percentages the reading article provides.

d. Report should include the following parts:

the class, grade;

how many Ss answered the Qs;


(3) presenting:

Present the reports to the class

Step 5 Homework

Complete the project

课 题 M1U3 课时 10-10 Project 主备人 Swan 授 课

时 间 2008.10.

教 学 目 标 (1) Improve the students’ ability and provide practice.

(2) Make a booklet about health.

(3) Master the usage of some useful words and expressions.

教学重、难点 Present a report about health to the whole class.

Present a report about health to the whole class.

Make a survey about health

教、学 具 A projector and some slides

预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.

教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注


Step 1 Lead-in

T shows Ss the rules of how to present.

1. Report should include the following parts:

the class, grade;

how many Ss answered the Qs;


2. Each group member should report on part of the results.

Step 2 Presentation

T values which group did a better job, and also invites the Ss to talk about which they like best, and why.

Step 3 How to make a booklet

A booklet will include…

Cover contents reports appendix

Step 4 Language points

T introduces some language points in the article to Ss.

(1) Word focus

life-style regular count control concentrate

(2) words to be learned from old words

energy, skip

(3) phrases to be noticed along with

in the long term a good amount of sleep

as a matter of fact in no time

Step 5 homework

Make a booklet

report on part of the results

make a booklet
