


1.初二外研module4全解 篇一

Teaching plan

Module 3

my school Teaching aims of this unit: 知识目标:能理解there be 句型表示存在的用法

能运用there be 句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问及特殊疑问形式和相应的回答


能四会下列词语: picture, right, science, some, any, one,There , forty-six, thirty, fifty, sixty,seventy, eighty, ninety, a lot of, oh, world, behind, between, middle, near, with, for, room

能理解下列词语:computer, furniture, map, television, wall, lot, tree, dining hall, gate, library,playground, science, lab 技能目标:


能利用there be 句型介绍自己的班级和学校。





Class: Class One, Grade Seven Date:

September 23rd, 2012



Unit 1 there are thirty students in my class Class type:

Listening and speaking Teaching method: top-down approach Studying aims:

 To understand the conversation on class and classroom. To briefly introduce one’s classroom.Key vocabulary: computer, television, picture, thirty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a lot of, oh, world, any, tree, Key structures: There’s …There are…

How many…are there

Is /are there…?

Yes, there is/are

No ,there isn’t/ aren’t

Teaching project:

computer multimedia

Teaching Procedures: Step 1

Free talk Step 2

Showing studying aims Step 3

Warning up / lead – in

 Greet students and ask them to look around the classroom.T: Good morning, everybody!Nice to see you!S: Nice to see you, too.T: OK, my dear class, you know, we have classes in the classroom every day.Look around!What’s in the classroom? Can you tell me? S.Desks, chairs… T: Pretty good!Now please let’s take a careful look at the pictures in activity 1.Can you describe the things in it using the words in the box? Motivate the class.Stand in different places on the left or right and ask if it’s the left or right of the class.Step 4 Task One:look at the pictures and talk about them(Activity 1)

Ask students to take turns to say what they see.Meanwhile, write down the words they said on the blackboard.Ask them to read after the teacher.And then ask them to make sentences using the words one by one using the structure I can see …

T: Can you see these things in our classroom? Show the following.desks, television, chairs, bags, pencils, pens, pencil-boxes, blackboard, broom, door, wall …

S: Yes, I can see eight desks.S: No, I can’t see a television.S: Yes.I can see some chairs.…

Give every student chance to practice.Step 5 Task Two: Listening---listen and choose the correct picture.(Activity 2) Ask the Ss to read the words first. Ask students to listen to the recording and choose the correct picture.T: There are three pictures of classrooms in activity 1.Which picture is the recording about? Play the tape again for them to work out the answer. Call back answers from the whole class.Step 6 Task Three : Listening and speaking(Activity 3)

 Tell the students they are going to listen and read about linda and daming’s classroom. Ask them to read the conversation silently. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation  Complete the table based on the information they have listened to and read in Activity 3  Play the recording , check in pairs  Read after the recording together first.Then Read it in groups.Step 7 Speaking(Activity 8)

 Make some new dialogs in pairs. Show their dialogs. Ask sb.to find another partner to make a new dialog.Step 8 write about your classroom(Activity 7)Then go on with activity 7 and practice the numbers.At the same time, emphasize the difference between –teen and –ty.Ask students to work in pairs and write about their classroom using numbers.Step 9 Sum up Step 10 Homework :

 Listen and read the conversation till can learn it by heart.


Learn some words in Module3 by heart.Subject:


Class: Class One, Grade Seven Date:

September 24th, 2012



Unit 2 the library is on the left of the playground Class type:

Reading and writing Teaching method: interactive approach Studying aims:

 To read and identify places from descriptions. To describe pictures of places, using prepositions correctly.Key vocabulary: dining hall, gate, library, playground, science, lab, behind, between, middle, near, with,for, room

Key structures: How many…are there

Daming is on my right./ gao yan’s in front of daming and between zhaofeng and li min./lingling is behind zhao feng Teaching project:

computer multimedia

Teaching Procedures: Step 1

Showing studying aims Step 2

Free talk and Revision

 Greet students and ask them to describe the things around.T: Hello, everyone!Nice to see you!S: Hello.Miss Zhang.Nice to see you too.T: We are in the classroom now.Could you tell me what’s around you? Show the following.There is … There are …

Ask as many students as possible to tell the things around them.Then ask them to work in pairs and write about their classroom using numbers. Sample version:

There are 42 desks and 42 chairs in our classroom.There is a teacher’s desk.There are some pictures on the wall.There are 42 students in our class.There are 25 boys and 15 girls.Step 3

Warning up / lead – in

(Activity 1)

Ask students to do activities 1, 2 on page 16.First help students learn the words in the box in activity 1.Then ask students to finish the following.Show the following.We have classes in the ________.We read at the _______.We have meals at the _________.We do exercises in the ________.We do experiments in the ________.Teachers work in the ______.After this, ask students to match the picture with the places.

Check the answers in pairs and then call back answers from the whole class Step 4 Task One: Reading---Activities 2,3,4  Ask the students to read Betty’s words silently to find where the students are sitting  Do Activity 2 individually. Ask them to look at the pictures and check individually first. Check the answers. Read the passage and lable the map of the school

(Activity3) Listen and read the passage again. Read Activity 3 and call back answers from the whole class  Read and answer the questions(Activity4)

 Listen and read the passage loudly. Read and answer the questions  Check the answers. Step 5 Task Two: Writing

Look at the sentences and answer the questions.(Activity 5)

Ask students to practice writing sentences using the correct pronouns. First ask students to read the sentences and answer the questions in activity 5 and then answer the questions about their school.(Activity 6)Step 6 Sum up Step 7 Homework

 Listen and read the passage can learn it by heart.


Learn some words in Module1 by heart.Subject:


Class: Class One, Grade Seven Date:

September 25th , 2012



Unit 3 Language in use Class type:

Review and expansion Teaching method: Formal and interactive practice Studying aims:

 To summarise and consolidate there be structure  To consolidate the prepositions of places Teaching project:

computer multimedia

Teaching Procedures: Step 1

Free talk and Revision

 Check the homework.Review “There be” pattern by telling a story as follows.T: Hello, everyone!Today I’ll tell you a story.(Turn off the lights, and tell the story in a low voice.)There is a dark, dark house in the town.In the town there are dark, dark stairs.Go up, up, up the stairs.There is a dark, dark room.Open the door.There is a dark, dark kitchen.In the kitchen there is a large, large fridge.What is in the fridge? Now open your books and turn to page 30.Look at the picture and answer the question.S: There is some meat in it.S: There are some eggs in it.…

T: Are there any bananas in it? S: Yes, there are.T: Is there any sugar in it? S: No, there isn’t.T: Good.Now look around your classroom and talk about it.S: There are 40 students in our classroom.There are 23 boys and 17 girls in our class.And there are two foreign students in our class.S: There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom.Miss Yang’s bag is on the desk.There are some books in her bag.…

 Then ask students to look at the pictures and complete the sentences in activity 2.In this procedure, divide the class into two groups and have a competition.One of the groups asks questions like Where is …;and the other answers in a limited time.Then exchange the roles.Step 2

Showing studying aims Step 3

Language practice

Ask the Ss to say what they have learnt in this Module.Encourage them to say the important sentences and the phrases.

Ask them to sum up the grammar about how to use there be  Activity two: reading Look at the pictures and answer the questions(Activity 2) Ask them to look at the pictures,. Students read the questions, then practice in pairs Complete the passage(Activity 2)

 Look at the picture and then read the passage. Check with a partner  Elict the answer from the whole class Complete the word map from the box(Activity 3)

 Brainstorm and complete the word map individually, and check with a partner Step 4 Module task

 Activity 6: Writing---write about your school 

Work individually first.

Check out the answer in pairs.

Call back answers from the whole class.

Explain something difficult.Step 5 Around the world  Ask the students to look at the picture and discuss what they see  Read the description.Step 6 Sum up Step 7 Homework

 Listen and read the passage can learn it by heart.

Exx. Learn some words in Module1 by heart.

2.初二外研module4全解 篇二


Module4 Library Unit1 Where are the books about computers, please?









3.初二外研module4全解 篇三

Unit 3 Language in use (Module 4 Life in the future)

二、Targets for this period:

The students can use “will” to express their own wishes

To summarize and consolidate “will” and the new vocabulary

To talk about the prospect of one’s own school

三、Key points:

Key structure-will + V.原形 ; adj. + n.

四、Teaching methods:

Task-based approach, formal and interactive practice

五、Teaching aids

Blackboard, handouts

六、Teaching arrangements:

Step One Warming-up (Homework)

1. Have the students talk about life in the future in pairs.

2. Ask the students to translate some sentences by using will or be going to

e.g. Everyone will have a small car.

We are going to buy a small car on Sunday morning.

Teachers won’t write on a blackboard with chalk.

There is going to be a football match next week.

There will be heavy rain and strong winds.

Step Two Presentation:

1. Language practice: Go through the examples with the students.

2. Make sure that students understand the difference between the “will” future of this module and the “be going to” future of the previous module.

1) The “will” future is used here to talk about the possible for the distant future.

2) The definite plans made for the future of the “be going to” form.

Step Three Drilling (Activity 1 & 2)

1. Read through the example with the class.

2. Ask the students to write the questions individually, then peer correct with a partner.

3. Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs.

4. Circulate and monitor students’ production, particularly the intonation of the questions

1) Will students use pens and paper? No, they won’t. They’ll use computers.

2) Will students read books? No, they won’t. They’ll read on the Internet.

3) Will students go to school to have lessons? No, they won’t. They’ll study at home.

4) Will teachers send emails to students? Yes, they will.

Step Four To put the adjectives in the correct places in the sentences (Activity 3)

1. Read through the example with the class.

2. Make sure that the students understand that the adjectives in these sentences need to go before a noun, and they must choose the correct noun.

3. Ask the students to insert the adjectives individually, then to check with a partner.

1) New cars will be small.

2) Machines will do heavy work in factories.

3) People will have long holidays.

4) There will be strong winds in spring and autumn.

5) We’ll speak good English.

6) Flying in large planes will be cheap.

Step Five To put the words and phrases into the correct columns (Activity 4)

1. Read through the words.

2. Pay attention to the multi-syllable words with the stress on other syllables than the first.

Climate: bad weather, hot summer, strong winds, warm winter

Technology: cable TV, computer, satellite TV

Jobs: dull jobs, heavy work, interesting jobs

Transport: expensive fuel, large planes, small cars

Step Six To translate the sentences into English.

1. 每一个人将通过邮件方式把作业发送给老师。

Everyone will send their homework to the teacher by email.

2. 将来有学校吗?

Will there be schools in the future?

3. 学生将通过电脑与老师交谈。

Students will talk with their teachers on their computers.

5. 老师们将不用粉笔在黑板上书写。

Teachers won’t write on the blackboard with chalk.

6. 搭乘大型飞机的飞行将会很便宜。

Flying in large planes will be very cheap.

7. 将有暴雨和强风。

There will be heavy rain and strong winds.

9. 人们将每周工作三天,所以他们将会有很长的假期和许多空闲时间。

People will work three days a week, so they will have long holidays and lots of free time.

10. 加热我们的房子将会更便宜。

It’ll be cheaper to heat our house.

11. 我们舒适的家将会冬暖夏凉。

Our comfortable homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer.

12. 机器将会在工厂里干重活。

Machines will do heavy work in factories.

Step Seven To design the dream school (Module Task)

1. Ask the students to think about their dream school and make notes about them in the appropriate column.

2. Tell the students to appoint a secretary, and brainstorm their ideas, which the secretary notes down. They should note everything that is said.

3. Ask the groups to design a rough sketch of a poster for “Our dream School”. Tell them to think about lettering, layout, passage and illustrations.

4. Display some posters and ask the students to tell the classmates about his or her dream school.


1. To review Module 4 and copy all the words and expressions in P156

2. To finish Module4, 点中典 & 轻巧夺冠

Blackboard designing

Unit 3 Language in use

There be Cp: be going to

1. Everyone will have a small car.

2. We are going to buy a small car on Sunday morning.

3. Teachers won’t write on a blackboard with chalk.

4. There is going to be a football match next week.

5. There will be heavy rain and strong winds.

Adj. + n.

1. New cars will be small.

2. Machines will do heavy work in factories.

3. People will have long holidays.

4. There will be strong winds in spring and autumn.

5. We’ll speak good English.



