


1.西北工业大学面试英语自我陈述 篇一





我来自x x高中理科实验班。在这个班里,我的学习成绩总是占了上风。这样的成绩让我牢牢扎根在学校学术成绩的前列。事实上,我的潜力还是很大的,我的分数还有升值空间。我对问题的深入分析和对知识的掌握并没有完全体现在我的论文中。很多时候我的回答是对的,但是解题过程并没有被阅卷老师理解。有时候,过程很清晰,结果却因一个微小的错误而错过。我选择你的学校是因为我认为你的学校既注重过程又注重结果。我觉得我个人适合在贵校接受教育。



2.西北工业大学面试英语自我陈述 篇二



3.工业设计英语面试自我介绍 篇三

I am cheerful enthusiasm, can deal with good interpersonal relationships, can better adapt to the new environment; I am good at observation, attention to detail; strict with oneself, broad-minded toward others is my motto; willing to endure hardship, hard work is my attitude; innovation, not afraid of failure, never give up is my evaluation of my friends; strong learning ability, love study, the greater the pressure the greater power.

In addition, I also on the computer and English learning interest, through the efforts of the systematic study of the VI corporate image planning, copywriting, graphic design, poster design, packaging design, book design, photography and other professional knowledge; familiar with graphic design software Photoshop, CorelDRAW, InDesign;

CAD software; video post Premiere software; in the study, I focus on the combination of theory and practice, has had quite practical ability, can independent advertising planning, advertising design work ability: fluent with occupation. Word, Excel and other office software, dedication and sense of responsibility so that I can face any difficulties and challenges; I also take the initiative to participate in various activities and social practice in schools, do not let go of any opportunity to exercise their own

4.西北工业大学面试英语自我陈述 篇四

I am open-minded, quick in thought, aggressive and very fond of history. In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other Youngers. I like reading books, especially those about ancient history and unsolved mysteries of the world. Frequently I exchange my ideas with other people by making comments in the forum on line. I am able to operate the computer well. I am skillful in searching for information on Internet. I love playing badminton and always play it with my friends .Traveling is another hobby of mine, and I hope I can travel around the world with my loved one some day.

I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning. So I choose to have my further study .You may ask why I choose Jiangsu University for I have already been studying here for almost 4 years .Then I would say ,I love Jiangsu University and it is a great place to live in and study at, isn’t it ? She has long histories, beautiful environment, kind people and strong academic atmosphere and so on. Then why not?

If I am lucky enough to have the chance to study control theory and control engineering here, I will spare no effort to study my major well. I will concentrate on the study and research in this field. First, I will work hard to learn the theoretical knowledge, constructing a solid base for my future work;Second, I would like to do some practical work with the help of the supervisor and classmate. I deeply believe that after 3 years of hard working, my dream will finally come true, of course , the premise is you give me the chance. I really hope that you can give the chance!

That is all about me .Thanks for your attention!

5.大学生自我陈述报告写作技巧 篇五




5、您的事业目标和远景规划 (你所申请的专业和你未来的职业的关系)








a) 参加的组织及职位,职责

b) 领导经历

c) 社区活动

d) 兴趣,爱好


a) 在您一生中您认为最值得自豪的事情是什么?

b) 在您一生中对您影响最大的事情是什么?

c) 列举您最喜欢的事情,请说明原因

d) 下列哪些词汇最适合您,请列举

Confidence (自信) Energy(有活力)

Enthusiasm (热情) Perseverance (有毅力)

Creativity (有创造力) Humor (幽默)

Independence (独立)


6.大学英语口语考试话题陈述 篇六


In my opinion ,purpose of higher education can not only make students know something but aslo make them have critical sense.Based on the common sense of the world ,students would have the courage to doubt the authority and speak out their own opinions.If some people have diffent ideas on one problem ,they can disscuss it with each other even debate on it.Each of them can learn a lot from others and all of them could hold their own opinions but all of them could understand deeply on the problem.Therefor we could develop our own ability.More importantly ,we would be sure that how to be a person.It could free the mind and the spirit ,but restrain our minds and spirits,teach the younger generation common sense of the world but aslo sharp their critical mind and creation ability.In sum, the aim of the education is to turn out people who can serve for the society and the people living in it.2.城市交通

I do not think the traffic condition is bad in Nan Chang expect when it is during the rush hours ,but when it rains , all is in mess.For the road will be full of water and serious traffic jams even traffic accidents will be caused.With respect to causes of traffic jam ,not strict traffic regulations ,poor driving ,crossing the red light and so on.As for the traffic jam in the city ,there are three ways to deal with them.First ,strict traffic regulations are in need of issuing.Second , more training are given to drivers.Third ,we need to persuade people to observe traffic regulations and not to cross the street when the red light is on.If the three ways can work well ,I am sure the traffic jam in the city can be solved effectively.3.冲浪

Internet is the result of modern science and technology.With development of society, internet plays a more and more important role in people’s life.However, some students spend a lot of time surfing net, I think, it is a problem.Because it has its advantages and disadvantages.For its advantages:(1)internet is source of amusement such as movie, play, music and so on.(2)Learning about the latest News all over the world.(3)Learning about the developments in science, arts etc.for its disadvantages:(1)Distracting students from their work and study.(2)Taking up too much of students’ time.(3)Corrupting students with some harmful shows due to its violence and sex.In my opinion, the computer or exactly the internet make our study and work much more convenient and save our time.Besides, the information on the internet is updated everyday, so that we can get the latest information as soon as possible.Moreover, there is much space to contain various information, so we can obtain whatever we want through the internet.Nevertheless, what the other aspect of the internet, namely the negative one? Personally speaking, there is some unhealthy information on the internet, which is harmful to our minds.Thus, it’s absolutely necessary especially for us teens to resist the bad lures, such as violence, eroticism and the like.Accordingly, weighing the pros and cons of the two sides, it is extremely important for us to deal properly with internet.It is quite hard, though.Yet, I still cherish an unshakable belief that if we all make full use of it, our study, work, even our life will be richer and more colorful.4.处理压力

At first ,some reasonable academic pressure is necessary and helpful.It can change into the motivation when we do something.Stress is a response to challenges in life ,and a life without challenge is too boring to contemplate.However ,most of the stress in oue lives is unnecessary ,and it can be reduced by taking measures.You can find a true frident to talk.Eating and drinking alcohol can reduce the pressure ,but you shuld do not drink too much ,otherwise the wine into the feeling of sadness yeah.Cry ,cry ,help people reduce stress.5.环保

I am satisfied with the living environment on campus ,there are plenty of places of interest, trees are here and there and it is full of fresh air.But city environment is not good , there is air pollution, water pollution , white pollution , flood , drought and global warming.Reason are following , people cut too many trees and destroy a lot of farm land for meeting the need of economy development ,people bad habits such a spit in the public,throwing rubbish here and there and wasting resources ,the number of cars is rasing ,pouring more waste gas and making noise.Government should make laws and rulers to protect environment , punish the crimes, and give reward and praise to these environment –protectors.As a student should plant trees ,aviod unnecessary wastes and recycle wastes.Moreover we should encourage to use public transportation like bus instead of private cars.6.自信

7.大学面试自我介绍 篇七





8.职场双语:面试陈述切忌一律 篇八

Thinking the job description is set in stone


When you start an interview, find out what you’re interviewing for. Typically, the person who writes and publishes a job description is not the person making the hiring decision. Ask the hiring manager what the goals are for the position, and ask who the new hire will work most closely with so you know who’ll have the biggest say in whether or not you get hired.


《职场双语:面试陈述切忌千篇 一律》()。一般情况下,写作和发布职位信息的人不是决定雇佣与否的人。咨询一下招聘人员你所应聘的职位是做什么的,这个职位和谁的工作关系最紧密,这样你就知道了谁是那个握有生杀大权的人,他会决定是否雇佣你。

And, if you get the job, remember that it could change all over again. Immediately. So don’t ever assume you know what your job is until you investigate. The only constant about your job description is that you must be invaluable to your boss in order to succeed.

9.大学面试自我介绍简短 篇九




10.大学生的自我陈述报告 篇十



