


1.中印农村金融发展比较研究及启示 篇一







通过以上论述,我们得出了发展农村普惠金融对我国农村经济发展的重要作用,也进一步了解了我国农村金融发展中存在的问题,并提出了促进我国农村普惠金融发展的措施。相信通过建立多层次的农村普惠金融体系、增强农村普惠金融机构的可持续发展能力、充分发挥政府在农村普惠金融发展过程中的作用等措施,一定可以使我国农村的金融得到良好的的发展,进而促进我国农村经济的发展并使我国金融体系得到完善。inclusive financial connotation Inclusive Finance is a concept proposed by the United Nations in 2005, when the United Nations and the world bank to promote the concept of.The basic implication is that the financial system can be effectively and fully capable of providing services to all social classes and groups.In fact, all of the people are able to enjoy more financial services, to better support the development of the real economy.Its connotation mainly includes the following aspects: first, inclusive finance is a concept.Only let everyone have the right to enjoy financial services, have the opportunity to participate in economic development, in order to achieve common prosperity, to build a harmonious society.Secondly, in terms of services, poor and low-income customers is the core of the financial system, their demand for financial services determines the actions of all aspects of the financial system.Finally, inclusive finance is to provide financial services at a lower price rather than free.Essentially, financial inclusion is to lower the threshold of the excluded outside the traditional financial services included in the financial service system, it is not a purely financial transfer, but to let everyone enjoy the affordable and sustainable financial services.2 the significance of developing Inclusive Finance in rural areas Rural finance is the core of the modern rural economy, which has great influence on the development of rural economy.Therefore, the development of Inclusive Finance in rural areas, improve rural financial institutions, inclusive financial institutions in rural sustainable development capacity is mainly determined in their risk management level.Therefore, if you want to improve their capacity for sustainable development, improve their risk management.First, the gradual implementation of group lending mechanism to reduce the risk of loans, can have to mortgage instead of the effect;on the other hand can make poor farmers mutual guarantee, so that their mutual supervision, help each other, improve the repayment rate, reduce the risk of the loan.Second, the problem of information asymmetry in the development of rural inclusive finance brings great risks to financial institutions.We can make use of advanced information technology to make rural financial institutions to establish information, network management system, access to relevant information, reduce network risk.Third, inclusive rural financial institutions only take commercial operation, follow the interest rate market principles, in order to gradually get rid of dependence on government subsidies, make their own operating income to the burden of their operating costs, so as to achieve sustainable development of inclusive rural financial institutions.Finally, to give full play to the government in rural areas.
