


1.小学英语动词be的练习 篇一



drink__________ buy__________ look___________ teach_______ come___________play___________ sit_____________ask__________ go____________ study___________do_____________have___________


1、My name_______Sam.2、It______________a tree.3、It_____________an elephant.4、Linda and Rose________________good friends.5、____________________you Mr.Wang?

6、_____________________this a computer.7、What___________your name?

三、用do 或does填空。

1、—___________you ride a bike after school? —Yes,I____________.2、—___________your sisiter like P.E? —No,she _______________not.3、—What ______________the students have? —They have some pens.4.—He_________not speak English.He speaks Japanese.5、—______________they watch TV on Sundays? —Yes,they______________.6、My father and mother _______________not read newspapers on Saturdays.四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1..He often________________(have)dinner at home.2.We_______________(not watch)TV on Mondays.3、Tom________________(not go)to the zoo on Sundays.4.What________they often__________(do)on Saturday? 5________________your parents________________(read)newspapers every day.五、选择。

1、—Do they have a new English teacher? —Yes,_______________.A.they are B.they do C.they have D.they does 2.He usually ____________hiking on weekends.A.go B.is going C.goes D.going

3、They _____________any P.E classes on Monday.A.have B.don’t have C.are not having D.are have

六、句型转换。1.I am a happy girl.否定句:____________________________________ 一般疑问句:________________________________ 否定回答:_____________________________ 2.This is my book.否定句:_____________________________________ 一般疑问句:__________________________________ 肯定回答:________________________________ 3.They are on the chair.否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________ 否定回答:_____________________________ 4.Lily has a ball.否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________ 否定回答:_____________________________ 5.Tom and Tony play basketball after school。

否定句:___________________________________ 一般疑问句:_______________________________ 肯定回答:_____________________________





四、has/don’t watch/doesn’t go/do,do/Do,read


六、1..I am not a happy girl/Are you a happy girl?/No,I’m not.2.This is not my book./Is this your book?/Yes,it is.3.They are not on the chair./Are they on the chair?/.No,they aren’t, 4.Lily doesn’t have a ball./Does Lily have a ball?/No,she doesn’t 5.Tom and Tony don’t play basketball after school/Do Tom and Tony play basketball after school?/Yes, they do.

2.小学英语动词be的练习 篇二

1. 动词be多重句法功能的分类

“功能多义性指由同一个语言实体衍生出的不同语法或语用意义和功能。这些意义属于不同的形态句法范畴, 既具有共时特征, 也具有历时的特征”。[8]语言实体be就衍生出了多种句法功能, 本文拟把动词be的句法功能分为四大类, 即连系动词功能, 助动词功能, 实意动词功能和半助动词功能。见如下:

(1) 动词be用作连系动词

He is a teacher.

The bridge is tall.

(2) 动词be用作助动词

He is writing the po em.

The rat was chased by the cat.

(3) 动词be用作实意动词

D on’t be silly!

Tom is being mean again.

(4) 动词be用作半助动词

An earthquak e is goin g to destroy the town.

We are to meet at the school gate.


2. 动词be多重句法功能之间的内在联系

苏玉洁 (2009) 调查了五本颇具影响力的学习词典 (《牛津》、《朗文》、等) 中be动词用法的分布情况, 其调查结果表明, 词典对be动词作连系动词用法的关注度是最高的。[9] (P 1 1 3) 蒋海燕 (2005) , 戴曼纯、郭力 (2007) 也发现学生最早并且最容易掌握be动词的连系动词用法。由此可见, 作系词的动词be是最基本的功能用法, 比其它功能更容易被人识解。[10] (P39) 我们可以断定作系词的动词be是[BE]范畴中的典型中心成员。那么它又有着哪些典型的范畴特征呢?

2.1. 系词be的认知语义特征

Langacker (2004) 认为动词勾画过程, 该过程受时间的影响, 包含了一连串先后出现的状态。[11] (P244) 动词be和所有其它动词一样, 勾画过程。但不同的是动词be体现的是一个抽象的过程, 没有特定的概念内容。[12] (P205) 我们也可以说, 动词be与其他典型动词不同, 勾画的是一个表静态、抽象的过程, 其深层语义特征决定了动词be的系词和助动词功能。

Langacker把作系词的动词be标识为“be1”, 认为它是动词be的基本变体。[12] (P205) 当动词be作系词be1时, 总是与一些不能独立做谓语的成分 (名词短语、形容词短语等) 共同作谓语, 这些成分不表示过程, 而表示静态关系。由于只有过程才能充当小句的中心成分, 而这些成分的非过程属性决定了它们不具备单独构建小句的能力, 因而只有和be1结合, 获取其过程属性, 才能最终引导限定小句。

Langacker (2004) 还认为任何一个语法结构式的构成总是涉及两个构式之间的对应关系。通常来说, 一个构件总会使另一构件的一部分抽象变为具体, 两个对应构件部分叠加重合后的复合结构会继承其中一个构件的侧重, 而该侧重最终成为复合结构中被突显的那部分语义。[11] (P277~310) Be1和一个表静态的关系的叠加重合就是一个很好的例子, 见下图:[12] (P206)

b e 1勾画了一个静态, 抽象的过程。竖长方框表示该过程中各个状态之间是等同的, be1后一系列成分的共同核心语义表达的是一个静态的关系, 它们具备具体的概念内容。这两个构件成分 (be1和be1后所接成分) 的复合是通过一个具体表静态的述义对应到be1抽象过程中一个单一的状态来加以实现的 (见图中被着重的斜体部分) , 图中的箭头表示这种抽象和具体的转换。be1表过程的侧重最终也成为复合结构 (be1+NP/AP/Adv P/PP etc) 的侧重。

2.2. 助动词be和系词be的联系和区别

系词be和助动词be的相同之处和不同之处在许多文献中都被提及过。苏玉洁 (2009) 在阐述动词be的历时演变过程时, 指出动词be的助动词功能是从系词功能中衍生出来的。国外文献中也早已提出过类似的观点, Haspelmath认为动词be最开始是主动词, 后来由于语法化因素的影响, 动词be开始向助动词转变, 具备了一些语法功能属性。[13] (P38) 我们也赞成以上的观点, 动词be的助动词功能是从系词功能中衍生出来的, 因其主语补足语的复杂性而被分离出来。

前面提到动词勾画过程, 是受时间影响的过程。但当动词v转变成过去分词ved和现在分词v-ing时, 它们表达的不再是过程, 而是一种复杂的非时间关系。[13] (P199) 我们以主动语态中的v (表过程) 和其对应的被动语态中的过去分词v-ed (表非时间关系) 为例, 来阐述它们之间的区别。见下图:[12] (P201)

图中v-ed和v的区别表现在:v-ed缺乏时间的侧重 (见动词v箭头上的黑体着重部分) , v-e d不同动词v的顺序扫描, 运用的是总体扫描, 过程中的所有状态不分先后是作为一个整体来感知的, 其勾画的是一种复杂、不受时间影响的关系。

我们再来看v和由v变成的现在分词v-i n g之间的区别, 见下面的简图:[1 2 (P209)

动词v图中的一条曲线表示包含一系列状态的过程, 该过程是受时间影响的 (可见箭头上的黑色着重部分) 。和动词v图对应, v-ing图中也出现了一些变化。和被动语态中的v-ed一样, v-ing没有了时间侧重, 顺序扫描消失, 取而代之的是总体扫描, 其内部的各个状态是作为整体来被感知的, 所表达的也是一种非时间关系。

过去分词v-ed和现在分词v-ing表达的都不是过程, 而是一种非时间关系, 因而它们不具备单独引导小句的能力。要构建被动语态和进行体, 都必须借助动词be来完成。另外, 结合后的两个构式中, be依然保留着其抽象的属性, v-ed和v-ing提供其具体的概念内容, 由此可见, 被动语态be+v-ed和进行体be+v-ing中的be有着和系词be类似的功能, 但它们也有着和系词be不同的特点。v-ed和v-ing表达的不是单个静态关系, 而是多个非时间影响的状态作为一个整体的关系。

综上所述, 表被动语态标识的助动词be和表进行体标识的助动词be都是从[BE]范畴的中心成员系词be1中衍生出来的, 因其后所接成分的复杂性而被分离出去。

2.3. 实意动词be与系词be的联系和区别

实意动词be和系词be在句法上依然保持着一些相似之处。首先, 实意动词be后的成分依然修饰主语, 是主语的补足语。其次, 由于其后成分表静态的关系, 不能充当小句的中心语, be依然行使着提供构成小句所必需的过程侧重的功能。但两者之间又有着明显的区别, 最显而易见的区别是这类句子中的动词be已经开始获取某些具体的概念内容了。当be动词后接情感类的形容词补足语成分时, 动词be开始获取“表现出某种样子”的具体概念内容。句中隐性或显性主语能主动掌控自身的情感或行为状态。我们可以从认知语法中的主观化角度来分析它。

主观化指对某一实体从相对客观的识解转变到更加主观的识解。体现到语言表达中, 就是讲话人在话语中糅合了自身的态度和感情, 使话语包含了讲话人“自我”表现的成分。[14] (P146) 我们可以把关于实意动词be的所有例句转化成一种相对客观的描述。例如:

(1) Don’t be silly! (Sb) is silly.

(2) T o m i s b e i n g m e a n a g a i n.Tom is mean.

在上面转换后的句子中, 讲话人相对客观地描述了句中主语的静态状态, 整个注意焦点落在句子主语者身上, 此时讲话人的主观性较弱。再来看转变前的例句, 我们发现注意的焦点从句子主语者身上转移到了讲话人身上。讲话人认为句中主语 (包括隐性主语) 具备主动掌控自身情感或行为状态的能力, 并要求他们付诸实践。所以动词be被重新赋予了相关的概念内容, 因而具备了实意动词的功能。

总之, 和助动词be相比, 实意动词b e偏离了[B E]范畴的典型中心成员系词b e。具体表现如下:实意动词b e表达的过程不再是抽象、静态的, 而是具备了某些具体的概念内容。

2.4. 半助动词be和系词be的区别和联系

半助动词在功能上介于主动词和助动词之间。它像主动词一样有一些具体的概念内容。be作为半助动词的一个组成部分, 在和be后其它成分结合后, 它们一起传达着某些表情态的具体概念内容。

半助动词中的be与系词be区别很大。半助动词中的be无需再为小句提供过程属性, 因为半助动词后的实意动词自身就具备过程属性, 可以充当小句的中心成分。由于大部分半助动词含有“可能”、“义务”等情态意义, 它们对其后的实意动词的意义可能产生弱化影响。其后的实意动词所表达的不是现实存在的过程, 而是一种潜在、可能的过程, 这一过程往往存在于讲话人的认知当中。

由此可见, 实意动词所表达的过程属性也打上了讲话人的主观烙印了。由于主观化的影响, 半助动词具备了一些表情态意义的概念内容。

3. 结语

同一个语言实体be所衍生出来的不同句法功能之间在语义上有着深层次的内在联系。动词be的系词功能是最基本的功能。从这一中心功能又衍生出了助动词功能。be用作实意动词或半主助动词时, 也和系词be有着不同程度上的联系。由于主观化因素的影响, 实意动词be或半主助动词be开始具备一些具体的概念内容。我们可以说, 在be动词的功能语义网络里, 系词be是典型中心成员, 助动词be是较中心成员, 实意动词be属于其边缘成员, 而半助动词be离得最远。

摘要:动词be所衍生出的多重句法功能之间是有内在联系的。其中, 助动词功能是从系词功能中衍生分离出来的。两个功能中的be都表示抽象的过程, 都为其后的成分提供过程侧重, 所不同的是前者是为复杂的非时间关系提供过程侧重, 而后者为其后单个表静态的关系提供过程侧重。另外, 由于主观化因素的影响, 实意动词be和半助动词be有了具体的概念内容。其中, 实意动词be依旧为其后成分提供过程侧重, 而半助动词be已不具备这种功能了。

3.如何正确使用be动词? 篇三

I am Li Ping. 我是李萍。

It is an orange. 它是一个橙子。

You are a boy. 你是一个男孩。

They are my pens. 它们是我的钢笔。

am,is和are可以以“‘m”,“‘s”,“‘re”、is not和are not可以以“isn’t”和“aren’t”等缩略形式出现在句子中。例如:

What’s his name? 他叫什么名字?

I’m a student. 我是一个学生。

It isn’t my book. 这不是我的书。

【温馨提示】 this is不能缩写成“this’s”,因为this的末尾字母是s。 当前面的名词或代词末尾字母的读音和/s/的读音相同或相近时,不可以用缩写形式。

【练一练】 用am,is或are填空:

1. Miss Wang________our Chinese teacher.

2. Hi,I________Gina. What________your name?

3. —Hello,how________you?

—I________fine,thank you.

4. —What________this in English?

—It________an orange.

5. —________her name Lucy?


6. They________my good friends.

7. Here________some of my photos.

8. —________Jim your friend?



4.be动词一般疑问句练习 篇四

Class _______ Name _______ 练习一:

1.Who ______ he in the photo? 2.I ______ a pupil.You _______ a teacher.3.How ______ you? I ____ fine.4.He ____ Tom.He ____ in Class Two.5.______ you new here? Yes, I ______.6.______Alice fat? No, she ____ thin.7.Where ____ you from? I _____ from Beijing.8.______ I your classmate? No, you _____ not.9.My mum _____ young.My dad ______ tall.They _______ dentists.10.Where _____ the parrots? They ______ in the cage.练习二:

1.Mr.Cow likes to eat grass.He ______ very strong.2.I _____ fat.I ______ tall.3.Who _______ your sister? Jenny __________.4.______ you Mr.Birdie? Yes, I ______.5.How ________ Linda’s Spotty? He’s fine.6.My pet ____ a smart monkey.7.How many people ______ there in your family? 8.______ you in the classroom? Yes, I ________.9.Who _______ this man in the photo? It _____ your father.10.Bob and Lily ______ my classmates.练习三:

1.How many dogs ______ there in the box? There ______one.2.The picture ______ beautiful.3.What _____ this? It ______ a blue pen.4._________Sandy in the classroom? Yes, he ______.5.I ______ hungry.You ____ thirty.6.He ______sad.She ______ sleepy.7.What shape _____it? It ______ a circle.8.The birds _______ on the tree.9.These presents _______ for me.I _______ so happy.10.My parents _______ teachers.They _____ busy.练习四:

1._______ it a new photo? Yes, it _____.2.This ______ an apple.That ______ an orange.3.These dolls ______ beautiful.4.The girl ______ my sister.Her name ______ Kitty.5.Your eyes ______ big.6.What colour ______ the flowers? They ______ red and white.7.My father _____ a worker.He ______ thirty-eight years old.He ______ tall.8.______ you farmers? Yes, we ________.9._______ your mother at home? Yes, she ________.10.Sandy _______ playing games with his friends.They _____ happy.改句练习卷

5.be动词与人称代词练习题 篇五


1、写出下列人称代词的宾格形式 I______ you______ he______ she______ we_______ they_____ 2.单项选择

(1)____ is a good student,All the teachers like____ very much.A.She;her B.Her;she C.He;her D.she;him(2)Mary,please show ___your picture A.My B.mine C.I D.me

二、动动脑: 1.I a girl.A.am B.is C.are 2.He a boy.A.am B.is C.are 3.We boys.A.am B.is C.are 4.My father a doctor.A.am B.is C.are 5.Tom and Jack boys.A. am B.is C.are 6.This a desk.A.am B.is C.are 7.They late.A.am B.is C.are 8.You clever.A.am B.is C.are 9.The cloud white.A.am B.is C.are 10.I a student.You a teacher.A.am is B.am are C.is are 11.We friends.A.am B.is C.are 12.He____my father.She_____ my mother.They______ both doctors.A.is is are B.am is are C.is is am 13.________(我)am a teacher.14.My father is talking with _______(我).15._______(你们)often read English.16._______(他)often plays basketball after school.17._______(我们)buy a pair of shoes for _______(他).18.Please pass_____(我们)the ball.19._______(他们)are listening to the radio.20._______(她)likes to send food to_______(他们).21._____ is my friend.他是我的朋友。22.My dog likes _____.我的狗喜欢她。23.Who is there? It’s _____.是谁啊?是我。24.Come with _____.跟我们来。

25._____ like ______ very much.他们非常喜欢它。26.Let _____ give _____ a book.让我给你一本书。27.__________ are all Chinese.你,我,他都是中国人。

6.be动词的用法总结 小学 篇六



I am a boy.我是一个男生。



He is a student.他是一个学生。

The apple is red.这个苹果是红色的。



We are good friends.我们是好朋友。

The trees are tall.这些树是高的。



It was red dog.它是一只红色的狗。

7.小学英语动词be的练习 篇七

A. invent B. discover C. build D. produce

( ) 2. —Dinner is ready. Help yourself !

—Wow! It tastes_____. Could you please tell me

how to cook it?

A. delicious B. deliciously C. well D. badly

( ) 3. The pants look beautiful. Can I_____ ?

A. try on it B. try on them

C. try it on D. try them on

( ) 4. —_____ you ever_____ Shanghai, Jim?

—Yes, I went there last summer with my family.

A. Have...been to B. Have...gone to

C. Has...been to D. Has...gone to

( ) 5. There_____ an English party this evening.

A. is going to have B. will have

C. are going to be D. will be

( ) 6. —How are you _____ your friends?

—Very well. They are very friendly.

A. catching up with B. getting on with

C. looking forward to D. going on with

( ) 7. Can you tell me_____ the computer?

A. how to use B. how using

C. what to use D. what using

( ) 8. —Where is your mother?

—She _____ the housework.

A. is doing B. has done C. was doing D. does

( ) 9. —They _____ Shanghai two days ago.

—Yeah. They_____ for two days.

A. leave for; were away

B. left for; were away

C. leave for; have been away

D. left for; have been away

( ) 10. I _____ this book for two weeks. I have to return it


A. borrowed B. have borrowed

C. kept D. have kept

( ) 11. — your brother the dog since he

moved here?

—Yes, he has.

A. Has; kept B. Did;keep

C. Is;keeping D. Was; keeping

( ) 12. —Have you moved into the new flat?

—Not yet. The room _____ .

A. has been painted B. is painted

C. paints D. is being painted

( ) 13. Mary _____some songs in her room in the morning.

A. heard sing B. heard to sing

C. was heard to sing D. is heard to sing

( )14. If our government attention to controlling

food safety now, our health_____ in danger.

A. won’t pay;is B. doesn’t pay;is

C. doesn’t pay;will be D. won’t pay;will be

( ) 15. Mr. Smith told his son the football match

because of the exam.

A. not to watch B. to not watch

C. not watching D. doesn’t watch

( ) 16. The young man was often seen_____.

A. to draw B. to drawing C. draw D. drew


( ) 17. —Mom. Must I go shopping with you?

—No,you _____. You can watch the film Big Hero

6 with your friends.

A. needn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t

( ) 18. I_____ my teacher since last year. I miss him very


A. didn’t see B. saw

C. haven’t seen D. don’t see

( )19. Attention, please! All the mobile phones

during the meeting.

A. must keep off B. have kept off

C. are keeping off D. must be kept off

( ) 20. —Come and join us,Jimmy !

—I’m sorry, but I’m really busy now. If I _____

time, I will certainly go.

A.will have B. have had C. had D. have

( ) 21. —_____you _____take a bus to school?

—Yes. But now I usually go to school on foot.

A. Did; use to B. Were; used to

C. Do; use to D. Are; used to

( ) 22. It is easy_____ the problem.

A. for him solve B. for him to solve

C. of him solving D. of him to solve

( ) 23. —Let’s do something at the party. What about


—No, I’d like_____ .

A. to sing;to dance B. to sing; dancing

C. sing; dancing D. singing; to dance

( ) 24. —Bob, may I_____ your MP4?

—Sure. But you’d better not_____ it to others.

A. lend;lend B. lend; borrow

C. borrow;borrow D. borrow;lend

( ) 25. Please_____ as soon as you get there.

A. ring me up B. ring up me

C. wake me up D. wake up me

8.be动词与助动词的用法 篇八

1.陈述句:be动词第一人称用am,第二人称用are,第三人称单数用is复数用are.助动词do一般省略,直接用动词,注意动词时态和人称变化.有时在动词前加do,表示强调,加强语气.如:Do be quiet!

2.疑问句:be动词直接提前,其他部分不变(由陈述句转变).助动词do同样,由省略直接提前放置,后面动词不变,注意do的时态和人称变化.3.否定句:be动词和助动词do后面加not.be作助动词用的形式如下: ①am, is, are, was, were ②助动词+be:shall be, will be, can be, etc.③have/has/had + been(完成时)④am, is, …being(进行时)


句型 be + V-ing…(进行时态)例:What are you reading?(你正在阅读什么?)I am reading a magazine.(我正在阅读杂志。)

例:He will be taking a walk in the park at this time tomorrow morning.(明天早晨此时他将会正在公园散步。)

例:She has been teaching English in our school for years.(她已在我们学校教英语许多年了。)

解说 第一例句是表达现在进行时,第二例句是将来进行时,第三例句是现在完成进行时。(2)表达被动语态

句型 be +p.p.…(被动语态)

9.含Be动词的句子 篇九



1、This is your umbrella.2.That’s your watch.3.This is his coat.4.That’s his shirt.5.They are your classmates.6.This is my watch.7.That’s your suit.8.This is their school.9.It is an American car.10.She is their daughter.11.There are some books on the desk.12.There is a stereo in the room.13.The table is near the window.14.The cup is clean.15.There are some knives on the table.

10.用be动词的适当形式填空 篇十

1.I _______ at schoolnow.2.He ________ at the camp last week.3.We ________ students two years ago.4.They ________ on the farm a moment ago.5.Yang Ling ________ eleven years old last year.6.I ______ an English teacher now.7.There ________ an apple on the plate yesterday.8.She _______ happy yesterday.9.They _______ glad to see each other last month.10.Helen and Nancy ________ good friends.11.Look, there ________ lots of grapes here.12.There ________ a sign on the chair on Monday.13.There ________ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.14.The mobile phone _______ on the sofa yesterday evening.15.The little dog _____ two years old this year.16.Today _____ the second of June.Yesterday ______ the first of June.It _____ Children’s Day.All the students ______ very excited.用行为动词的适当形式填空

1.He _________(live)in Wuxi two years ago.2.The cat ________(eat)a bird last night.3.We ___________(go)to school on Sunday.4.Jim’s mother _________(plant)trees now.5.We _______(have)a party last Halloween.6.It ______(be)Ben’s birthday last Friday.7.7.We all ______(have)a good time last night.8.Her father _______(read)a newspaper every day.9.They _________(make)a kite a week ago.10.He ________(jump)high on last Sports Day.11.Helen ________(milk)a cow now 12.Nancy _______(pick)up oranges on the farm last week.13.I ________(make)a model ship with Mike yesterday.14.They______(play)chess in the classroom last PE lesson.15.Look!The girls________(sing)and______(dance)at the party.16._____you_____(visit)your relatives last Spring Festival? 17.______he ______(fly)a kite on Sunday? Yes, he ______.18.What______she______(find)in the garden this morning? She _______(find)a beautiful butterfly.19.________they________(sweep)the floor last Sunday? No, they _____.20._____he___the flowers now? Yes, he___.(water)21.Listen!What____Lucy_____(do)? She________(listen)to the CD.句型转换

11.含有be动词的一般疑问句 篇十一


be动词引起的一般疑问句的构成是在肯定句的基础上 将be动词(am ,is,are)移至主语之前,这时be动词已在句首,第一个字母应大写,句末用问号。


肯定回答为“Yes,主语 + am/is/are.”;否定回答为“No,主语+ am/is/are + not.”。

—Are you twelve? 你十二岁吗?

—Yes, I am.是的,我是。/No, I’m not.不,我不是。

注意:不可以写成“Yes,I’m.”或“No,I amn’t.”。3.如何变一般疑问句



对一般疑问句进行回答。1.—Are you eight? —Yes,./No,.2.—Am I in Class Four? —Yes,./No,.3.—Are they students? —Yes,./No,.4.—Is that her cup? —Yes,./No,.5.—Is he Eric? —Yes,./No,.6.Are these pencils Anna’s?

(做肯定回答)7.Are those pencils Bob’s?(做否定回答)


12.Be动词用法教学设计 文档 篇十二



一、教学目标:让学生掌握be 动词与人称代词搭配。

二、教学重难点:让学生掌握be 动词与人称代词搭配。



2、Be动词用法口诀:I 配 am, you 找 are, Is连着他、她、它,复数人称are配搭。

3、当主语是第一人称的时候,Be动词就应该用am.4、当主语是第二人称的时候,Be 动词用 are.5、当主语是第三人称单数的时候,Be动词用 is.6、当主语是复数人称的时候,Be 动词应该用 are.7、出示巩固练习


13.小学英语动词be的练习 篇十三

1.be, am, is, are, was, were, being, been的用法。


I am doing my homework.


She will be sitting here.


What have you been doing?



He is fired.


Jane was criticized at that moment.



You are to meet them at theairport.


2.have, has, had的用法


We have received your letter.


He has been working for 18 hours.



She has to give it up.


They had to give in.


3.do, does, did的用法


Do you love sports or music?


Jack does not speak Chinese.



I do have two kites.


He did come very late.



Do you want us to join you? ——Yes,I do.
