新课标必修1 unit 4 语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)


新课标必修1 unit 4 语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)(精选4篇)

1.新课标必修1 unit 4 语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计) 篇一

Part One: Word

1. quality


1) n. 质量,品质。性质

2) n. 属性,特性,特征


This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either.

I prefer quality to quantity.

Kindness is his best quality.

One quality of sugar is that is sweet


1.) quality of leadership 领导才能

2) material of high/ poor / low quality 优质/劣质/质量很差的材料


1) characteristic 特色,特性,典型

Kindness is one of his characteristic.

A characteristic of the camel is its ability to live for a long time without water. 骆驼的特点事不喝水也能活很长时间。

2) feature 特征,特色

3) quantity 量; 数量

4) character 特点


1) This shirt is made of cloth of a poor ____

A. quality B. feature C. quantity D. characteristic

2) He proved himself a true gentleman and beauty of his ____ was seen as its best when he worked with others. (上海)

A temper B. appearance C. talent D. character

3) We should keep the fine ___ of the working people.

A. quality B. quantity C. qualities D. feature

用quality 和quantity的正确形式填空。

3)Vicky has all the ___ of a good manager

4) The photos are of poor _____.

5) Tom drank a small ____of water.

2. willing


adj. 帮助的,乐于。。。的= be ready /eager to do sth.


Are you willing to help

Are you willing to accept responsibility? 你愿意承担责任吗?


1) willing 指对于别人的建议和要求迅速并高兴的同意。如:

The first requisite of a good citizen is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight.


2) voluntary指没有强迫,自愿选择的活动。

She is a voluntary worker at the hospital.她是这家医院义务服务的。


1) I _____ that I have hurt her , but that’s not my real meaning

A. willing to admit B. an willing to admit

C. am willing to admitting D. willing to admitting

用willing / will/ wish填空

2)They are _____ workers.

3) Where there is a _____ , there is a way.

4) she wanted a new bike for Christmas and she got her _______.

5) I’m quite _____ for your brother to join us.

6) Our ______ for better time has come true.

3. fight


1) vi. 打仗;战斗(常与with/ against连用); 打架

2) vi. 争论

3) n. 战斗;打架;争论


People often have to fight for their liberty.


We must fight the government’s education policy.


The boxer has fought many opponents.


The two boys had a flight.


fight for … 为争取。。。而斗争

fight …against 为反对。。。而斗争

fight … with… 为反对。。。而斗争/ 和。。。并肩作战

fight with sb. about / over sth. 因某事和某人吵架

fight one’s way (out) 打出一条路来;艰苦奋斗


1) fight 在表示“斗争”的意思,包含含体力和勇猛的因素

2) struggle 在表示“斗争”的意思时,指肉体和精神上的搏斗包含着“奋力挣扎”的因素。如:

The soldiers fought bravely in the battle.

they struggled against poverty.


1) “We are fighting _____ an end to slavery , we won’t stop our fight ____ slavery until all slaves _____”, said Abraham Lincoln

A. for ; against ; set free B. for ; for; will be set free

C. against ; against; are set free D. for ; against; are set free

2) Two dogs ______ a bone , and a third dog ran away with it.

A. fought with B. fought against C. fought for D. fought to

3) The doctor have ____ a long battle ____ his life.

A. fight ; to saving B. fought ; to save

C. fight ; to saving D. fight ; to save.

4) we will have to ______ difficulties

A. fight for B. fight against C. fight with D. fight about



1) n. 害怕,恐惧;担心;顾虑

2) vt.惧怕,害怕,担忧


She has a great fear of fire 她极怕火

There is no fear of his getting any injury. 他不会受伤得

I fear that you’ll be late if you don’t go now.

如果你现在不走的话, 我担心你会迟到。


1) for fear of (doing) 唯恐

2) for fear (that) 唯恐;以免发生

3) in fear of sb./sth 处于害怕某人或某物的状态

4) I fear 很抱歉我必须说,恐怕(报告坏消息时使用)


1) fright 强调由于受到骤然的震惊而表现出的“惊怕”

2) fear 不管用作名词还是动词,基本上有两个含义,即“怕”或“担心“, 但口语中多于用be afraid of

3) be afraid of 后可跟名词或动名词;be afraid of 后可跟动词不定式,此时的含义是“怕“或”不敢“, be afraid后接可跟that从句,其含义是”恐怕“

I wasn’t afraid of the car. I was afraid of the driver.

I’m afraid I didn’t see the speed limit, officer, I must have been dreaming. 恐怕我没有看见限速标志,警官。 我一定思想开小差了。


1) I _____ that they must have set off.

A. frighten B. afraid C. surprise D. fear

2) We ____ at the sight of the long snake and didn’t dare to go forward

A. feared B. frightened C. were afraid of D. were frightened

3) He got to the station early, _____ missing his train. (江苏)

A. in case of B. instead of C. for fear of D. in search of


4) The teacher refused to have his daughter in his class , ____ showing favour to her(恐怕会)

5) we spoke in whispers ____ we might wake the baby. (以免)

6) The chief went ____ constant ____ discovery (担心)

8) - Are we going to be late?

-- __________________. ( 恐怕会是如此)

Part two: phrase

1.get along


1) 指人及活动进展

2) = get on 指(人)相处融洽

3) 继续,过下去



How is your work getting along? 你的工作进展如何

Do you get along well with your aunt? 你与你姑母相处得好吗?

We can get along without your help. 没有你的帮助我们也能行

I have to be getting along now. 我现在地走了。


get along with 进展, 过日子和。。。相处。。。

get away (from) 逃走,避免,摆脱

get back 回来

get down 降下

get down on one’s knees 跪下

get down to (doing) sth. 开始干某事

get in a word 插话

get in one’s way 挡路

get in touch with 与。。。联系


1) – The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

-- Don’t worry. We have already ____ two thirds of it. (四川)

A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given away

2) Many gifted students ___ poorly in school because they found school unchallenging and as a result lost interest.

A. worked on B. got on C. lived on D. carried on

3) His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has ____ many good changes on their lives.

A. got through B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about

2. out of work


out of work= out of a job


My husband is out of work.

He has been out of work for a year.


out of breath 气喘吁吁

out of control 失控

out of date 过时

out of patience不耐烦

out of sight 看不见

out of hearing 听不见

out of business破产

out of action 失去作用

out of problem 毫无疑问

out of the problem 绝不可能


1) He ____ a week ago .

A. has been out of work B. has been out of job

C. lost his job D. has been jobless

2) He got through so much work in an hour, ____ breath.

A. under his B. below his C. without D. out of

3) Tony couldn’t keep pace with the others as they marched along. He stood often out off ____.

A. orders B. sight C. mind D. line

4) Much of the information in this book is now _____. Could you show me another one?

A. out of date B. out of the date C. old D. up to date.

5.) The children have been playing with my hat – they’ve knocked it out of _____.

A. shape B. size C. control D. line

3. come to power


come to power= come into power(开始)掌权,上台


Before long he came to power


come about 发生

come across 遇见

come along 一起来,过来

come back 回来

come back to life 复活,苏醒

come back to one’s mind 回忆起某事

come into effect 生效

come into use 开始使用


1) Please tell me how the accident _____. I am still in the dark. (2005江西)

A. came by B. came upon C. came to D. came about

2) The dictionary is being printed and it will soon ____.

A. turn out B. come out C. start out D. go out

3) It has been five years since the party_____, Many people wonder whether it will stay on.

A. has come to power B. came to power

C. has been in power D. in power

4. put sb. in / into prison




she went t the prison to see her husband who was put into prison last month.


1) be in prison被监禁(表状态)

go to prison 入狱

send/ take sb. to prison 将某人关入监狱

cast / throw sb. into prison 将某人投入监狱

escape from prison 越狱

3) put away 拿开,放好,把。。。收起来;积蓄

put back 放回(原处), 推迟

put down 放下,记下;镇压

put forward提出(计划)

put into practice 实行,付诸实施

put off 推迟,延迟


1) _____ to use in the 1990’s , this machine made great contributions to the rapid development of our company.

A. Putting B. Put C. Having put D. Being put

2) You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please ____ the books when you’ve finished with them(2004全国)

A. put on B. put down C. put back D. put off

3) The pickpocket ____ last year.

A. was sent to the prison

B. was sent to prison

C. has been sent to prison

D. was sent to the prison

4) We have to ____ her bad temper.

A. put up B. put into practice

C. put up with D. put off

Part three: Structure

1. We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful ; when this not allowed… only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.


1) in a way which was peaceful= in a peaceful way, which引导了一定语从句,先行词是way.

2) only 位于句首,修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句时,主句采用部分倒装的语序。


Only in a large city was it possible to buy a new wheelchair.

Only when the war was over in 1949 was he able to get back home.



1. 否定副词如no, not , never, seldom, little, hardly,以及含有 no, not的短语放在句首时,句子要部分倒装。如:

Never in my life have I heard such a thing

Little did we expect that he could come

Not a single word did he say at the meeting

2) 以否定词开头的关联结构:No sooner… than ; Hardly…/

Scarcely … when … ; Not only… but also… ; Not until… 如:

Not until late in the evening did he come back.


1) Only after my friend came ____ ( 2005福建)(

A. did the computer repair

B. he repair the computer

C. was the computer repaired

D. the computer was repaired

2) I failed in the final examination last term and only then ____ the importance of studies. (2004重庆)

A I realized B. I had realized

C. had I realized D. did I realize

3) Only after you have reached eighteen_____ the army.

A. you can join B. you can join in

C. can you join D. can you join in

4) Only when the war was over _____________ to his hometown.

A. did the young soldier return

B. the young soldier returned

C. returned the young soldier

D. the young soldier did return

2.新课标必修1 unit 4 语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计) 篇二

1.A cultural relic is something that has survived for a long time, often a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed.

2. It is your job to look into any reports of cultural relics that have been found in China.

3. It is a rare Ming Dynasty vase.

4. The man who has it insists that it belongs to his family.

5. It feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape.

6. The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days.

7. It took a team of the country’s best artists ten years to make it (It takes sb st to do sth).

8. In return ,the Czar gave the King his best soldiers.

9. About four meter long, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.

10. She had the Amber Room moved to the palace where she spent her summers. (have sth done)

11. The room was completed the way she wanted it.

12. There was a time when the two countries were at war.

13. There is no doubt that the boxes were put on a train.

14. What happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.

15. Following old photos, the new room has been made to look much like the old one.

16. The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and moving it away.

17. In a trial, you must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.

18. The judge does not consider how each eyewitness looks or where that person lives or works.

19. The judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information, which must be facts, rather than opinions.

20. For example, it can be proved that China has more people than any other country in the world.

21. I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room.

22. I don’t agree that they should return the treasure to Russia. Nor do I think they should give it to any government.

23. Besides, my father told me that any person who finds something can keep it.


一 翻译下列单词或短语

1 调查 11 认为,考虑

2 作为报答 12 拆开

3 制成… 13 移走

4 属于 14 而不是

5 保持不变 15 在…流行

6 活着,继续存在 16 除了…之外还有

7 毫无疑问 17 寻找

8 高度评价 18 处于交战状态

9 证明 19 木制的

10问题的答案 20 点亮;点燃

二 用上面的词或短语填空

1. The new Harry Potter novel __________________ middle school students throughout the world.

2. The hungry boy rushed into the house _______________something to eat.

3. I will___________ the matter and then tell you the result.

4. China is a country __________________the developing country.

5. The door __________open all night long.

6. He didn’t know to do something ____________for her help.

7. People __________Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in America.

8. His word________ to be right later.

9.The (木制家具) in the sitting room were borrowed from neighbors.

10.He (light)a candle and the (light) candle (light) the whole room.

三 完成句子

1 大火过后什么也没留下.

After the fire________________.

2 他们的年龄都一样.

They are________________________.

3 我在考虑再次去那里.

I _______________________________there again.

4 小孩子总喜欢把玩具拆散.

The children always____________________.

5 你会高度评价那些总帮助别人的人吗?

______________________those who always help others?

6 一旦被加热,琥珀可以制成各种形状.

___________________, the amber can ____________any shape.

7 当时中日双方正在打仗,因此交通变得极其困难.

At that time, _________________________-so traveling was extremely difficult.

8 从那以后琥珀屋的最终所归便成了一个谜.

After that, what really happened to the Amber Room______________.

9 他昨天买了一套家具.

He bought __________________yesterday.


Please ________________so that I can sit down.

四 翻译句子


2 我真的不想去,但他硬要我去. (insist)

3 他不可能把他的书带回家了,因为他所有的书都放在桌上. (情态动词+have done)

4 我拿不准这礼物是谁的? (belong to)

5 她给了我们食物和衣服,没要求任何回报. (in return)

6 毫无疑问,他将为他所做的受到惩罚. (doubt)

7 这是两国交战时期. (at war)

8 虽然他自己并没有觉得做了什么突出的事情,他的同事们却对他交口称赞.

9 父母进来时他假装睡着了. (pretend)

10大量的证据证实他是清白的. (prove)


Dear Classmates,

As young people, we don’t always want to think about the past. 1 we often hear our grandfathers and grandmothers talk about cultural relics. They say we 2 protect some of these relics because they are important to our culture. 3 also say that these relics are important to us because they help us remember the 4 of our ancestors and respect what they have done. I’m sure you will 5 . After all, someday we will be 6 ourselves and will want our own children to protect them. So I have a plan for 7 the painting in the old temple, which is a fine cultural relic 8 in our hometown. It should be protected because it was painted by a 9 artist of the early Qing Dynasty. My plan is to get students to take a 10 to see it on a Saturday next month and then 11 some important people to join us. 12 , we can also write an 13 about it for the town newspaper. Later, when others begin to 14 their help, perhaps we can 15 enough money to help the museum buy it. If you like my plan, please give me a note to your teacher. Thank you.


1. A. However B. Yet C. Therefore D. And

2. A. can B. must C. will D. need

3. A. Some B. We C. They D. Others

4. A. days B. dreams C. lives D. styles

5. A. refuse B. allow C. doubt D. agree

6. A. greater B. stronger C. richer D. older

7. A. surviving B. remaining C. saving D. removing

8. A. there B. here C. where D. anywhere

9. A. famous B. rare C. gifted D. skillful

10. A. trip B. look C. bus D. rest

11. A. take B. order C. beg D. ask

12. A. In a word B. Besides C. First of all D. By the way

13. A. poem B. passage C. article D. diary

14. A. prove B. offer C. supply D. provide

15. A. make B. earn C. raise D. give


1. What the king said is remained a mystery.

2. This strange vegetable belongs potato family.

3. There is some doubt that he will come tomorrow.

4. The man insisted that he not steal the money and that he should not say sorry.


look into make into in return belong to remain survive have no doubt think highly of prove the answer to the question consider

take apart remove rather than be popular among/ with besides in search of

be at war wooden light

is popular with/ among ; in search of ; look into; belonging to; remained; consider; proved; wooden furniture; lit/lighted, lighted, lit/lighted

1 nothing remained

2 of the same age

3. am considering going

4 like taking the toys apart

5. Do you think highly of

6 Once (it is) heated; be made into

7. China and Japan were at war

8. remains a mystery

9. a set of furniture;

10. remove your bag from the seat

1. Only in this way can you improve your English.

2 I didn’t really want to go but he insisted.

3. He can’t have taken his books home for all of them are lying on the table.

4. I am not quite sure who/ whom the gift belongs to.

5. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return.

6. There’s no doubt that he will be punished for what he has done.

7. This was a time when the countries were at war.

8. His colleagues thought highly of him though he himself didn’t think he had done anything special.

9. He pretended to be asleep when his parents came in.

10. A great deal of evidence proved him innocent.

3.新课标必修1 unit 4 语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计) 篇三



1)cultural 2) remains 3)belonging 4)search 5)designed, style

6)gift, return 7)mirror 8)wonder 9)doubt 10)furniture

11)property, secretly 12)considered, evidence, proved 13)opinion, apart 14) pretend 15)highly


1.To tell the truth 2.in search of 3.think highly of 4.in return

5.be taken away 6.were at war 7.insisted on 8.agree with

9.look into 10.was made into


1) Surely it will take you much time to master English.

2) It took him nearly 3 years to collect their criminal evidence.

1) Some researchers believe that there is no doubt that a cure for AIDS will be found.

2) There is no doubt that he is qualified for the job.



1.honest 2.ancient, compete 3.interview 4.admitted 5.stadium

6.gymnasium 7.replace 8.physical 9.relate 10.advertise

11.foolish 12.promised 13.athletes, gold, medals


1.to take turns 2.every four years 3.had no chance 4.take part in

5.Make sure 6.one after another 7.plays an important role

8.Related to 9.have heard of 10.was admitted into


1) He used to be addicted to stories about martial arts. However, he has mended his ways and studies hard now.

2) My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body.

1) They said goodbye, little knowing that they were never to meet again.

2) You are to do your homework before you watch TV



1.common 2.calculators 3.simple瞞inded 4.artificial, intelligence

5.advantages, disadvantages 6.choice 7.Personally, disagree

8.materials 9.coach 10.wander


1.After all 2.make up 3.with the help of 4.deal with

5.have made a decision 6.was watching over 7.In my opinion

8.In fact 9.in a way 10.going by


1) He works so hard that he can finish the work on time.

2) We got up so early as to catch the first train.

=We got up so early that we caught the first train.

=We got up early so that we caught the first train.

1) There were times when Brian called on his grandpa.

2) There were times when my sister who was 10 at the time, had to look after us.



1.protect, enemies 2.stomachs 3.apply, government, permission

4.suggested 5.contains, including 6.Mosquitoes, insect

7.affected 8.attention 9.butterflies 10.powerful


1.is dying for 2.be applied to 3.at a loss 4.hunted for

5.result in 6.in danger of 7.were concerned about

8.comes into being 9.in peace 10.have a bad effect on


1) With the boy leading the way, we had no trouble in getting to

the station.

2) The weather was even colder with the wind blowing.

1) I have to move to different classrooms for different classes. As a result, it is difficult to remember all the faces and names.

2) The wall had caused great losses on the wealth and human life of the country. As a result, an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty.



1.dreamed, clapping 2.honest 3.formed 4.passers-by, earn, extra

5.jokes 6.loosely 7.advertisement 8.attractive, fans

9.instruments 10.broke 11.performance 12.saying

13.stick 14.reputation 15.ability


1.be honest with 2.have gone wrong 3.has formed the habit

4.play jokes on 5.came up with 6.by chance

7.be confident in 8.sort out 9.based on 10.Above all


1) It is curious that she left without saying goodbye.

2) Lots of students are already doing it without realizing it.

1) You must solve the problem at once before it becomes too serious.

2) Grandpa passed away before he had time to tell me the secret.






4.新课标必修1 unit 4 语言知识讲义(新课标版高一英语必修一教案教学设计) 篇四


技能目标Skill Goals

Talk about agriculture: a pioneer in farming -Yuan Longping

Talk about organic farming & green food

How to write a brief summary

Try to consolidate how to express suggestions & advice

Master the usage of the -ing form as the subject and object

Learn how to design English posters

II. 目标语言

式 建议( Suggestions & advice)

I would rather ...

If I have a choice I’d choose because ...

I don’t like ... because ...

You need to ...

I’d prefer ... because ...

May I suggest ...

It’s a great pity that ...

Let me suggest Leng Jianli because...

Should I/We ...?

Perhaps we should consider Leng Jianli because...

It’s better to ...

But what/how about ...

汇 1. 四会词汇

hunger, sunburn, struggle, super, output, expand, circulate, satisfied, equip, freedom, violin, motorcycle, grain, export, suitable, chemical, confuse, mineral, reduce, supply, bacteria, pest, level, whatever, summary, exchange, nutrition, certain

2. 认读词汇

hybrid, strain, sorghum, peanut, darken, organic, fertilizer, fertile, soybean

3. 词组

rid ... of, be satisfied with, lead a ... life, would rather, refer to, search for, thanks to, rather than, with the hope of ...

法 动词的 -ing 形式作主语和宾语的用法

(The -ing form as the subject & object)

a. Wishing for things, however, costs nothing.

b. His other hobbies include playing mah-jong,swimming and reading.

重 点 句 子 1. However, he cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. P10

2.His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. P10

3. Wishing for things, however, costs nothing.P10

4. It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. P13

5. Putting this in their fields, they argue, makes the soil ... P13

6. This is important because developing a healthy soil reduces diseases ...P13

7. However, using chemical fertilizers is a big problem. P13

8. Instead, organic farmers insist on changing crops every two or three years.P14

9. These put the minerals back into the soil, making it rich and healthy ...P14

10. ... make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a ...P14

11. He advised farmers to clear weeds from the ground before planting crops. P52

12. He suggested changing crops in the field every year. P52

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组

1. 教材分析

本单元的中心话题是“农业”, 学生通过讨论和阅读了解有关农业、农村和农作物种植的内容。让学生了解农业在整个人类生活中的重要性,了解农村生活,了解中国农民的生活现状,提高他们对农业的认识,并且帮助他们更深刻地理解农业科学家袁隆平的科学研究的价值。同时让学生了解organic farming 以及它对人们生活的重要性,进一步扩大学生的关于农业方面的词汇量,并通过写一则海报提高学生的写作水平。

1.1 WARMING-UP 通过提问有关农业、农村和农作物种植的内容,让学生谈谈自己对农村和农业劳动的认识或经验。教师可通过讨论让学生互相学习,相互交流经验以增加他们的农业知识。

1.2 PRE-READING 部分有两组问题。在第一组问题中,讨论大米在东亚和东南亚国家人民生活中的重要性;而第二组问题则提出世界部分地区所面临的饥饿问题。由此激发学生对世界的关注,培养学生的同情心。

1.3 READING 部分介绍中国著名的农业科学家袁隆平的生平和他的杂交水稻。第一段描述了袁博士的外表--他更象一个农民而不象一个科学家,农村就是他做科研的殿堂。他的科研成果就是超级杂交水稻。 第二段描述他的家庭出身,学业,献身水稻科研的原因及所取得的成就。第三段告诉我们袁博士过着跟普通人一样的生活却干着伟大的事业。即使在功成名就之后,他也淡泊名利, 有着无私奉献的高尚精神。

1.4 COMPREHENDING 部分设计了三个练习。第一个是判断练习,学生根据课文中理解和收集的信息做出判断,甚至通过讨论才能做出判断。第二个是词语理解题。第三个练习提出问题,要求学生在阅读课文后作出回答,以检验他们的理解力和训练他们的归纳总结能力。

1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE 部分学习本单元重点词汇和语法项目。词语学习部分采用给出词义而让学生从课文中找出与之匹配的词,然后用所找的词汇完成第二个练习中的短文,以及用课文中意义相近的词汇替换练习三句中划线部分。通过这三种练习帮助学生理解并能熟练应用课文中所学的词汇。语法部分通过从课文中找同义句引出动词的-ing 形式,教师此时可引导学生找出其他的句子,以启发学生理解-ing形式的句法功能。练习二通过模仿例句,用-ing形式做主语代替动词不定式改写句子。练习三要求学生连接短语造句,让学生学习ing形式作宾语的用法,并列举后面接动词-ing形式作宾语的动词。练习四则训练学生v-ing形式在实际生活中的应用能力。练习五则设计了一个游戏以丰富学生的想象力。

1.6 USING LANGUAGE 部分综合训练学生的听说读写能力。第一部分读写结合,学生先阅读文章,文章写的是 Organic Farming or green food,读完后要求学生写一个摘要。在此教师要首先强调写摘要时学生一定要抓住文章的主题并且运用所学的重要词语。听力部分通过回答问题来提高学生的理解能力和理解的正确性。Reading, speaking and writing 部分把读,说和写有机地结合在一起。假设你是一个“绿色食品” farmer,通过背景阅读,你要有充分的理由,利用所提供的句型,以对话的形式说服他人购买你的食品。最后为你的食品设计一个有说服力的广告。

1.7 SUMMING UP部分要求学生归纳总结本单元内容、词汇和语法结构三个方面。

1.8 LEARNING TIPS 部分对如何提高表达能力提出建议。

2. 教材重组

2.1 把Warming up 和Pre-reading 作为reading 的导入内容,将这三部分与Comprehending整合成一节阅读课。

2.2 将 Learning about Language on Page 11, USING STRUCTURES (P50)设计成一节词汇和语法课。

2.3 将 Using Language 中的 Reading 和 READING TASK in Workbook (P51) 还有USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS on P51设计成一节泛读课。

2.4 将Using Language 中的Listening(P14),LISTENING TASK(P50)和LISTENING(P48)设计成一节听力课。

2.5 将 Speaking and Writing(P15)和SPEAKING AND WRITING TASK(P53)及TALKING(P48)设计成一节写作课。


3. 课型设计与课时分配 (经过教材分析,本单元可用五课时完成。)

1st period Reading

2nd period Words and grammar

3rd period Reading

4th period Listening

5th period Writing

6th period Summary

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target Language 目标语言

a. 词汇和短语

sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, rid ... of, be satisfied with, lead a ... life, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather than

b. 重点句子

This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. P10

He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. P10

He also doesn’t care about being famous. P10

He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. P10

His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. P10

Wishing for things, however, costs nothing. P10

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable Ss to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life. In fact this world faces a serious problem-starvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help Ss learn how to describe Dr Yuan Longping including his personality.

Teaching important points 教学重点

a. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.

b. Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.

c. How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

a. How to help students learn more about agriculture.

b. Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Talking, questioning-and-answering activity and reading.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A tape recorder, a projector and a computer.

Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式

Step Ⅰ Greeting and leading in

T: Hello, everyone.

Ss: Hello, teacher.

T: In last unit we learnt some great women. Today we’ll learn a famous man. Who will it be? At first let’s look at the two pictures on Page 9. What are the people doing?

Ss: They are planting rice.

T: Can you tell me something about rice?

S: Rice grows in the south.

S: But in some place of the north we can also find rice.

T: Yeah. You are right. In fact rice is a cereal grain that has been grown for at least 5,000 years and is eaten by 2.4 billion people everyday throughout the world. In Australia, farmers have had to struggle with their harsh environment to grow rice.

Ss: Really?

Step Ⅱ Warming up

T: Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?

S: I have ever grown corn and potatoes. In autumn, my father and I ploughed the soil deep for the first time, then in the next spring, we ploughed the soil for a second time, this time I put the corn seeds into the tunnel following my father. Finally my father covered the corn seeds by ploughing again.

S: I never grow any plant. I’d like to plant sunflowers. They look beautiful. They always face the sun when they are young. I dig some holes in my garden, put some sunflower seeds in them, water them and finally cover them with some more soil.

T: Very well. Have you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there?

S5: Yes, I went there to see my grandfather. In the village I played with other boys in the little stream and caught little fish. I even helped my grandfather get in the corn by cutting the corn stems, which made me tired.

T: Are you from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming?

S: Yes, my father is a farmer. In my view, farming is hard work. People have to plant crops, smooth away weeds and get in the crops at the right time. They have to get up early to work in the field so as to protect themselves from the sunshine.

T: That’s right. In the north, the biggest worry that farmers have is the drought. When it doesn’t rain, and they can’t irrigate the crops, the crops will die and they will have nothing after hard working.

Step Ⅲ Pre-reading

The purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.

T: Food is the basic need for man. Rice is a main food in all Eastern Asian and Southeastern Asian countries. It is said that there are 2.4 billion people to eat rice everyday throughout the world. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?

S: I think if that happened, people there would suffer from starvation. They would be panic and the whole country would get into trouble. Maybe the situation that human beings eat human beings will happen.

T: That’s too terrible. But this kind of thing once happened in history. Well, if you had the chance to do one thing to help end famine in the world, what would you do?

S: I would invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.

S: I’ll make a kind of fertilizer to give rice enough nutrition and let them grow quickly and have high product. But first without pollution to our environment.

T: A great idea! Your idea is just the same with Dr Yuan Longping. Do you know Yuan Longping?

S: I heard that he is an expert on agriculture.

T: Yeah, today we are going to read a passage about him. Let’s see how he helped the world to solve the problem- starvation. Please open your books to Page 9.

Step Ⅳ Fast Reading

The reading material is about an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard at a new strain of rice. It has proved so successful that his technology spread into other countries. The purpose of fast reading is to let students find some useful information, and get familiar with the text. So in this step, teacher can design some questions for students, so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task.

T: Please scan the passage and find out the answers to the questions on the screen. Then I’d like to ask you to answer them.

Show the questions on the screen and give students three minutes to read the text quickly.

1. What does Dr Yuan look like?

2. What’s his achievement?

3. What do you think of him?

Three minutes later.

T: Now who’s the first volunteer to answer Question 1?

S: He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim, strong body. He is more like a farmer than a scientist.

T: Good! What about his achievement?

S: He grows what is called super hybrid rice, which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. Thanks to his research, the UN is trying to rid the world of hunger. Using his hybrid rice farmers’ producing harvests twice as large as before.

T: What do you think of Dr Yuan?

S: It isn’t a quick question. I think Dr Yuan doesn’t like money. He gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. He doesn’t like fame too. Because he feels it gives him less freedom to do his research, and he would rather keep time for his hobbies. Besides, he is a man with colourful dreams. He wants to produce a kind of rice that could feed more people, and he can export his rice so that it can be grown all of the world.

T: I think that your eyes are like a scanning machine. You can find so many good points of Dr Yuan Longping in such a short time. That’s very good. But I can describe Dr Yuan in one word. Guess which word?

S: I don’t know.

T: Wise. In this world, many people warship material and fame. But just as you said Dr Yuan didn’t like money and fame. Because he knows he can’t own these things forever. All the money and fames are chains, which can trip a person’s happiness and freedom. So he is a wise man. Giving up all the fame and money means liberation. Here I’d like to praise him using a Chinese poem. That is “有如莲花出于水, 又如日月不住空。”. Don’t you agree with me?

Ss: Yes, we agree with you.

T: Thank you. Now let’s read the text again to find the main idea of the text. Doing this we can find how the writer designed the text. This can give us an idea to write an biography.

Step Ⅴ Careful Reading and Explanation

Give students 3 minutes to read and find the main idea of the text. While students are doing this, teacher can show the chart on the screen. After they have finished their task, ask them to look at the screen and fill in it.

T: Well. In last unit, we learn how to make a poster to tell everyone about a theme. Do you remember? Make a large heading, then make a smaller heading giving a little more information. Write down most of the information using the smallest size writing. Now, let’s practice it again. Look at the chart on the screen, in which I have written the large heading of each paragraph. What you should do is to fill in the smaller headings to finish the poster. Now, let’s begin. You may work in pairs to have a discussion to see what you should fill in. Should I give you some suggestions to finish this task?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK, 5 minutes is enough, I think.

Show the chart on the screen:


1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer.

2. His biography.

3. His personality.

4. His dreams.

Five minutes later, teacher can ask some of them to fulfil the chart. They can use words, phrases, or sentences to do this. Here is a sample for teacher to refer to.


1. He wants everyone to call him a farmer.

1) A scientist works the land.

2) Sunburnt face and arms, slim, strong body.

3) Grow hybrid rice.

4) The first agricultural pioneer.

2. His biography.

1) In 1931, born.

2) In 1953, graduated and devoted his life to finding ways to grow rice.

3) Last year, twenty billion tons of rice was produced. Now, Dr Yuan is circulating his knowledge.

3. His personality.

He is satisfied with his life. Because he doesn’t like

money and fame.

4. His dreams.

1) The first dream.

2) The second dream.

T: Wonderful! I believe that you have mastered the way to write a biography. Now do you have any trouble in understanding the sentences? Please go ahead.

S1: Yes, I don’t understand the sentence “... for that’s how he regards himself”.

S2: Can you explain the sentence “... has more, rather than fewer troubles.”?

T: OK, the phrase, “how he regards himself”, means how he thinks of himself. It refers to a person’s self-image; while“... has more, rather than fewer troubles” means that you expect fewer troubles but in fact you get more than you thought you would.

T: Now please look at the screen. Here are some explanations about the boldface words in our text. Copy the English explanation of these words and read the examples.

Show the following points on the screen.

1. struggle v to make great efforts

e.g. They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.

I’m struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me.

2. sunburnt adj sun-tanned

e.g. His sunburnt skin looks healthy.

3. super adj (infml) excellent; splendid

e.g. You’ll like her, she’s super.

You look super in your new clothes.

It was super of you to help.

4. expand v

(cause sth to) become greater in size, number or importance

e.g. Metals expand when they are heated.

Why not try to expand your story into a novel?

5. circulate v

(cause sth to ) pass from one person, place, etc to another

e.g. People who circulate false news are to be blamed.

Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers.

The news of the enemy’s defeat quickly circulated round the town.

6. equip v

supply sb/sth (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)

e.g. Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped.

They can’t afford to equip their army properly.

Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.

7. export v

send (goods) to another country for sale

e.g. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries.

This company has a large home market but doesn’t export.

8. rid ... of make sb/ sth free from (sb/ sth unpleasant)

e.g. We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.

The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats.

9. lead ... a life, live ... a life

e.g. Now we are leading a happy life.

In the old days farmers led a terrible life in the country.

10. be satisfied with, be content with

e.g. The young lady isn’t satisfied with the peaceful life.

Are you satisfied with his answers?

11. would rather, prefer to

e.g. I’d rather walk than take a bus.

I’d rather you knew that now, than afterwards.

Step Ⅵ Listening and Post-reading

At first, let students listen to the tape, and then finish the exercise in Comprehending. In Step Ⅳ and Ⅴ, we have involved some questions in Exercise 3, so teacher can choose some questions to do. For Ex 1 and 2, teacher can leave some time for students to finish and then check the answers with the whole class.

Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework

T: Today we talked about agriculture. And we also read about Dr Yuan Longping. We have known much about the great scientist. Of course we have learned some words and expressions about farming. Please try to grasp these words and expressions after class. Now please look at the poem on the screen:

Farmers weeding at noon,

Sweat down the field soon.

Who knows food on a tray,

Due to their toiling day?

T: Do you know it? Read it and say what does it mean?

Ss: Of course. It’s 悯农 written by Li Shen.

T: Right. The title is A HARD - WORKING FARMER. This is my gift to you. Please read it together. OK, hope you can remember it when you are having your dinners. Besides, I’d like you to think: even if Dr Yuan’s dreams come true, can this really solve the starvation? Why? This is the homework. Think it over. Next time I’ll ask some of you to give your opinion in the class. Another one is to finish the exercises in Learning about Language. Exercise 1, 2 and 3 are about useful words and expressions. Finish them. Next time we’ll check the answers. Ok, class is over. See you next time.



Retell the text in about 150 words.


1. Use the first person to retell the story.

2. Try to use the proper conjunctions.

3. Refer to the chart while retelling.

4. The possible version below can be used as a material for both retelling and dictation.

One possible version:

I’m Yuan Longping. Look at my sunburnt face and arms and my slim, strong body and you will think I’m more like a farmer than a scientist. In fact I have struggled for the past five decades to help farmers. In 1974, I began to grow a so-called super hybrid rice. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.

I was born into a poor farmer’s family in 1931. When I was young, I saw many people go hungry often. So I have devoted myself to finding ways to increasing rice harvest without expanding the area of fields since I graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953. Now more than 60 % of the rice produced in China each year is from this hybrid strain. I am circulating this knowledge in India, Vietnam and other less developed countries to increase their harvest. Perhaps you think I am rich. Actually I live a simple life. I care little for money. In my opinion a person with too much money will have more troubles. I don’t want to be famous because I prefer to have more time to do my research. In my free time I love listening to music, playing mah-jong and reading. I once had a dream, in which I saw rice plants as tall as sorghum and each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. Now I have another dream-to export my rice so that it can be grown all over the world.

