


1.脱口而出英语100句 篇一



My name is Lihua and I am a middle school student.I was born on March 10th 1990.2.我很努力学习

I work very hard.3.我喜欢看书。

I like reading books.4.昨天晚上我看了一场电影。这是目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部。I saw a movie last night/ yesterday evening.It was one of the best films that I have ever seen.5.请打我的电话,我的号码是123456。

Please call me on 123456.6.昨天是我的生日。妈妈给了我一份生日礼物。

It was my birthday yesterday.My mum gave me a birthday present.7.今天傍晚学校将有一场英语晚会。

There will be an English party at our school this evening.8.英语晚会将于七点半开始。

The English party will start at 7.30.9.我想邀请你参加今天的英语晚会。

I want to invite you to the English party this evening.10.我深信你一定能与我们共度一个愉快的夜晚。

I am sure you will have a wonderful/fabulous time with us tonigh


A best friend is someone who can share happiness and sorrow with you.12.这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first time, communicate with)This is the first time he has used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal.13.爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的——你投入的时间越长,乐趣越多。(the more… the more;devote to;get tired of)A hobby is something that you never get tired of—the more time you devote to it, the more fun you have.14.我真的非常感激你为我所做的一切。

I’m grateful for everything you have done for me.15.广州是一个拥有2000 多年历史的大城市。

Guangzhou is a big city with a history of over 2000 years.16.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游.(at present, more than)At present, more than one million visitors travel to Guangzhou every year.17.我们已经相识有很长的时间了。(get to know each other)

We have known each other for quite a long time./ We have got to know each other over quite a long time.18.我们的友谊是建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上的.(base on, communication)Our relationship was based upon years of open communication with each other.19.我们学习英语已经有大约十年的时间了。We have been learning English for about ten years.20.我们已经逐渐可以用英语流利地表达自己了.(gradually, express, fluently)We have gradually become able to express ourselves fluently in English.21.即使这工作可能要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作。(even if, determined)Even if it may take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.22.我会想尽办法来解决这个问题。.I will try my best to sort out the problem.23.不论发生什么事情,我将永远都不会放弃。(No matter…)No matter what may happen, I will never give up.24.我始终相信正确的态度是成功的关键所在。

I always believe that attitude is everything./ I believe that having the right attitude is the key to success.25.生活就象是一个美丽的旅程。我们应该始终对生活保持一种积极的态度。

Life is just like a beautiful journey.We should always keep a positive attitude towards life.26.请耐心点。火车很快就到了。(be doing 表将来)Please be patient.The train is arriving now.27.好像他的事业就快要结束了。(It seems…, at an end)It seems that his career is at an end.28.她把自己毕生的精力都倾注于教育孩子。(devote …to…)

She has devoted all her life to teaching young kids.29.这个问题值得讨论。(worth)The problem is worth discussing 30.这个母亲正看护着她熟睡的孩子。(watch over)The mother is watching over her sleeping child now.31.她给我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报,这一切都让我们很感激。(in return;which;be grateful)She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return, which made us very grateful.32.当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another)When the bell rang for lunch the students came out of classroom one after another.33.他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so)He’s been training for a long time, so he deserved to win the race.34.我们不能总是依赖老师。(rely on.…)We shouldn’t always rely on our teachers.35.我们都应该对自己的学习负责。(take the responsibility for…)We should take responsibility for our own learning.36.在朋友的帮助下,我最终完成了这项工作。(with the help of)Finally, I was able to do the work with the help of my friends.37.除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive)Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not survive.38.政府已经采取措施解决环境的问题。(take measures, solve)

The government has taken some measures to solve/address/reduce the environmental problems.39.由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了。(die out,)Because of over-hunting by human beings, many animals have died out.40.我们只有一个地球。所以我们应该保护我们的地球,做到环保。We have only one earth, so we should protect it and always be environmentally friendly.41.永远记住对于环保,防护比治理更加重要。(cure)Always remember that prevention is more important than a cure when it comes to saving the environment..42.我们在飞行途中经历了许多。We experienced a lot during the flight.43.飞机安全着陆之后,一些人喜笑颜开,而另一些人欣慰地哭了。(burst into laughter;while;cry in relief)After the plane landed safely, some people burst into laughter while others cried in relief.44.开车的时候,你应该注意路标。(pay attention to;road signs)When driving, you should pay attention to the road signs.45.根据气象报告,今天将会是一个晴朗的日子。(according to)According to the weather report, it will be sunny today.46.不要放弃。明天将会是更美好的一天。Never give up.Tomorrow will be another day.47.我梦想将来的某一天能周游全世界。(dream of)I dream of traveling around the world one day in future.48.我很独立,不喜欢总是依赖别人来获得帮助。(be independent;rely on)I am independent and don’t like to always rely on others for help.49.除了自信,她还非常漂亮也非常敏感。(in addition to;confident;attractive;sensitive)In addition to being confident, she is also attractive and sensitive.50.我们是好朋友。我将与你的友谊视为是最重要的。(above all else)We are good friends.I value your friendship above all else.51.游泳是非常快乐的,特别是在温暖的天气里。(pleasant)Swimming is pleasant ,especially in warm weather.52.我喜欢在森林里漫步和亲近自然的感觉。(get close to)I love walking in the forest and getting close to nature.53.我喜欢运动。我对打网球有兴趣。(be interested in)I love sports.I’m interested in playing tennis.54.这个故事很有趣。但我读的时候,我情不自禁地笑了起来。(can’t help…)The story was very funny.I couldn’t help laughing when I was reading it.55.我盼望着能很快见到你。(look forward to…)I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.56.音乐是美妙的。当我感到疲倦有压力的时候,听音乐能够帮助我放松。Music is wonderful.Listening to music helps me relax when I feel stressed/pressured.57.这出电影让我婆想起了自己美好的童年。(remind … of …)The movie reminded me of my wonderful childhood.58.大家都很清楚他没有告诉我们事实的真相。(obvious)It was obvious to everyone that he wasn’t telling us the truth.59.这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。(in memory of)The hospital was built in memory of Dr.Sun Yat-sen.60.我被这个故事深深打动了。

I was deeply touched by the story.61.如果你时常请教老师的话,你将会受益匪浅。(benefit,consult with)You will benefit greatly if you regularly consult with your teacher.62.除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。(a balanced diet, put on weight)Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight.63.不尝试,你永远都不知道自己能走多远。You never know how far you can go until you try.64.他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze)

He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown.65.他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。(earn a good living, be limited by;lack of)

His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education.66.他最大的优点也是他最严重的缺点。

His greatest strength is also his most serious weakness.67.这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写的。(base…on)This news report is based entirely on facts.68.政府已经接受了这个年轻人提出的好建议。

The government has accepted the good suggestions put forward by the young man.69.如果天气允许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。(weather permitting)We will have a picnic in the woods, weather permitting.70.当我到达的时候,我发现学校的门是关着的。我突然意识到那天是星期六。(find+宾语+补语)When I arrived, I found the school gate closed.I suddenly realized it was Saturday.71.昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。(atmosphere;joyful)The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a great time.72 我经常感到疑惑,为什么有些家长允许自己的孩子暴力影片。(wonder;allow)I often wonder why some parents allow their children to watch violent movies.73.我们班获得篮球比赛胜利的消息真是一个很大的惊喜。

The news that our class won the basketball game was really a big surprise.74美国最大银行的倒闭引发了(set off)连锁的破产现象(a chain reaction of bankruptcies导致了许多人失去了自己的家园。(lead to, lose home)

The collapse of America’s largest bank set off a chain reaction of bankruptcies and led to many people losing their homes.75.这个6岁的小孩有讲故事的天赋。(have a gift for)This 6-year-old boy has a gift for telling stories.76 这幅画是传统与现代的结合。(a mixture;the traditional;the modern)This painting is a mixture of the traditional and the modern.77.我们很快就喜欢上了这个青山碧水环绕的千年古镇。(surround)We soon fell in love with the thousand-year-old town,(which was)surrounded by green hills and blue water.78.站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山(in the distance)Standing at the top of the tower, I could see the mountains in the distance.79.我很喜欢这个小镇。这就是我们去暑假的地方。

I like the small town.This is the place where we spent our summer holiday last year.80.使我印象就深刻的是小镇上一棵百年老树。

What impressed me most in the small town was a big tree that is about 1000 years old.81.当我离开超市的时候,我碰巧遇见了我的老朋友。(come across)I came across my friend by chance when I was leaving the supermarket.82.老师的话促使我比以前更努力工作。(inspire)

My teacher’s words inspired me to work harder than ever before.83.多亏了每一个人的辛勤努力,表演取得了巨大的成功。(thanks to)Thanks to everyone’s hard work, the performance was a great success.84.我宁愿为理想奋斗,不愿意放弃而他日后悔。(would rather…than;struggle for)I would rather struggle for my dream than give it up and regret it later in my life.85.美国总统来华访问,希望改善两国之间的关系。(with the hope of…)

The president of the USA paid a visit to China with the hope of improving the relationship between the two countries.86.在老师的帮助下,我终于克服了困难。(overcome)I was able to overcome the problem with the help of my teacher.87.我对一切记忆犹新,好像是昨天发生的。(as if…)I remember everything as if it happened yesterday.88.一般而言,你在学习一门新的语言的时候总避免不了要犯错误。(in general, avoid)In general, you cannot avoid making mistakes when learning a new language.89.在政府和人民的帮助下,汶川地区最终定能重建家园。(,it is likely that;recover)

With the help of the people and the government it is likely that Wenchuan will eventually recover.90.树叶变黄,意味着秋天来临。(approach)

When the tree leaves turn yellow, we know that autumn is approaching.91.法国以其精美的食品和葡葡萄酒驰名。(be famous for)France is famous for its fine food and wine.92.学校为学生提供了许多现代化的教学设施。(provide sth.for sb.;teaching facilities)The school provides modern teaching facilities for its students.93.计算机和网络已经彻底地改变了我们的生活,让我们可以很方便地与全世界的人交流。

Computers and Internet have completely changed our lives and allow us to easily communicate with people all over the world.94.他不仅是个有名的剧作家也是个非常优秀的演员。(Not only句首…but also…)Not only was he a famous playwright, but he was also an excellent actor.95.别在太阳下晒得太久,否则你会被晒伤。(expose… to)

Don’t expose yourself to the sun for too long or you will get sunburned.96.我的早餐包括巧克力饼干和牛奶。(consist of)My breakfast consists of chocolate-covered biscuits and milk.97.为了图方便, 我把参考书放在书桌前。(for convenience)I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.98 她出生于北京的一个工人家庭,5岁就开始打乒乓球。(过去分词作状语)Born into a workers’ family in Beijing, she began to play table tennis at the age of five.99.世上的一切事情都在不断地发生着变化。Everything in the world is constantly changing.100.校长为他颁发了优秀学生奖。(present sb.with the award)The headmaster presented him with the award for excellent students.

2.100句英语骂人常用语 篇二


4.You shouldn’t have done that!你真 不应该那样做!5.You’re a jerk!你是个废物/混球!6.Don’t talk to me like that!别那样 和我说话!7.Who do you think you are? 你以为你 是谁?

8.What’s your problem? 你怎么回事


9.I hate you!我讨厌你!

10.I don’t want to see your face!我 不愿再见到你!11.You’re crazy!你疯了!12.Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13.Don’t bother me.别烦我。14.Knock it off.少来这一套。15.Get out of my face.从我面前消失!

16.Leave me alone.走开。17.Get lost.滚开!

18.Take a hike!哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去


19.You piss me off.你气死我了。20.It’s none of your business.关你


21.What’s the meaning of this? 这是


22.How dare you!你敢!23.Cut it out.省省吧。24.You stupid jerk!你这蠢猪!25.You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真


26.I’m fed up.我厌倦了。

27.I can’t take it anymore.我受不了 了!(李阳老师常用)

28.I’ve had enough of your garbage.我听腻了你的废话。29.Shut up!闭嘴!

30.What do you want? 你想怎么样? 31.Do you know what time it is? 你知 道现在都几点吗?

32.What were you thinking? 你脑子进


33.How can you say that? 你怎么可以


34.Who says? 谁说的?

35.That’s what you think!那才是你脑 子里想的!

36.Don’t look at me like that.别那


37.What did you say? 你说什么? 38.You are out of your mind.你脑子


39.You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。40.Drop dead.去死吧!41.Fuck off.滚蛋。

42.Don’t give me your shit.别跟我胡 扯。

43.Don’t give me your excuses/ No mo

re excuses.别找借口。

44.You’re a pain in the ass.你这讨


45.You’re an asshole.你这缺德鬼。46.You bastard!你这杂种!47.Get over yourself.别自以为是。48.You’re nothing to me.你对我什么


49.It’s not my fault.不是我的错。50.You look guilty.你看上去心虚。51.I can’t help it.我没办法。52.That’s your problem.那是你的问


53.I don’t want to hear it.我不想


54.Get off my back.少跟我罗嗦。55.Give me a break.饶了我吧。56.Who do you think you’re talking t o? 你以为你在跟谁说话?

57.Look at this mess!看看这烂摊子!58.You’re so careless.你真粗心。59.Why on earth didn’t you tell me t he truth? 你到底为什么不跟我说实


60.I’m about to explode!我肺都快要


61.What a stupid idiot!真是白痴一


62.I’m not going to put up with this!我再也受不了啦!

63.I never want to see your face aga in!我再也不要见到你!

64.That’s terrible.真糟糕!65.Just look at what you’ve done!看 看你都做了些什么!

66.I wish I had never met you.我真


67.You’re a disgrace.你真丢人!68.I’ll never forgive you!我永远都


69.Don’t nag me!别在我面前唠叨!70.I’m sick of it.我都腻了。71.You’re such a *****!你这个*子!72.Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing a round!别鬼混了!

73.Mind your own business!管好你自


74.You’re just a good for nothing bu m!你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!75.You’ve gone too far!你太过分了!76.I loathe you!我讨厌你!77.I detest you!我恨你!

78.Get the hell out of here!滚开!79.Don’t be that way!别那样!80.Can’t you do anything right? 成事 不足,败事有余。

81.You’re impossible.你真不可救药。

82.Don’t touch me!别碰我!83.Get away from me!离我远一点儿!84.Get out of my life.我不愿再见到

你。/ 从我的生活中消失吧。85.You’re a joke!你真是一个小丑!86.Don’t give me your attitude.别跟


87.You’ll be sorry.你会后悔的。88.We’re through.我们完了!89.Look at the mess you’ve made!你


90.You’ve ruined everything.全都让


91.I can’t believe your never.你好


92.You’re away too far.你太过分了。93.I can’t take you any more!我再也 受不了你啦!

94.I’m telling you for the last time!我最后再告诉你一次!95.I could kill you!我宰了你!96.That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!(比尔·盖茨常用)97.I can’t believe a word you say.我才不信你呢!98.You never tell the truth!你从来


99.Don’t push me!别逼我!100.Enough is enough!够了够了!101.Don’t waste my time anymore.别


102.Don’t make so much noise.I’m w orking.别吵,我在干活。103.It’s unfair.太不公平了。104.I’m very disappointed.真让我失


105.Don’t panic!别怕!

106.What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什么吗?

107.Don’t you dare come back again!你敢再回来!

3.脱口而出英语100句 篇三



只会Chinglish,接触外国人,完全不懂他们再说啥?以上 12个场景,总共100句实用口语表达大汇总,走到哪里都不怕。其实只有到这假期才想起操练英语有点措手不及了,不如工夫用到平时,这样也避免临时抱佛脚,学英语从容不迫才能学到精妙处。




4.脱口而出英语100句 篇四

孩子学英语,口语是很好掌握到位,只要经常操练起来就够了,下面就汇总了100句最常用到的儿童英语口语,瑞思学科英语一直关注儿童英语中的重点句型及单词等,平时的点滴积累成就高水平英语。有心的父母就收藏起来,与正在学习儿童英语的宝宝们操练起来吧~ 1.Hello!(How do you do?)你好!

2.How are you?-I’m fine.Thank you.and you? 你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?

3.Good morning / afternoon/evening/night.早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。4.Excuse me。(sorry.I’m sorry)打搅一下(对不起/不好意思)5.Thank you!谢谢你!6.You are welcome.不用谢。7.How are you today? 今天还好吗? 8.Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。9.What’s your name? 你叫什么名子啊? 10.My name is×××.我叫×××。

11.What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?

12.What’s wrong with you?(What’sthe matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?)13.It’s time for class.该上课了。

14.Come in please.请进。

15.Let’s get ready for class!让我们准备上课吧!16.Line up please!排队!17.Attention please!立正!18.At ease.稍息。

19.Turn left/right!向左/右转!

20.One bye one please.no pushing.一个一个来。不要挤。21.Let’s go back to the classroom.让我们回教室去。

22.It’s time for(breakfast lunch supper/dinner)该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了

23.Please eat up.Take your time.把它吃完。慢慢吃。24.Would you like some rice!来点米饭吧!25.Help yourself.请吃,别客气。

26.Please have some fish/vegetables.吃点鱼/蔬菜吧。27.Do you want anymore? 还要吗? 28.Anything to drink? 喝点啥?

29.I’d like to drink some milk!我想喝点年奶!

30.Today we are going to learn some new words.今天我们将学习一些新单词。

31.Who wants to try? 谁来试试? 32.Let me try!我来试试!33.It’s your turn.轮到你了。

34.Don’t be afraid/shy!不要害怕/不要害羞!35.Try your best!尽力做/尽力试。36.Do you understand? 明白了吗?

37.Stand up/sit down.please.请站起来/请坐下。38.Listen to me carefully.please.请仔细地听我说。39.Look at me ,please.请看着我。40.Watch carefully.看仔细。

41.What are you going to do tonight? 今晚干啥去?

42.I’m going to dynamic English world.我要去能动英语俱乐部。43.I’m going to learn dynamic Magic English.我去学能动神奇英语。44.What’s on tonight? 今晚有什么节目? 45.Let’s watch TV.我们看电视吧!

46.We are going to the Pople’s Park.我们要去人民公园。47.Be quiet.please.请安静。48.Stop talking!(Don’t talk.)别讲话。49.Don’t worry about it.不要为这担心。50.No problem.没问题。51.Clap your hands.鼓掌拍手。

52.Class is over.(Time is up.)下课了!(时间到了)53.See you next time.Bye bye!下次见,再见。54.Well done!干得好!55.You are so smart!你真聪明!

56.How clever you are!你真是太聪明了!57.Let’s have a rest.(take a break)我们休息一下。58.It’s time to go to bed.该睡觉了。

59.It’s time to get up.(Wake up.please。)该起床了(醒醒)60.Wash your face/hands/foot.洗脸/手/脚。61.Comb your hair.梳头。62.Brush your teeth.刷牙。

63.Come on.Let’s play together.过来,我们一起玩。64.Let’s play a game.我们来玩个游戏。

65.You are getting better and better.你越来越棒了。66.You’er making progress everyday.你每天都在进步。67.You’re always the best.你总是最好的。68.You speak English very well.你英语说的非常好。

69.Do you like English?(Ilike English very much)你喜欢英语吗?(我太喜欢英语了)70.I’mpleased with your spoken English.你的口语真令我满意。71.Be brave,please.请勇敢一点。72.Have a nice weekend!周未愉快!

73.Happy birthday to you.(Happy New Year to you)生日快乐!(新年快乐)74.Put on your clothes.穿衣服。

75.Take off your clothes/shoes.脱衣服/鞋子。

76.Pardon!(I beg your pardon)什么!请你再说一次。77.May I speak to×××.Please.×××在吗? 78.Who is on the line? 你是谁啊?(电话用语)79.This is OSA.我是OSA。(电话用语)80.Welcome to Beijing.欢迎来到北京。81.Do you like Beijing? 你喜欢北京吗?

82.People in Shiyan are proud of Wudang Mountain.十堰的人以武当山为豪。

83.Are you free this afternoon? 今天下午你有空吗? 84.I’m inviting you to Mcdonald’s.我请你去麦当劳。85.At what time shall I come? 我什么时候可以过来。86.Is six o’clock ok with you? 六点可以吗? 87.This way.please!这边走!

88.Have a good time。(Enjoy yourself)玩得愉快!89.The same to you!你也一样!90.You are learning fast.你学得很快。91.Keep on trying.不断努力。

92.Put up your hands.please。(Raise your hands,please/hands up)请举手。

93.Hands down.放下手。94.Be careful.(look out)小心!

95.How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样?

96.Fine.thanks.and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 97.Hope to see you again!希望能再见到你。98.Drink some water/tea,please.请喝水/茶。99.Which one will you choose? 你要哪个?

100.Goodbye.See you tomorrow/late/next week!再见。明天见。


瑞思学科英语自2007年进入中国市场,依托霍顿· 米夫林· 哈考特(HMHG)集团全球丰富的教育行业经验和优质的产品资源,采用互动多媒体为教学手段,备受孩子和家长的青睐,经过十年的努力,为中国不同年龄段的孩子创造与国际先进标准同步的教育体系。在全浸入式英语环境中,激发孩子的英语学习兴趣,帮助孩子掌握语言背后的逻辑、文化、思维方式,培养孩子解决实际问题、团队合作、演讲演示的能力及创造力。

5.于脱颖而出的美文美句摘抄 篇五



●每个人都似是走在无尽的命运之路,小时候是宽阔的长廊,长大就变成逼仄的胡同,囚禁着我们所有的梦想。无形的枷锁,是他人的对比,世俗的眼光,主流价值的引导——汲汲于更高的奖金,不遗余力爬上高层,出席高端场合,不过是为了丰满明天的简历,脱颖而出,然后站在下一个起点上,继续快人一步。 ----李梦霁


镇上去过帝都格兰尔特的人都说麒零像是帝都里的人。但麒零从出生到现在十七年,一步都没有离开过福泽镇。他倒是整天都想去格兰尔特,但从来没有离开过这个坐落在一片森林深处的小镇一步。 ----郭敬明《爵迹:雾雪零尘》




可风光无两了,又怎么样呢? ----priest《天涯客》











“人要有自知之明,陆家是不可能接受你的,就算陆子初现在跟你在一起也没什么,这世上有很多恋爱,看似美好,却经不起现实打磨,我倒要看看,你们能在一起多久。” ----云檀《独宠旧爱陆少的秘密恋人》

●这世界多公平,出色的人往往都是从淤泥里打滚,只有少数脱颖而出。 ----马佳欣《眼睛》

●一个人是有可能克服这个的(外在环境)——就一个人。不是一群人,甚至不是一个流派。换句话说,我又把一个人提出来了,一个个体,一个半人半神的角色,如果他能够不被他可能有的对立面所压垮,他应该可以脱颖而出,可以战胜被大众所完全认可的价值。我们不知道他应该具备哪些素质,因为这是些非常个人化的素质,它们来自很深的地方,来自个体深深的内部。 ----马塞尔·杜尚





读书可以改变人生,您的书就是对这一真理的证明。 ----山姆·洪恩《凸法则:从默默无闻到脱颖而出》


PharmaJet 公司创始人凯瑟琳·卡伦德就是这种感觉,她对我说:“有好消息,也有坏消息。思林博德企业现在给我一个机会,让我进入一个纽约佩里中心满是投资者的房间。”

我告诉她:“这是个好消息呀。思林博德曾帮助热布卡公司女企业家罗宾·蔡斯筹资64 亿美元之多。坏消息是什么?”

“我14: 30 到场,只有10 分钟的展示机会。只有10 分钟,什么都展示不了,我怎么可能在10 分钟之内就解释清楚我们的团队认证、临床实验和财务分析呢?” ----山姆·洪恩《凸法则:从默默无闻到脱颖而出》




钱擎天直接被除名,每天接收男生们同情兼羡慕的眼神。单青终于也红了一次:一个成绩相貌双不如艳小姐的人,竟敢插足她的爱情--一时间,这是女生们刷亲密度的最热话题。 ----另维《青木桌上的女孩》







