


1.父亲带走了象棋美文 篇一

十年之前,十年之后,你也许会想起陈奕迅的歌,但是这都带走了些什么?你在这十年里又有怎样的变化? 父母 parents 十年前我们是父母的孩子 10 years ago, we were children of our parents; 十年后我们是孩子的父母 10 years later, we become parents of our children. 十年前我有温暖的家 10 years ago, i had a home full of joys and affection ; 十年后我才体会家的温暖 10 years later, i feel warmth of family then and not till then. 十年前我渴望离家去远方 10 years ago, i yearned for leaving far away from home, 十年后我渴望从远方回家 10 years later, i am longing to return my drifting heart home. 十年前我对父母大吵大嚷 10 years ago, i shouted and thunder at my parents; 十年后我希望父母再骂我一次 10 years later, i wish my parents scold me again even in my dream. 爱情 love 十年前你是我的同桌 10 years ago, you were my desk mate, 十年后你成了别人的妻子 10 years later, you become the wife of the other guy. 十年前我唱着同桌的你 10 years ago, i sang my desk mate for you, 十年后我想着同桌的你 10 years later, i am thinking of you my dear desk mate. 十年前我们面对的唯一问题是考试 10 years ago, the only problem we faced was exam, 十年后我们除了考试所有的问题都要面对 10 years later, we have to face all except for exam. 十年前我在你家楼下记住了你嫣然的回眸一笑 10 years ago, i remembered your sweet smile at me at your downstairs; 十年后我在你家楼下看到你训斥孩子的严厉面孔 10 years later, i unwittingly saw you nagging at your child with a stony face at your downstairs. 十年前我渴望马上结婚 10 years ago, i yearned for marriage at every moment; 十年后我渴望再谈一次恋爱 10 years later, i am longing to fall in love one more time. 十年前我们谈及爱情,总是羞涩 10 years ago, we felt shy when talking about love; 十年后我们谈及爱情,却是生涩 10 years later, awkward only can be seen on our face when talking about love. 十年前我渴望爱情,但不知道什么是爱情 10 years ago, i yearned for love but didn’t know what true love was; 十年后我知道了什么是爱情,却不再拥有爱情 10 years later, i have know what love is but can never own love. 十年前我喜欢漂亮女生 10 years ago, i like girls with nice appearances; 十年后我家有丑妻 10 years later, i have an ugly wife at home. 十年前我有了初恋 10 years ago, i fell in love first time; 十年后我有了初次离婚 10 years later, i am divorced for the first time. 时间能够留下什么?时间又能带走什么?十年,你的变化大么?记得陈奕迅有首歌,也是这个名字,抹不去的就是淡淡的伤感…… 工作 work 十年前我们为打一个电话四处寻找公用电话 10 years ago, i looked about public telephone just for a call; 十年后我们有了手机,依然四处奔波 10 years later, i have mobile phone but still rushing all around, 十年前我月薪的目标是1000 10 years ago, i aimed to earn 1000 yuan a month; 十年后我月薪6000元,依然无法快乐 10 years later, i earn 6000 yuan a month but still unhappy. 十年前我最怕的就是批评 10 years ago. i was mostly scared of criticism; 十年后我最难得的却是批评 10 years later, it’s hard to win criticism. 十年前200元钱我可以花一个月 10 years ago, 200 yuan was enough for me to live a month; 十年后元钱我才可以吃一顿饭 10 years later, it costs me 2000 yuan for one meal. 十年前我们穿着统一的校服,朴素中透出的是阳光般的灿烂 10 years ago, we were in school uniforms, brilliant sunshine naturally overflowing from austerity; 十年后我们穿着名牌的服装,华贵中流露出的是淡淡的忧郁 10 years later, we are in name brand clothes, a touch of somber mood arising from this kind of illusive luxury. 十年前我们可以蓬头垢面,满脸汗渍的去上课 10 years ago, we went to class unkemptly with sweat stains on face; 十年后我们必须衣冠楚楚,面带微笑的去上班 10 years later, we must dress in neat and with smile for work. 十年前我痛恨腐败 10 years ago, i rabidly abominated corruption; 十年后我腐败了 10 years later, i belong to the ranks of corruption; 信念 belief 十年前我以为自己是一棵大树 10 years ago, i thought that i were a sky-reaching tree; 十年后我才明白自己只不过是一棵小草 10 years later, i realize that i am nothing more than a tiny grass. 十年前我唯一可以浪费的就是时间 10 years ago, time was the only thing i can waste; 十年后我除了时间什么我都可以浪费 10 years later, i can waste anything except for time. 十年前我们可以说青春无悔 10 years ago, youth was unrepentant to us; 十年后我们只能说青春不在 10 years later, youth is far away from us. 十年前我们可以游戏人生 10 years ago, we felt proud that we can play with life; 十年后我们却处在人生的游戏中 10 years later, we are trapped in the game of life.
