


1.倒装完成句子 篇一

73.哥哥花了三个星期的时间计教我弹吉他.It took brother a week to teach me /my brother spent a week teaching me to play the guitars.74.妈妈常常告诉我,既不要先要自己,也不要轻视别人.Mom often tells me neither to show myself off, nor to look down upon others.73在体育测试中我尽力了.I tried as hard as possible in the PE test.74你最好不要过分依赖父母,学会照顾自己.You’ d better not depend too much onour parents, and learn to look after yourself

2011 一模

因为下了大雨,它让我等了两个小时.Because of the heavy rain, it kept me waiting for two hours

我花了很长时间才了解了那幅油画的含义.It took me a long time to know the meaning of the painting.74 李先生过去总吸烟.直到得了重病,他才戒烟.Mr Li to smoke a lot.He didn’t give up smoking untilhe was serious ill.2

讲英语时,不要害怕犯错误.Don’ be afraid ofmaking mistakes when you speak English

学生正在帮老人们打扫房间.The students are busy helping the old people cleanthe house.3


Would you please call me when you are free

外边正在下雨,但李丽忘记带雨伞了.It is raining now, but LILy forgot to take an umbrella with her

往往是灾难来临的时候,我们才意识到相互帮助共度难关的重要性.Usually we don’t realize the importance of helping each other and getting through difficulties together untildisasters happen.4

这里的景色太美了,我们停下来爬了很多相片.The sights here were used to make a living by singing.6

对不起,但我认为您把停在这里是不对的.Excuse me, but I park the car here.don’t think it’s right for you to/ think it’s wrong for you to


In the science club, the kids are busy either making models or dealing

with/working out /solving problemsthat they meet.7

昨晚我的朋友李娜缠着我在电话里说了半个小时.My fiends Linna kept me talkingon the phone for half an hour last night.74 现代城市里越来越多的成年人,到大学努力提高自己

Now more and more city adults spend their free time trying toimprove themselves at collage.我有两个学习英语的方法.一个是大声朗读, 另一个是坚持因可能多做

阅读.I have two ways of learning English.One is reading aloud, the other is keeping

reading as much as possible


The children are busy preparing for / are busy getting ready for their mother a

birthday party

很多学校都需要加固装修,这可以使他们的学校既安全又美观.Many school need to be reinforced and decorated, and it can make the

schools not only safer but also more beautiful

我很高兴能与同学们相处的很好.Iam glad that I can get on well with other students.74 你的单位离家很近,我认为没有必要天天开车去上班.Your workplace is quite near your home.I don’t think it is necessary for you

to drive to work everyday.11


There was something wrong with/ something was wrong withmy bike yesterday.I had to go to school on foot.73 妈妈得知哥哥在日本地震中安全后才上床睡觉.Mum didn’t go to beduntilshe know my brother was safe in the

earthquake in Japan.74 他那么喜欢听应约,我有必要给她买个手机作为生日礼物.He likes listening to music so much that I think it’s necessary to buy him an

ipod/buy an ipod touch for himas birthday gift.10

他花了很长时间致力于如何研究阻止学生沉溺于电脑游戏.Hehas spent a long time keeping studying on how to stop students from

losing themselvesin the computer games.20122


There is something wrong withmy bicycle.Can you help me mend it?

医生总想尽可能多的了解病人的情况.The doctor always wants to know/ learn as much as possibleabouthis patients

那场雨没有阻挡我们上手旅行的快乐.The rain didn’t stop/prevent us(from)enjoying the trip.74看见女儿走进学校,华特先生才离开

Mr.White didn’t leave until he saw his daughter enter/go into the school.72 北京有许多名胜古迹。

There are many places of interest in Beijing.73 要认识到我们的长处和短处是需要时间的。

It takes timeto realize our advantages and disadvantages.74 我的父母累得不想吃饭,不想说话,但是他们仍然坚持辅导我的功课

Every day my parents are too tired to feel like eating or talking, but they still

keep helping me with/are so tired that they don’t want to eat or talk,but they still keep helping me withmy homework.71 劳驾,请递给我词典好吗?

Excuse me, would you please/ Could youpass me the dictionary?


Shanghai EXPO 2010 is as popularBeijing Olympic Game 2008


The more knowledge he has, the more interest he showsin learning.74 我觉得现在不是完全依赖电脑的时候,因此还是有必要把字练好

I don’t think it’s time to fully depend on computer, so it’s necessary(for us)to be good at handwriting.73快考试了,我既不玩游戏也不看电影。

The exams are coming.I neither play games nor see movies

学会如何独立处理我们生活中的问题是很必要的_It’s very necessary for us to learn how to deal with the problems by

ourselves___ in our daily life.6


_I am glad that I have kept reading English newspapers after finishing my

homework homework every day for a year.7


Reading books_can not only help us get knowledge but also make us



Daming _neither watched TV nor_ played computer games yesterday evening.学生们每天花一个小时做运动是很重要的。

_It’simportant for students to spend an hour doing sports every day.2010-2011 期末


I was glad/happy/ pleased to _see him fit in his new class when I got there.尽可能多的回收和利用是很有必要的。

__It’s necessary to____ reuse and recycleas much as possible________


_Although it takes times to take part in the volunteer activities, _we should

__still try to keep doing it ___



We should travel a lot because it can not only make us relaxed, but also help

us learn more about the world.我们要尽可能多花时间学习英语。

We”llspend as much times as possibles_learning English.2012 东城区一模


Jerrynot only learns English but also learns Chinese


It’s possible to finish the homework before 9 o’clock.73.为了赶上同学,他尽了最大的努力。

In order to catch up with his classmates, he has tried his best.西城



Many people are so moved by “the guy with courage” in Tsinghuathat they

decide to keep their dreams and so their best to make them come ture





As a teenager in Beijing,it’s very necessary to know how toconnect

Beijing Spirit with our daily life.73.当我们与别人意见不能达成一致时,我们最好既不要与人争吵也不要


Wehad better neither argue with others nor give upour own opinions when we can’t reach an agreement.73.许多人被清华“励志修车哥”所感动,决定像他那样坚持梦想,并努


73.Many people are so moved by “the guy with courage” in Tsinghua that

they decide to keep their dreams and do their best to make them come true

like him.朝阳

为了保持健康,你不仅应该戒烟,而且应该考虑每天花点时间锻炼身体。In order t keep health, you should _not only stop smoking but also think about spending a little time_ taking exercise every day.

2.倒装完成句子 篇二


句子 ( Sentence) 是最高一级的英语语法单位; 在语言的学习过程中句子通常被称之为“主语+ 谓语” ( subject + verb) 的结构, 它有一定的语法结构和语调, 是人们表达思想进行交际的最为基本的语言单位; 句子能在交际中单独使用, 也能表达一个相对完整的独立概念, 并在一定的上下文或语境中发挥一定的交际作用; 作为最高一级的语法单位, 句子的结构形式则是无限的, 在语言文字的表达中如何才能准确地把灵活多样的句式结构运用于其中, 这不仅仅需要习作者有坚实地写作功底, 而且还需要有开阔的思维方式。

语言的学习者, 在掌握了一定的词汇量, 掌握了句子最为基础的基本句型后, 一般都可以进行一些相对简单的语言交际; 语言的交际能力分为: 口语交际能力和书面表达的交际能力; 英语在其长期发展中形成了自己相对固定的语言表达词序 ( Word Order) , 其特征是主语在前, 谓语在后, 也就是我们在前面提到的“主语+ 谓语”; 这种语言表达的模式也就形成了英语简单句的五种基本句型 ( SV、SVP/SVC、SVO、SVo O、SVOC) , 在这些句型结构中, 除了状语的句中位置比较灵活外, 句子的主语、谓语动词、表语、宾语以及补语的位置都是相对固定的。这种次序的相对固定性转而又使某种打破常规改变词序的表达法成为一种表达强调的修辞手段。本文就英语学习中, 使学习者常感到困惑的倒装、前置的语法现象做一初步探讨, 以求共勉。


探讨英语句子结构中的倒装 ( Inversion) 和前置 ( Fronting) 的语法现象, 就需以英语简单句常用的基本句型作为探讨的着眼点, 因为初学者在他们的英文习作中为了避免错误常常会大量的运用英语的简单句来阐述自己的思想或表达写作的内容, 这样的习作往往会使读者感觉文章布局单调、句式贫乏、语言枯燥乏味, 不足于表达写作者的理念, 也不足于引发阅读者的共鸣; 试看下面用简单句对攀登者攀登过程的一组描述。

He was nearing the top. His eyes were already glowing with triumph. He was climbing faster and faster. He climbed recklessly fast. He suddenly slipped and fell. He tumbled to the ground. He lay motionlessly there. He was a crumpled pile of arms and legs.

读者不难发现以上的8 个英语句, 写作者大多使用的是SV结构的简单句; 很明显, 这样的写作手法不仅使文字内容平庸无华, 而且也使语句间缺乏必要的连贯性, 最重要的一点则是不具备语言文字的吸引力;试比较:

Nearing the top, he climbed recklessly faster and faster, his eyes already glowing with triumph, but suddenly he slipped and fell, tumbling to the ground and lying motionless there, a crumpled pile of arms and legs.

第二段文字通过对语句句型使用方式的改变, 不仅能措辞严谨地表达被描述者的一系列行动过程, 而且又能准确、清楚地表达阐述者的意图; 最为精彩的则是能吸引读者的注意力, 激发阅读兴趣, 与写作者产生心灵上的共鸣; 尽管这个例案与本论文要探讨的内容就起表面来看没有任何实质上的关联, 但就其语言的结构而言, 任何一种表达都是息息相关的; 以下言归正传, 探讨本论文所需涉及的知识点。


把在正常词序句子结构中通常较晚出现的一些句子成分移到句首, 使之处在一个突出的位置, 从而受到特殊强调, 句子的主语和谓语则不作位置的变化, 这种语法手段叫做前置; 倘若使用前置手段表示强调, 有时句子的主语和谓语必须要进行位置的变化, 这样的语法手段叫做倒装。

( 一) 前置

英语学习的初级阶段, 学习者最为熟悉的前置现象, 则是简单句中的时间状语置于句首;

e. g. Every morning the old man runs along the small river in the little town.

句子中的前置成分通常是宾语、状语、主语补足语 ( 表语) 、宾语补足语。


某一句子成分被移到全句的句首, 是英语修辞中强调手法的需要, 强调手法的的运用是突出语句的重点, 也是为了使上下文紧密衔接, 然而有时这种前置也可以是为了语句意义的对比和结构的对称。

e. g.

Very strange it seemed. A scandal the public called it. This they kept for themselves. Mr. Jack fried two small pieces of fish. One of these he fed to his cat. The other he ate himself.

Fool Joe may be, but thief he is not.


英语学习中, 我们会发现一些不需要移到句首的前置现象, 这种现象的运用范围大多是针对句中的状语; 在一些固定的搭配结构中, 状语通常都是置于句尾, 改变它的句中位置的主要目的就是保持句子结构的平衡。

e. g.

While he was walking around to see if they felt okay, he pulled from his pocket a little white mouse with pick eyes and asked for its opinion. ( 词组:pull…from…)

这种使用形式的出现, 通常运用于一个句子中的宾语过长的状况。例如上面这个例句中的宾语“a little white mouse”就带有一个介词词组“with pick eyes”对宾语起修饰和限定作用。再譬如:

When an American president takes a vacation, his assistants usually emphasizes to news reporters the work that he does during his vacation. In constract, when the prime minister of Japan recently took a vacation, his aids emphasizes to the press that his purpose was relaxation - no work at all.

( 二) 倒装

倒装也是一种语法手段, 用来表示句子结构的需要或强调某一句子成分的需要。英语最基本的结构就是主、谓结构, 倒装则是将这种较为固定的词序加以颠倒; 英语的倒装分为两种: 部分倒装和完全倒装。


顾名思义, 部分倒装就是讲句子谓语的一部分置于句首; 也就是把助动词、情态动词放到主语的前面。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词, 则需添加助动词do、does或did, 将其置于主语前。e. g.

Do you want to know who came late this morning?

Had he found the fact, he would have told us earlier.


把整个谓语置于主语之前; 可以使用完全倒装的动词通常都为一般时态 ( 一般过去式、一般现在式) 的不及物动词的谓语形式或BE动词; 构成完全倒装时, 需要把句子中表示时间或地点的副词置于句首, 而且全句的主语是名词时, 才可使用完全倒装句。

e. g.

Here comes the bus.

There stood a desk against the wall.

Once upon a time there lived a man known by the name of Beef.

表示趋向的副词 ( away. down, in, off, out, over round, up etc) 和动词搭配构成的短语动词用作谓语, 且主语是名词时, 也可使用完全倒装句式。

e. g.

Down came the rain ang up went the umbrellas.

Round and round flew the plane.



To this class belongs the most astonishing work that the author accomplished

部分倒装和完全倒装句式的构成形式颇多, 这需要学习者们在学习中不断地去积累和完善; 在此, 不做过多的介绍; 我们只需弄清楚句子主语、谓语位置的改变与否形成了不同的句式结构。


(一) 感叹句中


Isn't it a beautiful garden! (完全倒装句;整个谓语置于主语前。)

可写为:It is a beautiful garden, isn't it?

What a beautiful garden it is! ( 主、谓没有改变位置; 只是把句子的表语置于句首, 使用What构成感叹句. )

可写为: It is a beautiful garden.

(二) 让步状语从句中


Poor as he is, he is ready to help others. (表语前置)

(=Though he is poor, he is ready to help others.)

Say whatever you may, I won't change my mind. (倒装句式)

(=Whatever you may say, I won't change my mind.)

Be it sunny or rainy, he goes to office on time. (倒装句式)

(=Whether it is sunny or rainy, he goes to office on time.)

英语语法的研究者们针对同一语法表达形式同样也有着自己不同的解释和理解; 就以本文所探讨的英语句式结构中的“前置、倒装”这一语法现象为例:

《实用英语语法 ( 张道真编著) 》一书中, 从语序的角度探讨了“前置、倒装”, 从句子的自然语序和倒装语序的结构形式论述了“前置、倒装”结构的运用范畴。

《英语语法 ( 薄冰著》中, 他是从句子结构需要的倒装和强调需要的倒装这样两个方面展开的论述;

《新编英语语法教程 ( 章振邦主编》教材中, 编写者则是把“前置、倒装”作为一个整体进行阐述, 书中论述为: 引起倒装的前置和不引起倒装的前置;

学者们在各自的论著中, 都有一种共同的认知, 那就是对英语倒装句式的“部分倒装和全部倒装”的结构论述; 倒装是一种语法手段, 用于表示一定句子结构的需要和强调某一句子成分的需要。英语的最基本的结构是“主语+ 谓语”结构; 倒装就是把这一比较固定的词序加以颠倒。部分倒装和全部倒装是如何颠倒词序的? 文中笔者已做过阐述在此就不再重述。但是下面的这一语言现象在学习中又该如何定位呢?以求探讨。

连词as引导的让步状语从句, 其句式结构为: “单数名词/形容词/副词+ as + 主语+ 谓语, 主句……”; 就其固定的句式结构来看, 尽管把在从句中用作表语的单数名词、形容词以及用作状语的副词置于了句首, 但是从句主体的主、谓并没有改变位置, 它们依然保持正常的词序位置关系; 所以在实际的教学中笔者认为, 这样的语法现象不应被称之为部分倒装, 而应定性为前置, 便于学习者理解和掌握。

总之, 英语语言的学习中, 如何准确地理解和掌握这门语言的不同句式结构以及其使用要点则需要学习者不断地积累和完善; 之所以会对倒装结构和前置手法迷惑不解的根节就是忽略了主、谓的位置关系; 只要我们勤思索, 勇探讨, 肯积累就会发现学习语言的乐趣, 开阔视野, 充实自我; 学在于勤!


[1]王振芳.新编实用英语语法.北京:高等教育出版社, 2005.1.

[2]《大学体验英语》项目组.大学体验英语综合教程.北京:高等教育出版社, 2003.3.

[3]倪华.大学英语三级考试精讲与应试指导.北京:中国水利水电出版社, 2011.3.

[4]薄冰.英语语法.北京:开明出版社, 1998.3.

3.正确倒装only开头的句子 篇三



如果only修饰的不是状语,句子就不能倒装。比如Only some of the students passed the examination一句中,only修饰的是主语some of the students,所以句子不能倒装。若把它写成Only some of the students did pass the examination,就错了。

即使only修饰的是状语,但若“only + 状语”的结构不位于句首,句子也不能倒装。比如Peace and equality were made possible only after a bitter struggle一句,就不能倒装。



如果主句谓语中没有助动词或情态动词,则要根据时态添加助动词do, does或did,再将它置于主句的主语之前。

比如Our honor can be saved only in this way一句,如果把only in this way置于句首,形成倒装,只需把主句谓语中的情态动词can提至主句的主语our honor之前。倒装后的句子为:Only in this way can our honor be saved.

又比如He realized that he was wrong only then一句,如果把only then置于句首,形成倒装,由于主句谓语realized不含助动词或情态动词,所以应根据时态添加did,再将其置于主句主语he之前。倒装后的句子为:Only then did he realize that he was wrong.


4.SAT完成句子试题 篇四

Section 4

1. 一开始只有卫生间外面的`地毯是_________,因为破裂的水管里的水;最后整个走廊都被淹了。

Initially only the carpeting outside the restroom was __________ by water from the burst pipe; eventually the entire hallway flooded.

diverted v. 转移

confined v. 有限的

scuttled v. 急走

cleansed v. 弄干净

drenched v. 湿透的

2. 群居对狼和老鼠这样的动物有好也有坏:群居让动物来__________体温,但是让他们更___________被捕食者发现。

Communal nests have advantages and disadvantages for animals like wolves and mice: they enable the animals to _________ body heat, but leave them more __________ to discovery by predators.

insure v. 确保...inclined adj. 倾向于

maintain v. 维持...vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的

squander v. 浪费...liable adj. 有责任的

stimulate v. 刺激...resistant adj. 反抗

5.高二英语《完成句子》纠错练习 篇五

1.This was the first time________________________________________(她离开祖国).(leave)2.I don’t know _____________________________(究竟是谁)broke the window.(be)3.__________________________________(在他看来),what other people thought was not the most important.(concern)

4.___________________________(看来似乎很奇怪的事)in the past appears normal now.(seem)

5._____________________________(大家公认)that Taiwan is part of China.(acknowledge)6.I often think of many cases_____________________________________________________(学生对英语单词很熟悉),but can’t speak English well.(familiar)

____________________________________(那时我们去观光将会很便利).(convenient)8.____________________________________(正如所宣布的一样), We’ll have to take the college entrance examination.(announce)

9._____________________________(已宣布)the Prime Minster will inspect the island, which is locatec inn the South Sea.(declare)

10.Everything depends on the way______________________________(我们看待他们的方式).(treat)

11.The boy will never forget the day_______________________________________________(他一个人留在家里).(leave)

12.____________________________________________(不知道如何处理这个问题),he turned tohis teacher for help.(deal)

13.when she hurried to open the door,______________________(那里站着)her son who had been lost for six days.(stand)

14.I ________________________________________(已经习惯不给他打电话)when he is


15.The reason ___________________(我兄弟为何戒烟)is that it is bad for his health.(quit)16.He is late for class again, ____________________________________(这是常有的事).(case)17.I wish I_________________________________________(从来没有见过他)(see)18.The room, ____________________________(窗户朝南), is accessible to cars.(face)

19.He is the only person______________________________(我可以求助的)when I am in trouble.(turn)

20.This is the same kind of pen _____________________________(和我昨天丢失的一样)(lose)21.He is not not the same man___________________.(以前的样子).(use).22.___________________________________________(他一到北京)when he was warmly

welcomed and invited to deliver a speech.(arrive)

23.This is the very book_______________________________(这几天我一直在找).(look)24.it will be two years______________________________________(我们才会再见面).(meet)25.______________(认得)wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous.(recognize)26.He is reading a book,______________________________(我不知道名字的).(which)

27.He talked happily about the men and the books,____________________________________(令他非常感兴趣)at school.(interest)

28.Titanic is the only one of the most wonderful movies _______________________________(所生产的)in Hollywood.(produce)

29.I want to find the very pen_______________________________(用它写过信的).(with)30.Anyone_______________________________(没有通过考试的)should be punished.(fail)31.But for your help, I_____________________________(不可能完成)this task soearly.(finish)

32.His younger sister teacher teaches in a secondary school,___________________________


33.Where do you think this article____________________________(发表过)?(publish)34.There is a shop _________________________(在路的尽头).(where,end)

35.I stopped to listen;my son______________________________(似乎在享受)himself shut

in the living room.(seem)

36.Don’t you think the novel_______________________________(很值得一读)?(worth)37.what a pity!Considering his ability and experience, he _______________________(本可以做得更好些).(do)

38.I find teaching fun and challenging.It is a job______________________________(你在做)something serious and interesting.(do)

39.He asked you _______________________________________(你是否安顿有困难).(settle)40.______________________________(为了睡个懒觉)in the morning, Bob turned off the alarm.(sleep)

41.Our headteacher recommended that lots of efforts___________________________________

____________________(尽力去作准备)for the coming mid--exam.(preparation)

42.We managed to climb to the top of the hill ____________(从那里)we could get a betterview of

the whole town.(from)

43.___________________________________________________(尽管它听起来很奇怪),hisIdea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(as)

44.He _____________________________________(正要离开)when I came in.(about)

45.__________________________(第一次我碰见他的时候),I thought he was a serious man.(time)46.Nothing _________________________________________(能阻止他实现他的野心).(achieve)47.His ambition _____________________________________(当个电影明星).(star)48._______________________(不要插嘴)while I’m speaking.(cut)

49.They desired they_____________________________(有机会)to attend the lecture.(have)50.Betty is very popular because she is easy____________________________(相处).(fit)51.She sent me an Email,___________________________(希望得到)further information.(hope)

52.He talks _________________________________________(好像知道一切).(know)53.I think the weather________________________________(应该会好些)tomorrow.(bound)54.__________________________________________(没有必要)to go there so early.(need)

55.He refused my requirement__________________________________________________(我们增加人手).(give)

56.When I came in, she_________________________________________________________(忙着起草演讲稿)for the conference.(occupy)

6.中考英语完成句子解题技巧 篇六






















7.专练二十 完成句子 篇七


2. In such bad weather, Tom

rather than go out for playing. (prefer)


3. They hurried to the station only . (leave)


4. I feel it a great honor to speak at the meeting. (invite)


5. in time, he came running all the way. (get)


6. The question is what we can do for the disabled. (discuss)


7. My TV set is out of order and needs . (repair)


8. He loves parties; He is always . (come)


9. It took me a year . (finish)


10. The loud noise made it impossible for me . (fix)


11. I my hometown changed so much. (surprise)


12. I , but I was too busy then. (mean)


13. He when the teacher came in. (pretend)


14. It whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals. (remain)


15. The novel is said more than 20 languages. (translate)


16. Volunteer workers asked here they were most needed. (send)


17. He did all he could . (help)


18. When you are finished with the electric iron, don’t forget . (turn)


19. After she completes the project, she’ll have . (worry)


20. A number of painting in this castle are believed in a fire in 2009. (destroy)

