


1.2024年6月四级预测题答案 篇一


Real.time web search―-which scours only the latest updates to services like Twitter―is currently generating quite a buzz because it can provide a glimpse of what people around the world are thinking or doing at any given moment.Interest in this kind of search is so great that,according to recent leaks,Google is considering buying Twitter.

The latest research from the interact search giant,though,suggests that real―time results could be even more powerful―they may reveal the future as well as the present.

Google researchers Hyunyoung Choi and Hal Varian combined data from Google Trends on the popularity of different search terms with models used by economists to predict trends in areas such as travel and home sales.The result?Better forecasts in A.most every case.It works because searches reveal something about people’s intentions.Google has demonstrated before that search data can predict flu outbreaks,and last week World Bank economist Erik Feyen said he could cut errors in a model that forecasts lending to the private sector by 15%using Google search data.

But real-time results could have even more predictive power:knowing what people are actually doing,not just thinking,at a particular instant gives a strong hint of the future consequences.

Johan Bollen of Los A.amos NationA. Laboratory and A.berto Pepe of the University of California,Los Angeles,applied a mood rating system to the text from over 10,000 Future Me emails sent in to gauge people’s hopes,fears and predictions for the future.They found that emails directed at to were significantly more depressed in tone than messages aimed at the subsequent six years.Could they have predicted the world’s current economic slump?

Without more data,that is no more than an intriguing possibility.So Bollen plans to look at more Future Me emails,as well as Twitter messages,to search for mood swings that foreshadow other economic changes.If he finds any such links.the sanle sources might be used to try and predict future economic fluctuations.

So will our online footsteps become a central part of economic forecasting?We’11 have to wait and see――0r perhaps do a quick web search.

61.What is real-time web search.like Twitter?

A.It tells us what people did in past days.

B.It generates quite a buzz in recent days.

C.It provides latest news about everything.

D.It informs what people do in the future.

62.What is the result of research established by Google researchers Hyunyoung Choi and Hal Varian?

A.They gain nothing special from the combination of data and models.

B. 11ley indeed reveal something about people’s intentions in such areas.

C. They find that the future trends cannot be predicted from the research.

D.They totally understand the future trends of these areas from research.

63.What can we infer from Para.5?

A. It is possible for researchers to get some hints from the Future Me emails.

B. There is no relationship between the depression and economic slump.

C.There is a potential relationship between depression and economic slump.

D.The Future Me emails may indicate people’s reaction about future prediction.

64.What’s the meaning of“Without more data,that is no more than an intriguing possibility.”?

A. More data are necessary to turn this possibility to be reality.

B.The possibility is just all intriguing possibility without data.

C. No amount of data cannot be a strong proof for the possibility.

D.More data are needed to turn it out to be a pure possibility.

65.What’s the attitude of author to real.time search?





61.What is real-time web search,like Twitter?像Twitter一样的实时搜索是什么?

A.It tells us what people did in past days.它能告诉我们人们在过去都做什么。

B.It generates quite a buzz in recent days.它是最近互联网中热门的应用领域。

C.It provides latest news about everything.它能为人们提供一切最为实时的消息。

D.It informs what people do in the future.它能告知我们未来人们都在做什么。

62.What is the result of research established by Google researchers Hyunyoung Choi and HA. Varian?谷歌的研究人员崔元英和哈尔范里安的研究结果如何?

A.They gain nothing special from the combination of data and models.他们并未从数据和模型中得到任何特殊的信息。

B. They indeed reveal something about people’s intentions in such areas.研究人员确实解读到人们的一些意图。

C.They find that the future trends can not be predicted from the research.他们发现有关未来的预测并不能从此得出。

D.They totA.ly understand the future trends ofthese areas from research.他们可以完全得知这些领域未来的发展趋势。

63.What Can we infer from Para.57我们可以从第五段得出什么?

A.It is possible for researchers to get some hints from the Future Me emails.研究人员可能从这些邮件中得到一些暗示。.

B.There is no relationship between the depression and economic slump.人们的沮丧情绪和经济衰退没有任何关系。

C.There is a potential relationship between depression and economic slump.人们的沮丧情绪和经济衰退有潜在的联系。

D.The FutureMe emails may indicate people’s reaction about future prediction.这些邮件表明人们的情绪也许可以预测未来的一些事情

64.What’s the meaning of“Without more data,that is no more than all intriguing possibility.”?“没有更多的数据,那就只能是一个有趣的可能性”是什么意思?

A.More data are necessary to turn this possibility to be reality.需要更多的数据来证实这一可能性也许就是事实。

B.The possibility isjust all intriguing possibility without data.没有数据,可能性就只能是有趣的可能性

C.No amount of data cannot be a strong proof for the possibility.再多的数据也不能将可能性变为事实。

D.More data are needed to turn it out to be a pure possibility.需要更多的数据证明那只是一种可能性。

65.What’s the attitude ofauthor to real-time search?作者对于实时搜索持何种态度?



2.2024年6月四级预测题答案 篇二



Part IVTranslation(30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write youranswer on Answer Sheet 2.【原文】



Inorder to make education more equitable, China has invested 36 billion toimprove educational facilities in rural areas and strengthen the ruralcompulsory education in the central and western regions of China.The fund hasbeen used to improve teaching facilities and buying books.160 thousandsprimary and secondary schools have benefited from it.The fund has also beenused to purchase music and painting equipments.So nowadays, children in rural and mountainous areas canalso have music and painting lessons as children in coastal cities.Thechildren once transferred to city schools in order to receive better educationnow come back to the local rural school again。


3.2024年6月四级预测题答案 篇三

Part VITranslation(5 minutes)

Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.Please write you translation on Answer Sheet 2.87.Although only in her teens, my sister is looking forward to _________________(独自去海外学习)。

88.It’s true that we are not always going to succeed in our ventures, _______________(即使我们投入时间和金钱)。

89.The old couple hoped that their son ________________(将不辜负他们的期望)。

90.So badly _________________(他在车祸中受伤)that he had to stay in the hospital for a whole year.91.Nowadays, some people still have trouble ________________(从网上获取信息)。


87.studying abroad by herself

88.even if we invest time and money in them

89.would live up to their expectations

90.had he been injured in the traffic accident

4.6月考前作文冲刺-四级预测2 篇四


6. TV Talent Show --- A Good Thing or Bad?1、选秀节目很流行2、人们对此有不同的看法3、我的.观点【范文】TV Talent Show --- A Good Thing or Bad? An army of people today are fond of the TV talent show. They support it and see themselves as fans of one or another show star. They believe that the TV talent show can change one’s fortune. At least, they argue that, the show offers the opportunity to show and develop one’s talents. On the contrary, a number of people hold the negative attitude to TV talent shows. They maintain that the TV talent show today is like a river that has risen to its flood level. It misleads the youth and makes them believe that they can make a fortune or become famous overnight. As a result, a lot of students can’t calm down to study on the show’s season. Some of them take interest in imitating their idol, so much so that they can hardly recognize themselves.For my part, I believe that the TV talent show is like a double-edged sword, which can do both good and harm. Therefore, it is extremely important for us to face it properly. For one thing, the TV studios are supposed to create more positive and favorable shows. For another, the media ought to guide people, especially the young, to right way and refrain from exaggerating the effect of the show. 7.倡议书Directions:: You see many instances of waste on campus. Write an open letter to all your fellow students stating the instances of waste you witness, telling the harms of waste and calling on them to reduce waste and save resources.Dear Fellow Students,As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. We can easily see many students dump a lot of food in the garbage can. Some students spend thousands of yuan buying fashionable clothes and so on.The negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects. In the first place, it makes some students dependent on their parents for money, which is harmful to their development. If they don’t learn to support themselves, they will be “useless people” when they graduate. In the second place, it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling. Last but not least, there is no denying the fact that our country is still poor. There are many people who cannot go to university and many poor people still need our help.Since our country is trying to build a conservation-oriented society, we university students should set examples for the society to reduce waste and save natural resources. First of all, we should refrain from wasting anything, from food to stationery. What’s more, we must form the habit of saving resources, from water to money. Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus.8. 我对在校大学生结婚问题的看法 1. 有些人持反对意见。 2. 有些人表示支持。 3. 我的看法…… It is a new thing that Chinese on-campus college students are legally allowed to get married before they complete their courses. Many people applaud / welcome this new development while others have expressed their concern about this.

5.12月英语四级作文预测题 篇五

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Children’s participation in reality shows. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Children’s participation in reality shows

Nowadays, it has become a trend for children to participate in reality shows. However, is it really good for them?

There are two sides for each coin. On one hand, participating in reality shows is good for children. First, it can make children more courageous and more confident. Second, some shows such as outdoor shows can make children more independent. For example, in some shows, children are required to accomplish some tasks without their parents accompanying them. That is a good way to train the children.

On the other hand, children’s participation in reality shows may cause some disadvantages to them. For instance, children may become vainglorious if they win some fame from the shows. They may tend to pay more attention to undeserved reputation instead of studying hard. They may overlook the importance of working hard.

As a result, you really need to think carefully before you take your children to reality shows. I personally feel that these shows make the children grow up too fast. Why not just let them be children?



6.6月大学英语四级词汇练习附答案 篇六

1.Even though he has lived in China for many years, Mark still can not _______ himself to the Chinese customs.





2.He tried to _______ with the manager for has salary.





3.To some _______, Mary still does not understand this unit. But she herself does not believe so.





4.Great Britain and France will hold a _______ regarding some European economic problems.





5.Since he often travels on business, he can _______ himself to sleeping in any place he can find.





6.He has _______ much time and energy for his invention.





7.A good teacher always tries to _______ students to ask question.





8.If you want to see the chairman of the department, you’d better make an _______ with his secretary first.





9.They say the new film is a(n) _______ picture so they won’t go to see it.





10.The judge _______ the murderer to twenty years in prison.





11.This university has _______ a great deal since our last visit.





12.She is narrow minded and always _______ what other people have.

A. jealous




13.When he woke up from his dream, the frightened boy tried to _______ his mother’s arm.





14.Mary has never been _______ a ship.





15.The modern camera lens may be coated with more than ten _______ for each piece of its glass.

A. levels




16.The thief was _______ by the police at the railway station.





17.In fact, there is no _______ liberty in any country.





18.There is too much noise outside. I can not _______my attention on my work.





19.While studying at U.C.L.A.,Mr.Wang _______ his old friend, whom he has not seen for nearly twenty years.





20.The _______ production of engines in our factory has doubled this year.






1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.B

6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.D

11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C

7.2024年6月四级预测题答案 篇七

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

Energy independence. It has a nice ring to it. Doesn’t it? If you think so, you’re not alone, because energy independence has been the dream of American president for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.

“Energy independence” and its rhetorical (修辞的) companion “energy security” are, however, slippery concepts that are rarely though through. What is it we want independence from, exactly?

Most people would probably say that they want to be independent from imported oil. But there are reasons that we buy all that old from elsewhere.

The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running. Yes, there is a trickle(涓涓细流)of biofuel(生物燃料)available, and more may become available, but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.

Second, Americans have basically decided that they don’t really want to produce all their own oil. They value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad. Vast areas of the United States are off-limits to oil exploration and production in the name of environmental protection. To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?

Third, there are benefits to trade. It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit. And although you don’t read about this much, the United States is also a large exporter of oil products, selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.

There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy. When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices, At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.


61. What does the author say about energy independence for America?

A) It sounds very attractive. C) It will bring oil prices down.

B) It ensures national security. D) It has long been everyone’s dream.

62. What does the author think of biofuels?

A) They keep America’s economy running healthily.

B) They prove to be a good alternative to petroleum.

C) They do not provide a sustainable energy supply.

D) They cause serious damage to the environment.

63. Why does America rely heavily on oil imports?

A) It wants to expand its storage of crude oil.

B) Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.

C) It wants to keep its own environment intact.

D) Its own oil production falls short of demand.

64. What does the author say about oil trade?

A) It proves profitable to both sides. C) It makes for economic prosperity.

B) It improves economic efficiency. D) It saves the cost of oil exploration.

65. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A) To justify America’s dependence on oil imports.

B) To arouse Americans’ awareness of the energy crisis.

C) To stress the importance of energy conservation.

8.2024年6月四级预测题答案 篇八


There are several possible reasons accountable for thisphenomenon(中心句). To begin with, family in growing numbers has onlyone child; therefore, parents oftentimes focus all their attentionson that child and exert much pressure on him or her(原因一). Moreover,numerous parents intend to realize their unfulfilled dreams byletting their children learn what they failed to learn and applyfor the college by which they failed to be accepted, because theyhave become richer and they believe that they have the power tomake what they wanted and want come true now(原因二). For instance, myuncle used to be a poor man and his dream that one day he wouldbecome a violinist was broken because of lack of money. But he madea fortune by selling coals, and then forced his son, my youngerbrother to practice playing violin. My brother was a huge fan ofsports, but now he has to play violin everyday unwillingly andofter quarrels with theirparents(举例:原来-然后-结局).

9.2012年6月英语四级考试流程 篇九










10.2024年6月四级预测题答案 篇十

New technology links the world as never before.Our planet has shrunk.It‟s now a “global village” where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link.And.of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.Deeply involved with this new technology is a breed of modern businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad.In modern markets, success overseas often helps support domestic business efforts.Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks.The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company‟s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad.If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent(普遍的).Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.English is still the international language of business.But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language.A second language isn‟t generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal The employee posted abroad who speaks the country‟s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and cam have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly.The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm.21.What is the author‟s attitude toward high-tech communications equipment? A)Critical.C)Indifferent.B)Prejudiced.D)Positive.22.With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, businesspeople ______.A)have to get familiar with modern technology B)are gaining more economic benefits from domestic operations C)are attaching more importance to their overseas business D)are eager to work overseas 23.In this passage, “out of sight and out of mind”(Lines 2-3, Para.3)probably means ____.A)being unable to think properly for lack of insight B)being totally out of touch with business at home C)missing opportunities for promotion when abroad D)leaving all care and worry behind 24.According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today? A)Connections with businesses overseas.B)Ability to speak the client‟s language.C)Technical know-how.D)Business experience.25.The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can _______.A)better control the whole negotiation process B)easily find new approaches to meet market needs C)fast-forward their proposals to headquarters D)easily make friends with businesspeople abroad In recent years, Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as they‟ve become wealthier and more worldly-wise.Foreign travel is a national passion;this summer alone, one in 10 citizens will go abroad.Exposed to higher standards of service elsewhere, Israelis are returning home expecting the same.American firms have also begun arriving in large numbers.Chains such as KFC, McDonald‟s and Pizza Hut are setting a new standard of customer service, using strict employee training and constant monitoring to ensure the friendliness of frontline staff.Even the American habit of telling departing customers to “Have a nice day” has caught on all over Israel.“Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, „Let‟s be nicer,‟” says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm.“Nothing happens without competition.”

Privatization, or the threat of it, is a motivation as well.Monopolies(垄断者)that until recently have been free to take their customers for granted now fear what Michael Perry, a marketing professor, calls “the revengeful(报复的)consumer.” When the government opened up competition with Bezaq, the phone company, its international branch lost 40% of its market share, even while offering competitive rates.Says Perry, “People wanted revenge for all the years of bad service.” The electric company, whose monopoly may be short-lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman.Now, appointments are scheduled to the half-hour.The graceless El Al Airlines, which is already at auction(拍卖), has retrained its employees to emphasize service and is boasting about the results in an ad campaign with the slogan, “You can feel the change in the air.” For the first time, praise outnumbers complaints on customer survey sheets.26.It may be inferred from the passage that _______.A)customer service in Israel is now improving B)wealthy Israeli customers are hard to please C)the tourist industry has brought chain stores to Israel D)Israeli customers prefer foreign products to domestic ones 27.In the author‟s view, higher service standards are impossible in Israel ________.A)if customer complaints go unnoticed by the management B)unless foreign companies are introduced in greater numbers C)if there‟s no competition among companies

D)without strict routine training of employees 28.If someone in Israel today needs a repairman in case of a power failure, ________.A)they can have it fixed in no time B)it‟s no longer necessary to make an appointment

C)the appointment takes only half a day to make D)they only have to wait half an hour at most 29.The example of El A1 Airlines shows that _______.A)revengeful customers are a threat to the monopoly of enterprises B)an ad campaign is a way out for enterprises in financial difficulty C)a good slogan has great potential for improving service D)staff retraining is essential for better service 30.Why did Bezaq‟s international branch lose 40% of its market share?

A)Because the rates it offered were not competitive enough.B)Because customers were dissatisfied with its past service.C)Because the service offered by its competitors was far better.D)Because it no longer received any support from the government.以下信息不可外传

21.D 22.C 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.A 27.C 28.D
