


1.词的适当形式填空 篇一


1.They also do _________(good)at home.2.Nancy feels _________(sleep)in the afternoon.3.He never go _________(go)to work by car.4.We _________(watch)TV late late night.5.Wang Bing goes to school _________(early).6.Can you read it _________(slow)? 7.Look,Helen is dancing _________(beautiful).8.My father sings _________(bad).9.My sister sits _________(quiet)there.10.You can speak _________(loud).11.Listen!They are singing _________(happy).12.Your sister is short and _________(weakly).13.What does he _________(usual)do on Sundays.14.The woman was very _________.She was crying _________(sad).15.The lion become _________.He shouted _________(angry).16.The mouse _________(bite)the door yesterday.17.Bill _________(wake)his sister up this morning.18.I’m _________(real)good at English.19.They walk to the classroom _________(quick).20.My father let me _________(go)first.

2.词的适当形式填空 篇二







1. Besides,shopping at this time of the year was not a pleasant experience:people stepped on your feet or___34___(push)you with their elbows(肘部),hurrying ahead to get to a bargain. (2009年广东)

2. Being too anxious to help an event develop often___40___(result)in the contrary to our intention. (2008年广东)

3. The sun was setting when my car___31___(break) down near a remote and poor village. (2007年广东)

4. She wished that he was as easy___32___(please)as her mother,who was always delighted with perfume.(2009年广东)

5. For example, the proverb, “plucking up a crop___32___(help) it grow”, is based on the following story.(2008年广东)

6. While she was getting me___34___(settle)into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to. a small town some 20 kilometres away where there was a garage. (2007年广东)



第2题中Being too anxious to help an event develop是主语,句中缺谓语,故result充当谓语动词;指客观真理,用一般现在时,所以填results。

第3题中when 引导的时间状语从句中缺谓语动词,由句式结构可知,用一般过去式,填broke。


第4题的wish宾语从句中,was easy是系表结构充当谓语,please应为非谓语形式;在形容词后充当状语,用不定式形式,故填to please。

第5题中,The proverb is based on the following story是一个简单句,“plucking up a crop___32___(help) it grow” 是动名词短语,与the proverb 是同位关系;help it grow是plucking up a crop的目的,作目的状语,用不定式,故填to help。

第6题中,while从句中已有谓语was getting,settle应为非谓语;在句中作宾语me的补足语,且me与settle是被动关系,故填过去分词settled。


(1)S+_____ + O.

(2)S+V…+conj. + S+ _______.

(3)S+ _____+conj. +S+V.


(4)S +V … conj.(when, while, after…) +_______.

(5)S + V + ...(,) ________.





1. was /were about to do…when sb did

We were about to leave when hearrived. 我们正要离开时,他来了。

2. was /were doing when sb did

We were walking in the street when Ifounda wallet on the ground. 我们正在街上走着,突然我发现地上有个钱包。

3. 在先行词被形容词最高级修饰的定语从句中,要用完成时。

He is the cleverest student Ihave ever taught.

She thoughtthatwasthe best film shehad ever seen.

4. 在先行词是 the first/second time 的定语从句中, 也要用完成时。

This is the third time Ihave visitedthe museum.

That was the second time hehad beenthere.



在确定要填入非谓语动词后,要考虑选择用-ing 形式、-ed形式,还是选用不定式形式,确定的方式有:

1. 作主语或宾语,通常用-ing 形式,有时也用不定式;

2. 作目的状语、only 后的结果状语、情感形容词或动词后的原因状语,一般用不定式;

3. 若判断用分词,作宾补、状语或定语,与逻辑主语是主动关系用-ing 形式,是被动关系用-ed 形式;表示动作正在进行用-ing 形式,表示已经完成用-ed 形式。

4. 作表语时,-ing 形式多表示主语具有的特征,-ed 形式多表示主语的状态。


1. easy, difficult, hard, heavy, light, comfortable 等形容词后面跟不定式,且不定式要用主动形式表示被动含义。

2. Its + adj.+of/ for sb to do sth 句式。

3. sb find/ consider/ think/ make/ feel it +adj./ n. + to do sth句式。

4. 在make, let, have等使役动词后,在see, watch, look at, observe, feel, hear, listen to, notice等感官动词后,作宾补的不定式省略“to”。

5. have no choice / alternative but to do“除……外别无选择”。

6. cant help but do / cant but do“禁不住做/不得不做……”。

7. do nothing but do“只能做……”。

7. Its no good/ use doing “……是没用的”。

8. There is no + doing (=its impossible to do)“无法知道……”。

There is no knowing when he will come.谁也不知道他什么时候来。

9. 某些动词后要求用-ing 作宾语,不能用不定式,常见的有admit, advise, appreciate, avoid, consider(考虑),delay, deny, enjoy, escape, envy, fancy, favor, finish, forbid, imagine, keep, mind, miss(错过),mention, permit, practice, quit, resist, risk, suggest, understand 等。

10. to 作介词的短语,后用-ing 作宾语。如:adapt to, adjust to, apply to, be used to (习惯于),get used/ accustomed to, get down to (开始做……),object to, contribute to, devote oneself to, look forward to, react to, prefer…to 等。

11. 某些固定结构和短语后也只接-ing 作宾语。如:be busy doing, cant help doing (禁不住),be caught doing (做某事被逮住),be worth doing (主动形式表被动),feel like doing等。

12. 在动词remember, forget, regret, stop, try, mean后可以跟动名词或不定式,但意义不同。如:

I remember seeing him somewhere. 我记得在某地见过他。

3.词的适当形式填空 篇三

1.Did she ______(learn)any foreign languages?2.He _______________(read)English now.3.What did she ______(do)yesterday?She ______(make)a cake.4.Ten years ago, Mr Li______(be)a teacher.He _________(teach)Chinese.5.When he was a good pupil, he ______(study)very hard.6.He _______________(teach)Mr Li now.7.Five years ago, he ________(walk)to school.8.He often _______(go)to school by school bus.1.Lingling, look at your bag!It’s _______(break).2.you can’t _____(take)it to China.3.I’ll ________(buy)you a new one.二、用适当的介词填空

inwithonaboutatfor 1.I want to make an e-card ______ Mum.2.I’m not good _______ it.3.We can find a book _______ e-cards there.4.They are ______ Shelf C.5.There is also a CD-ROM _______ it.6.Here is a card ______ you.7.It’s easy ______ a computer.二、完成句子。(1.My mother likes ______.(鱼)She doesn’t like ______.(米饭)2.I like _____(面包)and _______(牛奶).3.This is my favourite food—My mum’s Chinese _________(面条).4.These are some ________(鸡蛋)in the _______(盒子).5.I like some _____(苹果),_______(香蕉)and ________(梨).6.I like _______(三明治)and ______(肉).7.He doesn’t like ________(鱼).8.I’ve got __________(一份电子邮件)from Lingling.9.It’s about ________________(英式饭菜).1.You can use it ________________.(在电脑上)2.You can find it ________________.(在图书馆里)3.Where can you_____________(找出)about animals?

4.We can find _____________________.(一本关于电脑的书)there.5.Please ____________(归还)the book in two weeks’ time.6.________(在哪里)is the zoo?

7.Wangfang, can I use your pen, please? Yes, _____________.(给你)8.Where can we find out about weather?

We can find out about weather in this __________(报纸)。9.We can find out about animals at the ___________(动物园).10.What did you eat last night?I ate ___(鸡蛋).I drank ___(牛奶).11.My father ____________(起床)at 6:30 this morning.12.You can find out about train information in this _______(时间表)10.She had ______________________(鱼和炸土豆条).11.What did you drink ________________(昨晚)?



1.Sam likes basketball.It’s ______ for him.But it’s ________ for Xiaoyong.2.The T-shirt is too ______ for the monkey,But it is _______ for the panadas.3.This bag is ________ for the girl,but it’s ______ for the man.4.It’ll ________(be)easy for you.四、连词成句

1.didn’t/ homework / do / he / yesterday.______________________________________________________________ 2.is / he / English / learning._____________________________________ 3.a cake / she / made / last / night._________________________________ 4.is / she / why / wearing / these/ clothes._____________________________ 5.Mr Li / a / was / ago / teacher / two / years.______________________________________________________________ 6.he / hard / very / studied.________________________________________ 7.lots / in / danced / she / cities / of._______________________________________________________ 8.is / my / retired / father.__________________________________ 9.wearing / why / she / these / clothes / is / ?

_______________________________________________________ 1.I, have a look at, your, can, new, computer ?

_____________________________________________________________ 2.animals, you, where, can, find out, about?

4.词的适当形式填空 篇四

1、母亲认为女儿是她唯一的( )。

2、火车就要开动了,小红满含泪水,充满着对母亲的( )之情。

情怀 胸怀

1、《长江之歌》抒发了作者对祖国无比热爱的( )。

2、( )宽广的人,更能感受到生活的快乐。

绝密 绝妙

1、诸葛亮用( )的计策,趁着东风借到了十万枝箭。

2、这是一份( )文件,不能把它弄丢了。

微弱 虚弱

1、他生病了,身体很( )。

2、借着( )的灯光,他看清了走在前面的正是王林。

灵巧 灵活

1、爷爷虽然年纪大了,但是手脚却很( )。

2、他的手挺( ),能做各种精不能自拔 小玩意。

3、机器人的手脚( ),能表演许多高难度的( )动作。

敏捷 敏锐

1、瞎了眼的蝙蝠能在黑暗中( )地捕捉飞蛾。

2、狼狗的嗅觉非常( ),常常帮助公安人员破案。

成绩 成就

1、每个人都是能够取得( )的,看不到自己( )的人会对生活失去信心。

2、良好的环境容易( )人,但往往在逆境中抓住机遇的人更能( )自己。

3、这一年中,祖国在经济建设和外交事业中取得的( )是辉煌的。

4、我和同学合作的综合实践活动的研究性学习取得了不小的( )。

宝贵 可贵

1、有些人,不知道珍惜( )的时间,以为时间过去了还有得来。其实世界上最( )的就是时间,什么东西都可以花钱买到,就是( )的时间买不到。但是,时间却可以变长,这就是要会挤时间,挤出会浪费掉的那部分时间。这种精神是十分( )的。

光线 光芒 光彩

1、一轮红日从东方磅礴升起,放射出万丈( )。

2、我们要学雷锋做好事.为红领巾增添( )。

3、新落成的教学大楼,电化教室里的( )很充足。
