


1.托福口语物品类词汇 篇一

1. Would you like to take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year? Explain why.

2. When going to vacation, do you prefer to have outdoor activity or indoor activity?

3. Some people prefer to go to one place to for a vacation. Others prefer to go to different places and spend little time at each place. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

4. Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why?

5. Some college students like to enjoy their free time studying another course or doing schoolwork. Others like to join a club and enjoy club activities. Which do you think is better and why?


1. There were fifty people present, not counting (excluding) the children.

出席者达五十人, 儿童未计算在内。

2. There are fifty and odd (or and more) students in our class.


3. The job was finished at a sitting (a stretch)。


4. We were fifteen, all told.


5. The delegation consisted of 15, inclusive of (including) two interpreters.


6.It takes me three clear / cleanly days.


7. We take a rest at intervals of two hours.


8. I ask you to teach me every other day.


9. Beijing is ten times as big as my home town.


10. The sun is a huge blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth.


11. By comparison with 1992, the foreign trade turnover of that country in increased (to) 3.5 times.

与1992年相比,这个国家对外贸易总额增加了2.5 倍(增加到3.5 倍)。

12. That table measures three feet by three.


13. He valued the house for me at -,500.


14. His coat is rated at 20 yuan.












1. 如何练就地道口语表达


2. 如何针对托福考试练口语


3. 避免低级错误

大家在口语表达中一定要注意表达的准确性,注意时态、单复数和人称等等。一些低级错误,我们听起来可能觉得不是什么大问题,但是对于native speaker来说却是非常明显的错误。举个简单的例子:如果考生把“he does”说成了“he do”,“he has”说成“he have”,整句话听起来都会非常怪异。大家在平时练习一定要注意这些错误,口语练习时建议大家将自己的答案录下来,及时听录音纠正表达错误。

2.托福口语话题词汇 篇二

文艺词汇:ballet芭蕾舞; classical dancing古典舞; comedy 喜剧; dance hall舞厅; dancer, disco迪斯科舞厅;folk dance民间舞;light music 轻音乐; melody优美的旋律, 曲调;orchestra管弦乐队;pop music流行音乐; singer歌手; staff, stave 五线谱; rhythm 节奏; score 总谱,乐谱; orchestra 乐队; conductor 乐队指挥; band 管乐队; solo 独奏,独唱; duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱; trio 三重奏,三重唱; quartet, quartette 四重奏, 四重唱; quintet 五重奏, 五重唱; choir, choral society 合奏,合唱; etc.

乐器词汇:(1) stringed instruments弦乐器: fiddle, violin小提琴; viola中提琴; cello大提琴; bass低音乐器; guitar吉他, 六弦琴; harp竖琴, etc. (2) wind instruments管乐器: mouth organ口琴; flute长笛; saxophone 萨克斯管; trumpet喇叭; oboe双簧管; clarinet竖笛, 单簧管, 黑管, etc. (3) keyboard instruments键盘乐器: piano钢琴; accordion手风琴; electronic keyboard电子琴; etc

其它娱乐:acrobatics杂技;amusement park游乐园; bumper cars碰碰车;circus act马戏节目;fancy dress ball 化装舞会;假面舞会; fireworks焰火;floor show夜总会的节目表演;jukebox 自动点唱机; magic魔术; puppet show木偶剧;wire-walking走钢丝;etc.

常用短语:an outing at the beach, climbing the mountain, dancing at a birthday party, going for a walk, going swimming, going to the movies /concerts, meeting new people, staying out all night, etc.


1. Do you want to try…

2. I’d like to see the exhibition of modern art / painting.

3. I want to go shopping because …

4. If it stops raining, we can play tennis / volleyball / badminton, …

5. Let’s go dancing tonight.

6. Let’s go windsurfing …

7. Shall we go to the discotheque this weekend?

8. Shall we have a picnic on the vacation?

2. 实例:


Maggie has a quiet life. She wants to try some new, exciting activities on her vacation. What will she try? She goes to a travel agency for advice. Suppose you are a travel agent. What will you say to Maggie?

You may begin to prepare your response after the beep.

[2 seconds beep]

Preparation time: 15 seconds

Response time:45 seconds


Please begin speaking after the beep.

[2 seconds beep]

Suggested Answer:

We have an interesting trip to Manila for one week. You will do a lot of things. You go to museums and you go shopping. The shopping is good. You go to beaches near Manila. You swim, you windsurf or you can just walk at the beach. You go hiking in the mountains. And at night you can hear great music, go to good restaurants and walk around the streets.


1. beach n. 海滩

2. hiking n. 徒步旅行

3. Manila n. 马尼拉(菲律宾首都)

4. museum n. 博物馆

5. windsurf v. 风帆冲浪



旅行社的工作人员向Maggie推荐的马尼拉之行可谓是丰富多彩,短短的一周内,游客要参观博物馆,去商店购物,还要去海滩,可以在海里游泳,冲浪或者沿海滩散步(You go to beaches near Manila. You swim, you windsurf or you can just walk at the beach.),尽情地享受生活。自然,去山里远足也是必不可少的。观赏异国的山山水水别有一番风情。晚上安排游客去听音乐或者到高档餐馆就餐,让游客欣赏不同风格的音乐,了解当地的饮食文化。通过参加各种各样的娱乐活动,游客的视野更加开阔,身心也得到了放松。




1. It takes me three clear / cleanly days. 它花了我整整三天时间。

2. There are fifty and odd (or and more) students in our class. 我们班有五十余人。

3. The total expense amount to a hundred dollars. 全部费用合计100 美元。

4. We were fifteen, all told. 我们一共十五人。

5. The delegation consisted of 15, inclusive of (including) two interpreters. 代表团共十五人,包括两名翻译在内。

6. There were fifty people present, not counting (excluding) the children. 出席者达五十人, 儿童未计算在内。

7. We take a rest at intervals of two hours. 我们每隔两小时休息一次。

8. I ask you to teach me every other day. 我请你每隔一天来教我。

9. Beijing is ten times as big as my home town. 北京有我的家乡十个那么大。

10. The sun is a huge blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth. 太阳是个庞大的炽燃火球,比地球大一百多万倍。

11. By comparison with 1992, the foreign trade turnover of that country in increased (to) 3.5 times. 与1992年相比,这个国家对外贸易总额增加了2.5 倍(增加到3.5 倍)。

12. That table measures three feet by three. 那张桌子三英尺长,三英尺宽。

13. He valued the house for me at ?,500. 这房子他替我作价为三千五百镑。

14. His coat is rated at 20 yuan. 他的大衣值价二十元。

15. The job was finished at a sitting (a stretch). 这工作一下子(一口气)就做完了。


1.It’s not that I don’t want to tell you the truth but that I have promised Maggie I won’t tell anyone.

2.I’ve been working hard all day and now I do need a good rest. I really deserve it.

3.She has persisted in learning English and Japanese in the past ten years.

4.I don’t think my English is that good. Actually, I’m still learning.

5.I don’t think the movie was that interesting. In fact, I fell asleep during the most exciting scene!

6.Your English is very good.—I wouldn’t say that. There’s still a lot for me to learn.

7.Studying for a test is actually very boring.

8.It takes a few years time to learn to speak English well.

9.How come you were late for class this morning?

10.You know, I failed the English test again!—How come?

11.I got up early this morning in order to come to class on time.

12.I didn’t tell her the truth so that she wouldn’t be worried about me.

13.I’ve borrowed some money from my roommate so as to buy a birthday present for my girlfriend.

14.To learn English well, I need to do a lot of reading first.—That’s the point.

15.I didn’t mean to cheat you, but I didn’t want to hurt your feeling.

16.Do you happen to have Judy’s home address?

17.Say, why don’t you come over sometime? We can chat over a cup of tea.

3.托福口语核心词汇积累 篇三

2. exert=cause(exert vt.尽(力), 施加(压力等), 努力v.发挥, 竭尽全力, 尽)

3. exhausted=depleted

4. exhibit=feature(展出、公开 = emphasize, display, publicize, ) (句中选)

5. exhibits=displays

6. exorbitant=expensive

7. exotic, 形 外来的;外国产的

8. expanse=arean.宽阔的区域, 宽阔, 苍天, 膨胀扩张)(此题我考到过,是考区域之义)

9. expanse=expand= increase)

10. expendable=unprofitable(expendable n.消耗品, 可牺牲的,可花费的,可消耗的,不值得保存的)

11. expertise=skill=special ;

12. expertise=special

13. explicitly=clearly

14. exploit=adventure; deed; feat; take advantage of

15. exploit=relocate,好像应该是use.

16. exploit=use.

17. explored=explore v.探险, 探测, 探究)

18. expose to=subject to(expose...to 使...受到, 使...朝向...; 使...接触...)

19. express=communicate动 表示;限时专送;榨出 形 正确的;快递的;专差;以特别快车;以快

20. expressly=specially(2) rapidly,我也不知道是哪个,我选了 specially

21. expressly adv=definitely, plainly

22. extensive

23. extra=additional

24. extraneous=inessential, from outside)

25. extraneous=unusual or unessential? 形 从外部的;无关系的inessential, from outside)

26. extremely=highly


27. fabrics=fiber是纤维

28. face=confront

29. facets=aspects

30. facilitate=ease

31. facilitating=easingv使容易,轻松

32. fallacy=misconception

33. far=reaching;

34. fashion=fact等;?model--form/frame?(我选的form)?

35. fast=go without food) (not sure !!!, donot affect you adversely) answer: go without food

36. favorable=popular

37. feasible=possible

38. feature=characterize

39. feeble=weak

40. feed=satisfy

41. feigning=pretending

42. feral=wild

43. ferile=rich

44. fibrics=fiber是纤维

45. finding=n.发现, 发现物, 决定, [律]裁决)

46. fix=attach

47. flair天赋, 敏锐的洞察力

48. flavor=情趣、风味、滋味、香料

49. flawless=perfect

4.托福口语校园场景词汇 篇四

bike rack n the metal supports where bicycles are parked

9. 课程与互动

call on v 指定某人发言

ex the professor calls on students who sit in the front more often than those who sit in back

call the roll v 点名

ex Someprofessors don’t call the roll, but Dr Peterson always does.

class discussion n 课堂讨论

elective(course) n, adj 选修课

ex In the junior year, most students are taking elective courses as well as requirements.

lower-division (course) adj 基础课

Mickey mouse course n 很简单的课程

minor n 辅修专业

prerequisite n 先修课程

resident advisor n 宿舍顾问

5.托福口语16个核心叙述词汇一览 篇五

Watch and see how others do it. 好好看着人家是怎么做的。

See you. 再见!

Wait and see. 等着瞧吧。

2、seem (verb.)

Be what you seem (to be). 要表里如一。

It seems as if it is going to rain. 看来快下雨了。

I can’t seem to solve it right now. 看来我无法立刻解决它。

3、send (verb.)

God send it may not be so! 但愿不是这样!

Send for the doctor, please. 请叫医生来。

Please send the letter on to Tom. 请将此信交给汤姆。

4、take (verb.)

Be careful not to take cold. 小心不要着凉。

Do you take me for a fool? 你以为我是傻瓜吗?

Don’t take it so seriously. 不要把这事看得太严重。

5、be (verb.)

Can such things be? 可能有这样的事吗?

He is come. 他已经来了。

6、come (verb.)

Come here! 到这里来!

He will never come to much (= will never be successful). 他将来绝不会很有作为。

How did you come to be so foolish? 你为什么如此愚蠢?

On what page does it come? 它在哪一页?

7、do (verb.)

Will you do me a favour? 帮我个忙好吗?

They do you very well at that hotel. 那家旅馆服务很周到。

What“s doing over there? 那边在干什么?

8、get (verb.)

We can get 15 channels on TV. 我们可以收看到15个频道的电视节目。

Do you get me? 你明白我的意思吗?

Ah! I’ve got you there! 啊!这下我可难到你啦。

9、give (verb.)

He gave me his cold. 他把感冒传给我。

Sorry to have given you trouble. 对不起,打扰了。

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our speaker for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲者。

10、go (verb.)

Go get a doctor. 去叫医生来!

How goes it with you? 你近来情况如何?

There are six minutes to go. 还有六分钟。

11、have (verb.)

May I have one? 可以给我一个吗?

Let”s have a talk. 咱们谈一谈。

You have me, haven"t you? 你明白我的意思了,对不对?

12、keep (verb.)

Does your watch keep good time? 你的表走得准吗?

Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。

Does your school keep all day? 你们学校全天上课吗?

13、let (verb.)

Let us pray. 让我们祈祷吧。

The pair of rubber shoes let (in) water. 这双胶鞋漏水。

The flat lets for 1500 yuan a month. 这套公寓每月租金1500元。

14、make (verb.)

Make yourself comfortable. 请随意。

What time do you make it? (What do you make the time?) 你看现在几点了?

He made to go. 他要走了。

15、put (verb.)

I put a question to him. 我向他提出一个问题。

What a way you have of putting things! 瞧你这人怎么那样说话!

I put her at about 35. 我估计她大概35岁。

16、say (verb.)

We mean what we say. 我们说的话是算数的。

What do these figures say? 这些数字说明什么?

You may well say so. 你完全可以这么说。

托福口语拓展:a drop in the ocean/bucket

a drop in the ocean/bucket

说事物微小,中国人常常会用苏轼「沧海之一粟」这个比喻。英语也有一个差不多的比喻:a drop in the ocean/bucket(沧海/水桶中的一滴水)。

这个英文成语出自《圣经?以塞亚书》。先知以塞亚在书中说,和伟大的上帝相比,人间万国都显得微不足道了:Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance(看哪,天下万国就像桶里的一滴水,又像天平上的微尘)。有些人觉得水桶还不能充分衬托出一滴水的渺小,于是把bucket改为ocean(沧海),意思是没有分别的。

现在,说事物微小,或小得无济于事,我们就可以用a drop in the ocean/bucket这成语,例如:His donation is but a drop in the bucket. It won‘t help at all. (他的捐赠有如杯水车薪,是完全无济于事的。)




现在,persona这个字在英文里还没有完全消失,例如dramatis personae一词,指的是「剧中人物表」;persona一字,指「表面的性格」,例如:He is trying hard to change his persona(他努力想改变自己的形象)。

托福口语拓展:sick as a parrot

not know A from a ball‘s foot

很多成语,经过万口流传,会变得不成样子,英文not know A from a ball‘s foot(十分无知)就是例子。

Not know A from a ball‘s foot直译是「球脚和这个字母都无法分辨」「球脚」是甚么,谁都不知道。不过,这个成语的原文却是可以解释的:not know A from a windmill, nor B from a bull‘s foot。风车(windmill)的翼板有点像字母A,公牛(bull)的分趾蹄有点像字母B。假如连风车翼板和字母A、牛蹄和字母B都无法分辨,那么,这个人简直就是中国人所说的「目不识丁」了。

后来,人们把成语上半截略去,只说not know B from a bull‘s foot;再后来,经过几百年以讹传讹,这句成语变成Not know A from a bull‘s foot。现在,更有人把bull‘s foot误作ball‘s foot,例如:I don‘t know A from a bull‘s/ball‘s foot about photography(我对摄影是毫无认识的)。

sick as a parrot

港督彭定康说香港有几只「病鹦鹉」(sick parrots),主要是讽刺有些人盲从附和;但他说「鹦鹉」的时候为甚么联想到「病」呢?这大概和英文成语sick as a parrot有关。

sick as a parrot直译是「病得像鹦鹉一样」,意译则是「很伤心」、「很失望」。这成语的起源有两个说法。第一个说法认为这和「鹦鹉热」(parrot fever)有关。鹦鹉热的病毒,不但可以取鹦鹉和其它禽鸟性命,人类也会感染死亡的。

另一个说法则比较符合成语本身的意思。据说,十七、八世纪的时候,melancholy as a sick parrot(像病鹦鹉那样忧郁)一语已经开始流行,剧作家阿赫拉?贝恩(Aphra Behn)就用过这句话,而这句话则出自另一个成语:as sick as a parrot with a rubber beak(像一只喙软如胶的鹦鹉那么懊丧)。鹦鹉没有硬喙,怎样进食和自卫呢?这样的鹦鹉难免会患上懊丧的「心病」了。所以,就是sick as a parrot「很伤心」或「很失望」,例如:He was crossed in love and became sick as a parrot(他失恋了,伤心得很)。

托福口语拓展:one man’s meat is another man’s

one man‘s meat is another man‘s poison

《五杂俎》里记载了这样一件趣事:五代南平大臣李载仁平生最怕吃肉,有一趟,看见自己两名随从殴斗,忍不住怒从心上起恶向胆边生,罚他们站着吃肉!假如李载仁读过one man‘s meat is another man‘s poison这句英文成语,大概就不会以为人人都把吃肉当作天下第一苦事了。

One man‘s meat is another man‘s poison的意思是:同一件东西,对甲来说是美味的肉,对乙来说却可能是可怕的毒药。换言之,人人好恶不同,不可一概而论的。李载仁自己把肉类看作毒药,殊不知他那两名随从可能甘之如饴呢。One man‘s meat is another man‘s poison这句成语除了说「口之于味,无同嗜也」,当然还可以用来说其它事物,例如:I don‘t see why he enjoys swimming so much. Truly, one man‘s meat is another man‘s poison. (我不明白他为甚么那样喜欢游泳,人的好恶真是不可一概而论的。)



6.托福口语老师类 篇六

Sample answer:

Well, L think a common mistake that even an experienced teacher tend to make is fail to take every student uniqueness into account. Like my math teacher in the primary school always thought everyone got what he meant, but actually only a few top students understood, and this resulted in truly bad grades. Also, there are times that teachers can be sort of impatient especially students ask questions that they are supposed to handle well. This way students seriously get upset and lose confidence. Perhaps they will not inquiry again and leave the important points until the test comes.

7.托福写作文化类高分词汇 篇七

The old saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” still remains relevant as it did centuries ago. The question of what kind of extra curriculum activities should kids do after school has never failed to attract spotlight. Should they focus on one single activity or is it better for them to devote their time to various activities. Personally, I think it is in the kids’ best interest to get involved in multiple kinds of activities based on the following reasons.

First off, doing various activities makes the kids bored and more extra curriculum activities mean that they enjoy a better chance to try different things and find their real interest. For instance, playing sports all the time will probably drive the kids crazy since they can be very energy consuming and it might lead to injuries in their bones and joints. One’s meat might be others’ poison, indeed nobody really knows what their preference lies in unless they are given the opportunities to do different activities. Actually switching from one activity to another gives the kids the opportunity to explore their real interest and tap their unknown potential. A kid who lacks of flexibility and coordination when doing sport might be talented in playing chess while one who cannot concentrate in the classroom might be very gifted in playing sports. Trying out different activities can help kids to find something they are really interested in and eventually they can develop and build up confidence.

Additionally,students can develop lots of useful skills and release their pressure in life and study if they do different activities. For example, playing group sports can help them to get comfortable teaming up with others and develop cooperation awareness. This kind of experience and awareness can help them get prepared for future jobs since willingness to cooperate and coordinate is regarded as a very valuable quality and working together with others are necessary for the future working environment. Plus, learning music and how to play piano can help someone to develop a taste in music. Music can serve as a source of comfort and love, at the same time it is conducive to release negative emotions like sorrow, depression and even anger.

In conclusion, it is more advisable for kids to do various activities since it helps kids to explore their interest and tap their potential, more importantly it can help kids to develop useful skills and get them prepared for future jobs.

8.托福阅读化学类学科词汇梳理 篇八


1. chemical property 化学特性,化学性质 28. gasoline 汽油
2. chemical composition ( makeup ) 化学成分 29. methane 甲烷
3. chemical agent 化学试剂 30. solution 溶液
4. chemical reaction 化学反应 31. dissolve 溶解
5. chemical change 化学变化 32. solvent 溶剂
6. chemical bond 化学键 33. solubility 可溶性
7. chemical apparatus 化学器械 34. cohesive 聚合力
8.substance(matter; material) 物质 35. adhesive 粘合力
9. element 元素 36. atom 原子
10. periodic table 周期表 37. nucleus 原子核
11. hydrogen 氢 38. electron 电子
12.oxygen氧 39. neutron 中子
13. nitrogen 氮 40. proton 质子
14. helium 氦 41. molecule 分子
15. carbon 碳 42. particle 粒子
16. calcium 钙 43. ion 离子
17. silicon 硅 44. particle accelerator 粒子加速器
18. sulfur 硫 45. catalysis (复数 catalyses ) 催化作用
19. iodine 碘 46. catalyst 催化剂
20. compound 化合物 47. artificial 人造的
21. hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物 48. synthetic 合成的
22. derivative 衍生物 49. synthetic fiber 人造纤维
23. alchemy 炼金术 50. polymer 聚合物
24. petroleum (oil) 石油 51. polymerization 聚合作用
25. petroleum products 石油产品 52. plastic 塑料
26. crude oil 原油 53. dye 染料
27. refine 提炼,精炼 54. cosmetics 化妆品



第一次世界大战完毕后的几年, 人们开始怀疑理性主义, 虽理性主义然使欧洲的文化, 政治达到顶峰但还是发生了恐怖一次大战. 虽然达达派(Dada)的艺术风靡了当时的欧洲画坛. 但是把印了字的纸片洒在地上作诗, 似乎太过消极了. 超现实主义(Surrealism)这时开始萌芽了. 1924年, 超现实主义的创始人, 也是达达派的诗人与评论家-安德烈布尔顿发表了“超现实主义宣言”(The Surrealist Manifesto). 宣言中指出: 超现实主义是结合了意识的和无意识的精神领域在每天的现实生活中而完成世界的美梦与幻想. 简单的说, 超现实主义不但重视人类意识的思考, 另外更重视下意识的范畴. 他们用科学的方法研究人在无意中画出的图画, 信手写出的字, 小孩或疯子的图画, 结合心理学与精神病学的原理, 配合上人的梦境与幻想. 结论是: 美是在解放了的意识中那些不可思议的幻象与梦境. 所以超现实主义是一种超理性, 超意识的艺术. 超现实主义的画家不受理性主义的限制而凭本能及想象, 表现超现实的题材. 他们自由自在的生活在一种时空交错的空间, 不受空间与时间的束缚, 表现出比现实世界更真实更有意义. 超现实主义首先在法国展开, 立即受西班牙画家的欢迎, 很快普及到全世界. 而原本是单纯的美术改革运动, 不久也影响到了文学, 雕刻, 戏剧, 戏剧舞台, 电影, 建筑等其它的应用艺术, 所以超现实主义可以说是影响全世界的新文艺运动. 但在第二次世界大战时, 大量的艺术家迁往美国, 同时影响美国超现实主义的风行. 1945年后“新具象”在艺术之都巴黎兴起, 超现实主义才渐渐没落


polymer gels一种聚合凝胶

The following information was part of our display for the SET96 and SET98 Scientific Power to the People Exhibition, The Galleries, Bristol, 20th and 21st March .

A POLYMER is a very long molecule rather like a very long piece of string.

The borax joins two molecules together to make a large network - rather like flexible scaffolding. This is cross-linking.

This turns the fluid dissolved polymer into a GEL.

In oil wells water is pushed down to push oil up. If this breaks through to the production well bore, the well will just produce water. A solution is to block the rock pores with polymer gel to make the well produce oil again. These gels can be made from naturally occurring sugar-based polymers such as Guar and they can be cross-linked with Cobalt or Chromium.

Other everyday examples of polymer gels are to be found in non-drip emulsion paints, foods, car tires and agrochemicals.
