


1.代沟优秀作文700字 篇一








2.代沟作文600字 篇二



3.代沟初中作文580字 篇三




4.代沟作文600字议论文 篇四



老师:现在的学生越来越夸张,打开作文本,映入眼帘的尽是他们在自己营造的小天地里的自娱自乐,玩弄一些迷茫,不着边际的文字游戏。写出来的作文肤浅,无病呻吟。不是沉醉在虚幻世界中,就是胡乱瞎编,缺少实际感。最重要的是作文中没有生活,或者只是把生活当做点缀,获救题材反复用,导致写出来的作文千篇 一律,没有创新。


学生:是你们不懂。我们信奉郭敬明,我们认为在他的笔下,那些文字如避风的港湾,温馨沁人。但是我们的作文并不缺少生活,我们描写的是青春,不是“自娱自乐的小天地”;我们描写的是对生活的思考,不是“不着边际的文字”;我们描写的是事实,而不是“千篇 一律”。













5.英语作文:代沟 篇五

One of my friends Susie always complains to me about the tense atmosphere in her family. Her father used to ban her listening to pop music, which in his opinion is nothing but cultural garbage. What's more, he forced her to listen to the Peking Opera with him. And she had to pretend to enjoy it a lot in order to please him. At the same time, her mum once in a while read her diary, which she claimed that she did all this just to make sure Susie was fine and happy. Susie used to quarrel with her parents, but now she keeps silent. Once Susie confided to me, “The dead silence in the house nearly chokes me. ”

All this results from the generation gap. One current belief held by the majority of people is that the disparity in age of more than 3 years will give rise to the problem of generation gap.Nowadays, it is a common social phenomenon in China and a hot issue for newspapers, magazines and TV shows. In the discussions, one thing they have all ignored is that the generation gap is unavoidable.

There are numerous reasons why generation gap exists.

First, people grow up in various social circumstances in which they form their unique characters, for the education and social background exert great influence on one's way of thinking and world outlook. That's why Susie's father prefers Peking Opera--the traditional form of arts in China, while Susie is a crazy fan of the pop music and rock & roll, which is popular with all teenagers.

Another reason is that people change, as they grow older.After years of hard work, our parents surely look forward to a stable and peaceful life. Vigor and enthusiasm waned as they age. On the contrary, we're standing at the starting point of our lives. No doubt, we're eager to discover the brand new world opening to us, and long for competition and challenge. When it comes to the decision-making in life, divergence between our parents and us emerges.

As far as I am concerned, the most determinate factor of all is that the generation gap reflects the young's desire to be independent of the old. Take my story as an example. One of the privileges you get from studying in a foreign language school is that you may have an opportunity to be recommended to enter one of the top-ranking universities in China, without taking the Entrance Exam.Well, my parents suggested that I take this opportunity so as to play it safe, for fear that I might perform not well enough in the Entrance Exam. I can still remember the eager desire from the bottom of my heart to make my own decision, to choose my own way and to be responsible for my own life. Without careful consideration, I turned down their sugges-tion, making them worry a lot. After months of intensive study,I, luckily, touched my goal and entered Fudan university.

6.代沟英语作文 篇六

Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were . The same comment is made from generation to generation and it is always true . It has never been truer than it is today . The young are better educated . They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom . They grow up quickly and are not so dependent on their parents . They think more of themselves and do not blindly accept the idea of their elders . Even which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history .

Just look at the teenage girls who scream hysterically over the pop stars and the teenage boys who copy the stars and grow their hair long and are no longer ashamed of wearing “pretty”clothes , are simply breaking through the Chinese traditional reserve and fear of showing their feelings . what is more, nowadays most boys and girls are good companions and some of them even fall in“puppy love .”a lot of older people sigh and say ,“we did not use to do like this .”

7.代沟作文 篇七




8.代沟作文 篇八





9.中考代沟英语作文 篇九

Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always complain that their parents are out of date, while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.


The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don’t quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school. Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents’ tendency to interfere in children’s daily activities.


In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding.

10.英语作文-代沟 篇十

Generation gap We live a better life with the rapid development of economy,however the generation gap between the old and the young is still impassable(不可逾越;不能通行的,无法通过).This phenomenon exists for a number of reasons as below.Firstly,most of the old people lived a poor life before,so they believe that young people should save every cent like they do.However there is not a shortage of food and clothing any longer,young people enjoy their beautiful life very much without caring the money thing.Secondly,there are only a few well-educated old people,while most of the young people are college graduates.Obviously there will be a lot of conflict between them.Finally,old people hold the opinion that young people should look for a secure job like most people do,while some young people have their own dreams and believe it will come true in the future..Having a talk is the best and most direct way to solve this problem.This conversation must be built on a basis of equality on both sides, old people do not use the feudal paternalistic attitude(封建家长态度), and young people should show them enough respect.
