


1.新概念英语第二册14课 篇一

Lesson 27 A wet night


1. Ask students to recite L 26 together

2. Tell a joke about hiking and camping to lead in the text.

Go on a hiking trip

Sherlock Holmes and Matthew Watson were on a camping and hiking trip.

They had gone to bed and were lying there, looking up at the sky. Holmes said,

“Watson, look up. What do you see?

”Well, I see thousands of stars.“

”And what does that mean to you?“

”Well, I guess it means we will have another nice day tomorrow. What does it mean

to you, Holmes?“

”To me, it means someone has stolen our tent.“

Step 2 General Idea

Text-learning map 1: Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of

a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang

songs by the campfire. 傍晚时分,孩子们在田野中央搭起了帐篷。这件事刚刚做完,他



Text-learning map 2:But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping bags were warm and

comfortable, so they all slept soundly. 但过了一阵子。天下起雨来,于是他们扑灭了篝火, 钻进了帐篷。睡袋既暖和又舒服,所以,他们都睡得很香。

Text-learning map 3:In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and

hurried outside. 午夜前后,有两个孩子醒了,大声叫了起来。原来帐篷里到处都是水!他 们全都跳出睡袋,跑到外面。

Text-learning map 4:It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed

in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent! 雨下得很大,他们发现地上已经形成了一条小溪。那小溪弯弯曲曲穿过田野,然后正好从他们的帐篷底下流过去。

Step 3 New words & Expressions

Teach them to know the spelling and meaning of the new words and expressions

in this lesson.

1. tent:

e.g. we set up a tent in the field to watch the starry night.

2. smell: v. 嗅,闻到,散发…的气味,有…的气味

e.g. It smells of human beings.

The dish smells wonderful, but tastes bad. You smell; you should take a bath right now.

n. 气味,臭味,嗅觉

e.g. The dustbin gives off a strange smell.

3. campfire,n 营火,营火会

e.g. summer camp 夏令营/ a holiday camp 假日野营地

a prison camp 战俘集中地


e.g. Where should we camp tonight? Camping n.露营,野营,帐幕生活

e.g. Do you like camping?

e.g. I joined the summer camp and had a very good campfire party.

4. creep: v.爬,蹑手蹑脚

e.g. The cat crept slowly and quietly towards the bird. The thief is creeping along the corridor.

n. give sb the creeps 影响某人

e.g. Don’t talk about F4, you know they give me the creeps.

5. sleeping bag: Gerund.(动名词,表示用来睡觉的袋子,睡袋)

6. comfortable:

a) comfort v. 安慰

e.g. I know you were hurt, I really want to comfort you, but I don’t know how.

b) comfortable adj. 舒适的

e.g. The prince and the princess lived a comfortable and happy life.

I felt comfortable at home/ in your arms.

7. soundly: in good health/ healthy adv. 香甜的

8. sound adj. 健全的,可靠的,合理的,健康的

e.g. have sound teeth/ have a sound heart safe and sound adj. 安然无恙的

e.g. Don’t worry about the children, they are safe and sound in grandma’s house. As sound as a bell adv.十分健全

e.g. The doctor said that I was as sound as a bell.

soundly: adv. in a sound way 非常好,彻底地

e.g. I crept out of my home when my parents were sleeping soundly. He was soundly beaten at chess.

9. leap: v. jump 跳,跳跃

e.g. I leapt from my chair when I saw her. My heart leapt for joy at the news.

10. heavily: v.

e.g. He fell down heavily and hurt his ankle. The people of Shanghai are heavily taxed.

11. stream: n. 溪,川,流

e.g. There is a stream near my home in my hometown. A stream runs through the woods.

v. 流,涌,流住

e.g. Tears stream down her face.

12. form: n.形状,外形,形态

e.g. The fog was very heavy and I could only see the form of the building.

v. 形成,构成,组成

e.g. The students formed into a line.

They formed a party twenty years ago.

13. wind: v. 绕,缠

e.g. the river winds its way to the sea. wind up: stop 卷起,卷拢,停止

e.g. Before I wind up, I have two points to talk about

Step 4 Presentation of Complex structures and sentences

Key point: pay attention to the use of words to express time order

Please refer to exercises part Two

Analyze with students the use of such words; try to appreciate the beauty of this passage.

1. Put:

Put on: She put on her coat and went away.

Put up with(容忍,忍受): John can’t put up with his girlfriend. Put out(扑灭): The firemen put the fire out quickly.

Put away(放好,储存…备用): Please put the book away and recite together.

Put up(举起,抬起,提供): provide food to eat and place to sleep in e.g. My friends put me up in his room last night.


e.g. These buildings were put up in 1950s.

Put off(推迟,拖延): It rained yesterday, so the meeting had to be put off. Put down(记下): Please put down all the sentences on the blackboard.

2. in the middle of

e.g. In the middle of the campus, there is a very big clock. In the middle of the term, we had an exam.

3. as soon as: once

e.g. As soon as I had finished my homework, I went to play tennis. Please give me a phone call as soon as you arrive in Shanghai.

4. pay attention to the use of different past tenses and analyze with students why the writer chose to write in this way.

e.g. to describe what they did use simple past

to describe what was happening use past continuous

to describe what had been done________________ use past perfect

Step 5 Reciting


Step 6 Expanding

Ask students to translate,using the words that are used to express time order 上个星期三的早晨, 我很早就起床了。 一醒来,我就去刷牙,然后洗脸。吃过 早饭后, 我去等公交车, 但是没有赶上。 因为怕迟到, 所以我就给老板打了 一个电话。 但我到达公司的时候, 恰好是九点钟。 当时我真的感觉自己很有 运气。 下午五点,我正要离开公司回家。 那时候天正下着雨, 我忘记了带伞, 所以不得不等到雨停。

Step 7 Homework

Use the following words and phrases to make sentences in groups, ask students to read the sentences aloud each other, see which group has the most correct sentences. First at first firstly second secondly then later next

After before as soon as in the middle of during always

Immediately At the same time in the meantime last finally eventually now someday sometimes soon sooner until when

2.新概念英语第二册教学大纲 篇二

第一课时:Lesson1&Lesson2 知识点1.基本语法时态

知识点2.三大句型转换(陈述句、感叹句、疑问句)第二课时:Lesson3&Lesson4 知识点1.一般过去式 知识点2.现在完成时

知识点3.动词规则变化及动词不规则变化表 第三课时:Lesson5&Lesson6 知识点1.一般过去时与现在完成时的差异 知识点2.冠词与限定词 第四课时:Lesson7&Lesson8 知识点1.过去进行时与连词(when,while)知识点2.形容词与副词的比较级和最高级 第五课时:Lesson9&Lesson10 知识点1.表示时间的介词 知识点2.被动语态

第六课时:Lesson1-10综合复习1 注意点1.综合复习1-10出现的语法知识点 注意点2.通过测试卷进行综合测试,查漏补缺 第七课时:Lesson11&Lesson12 知识点1.复习前6课的语法,知识点2.学习一般将来时 第八课时:Lesson13&Lesson14 知识点1.将来进行时 知识点2.过去完成时

第九课时:Lesson15&Lesson16 知识点1.间接引语 知识点2.条件从句

第十课时:Lesson17&Lesson18 知识点1.情态动词 MUST 知识点2.助动词/动词HAVE 第十一课时:Lesson19&Lesson20 知识点1.情态动词CAN MAY 知识点2.动名词解析

第十二课时:Lesson11-20综合复习注意点1.综合复习11-20出现的语法知识点 注意点2.通过测试卷进行综合测试,查漏补缺 第十三课时:Lesson21&Lesson22 知识点1.各种时态的被动语态 知识点2.常见动词搭配的介词 第十四课时:Lesson23&Lesson24 知识点: 复习前二十二的语法及难点部分 第十五课时:Lesson25&Lesson26 知识点1.并列句 知识点2.常见连词

第十六课时:Lesson27&Lesson28 知识点1.一般过去时 知识点2.现在完成时精讲 知识点3.从句中的关系代词 第十七课时:Lesson29&30 知识点1.对比一般过去时和现在完成时 知识点2.定冠词与各种限定词 第十八课时:Lesson31&Lesson32 知识点1 掌握 “used to do” 及 “use”的短语;知识点 2比较状语从句总结 第十九课时:Lesson33&Lesson34 知识点1 复习一般过去时;

3.新概念英语第二册14课 篇三


1993年秋,我所在师院外语系开迎新生晚会,同学们邀请外教唱一首歌,外教用英语说: “ 我不会唱汉语歌,我唱一首英语歌吧。”我故意问身边的一位新生:“他刚才说了句什么?”新生一脸茫然地说:“没听懂。”我又问我8岁的女儿:“你听懂了没有?”她给出了正确的翻译。当时能考进师院外语系,说明这位学生的英语还不错,但就是没听懂一个简单的英语句子。这件事反映了我国英语教学的一个实际情况,即学生学的是“聋子英语”、“哑巴英语”。改革开放以来,我从一个学英语的学生变成一个教英语的老师,深知这一问题的严重性,所以一直有个愿望,想从儿童入手,深入初高中的教学,研发一套从入门到高中再衔接到大学的系列英语教材和教法,探索出一条适合中国人学好英语的良好途径。





4.新概念英语第二册14课 篇四

A What happened: tried(1.1);came away(1.2);waved(1.2);were thrown(11.4-5);continued to move(1.6);noticed(1.7);came straight towards(11.8-9);roared past(1.9);swam on(1.10);knew(1.10);completed(1.11);dropped(1.13);began to drift(1.13)What had happened: had hardly had(1.4);had struck(1.5);had just begun(11.6-7);had passed(1.10);had just had(1.11);had slowed down(1.12);had nearly all been used up(1.12)What had been happening: had been water skiing(1.4)2.难点练习答案 fairly…enough 2 fairly 3 enough 4 enough 5 enough 3.多项选择题答案

1.b 根据课文第4-5行可以推测,只有b.when the boat struck the buoy(当快艇撞上浮标时)是那两个人被抛入海里的时候,其他3个选择虽然都是课文所涉及的内容,但不是他们被抛入海里的时候,所以选b.2.c 根据课文第7-10行,可以判断c.the speedboat was going to hit them(快艇将会向他们撞击)是课文所暗示的情况,其他3个选择都不是那两个人所认为的,所以选c.3.a 本句是疑问句,回答是his companion(他的同伴).需要一个合适的疑问词,以使它同后面的回答吻合。b.whose 是对所有格形容词提问的,不合乎题目意思;c.which 和 d.What 都是针对物提问的,也不正确;只有a.who 是针对人提问的,可以用His companion 回答,所以只能选a.4.b 前一句中的主语Both men意思是“两人都”,后面的句子需要一个与它意义相反的词组做主语才合乎逻辑,前后两句意思才一致。

a.They neither 不是正确的表达方式;

c.Neither they 也不是正确的表达方式,应该是Neither of them;

d.Either of them(两个中的任何一个)合乎语法,但是不符合题目意思,因为它没有否定的意义,不是与both men相反的词组;

只有b.Neither of them(两个都不)是正确的表达方式,合乎语法,合乎题目意思,所以选b。5.b 只有选b.when 才合乎语法,因为句中的hardly 只能跟连词when 搭配。Hardly…when 意思是“刚……就……”,而其他3个选择a.than, c.as , d.so 都不能同hardly 连用,所以选b.6.b 只有选b.At 才合乎习惯用法,因为名词speed(速度)前一般用介词at 构成短语。如at top speed(高速地),而其他3个选择都不适合用于speed 前面,所以选b.7.d 该句需要一个同前一句中的副词considerably(相当多地,很大地)含义相同的词或词组。a.much(非常,很)修饰动词时常和very 连用;b.many(许多的,许多)不能修饰动词;c.very(很,极其,非常)不能单独用来修饰动词;d.a lot(很大地)可以修饰动词,只有d.a lot 与 considerably 含义相同,并且合乎语法,所以选d.8.c 本句需要选一个同前一句中的swing the boat round(让船转弯)意义相同的动词短语,方能使两个句子含义相同。a.circle it(环绕它);b.twist it(使它扭曲);c.make it turn(使他转弯,使它转过去);d.wind it(使它转动,使它弯曲前进)这4个选择中只有c.同swing the boat round 的意思相同,而其他3个选择含义大致相近,都不如c.准确,所以选c.9.a 本句需要一个同前一句中的副词desperately(拼命地,绝望地)含义相同的词或词组。才能同前一句意思一致。

a.in despair(绝望地,陷于绝望)b.helpless(无助地,无依无靠地)


d.with despair 不是固定短语,不符合习惯用法。

只有a.与 desperately 的意义相同,所以选a.10.b 该句缺少谓语动词,需要选一个合适的动词以使它同前一句It roared past them(它呼啸着驶过去)的含义相符。

a.past 不是动词,它可以做形容词,名词或介词,意思为“过去的”“过去”“过”“超过” c.pasted 是动词paste(用浆糊粘贴)的过去式或过去分词,不合乎题目意思。

d.passing 是动词pass(通过,穿过)的现在分词,不能做谓语。

5.新概念英语第二册14课 篇五

2.c 根据课文最后一句He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic,只有c.will be in the race across the Atlantic同这句意思相同,而其他3个选择课文中都没有提到。

3.a 本句是个关系从句,需要一个相应的关系代词引导。b.whose his 不合乎语法,这两个词不能用在一起;c.his 不是关系代词;d.of whom 不合乎题目意思;只有a.whose 是关系代词,符合题目意思,所以应该选a.4.d 本句中的Portsmouth是一个地名(港口),在某个地方一般要用介词in或at, at 是指在小的地点或空间,因此只能选d, at.其他3个选择都不能表示在某个地点。


只有d.the name of which 符合语法,其他3个选择都不对。6.a 要选出与前面句子中的plenty of(足够的)意思相同的词。b.almost enough(几乎是足够的)意思不够准确c.less than enough(不充足的)意思相反,d.hardly enough(几乎不够)意思相反,只有a.enough(足够)是plenty of 的同义词。7.d a.say him goodbye 不符合语法;b.tell him goodbye 和c.tell goodbye to him都不符合习惯用法,意思上也讲不通;只有d.say goodbye to him 最符合语法。

8.a只有a.near才最符合题目意思。b.a long way from,和 c.in a different town from都与题目意思相反。d.next door(隔壁)后面缺少介词to,不合乎语法

9.c 只有c.often(经常)最接近前面句子中的many times 的含义,而其他3个选择a.sometimes(有时),b.always(总是),d.usually(通常)在意思上不够接近many times.10.d 前面句子中的词组set out是“出发,启程”的意思。只有d.the journey begins(旅程开始)最接近setout的含义,其他3个选择a.the trip ends, b.the journey ends, c.voyagestops都有“旅程结束”的意思,正好和题目意思相反。

11.a 只有选a.be 才最符合前面句子He will take part in a race 的含义,而其他3个选择意思都不够准确。

6.新概念英语第二册14课 篇六

1.b选b最为正确。因为a.d.都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑;c.的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话。所以选b.最能表达作者当时心里的感受。2.c其余3个答案都与原句意思不符合。3.b因为a.to 不对,可以是He went to the theatre;c.into 也不对,可以是He went into the theatre;d.on更不符合语法,表示在某一个地方用介词in 或at, in 表示在大的空间,如国家,城市等,at 则表示在小的地点或空间,如atthe office, at the theatre 等, 所以选b.是正确的。

4.db.above(在„„上方);c.ahead of(在„„的前面,在„„之前)不和behind 对应,也不强调位置的前后顺序。a.before 和 d.infront of 都是和behind对应的,都有“在„„前面”的意思。但in front of 更具体的强调位置,而before则包含更宽泛的意思,即时间上,空间,次序,登记,重要性 方面的“在„„前面”

5.c因为用 a.Where, b.why, d.when 提问都不符合逻辑,都不是针对状态提问的,只有How提问,才能用Angry回答。

6.ab.they 只做主语; c.their只能做定语;d.us 虽然可以做宾语,但与前一句意思不符合。7.da.none是代词,很少用在名词前面;b.any 只能用在否定句或疑问句中;c.not any 不符合语法,因为前面没有助动词did.8.ba.chair(椅子),c.armchair(手扶椅)d.class(班级)这3个选择都和seat的意思不符合。Seat是”座位,座席” 的意思。强调的是可供坐下的地方,不是具体的椅子。只有b.place 是seat 的同义词。



10.ca.sad(悲哀,忧愁的)没有生气的意思;b.unhappy(不幸的,不快乐的)不一定是生气;d.pleased(高兴的)同angry意思相反;只有c.cross(脾气坏的,易怒的,生气的)与angry 意思相反。11.cc.stand 是bear的同义词,都有忍受的意思。而其他3个选择都没有忍受的意思。

12.ca.clever(聪明的),b.rude(粗鲁的),d.kind(仁慈的)这3个都不是rude的反义词,只有polite(有礼貌的)才是和rude相对应的反义词,所以选c.新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 2


2.d因为只有d.才是Aunt Lucy 感到惊讶的原因,其他3个选择都不合乎逻辑。

3.c本句有一个表示经常性动作的时间状语sometimes,所以要用一般现在时。因为主语是He, 所以它后面的动词要在词尾加s.a.stay 词尾没有加s;b.is staying 是进行时;d.staying 是现在分词;只有c.stays符合时态和人称。

4.cgo to bed 是固定词组,意思是“就寝”。a.in 可以用在stay in bed 之中;b.into 和 d.at 不符合语法和习惯用法,英语中不用into bed, at bed 这样的短语。

5.a只有a.late 是前一句中early的反义词,意思是“迟,晚”。

而 b.lately(最近),c.slowly(慢),d.hardly(几乎不)都不是early的反义词。

6.b此问句的回答是By train ,是表示方式的,意思是乘火车来的。只有b.How才能对句子中表示方式的部分进行提问。而a.When是就时间提问的; c.Why是就原因提问的;d.where 是就地点提问的。

7.b如果填a.still句子不符合语法规则,也不符合逻辑; 选c.often 和 d.always 也不符合逻辑。只有填b.now句子才符合逻辑:他现在不能见他姑妈,因为他正在吃早饭。8.a4个选择都有看的意思。

Look 的词意思是“看,望”强调看的动作,常和介词at, out of 等连用;See 的词意思是“看到,见到”强调结构,后面要带宾语;Watch的词意思是“观看,注视”多用来指看戏剧,电视节目等,是及物动词,如watch TV,watch a play;Remark 的词意思是“注意到,觉察到”也强调结果。本句中只有选looked,意思才完整:他向窗外张望,看到外面在下雨。

9.da.at once 和b.immediately 都是“立刻,马上”的意思;c.again是“再一次”的意思; 只有d.atthe moment 同前一句中的just then意思相接近,所以选d.10.ca.son, b.grandson , d.niece 都不能表明他和他姑妈的关系,只有选c.nephew才能准确说明他们的关系。11.da.food(食品),b.dinner(正餐),c.lunch(午餐)这3个词都不能同breakfast 划等号。只有d.a meal(一顿饭)可以等同于breakfast, 所以应该选d.12.b本句中的”Dear me” 是感叹句,表示吃惊。只有选b.surprised 才能使这个句子符合逻辑,而其他3个词都没有吃惊的意思。

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 3更新时间:2009-10-10提示:本站支持在线翻译,双击单词可以查询汉语意思,马上试试?!

新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 3

7.新概念英语第二册14课 篇七

哈尔滨市第六十二中学叶 宏


Teacher Ye Hong School No.62 Middle School Harbin

Teaching subject Unit 20 Lesson 78 ( Book II )

Teaching aims 1. Likes and dislikes 2. Making comparison3. Train the ability of listening, spelling, reading and acting.

Main points 1. To learn the four-skill words: take-away, fry, fried.2. more/the most popular3. Which do you like better, potatoes or carrots?I like potatoes better than carrots. 4. Which do you like best, pork, beef or chicken?I like pork best of all.

Difficult points more/the most careful, beautiful, dangerous, delicious, popular

Teaching aids a computer, a recorder, some pictures and cards

Teaching steps I. Revision: Revise the name of the food in SB Lesson 77.II. Presentation:1. Which do you like better, …and…? I like … better than … .2. Which do you like best, … , … and… ?I like … best of all.III. PracticeIV. Listen and answerV. Presentation: more /the most popularVI. Exercises and Games VII. Chant: to sum up the main points.VIII. Homework: Workbook(P78)

Blackboard Design:

Unit 20 Lesson 78 The seventy-eighth lesson Which do you like better, … or… ? Take-away FoodI like … better than … . fish and chips a fish and chip shopWhich do you like best, …,… or… ? Chinese take- Chinese take-aways I like … best of all. away food fried chicken more /the most popular

说 课 教 案




本课为三年制英语第二册第二十单元第二课,本单元结合“什么国家的人吃什么”的话题,围绕“喜欢和不喜欢”(Likes and dislikes)及“同意和不同意”(Agreeing and disagreeing)的功能项目,开展教学活动。本课是本单元的重点,与上一课联系紧密,是它的延续,通过谈论“喜欢和不喜欢”,进一步学习双音节和多音节形容词的比较等级以及以疑问词开始的选择疑问句的用法。同时通过“什么国家的人吃什么”的话题,进一步提高学生的听、说、读、写综合素质能力。


知识目标:1)词语 more popular/the most popular; take-away food

2 语法 作比较

(1)beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful

(2)Which do you like better, pork or beef?

I like pork better than beef.

(3)Which do you like best, pears, apples or oranges?

I like apples best of all.




3 重点与难点:

重点:做比较(Making comparison)











1. 新课导入

为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先给学生播放几首流行歌曲,让他们猜出演唱者。再用他们熟悉的人物图片,询问(Likes and dislikes)。然后,电脑显示上一课所学的食物图象加以巩固句型。

2. 新课的讲解

本课利用多媒体、图片和录音机等教学手段展示了一幅幅色彩逼真、形象生动的画面。以谈论喜好为主线,句型练习深入生活,联系实际。课文教学中以“什么国家的人吃什么”这个话题引出more/ the most popular的用法,将双音节词和多音节词的比较级在一系列既关联又相对独立的语境中详细讲解,反复演练,使学生全面掌握 。

3. 反复操练和巩固应用

为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in threes, in pairs, in rows, in group 及Boys ask, Girls answer 等多种不同方式操练巩固,使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。

4. 反馈练习


5. 归纳总结


6. 展示板书

Unit 20 Lesson 78 The seventy-eighth lesson

Take-away Food

Which do you like better, …or …? fish and chips a fish and chip shop

I like … better than … . Chinese take-away Chinese take-aways


Which do you like best, …, … or…? fired chicken

I like… best of all. more /the most popular



8.新概念英语第二册14课 篇八


Time: Sun.4:00-6:00 Teaching type&title:new lesson

lesson 66 Sweet as honey.Teaching contents&aims: bomber remote damage wreck rediscover aerial survey rescue package enthusiast restore image packing case colony bee hive preserve beeswax Key points: words have sth done

Difficulties: 集合名词用法,Have sth done表示被动

Procedure: Step one

read and revision Step two

have a dictation Step three

new lesson

1.Lead in: Have you ever had some honey? It is very sweet.In your opinion, what is sweet as honey? 2.Listen and answer: What was sweet as honey and why?

【New words and expressions】 生词和短语s ★bomber n 轰炸机, 炸弹手 bomb 炸弹

bomber n.轰炸机, 轰炸员, 投弹手 ★remote adj 偏僻的 lonely偏僻的(孤零零的)remote village遥远的村庄 lonely island孤岛 remote偏远

★Pacific n 太平洋

Atlantic大西洋 / Indian ocean印度洋 / Arctic ocean 北冰洋 ★damage v 毁坏 ★wreck n 残骸

wreck强调坏了没用的东西 : broken thing(一个坏了的整体,完整的)wrekage强调坏的东西成碎片 : piece of ★rediscover v 重新发现 re-表示再, 又的意思

review复习/ reread再读 / rewrite改写 / retell复述 ★aerial adj 航空的 ★survey n 调查

investigation n.调查, 研究

survey调查(一定要跟数据有关系)aerial survey航空调查(跟数据有关系)★rescue v 营救 rescue=save ★package v 把...打包

pack n.小包, v.把...打成小包 package n 大包

package v 把...打成大包 parcel包裹(邮局邮寄)pack it for me wrap it up for me package deal : 一揽子交易,一揽子交易中的条款 ★enthusiast n 热心人

enthusiast n.热心家, 狂热者 ★restore v 修复

修并且复原,如对艺术品的修复 ★imagine v 想像 imagine doing imagine it想象一下吧!(口语)imagine that + 从句 ★packing case 包装箱 ★colony n 群, 殖民地

colony n.殖民地, 侨民,(聚居的)一群同业, 一批同行,(生物)群体 colony 一群聚居在一起的生物 a colony of ants一群蚂蚁 a colony of bees一群蜜蜂 a colony of artists一群艺术家 a flock of a flock of goats 羊群 a herd of cows 一群奶牛 a crowd of(用于人)★bee n 蜂 ★hive n 蜂房 ★preserve v 保护 protect保护

preserve保存(经过特殊手段而保存下来)bean curd豆腐

preserved bean curd豆腐乳 preserved fruit果脯 preserved meat腊肉 preserved fish腊鱼 smoked fish熏鱼

Can I keep your photo? 我能保存你的照片吗? How long can I keep it? Can I return it to you? Can I keep it for you? store the cabbage store储存, 保存(以便日后使用)★beeswax n 蜂蜡

本课重点词: 1 remote 2 wreck 3 re-4 package / package deal 5 restore 6 imagine it 7 preserve 【课文讲解】


crash从上往下掉(不及物, on)crash in the mountain掉到山里

a remote place in the South Pacific 作island 的同位语 a long way to go 有很长的路要走 west of / east of / south of / north of 在英文中跟方位感相连的介词有三个in, on, to Haerbin„s in the north of China on是指跟一个地方有接触面 Korea is on the north of China to是相离的概念

★前面又没the, 又没介词, west of=to the west of west of前面没有任何词修饰的时候, 我们认为处于相离的概念 was too badly damaged损坏得太厉害

over在此之间, 相当于during(over后如有数字则译为 “超过”)over the years 这些年来

over the new year在新年期间 / over the Christmas在圣诞期间 over Spring Festival在春节期间 festival [节日] n., 喜庆日, 音乐节, 戏剧节, 喜庆, 欢宴, 欢乐 adj.节日的, 快乐的


the room remained warm房间还是那么暖和, 注意与 “the room was warm.” 的区别, “remain” 有保持的意思

Christmas is coming few days after the beginning of the winter by this time到这时 in condition处于...状态

in reasonable condition=in good condition in perfect condition处于完美状态 in poor condition状态不好

in reasonable condition做后置定语 keep the house in good condition was rare and was worth rescuing.be worth doing表达了被动含义, 用主动ing表达被动含义 The cake is worth eating The books are worth reading have something done 让别人做某事

in parts:little by little,bit by bit一部分一部分 the group : the group of enthusiasts imagine后面可以直接加宾语

Imagine my excitement when I found my mother outside Imagine their excitement and delight when the People‟s Republic of China was founded the door opened(open是动词)the door is open(open是形容词)break sth open打开...cut open切开

cut it open剪开(信封)tear it open撕开(信封)busy as a bee忙得象个蜜蜂

sweet as honey甜得象蜜(在文中是双关语, 注意体会)sticky as glue胶水一样粘 strong as horse马一样强壮 turn...into把...变成


as busy as a bee中第一个as省略: I am busy as a bee.【Key structures】 关键句型 have sth done


2、遭遇不幸 I have my leg broken我摔断了腿

I have my wallet lost/stolen我丢了钱包 【Special difficulties】 难点

A group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane repaired.Collective noun+ singular or plural verb.集合名词与连用动词的单数或复数形式.当我们把这个名词当作一种非人格的东西看待时, 即当作一个整体, 连用的动词应为单数.当我们把这个名词人格化时, 即看作组成整体的若干人时, 连用的动词应为复数.Study these Sentences: 细读以下句子 :

The national team is travelling to London tomorrow.国家代表队将于明天去伦敦.The team are all highly talented young people.全队人员都是天赋极高的年轻人.The audience is made up of school children.观众是由学校的学生组成的.The audience were spellbound by the magic of the performance.观众们被表演的魅力迷住了.my family are watching TV./ my family is happy 集合名词做人看 : 复数;不作人看, 单数


9.新概念英语第二册14课 篇九

一、根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。(每空1分,共20分)1.Last night I went to the _____________(剧院)with a good friend.2.Can you _____________(重复)it? I didn’t hear you clearly just now.3.He made a big _____________(决定)on that day.4.He says he has been _____________(在国外)before.5.A _____________(鸽子)is a type of bird that can send messages.6.There is always a _____________(乞丐)in front of my house.7.The boy _____________(偷)a wallet but later her was caught by the policeman.8.The old man bought a _____________(木头的)bed in that shop.9.He wanted to help me with my work, but I _____________(拒绝).10.These old windows were _____________(损坏)by the heavy rain.11.To my _____________(惊奇), he gave up the English competition.12.We have a new _____________(邻居)whose name is Robert.13.This problem is very _____________(困难的)for me.14.On way home yesterday, a man gave me a _____________(搭便车).15.He works at a bank and gets a good _____________(工资).16.You’d better_____________(服从)the boss of your company.17.She is fond of _____________(鲜艳的)colors, such as red, orange and yellow.18.Do you pay the _____________(店主)extra money for the water? 19.He _____________(匆忙)to the station so as to catch the early bus.20.Playing computer games is a _____________(浪费)of time.二、单项选择题。(每题1分,共20分)

1.The young man couldn’t __________ the bad treatment(待遇)any longer.A.bear



D.wait 2.I didn’t finish my homework __________my brother came back home.A.since



D.after 3.Would you please __________some money __________me? I want to buy a new bag.A.borrow;to



D.lend;from 4.Our school is in the__________ of the city.A.centre



D.outside 5.What do you usually do in your __________ time? A.rest



D.spare 6.The clock__________ six when I opened the door.A.knocks


C.was knocking

D.was beating 7.I have been expecting __________ a letter from my friend Tom these days.A.for



D.with 8.Are you going to __________ the maths competition next week? A.be entered

B.enter into

C.enter for

D.entering 9.He will leave for Beijing __________April 4th and come back __________ June.A.in;on



D.on;in 10.This instrument has been __________ in the room for a long time.A.put



D.held 11.How much did you __________ the shopkeeper __________ all these things? A.ask;for



D.pay;for 12.– I failed in the exam.---I’m sorry to hear that.But good__________ next time.A.matter



D.luck 13.He is ill today, but he goes to work as early__________.A.as usual


C.as usually

D.usual 14.__________the father nor the son is interested in the film A.Neither



D.None 15.There is a __________ voice from the next room.I can’t hear clearly.A.loud



D.cold 16.If it __________tomorrow, I __________ to the zoo with my friends.A.won’t rain;will go

B.doesn’t rain;go;

C.won’t rain;go

D.doesn’t rain;will go 17.__________ I know, she is now working __________a secretary in a big firm.A.For;as



D.For;for 18.After I __________my breakfast, I went outside to play with my friends.A.had

B.have had


D.had had 19.You are not in good condition, so you__________as well take care of your health.A.can



D.need 20.I am only__________in__________on the beautiful and quiet beach.A.interesting;walking




三、用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。(每题2分,共20分)1.I usually _______________(get)up very early every day.2.I ______________(send)a postcard to my friend yesterday.3.I _______________(buy)a present for my mother last month.4.Tom is watching TV while Jane________________(do)her homework.5.My mother and I___________________(clean)our garden tomorrow.6.What ___________ you____________(do)this time yesterday? 7.We _______________(paint)the house before we moved in.8.You_______________(pass)the exam if you _____________(work)hard.9.Tom said he ________________(read)the book twice.10.She ________________(help)her mother with some house work at the moment.四、英汉互译(每题2分,共计40分)

10.新概念英语第二册14课 篇十

(1)“not so + 形容词+ as”引导的是比较状语从句,表示较低的程度,通常译为“不如……那样……”。(cf.本课语法)


He once worked at a large company.


2.The temptation to steal is greater than ever before…偷窃的诱惑力比以往任何时候都更强烈……

(1)不定式 to steal为 temptation的定语,说明是什么样的诱惑。


The temptation to smoke is strong for him.

对他来说吸烟有很强的诱惑力。(to smoke为不定式)

The cake on the table is a great temptation to the child.

桌上的蛋糕对那孩子是个极大的诱惑。(to the child为介词短语)

(2)ever用于表示比较的从句中时意义为“曾经”、“以往任何时候”。在这句话中,省略的成分比较多,与ever before相比的是隐含的时间now,从句中省略成分为 it was(在 ever之前)。大多数含有比较状语从句的句子都可以省略句中的成分。

3.on Monday mornings,在星期一上午。


4.One Monday, there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in, so it was easier for the detective to watch her. 有一个星期一,当这位妇女走进这家商场时,里面的人比往常少,因此,侦探比较容易监视她。

(1)one在此处表示“某一个”,不能用a 代替。

(2)这个句子较长,there were引导的是主句,when引导的是它的时间状语从句,so引导的是结果状语从句,在主句和结果状语从句中又分别隐含比较状语从句。在结果状语从句 中,it为先行词,真正的主语是不定式短语for the detective to watch her。不定式短语往往较长,作主语时通常要用先行词it作为形式主语:

It is easy for you to help me.


5.as quickly as possible,以最快的速度。

as…as possible为固定短语,表示“尽可能”:

He went home as soon as possible.


I have sent you as many books as possible.


6.Then the woman simply took the parcel and walked out of the shop without paying. 然后,那妇女拿过包就走出了商场,根本没有付钱。

simply表示“仅仅”、“只”,有加强语气的作用。连词and表示动作的连续,相当于 and then。withoug paying可以当成是整个句子的方式状语,即那妇女没有,……就……paying为动名词。

7.The girl‘gave’her mother a free dress once a week! 那姑娘每星期“送”她母亲一件免费的衣服!

(1) gave加引号,表示姑娘不是真正给,而是偷。

(2) free在这里的含义为“免费的”、“不要钱的”:

Children under five years old travel free.


Tom gave me two free tickets.


(3)“once a+ 表示时间的名词”可以表示频率:

He comes to the office once a day.


Frank writes to his mother once a month.
