


1.高考英语阅读易考短语 篇一

1、 八竿子打不着:比喻关系疏远或没有关系。

2、 拔出萝卜带出泥:比喻一个犯罪分子的落网,带动了另一个犯罪分子的暴露。

3、 饱汉不知饿汉饥:比喻不能设身处地为有困难的人着想。




7、 吃不了兜着走:比喻某人行为造成了很严重的后果。

8、 丑媳妇早晚要见公婆:比喻不好的东西迟早要让人知道。

9、 穿小鞋:比喻暗中报复人,刁难人。

10、 闯红灯:比喻超越现有的规则办事。

11、 林子大了,什么鸟都有:比喻世界很复杂,什么奇怪的人和事物都有。

12、 打官腔:指说些官场上的辞令、口吻,或用冠冕堂皇的话来应付、推托或责难别人。

13、 打退堂鼓:比喻办事中途退缩。

14、 留尾巴:比喻事情做得不彻底,还留有问题。

15、 打预防针:比喻提前打招呼,作好思想准备,以防患于未然。

18、 窝里斗:指家庭或团体内部发生争斗和冲突。

19、 大水冲了龙王庙:比喻自家人损害自家人的利益。

20、 当面鼓对面锣:比喻面对面的谈判或交换意见。

21、 养兵千日,用兵一时:原指军人平时受国家培养,一旦国家急需,就要奋力报效。现也泛指平时长期勤奋训练,在关键的时候就能发挥作用。

22、 吊胃口:用好吃的东西引起人的食欲,也比喻让人产生某种欲望或兴趣。

23、 东方不亮西方亮:表示尚有选择的空间。

24、 一把钥匙开一把锁:比喻对不同情况采取不同的对策。

25、 赶鸭子上架:比喻被迫去做不得已的,自己力所不能及的事情。

26、 高不成低不就:指在选择事物或选择配偶时,好的得不到,差的.又不合心意。

27、 一锤子买卖:一次性交易,多指不法商贩的行为,含贬义。

28、 有眼不识泰山:比喻浅陋无知,认不出有地位有能耐的人。

29、 宰相肚里能撑船:比喻人有度量,能容忍、原谅别人。

30 、台柱子:比喻集体中的骨干。

31、 过五关斩六将:比喻曾经值得骄傲的业绩,也比喻克服重重困难。

32、 好了伤疤忘了痛:比喻过上了舒心的日子就忘了过去的苦日子。

34、 海水不可斗量:比喻评价一个人不能只看表面而加以低估。

35、 恨铁不成钢:恨某人不争气,不成材。

36、 皇帝的女儿不愁嫁:自恃某一外部条件优越而不思主观努力,用以批评一种因循守旧的思想。

37、 会哭的孩子有奶吃:比喻态度强硬,要求强烈的单位或下属能得到更多的照顾。

38、 台上三分钟,台下十年功:原指精彩的舞台表演需要长期艰苦的排练,也泛指各方面的成果都要靠艰辛的训练、准备才能取得。

39、 听风就是雨:刚听到一点风声就信以为真。

40、 挖墙脚:从竞争对手那里弄走人才或抢走生意。

41、 乱点鸳鸯谱:形容瞎指挥,胡乱凑合。

42、 摸着石头过河:比喻在实践中摸索着前进。

43、 跑龙套:比喻在人手下做无关紧要的事,或专做跑腿、服务性工作;或起次要作用,充当配角。

44、 七大姑八大姨:泛指各种各样的女性亲戚。

45、 人怕出名猪怕壮:人太出名了会招来麻烦,也指人为了保住名位而变得保守。

46、 山不转水转:比喻情况总是在变化的,一时不顺利也不必懊恼和悲观。

47、 舍不得孩子套不住狼:比喻要达到某一目的必须付出相应的代价。

48、 一方水土养一方人:一定的环境造就一定的人才(多含褒义)。




2.高考英语阅读易考短语 篇二

(一) 语料库在语言测试方面的应用

Alderson于1996年首先大胆设想了语料库在语言测试开发、选材、编写、评分等各阶段中的潜能。经过十几年的发展, 国外研究方兴未艾, 我国的研究也初见成效 (邹申、杨任明2008) 。孔文和邹申 (2007) 在其研究中从四个方面对语料库在语言测试中的应用进行了总结, 其中的测试开发环节尤其重要, 是命题人和教师最关心的问题。他们指出, “语料库在测试开发的各阶段都发挥着较大作用, 尤其是在试题的选材、编写和校对方面可以为命题人员提供重要信息。”命题人员一方面可以根据需要查找试题所需要的真实素材, 另一方面可以“通过与本族语语料库的比较, 验证新编制试题材料的代表性和真实性。” (孔文、邹申2007:47) , 从而为试题效度提供重要保障。前人将语料库用于语言测试研究的先例为本研究提供了理论和实践支撑。

(二) 短语动词研究背景

外语教学近年来涌现出关注语块的趋势。Lewis (1993) 曾提出语言的构成并非传统的语法和词汇, 而是多词组合的、预制的语块。在多种形式的语块中, 短语动词因其使用广泛、数量巨大, 而又不易掌握而成为“也许是最重要的领域” (Gardner&Davies2007) 。但是英语学习者 (尤其是中低水平学习者) , 倾向于回避使用短语动词, 而选择简单、不易出错的单个同义词来表达相同的含义, 即出现了二语习得中的回避现象 (Dagut&Laufer 1985) 。Gardner和Davies (2007) 指出, 通过语料库筛选出最高频的短语动词从而缩小学习范围而后重点学习也许是解决这一困境的一种方法。也就是说, 在这个问题上“教什么”比“怎么教”更为重要。在我国“以考促学”思想的影响下, “考什么”往往决定“教什么”, 但其前提是考得要科学合理。在高考试题的编制中, 短语动词的使用是否符合真实、自然的特点?这是影响试题质量的众多因素之一, 也是试题效度的重要保障。

(三) 短语动词概念界定

英语短语动词 (phrasal verbs) 是由动词加上小品词构成。对其界定存在不同观点, Biber等 (1999) 认为, 短语动词作为整体必须有新的意义, 如come on、shut up, 而如果是动词和小品词的自由组合, 动词和小品词本身还有独立的意思, 则不能称之为短语动词, 如come back、come down。Darwin和Gray (1999) 提出一个简化方案, 是把所有动词和小品词的组合都看做是潜在的短语动词, 除非能证明不是。Gardner和Davies (2007) 更指出, 连语言学家和文法家都对短语动词的定义有争论, 对普通的英语学习者来说, 这样细微的差别更是难于区分。所以他们和Liu (2011) 的研究都将动词和小品词的组合一律定义为短语动词。本文采用了这种定义方法, 只要符合“动词+小品词” (中间可能被词隔开, 如sit yourself down) 的形式就被认为是短语动词。

(四) 基于语料库的短语动词研究成果

为避免因语料库规模不同带来的干扰, 通常用每百万字中出现的频次 (以下简称PMWs) 作为统计的方法。基于短语动词在语料库中出现的频次而进行的研究成果主要有, Biber等 (1999) 研究在不同的语义范畴和文体中的高频短语动词, 这些短语动词在每百万字中的频次都高于40;Gardner和Davies (2007) 基于BNC (British National Corpus英国国家语料库) , 列出了100个高频短语动词, 同时指出最常用的25个短语动词的出现频率接近BNC中所有短语动词出现频率的三分之一, 最常用的100个短语动词出现频率占BNC所有短语动词出现频率的一半以上;Liu (2011) 基于COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English美国当代英语语料库) 做出最高频的150个短语动词, 详细列出了这些短语在不同文体 (口语、文学、杂志、报纸和学术论文) 中的频率使用, 为ESP (English for Specific Purpose专门用途英语) 学习者提供指引, 并且与Gardner和Davies (2007) 基于BNC做出的高频短语动词相比较, 指出这些高频短语动词在两个不同语料库 (BNC和COCA) 中的频次排序大致相似, 但是部分短语动词的语用不尽相同。


(一) 研究目的

《全日制高级中学英语教学大纲 (试验修订版) 》 (以下简称《教学大纲》) 1在第一、二、三级的目标和要求中都提出, 要掌握一定数量的习惯用语及固定搭配, 要求能在口笔语中运用这些习语和搭配, 或者要求在语篇中理解其意义。这些要求掌握的词组中必然包括短语动词。所以本研究从短语动词的视角验证高考试题的语言质量和教学大纲的合理性。

需要指出的是, 文献中提到, 语料库对于验证新编制试题材料的代表性和真实性有强大功能。命题时, 为发现适用的材料, 编制者往往需要寻找大量资料, 相应的语料库可以为命题人在选材方面提供实证基础。但利用语料库对试题语言的真实性和自然性进行的研究却不多。像高考这样大规模高风险的考试, 阅读理解的文章几乎都是真实英语, 不会生编硬造。而相对于阅读原文, 试题的设计, 特别是客观题的题干和选项的编制有较多的主观因素, 容易成为命题人主观感觉的产物。试题语言的结构会直接影响考生答题情况。如果题干和选项中有超纲或不自然的短语, 考生答题出错的概率会大大提高。这种错误直接影响测试的信度。因此, 对高考试题编制语言特点的研究比对考试文本材料的研究有更高的价值。

本研究以1996~2012年共62份全国及各省市的高考真题作为样本 (231923词次) , 以Antconc 3.2.4作为语料检索工具, 同时参照《教学大纲》及Liu (2011) , 根据COCA所列出的最高频短语动词列表, 试图回答以下两个问题:第一, 教学大纲对于COCA中的高频短语动词的覆盖率是多少?第二, 高考试题对于COCA中高频短语动词的覆盖率是多少?

(二) 研究方法

第一步, 确定研究范围。根据不同的题型, 我们可以把试题分为两大类。一是主观性试题, 包括作文题、问答题等。二是客观性试题, 包括是非题、匹配题、多项选择题等。本文研究的是高考试卷中客观性试题中的短语动词情况。高考试卷中常见的客观性试题包括听力理解的选择题部分、完形填空、阅读理解、信息匹配、集库式选择题等, 这些题型的共同点是, 无论是否提供阅读材料, 都有题干和若干选择项 (选择项包括正确答案和干扰项) 。在设计题干时通常会遵守经济原则, 即避免在选择项中重复使用某一单词或词组, 所以同一短语动词一般不会在同一题的题干和选项中重复出现, 确保了数据统计的准确性。对于仅有个别省份采用的客观题型, 处理方法就是屏蔽掉选项以外的部分, 仅在选项中做搜索, 包括多项匹配题、填空题、排序题、语法填空、图文信息匹配、改错等。

第二步, 在软件Antconc 3.2.4中以加附码“<”“>”的方式屏蔽掉阅读理解的文字材料部分, 以及上文提到的其他需要屏蔽的信息。

第三步, 将Liu (2011) 根据COCA所列出的最高频短语动词列表进行整理, 发现共有go、pick、come等62个动词的词元化 (lemmatized) 形式 (例如goes、went、gone、going都归属于go) 和on、up、back等12个副词。将这62个动词做成一个列表, 要包括各个动词的曲折变化形式 (如go要包括go、goes、went、going、gone) , 在antconc 3.2.4的语境共现 (concordance) 界面的“advanced”选项中上传该动词列表;同时在“Use Contexts Words and Horizons”栏中输入on、up、back等共12个副词, 并选定“context horizon:1R-4R”以确定副词在动词右1到右4的位置。

第四步, 回到concordance界面中观察这62个动词和12个副词各种组合的语境共现性, 去除杂项。例如back on属于非短语, 而go for a visit on Monday就不属于go on组成的短语。

第五步, 将所得到的结果利用excel进行整理, 计算PMWs值, 并与该短语在COCA中的PMWs进行对比。

第六步, 将教学大纲的词汇附表中列出的短语动词与COCA中的高频短语动词相比较。


统计结果显示, 教学大纲的词汇附表中列出的短语动词对COCA中排名1~50的短语动词的覆盖率为40% (即COCA中频次排名1~50的短语动词中有20个出现在大纲中) , 对COCA中排名51~100的短语动词的覆盖率为26%, 对排名101~150的, 覆盖率为24%。而高考试题中提取的短语动词覆盖了COCA排名1~50的92%, 排名51~100的76%, 和排名101~150的54%, 对比见表1和图1。


从表1可以看出, 高考试题对高频短语动词的覆盖率要明显高于教学大纲。从短语动词的角度看, 这说明高考命题者编制的试题的语言更接近真实英语、更自然;而教学大纲是针对英语初级学习者要实现的目标, 列出的短语动词仅是高频短语动词中有限的一部分。当然, 低覆盖率还有另一种解释, 可能由于教师、课程设计者、研究人员根据直觉来决定最常用和最需要掌握的短语动词, 而没有将大型语料库所列出的高频短语动词作为参考, 但直觉往往是不准确的 (Darwin&Gray 2000) 。

教学大纲对高频短语动词的覆盖率不高 (低于40%) , 而考试大纲更未从短语层面提出要求。2012年的《高考大纲》1中, 在“考试内容和要求”中写明, 要求词汇量为3500左右, 并注明各省 (自治区、直辖市) 可以根据本地实际情况对词汇量进行适当调整, 但不得低于2500个单词, 最终要有计划地分期分批增加至3500个单词。这表明, 高考大纲仅从词汇层面制订了标准, 短语层面是空白。

作者在统计中发现TOP150 (即PMWs值排在前150名) 的短语动词是由go、pick、come、find、point、grow、set、turn、get、take、give、make、end等62个最基本的动词和on、up、back、out、in、down、off、ahead、a/round、through、over、along这12个小品词组合而成。这些出现在高考题中的短语动词作为整体虽然没有出现在两个大纲中, 但部分动词和小品词却是包括在考纲和教学大纲中的。例如go和ahead分别出现在考纲和教学大纲中, 但go ahead作为短语并未列出。如果从词汇层面考虑, 试卷并不存在超纲的问题, 但是从短语的视角却可以看到高考题和两个大纲的差距。

将高考题中最高频出现的10组短语动词归类 (见附表一) , 其出现频率高于COCA两倍以上的包括:go out、get in、get on、get off、get through、put in、put on、put up、put off、take up、take in、move in、move out、turn off。例如go out在高考题中的PMWs值为172.47, 远高于在COCA中的70.77, 主要是因为go out的搭配方式较多, 使用广泛, 有go out to do、go out to/for none、go out of someplace、go out with somebody等。另一个原因是, 有的短语动词在同一套试卷中反复考查, 有的是同一年各地考查的重点, 或者是全国或地方历时性的考查重点。这些特别高频的短语动词更加应该引起教学人员的注意, 分析其高频的具体原因, 一方面明确历年的短语动词重点, 另一方面要总结诸如go out这样的短语动词的多种搭配方式, 从而充分备考。


(一) 完善考试大纲和教学大纲的制定

研究结果显示, 短语动词非常频繁地出现在试题题干和选项中, 数量非常之多。但是我们的考纲和教学大纲并没有对短语动词给予应有的重视, 仅仅是从词汇的层面提出要求, 这其中存在着巨大的差距。两个大纲的制定者应根据基于语料库的短语动词研究成果来使之完善, 使之更加科学有效。

(二) 重视短语教学

基于Francis和Kucera (1982) 的结论, 学习者如果掌握了最高频的1000个词汇就能认识日常生活中72%的英语单词;如果学会了最高频的2000个词时就能认识生活中79.7%的英语单词;3000个就能认识84%, 如此类推。按照这个逻辑, 如果学生掌握住考纲和教学大纲明确列出的词汇, 应该能认识84%以上的生活用语。可是如果仅从词汇的层面来学习英文, 就有可能因为不能识别短语而出现一句话中单词全都认识但整句话读不懂的情况, 距离熟练使用英语的最终目标更是相距甚远。这就要求教学人员加深对考纲和教学大纲的认识, 关注高频出现在本族语语料库和高考中的短语, 在教学中得以体现, 而不仅仅停留在“3500词汇量”水平。

(三) 在大量语境中学习短语

本文提出了重视短语教学的建议, 但这绝不意味着教师要教会学生“背”下来一堆的短语来备考, 而是要利用语料库提供的大量语境, 将短语经过教学加工后再进入课堂 (何安平2010) 。短语的教学要注意创设真实语境、使用真实语料、尽量不要为学词组而编造语料。在这方面, 珠海市紫荆中学所研创的“积木词块”英语教学模式 (刘东方、何安平2011) 为我们树立了成功的典范。

(四) 注重短语结构搭配教学

语料库语言学已经用量化的例证表明人们在自然使用语言时往往是同时选用一个以上的单词并且以结构搭配的形式把这些单词组成词块。如同之前go out的例子, 与go out同时使用的经常是to...、for...、of...、with...结构。学习短语要特别注重不同的搭配模式。语料库检索软件Antconc3.2.4的concordance界面能批量呈现目标词的语境, 可以帮助我们全面学习搭配模式。具体方法是先在大型语料库中检索全部实例, 然后观察核心短语结构前后的搭配形式, 进而归纳出最常用的语法形式, 接着对这些形式从语义内容上进行分类概括。教学如果能够深入到短语的搭配模式这一层次, 再辅以语境, 对提高学生的语言结构能力大有益处。教学之余, 我们还可以鼓励学习者通过搜索在线语料库COCA和BNC, 在教师的指导下进行自学。


注:统计数字表示每百万字中出现的频次, 即PMWs。



孔文, 邹申.2007.语料库在语言测试中的应用[J].外语电化教学 (116) :47-51.

刘东方, 何安平.2011.“积木词块”英语教学模式的创设与应用[J].中国外语教育, 4 (3) :32-38.

邹申, 杨任明.2008.语料库在试题设计和验证中的应用研究[J].外语电化教学 (123) :10-15.

Biber.D.&Johansson, S.&Leech, G.et al.1999.Longman grammar of spoken and written English[M].Harlow, Essex:Pearson.

Dagut, M.&Laufer, B.1985.Avoidance of phrasalverbs:a case for contrastive analysis[J].Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 7 (1) :73-79.

Darwin, C.&Gray, L.2000.Comments on Clayton M.Darwin and Loretta S.Gray’s“Going after the phrasal verb:an alternative approach to classification”.The authors respond[J].TESOL Quarterly, 34 (1) :165-173.

Francis, W.&Kucera, H.1982.Frequency analysis of English usage:lexicon and grammar[M].Boston:Houghton Mifflin.

Gardner, D.&Davies, M.2007.Pointing out frequent phrasal verbs:a corpus-based analysis[J].TESOL Quarterly, 41 (2) :339-359.

Lewis, M.1993.The lexical approach:the state of ELT and a way forward[M].Hove, England:Language Teaching Publications.

3.高考英语模块7—单词 短语A 篇三

A. adaptedB. admired

C. adoptedD. admitted.

27. Generally, to a university in the USA, foreign students need to prove their strong ability in using English.

A. admittingB. admitted

C. to be admittedD. being admitted

28. It is the protection for the living trees that really matters, how many trees are planted each year.

A. other thanB. or rather

C. rather thanD. more than

29. —Frank, Ive learned about your plan. May I make some suggestions?


A. Just for funB. Go right ahead

C. With pleasureD. Take it easy

30. —Hi, Peter, how are you?

—Sorry, I am Jack. You me twin brother and me.

A. would mix upB. mixed up

C. had mixed upD. mix up

31. I would appreciate you can help me give out the papers.

A. itB. if

C. it whetherD. it if

32. The research project has been for only three weeks, so its too early to evaluate it.

A. under wayB. in the way

C. on the wayD. by the way

33. As some effective measures had been taken, the number of traffic accidents in this city last year.

A. increasedB. decreased

C. expandedD. spread

34. I would like a job which pays more, but I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.

A. in other wordsB. on the other hand

C. for one thingD. as a matter of fact

35. —Im sorry to hear that some villagers got disabled in the earthquake.

—Thats too bad, but .

A. all is well that ends well

B. the darkest hour is nearest the dawn

C. where there is life, there is hope

D. it is good to have friends in trouble

4.高考化学易考知识点总结 篇四






②化学性质:S+O2 ===点燃 SO2(空气中点燃淡蓝色火焰,纯氧中蓝紫色)



(2)SO2的制备:S+O2 ===点燃 SO2或Na2SO3+H2SO4=Na2SO4+SO2↑+H2O





SO2(少量)+2NaOH=Na2SO3+H2O (SO2+2OH-=SO32-+H2O)




2SO2(过量)+Ca(OH)2=Ca(HSO3) 2 (可溶)



2CO2(过量)+Ca(OH)2=Ca(HCO3) 2 (可溶)













a. 与大多数金属反应(如铜):2H2SO4(浓)+Cu===△CuSO4+2H2O+SO2 ↑

(此反应浓硫酸表现出酸性和强氧化性 )

b. 与非金属反应(如C反应):2H2SO4(浓)+C===△CO2 ↑+2H2O+SO2 ↑

5.高考英语作文短语 篇五

Be getting on well with one’s study某人的学习越来越好

take several courses at school在学校学若干门课程

have English (Chinese, Physics…) every (other )day work hard at …

put one’s heart into…专心于;致力于

be interested in …

be fond of

like chemistry best

be good at …; be poor at …; do well in …; be weak in …

make progress in …; fail in …’ be tired of …’

pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade;

6.高考英语高频短语 篇六

reveal vt. 显示, 透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧, 门侧 n. (汽车的)窗框

revenue n. 总收入; 财政收入, 税收 n. 税务局

shield n. 盾,防卫物,盾状物 vt. 保护,遮蔽

vital adj. 至关重要的, 生死攸关的, 有活力的, 充满生机的

vitally adv. 重要地,极其,生命攸关地

urge n. 冲动 vt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促 vi. 极力主张

urban adj. 城市的

urgent adj. 急迫的,紧要的,紧急的

usage n. 惯用法,使用,用法

violet n. 紫罗兰, 紫色 adj. 紫色的

weed n. 杂草,菸草 vi. 除草 vt. 除草,摆脱

violate vt. 违犯, 亵渎, 干扰, 侵犯, 奸污

whatsoever adv. (用于否定句中以加强语气)任何 pron.&adj. 无论什么

welfare n. 福利,社会保障,幸福 adj. 福利的

whereas conj.&adv. 然而,却,反之

essential adj.基本的; 必要的; 本质的; 精华的 n.必需品; 基本要素; 必不可少的东西

estimate n. 估计, 估价 v. 估计, 估价, 评价

evaluate vt. 评估,评价

exceed vt. 超过, 胜过, 超出界限 vi. 领先

equation n. 相等,方程(式),等式,均衡

restrain vt. 抑制,阻止,束缚,剥夺

restraint n. 抑制,克制,束缚

resume v. 再继续, 重新开始 n. 简历, 履历; 摘要

severe adj. 剧烈的, 严重的, 严峻的, 严厉的, 严格的

sexual adj. 性的,性欲的,有性的

simplicity n. 单纯, 简朴

sorrow n. 悲伤,伤心事 vi. 悲伤,惋惜,悔恨

stuff n. 材料, 原料, 东西 n. 素质, 本质; 废物 vt. 填满, 塞满

temptation n. 诱惑,引诱; 诱惑物

terror n. 恐怖,惊骇,令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物

thrust n. 推力,刺,力推 vt.& vi. 插入,推挤,刺

treaty n. 条约, 协定

arise vi. 上升,引起,出现

arouse vt. 唤醒,激发,激起 vi. 唤醒

burden n. 负担, 重载 v. 使负重, 装载, 烦扰

bureau n. 局, 办公处

marvelous adj. 令人惊异的,了不起的,不平常的

massive adj. 巨大的, 大规模的, 大量的, 大范围的

maximum n. 极点, 最大量, 极大 adj. 最高的, 最大极限的

7.高考英语模块9—单词 短语A 篇七

A. killedB. killing

C. being killedD. from killing

2. There are lots of games, the Olympic Games are the greatest.

A. whichB. that

C. of whichD. of that

3. Nothing can planes in speed and comfort.

A. equalB. equal to

C. match withD. compare to

4. When you drive along this street, you should be careful, for the street corner has many car accidents.

A. metB. asked for

C. hadD. seen

5. Mrs. Smith rewarded the boy $ 10 bringing back the lost dog.

A. at; ofB. with; for

C. for; withD. for; for

1. C escape后接doing,由句意知,应是被动。

2. C 考查“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。先行词是games,而the Olympic Games是其中的一种,故用of which引导定语从句,表示所属关系,选C。非限制性定语从句不用that引导,排除B、D两项;从句主语与先行词之间表所属关系,用of which,排除A。

3. A equal用作动词,意思是“比得上”。

4. D 考查see的用法。本题题意:在这条街上开车要小心,因为街道拐角那里发生过多次车祸。有些动词,如see, find等,可以用地点或时间作主语,表示某地或某时“经历、发生、目睹”了某事。

8.高考英语短语摘抄 篇八

think out 想出

let out 泄漏(机密);发出(喊叫)

point out 指出

blow up 告吹;发脾气;(风雨)等发生

break up 破碎;结束;(士气)衰弱;(关系)破裂

bring up 培养;养育;呕吐

call up 给…打电话;使人想起

come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议);上楼

cover up 掩盖;包庇

cut up 切碎;使…难过

get up 起床;起立;(风、浪、火)大起来;打扮;安排;组织

check up=check through=check over 核对;检查

give up 放弃;把…送交;使埋头于…

go up 上升;涨价;修建;增长

hang up / off 挂起;挂断电话

hold up 举起;竖起;支撑;使停顿;使延误

keep up 保持;继续(某活动)

look up 抬头看;查阅;看望;(身体)好转

make up 弥补;赔偿;编造;组成;虚构

pull up 拔出;拔掉;使车停住;停车

pick up 举起;拾起;(身体)好转;中途接入;(非正式)学会;偶然发现/买到/得知/养成习惯等

wind up 上紧(钟表)发条;使紧张;兴奋;结束

9.高考英语短语分类讲解与高考真题 篇九




1.get through 已考义项:通过;完成 待考义项:接通电话;到达

(1)There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn‟t get ______.(2006全国卷Ⅱ)

A.between B.through ______C.across D.beyond

(2)Hardly could he______this amount of work in such a short time.(2007天津)

A.get through B.get off

C.get into D.get down

2.get along 已考义项:对付得过去 待考义项:相处;有进展;有喜色

—How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?

—Well, I______somehow.(2006重庆)

A.get along B.come on

C.watch out D.set off

3.get over 已考义项:克服;康复 待考义项:越过

(1)If we can______our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.(2007 湖北)

A.come across B.get over

C.come over D.get off

(2)It was not a serious illness, and she soon______it.(2004天津)

A.got over B.got on with

C.got around D.got out of

4.get in 已考义项:收割 待考义项:进入,抵达

We have to______the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.(2004湖北)

A. get away B. get across

C. get through D. get in

5.get down to 开始做正经事,to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词做宾语

(1)The final examination is coming up soon.It‟s time for us to______our studies.(2004辽宁)

A. get down to B. get out

C. get back for D. get over

(2)Isn‟t it time you got down to______the papers?(2006 重庆)

A.mark B.be marked

C.being marked D.marking

6.get together 联欢,聚会

We‟re going to______with some friends for a picnic.Would you like to join us?(2004北京、安徽春季)

A.get in B.get over

C.get along D.get together

7.get away from 已考义项:回避 待考义项:摆脱

His mother had thought it would be good for his character to______from home and earn some money on his own.(2002北京)

A.run away B.take away

C.keep away D.get away

get待考短语:get up 起床;get across 被理解,使通过; get back 回来,恢复;get down 下来,写下,开始做某事;get home 到家;get into 进入,陷入;get off 下车(马、船、飞机);get on 上车(马、船、飞机);get out 出去;get to 到达,着手做某事

8.put back 把……放回去

You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please______the books when you‟ve finished with them.(2004全国卷Ⅰ)

A.put on______ B.put down

C.put back D.put off

9.put out 已考义项:扑灭 待考义项:出版;生产;关掉

The forest guards often find campfires that have not been______completely.(2004全国卷Ⅱ)

A.turned down B.put out

C.put away D.turned over

10.put away 把……收起来,储存,备用

Before the war broke out, many people

in safe places possessions they could not take with them.(2004重庆)

A.threw away B.put away

C.gave away D.carried away

put待考短语:put aside 把某事放在一边;put down 写下,镇压;put in 投入,放进;put off 推迟;put on 穿上;put together 装配;put up 张贴,举起,建造,搭起,进行;put up with 忍受

11.make up 已考义项:编造待考义项:构成;弥补;化装

Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and______jokes.(2005江苏)

A.turning up B.putting up

C.making up D.showing up

12.make out 已考义项:理解待考义项:辨认

The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to______.(2003北京春季)

A. make it out B. make it off

C. make it up D. make it over

make待考短语:make for 有利于;make it 做到;make...into...拿……制成;make of 用……制造;make from 用……制造;make...out of用……做;make a face做鬼脸;make one‟s way 前进;make way for替……让路。

13.come up with 已考义项:提出______待考义项:赶上

—Have you______some new ideas?

—Yeah.I‟ll tell you later.(2007江苏)

A.come about B.come into

C.come up with D.come out with

14.come out 已考义项:被出版待考义项:长出

The dictionary is being printed and it will soon______.(2005福建)

A. turn out B. come out

C. start out D. go out

15.come about 发生,强调过程

(1)It‟s already 10 o‟clock I wonder how it______that she was two hours late on such a short trip.(2006湖北)

A.came over B.came out

C.came about D.came up

(2)Please tell me how the accident______.I am still in the dark.(2005江西)

A. came by B. came upon

C. came to D. came about

16.come down 下来

—Four dollars a pair? I think it‟s a bit too much.

—If you buy three pairs, the price for each will______to three fifty.(2006安徽)

A. come down B. take down

C. turn over D. go over

17.come on 已考义项:(表示劝说、激励、不耐烦等)来!快!得啦!未考义项:(灾难、恐惧等)突然向……袭来;(想法等)突然产生;跟着来;进步、进展;开始(……起来),袭击,来临

—I‟m dead tired. I can‟t walk any farther, Jenny.—______ , Tommy.You can do it!(2006江西)

A. No problem B. No hurry

C. Come on D. That‟s OK

come待考短语:come across 偶然遇到;come along 出现,到来;come at 扑向;come back 回来;come from 来自于;come home 回家;come in 进来;come into 进入;come out first 得第一名;come over 过来;come round 绕道来;come to sb.(that)被某人提出;come to sth.共计,达到;come to an agreement 达成协议;come to a decision 做出决定;come to an end 结束;come to light 真相大白;come to oneself 苏醒过来;come to terms with 甘心忍受;come up 长出,发芽;come into use 开始使用;come into being 事物局面形成;come into effect 开始生效;come true 实现

18.cut in 插嘴

I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson______.(2005湖南)

A. cut in B. cut down

C. cut out D. cut up

19.cut off 已考义项:使隔绝待考义项:切断(电源、自来水、煤气等)

He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was______from the outside world.(2004北京、安徽春季)

A.cut out B.cut off

C.cut up D.cut through

cut待考短语:cut up 切碎;cut down 砍倒,削减;cut out 切掉;cut short 剪断

20.act as 临时性充当、担任

We went to Canada to travel and my cousin______as our guide.(2005湖南)

A. played B. showed

C. acted D. performed

act待考短语:act out 用手势和语言表演(某件事);act on / upon 按照……行动,对……起作用

21.keep...to oneself 将……作为秘密保守

You will find as you read this book that you just can‟t keep some of these stories to______.You will want to share them with a friend.(2005湖南)

A. itself B. yourself

C. himself D. themselves

22.keep up with 赶上

Would you slow down a bit, please? I can‟t______you.(2001北京、安徽、内蒙古春季)

A. keep up with B. put up with

C. make up to D. hold on to

keep待考短语:keep away(from sth.)避开;keep back 阻止,隐瞒;keep fit 保持健康;keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事;keep(good)time(钟表等)走得准;keep hold of 抓住;keep sth in mind 牢记某事;keep off 避开;keep on doing sth.继续做某事,反复做某事;keep out 把……挡在外面;keep up 保持……使不低落;keep watch 守望;keep the law 遵守纪律;keep the rule 遵守规章制度;keep one‟s word / promise 说话算数

23.break down 已考义项:坏掉;把……分成若干部分 待考义项:打破,毁掉;破除;制服;坍塌;(计划等)失败,不成功;(健康、精神)垮下来;中止,停顿

(1)The computer system______suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.(2006辽宁)

A.broke down B.broke out

C.broke up D.broke in

(2)To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it______into parts.(2005湖北)

A. down B. up C. off D. out

24.break out 已考义项:(火灾)发生待考义项:(战争)爆发;(争吵)爆发

I was still sleeping when the fire______ , and then it spread quickly.(2006广东)

A.broke out B.put out

C.came out D.got out

break待考短语:break in破门而入,闯入;break into强行进入,闯入;break into pieces 破成碎片;break in two破成两半;break through 突破;break up打碎,分开;break the law 违法;break the rule 违背规章制度;break one‟s word / promise 说话不算数;break one‟s heart 使某人心碎

25.pick out 已考义项:辨认待考义项:挑选

It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly______my friend.(2007四川)

A.turn out B.bring out

C.call out D.pick out

26.pick up 已考义项:(偶然地、无意地)获得、学会 待考义项:继续;恢复;收拾、整理;捡起、拾起;(车辆等)中途搭(人)、中途带(货);(在无线电里)收听到

She______Japanese when she was in Japan.Now she can speak it freely.(2006福建)

A.picked out B.made out

C.made up D.picked up

27.bring about 导致,引起,带来

His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has______many good changes in their lives.(2005重庆)

A. got through B. resulted from

C. turned into D. brought about

bring待考短语:bring up 抚养,从嘴里吐出;bring back 归还,使记起;bring in引进

28.give up 放弃

—Smoking is bad for your health.—Yes, I know.But I simply can‟t______.(2002北京、安徽、内蒙古春季)

A.give it up______ B.give it in

C.give it out______ D.give it away

29.give out 已考义项:耗尽,用完待考义项:放出,发出;发表;分发;精疲力竭

What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has______ ?(2005山东)

A.given out B.put out

C.held up D.used up

give待考短语:give in 屈服,让步;give away 赠送,泄露,出卖;give off 放出,发出;give way to 顺从,让……优先

30.fall down 已考义项:下降待考义项:倒塌;跌倒

In some western countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has______.(2004全国卷Ⅳ)

A.turned down B.turned over

C.fallen down D.fallen over

31.go ahead已考义项:请便待考义项:往前走,前进

(1)—I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?

—______.I‟m not using it anyhow.(2006 全国卷Ⅰ)

A.Sure, go ahead B.I don‟t know

C.Yes, indeed D.I don‟t care

(2)—Could I use your computer for a few moments, please?

—______.I‟m not using it myself.(2007陕西)

A.Come on B.It depends

C.Go ahead D.That‟s great

32.go by 已考义项:时间流逝 待考义项:从旁经过

—Didn‟t you have a good time at the party?

—Of course I did.As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to______so quickly.(2007安徽)

A.go by B.go away

C.go out D.go over

33.go over 已考义项:审查______待考义项:复习

Would you please______ this form for me to see if I‟ve filled it in right?(2007浙江)

A.take off B.look after

C.give up D.go over

34.go in for 已考义项:爱好 待考义项:参加,从事

I don‟t______ rock „n‟ roll.It‟s much too noisy for my taste.(2004北京)

A.go after B.go away with C.go into D.go in for

go待考短语: go down下降,下沉;go away走开;go out出去,扑灭;go off爆炸;go in进去;go too far过分;go up上升;go without没有……勉强凑合;go through经历,遭受,完成;go bad食物变质;go mad发疯;go red脸色变红;go wrong出毛病;go smooth进展顺利

35.turn out 结果证明是,见分晓

We wanted to get home before dark, but it didn‟t quite______ as planned.(2004浙江)

A.make out B.turn out

C.go on C.come up

36.turn to 已考义项:求助于 待考义项:转向;翻到;变得,变成

She‟s having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn‟t know whom to______.(2007重庆)

A.turn to B.look for

C.deal with D.talk about

turn待考短语:turn in 上交;turn over 翻开;turn against 背叛;turn back 返回,翻回到;turn down 拒绝,把音量开小一点;turn on 打开;turn off 关掉;turn up 出现,把音量开高一点;turn into 变成;turn...into...把……变成……;turn…into reality 把……变为现实;turn(a)round 转过身来;by turns 轮流;out of turn 抢先;take turns轮流

37.set up 已考义项:建立,创立 待考义项:竖立;张贴

For all these years I have been working for others. I‟m hoping I‟ll______my own business someday.(2006江西)

A.turn up B. fix up

C.set up D. make up

38.set out 已考义项:着手 待考义项:出发,起程

It‟s ten years since the scientist______on his life‟s work of discovering the valuable chemical.(2004江苏)

A.made for B.set out

C.took off______ D.turned up

set待考短语:set about 着手做某事;set aside 拨出;set back 把……往回拨;set off出发,使爆炸

39.stick to 坚持(原则、计划、办法)

Once a decision has been made, all of us should______it.(2004湖北)

A. direct to B. stick to

C. lead to D. refer to

stick待考短语:stick out 伸出,突出

40.look through 已考义项:仔细检查待考义项:浏览;复习;透过什么看;看透have______all my papers but I still can‟t find my notes.(2007全国卷Ⅱ)

A.looked through B.looked for

C.looked after D.looked out

41.look out 已考义项:当心 待考义项:向外看

—______ for the glass!

—It‟s OK.I‟m wearing shoes.(2004湖南)

A.Look out______ B.Walk out

C.Go out______ D.Set out

42.look into 已考义项:调查 待考义项:往……里看

The building around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now______the matter.(2006湖北)

A.seeing through B.working out

C.looking into D.watching over

43.look up 已考义项:向上看 待考义项:(在……中)查寻,查找

(1)“Goodbye, then,” she said, without even______from her book.(2007全国卷I)

A.looking away B.looking up

C.looking down D.looking on

(2)We‟re trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we______your number incorrectly.(2006浙江)

A.looked up B.took down

C.worked out D.brought about

look待考短语: look up to尊敬; look down upon瞧不起;look like看起来像;look as if / though似乎;look behind向后看;look back to / on回顾;look at 看着,着眼于;look for寻找;look forward to向往;look sb.in the eye(s)/ face直视某人;look after照顾;look over查看;look round / around环顾,四处打量;look on / upon...as 把……看成……;look sb.up and down上上下下打量某人;have / take a look at看一看

44.let out 已考义项:泄露(秘密、消息)待考义项:放出;发出(声音);出租

He accidentally______he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn‟t been home for a couple of weeks.(2004湖南)

A.let out______ B.took care

C.made sure______ D.made out

let待考短语:let alone 更不必说;let sb./ sth.alone 听任,不打扰;let sb.down 让某人失望;let fly at 把……射向;let sb.in 放某人进去;let sb.into 让某人进去

45.hand over 移交

It is certain that he will______his business to his son when he gets old.(2004福建)

A. take over B. think over

C. hand over D. go over

hand待考短语:hand in 上交;hand out 分发;by hand用手工(做);from hand to hand从一人之手传到另一人之手;hand in hand 手拉手;shake hands with sb., shake sb.by the hand, shake sb‟s hand 和某人握手;at hand 在手边,在身边;on the one hand..., on the other hand 一方面……,另一方面……;fall into one‟s hands 落入某人之手;have a hand in 染指于

46.take in 欺骗;吸收

Don‟t be______by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.(2007辽宁)

A.taken off B.taken out

C.taken away D.taken in

47.take sth.seriously 认真对待

He began to take political science______only when he left school.(2007湖北)

A.strictly B.truly

C.carefully D.seriously

48.take up 已考义项:占去;开始从事待考义项:拿起;(车等)接纳(乘客)

(1)Helen always helps her mother even though going to school______most of her day.(2004广东)

A.takes up______B.makes up

C.saves up______ D.puts up

(2)After he retired from office, Rogers ______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.(2006山东)

A.took up B.saved up

C.kept up D.drew up

take待考短语:take off 飞机起飞,事业腾飞,脱衣服;take a chance / one‟s chance冒险,碰运气;take away 拿走;take back 收回;take down 记下,取下;take on 呈现,雇用;take out带出去,拿出;take over接管

49.hold on to 抓住……不放

We thought of selling this old furniture.But we‟ve decided to______it.It might be valuable.(2002)

A.hold on to B.keep up with

C.turn to D.look after

hold待考短语:hold up 高高举起;hold back 阻挡,抑制,退缩;hold one‟s breath屏住呼吸;hold out 坚持住;hold together 使粘在一起,团结一致;get hold of 抓住

50.work out 已考义项:产生某种结果待考义项:锻炼;设计出,制订出;算出

We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn‟t quite______as planned.(2007陕西)

A.find out B.give out

C.hand out D.work out

work待考短语:work on 致力于,从事于;work at 从事

51.call for 已考义项:需要 待考义项:喊某人同往某处

It‟s the sort of work that______a high level of concentration.(2007山东)

A.calls for B.makes up

C.lies in D.stands for

52.call up 已考义项:召唤,回忆待考义项:汇集;打电话

As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village______scenes of my childhood.(2006湖北)

A.called up B.called for

C.called on D.called in

call待考义项:call back 回电话;call in 叫进;call on 号召,拜访;call sb.names辱骂某人;call off 取消

53.die down 已考义项:渐弱,渐渐平息 待考义项:枯萎

Although the wind has______ , the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.(2006湖北)

A.turned up B.gone back

C.died down D.blown out

die待考短语:die of 死于内因;die from 死于外因;die out 灭绝

54.cheer up(使)振奋,(使)欢呼

—I‟m thinking of the test tomorrow.I‟m afraid I can‟t pass this time.—______!I‟m sure you‟ll make it.(2006天津)

A.Go ahead B.Good luck

C.No problem D.Cheer up

55.care for 已考义项:照顾______待考义项:愿意;喜欢;关心

After the earthquake,the injured were cared______in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.(2006江西)

A.of B. for C.after D.with

56.leave behind 已考义项:离开______待考义项:把……落下来,把……忘掉

—Are you going to have a holiday this year?

—I‟d love to.I can‟t wait to leave this place______.(2006江苏)

A.off B.out C.behind D.over

leave待考短语:leave...alone 别管;leave...be 别打扰;leave for 前往;leave...for...离开……去……;leave out 省略,遗漏

57.ask for 要求获得

Before building a house, you will have to______the government‟s permission.(2005全国卷Ⅲ)

A. get from B. follow

C. receive D. ask for

58.have on 穿着(强调状态)

Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you______ yesterday?(2005辽宁)

A. tried on B. put on

C. had on D. pulled on

have待考短语:have a good time 玩得痛快;have...to do with 与……有……关系;have to 不得不

59.refer to 已考义项:参考 待考义项:指的是;提及

The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without______his notes.(2005浙江)

A. bringing up B. referring to

C. looking for D. trying on

60.see sb.off 给某人送行

John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will______him______at the airport.(2005广东)

A.send;away B.leave;off

C.see;off D.show;around

see未考短语:see through 看透,识破;see to 负责,注意,照看,处理 61.lead to 已考义项:导致______ 待考义项:通向

We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only______violence.(2007浙江)

A.runs into B.comes from

C.leads to D.begins with

62.be popular with 受……欢迎

This magazine is very______with young people, who like its content and style.(2007湖北)

A.familiar B.popular

C.similar D.particular

63.be fond of 喜欢,爱好

More and more young people are fond______playing tennis nowadays.(2006上海)

A.on B.to C.in D.of

64.be curious about 对……感到好奇

People have always been curious______how living things on the earth exactly began.(2006辽宁)

A.in B.at C.of D.about

be待考短语:be interested in 对……感兴趣;be surprised at 对……惊讶;be satisfied / content / pleased with 对……满意;be proud of 对……自豪;be terrified at 因……而害怕;be clear about 对……清楚;be aware / conscious of 意识到……;be skeptical of / about 对……怀疑;be sensitive about 对……敏感;be kind / friendly to 对……友好;be strict with 对某人严格;be strict in 对某事严格;be patient with 对某人耐心;be polite / impolite to 对某人礼貌 / 不礼貌;be rude to 对某人粗鲁;be thankful / grateful to 对某人感激;be good to 对……有好处;be good at 对……学得好;be particular about 对……挑剔;be sure of / about 对……有把握;be joined to / connected with 和……连在一起;be associated with / related to 和……有联系;be separated from 和……分开;be divided into 被分成;be made up of 由……构成;be angry with 对某人生气;be busy / occupied with 忙于;be lost / absorbed / deep in 沉溺于;be crowded with 挤满了;be full of / filled with 装满了;be late for ……迟到;be covered with 覆盖着;be covered by 被……覆盖;be tied to 被系在……;be crazy about 对……狂热;be familiar with 对……熟悉;be familiar to 对某人来说是熟悉的;be similar to 和……类似;be different from 与……不同;be particular about 对……挑剔;be famous / known for 因……著名;be famous /known as 作为……有名;be afraid of 害怕;be addicted to 对……上瘾;be cruel to 对……残忍;be clever at 在……乖巧;be expert at 精通;be overcome with(grief, sorrow)(悲伤)至极

65.close down 关闭

If the firms failed to make enough money, they would______.(2007湖北)

A.close down B.call off

C.turn down D.set off


66.in case of 如果;以免

(1)______fire, all exits must be kept clear.(2007天津)

A.In place of B.Instead of

C.In case of D.In spite of

(2)The open-air celebration has been put off______bad weather.(2007浙江)

A.in case of B.in spite of

C.instead of D.because of

67.in a way 在某种程度上

—I think he is taking an active part in social work.—I agree with you______.(2007 陕西)

A.in a way B.on the way

C.by the way D.in the way

68.in exchange for 作为对……的交换

I have offered to paint the house______a week‟s accommodation.(2007山东)

A. in exchange for B. with regard to

C. by means of D. in place of

69.in terms of 已考义项:就……而说______待考义项:用……的话;以……的观点;根据……

achievement, last week‟s ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, grade.(2006湖南)

A.In terms of B.In case of

C.As a result of D.In face of

70.in favour of 赞同,支持

My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was______it.(2006陕西)

A.in favour of B.in memory of

C.in honour of D.in search of

71.by chance 碰巧

We hadn‟t planned to meet.We met______chance.(2005全国卷III)

A. of B. in C. for D. by

72.in that case 假如那样的话

—I‟m afraid Mr.Wood can‟t see you until 4 o‟clock.—Oh,______I won‟t wait.(2005浙江)

A. no doubt B. after all

C. in that case D. in this way

73.for the moment 已考义项:暂时待考义项:一下子

The classroom is big enough______ , but we‟ll have to move if we have more students.(2005福建)

A. for the moment B. on the moment

C. in a moment D. for a moment

74.out of one‟s reach 够不着

I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children‟s______.(2004天津)

A.reach B.hand C.hold D.place

75.for fear of 以免,以防万一

He got to the station early,______missing his train.(2004江苏)

A.in case of B.instead of

C.for fear of D.in search of


76.in case 如果,以防万一,万一

My parents live in a small village.They always keep candles in the house______there is a power out.(2007重庆)

A.if B.unlessC.in case D.so that

77.so that 已考义项:以便,为了,引导目的状语从句 待考义项:结果,引导结果状语从句

I‟d like to arrive 20 minutes early______I can have time for a cup of tea.(2005北京)

A. as soon as B. as a result

C. in case D. so that

78.even though 即使

Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,______they knew it to be valuable.(2007浙江)

A.as if B.now that

C.even though______D.so that

未考考点: in order that 为了,引导目的状语从句;even if 即使,引导让步状语从句;as if / though 似乎,引导表语从句或方式状语从句。


79.in fact 实际上

The winner of 1990 was extremely bad.______most people say it was the worst winter of their lives.(2004浙江)

A.At last B.In fact

C.In a word D.As a result

80.as a result 结果

My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;______ , he could neither eat nor sleep.(2005江西)

A. as a result B. after all

C. any way D. otherwise

81.as far as 已考义项:就……范围而言 待考义项:和……一样远

______I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.(2004北京、安徽春季)

A.As long as B.As far as

C.Just as D.Even if

82.on the other hand 另一方面

I would like a job which pays more, but

I enjoy the work I‟m doing at the moment.(2006浙江)

A.in other words B.on the other hand ______C.for one thing D.as a matter of fact

83.what‟s more 再者,更何况,更重要的是

Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves and,______ , she gets well paid for it.(2005浙江)

A.sooner or later B.what‟s more

C.as a result D.more or less

84.generally speaking 一般说来

______, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality.(2005全国Ⅲ)

A. General speaking

B. Speaking general

C. Generally speaking

D. Speaking generally

85.above all 首先,尤其重要的是,最为重要的是

I‟d like to buy a house—modern, comfortable, and______in a quiet neighborhood.(2004福建)

A. in all B. above all

C. after all D. at all

86.no wonder 难怪,怪不得

—Brad was Jane‟s brother!

—______ he reminded me so much of Jane!(2004浙江)

A.No doubt B.Above all

C.No wonder D.Of course

87.after all 毕竟,终究,到底,要知道(位于句首时含有别忘了之意,用来表示听话人似乎忘记了某一个重要环节而需要被加以提醒;位于句末时有出乎意料之意)。

People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her.______ , she is a great musician.(2004全国卷Ⅲ)

A.After all B.As a result

C.In other words D.As usual

88.in turn 已考义项:反过来待考考点:轮流

A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which______will promote its economic development.(2006山东)

A.in nature B.in return

C.in turn D.in fact

待考插入语式短语:in return 作为报答;that is(to say)就是说;what‟s worse 更糟糕的是;besides 更何况;or rather 更确切地说;believe it or not 信不信由你;altogether 总之;in a word 总之;in other words 换言之;worst of all 最糟糕的是;in one‟s opinion, in the opinion of sb.以……之见;similarly 类似地;exactly 非常确切,确切地


89.as long as 长达;和……一样长;只要,引导条件状语从句

After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for______an hour, thinking of her young and happy days.(2003上海春季)

A.as long as B.as soon as

C.as much as D.as many as

90.plenty of 足够的,大量的,修饰可数名词或不可数名词

We always keep______spare paper, in case we ran out.(2006浙江)

A.too much B.a number of

C.plenty of D.a good many

91.more than 已考义项:超过 待考义项:不仅仅

—Do you need any help, Lucy?

—Yes, The job is______I could do myself.(2007福建)

A.less than B.more than

C.no more than D.not more than

92.lack of 缺少

Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a______of exercise.(2007辽宁)

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