


1.五上英语句型小结 篇一

Unit 51、be careful with 小心。。

2、have different abilities有不同的能力

3、plant trees植树

4、clean up the park彻底的清扫公园

5、give a seat to someone on the bus在公交车上给人让座

6、collect things for …为。。收集东西

7、a home for the elderly敬老院

8、help sb out of a fire帮助某人逃出了一场火灾

9、on tenth May在5月10号

10、be at home alone = be at home by oneself独自一人在家

11、hear someone shouting听见某人大叫

12、the 79-year-old Mrs.Sun 79岁的孙太太

13、hurt her leg 伤了她的退

14、pour water over his jacket把水扑在他的夹克衫身上

15、rush into ….冲进。。

16、Put out the fire灭火

17、Burn Zhang Hua’s neck烧伤了张华的脖子

18、Be in hospital for two months住了2个月的医院

19、Help each other互相帮助

20、Keep someone safe from danger使某人安全的脱离危险

21、Stop a fire阻止了一场火灾

22、Hurt by fire被火伤着

23、Sound dangerous听起来危险的24、How terrible25、Get better真可怕

26、Recommend sb for / as.推荐某人获得。。奖项 / 推荐某人当选为。。

27、Think of others first首先想着别人

28、Be grateful / thankfulto sb for sth = thank sb for sth 因某事而感激某人

29、Row a boat 划船

30、Play badminton 打羽毛球

31、Go skiing 去滑雪

32、Forget to do / forget doing 忘记去做某事/ 忘记做过某事

33、Parents’ meeting 家长会

34、Have a good memory有好的记性

35、Be good at writing 擅长写作

36、Read more often更多的阅读

37、Use English more often更经常的使用英语

38、Know a lot about Chinese history对中国历史了解很多

39、Do her best尽她的最大努力

40、Be weak in 在。方便比较薄弱

41、Play the piano well钢琴谈的好

42、Organize class activities well很好的组织起班级活动

43、Has good grades in..在。。获得好的等级

44、Get into the school team进入校队

45、Never mind不要紧

46、Teach me how to dance教我跳舞

47、No problem没问题

48、Get information from..从。。搜集

49、Do more exercises信息

50、Tell their differences分辨它们的区别

51、Work out some outlines列出刚要 / work out the maths problem解出数学难题

52、Learn things quickly学东西很快

53、Think carefully仔细的思考

54、Plan everything well计划事情很好的55、Lose one’s way迷路

56、On his way to the club在他去。。路上

57、Take him to the police station.带他去邮局

58、Send my greetings to your parents.把我的问候带给你的父母。

59、Hear from sb = receive a letter from sb.收到。来信

60、Be likely to do 很有可能的做。。


1、Anything could happen to her at that moment


2、He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs Sun out.他用毯子灭了火救出了孙太太

3、Many people visited him and brought him flowers and presents


4、What a brave young man 一个多么勇敢的年轻人啊

5、It’s important to be careful with fire.小心火是很重要的6、Thank you for joining us this evening.感谢你今晚加入到我们当中来

7、Did you do anything to keep yourself safe?你采取措施使你自己安全了么?

8、How long did you stay in hospital after the fire?------For two months


9、I’m very happy that he is well now.我很开心的是他现在好了

10、Don’t leave the stove on.不要把炉子燃烧在那儿

11、Don’t put anything hot into the rubbish bin.不要把任何热得东西放进垃圾桶内

12、Keep long hair away from fire.使长头发远离火源

13、I would like to recommend Daniel for the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award.我想推荐Daniel获得7年级的最乐于助人奖

14、He tells younger students to be careful when they play water sports.他要年小的同学们在玩水的时候注意点

15、Mrs Lu fell down when she crossed the street.过马路的时候陆太太摔倒了

16、We will all be very happy if he can have the award..如果他能获得这个奖的话我们将很开心的17、She can get better results in geography if she does her best.如果她尽力的话,会在地理上取得更好的结果的18、It’s hard for me to dance well.对于我而言跳好舞是很难的19、We look forward to hearing from you soon.我们期待收到你的来信

20、My dancing lesson is likely to be in the morning.我的舞蹈课很有可能在早上

21、I want someone to teach the children how to draw.我想让人过来教孩子们怎样画画。

Unit 6

2.五上英语句型小结 篇二

1.为......加油 3.今后 5.参加;加入 7.长大成人 9.动身去某地 11.帮某人一个忙 13.斥责某人 15.对......生气 17.起初,起先 19.例如,举例 21.至少,不少于 23.当然 25.为......效力 27.全世界 29.抵达;到达 31.把......踢给.....33.不要紧。35.立刻;马上 37.把......传给......39.向某人道歉 41.把......变成...43.轮流 45.交朋友 47.赶上 49.......的象征 51.一双 53.能够,有能力 55.穿过终点线

cheer...on in the future take part in / be in grow up leave for give sb.a hand shout at ab.be angry with....at first for example at least of course play for all over the world arrive in kick...to...never mind.right away pass...to....say sorry to sb.turn...into....in turn make friennds catch up with a / the symbol of....a pair of....be able to cross the finish line

2.后天 4.擅长......6.对......有益 8.保持健康 10.患病,病倒 12.在某方面做得好 14.尽(某人)最大努力 16.谈论;讨论 18.形成,产生 20.代表,象征 22.喜欢......胜过......24.与.......打比赛 26.看见某人做某事 28.花费......做某事 30.做某事.的好方式 32.介意做某事 34.继续做某事 36.到处扔......38.获得乐趣 40.有着数百年的历史 42.围着....坐 44.为......做准备 46.喜欢做某事 48.不分上下 50.......和......两者都 52.获得第一名 54.越来越受欢迎 56.有机会做某事

the day after tomorrow be good at...be good for...keep fit / keep healthy fall ill do well in do / try one’s best talk about come into being stand for prefer...to....play against see sb.do sth.spend...doing sth.a good way to so sth.mind doing sth.keep doing sth.throw....around have fun

with hundrends of history

3.五上英语句型小结 篇三

小学冀教版五上《Billy Bee》英语教案















Step1 Class Opening and review

1、Class Opening

Greeting [激情问候,营造宽松、民主、和谐的课堂氛围]

Good morning/afternoon, class! Where do we live?


Sing a song. “The Trip Song”

Step2 Story

Prepare to read

多媒体课件出示故事Billy Bee















