


1.1994年01月英语四级试题(完型) 篇一



Peter Blake is a successful

businessman,but he(16)to be very poor.He had nowhere to live and(17)working in a pub when he(18)to start his own business.Peler had always(19)

interested in plants and flowers,(20)he decided to set up a company(21)cared for the plants in big officers.At first he worked on his(22),but soon he took(23)two people to help him.The company has been growing(24)for the last ten years.Peter is now very rich ,(25)he complains that now he doesn’t work with plants but with a computer every day!

C16)A.wouldB.-C.usedD.use B17)A.did B.was C.been D.hasbeen B18)A.had decided B.decided C.was decidin D.has decided

C19)A.wasB.had C.beingD.been A20)A.soB.but C.---D.although B21)A.who B.whichC.whoseD.---A22)A.ownB.selfC.---D.himself C23)A.up B.overC.on D.in A24)A.----B.up C.overD.into C25)A.therefore B.so C.but D.moreover



A study has shown that fitness is the key _16__C___ long life, irrespective of body shape __17__A___ even smoking habits.Researchers discovered that people who exercise live longer than _18_D____, even if they are overweight and smoke.The study found that __19__D______ fit of the 6,000 middle-aged men in the study were five times more likely to die within six years of the start of the research than the fittest.This was true 20_B____ the men had heart problems, smoked or were overweight.Scientists concluded that it was better _21__B_____ and active than

skinny and sedentary.Dr Ken cooper, a fitness expert, said, “ You are better off smoking a packet of cigarettes a day and exercising regularly than 22__A______ a non-smoker and sedentary.” Although he adds, “ But don’t misunderstand me.I am not endorsing _23___C________, I am trying to tell you how dangerous it is to be sedentary.”The British Government is putting pressure _24___A_______ manufacturers to reduce high levels of sugar in food and to restrict the hard-sell of junk food to children in order to improve the nation’s health.But the new study suggests the Government should encourage more people _25___C______.C)16.A.for B.ofC.toD.in A)17.A.orB.andC.but D.either D)18.A.those who does notB.these who do notC.these that do notD.those who do not

D)19.A.the littleB.lessC.lease D.the least

B)20.A.thatB.whether or notC.if or notD.when

B)21.A.being fatB.to be fatC.to doD.doing

A)22.A.beingB.beC.to beD.is C)23.A.smoke B.to smokeC.smokingD.smoked

A)24.A.onB.inC.to D.for C)25.A.exercise B.exercisingC.to exercise D.exercised



Although international travel is usually an _16___B______ and pleasant experience, travellers should take steps to ensure that their health does not suffer either _17__C______ their time ________ the air or _________ their time abroad.Before you go, check with your doctor or local travel clinic 18___C_______ injections are necessary for the areas you

are travelling 19__C________.Allow sufficient time to have these injections before you _20____C_______ because they may take time to become effective.Be sure that the information on health is up-to-date.Check on the Internet if you are not sure.Don’t go to bed late the day 21__D_______ you fly.Your body has a natural daily sleep pattern.It takes time to adjust to a new time one.There are many different _22___A_______ of jet lag: you may not be able to sleep, you may not want to eat or you may feel sick and tired.You may not be able to concentrate for some days after you arrive.There are several things you can do to _23___D______ the effects of jet lag:---Do your 24__C______ to relax during the flight

---Sleep as much as you can on the flight.Use a mild sleeping pill if necessary.---Drink as much water as you can.---Don’t drink alcohol and caffeine.---Take mild sleeping pills 25___B_______ the first few days in the new thime zone if you need them.B)16.A.excitedB.excitingC.excittedD.excitting

C)17.A.of, on, ofB.of, in, ofC.from, in, fromD.from, on, from C)18.A.whereB.---C.whichD.that

C)19.A.---B.inC.toD.at C)20.A.will leaveB.is leavingC.leaveD.have left

D)21.A.afterB.inC.onD.before A)22.A.effectsB.effect C.affect D.affects

D)23.A.short B.shortenC.lessD.lessen

C)24.A.goodB.betterC.best D most B)25.A.atB.forC.ofD.on

2.1994年01月英语四级试题(完型) 篇二


本次完型填空的文章来自2009年10月9日VOA的Special English栏目,是一篇社会新闻类的说明文,文章大约有两百个单词。这篇文章的主题是探讨最新的《全球人类住区报告》提到的世界城市化进程问题。这篇文章本身和题目的难度都不算大,考生如果平时比较关注社会现象方面的报道,那么根据自己掌握的相关常识,就能正确解答这篇完型填空的很多题目。不过,即使考生对这方面的内容不熟悉,但只要抓住文章的中心主线,做题时使用“瞻前顾后”的做题方法,也能轻松答题。




1. 词汇辨析题倍受青睐,积累与技巧双管齐下


(1) 高频词汇的考查重复出现


(2) 选项的设置符合以往的出题套路


① 3+1模式。“3+1模式”指的是四个选项中有三个选项的感情色彩一致,如都表示肯定、否定、积极、中立或消极等,而另一个选项的意思与其他三项的感情色彩相反或无关,此时考生通常可以先排除那个基调不一致的选项,然后再“三选一”,从而降低题目难度。以本次考试的第70题为例,该题考查的是副词辨析,四个选项分别是really (真正的)、barely (几乎没有)、ever (曾经)、almost (几乎)。很显然,四个选项中只有barely表示否定,其他三个选项都表示肯定。这时,考生可以先将barely排除,这样题目就变成了“三选一”,答题难度就降低了。联系上下文,此题的正确答案是almost。

② 2+1+1模式。“2+1+1模式”指的是四个选项中有两个选项意思相近,另两个选项“各成一派”,意思与其他选项都没有交集。这时,正确答案一般为两个意思相近的选项之一。以本次考试的第78题为例。这道题的四个选项分别是wealth (财富)、situation (情况,形势)、treasure (财富,财产)、category (种类,分类)。在这四个选项中,situation和category“各成一派”,而wealth和treasure意思相近,考生可初步判断答案应该在wealth和treasure之间选择。此空所在的语境是“social division and differences in ”,要表达的是“社会分化和财富差异”,所以应选wealth,因为treasure更偏向指“珍贵的财产,珍品”。

③ 4+0模式。“4+0模式”指的是四个选项意思都相近的情况。这时,考生就要结合原文语境,再结合各个选项词汇的具体用法来选择。该模式的题型难度较大,对考生单词的掌握程度要求较高。本次考试中有两道题是这种模式的典型代表。第一道是第71题,此题的四个选项分别是developed (发达的)、flourishing (繁荣的,盛行的)、thriving (旺盛的,蒸蒸日上的)、fertile (富饶的,肥沃的)。四个选项都表示积极向上的基调,而且都能与文中的countries搭配。此时,我们就需要结合上下文语境和词汇的具体用法来解决。根据后文出现的developing world这一提示,此处正确答案是developed,此时developed countries与developing world构成对照。另一道是第72题,此题的四个选项分别是extension (伸展,扩大)、raise (上升)、addition (添加,增加物)、growth (增长),四个选项都表示“增加”的概念,这里考的是词汇的具体含义,这时要定位题目的提示线索。经过仔细阅读,考生可发现下文讲的是城市人口的增长问题(population growth),因而此题答案为growth。

④ 2+2模式。“2+2模式”指的是四个选项可分为两组,其中两个意义相近,另外两个意义也相近,并且可能与前面两个意义相反。这时,考生一般可以根据文章的主线排除一组意义相近的选项,然后再进行“二选一”。这次考试没有出现这种模式的选项设置,这里暂且以2008年12月四级真题的第70题为例。这道题的四个选项分别是little、 less、more和much。考生可以发现,little和less含有否定意味,而more和much含有肯定意味,并且前一组词和后一组词含义相反。因而,考生可以先将四个选项分为两组,然后根据文章的上下文排除其中的一组,最后再“二选一”得出答案。


2. 逻辑连词题风采依旧,瞻前顾后是核心

完型填空题的产生与格式塔心理学有着密切的关系,格式塔心理学特别注重作为整体的经验模式。完型填空题的创始人威尔逊·泰勒(Wilson Taylor)曾说:“完型填空并不直接涉及特定的意思,它只是反复地从两种语言模式的相似之处取样:一种是写的人表达自己思想的语言模式,另一种是读的人根据自己的理解做出猜测的语言模式。”笔者认为,读的人要理解写文章的人的语言模式,就必须找出文章内部的逻辑,这样才能把握文章的全局和脉络。因而,逻辑关系题也是完型填空题目考查的重点之一。


3.1994年01月英语四级试题(完型) 篇三



一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.广告文稿是()A.表现广告内容的画面 B.表现广告内容的语言文字 C.表现广告内容的声音


2.视觉广告除了文字简洁明快之外,还要求()A.追求氛围 B.灵活多变 C.图文并茂


3.下列几种类型的作品中,最讲究词语音韵的是()A.广告 B.诗歌 C.散文


4.广告语“有车必用胎,用胎请用××胎”中运用的修辞方式是()A.对偶 B.排比 C.顶针


5.广告语“请饮用×××”中使用的是()A.陈述语气 B.祈使语气 C.疑问语气

D.肯定语气 6.广告文稿写作的第一个程序是()A.构思阶段 B.行文阶段 C.准备阶段

D.完善阶段 7.广告的阶段目标应根据下列哪种因素确定?()A.广告总体目标 B.企业经营目标 C.广告总体策略


8.下列指标中既是分析评价广告媒体效率的重要指标,也是决定媒体费用高低的指标之一的是(A.收视率 B.千人成本



9.产品销售增长率大于10%时,产品处于()A.介绍期 B.成长期 C.成熟期




(一)试卷 第 1 页(共 6 页))

A.数据调查 C.实地调查

B.抽样调查 D.电话调查

11.了解市场中各竞争品牌以及各种产品类型的市场研究属于()A.市场可行性研究 C.价格研究

B.产品研究 D.消费者研究

l2.产品诱导策略一般不进行过多的品牌诱导,而是强调产品所能提供的()A.功能 C.利益

B.用途 D.附加值

13.从本质上看,产品市场的拓展主要是()A.自然成长的结果 C.发展的结果

14.商标是下列哪种经济形态的产物?()A.自然经济 C.垄断经济

B.计划经济 D.商品经济 B.竞争的结果 D.扩张的结果

15.广告活动中,扩大商品知名度、培养商品信誉的基点是()A.产品 C.消费者

B.市场 D.商标

16.在企业广告的商标策略中,最简单而又最重要的内容是为产品()A.取好的名称 C.选择恰当的颜色

B.设计好的标识 D.绘制醒目的图案

l7.广告策划时制定广告传播的长远目标和阶段目标,要做到()A.虚实结合 C.新老结合

18.进行广告策划的第一项工作是()A.问卷设计 C.广告预算

B.调查研究 D.广告创意 B.短长结合 D.轻重结合

19.企业树立的20年以上的经营目标,称为()A.中期目标 C.整体目标

20.广告活动费用开支的决定性因素是()A.广告的规模 C.广告制作费用

B.媒体的广告收费 D.广告设计费用 B.短期目标 D.未来经营目标



(一)试卷 第 2 页(共 6 页)少选或未选均无分。

21.权衡广告媒体的适用性须考虑的主要因素有()A.目标市场、产品特性 C.媒体费用 E.国家政策、法律

22.按照发布时所采用的媒体进行分类,广告可分为()A.报纸广告 C.售点广告 E.促销广告

23.市场调查的重要性主要包括()A.它是产品计划的基础 C.它是制定流通政策的基础 E.它是消费者日常消费决策的基础

24.1910年后,促使中国广告迅速发展的因素有()A.政府予以高度重视 C.广告意识的觉醒 E.与周边国家关系的改善

25.广告不是人们自愿接受的艺术,它必须克服()A.抵触心理 C.舆论心理 E.从众心理

三、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)26.广告 27.视听广告 28.借代 29.广告营销研究 30.广告市场调查





(一)试卷 第 3 页(共 6 页)

B.好奇心理 D.厌恶感

B.民族工商业的发展 D.科技水平的提高 B.它是促销计划的基础 D.它是广告策划的基础 B.电视广告 D.国外广告

B.竞争对手使用媒体状况 D.广告媒体自身条件






(一)试卷 第 4 页 6 页)





1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.B 19.D 20.B


21.ABCD 22.ABC 23.ABCD 24.BCD 25.AD










32.(1)广告客户委托广告经营者承办广告业务时,应当依法向广告经营者提交相应证明供其查验。(2)广告客户提交和交验的证明必须是国家有关广告证明机关核发的。(3)广告证明必须做到:证明出具机关合法; 广告证明与广告有直接关系;广告证明适用的时间和地域范围有效。(4)广告客户违反法规要求,伪造、涂改、盗用或非法复制广告证明的,要承担相应的法律责任。(5)广告证明出具机关因审查不严或未进行审查就出具证明以及违法和虚假证明的,也要承担相应的法律责任。











(一)试卷 第 5 页(共 6 页)

五、论述题 35.(1)真实感强(2分)。(2)创作速度快捷(2分)。(3)表现手法多样(2分)。


六、分析题 36.(1)保洁的商标策略有:





七、操作题 37.(1)公式:Q2=Q1(M+b+∆b)/(M+b-Q1·∆a)其中M=125万元,Q1=1000台 b=145万元 ∆b=30 ∆a=0,将这些代入公式:算出Q2=1111台 即广告活动使销售量增加1111台就能保证原利润计划实现。(2)由量本利基本关系式:销售额=固定成本+变动成本-利润 变动成本=(1111+1000)×0.75-145-125=2539.7万元平均成本=2539.7÷2111=1.2万元

根据资料:p=0.75万元/台 Q∆=1111台 a=1.2万元/台 ∆a=30万元 S=p·Q=0.75×1111=833.25万元 a+∆a=1111×1.2+30=1363.2万元 S


4.1994年01月英语四级试题(完型) 篇四

....., AAAAA

or .....

judged soonsaidfavorbalancecomplains


roughly .....,do

something .....



.right ....

now.often nervous deed order aches









37.A.puzzlingB.frighteningC.injuringD.worrying38.A.goB.writeC.callD.turn 39.A.curedB.punishedC.comfortedD.excused 40.A.developingB.friendlyC. damagedD.old3.(2004A)I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand with the support of the two sticks.Only in my wheelchair can I “ 21 ”I still remember the first day at school.When I appeared at the door , everyone in the classroom stared at me in22.My face turned red.I couldn’t help

turning back.It was the kindness and sympathy in their eyes that23me doing so.I went shyly towards an empty seat.Being lame , I couldn’t walk in front of my classmates.I was24that I might be looked down upon.In those days I was very sad to25others walking happily.One day a few students came up to me and asked me26.I was really excited.They encouraged me with a friendly smile and pushed me in my wheelchair from place to place.I was27to them for giving a chance to see the sights of our lovely school with my own eyes.After that we often read ,played and talked together.My friends are always28to help me.It made me29I am handicapped(残疾)Once they asked me, “ What is the most beautiful thing in our school?” Without hesitation I said “ It is the30”21.A.sitB.walkC.standD.talk22.A.loveB.thoughtC.surpriseD.excitement 23.A.preventedB.keptC.warnedD.made 24.A.pleasedB.afraidC.angryD.disappointed 25.A.makeB.hearC.seeD.think26.A.eat outB.stay inC.give upD.go outside27.A.kindB.thankfulC.helpfulD.friendly28.A.busyB.sorryC.welcomeD.ready29.A.forgetB.rememberC.realizeD.think30.A.supportB.kindnessC.friendshipD.sympathy4(2004 B)People spend their whole lives searching for love.I was no different.Until one day I decided to31the local pound(动物收容站).And there was love32for me.The old dog was considered to be33.He had been found running along the road on three legs,34some serious wounds in his back and a damaged ear.The people at the pond35him because he was friendly and they thought if someone had36money having his leg operated on, maybe the person would be looking for him.But on one came.That day , I happened to walk by and see him.My37went out to him.But I really could not take another dog home;I had four already.There had to be a limit , I thought.I can’t save them all.Driving away from the pond , I knew the dog would die38I didn’t take him.As I passed a church , a sign announcing this week’s sermon(布道)caught my39.It was right before Christmas.It read:” Is there any room at the hotel?” I knew at that moment there was40room for one more, especially one that needed my love.31.A.buyB.sellC.visitD.build32.A.waitingB.lookingC.payingD.hoping33.A.prettyB.homelessC.lonelyD.friendly34.A.withB.forC.onD.in35.A.foundB.wantedC.caughtD.kept

36.A.borrowedB.paidC.spentD.earned37.A.headB.heartC.mindD.brain38.A.whenB.becauseC.ifD.though 39.A.mindB.driveC.earD.eye 40.A.alwaysB.seldomC.sometimesD.usually5(2005 A)Like so many teenagers, I struggled to escape from anything that didn’t agree with my picture of the world.One night , after a particularly21day.I stormed into my room, shut the door and got into bed.My hands22something under my pillow.I23out an envelope on which it said,” To read when you are alone.” Since I was alone , no one would24whether I read it or not.So I opened it.It said,” Mike I know life is25right now.I know you feel26and I know we don’t do everything27I am here for you if you ever need to28and if you don’t , that’s okay.I love you forever.Mom.” That was the first of29“ To read when you are alone” letters.I will never forget the relief I felt30I got a letter in my teen years.21.A.excitingB.differentC.shockingD.difficult 22.A.heldB.tookC.feltD.reached23.A.pulledB.foundC.handedD.picked 24.A.decideB.considerC.realizeD.know 25.A.busyB.hardC.uneasyD.important 26.A.proudB.ashamedC.annoyedD.unusual 27.A.fastB.fightC.togetherD.alone 28.A.talkB.thinkC.workD.say 29.A.familiarB.fewC.severalD.personal 30.A.ever sinceB.every timeC.as soon asD.the first time6(2005B)Steve Lesko tells of a Halloween when he brought his wife home from the hospital to live out her remaining days.31that children would come by for trick or treat and realizing he was not32with any candy, he quickly33whatever he could find in the house.The first arrival were three girls in their early teens.Mr.Lesko apologized for his34treats explaining he was not able to go and get any because of his wife’s35.They thanked him and went off.A few minutes36they returned and each girl gave him a handful of candy from their bags.Through his tears he tried to return the candy but37young ladies rushed off excitedly saying, “ We hope she gets38” Looking back on those 39 ,Mr.Lesko says: “ I do not know these beautiful women , but I’d like them to know their simple act of40brought joy and hope to me when there was none.31.A.ExpectingB.RememberingC.GuessingD.Promising 32.A.troubledB.satisfiedC.suppliedD.prepared 33.A.gatheredB.saveC.seizedD.selected 34.A.easyB.poorC.tinyD.carless 35.A.illnessB.problemC.reasonD.absence 36.A.overB.pastC.laterD.only 37.A.honestB.seriousC.nervousD.wonderful38.A.upB.excitedC.wellD.surprised 39.A.momentsB.eventsC.daysD.stories 40.A.happinessB.politenessC.faithfulnessD.kindness7(2006 A)Buying a Christmas tree is a holiday tradition for many Americans.One21found that almost eighty percent of American22had a Christmas tree last year.Many people23that Christmas trees come from forests.24, most trees are carefully grown on farms.Farmers plant and harvest Christmas trees as a crop,25fruits or vegetables.There are About 15,000 Christmas tree26in North America.The industry employs more than 100.000 people.Farmers27evergreen trees for Christmas trees.They remove seeds from the trees and plant them.Farmers care for the young trees28they are about three to five years old.Then farmers replant them in fields ,cut the tops of the trees to29how fast they grow, and cut the other parts of the trees while they are growing.This gives the trees the30that people will like.21.A.bookB.articleC.holidayD.study22.A.farmersB.homesC.statesD.stores 23.A.believeB.seeC.point outD.work out24.A.Before longB.In the endC.In factD.Now and then25.A.the same asB.similar toC.close toD.different from26.A.marketsB.forestsC.farmsD.factories 27.A.collectB.cutC.removeD.grow28.A.forB.afterC.asD.until 29.A.controlB.knowC.seeD.study 30.A.colorB.leavesC.shapeD.size8(2006B)The United Nations says more than 1,000 million people in the world do not havesafe, clean water to31.This is about one-sixth of the world’s32.About 6,000 people died each day from33directly caused by unclean water.Most of them are children.The UN has started an international movement to help34deaths caused by unclean water.One 35of the movement is to teach school children about36cleanliness.The UN will help the people in 25 countries, mostly in Africa and Asia.Governments and organizations there need to help people37water problems.A person in a38country usually uses about 10 liters of water a day.Yet, a person in an industrial country ,39Britain, usually uses about 135 liters of water a day.UN officials say this must change40the next 25 years.They hope all people will have safe, clean water.31.A.eatB.drinkC.findD.make 32.A.countriesB.problemsC.populationD.water 33.A.diseasesB.weaknessC.disadvantagesD.difficulties 34.A.escapeB.fightC.killD.prevent 35.A.measuresB.meansC.goalD.period 36.A.historicalB.internationalC.personalD.technical 37.A.answerB.deal withC.face toD.experience 38.A.advancedB.developingC.foreignD.small

39.A.as inB.as well asC.for exampleD.such as 40.A.ForB.OverC.WithinD.Throughout9(2007A)A very successful businessman had a meeting with his new son-in-law.“ I love my21and now I welcome you into the22.” said the man.” To show how much we care23you, I making you a 50-50 partner in my business.All you have to do is go to the24 every day and learn the operations.The son-in-law25, “ I hate falconries.I can’t stand the noise.” “ I se,” replied the26“ Well, then you will work in the office and take27of some of the operations.” “ I hate office work,” said the son-in-law.I can’t stand being stuck28a desk all day.” “ Wait a minute,” said the father-in-law.I just make you half owner of a money-making organization ,29you don’t like factories and you won’t work in the office.30am going to do with you?” “Easy,” said the young man “ Buy me out.”21.A.motherB.wifeC.daughterD.sister 22.A.familyB.businessC.companyD.house 23.A.withB.forC.ofD.on 24.A.hospitalB.factoryC.shopD.school 25.A.interruptedB.askedC.stoppedD.laughed 26.A.mother-in-lawB.son-in-lawC.daughter-in-law D.father-in-law 27.A.notesB.partC.chargeD.hold 28.A.underB.behindC.onD.in29.A.ifB.untilC.whileD.but 30.A.WhereB.HowC.WhyD.What10(2007B)There are many times in a year when gifts are given and received, but do not forget those31days that celebrate personal milestones.Birthdays and holidays are special days , but they are not the32 times when giving a gift brightens the day.Celebrating a long33 or a shared happiness can strengthen relationships34friends and family.Foe most Americans, it is35to say thank you than I am sorry.36a research, nearly two-thirds of people37believe that saying I’m sorry is easy.About the same38of Americans can remember a time where they were not properly thanked for a favor or act of39.In the 21th century, without even using words , you can ask a flower company to express your feeling together with a note card40everything that is too hard to say in person.31.A.officialB.interestingC.differentD.special 32.A.onlyB.importantC.actualD.correct 33.A.holidayB.partyC.friendshipD.discussion 34.A.ofB.withC.toD.for 35.A.more honestB.harderC.happierD.more often 36.A.As a result ofB.Instead ofC.According toD.Because of 37.A.arrangedB.mentionedC.requestedD.questioned 38.A.countryB.familyC.expressionD.number 39.A.kindnessB.courageC.deedD.carefulness

5.PETS四级完型填空模拟试题三 篇五

Grandma Moses is among the most celebreted twentieth-century painters of the United States,yet she __1_ painting before she was in her late seventies.As she once spoken __2_ herself:“ I would never sit back in a rocking chair,__3_ for some to help me.”No one could have a __4_ old age.

She was born Anna Mary Robertson _5__ a farm in New York State,one of five boys and girls.(“We came in bunches,_6__ radishes.”) At twelve she left home and was __7_ domestic service until ,at twnety-seven,she _8__ Thomas Moses,one of the hired hands of her employers.They farms most of their _9__,first in Virginia and then in New York State,_10__ Eagle Bridge.She had ten children,of _11__ five survived; her husband died in 1927.

Grandma Moses _12__ a little as a child and made embroidery pictures as a _13__, but only switched to oil in old age because her hands become too stiff __14_, and she wanted to keep busy and pass the time.Her _15__ were first sold at the local drugstore and at a fair, and were soon _16__ by a dealer who bought everything _17__ she painted.Three of the pictures were exhibition in the museum of Modern Art,and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York .__18_ the 1930s and her death she produced some pictures;detailed and lively portrayals of the _19__ life she had known for so long ,with a marvellous _20__ of color and form.“ I think real hard till think of something real pretty,and then I pain it.”she said.

1) A barely startedt B was barely strated

C had barely started D barely start

2) A about B of C on D over

3) A waiting B to waiting C and writing D am writing

4) A very productive B productive

C most productive D more productive

5) A in B at C on D about

6) A unlike B like C likely D unlikely

7) A for B in C at D under

8) A married with B married to C marry D married

9) A life B live C lives D lifes

10) A in B at C under D on

11) A whom B which C that D who

12) A worked B read C studied D painted

13) A job B fun C hobby D interest

14) A sewing B to sew C to sewing D to be sewing

15) A books B pictures C arts D clothes

16) A spotted B recognized C damaged D featured

17) A which B who C whom D that

18) A for B in C during D between

19) A urban B town C rural D suburban

20) A feeling B sense C consciousness D feature


1--5 CBADC

6--10 BBDCB

11--15 ADCBB

6.1994年01月英语四级试题(完型) 篇六

Suppose a foreign friend of yours is going to visit yourhometown/your campus/China(多题多卷的三个不同), what is the most interestingplace you would like to take him/her to see and why?

The most interestingplace

Dear Pacival,I am thrilled to know that youare going to visit my hometown and I can’t wait see you again.Imiss everything that happened when I was in your city, and

yourparents and you were so kind to me that I will try my best thistime to make your stay an enjoyable and memerable one.My home town,Changsha, is thecapital of Hunan province and best known as the star city for itswell developed entertainment industry and tourism.There

arenumerous places and attractions worth recommending, and YueluMountain is the first one that I’d like to introduce to you.Firstly, in the foot of Yuelu Mountain is the prominent YueluAcademy.It has an exceedingly long history and its

architecture ischaracteristic of Song Dynasty.Then, after a half hour, we willreach the Bird Forest.There are various rare birds there, and theycan sing, perform, and interact with us.After about an hour, wewill arrive at the peak, Baiyun Summit.The scenery there isspectacular and we can have a wonderful panorama of the wholecity.I bet you must be very excitedabout all these activities, and the Yuelu

Mountain is waiting forus to explore.All you need to do is pack up and go, and I assureyou that this trip will be a great fun.Should you have any questionand suggestion, please let me know.I am looking forward to yourarrival.Yours sincerely,Romeo


Suppose a foreign friend of yours in coming to visit your

hometown/campus/China.What is the place would you show him or her and why?

As one of the most bewitching and international cities in China, I strongly recommend you, my dearest friends, to pay a visit to my hometown—-Beijing.It is the capital of China for several dynasties over a long period.In the meantime, it has now evolved into the political, cultural and educational center.There are many places of interests here in Beijing, among which the Summer Palace is the most interesting attraction。The Summer Palace is situated in the western outskirts of Beijing, and it is one of the most classical gardens in China, which enjoys a worldwide reputation.The most alluring scenery is Kunming Lake, with an exquisite building in the middle, and it involves three parts which are mainly used as the ancient empress’s living quarter。

I’m sure you can definitely experience the characteristic and traditional culture of China.Hope you could enjoy your trip!






为了促进教育公平,中国投入360亿元,用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部农村义务教育(compulsory education)。这些基金用于改善教学设施,购买书籍,使116万多所中小学[微博]受益。资金还用于购置音乐和绘画器材,现在农村和山区的儿童可以与沿海城市的儿童一样上音乐和绘画课。一些为接受更好教育而转往城市上学的学生如今又回到本地农村学校就读。

In order to promote the justice in education, China has already invested 36 billion RMB, which is used to enhance the teaching facilities of the countryside and compulsory education of rural area of mid-west.These funds can be used to improve the teaching aids and to purchase books, benefiting 16,000 middle schools and
