


1.off的短语词组 篇一

The singer was led off the stage by the maestro.


Off campus, they faced hostility.


The plane took off and ascended steadily until it was out of sight.


He forgot to turn off the gas torch when he left.


Please switch the lights off as you leave.


Make sure the central heating is off.


2.高中take的短语词组 篇二

have(got) what it takes

a. [美国口语]

b. 具备成功(或出名)的一切必要条件(如金钱、美貌、素质、才智、勇敢等)

c. 吸引力;性魅力[亦作 what it takes]

not taking any

a. [口语]

b. 不打算做;没兴趣做

c. 谢绝;不接受

on the take

a. [美国俚语]

b. 被买通,受贿;贪赃枉法

c. 敲诈,敲竹杠;伺机吞噬(或攫取);伺机损人利己,寻机占便宜

take a leak[俚语]小便

take as read

a. 认定…不会有错;认为不必宣读(会议记录等)

b. 宣称对…满意;声言对…没意见

take effect

a. (药等)见效,(法规等)生效

b. 实行,实施

take five (或 ten 等)休息五(或十)分钟;小憩

take for granted认为…是理所当然;(因视作当然)对…不予理睬

take home to oneself[口语]充分理解,深刻领会

take it

a. 默然同意;接受

b. 认为,以为;猜想

c. 断定;相信

d. [美国俚语]忍受,忍受得住(困难、痛苦、不幸、批评等)(常与 can 或 be able to 连用)

take it all in仔细聆听;全部听进

take it away(电台或电视台用来开始广播或播放的信号语)开始播放,开播

take it (或things) easy on (或with)

a. 小心谨慎地对待;温和地对待

b. [口语]少用;省着用

take it from me=you may take it from me

take it from there负责那以后的事情,负责剩下的.事

take it ill见ill. take it kindly欣然听从(忠告等),当作善意

take it (或 life) on the chin

a. [美国俚语]

b. 惨败;倒霉;遭到痛击

c. 忍受责罚,忍受痛苦

take it or leave it要么接受,要么放弃;要不要随你的便;不容讨价还价

take it out in接受…作为补偿

take it out of someone

a. [口语]使某人衰弱,让某人疲惫不堪

b. 找某人出气,拿某人泄愤;向某人报复

c. 剥削某人;榨取某人的钱[亦作 take it out on someone]

take kindly to[常用于否定句、疑问句和条件句]喜欢,对…有好感;乐于接受

take me not up before I fall


take me with you


taken all in all= taking one thing with another

或 taken one thing with another =take upon oneself

3.高考英语作文的常用短语词组 篇三

2. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

3. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…

4. 日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition

5. 眼前利益 immediate interest/ short-term interest

6. 长远利益. interest in the long run

7. …有其自身的优缺点 … has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages

8. 扬长避短 Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones

9. 取其精髓,取其糟粕 Take the essence and discard the dregs。

10. 对…有害 do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

11. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息 exchange ideas/ emotions/ information

12. 跟上…的最新发展 keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of…

13. 采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth

14. …的健康发展 the healthy development of …

4.英语四级词组短语 篇四

2.son 小孩儿

3.随着经济的繁荣 with the booming of the economy

4.hold on 等会儿

5.devote to… 奉献…,致力于…

6.在人类生活的方方面面 in all aspects of human life

7.可靠的信息源 a reliable source of information spite of… 不管…,不顾…

9.appropriate for/to 适当,合适

10.更多地强调 put more emphasis on…

11.once in a while 偶尔,有时

12.pants 裤子

13.理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice

14.allow for… 考虑到…

15.keep/hold pace with… 跟上…,与…同步

16.人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed that…

17.社会进步的体现 a symbol of society progress

18.set fire to 使燃烧,点燃

19.应当承认 Admittedly,

5.高考英语常考的高频短语词组大! 篇五

all by oneself 独立,单独

above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是

after all 到底,毕竟

first of all 首先

in all 总共

most of all 最最

all at once 突然,同时,马上

all of a sudden 突然

all right 好吧,行,情况不错

all sorts of 各种各样的

all kinds of 各种各样的

all the best 万事如意

all the more 更加

all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样)

all the year round 一年到头

AS(conj.,adv.& pron.)


as a matter of fact 事实上

as a rule 通常

as a result 结果

as a whole 总的来说

as if(as though) 好象

as follows 如下

as for 就。。。。。。而言

as(so) long as 只要

as soon as 一。。。。。。就

as soon as possible 尽快

as usual 象往常一样

as well 也,还

as well as 同。。。。。。一样

might(may) as well 不妨

so as to 以便


at a time 一次,每次

at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭

at first 最初

at home 在家

at last最后,终于

at least 至少

at (the) most至多,不超过

at one time 以前,曾经

at once 立刻,马上

at night 在夜里,在晚上

at midnight 在半夜

at present 目前,现在

at times有时候

at sea在大海上,在航行

at one’s own expense 自费

at the bottom 在底端

at the end (of) 最后,尽头

at the latest 最迟

at the mercy of 在……的支配下

at the head of 在……的前头

at the moment 此刻

at the same time 同时

at work 在工作

laugh at 嘲笑

throw at向……扔去

work hard at 努力工作(学习)


by accident偶然地

by air(sea,bus…)乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……)

by chance 碰巧,偶然地

by day(night) 在白天(夜晚)

day by day 一天天地

by and by 不久

by far得多,最最

learn (know)by heart 记熟,背诵

by mistake 错误地,由于疏忽所致

by oneself 独自地

one by one 一个一个地

by the way 顺便说(问)

by turns 轮流

side by side 肩并肩,并排,一起

by the side of 在……附近


break away from 摆(逃)脱,脱离,改掉,破除

break down (机器、车辆等)坏了,(身体)垮了,中断,压倒,分解

break forth 迸发,突然

break in 强行进入,插嘴,打岔,使驯服,使习惯

break into破门而入,打断,占用

break off突然停止(中断),打断,折断

break out爆发,突然发生

break through 突破,打破

break up 散会,驱散,停课,腐蚀


bring about 引起,实现,使发生

bring down 使倒下,使下降,击落,推翻

bring forth 引起,使产生

bring in 收(庄稼),提出,(使)得到(收入),引入,增加,把。。。。。。扯起来

bring on 使发生,引起

bring out 说明,阐明,出版

bring to an end 结束

bring up 提出,抚养,培养,呕吐


call at (a place) 访问(某地)

call back 回电话

call for 来找(某人),喜欢来取(某物),想要,要求,需要有

call in 来访,顺路到。。。。。,召来,召集,请来,收回

call on(upon) 拜访,看望,号召,要求

call up 给。。。。。。打电话,征召(入伍),叫。。。。。。起床,使想起(往事)


come about 发生,造成

come across (无意中)碰到,找到,想到,越过

come along 跟去,一道去,赶快,进行,进展

come down 下降,下落,传下来

come into power(office) 执政,就职

come out 出来,出版,发行

come into being 产生,建立

come to 来到(某地),共计,来参加(活动),谈到,恢复知觉

come to a conclusion 得出结论

come to an end 结束

come to nothing(no good) 没有结果(没有好处)


do a good deed 干得好,搞好工作

do away with 消灭,清除,取消,破除

do good 有好处,有用处,做好事

do harm 有害处,不利

do one a favour 帮个忙

do one good对某人有好处

do one’s best 尽力,竭力

do the deed 付诸行动,生效

do one’s duty 履行职责

do up 收拾,整理,修理,打扮,包,捆,系

do with 处理,需要,想,将就用

do wonders 创造奇迹

do wrong(right) 做错(对)

have sth (nothing)to do with和。。。。。。有(无)关


bring down 使倒下,击落

break down 分解

burn down把……烧成平地,烧光

get down tp 开始认真(做某事)

hand down 把……传下来

put down记下,镇压

tear down 拆毁,拆除

turn down 关小,调低


for a while 暂时,一时

for ever 永远

for free免费

for the moment暂时

be famous for因……而著名

have a gift for 对……有天赋

make a plan for 为……作计划

stand for 代表,象征

in (one’s) search for 寻找(求)

as for 至于,说到

care for 喜欢,想要

change… for用……换

fix a date for 约定……的日期


give a talk 作报告,作演讲

give birth to 生,产生

give in 让步,屈服,妥协,投降,交上来

give off (散)发出

give one’s life 献出自己的生命

give sb a hand 帮某人忙

give one’s regards(greetings) to向。。。。。。问好

give out 散发,分发

give up 放弃,献出,交出,投降,认输,泄气


get about (消息)传开,到处走动

get along 进行,过活,相处,走开

get away 逃掉,逃跑

get away from 避免,摆脱,离开

get back 回来,收回

get close to 接近

get down 记下来,打下来,落下

get down on one’s knees 屈膝下跪

get down to 开始认真(做某事)

get into the habit of 染上。。。。。。的习惯

get hold of 拿到,找到,抓住

get in 进站,进去,回来,收进去,请来

get off 起飞,(动身)离开,脱下(衣服等)

get on (某方面)进行情况,相处,上车,继续进行,顺利发展

get on well with 与。。。。。。相处融洽

get over 克服,忍受,摆脱(疾病等)

get rid of 消灭,摆脱,除掉

get round 传开,绕过,回避

get through 做完,结束,通过(电话)接通

get together 聚会,联欢

get up 起床,站起来,举办


go after 追求,设法得到

go away 走开,离开

go against 违反

go ahead 进行,进展,干吧,说吧,先走

go all out 全力以赴

go bad (食物等)变坏,坏掉

go by 走过,经过

go in for 从事(某种事业或活动)

go on 发生,进行,进展,继续下去

go off 走开

go out 熄灭,过时

go over 审阅,检查,研究

go through审阅,检查,学习,练习,经历,经过

go up上涨,上升


in a flash 一刹那间

in a word总之,简言之

in a hurry 匆忙地,很快地

in (actual) fact 事实上

in a sense 从某种意义上说

in a short while 不久,一会而后

in all 总共,总的来说

in any case不管怎样

in battle 在战斗中

in case如果,以防(有某种情况)

in chains 上着镣铐,在囚禁中

in charge of 主管,负责

in common 共同,共用

in danger 在危险中

in debt 负债,欠帐

in front 前方,正面对

in front of在……前面

in full 全文地,全部地

in general 一般地说

in honour of 为了纪念……,为向……表示敬意

in modern time 现代,近代

in one’s opinion 据(某人的)看法

in order to(that) 为了

in other words 换句话说

in peace平静地,安宁地

in public 在公众面前,公开地

in search of 寻找

in (one’s) search for 寻找,寻求

in return 作为报答

in silence 沉默地,无声地

in short(=in a word ) 总之

in space 在宇宙空间

in spite of 尽管

in that 因为,原因是

in that case 假如那样的话

in the air 在空中

in the charge 有……掌管

in the course of 在……过程中

in the day在白天

in the day time在白天

in the future 将来,以后

in the end 最后

in the meantime 与此同时

in the middle (of) 在……中间

in time 及时地

in turn 轮流

believe in 相信,信任

bring in 引进,引来,吸收

call in 召来,召集

hand in 上交,递交

hand in hand 并进,联合,手牵手

drop in 顺便走访

join in 参加,加入

once in a while 偶尔,间或

play a part in 在……起作用

stand in line 站在队里

succeed in (干……)成功

6.off的短语词组 篇六

Get rid of... 抛弃......

On the contrary 相反

It is just a matter of... 它只不过是......(简单的)事情

Depend on... 取决于......

Stay away from... 远离......

Keep abreast of... 紧跟...... a huge waste of money ......是巨大的金钱浪费

At the tip of fingers近在咫尺;在指尖

Brick-and-mortar 实体的(相对于虚拟的)

Time-consuming 耗时的

Be dependent on... 依赖于......

Prefer 更喜欢......不喜欢......

Find its way to... 走进......

Root for… 为……欢呼

Show up 出现,露面

Commuting time 通勤时间

Not without 不是没有......

Come by 获得 (=obtain)

People with pessimistic bend of mind 有悲观心态的人

Scenic spot 景点

Natural reserve 自然保护区

Cater to the needs of... 满足......的需求

Seen in this light 从这个角度看来

a matter of personal preference 个人喜好问题

Expired food 过期食品

High calories food 高热量食品

This line of thought 这条思路

Avail oneself of... 利用......

Make headline news 成为头条

More often than not 经常

Make (both) ends meet 量入为出;收支相抵

Free from... (=without)没有......;免于......

Get ahead 出人头地

On top of that 除此之外

Maternity leave 产假

Be content with... 满足于

Crave for... 渴望

Glue one’s eyes to... 紧盯着......

Pester for... 缠着要......

Be superior to... 比......好 check 控制......

Among others 等等

A host of 众多的

Give way to 让位于......

Make a detour 绕道而行

Give rise to 引发

Get accustomed to...习惯于......

Set aside (特别地)留出......

At the most basic level 在最基本的层面

Dawn on 让某人明白

Take ...for granted 把......视为想当然

Subject to... (使)遭受

Set about doing... 开始着手做......

Social ladder 社会阶梯

Catch up with the Joneses 与邻居攀比

Work extra hours 加班工作

Stay healthy 保持健康

On the basis of 基于......

on the part of… 就……而言

Not to mention... 更不用提......

Soar up 飙升

Impose...on... 强加......在......身上

In vain 徒劳地

Abide by 遵守

Call for 要求

for my part 我认为 (=in my view, in my opinion)

7.off的短语词组 篇七


the rapid development of economy


the remarkable improvement/steady growth of people’s living standard


science and technology


be faced with new opportunities and challenges


It is commonly believed/recognized that…


the inevitable result of social development


arouse wide public concern/draw public attention


It is undeniable that…/There is no denying that…

9.热烈的讨论/ 争论

a heated discussion/ debate


a controversialissue


a totally different argument

12.一些人 …而另外一些人 …

Some people… while others…

13.就我而言/ 就个人而言

As far as I am concerned, / Personally,


reach an absolute consensus on…


be supported by sound reasons


argument on both sides


play an increasingly important role in…


be indispensable to …


As the proverb goes:


…be no exception


exert positive/ negative effects on…


the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in


a complicated social phenomenon

25.责任感 / 成就感

sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement


sense of competition and cooperation

27. 开阔眼界

widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision


acquire knowledge and skills


financial burden / psychologicalburden


take many factors into account/ consideration


from another perspective


make joint efforts


be beneficial / conducive to…


make contributions to the society


lay a solid foundation for…


comprehensive quality


blameless/beyond reproach


increase the chances of

39.致力于/ 投身于

be committed / devoted to…




unshakable duty


satisfy/ meet the needs of…


a reliablesource of information


valuable natural resources


the Internet (一定有冠词)


convenient and efficient


in all aspects of human life


environmental protection/environmentally friendly


a symbol of society progress


the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology


hold different attitudes towards this issue


people / those in favor of the former/ latteropinion


have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence


to some extent/ degree / in some way

55. 理论和实践相结合

integratetheory with practice

56. …必然趋势

an irresistible trend of…


the increasingly fierce social competition


immediate interest/ short-term interest


interest in the long run


…has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages


Exploit to the full one’s favorableconditions and avoid unfavorable ones


Take the essence and discard the dregs.


do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to

64.交流思想/ 情感/ 信息

exchange ideas/ emotions/ information


keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …


take effective measures to do sth.


the healthy development of …


Every coin has its two sides.(不推荐用)

No garden without weeds.


Views on …vary from person to person.


attach great importance to…


social status


focus time and energy on…


expand one’s scopeof knowledge


both physically and mentally


be directly / indirectly related to…

76. 提出折中提议

set forth a compromise proposal

77. 可以取代 “think”的词

believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/ belief that

78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担

relievestress/ burden


give (top) priority to sth.


compared with…/ in comparison with


in contrast / on the contrary.


replace/ substitute / take the place of 大写)


cannot bear closer analysis / cannot hold water


offer job opportunities


mirror of social progress


Undoubtedly,/There is no doubt that…


enhance/ promote mutualunderstanding


make full use of / take advantage of


suffer from heavier work pressure


guarantee the stability and prosperity of our society


put more emphasis on…


adapt oneself to the development of society


realize one’s dream/ make one’s dream come true


The main reasons are listed as follows:

95. 首先

First,Firstly,In the first place,To begin with


Second, Secondly, In the second place


Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore


Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly,

99. 总而言之

All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word,


8.off的短语词组 篇八

have a notebook 要一本笔记本

this pen 这支钢笔 that ruler 那把尺 in your pencil case 在你的笔袋里 a book 一本书 all right 好的

a big rubber 一块大橡皮 May I have this book? 我可以要这本书吗? Sure.Here you are.当然可以。给你。

May I have a ball pen for Su Yang? 我可以为苏阳要一支笔 Yes.Here you are.好的。给你。

This pen is for you.这支钢笔是给你的。Thank you.谢谢。

This ruler is for Gao Shan.这把尺是给高山的。All right.好的。Happy Teachers’ Day!教师节快乐!

What’s in your pencil case? 你的笔袋里有什么?

I’ve got two pencils.我有两支铅笔。May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

Come in, please.请进。Here’s a card for you.这是给你的贺卡。my tiger 我的老虎 on the desk 在书桌上 his cat 他的猫

have a look 看一看 a nice monkey 一只好看的猴子

your lion 你的狮子 a lovely rabbit 一只可爱的兔子

your toy bear 你的玩具熊 my nice tiger 我的好看的老虎 What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a panda.它是一只熊猫。What’s that? 那是什么?

It’s a dog.它是一只狗。This is your lion,I think.我想这是你的狮子。Yes, it is.是的。

That’s your monkey,I think.我想那是你的猴子。

This is his rabbit,I think.我想这是他的兔子。Yes, it is.是的。This is my cat.这是我的猫。How lovely!多可爱啊!I see.我明白了。

I’d like this panda, please.我想要这只熊猫。I like my panda.我喜欢我的熊猫。over there 在那边 come here 过来

on the book 在书上

in my purse 在我的钱包里 your rubber 你的橡皮 her ruler 她的尺

in the classroom 在教室里 an umbrella 一把伞

Helen’s tape 海伦的修正带 Yang Ling’s purse 杨灵的钱包 Where’s my fan? 我的扇子在哪里? It’s on the desk.它在书桌上。

Where’s his tape? 他的修正带在哪里?

Perhaps it’s in his pencil case.也许在他的笔袋里。Where’s her key? 她的钥匙在哪里?

Perhaps it’s in her purse.也许在她的钱包里。Is this your umbrella? 这是你的伞吗? Is that his tape? 这是他的修正带吗?

No, it isn’t.It’s Gao Shan’s.不是。它是高山的。

Where’s she? 她在哪里?She’s in the classroom.她在教室里。Where’s he? 他在哪里?He’s in the classroom.他在教室里。Let me see.让我看看。Not at all.不用谢。

I don’t know.我不知道。in English 用英语 look at 看

a doll for you 给你的一个玩具娃娃 colour the kite 给风筝着色 a blue purse 一个蓝色的钱包 a yellow fan 一把黄色的扇子 a green bike 一辆绿色的自行车

What’s that in English? 用英语说那是什么?

It’s a bike.是一辆自行车。

What’s this in English? 这用英语怎么说? It’s a car.是一辆小轿车。

Do you like dolls? 你喜欢玩具娃娃吗? Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。

Do you like kites? 你喜欢风筝吗?

No, I don’t.不,我不喜欢。That’ s OK.没关系。

I love dolls.我爱玩具娃娃。I like red.我喜欢红色。a pair of shoes 一双鞋 too small 太小 too long 太长 so big 这么大

a pair of shorts 一条短裤 whose sweater 谁的毛衣

a nice jacket 一件好看的夹克衫 a pair of gloves 一副手套 her skirt 她的短裙

whose jeans 谁的牛仔裤

try the dress on 试试这条裙子 my father’s 我父亲的 so funny 真有趣

Whose jacket is this? 这是谁的夹克? It’s Mike’s.是麦克的。

Whose shoes are they? 这是谁的鞋子They’re my father’s.它们是我父亲的。The socks are too small.这袜子太小了。The dress is too short.这裙子太短了。The shoes are too big.这鞋子太大了。The jacket is too long.这夹克衫长了。Look at her scarf.看她的围巾。It’s too short.太短了。

Look at his gloves.看他的手套。They’re so big.它们真大。Try this pair on.试试这双。

two big dogs 两条大狗 threestorybooks 三本故事书five bikes 五辆自行车 six small kites 六只小风筝 seven short sweaters 七件毛衫 nine pairs of shoes 九双鞋 what time 什么时间

in the afternoon 在下午 have breakfast 吃早饭 have lunch 吃午饭 come home 回家 go to school 去学校 get up 起床

go by bus 乘公共汽车去 go to the cinema 去电影院 watch TV 看电视

What’s the time? 几点了? It’s ten fourteen.十点十四分。

What time do you go home? 你几点回家? I go home at eight.我八点回家。

See you in the afternoon.下午见。

Excuse me.对不起。Shall we go by bus? 我们坐公共汽车去好吗? It’s late.晚了。What’s five and six? 五加六等于几? Eleven.十一。open your books 翻开你们的书

daw in your book 在你的书上画画

read the new words 读新单词

write in the notebook 写在笔记本上

eat a cake 吃一块蛋糕 drink milk 喝牛奶 close the door 关门 in class 在课上 sit down 坐下

boys and girls 孩子们 stand up 站起来

good night 晚安 do the puzzle 玩拼图 Don’t be late again.不要再迟到了。

Don’t open the door, please.请不要开门。All right.好的。

Draw a dog for me, please.请画一只狗给我。Write the new words in your copybook.把新单词写在你的抄写本上。

I’d like to open the box.我想要打开盒子。

I’d like to read the storybook.我想要读故事书。Give me the cap.给我帽子。You’re out.你出局了。Time for class.上课时间到了。have some cakes 吃一些蛋糕

a glass of water 一杯水 some juice 一些果汁 go to bed 去睡觉 some soft drink 一些饮料 good evening 晚上好 look happy 看起来高兴 I’ve got 我有

What’s the matter? 怎么啦? I’m thirsty.我渴了。Are you ill? 你病了吗? No, I’m tired.不,我累了。

My dog is hungry.我的狗饿了。

Here’s a hot dog for it.给它一个热狗。I’m cold.我冷。

Try this sweater on.穿上这件毛衣。I’m hot.我热。

Here’s a fan for you.给你一把扇子。What a nice car!多么漂亮的一个小汽车

Why don’t you go to bed now? 为什么不可以睡觉?

4B 在树上

in the tree 让我看看 Let me see 下来

come down 爬树



in th 看斑马

look at th 许多,大量


come here


over there 在图书馆里

玩一个游戏 play a game 我们的老师 our teacher/teachers 他是一位老师吗? Is he a teacher? 那个男孩

that boy 有空,不忙


大约六十 about sixty your sister

哪一个? Which one? 穿着白色的夹克衫

in a white skirt 他朋友

his friend 聚会迟到

be late for the


Let’s hurry.在轿车里 in the car 很高兴认识你


my father’s father


on the chair 你错了

You’re wrong.去说“你好”

go and say “hello” 一名英国妇女

an English woman 穿红衣服的女孩

the girl in red 看医生


their jobs 九位女服务员 nine waitresses 要喝些什么吗 多大年纪

多少(数量)how many+(复数)多少(不可数),多少钱

这些还是那些? 三位男警察

她的头发 her hair 一个英国妇女t 这些桃子

these peaches 那些西瓜


some pears


the driver’s dress 你要什么?Can I help you?(你以为)„怎么样

这些还是那些? These or those? 多少公斤? How may kilos? 一公斤 one kilo

你想要当什么?What do you want to be? 九公斤 nine kilos


very thin 那边的七只狗 seven dogs over there 我认为

I think 穿着白色裙子的女孩

在你的书包里 in your schoolbag 在她的课桌上 on her desk 看图片look at the picture 一位老人 an old man 去剧院

go to the theatre

去那边 go there 一辆去车站的公共汽车 吃些饼干s 对不起

excuse me 去公园 go to the park 你现在空吗? Are you free now? 好主意 Good idea.步行去 go on foot 在商店里 in the shop 玩足球 play football 在学校

at the school

你的球 your ball 去学校 go to school

能为你效劳吗? What would you like? 我想要I’d like„

怎么样? How about? 一些薯条 some chips 一些喝的东西?Something to drink? 一些吃的东西 something to eat 还有别的吗?Anything else? 一杯咖啡 a cup of coffee 一块巧克力 a bar of chocolate 一些巧克力some chocolate 价钱(多少)how much 一瓶桔子汁 a b 我饿了

I’m hungry.玩篮球 play basketball 我渴了

I’m thirsty.一些水 some water 我动不了了

I can’t move.在图片上 in the picture 起床 get up

去看医生 go to see the doctor 一些冰淇淋 some ice-creams 一些米饭 some rice 一碗面条 a bowl of noodles 一盒牛奶 a carton of milk 火车站 train station

接待日 Open Day

我们的教室 our classroom 又大又明亮 big and bright 看电视 watch TV 在课堂上 in class

在窗子附近 near the window 一些音乐书 some songbooks 在钢琴上 on the piano 许多书 lots of books 在图书馆里 in the library 去看一看 go and have a look 我有

I’ve got = I have 我爱中国 I love China.语文老师的午餐

一个大盒子 a big box

一个桔色的桌子 an orange table 两个小盒子 two small boxes 一辆玩具火车 a toy train 打开黄盒子

open the yellow box 有时 sometimes 早餐吃什么?What’s for breakfast?

在碗橱里 in the cupboard 用筷子 use chopsticks 一双筷子 a pair of chopsticks 看(着)我 watch me 再试一次 try again 在冰箱里 in the fridge 一个鸡蛋 an egg

三杯牛奶 three glasses of milk 许多软饮料 lots of soft drinks 用刀和叉 use knife and for 在午饭时间 at lunchtime 今天早上this morning 去超市 go to the supermarket 在公共汽车后部at the back of the bus 下车 get off the bus 在他前面in front of him 指着那位妇女 point to the woman 走向司机 walk to the driver 要求他们 ask them 把„带到„ take „to„ 警察局 police station 它们就在这儿。Here they are.为我打开它。Open it for me.在圣诞节 at Christmas 在圣诞节那天 on Christmas Day Mike的家人 Mike’s family

在我祖父母的家里 in my grandparents’ home 午饭后 after lunch 打开礼物 open the present 在圣诞树下 under the Christmas tree 祖父给的 from grandpa 喜欢那个颜色like the colour 喝茶 drink tea 一个流行的节日 a popular holiday 在中国 in China 度过时光 spend time 有一个长假 have a long holiday 举办聚会 have parties(have a party)粽子 rice dumpling 新年(元旦)New Year’s Day 劳动节 May Day 儿童节 Children’s Day 国庆节 National Day 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 在六月或七月 in June or July 最喜欢的节日 favourite holiday 穿着戏服打扮 dress up in costumes 吃月饼 eat moon cakes 玩灯笼 play with lanterns 赏月 watch the moon 变得激动 get excited 什么节日 what holiday 到来 come after 在劳动节 on May Day 去年 last year 去年春节 last Spring Festival 拜访我的亲朋好友 visit my relatives and friends 美味的食物 delicious food 当然。Of course.上个周末 last weekend 上星期 last week 在山间行走 walk in the mountains 在野营地 at the camping site(at a camp)去野营 go camping 玩许多游戏 play a lot of games 打扫房子 clean the house 住在一个小镇 live in a small town 把他的邮票给我们看看 show his stamps to us(show us his stamps)其他什么 something else 挤牛奶 milk cows(milk a cow)收集鸡蛋 collect eggs 果树 fruit tree 在农场 on the farm 摘苹果 pick apples 想要would like 去农场 go to the farm 一个精彩的游戏 a wonderful game 拔胡萝卜 pull up carrots 浇树 water trees 参观农场 visit the farm 一部有趣的卡通 a funny cartoon 在周三 on Wednesday 和我的父母 with my parents 看电影 watch a film 上学的第一天 the first day of school 假期后 after the holidays 在学校操场 in the school playground 上课前 before class 九月十日 the tenth of September 在十一月五日 on the fifth of November 两副眼镜 two pairs of glasses 一卷胶卷 a roll of film 在地上 on the ground 捡起 pick up 片刻以前 a moment ago 刚才 just now 寻找 look for 帮助他 help him 一场跑步比赛 a running race 所有的学生 all the students 运动节 Sports Day 脱下 take off 吹灭蜡烛 blow out the candles 一盘日本卡通的VCD a VCD of Japanese cartoons 一个生日聚会 a birthday party 在Jim的班里 in Jim’s class 住在附近live near 一起回家 go home together 放学后 after school 在高老师的办公室 in Miss Gao’s office 环顾四周 look around 向„走来来 come up to 散步 take a walk 禁止吸烟 no smoking 禁止乱扔垃圾no littering 禁止停车 no parking 禁止触摸 do not touch 禁止吃喝 no eating or drinking 禁止践踏草地 keep off the grass 保持安静 keep quiet 在草地上 on the grass 在草地上走walk on the grass 制造噪音 make noise 在鸟笼上on the bird’s cage 远离 stay away from 进去 go in 表示不同的东西 mean different things 问关于„的问题 ask questions about 许多问题 many questions 只有四岁 only four years old 公共标志 public signs 他的堂弟 his cousin 总有 always have 作为生日礼物 as a birthday present 和海伦谈论关于节日 talk to Helen about holidays 一场令人激动的比赛 an exciting race 一门有趣的课 an interesting lesson 在公园遇见海伦 meet Helen in the park 相同的假日 the same holiday 和朋友玩 play with friends 给朋友礼物 give presents to friend 得到许多礼物 get many presents 生日快乐!Happy birthday!品尝可口的食物 eat delicious food 我婶婶的电吹风 my aunt’s hairdryer 没有人回答 nobody answer 穿着相同的衣服 in the same clothes 看龙舟赛 watch dragon boat races 一封有趣的邮件 an interesting e-mail 忙碌的一周 a busy week 安静地听老师说 listen to the teacher quietly 高烧 high fever 每天下午 every afternoon 去散步 go for a walk 很高兴见到„ be glad to see 聊天 have a chat 双胞胎姐妹 twin sisters 看起来很像 look the same 大10年 ten years older than 小20分钟 twenty minutes younger than 唯一的孩子 the only child 再试试 try again 擅长于英语 be good at English 擅长于唱歌 be good at singing „做得好 do well in 体育需要帮助 need help with PE 怎么拉? What’s wrong? / What’s the matter? 一位好篮球运动员 a good basketball player 那是事实。That’s true.男孩中的一些 some of the boys 在我班里 in my class 别担心。Don’t worry.做更多锻炼 do more exercise 变得更强壮 get stronger 起得早 get up early 慢跑去学校 jog to school 玩球类运动 play ball games 开始上课 start our lesson 读新单词 read the new words 我们所有人 all of us 上学迟到 be late for school 来自于 be from/ come from 去历史博物馆的路 the way to the History Museum 认识路 know the way 怎样到达那儿 how to get there 告诉我 tell me 沿着街走 walk along the street 在第四个十字路口左拐 turn left at the fourth crossing 在你右边 on you right 多远 how far 错过它 miss it 五公里远 five kilometres away 一段长的距离 a long walk 每五分钟 every five minutes 每六天 every six days 去邮局 go to the post office 在中山路 on Zhongshan Road 在街上 in the street 乘5路车 take bus No.5 在电影院前 in front of the cinema 在第二个车站下车 get off at the second stop 到达购物中心 get to the shopping centre 一本关于动物的书 a book about animals 跑出商店 run out of the shop 过来帮助 come to help 沿着街跑run along the street 开始跑 start to run 拿回钱包 get my purse back 跳高 high jump 跳远 long jump 下个星期 next week(要)一年 for one year 知道天气 know the weather 纽约的天气 the weather in New York 在夏天 in summer 最好的季节 the best season 在乡下 in the countryside 听起来不错。Sounds great.大多数时间 most of the time 哪个季节 which season 最喜欢春天 like spring best 堆雪人 make snowmen/ make a snowman 冬天需要温暖的衣服 need warm clothes for winter 树木变绿 the tree turn green 有课,上课 have school 他们的周末计划 their plans for the weekend 看京剧 see a Beijing opera 加入我们 join us 花园剧院 the Garden Theatre 顺便问问 by the way 明天下午 tomorrow afternoon 在音乐会上 at the concert 和Jim一起来 come with Jim 去远足 go on an outing 野餐 have a picnic 看演出 see a play 参加歌唱比赛 take part in a singing contest 运动会 sports meeting 一位小学生 a primary school student 在金陵小学 at Jinling Primary School 第二中学 No.2 Middle School 上一节室外活动课 have a class outing 为班级课题 for class project 什么动物 what animal 回家来 come home 昨天下午 yesterday afternoon 读有关昆虫的„ read about insects 在报纸上 in the news paper 想要一位笔友 want a penfriend/would like a penfriend你呢? How about you?/What about you? 在一周内 in a week 欢迎回来 welcome back 我的课程表 my timetable 更多的英语课 more English lessons 星期天晚上 Sunday evening 这个星期 this week 上一堂艺术课 have an Art lesson 每天 every day 告诉她一个窍门 tell her a trick为我做一条漂亮的连衣裙 make a pretty dress for me 去购物 go shopping 收集钱币 ollect coins 养金鱼 keep goldfish 做模型船 make model ships 不喜欢 don’t like 听音乐 listen to music 在花园里 in the garden 浇花木 water the trees and flowers 看一看 have a look 同样的爱好 the same hobby 照看孩子们 look after the children 他的同学 his classmate 和他交谈 talk to him 一些爱好 some hobbies 给我看你的图show me your pictures 弹钢琴 play the piano 写一封电子邮件 write an e-mail 学中文 study Chinese 我的英国朋友 my English friend 大声地说话 speak loudly 去学校 go to school 在晚上 in the evening 上网冲浪 surf the Internet 舞跳得漂亮 dance beautifully 游泳游得好 swim well 同龄 the same age 一个小镇 a small town 在电脑室 in the computer room 居住在上海 live in Shanghai 给我的父母写封write a letter to my parents 跳得高 jump high 跑得快 run fast 安静地坐 sit quietly 小心地走 walk carefully 做一些锻炼 do some exercise 看杂志 read magazines 从星期一到星期五 from Monday to Friday 不强壮 not strong 在三点 at three 在体育活动房 in the sports hall 下口令 give the orders 站成一行 stand in a line 向左向右转 turn left and right 把你的脚并拢 put your feet together仰躺 lie on your back 十次 ten times 98 把膝盖弯曲(屈膝)bend your knees 抬起你的右腿 lift up your right leg 上下跳 jump up and down 仔细听 listen carefully 把它读五遍 read it five times 用手摸你的脚

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