


1.初三英语重点单词知识点人教版 篇一

一, 重点单词:

1. diet


【备考实例】---Would you like some more chicken?

---No,thanks.I am ______a diet and I’m trying to ___weight.

A.on,lose B.on, put on C.in ,have D.in ,lose

【考点解析】 句意:你想再来点鸡肉吗? 不,谢谢。我在节食,我在试着减肥呢。 on a diet 是固定短语,意为节食。lose weight 减肥。故答案为A。

【知识拓展】be /go on a diet 控制饮食 diet of sth.多的令人生厌的东西

put sb. on a diet 限制某人的饮食

2. advise


【备考实例】She advised that the work ______at once.

A. is done B. be done C. was done D. would be done

【考点解析】句意:她建议要马上去做这项工作。 advise 后接从句时,宾语从句中的谓语要用should+do 其中should 可以省去。 故答案是B.

【知识拓展】advice n. 建议,忠告,劝告

advise sb. (not) to do sth.劝告某人(不要)做某事

advise doing sth. 建议做某事 take /follow/accept one’s advice 接受建议 give advice on sth.就…提出建议

3. fit

【考纲释义】adj.健康的,合适的 v. 适合

【备考实例】---Is the young man ____for the job?

--- Of course.He is responsible and honest..

A. siut B.fit C.suitable D.fitted

【考点解析】句意:这个年轻人胜任于这项工作吗?当然了,他既负责又诚实。此题考查be fit for sth.适合某事,胜任于。 故答案选B.

【知识拓展】be fit for sth. 适合某事,胜任于 be fit to do sth.适合做某事

fit in with 适合,符合,适应

fit up 准备,装备

fit on 穿上,试穿

【辨析】fit 指大小,尺寸,形状合适;suit 指合乎需要,口味,性格,条件,地位等;match 多指大小,色调,形状,性质等方面的搭配。

4. similar


【备考实例】Boys wear fashionable clothes to attract girls. In a _____way, some birds have bright feather.

A. common B. ordinary C. similar D. same

【考点解析】句意:男孩子穿时髦的衣服来吸引女孩子,同样地,有些鸟也身披鲜艳的羽毛。 common“共同的,普遍的”; ordinary“平凡的,一般的”; same 一般要与the 连用。in a similar way 与…相似的;故答案选C.

【知识拓展】similarly adv.类似地 similarity n.类似,相似之处。

be similar to sb./sth. 与某人/某物相似

be similar in sth .在(某一方面)相似

5. honour/honor

【考纲释义】v.尊敬,给以荣誉 n.光荣,荣誉

【备考实例】The speaker said that he was feeling highly ________one of the guests invited to the press conference.

A. honored with B.honored as C.honored for D.honored by

【考点解析】句意:发言人说,他作为被邀请参加会议的客人之一而颇感荣耀。be honored as “被尊为…”,故答案为B.

【知识拓展】 in honor of sb.为了向某人表示敬意 be honored for 因…而受到尊敬/获得荣誉 be honored as 被尊为 be honored with 被授予… feel honored to do sth.因做…而感到荣幸 have the honor to do sth. 有幸做

feel it an honor to do sth.因做…而感到荣幸

6. compare


【备考实例】(04.湖北)_______with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.

A.Compare B.When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared

【考点解析】句意:同整个地球的大小比较起来,世界上最大的海洋看起来一点也不大了。句子的主语the biggest ocean 是compare with的宾语,构成动宾结构,故此处需用过去分词表示被动,答案是D。

【知识拓展】comparision n. 比较,相似,比较的结果 beyond comparision 无与伦比 compare …with 把…比作… 指同类相比

compare …to… 把…比作… 指异类相比

Compared to/with sb./sth. 和…比起来 常位于句首或者句尾做状语。


【考纲释义】 v.测验,检查。

【备考实例】 ---Did the doctor ______ your mother ?

---Yes.He said there was nothing wrong with her.

A.check B. examine B.test D. review

【考点解析】句意:医生为你母亲检查身体了吗?是的,医生说,她没什么事. examine 可指对病人的检查,其他各项意思不对。故答案选B.

【知识拓展】examination n. 测验,考试。exam n. 考试。

take/sit an exam 参加考试 pass/fail an exam 考试及格/不及格

【辨析】 check主要指对某物进行核对,以免出错。 test 作为动词使用的频率不高,意思是测试,测验,检测。examine 可指对病人的检查,诊断。也可以指考试,测验。


1.keep up with (1)跟上,不落在…后面 (2)保持联系

Are wages keeping up with inflation?


Do you still keep up with him?


【知识拓展】catch up with (在落后的情况下)追上,赶上

keep up 继续,坚持,保持

keep away from 使…远离

keep off 使不踩(吃,谈等)

keep back 隐瞒不讲,阻止

2.plenty of 许多的,大量的,多用于肯定句中,否定句中用many,much或者enough.

Don’t worry!We still have plenty of time .


【知识拓展】a great deal of/a large amount of 后只能接不可数名词。

a great/good many /a large number of 后只能接可数名词复数形式。

plenty of /a lot of /lots of/ a large quantity of 后既可以接可数名词复数,也可接不可数名词。

3. give away 分发,泄露,捐赠,让步

He is sure to give away your secret.


She has given away all her money to the beggar.


Our taecher is giving away the prizes to the students.


【知识拓展】give out 用完耗尽 精疲力竭

give in 屈服,投降,退让

give up 放弃,终止

give back 归还,送回

give off 散发出蒸汽等

4.take in 欺骗,理解,吸收,改小(衣服)

Don’t trust that fellow ;he‘ll take you in if he gets the chance.


My dress is a bit loose round the waist----could you take it in for me?


I can’t take in what you said.


Black clothes take in the sunlight easily.


【知识拓展】take down 记下,拆毁

take off 脱衣服,飞机起飞

take on a new look 呈现新面貌

take one’s place=take the place of sb.代替,取代某人的位置

take place =happen 发生

take …for granted认为某事当然

take up 开始从事,拿起,继续下去,占据(时间,空间等)

take over 接收,接管,接任

2.初三英语重点单词知识点人教版 篇二


→journalist n.记者 2._________________n.费用

3._________________n.vt 运输

→transportation n.运输工具 4._________________ adj.最后

→final adj.5._________________vi.骑自行车

→recycle v.使再循环 6._________________vt.说服 7._________________adj.顽固的 8._________________vt.坚持

9._________________adj.适当的→properly adv.10._________________adv.适当地


→determination n.12._________________adj.坚决的 13._________________n.海拔高度 14._________________n.态度 15._________________n.vi.营地 设营

16._________________vt.vi.n.记录 录音 纪录,唱片

→recorder n.录音机 17._________________n.话题 主题 18._________________adj.熟悉的

19._________________adj.勇敢的→bravely adv.→bravery n.勇气 积累单词:

remarkable 非凡的recurrent n.屡次



2._________________干…最好的方法 3.________________关心 忧虑


care for sb 喜欢某人 5._________________投降 让步 6._________________野营 宿营 7.________________梦想做某事


9.________________________尽力说服某人做某事 = advise sb to do sth 10._____________________一定要(某事);坚决主张 11.____________________下定决心 12.__________________搭起帐篷

13.______________________创造/打破/保持记录 14.________________________梦见某人/某物/梦想…… 15.dream of/about …

dream a dream 16.________________________决心干某事(表状态)17.________________________使某人下决心做某事(表动作)18._______________某人熟悉某物

sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉 sb be familiar with sb 某人与某人亲密无间 19.A be similar to B

A与B相似 20.__________________看出某人心事 take one’s mind off sth 转移注意力 keep one’s mind on sth 把注意力放在…… keep/bear sth in mind


She has many problems on her mind 她心事重重 21._________对某人让步 give away赠送

give off

放出(液体 气体 气味 光 热量)give out分发 give in放弃

必修1 Unit3

重点单词: 1.journal


→journalist n.记者 2.fare



n.vt 运输

→transportation n.运输工具 4.finally


→final adj.5.cycle


















→recycle v.使再循环



adj.适当的→properly adv.adv.适当地


→determination n.adj.坚决的n.海拔高度


n.vi.营地 设营

vt.vi.n.记录 录音 纪录,唱片

→recorder n.录音机

n.话题 主题


adj.勇敢的→bravely adv.→bravery n.勇气

remarkable 非凡的recurrent n.屡次

1.get sb interested in


2.the best way of doing

sth /the best way to do sth 干…最好的方法 3.care about

关心 忧虑

4.care for /to do sth


care for sb 喜欢某人 5.give in

投降 让步 6.make camp

野营 宿营 7.dream of doing


8.persuade sb into/out of(doing)sth 说服某人做某事/不做某事 9.try to persuade sb to do

尽力说服某人做某事 = advise sb to do sth 10.insist on sth /doing sth

一定要(某事);坚决主张 11.make up one’s mind

下定决心 12.put up one’s tents


13.set /break(beat)/hold a record

创造/打破/保持记录 14.have a dream of sb/sth/doing sth 梦见某人/某物/梦想…… 15.dream of/about …

dream a dream 16.be determined to do sth 决心干某事(表状态)17.determine sb to do sth

使某人下决心做某事(表动作)18.sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某物

sth be familiar to sb 某物被某人所熟悉 sb be familiar with sb 某人与某人亲密无间 19.A be similar to B

A与B相似 20.read one’s mind

看出某人心事 take one’s mind off sth 转移注意力

keep one’s mind on sth 把注意力放在…… keep/bear sth in mind


She has many problems on her mind 她心事重重 21.give in to sb 对某人让步 give away赠送

give off

3.初三英语重点单词知识点人教版 篇三

1 raise(=grow) wheat种小麦 raise(=keep) pigs养猪raise(=bring up) a family养家糊口

2 feed a dog on bones给狗喂骨头 a dog feeds on(lives on)bones.狗以骨头为食

3 As far as I can see/As far as I’m concerned=In my opinion=From my point of view就我看

as long as/on condition that/only if /provided (that)…只要

as good as dead/new…像死了一样,像新的一样

as soon as/no sooner…than/hardly…when…一…就…

as…as possible=as…as one can尽可能地

A as well as B不但B,而且A也

4 bring in(=introduce) advanced technology 引进先进技术bring in(make money) profi赚利润

另有:bring out拿出;出版(书籍),推出(新产品); 显现出,使发挥出

bring up养育(孩子);提出(话题) bring in引进(技术);赚入(钱)

bring about导致,促成 bring back带回;归还;恢复;使忆起

5 depend on/rely on/count on sb to do/doing依赖,依靠某人做

6 (a)lack/shortage of arable land 缺乏可耕地

7 in other words换句话说 in a word总之Word came that… 消息传来

eat one’s words收回所说的话 keep one’s word 遵守诺言

have words with同某人吵架 have a word with sb同某人说句话

8 go against nature违背自然 be against反对

9 pass love on把爱传递 pass traditons down from generation to generation把传统代代下传


1 It’s on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population.

2 To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are planted .

3 Not only is food production important but also taking care of the environment.

注意:1.not only…but also…前后连接两个句子时,not only后的句子要用部分倒装,但but also后的分句不用倒装。如:

eg,Not only did he come, but he saw her.

eg,Not only does she speak Spanish, (but) she also knows how to type.

2.由下列词语连接的并列主语,谓语动词就近原则: there be+句型; or ; either …or;nor; neither…nor;not only..but also…;whether…or;not…but 等等。

①What he does or what he says does not concern me .

②Neither you nor I am wrong . 你和我都没错。

③Not you but your father is to blame . 不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。

④Not only you but(also) he is wrong .不仅你错了,他也错了。


代表词汇:as well as;(together/along)with;rather than;except;besides;but;including;in addition to;apart from….

eg,He rather than I is right.

eg,John as well as you is wrong.

eg,The captain with his men was saved.

eg,Nobody but two students is in the classroom.

Unit 20 Humor


1 tongue twister绕口令

2 (sb)intend to do意图,打算去做

had intended to do=intended to have done本打算做,但通常未能

eg,I had intended to buy her a bottle of perfume,but later I changed my mind.

(sth)be intended/designed/meant for专为…而设计的,专供…使用的

eg,a book intended for young children 一本专供幼儿阅读的书

(sth)be intended/designed/meant to do 其目的是,旨在…

eg,Such a skeme is intended to help the unemployed.这个方案旨在帮助失业人员。

with the intention/purpose of doing sth目的是

eg,I joined the club with the purpose of building up my body.

have no intention of doing sth不打算,不想

eg,I have no intention of helping him after what he said to me.

3 cross-dressing men 着异性服装的人,男扮女装的人

4 roar/howl with laughter狂笑,大笑

5 entertain the audience with crosstalk用相声逗乐观众

6 date back to/date from 追溯到

up to date最新的,时髦的 反义:out of date过时的

eg,We must keep our weapons up to date.我们必须使武器现代化。

eg,The computer we’ve just bought is up to date.

(注意:用作定语时up-to-date/out-of-date) eg, an up-to-date timetable最新的时间安排表

to date=by far/up to now到目前为止eg,We haven’t got any further information to date.

have a date with sb同某人约会

7 appreciate sb/sth 赏识某人某事 appreciate sb=show thanks/gratitude to sb感激某人

I would appreciate it if….如果…,我将不胜感激

8 enrich one’s life/one’s knowledge/a country丰富自身的生活,知识,使国家富裕

9 a flaming/heated argument一场激烈的辩论

a burning question/issue当务之急,急待解决的问题

a howling storm 狂风暴雨

10 in one’s forties 在某人40岁的时候 in the 1940s 在20世纪40年代

11 be on good terms with sb=get along well with sb与某人关系不错

come to terms with甘心忍受,屈服

in the long/short term从长期、短期来看 in terms of 就…而言

12 cut in插嘴;(突然)强行超车

eg,The moment I began to speak,he cut in=break in .

eg,Don’t cut in(=break in) on our conversation.

eg,The idiot cut in right in front of me.这个笨蛋把车强行插到我的正前方。

13 in the other direction朝另一个方向 in the opposite direction朝相反的方向

in all directions朝四面八方 sail in the direction from which the wind comes逆风而行

eg,I received inquries about the matter from all directions.


follow one’s directions/instructions听从某人的指示,吩咐

follow the directions/instructions遵从(产品)的指示,说明

under one’s direction在某人的指示下,指挥下,管理下 eg,We did the work under his direction.

14 the traffice lights had turned red. 变色

He has just turned 40.(年龄)到40岁 It’s just turned 3 o’clock. (时间)到3点钟

Sb turned author.(became an author)后来成为作家

15 lay sth down 把…放下 lay eggs下蛋,产卵 lay emphasis/stress on强调

lay a plan/a schedule/a trap制定计划,进程表,设下圈套 lay the table摆好餐桌(准备开饭)

16 drive off (车)开走 eg,After the accident,the car just drove off.

驱赶,击退eg,We keep the dogs just to drive off the invaders.

17 knock 2 people off their bicycles把人从自行车上撞下 knock sb/sth over把…撞翻

knock sb unconscious/senseless击昏某人 knock sb down(驾车)把人撞倒

knock down(=tear/pull down)a building拆毁

18 the newly-born baby新生婴儿 the newly-married couple新婚夫妇

19 in surprise=surprisedly in total silence=silently

20 look on the whole matter as a great joke.把整件事情看作上天开的玩笑

21 for a moment有一会儿 for the moment暂时,目前 at this/that moment在此时,在那时

in a momentf(very soon)立刻,马上 wait/just a moment请稍候

the moment(that)sb did…=as soon as…某人一做…就…

22 be angry/pleased/strict with sb对某人生气,高兴,严厉

23 make jokes about /play jokes on开…的玩笑

24 I dare say(口语)我相信eg,I dare say things will improve. I dare you!(口语)我谅你不敢!

How dare you….! 你竟敢 eg,How dare you accuse me of lying!你竟敢指责我撒谎!

25 get/be confused/puzzled 困惑,迷惑 take on a confused look表现出困惑的表情

a confusing situation令人困惑的局面


1 What comedians have in common with players is their way of playing with words.

2 Dating back to the Qin Dynasty,the traditional crosstalk shows, have made people all over China roar with laughter for centuries.

3 Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun.


4 If you are not fluent in Chinese,you will not catch all of it.

5 The story of how I got my job,and came to be on such good terms with my boss is a funny one.

6 A yellow car passed me and suddenly cut in right in front of me,as there was another car coming in the other direction.

7 I went on shouting at him while everyone was looking at him.

8 The last time we met I did most of the talking,so perhaps I should let you do the talking this time.

4.初三英语重点单词知识点人教版 篇四

Section A 1.go to the mountains去爬山

2.visit +地点/人


n.旅游者 3.不定代词:



nobody everybody



no one






(1)和every相关的 everybody、everyone、everything可用于各类句子。例:Everything goes well一切顺利

(2)和any 相关的 anyone、anybody、anything用于否定句和疑问句。例:Mary doesn’t know anything about the news(3)和some相关的somebody、someone、something用于肯定句,表示“某人或某物”。例:Someone is singing.(4)Nobody、no one、nothing本身具有否定意义。例:Nobody knows this important secret.(5)形容词与不定代词相连用的位置:

不定代词+形容词 例:something important anything special(6)不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数。4.go with+sb 和某人一起去„„ 5.Long time no see 好久不见

6.quite a few相当多=lots of=a lot of=plenty of 接可数名词a few有一些

、few很少(几乎没有、否定概念)接不可数名词 a little有一些、little很少(几乎没有、否定概念)7.take photos拍照

take photos with 和„„合影

take photos of 给„„拍照 8.what about+名词/代词/动名词 9.Most of the time大多数时间

谓语动词的单复数取决于Most of 后面所修饰的名词 例:Most of the students go to the beach.例:Most of the water turns green.10.taste/look/feel/sound/smell+形容词

11.一切顺利:Everything was excellent./ Everything goes well 12.你认为„„怎么样?

How do you like„?=what do you think of „?= how do you feel about„? 13.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 14.Seem 看起来„„

(1)seem+形容词 例:Tom seems tired.(2)Seem like “好像” 例:It seems like a good idea.(3)Seem to do“似乎” 例:I seem to have a cold.(4)It seems/seemed +从句

“似乎” 例:It seems that I can pass the exam.15.nothing much to do没什么事可做


出了„„之外,什么也没有 16.Bye for now 到这该说再见了 17.feed----fed 喂养 18.Keep a diary 记日记

Section B 1.到达

(1)arrive in+大地点

arrive at+小地点

(2)get to +地点(3)reach+地点 2.decide to do 决定做„„

3.try doing sth 动作已发生,不一定付出太多努力

try to do sth

动作未发生,付出努力 4.(1)feel like+从句


例:He feels like he is swimming.(2)feel like “想要„„”+名词/代词/动名词 例:Do you feel like taking a walk with me? 5.wonder “想知道,琢磨”后接who,what,why等疑问词引导的宾语从句。

例:I wonder who the man is.6.in the past 在过去

pass v.通过

pass the exam通过考试

7.(1)want to do

(2)want sb to do

(3)want sb not to do 8.Start to do =start doing sth=begin to do =begin doing sth Start 作“开始”讲时,start 与begin 两者可以互换,但是start表示“出发、机器开动、创办”讲时,不能用begin 9.wait for+某人/某物

wait at+地点

例:I wair for the bus at the bus station.10.Over(1)结束

(2)在„„上方(3)遍及all over the world(4)超过,多余=more than 11.太多(1)too many+可数名词

(2)too much+不可数名词

much too+形容词

12.because of +词组/名词/代词/动名词


13.bring 带来,take带走,fetch去取并且拿来 Bring/take

+ 人/物

+ to +地点 14.Enough(1)形容词+enough(2)名词+enough 或者





(4)当„„的时候 16.forget to


, forget doing已做

17.stop doing 停止做„„

Stop to do 开始做„„ 18.dislike =hate 19.why not+动词原形 =why don’t you+动词原形 20.(1)so „ that„ 如此„„以至于„„

(2)so that 为了

He runs quickly so that he can catch up the bus.(3)so +形容词+冠词+名词

such +冠词+形容词+名词 21.Tell sb(not)to do sth 22.Keep doing sth 一直做„„ 23.Jump into跳入

Jump off 跳离

Jump over跳过

Jump out of 跳出

24.come up 出现,发生

25.What +a/an +adj+可数名词单数+主语+谓语

What + adj+可数名词复数+主语+谓语


