


1.高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案 篇一

Unit2 heroes

Lesson1 modern heroes

Ⅰ.Background information

Chinese people have been dreaming of flying into space.This dream is realized in modern China with the development of scientific technology and economic ability.The first one is therefore become the modern hero.Ⅱ.Teaching objective

By the end of the lesson students should be able to:

1.Say and write the new words learned in the text.2.Describe the process of landing the moon of Yang Liwei in both spoken and written way.Proficiently using the words that go together.3.Make up interview between Yang Liwei and reporter using the Past simple and Past continuous.4.Learn to be brave to say English and ask questions in English.5.Know some commonsense about manned spaceship in China and foreign countries.Ⅲ.Teaching contents:

Vocabulary of manned spaceship

The use of time linkers, especially adverbs and conjunctions

To revise the use of Past Simple and Past Continuous

Ⅳ.Teaching aids: blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures

Ⅴ.Type of lesson: vocabulary, grammar, speaking

Ⅵ.Teaching procedures:

Step1.Warming up

a)Ask questions to know what the students think of modern heroes.b)Introduce the spaceship situation in the world through pictures and words.Step2.Reading

a)Ask and answer questions before reading.b)Read the text and finish exercise3,4, 5 in the textbook.(pager22)c)Find the sentence of Past simple and Past continuous.Step3.Explaining the text

a)Teach new words

b)Explaining the text

c)Do exercise 6,7

d)Free talk: Why do you think Yang Liwei is a hero?

What can we learn from him?


a)Guide student to study Grammar Summary 3, on page 92.b)Do the exercise 8,9,10

Step6.Make up an interview: do exercise 11


a)Read the article space heroes on page 32

b)Writing: How is a spaceship launched?

2.高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案 篇二

根据《英语新课程标准》的指导思想和英语课程改革的精神, 英语教学的主要任务之一是培养学生对英语的兴趣, 引导学生主动学习英语, 从课堂上汲取更多的知识, 提高他们对英语的运用能力。新课程倡导“以学生为本”的教学模式, 笔者设计的这堂课注重对学生兴趣的培养, 从学生的认知水平出发, 设计学生参与性强的活动, 提高学生在课堂上对英语的运用能力。同时, 根据交际英语的理论指导, 笔者设计小组合作活动, 培养学生之间的英语交流合作能力, 加强其团队合作精神, 从而全面提高他们对英语的掌握及运用能力。


本堂课是根据人教版高一新教材必修4第五单元Theme Park中的Warming-up和Reading扩展而来的一节课。高一新教材使用已快一年, 该教材是为了适应新形势发展的需要, 根据教育部制定的《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》的精神编写的, 其指导思想明确, 内容丰富, 适应高中学生的学习兴趣, 语言真实、地道, 是一套相当好的教材。笔者所选的这节课, 以探讨主题公园为主线, 更是符合高中学生喜欢玩的一个特点, 在引起学生兴趣方面更具优势。在“热身”部分, 教材展示了不同国家的四个著名的主题公园, 把学生引入主题公园这个主题中来;然后通过“读前”的一个问题, 把学生引入到阅读文章中来。在这篇文章中, 作者不仅讲述了主题乐园与普通公园的异同以及各种类型的主题公园, 还指出了人们不仅可以在主题公园中通过娱乐使自己身心放松, 同时还可以从娱乐中获得知识和必要的体验。

对于本堂课, 笔者主要把它分为三个部分:

(一) Warming up

用一系列图片和问题对学生进行课前热身, 让学生通过对主题公园和一般公园的对比, 得出主题公园的概念。

(二) Reading

阅读分为两块, 第一块是听录音跟读, 然后设计TRUE和FALSE问题;第二块是学生自己精读, 并对文章进行分段及概括段落大意。

通过这两个活动, 让学生熟悉课文内容, 对细节进行掌握。

(三) Post-reading

通过释读题目Theme Park—Fun and More Than Fun, 明确建造主题公园的目的, 帮助学生加深对本单元主题的理解。

初中教材中描写娱乐的内容比较多, 与之相比较, 本课有一个比较大的特点, 那就是更加注重学生兴趣的培养, 行文更加流畅, 信息更加丰富, 对学生理解能力的要求更深一层, 要求学生在读的过程中不断归纳、对比。

由此可见, 《新课程标准》对本课教学内容的要求不仅仅是掌握文章中的英语语言知识和理解文章内容, 还要培养一种自我学习的能力, 体现学生为主体的课堂教学模式。


笔者所带的高一年级是学校的普通班, 还是一个理科班, 男生比较多, 所以班级有一个特点, 就是理解能力不错, 但表达能力较差, 很多学生停留在“哑巴英语”阶段, 做题时能得高分, 但不愿开口说。经过将近一年的能力培训, 学生的表达能力就有所进步, 理解能力得到了进一步加强, 表达能力也有所提高。同时, 对于一小部分学生而言, 英语一直是薄弱学科, 他们对英语学习的兴趣很低, 但是本单元主题比较符合这个时期学生的兴趣, 所以对于提高这些学生的兴趣也有一定的帮助, 可以吸引更多的学生参与到学习当中来, 培养他们学习英语的兴趣, 帮助他们树立学习英语的信心。

本单元讲的是主题公园, 而笔者所带的班级一个月前刚去过凤凰山主题公园, 所以对学生来说, 主题不是很陌生。但是现在的学生普遍存在一种现象, 那就是玩的时候很会玩, 但让他们讲出来, 可能就比较难了, 再加上其中一些娱乐设施的词汇和表达有难度。因此, 笔者尽可能地设计一些简单的问题, 从学生感兴趣的说起, 把他们的积极性调动起来, 然后通过他们熟悉的图片让其记住那些词汇及表达。对于归纳、对比任务, 学生可能有困难, 他们不能准确、全面地归纳自己理解的内容, 或跟原来的知识进行对比, 因此在课堂教学过程中, 教师要多加引导, 帮助学生进行交流、合作, 最终完成任务, 使他们在合作中取得成功, 体验成就感。


(一) 语言知识目标

掌握下列单词、短语:theme, amusement, various, shuttle, charge, admission, profit, souvenir, athletic, equipment, sneaker, minority, fantasy, come to life, get close to, and so on.

(二) 语言能力目标

1. 通过听读及精读, 训练学生的阅读能力;

2. 对每段大意进行概括, 培养学生的归纳能力;

3. 通过对普通公园和主题公园的对比, 培养学生的总结能力;

4. 设计小组合作任务, 培养学生的英语交流及运用能力。

(三) 德育情感目标

1. 了解主题公园的历史及作用;

2. 通过设计主题公园的活动, 培养学生的创造、想象能力。


(一) 重点

1. 加强学生的阅读能力;

2. 对文章结构层次加以分析;

3. 对主题公园和普通公园加以对比及分析。

(二) 难点

1. 掌握阅读技巧, 提高理解能力;

2. 了解世界各地的主题公园。


(一) 任务型教学

根据制订的教学目标和教学内容, 设计一个个符合本班学生能力的任务活动, 让学生在参与活动的过程中掌握新的知识及能力。

(二) 合作教学

在课堂设计上, 部分任务为小组活动, 让学生围绕任务进行组内分工合作, 互学互助, 同时, 小组之间采取奖励措施, 鼓励学生主动来完成任务。

(三) 多媒体教学

课堂运用多媒体进行教学, 以辅助的图片及短片来极大地提高学生的学习兴趣, 同时, 多媒体可以增加信息的输入, 有利于学生对知识的获取。


学生掌握新的单词, 预习课文内容, 教师收集资料, 准备课件。同时, 教师要准备好多媒体教学设施。


Step 1 Greetings

T:Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss:Good morning/afternoon, teacher!

Step 2 Warming up

Show students a picture of the park, which is near our school, and then let students discuss about the parks.While discussing, give students some questions to help them.In order to make it easy, teacher first talks about the Yang Ming Park as an example.

T:There are many famous parks in Yu Yao.Can you name some of them?

Ss:Yang Ming Park, Shun Bei Park, Lan Shu Park, and so on.

T:Yeah.I often go to Yang Ming Park, which is near our school.I think it is a good place to relax myself.I can take a walk, sit chatting with my friends, play games, and listen to the birds singing and so on.Then what about you?Have you ever been to the parks?Why do you go there?And what do you do there?

S1:Give his details.

S2:Give her details.


T:Now let’s see some other pictures.Do you know this park?

S1:Feng Huang Shan Theme Park.

S2:We went there some weeks before.

T:Then please compare these two parks.Tell me the differences between them.

S1:Feng Huang Shan Theme Park is much bigger than Yang Ming Park.

S2:FHS Theme Park is much more interesting than YM Park.

S3:There are more entertaining equipment in FHS Theme Park.



T:Okay, you are all right, and what’s more, a theme park should have a theme, which is the most important.Now let’s see more theme parks home and abroad.While looking, please tell me the theme of these parks.

T:OK, these parks all have their own themes.Besides these parks, do you know any theme parks in the world?

Ss:Happy Valley.

T:Good.Could you introduce it for us?

S1:Yeah, it’s...

S2:I know a theme park in...

T:It seems that you know many theme parks.Then do you know the history of the theme parks?Do you know which one is the oldest theme park in the world?You don’t know the answers?Never mind.Let’s read our text to find the answers.Now open your books turn to Page 33.let’s see our reading passage:THEME PARKS———FUN AND MORE THEN FUN. (Write down the title on the blackboard at the same time)

[点评]Warming up安排了大量学生熟悉的余姚的地方公园, 从学生熟悉的事情出发, 吸引他们的兴趣, 设计一些简单的问题, 通过教师举例子, 激发学生说的兴趣, 然后把余姚的阳明公园与学生几周前刚去过的凤凰山主题公园对比, 引入主题公园, 通过对世界各地主题公园的图片观赏, 激发学生对主题公园的好奇心, 从而设计问题把学生引入到阅读文章中。

Step 3 Reading


Ask students to listen to the tape and read after it.

T:Now please listen to the tape of the text.While you are listening, please read after the tape to correct your pronunciation and intonation.At the same time, please find the main idea of this text.Now let’s begin.

(After tape playing)

T:Please look at the slide.Please choose the best main idea for this text.

What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Theme parks are more than amusement.

B.Theme parks are places for people to amuse themselves.

C.Theme parks have a variety of things to see and do.

D.Theme parks have a certain idea.

S1:I choose A.

T:Good.Now let’s do some true or false questions to check if you have really got the main idea of the text.

(1) Traditional amusement parks often want to teach visitors something.

(2) All theme parks try to combine fun with the opportunity to learn something.

(3) Disneyland in California is the oldest theme park in the world.

(4) Theme parks are becoming more and more advanced and popular around the world.

Suggested answers:F, T, T, T

[点评]首先给出一个跟读的任务, 可以把学生在预习中错误的发音及语调纠正过来, 有助于提高学生的朗读水平。由于只是跟读, 要求学生自己概括课文大意有点难, 把它设计成选择题的形式, 可以帮助学生顺利地完成此任务。同时, 设计一些简单的对与错的问题, 也能更好地帮助学生大致了解课文内容, 为下面的精读做好准备。


Paragraph One:Appearance and his achievements

T:I would like to invite one of you to read paragraph 1 for us, and others, while listening, please find the topic sentence of this paragraph.

(After reading)

T:Do you find the topic sentence?

S1:Yes.The first sentence is the topic sentence.

T:Yes, you are right.Sit down please.Now I have another question:

According to Paragraph 1, parks

A.are not necessary places for you to relax.

B.are all the same.

C.are cheap or free for you to go to.

D.are places for families only.

Suggested answer:C

Paragraph Two

T:Paragraph 1 tells us the functions of most parks.But we know our topic is theme parks, right?Now, let’s come to para.2.This time, I will invite a girl to read it.Still, while she is reading, you should find the topic sentence of this paragraph.

(After reading)

T:Do you find the topic sentence?

S:Yes.The topic sentence is...

T:That’s right.Para.2 mainly tells us that in recently years, theme parks are designed to provide entertainment.Now still another question:

According to Paragraph 2, theme parks_________

A.have a long history.

B.have no rides, such as a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round, or a roller coaster.

C.are big

D.are restaurants where you can see lots of things

Suggested answer:C

Paragraph Three to six

T:Let’s see para.3 to 6, this time, please read it by yourselves to find out how many parks are mentioned by the text.

(After four to five minutes)

T:Have you finished reading?Now let’s see some questions, first, how many parks are mentioned in the text?

S:Six.They are Sports Theme Park, History and Culture Theme Park, Disneyland, Marine or ocean parks, Science Theme Park, Future Theme Park.

T:Yes.Very good.Now let’s see what we can do in these parks.Please look at the screen, decide whether we can do these activities in these parks. (Show a chart and deal with it with the whole class)

Suggested answers:

[点评]精读可以说是阅读课的中心, 无论怎么讲阅读课, 训练学生的信息获取能力、理解能力都是最重要的。在此, 笔者根据学生基础, 设计由简转难的任务, 来训练学生获取信息的能力, 并把获取的信息转换成自己的语言来进行概括总结。同时, 笔者还设计了不同的阅读任务, 比如用说齐读、分读、默读等各种形式来激发学生的阅读兴趣。

Step 4 Post-reading

Summarize the text

T:Now we have read through the whole text.I think you must have a clear view of the theme park.Now I would like you to summarize the theme parks in your own words.I will give you one minute to prepare.You may discuss it with your partner.Are you clear?

(One minute later)

T:Okay, now who wants to have a try?Any volunteer?

S1:Theme park is a park with a particular theme.It is very entertaining and we can play many interesting games in it.

T:Good.What’s more?

S2:There are many theme parks home and abroad.


Design a theme park

T:Yes.You mentioned a lot about theme parks.Now is there a theme park in Yu Yao?


T:Yeah.What a pity.We can’t enjoy all the exciting activities in a theme park in Yu Yao.Do you want to build a theme park in Yu Yao?


T:But we know that build a theme park needs a lot of money.Do you have so much money?



T:Never mind.I will give you money.Now let work in pairs to design a theme park.You should give a theme for your park and then design all kinds of activities for your park.Work in pairs of four to design a theme park.I will give you four minutes to prepare.After that, please choose a speak man to describe your park for the whole class and let’s see whose park is the best and then I will give the money to this group and let them build this theme.Are you clear?Let’s go.

[点评]在学生对课文非常理解的基础上, 让学生用自己的语言对课文进行概括总结, 有助于提高学生的语言表达能力。同时, “设计一个主题公园”的任务, 可以极大地激起学生的兴趣, 会促使他们把课文中获得的信息进行加工处理, 转化成自己的知识, 最终通过一个自己设计的主题公园, 把所学到的知识进行运用, 从而完成了一堂课从学到用的过程。

Step 5 Homework

T:You have designed a theme park by yourselves.But many people don’t know it, right?Now please make a poster to tell everyone about your theme park.Next period, I will ask you to show your poster to the whole class.

[点评]该作业承接课堂任务, 运用以前学过的知识设计海报这个活动, 可以极大地调动学生的积极性, 引导学生积极地完成课外作业。同时, 作业要求学生运用课堂所学过的知识, 对巩固课堂知识有一定的帮助作用。


教师通过各种方式对学生进行评价, 其评价贯穿于整个教学过程之中, 在每个任务或问题之后, 可对学生给予鼓励性的语言, 进行一定的评价;同时, 对于小组活动, 可通过小组互评的方式来让学生相互评价, 鼓励学生对其他小组的成绩进行一定的评价, 提高他们的英语运用能力。


在笔者的学校, 学生正在着手进行第二期的研究性学习的选题, 笔者认为, 可以组织学生调查所在城市的公园情况, 来巩固学生在本单元所学的内容。同时, 在研究性活动的实施过程中, 教师应对学生给予帮助, 引导他们通过问卷调查、访谈等形式分析当前公园的情况、人们对公园的看法以及人们心中理想的公园等, 最后要求他们按研究性学习的要求, 以论文、幻灯片或光盘的形式呈现最后的结果。





中华人民共和国教育部.2003.普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) [S].北京:人民教育出版社.

3.高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案 篇三

Unit 1-2检测 姓名:______________ 成绩:______________

1. Gudrun Jones rented the land from a wonderful gentlemen who knows that animals play ____really important part in ________ society.

A. /; the B. a;/C. a; theD./;/

2. It is the third time so far that such a festival ___________ in my hometown.

A. is held B. has been held C. had been held D. will be held

3. Linda’s health is improving _________ day by day, and the doctor has advised her to stay home for a couple of weeks.

A. frequently B. gradually C. fluently D. actually

4.---What does Old Walter usually do in his retirement?

---These days he is _________ memories of village life for his new book.

A. putting up B. putting on C. setting up D. setting down

5. Our manager never fails to answer a phone call ________ she is very busy.

A. since B. once C. even if D. so that

6. I have been working in this company for ten years, but seldom ________ so energetic as now.

A. have I felt B. I had felt C I have felt D. had I felt

4.高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案 篇四


Teaching aims: Train Ss’ the language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.Students will learn how to ask for and give advice in English, how to understand the main idea while reading and how to write a letter of advice.Teaching important points: Enable Ss how to ask for and give advice in English, how to understand the main idea while reading and how to write a letter of advice

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead in A: My English is poor.How can I study English well.(Asking for advice)B: I’m sorry to hear that.Anyhow, you should practise listening, speaking and writing as much as possible.(Giving advice)

Step 2 Asking for advice

◆ State the problem clearly and briefly ◆ Use modal verbs ,such as : can or should

e.g.What can/should I do? How can/should I…? Should I…?

Step 3 Giving advice

◆ Make sure you fully understand the problem.◆ Show sympathy

e.g.I’m sorry to hear that.I hate it when that happens!I know just what you mean!

◆ Use modal verbs such as should or must, phrase such as make sure, or imperative:

e.g.You should/must talk your mother about this.You must make sure to study hard for the exam.Eat plenty of vegetables!(imperative)

Step 4.Listening practice

Listen and take notes on page 32 Answers: 1.football, lonely 2.science, actress 3.refuses 4.listens, shouts 5.exam, worried

Step 5 Listening to a radio programme(pg33)

Pre-listening 1.Look at the pictures and guess what troubles each of them have.2.Exchange your ideas in your group.3.If you are the host what advice do you want to give? [Explanation] 通过这些听力前的问题,让学生在做听力时有的放矢,提高做题的准确率和速度。

Part A: Listen to a radio talk show and write the names of the callers in the blanks below.Step 6 Part B: Listen to the radio talk show again and complete the notes below

[Explanation] 通过对一些听力中细节的考查,检测学生对听力内容的把握,填词部分还涉及学生的词汇量和拼写能力。

Answers: 1.jion 2.honest, thought 3.feel 4.sports, shouting at

5.高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案 篇五

Lesson 3 Sports Stars

Teaching aims:

To read a text for specific information

To provide a title appropriate for a whole text

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

To practise using positive and negative opinion adjectives.Teaching difficulties:

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ.Warming up

First play the song “Pass the Flame”

Ⅱ Reading

First reading do the exercise true or false two sister plan to take up tennis career all their life.In competitive matches the two sisters seldom played each other.The two sisters have no common hobby except tennis.In their childhood the people around Williams sisters often fought each other using gun.5.Williams’ parents played an important part in their success.6.The text refer to us the sisters’ father is good at tennis.7.If one of them lose the game in their match, the other do the dishes.8.The two sisters miss their childhood so they often go back to their hometown.Answers: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.F

Ⅲ Further understanding

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

Get student to guess the meanings of these words and check them while reading

Listen to the tape and check the answers

Read the text aloud and answer these questions(do the exercise 3)

Read the article again and suggest a title for the text(do the exercise 4)

Title: How to become a tennis star

Road to success

Tennis is my favorite sports

Tennis stars-Williams sisters

Ask student to choose one title.The answer is: Tennis stars-Williams sisters

Do you want to know more information about them? Add new information about the two sisters

Name:Venus Williams

Sex :female

Birthday :1980.07.17

Weight: 72.7kg

Height : 185cm

Nationality: America


转入职业时间 1995 WTA当前排名 3 迄今职业成绩 304胜69负 迄今单打冠军 29 迄今双打冠军 10 2003战绩 17胜3负

迄今职业奖金总额 $ 12,462,628 征战法网纪录次数 6 欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

单打最好成绩 2002亚军 双打最好成绩 1999冠军

Name :Serena Williams


Height: 178cm

Weight : 65.9kg

Nationality :


Event :tennis

转入职业时间 1995 WTA当前排名 1 迄今职业成绩 224胜41负 迄今单打冠军 22 迄今双打冠军 11 2003战绩 23胜1负

迄今职业奖金总额 $ 11,284,079

征战法网纪录 次数 4 单打最好成绩 2002夺冠 双打最好成绩 1999夺冠

Show some pictures

Picture1 study design in college

Picture2.the friendly sisters

Picture3 The two sisters’ photo of childhood.The topic of each paragragh

Para1 brief introduction

Para2 their childhood

Para3 training and study

para4 achievement and friendly relationship

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

Ⅳ Voice your opinion

What are the advantages of being sports stars?

Ⅴ Language points

1.speak about谈论,讲述

We couldn’t get him to speak about his war experiences.我们无法让他讲述当年战争的经历。


He has no interest in fine arts.他对美术没有兴趣。

I’ve lost my interest in collecting coins.我已经失去了收集硬币的兴趣。

The guests showed great interest in the new design.客人们对这种新设计表示出极大的兴趣。

3.come to an end结束

The meeting came to an end at last.会议终于结束了。

4.amazing adj.令人惊异的,指 物 amazed adj.感到惊异的,指人 amaze vt 使„惊异

The amazing performance amazed me.这种另人惊叹的表演让我吃惊

The amazing performance made me amazed.Ⅵ Vocabulary

Do the exercise 6

Ⅶ Language in Use

Choose a star.Make notes about the important achievements or events in his/her life, and the dates they happened.Don’t worry if you are not exact.Ⅷ Grammar

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。 高考资源网(),您身边的高考专家

Guide students to study Grammar Summary 4, on page 93

Do the exercise 7

Students look at the sentences from the text and discuss when to use each tense.Do the exercise 8 and 9

Ⅸ Homework

If time is limited ask students do the exercise 10, 11and 12 as homework

6.高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案 篇六










下面我们先来看几首同样也是以秋为描写内容的诗歌: 材料一:孟郊《秋怀》





一问:这是一首写秋天的诗,那么诗中都写到了哪些秋天的景呢? 明确:诗中写到了月、露、风和梧桐。二问:这些景具有什么样的特点?


三问:那么,这样的秋天给我们什么样的感觉? 明确:悲凉。




用心 爱心 专心


三问:那么这些色彩主要是冷色还是暖色? 明确:冷色。

四问:面对这么多的冷色,假如你是一个孤独的旅行者,你心里会产生什么样的感受? 明确:冷清。即课文中所概括的“清”的特点。

五问:接下来我们来听听故都的秋声,主要有哪些声音呢? 明确:有鸽声(飞声)、蝉声、雨声、人声。



七问:假如你是一个孤独的飘零者,身处在如此寂静的秋天里,心里会有什么感受? 明确:孤独、痛苦。

八问:对,在心情不好的情况下,越静越孤独越痛苦。如果你处在这样冷清的秋色和寂静的秋天,你心里会产生一种什么样的情感? 明确:悲凉。这便是故都的秋味。







明确:分别抓住其“看不饱,尝不透,赏玩不到十足”和“色彩不浓,回味不永”的特点,前者在第2自然段,后者在第13自然段,这 样在结构上就形成了前后呼应。





六、能力迁移训练 练习:

7.必修1 Unit2教案1份 篇七

1.It is important to keep your diet in balance.It is important for you to __ __ ___ ___.keep a balance diet 2.What are you going to do with these old books? __ are you going to __ __ these old books?How deal with 3.As I have so much work filling my mind.I almost break down.__ so much work__ my mind, I almost break down.With filling 4.Everyone should wear a seat belt in a car.Everyone___ ___ ___ wear a seat belt in a car.is supposed to 5.Since you have finished your work, you can go now.____ ___ you have finished your work, you can go now.Now that starve garbage tolerate sink behaviour fault upset emergency deserve defend a large open container that you fill with water and use for washing dishes(sink)an unexpected and dangerous situation that must be dealth with immediately(emergency)way of treating others;manners()behaviour waste material , such as paper, empty containers, and food thrown away(garbage)to suffer or die because you do not have enough to eat()starve to allow people to do, say or believe something without criticizing or punishing them(deserve)to do something in order to protect someone or something from(tolerate)imperfection or flaw;mistake or offence(defend)unhappy and worried because something unpleasant or disappointing has happened(fault)

harm cafe patience forbid handle selfish argument error annoyed guidance order(sb.)not to do sth.(forbid)disagreement;quarrel(argument)slightly angry()annoyed a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals(cafe)thing done wrongly;mistake()error hurt or injure sb.or damage sth.()harm thinking first of one’s own interest, needs, etc.(selfish)ability to accept delay, annoyance or suffering without complaining(patience)leadership;direction()guidance deal with, manage or control()handle

common confuse adolescence physical limit distant desire independence challenge balance the greatest or least amount , number , speed , etc., that is allowed()limit to make someone feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand(confuse)unfriendly()distant the freedom and ability to make your own decisions in life(independence)the time of life between child and adult()adolescence related to someone’s body rather their mind or emotions(physical)difficult , demanding or stimulating task()challenge a strong hope or wish()desire steadiness()balance happening often and to many people or in many places(common)用所给短语的恰当形式填空

be supposed to now that be hard on as if

stay up

insist on along with

in charge of

in a mess go out 1.At the moment of Carnarvon’s death, the lights_____ in Cairo , the capital of Egypt.went out 2.I keep my insurance policy in the top drawer, ____ my other important documents.along with 3.I ____ your taking immediate action to put this right.insist on

4.The house was ____ and then my mother made an unexpected call.in a mess 5.____ you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your patients’ help.Now that 6.Afterwards she gave in and let the children ___ late to watch TV.stay up 7.It will ___ her when the children leave.be hard on 8.He___ give us advice, but all he came up with were airy-fairy ideas.is supposed to 9.I felt ___ my heart would burst with joy.as if

10.Can you please tell me who is _____ sales? in charge of

a wet blanket all ears

pull one’s leg after all be proud of

insist on

a piece of cake instead of

be forbidden from 1.She thought it was a diamond necklace, but it wasn’t a real one____.after all 2.He was such____ at the party that they never invited him again.a wet blanket 3.----How do you do that?---It’s____!Watch!a piece of cake 4.In some Asian countries, women___ going out without a veil(面纱)。are forbidden from 5.Tell me your news, I’m____.all ears 6.____ being annoyed, he seemed quite pleased.Instead of 7.The doctor ___ the patient being operated on at once.insisted on 8.He is a very serious man.Don’t_____.pull his leg 9.His past record is certainly something to _____.be proud of

go through day by day

out of control

have difficulty in turn out depend on

tend to in this regard 1.If the day ____ wet, wet may have to change our plans.turns out 2.I know what I want to say but I ____ putting it across.have difficulty in 3.It’s probably not as bad as she says.She does____ pile it on.tend to 4.All living things___ the sun for their growth.depend on 5.The patient’s condition is improving ____.day by day 6._____ , the history of the Second World War provides a useful lesson.In this regard 7.The country has ___ too many wars.gone through 8.The car went____ and crashed into the side of a bus.out of control 单选题目

1.___ you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.A Now that B After C Although D As soon as 2.The old lady insisted that she__ on a trip alone, but her daughter insisted that she__ too old to go.A went;was B go;was C go;should be D should go;be 3.A good story does not necessary have to have a happy ending, but the readers must not be left__.A unsatisfied

B unsatisfying C to be unsatisfying D being unsatisfied 4.John’s aunt seems to find__ everything.A wrong to B fault with C fault in D mistakes in 5.---Why did you eat your words, Billy?---Sorry, dear.But I really forgot where I was __ to meet you.A demanded B imagined C supposed D guessed 6.With the fight against piracy __, more and more people find that authentic CDs and DVDs deserve___.A furthered;buying B furthered;to buy C furthering;to be bought D furthering;buying 7.Jack is late again.It is __ of him to keep others waiting.A normal B ordinary C common D typical 8.We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs, __ that all children like these things.A thinking

B think C to think D thought 9.You’d better have your own room ___.It’s ___.A clean;in mess B cleaned;a mess C cleaned;in mess D cleaned;in a mess 10.She said she was going to stay there for a week, and she arrived back as early as ___.A expecting

B to be expected C was expected D expected 11.The lakers was beaten again on Thursday, which, according to the newspaper, ___ the LosAngels fans.A cheats B satisfies C upsets D attracts 12.Seeing the happy__of the children playing in the park, I’m full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.A sight B scene C view D scenery

8.高中英语必修一unit2阅读教案 篇八

小学一上Unit2《about me》英语教案


《Unit 2 About me》,课本的11页、12页、13页,




① 学生会听、说单词teacher, boy , girl, monkey并能运用单词去谈论有关人物或动物的身份;

② 学生会听、说please、thank you及辨认其用法;

③ 学生会听、唱和演英语歌曲。


① 培养学生文明有礼的思想情感,学会英语的相关礼貌用语;



词汇:teacher, boy , girl, monkey, please, thank you

歌曲: Please sit down.




在具体情境中区分使用please和thank you。









(一)Warm –up:

1.Sing the song “Hello,I’m Mocky.”

2.Lead-in : Tell Ss the emotional objective----Be polite.



1.Look and say ,revise the four words “teacher, monkey, boy, girl”。

T: This is Mocky.

S1: Mocky is a monkey.

2.Play a guessing game----Use a sentence to guess the right picture: Ann is a girl.


(三)Learn to talk about the people

1.Look , Listen and say a sentence.

2.Look and say together,

3.Practice in groups.

4.Play a game---- Stand up when hearing the sentence about the picture, then say out the sentence.

[ 设计意图:根据低年级学生的认知特点,以声音和图片来帮助学生认识人物,以降低学习的难度,通过小组练说句子后再全班交流,进一步巩固学生对句型的理解,也加强了记忆,最后抓住学生爱玩的天性,以游戏来检验学生对句型及人物名称的辨认。]


1.Present ‘Please, Thank you’ as follows:

(1) Get the pictures back saying ‘Please. Thank you.’

(2) Show pictures and say

T: An apple for you.

S1: Thank you.

2.Get to ask for things (apple, ant , banana, balloon)saying ‘Please.’

(五) Practice

1.Read the words with guestures.

2.Look and choose the words.

[设计意图:以情景、精致的已学物品图片来引导学生理解please和thank you 的意义与用法,尝试让学生在情景中运用英语而拿到自己想要的图片。为帮助学生理解两词的意义,在练读单词时让学生做相应的手势,既符合学生好动的特点,又加深学生对单词的印象。]

(五)Learn the song

1.Listen and act:

T: Please sit down. / Please stand up.

2.Listen to the song.

3.Learn to sing.

4.Listen and sing.

5.Sing the song in groups.

6.Name some Ss to sing the song.



1.Watch and listen to the chant about ‘ Please and Thank you’。

2.Tell Ss how to be polite by saying the words:

sorry, excuse me, hello, hi, thanks




1.Sing the song.

2.Talk about P11.


Unit 2 About me

