


1.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇一

a visit to


early this morning


in a small village


take a bus


offer sb. sth.


enjoy doing


finish doing


keep doing


a kitchen


around the house


grow vegetables


go to town


on foot


go by motorcycle


feel happy




2.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇二

2.complain to sb of/ about sth; make complaints

3.persuade sb (not) to do sth说服了; persuade sb into/ out of doing sth

4.in order (of) 按(….的)顺序

5.take … into consideration

consider doing考虑 consider sb/ sth to be/ as 认为,看作

6.make/take notes of 做笔记

7.make a list of = list

8.in charge of管理-in the charge of 在…的管理下

charge要价,索价charge (me) 300 for a haircut

charge sb with doing sth 指控某人accuse sb of sth

9.be to blame 应受到责备 Who is to blame for the broken glass?

blame sb for sth; blame sth on sb 把某事怪到某人的头上

10.be concerned about关心,担忧

be concerned with 和..有关

concerned adj. 担忧的,担心的 concerned parents

有关的(后置定语)the people concerned

concerning 关于(介词) Concerning your request, I am pleased to inform you that…

11.take (full) advantage of 充分利用 have an advantage over sb 比…

12.on/ over the radio, by radio on the phone; over the phone; by phone

13.post张贴 poster海报 Please post up the notice.

14. react to起反应 (respond to); react on有影响,有作用

15.inform sb of sth通知 informed了解情况的,见闻广识的

16. critic n.批评者 criticize (vt.) criticism n.

critical adj. 批评性的;


at the critical moment

a matter of critical importance极为重要

a critical stage in his illness

17.associate …with联系 (NBA association)

结交Don’t associate with bad boys.

18.get across传播;被理解,让…听懂

19.appeal to投合(兴趣)The idea appeals to me.

呼吁,恳求I appeal to your sense of justice/ responsibility.

The government is appealing to everyone to save water.

求助于He appeals to me for help.

上诉 He appeals against the judge’s sentence.

n. His appeal for forgiveness went unanswered.恳求,呼吁

The game has lost its appeal.吸引力

上诉权the right of appeal

20.keep an eye out for 当心,警惕

keep an eye on照看,照料

21.attract one’s attention to

pay attention to

draw one’s attention to吸引

devote one’s attention to专心于

fix one’s attention on

22.we differ from/ with(和) them on/about/over (关于)the question.

We differ in interests.(在某方面)

make a/ no/ some difference 有影响,有关系

23. attach …to…

1) 使附属于,使参加(某个团体)

The school is attached to (ZNU) Zhejiang Normal University.

I got lost so I attached oneself to another agency.


He attaches great importance to study.


No blame attaches to him for the accident.

No blame can be attached to him…

be attached to喜欢,依恋

24.make a bargain with sb over sth关于sth和sb达成协议,做成交易

25.make sense有意义的 makes no sense 毫无意义

26.name sb as任命,指定

27.distinguish between A and B; distinguish A from B区别,辨别

distinguish oneself 表现突出

3.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇三

上午好! Good morning. 你叫什么名字? What’s your name?

下午好 Good afternoon 我叫李明 My name is Li Ming.

晚上好 Good evening 你好吗? How are you?

晚安 Good night 我很好 I’m fine.=I’m OK= I’m all right.

在上午 in the morning 你父亲好吗? How is your father?

在下午 in the afternoon 他很好 He’s fine.=He’s OK.=He’s all right

在晚上 in the evening 这本书怎么样? How is the book?

在夜里 at night 很不错 It’s very good.

字母A. It’s letter A. 你没事吧? Are you OK?=Are you all right?

中学 middle school 我没事 I’m OK= I’m all right.

这是什么? What’s this 这是一枝钢笔。 It’s a pen.

那是什么 What’s that? 那是一个桔子。 It’s an orange.

用英语 in English 第一课 Lesson One=the first lesson

用汉语 in Chinese 第一单元 Unit One=the first unit

这个用英语怎么说? What’s this in English? 地图 It’s a map.

这个用汉语怎么说? What’s this in Chinese? 书 It’s “书”。

这是谁? Who’s this? 这是我哥哥 It’s my brother

那是谁? Who’s that? 那是我姐姐 It’s my sister

在这里 be here 大家都到齐了吗? Is everyone here?

谁没在这儿? Who’s not here? 安妮没来 Ann is not here.

在家 (be)at home=be in 我想她在家里 I think she’s at home.

在学校(上学) (be)at school 我想他不在学校 I don’t think he is at school

在上班 (be)at work 我爸爸在工作 My father is at work=My father is working.

他是谁? Who’s he? 他是我爸爸 He’s my father

这个男孩是谁? Who’s this boy? 是我哥哥 It’s my brother

那个女孩是谁? Who’s that girl? 是我姐姐 It’s my sister

彩色电视 color television 把墙涂成白色 Color the wall white

什么颜色 what color 你的车是什么颜色? What color is your car?

请拼写它 Spell it,please. 你能拼写一下你的名字吗? Can you spell your name?

请拼写一下你的名字 Please spell your name 你的名字怎么拼写? How do you spell your name?

看 look at 橡皮怎么拼写? How do you spell eraser?

看这副图片 look at this picture 谢谢您! Thank you=Thanks

您好 How do you do? 不客气 That’s all right=You’re welcome

你是……吗? Are you…? 再见 See you later=See you=Goodbye

欢迎到中国来 Welcome to China 舞蹈家兼歌唱家 a dancer and singer

黑白相间 black and white 一个舞蹈家和一个歌唱家 a dancer and a singer

很正确 very right 今天天气很好 Today’s very fine

很老了、很旧了 very old 正确的回答 the right answer

很好看 very nice 你的自行车很漂亮 Your bike is very nice

身体好 very well 你看上去很好 You look very well

画得好 draw well 她能画好 She can draw well

舞跳得好 dance well 她妹妹舞跳得好 Her sister dances well

大写字母 big letter 这是一块很好的橡皮 This is a very good eraser.

小写字母 small letter 那是一所很好的英语学校 That’s very good English school.

行,可以,好 all right=OK=okay 这所学校还可以 This school is all right

浅红 light red 她对每个人都(友)好 She is nice to everyone

4.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇四

Teaching goals :

1. Words & phrases: babysit ,get back , fishing , rent , think about , decide(on) , tourist etc.

2. How to talk about future plans .

3. 现在进行时表示将来计划或行动.

4. 特殊疑问句(where , when , how long引导)

Important and difficult points :

Drills :What are you doing for vacation ?

I’m watching TV .

When are you going ?

I’m going … .

How long are you staying ?

We’re staying for five days .

Teaching aids : cards and a tape ,a large wall calendar .

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

1. Free talk .

2. Put up the wall calendar .

T: I’m staying home on Saturday (pointing to next Saturday ). Ss repeat .

Ss: I’m staying home on Saturday .

T: OK. Today we’ll learn how to talk about future plans.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 13 , 1a .

1. Look at the picture carefully and tell what you see in the picture .

2. Write the activities from the pictures in the box and add some more .

3. Practice reading .

Step 3 While-task

1. Using the activities we write in 1a to make conversations .For example :What are you doing for vacation ? I’m visiting my uncle .

2. Pairwork .Practice in pairs .

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

3. 用第三人称练习对话.

4. Groupwork . Divide the Ss into groups of four or five .Make conversations .

5. Listening Page 13,1b. Check the answers .

SB Page 14 ,2a & 2b .

1. First ,read the names of the people .

2. Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .

3. Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 14,2c .

Read the conversations first .

Groupwork and fill in the chart .

Step 5 Homework

1. 如果没填完上面的表格回去接着做完.

2. 记单词.


教 案 正 文 随堂记录

Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Free talk .

2. Revise : Make conversations with the setences what are you doing for vacation ?

When are you going ?Who are you going with?

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 14,Grammar focus .

1. Call attention to the sentences together .Read them by the Ss .Ask a student to say the question using the word he and then again using a boy’s name .

2. Do in the same way with “she” and a girl’s name.

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 15, 3a .

1. Read the conversation by the Ss and practice reading .

2. Listen and fill in the chart .

3. Check the answers .

SB Page 15, 3b .

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

1. Look at the conversation in the box .

2. Practice reading .

3. Pairwork . Make conversations using the information in 3b .

4. Act out your conversations .

Step 4 Post-task

Vacation Dreams .

Imagine your dream vacation .

Write something on a piece of paper using what we learnt .

Share the dreams .

Step 5 Homework

Write 2 conversations about 3b in the exercise books .If you don’t finish your dream writing, do it at home .


教 案 正 文 随堂记录

Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Free talk .

2. Check the homework :Ask one or two Ss to say something about their dream vacation .并给出全适的评价.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 16, 1a .

1. Say each phrase and ask Ss to repeat .

2. Call attention to the pictures .Say something about the pictures .Match each phrase with a picture .

3. Check the answers .

Step 3 While task

1. Make conversation. Work with your partner .Talk about what you would like to do on vacation .

2. Share their conversations.

SB Page 16 , 2a&2b .

1.Read the reporter’s questions together .

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

2. Play the recording and check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task

1. Find a new partner .

Student A is the reporter .Student B is He Yu . A interview B .

2. Read the conversation in 2c and with the help of the listening .

Step 5 Homework

1. Remember the new words .

2. Write the conversations about your interview .


教 案 正 文 随堂记录

Period 4

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings .

2. Make an interview with a student .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 17 ,Part 4 .

T: What are you doing this weekend ?

1. Ask each other ,write down their answers .

2. One student to present his /her exercise .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 17 , 3a .

1. Read the article about Ben Lambert’s vacation plans by the Ss .Tick out the new words .

2. Read the article to the class .

3. Explain the new words .

4. Play the tape .Ss listen and repeat .

5. Point out the five numbered pictures .Ss identify the items .

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

6. Check the answers .

7. Play the tape again .Practice reading .

SB Page 17, 3b .

T: This is an article about Julia’s vacation plans .Call attention to the blanks in the paragraph .Read the paragraph to the class ,saying blank each time when we come to a bland line .

Read the paragraph and fill in the blanks .

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 17 , 3c .

T: We read about Julia’s vacation and Ben’s vacation .If you are a famous singer or football player ,What are your vacation plans ?Write about your vacation plans .Give them help if they need .

Step 5 Homework

Complete the Selfcheck .


教 案 正 文 随堂记录

Unit 4 How do you get to school?

Teaching goals :

1. Words & phrases: get to , how far , bicycle , subway , minute , mile , bus stop .

2. Talk about how to get to places (谈论出行方式)

take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk .

3. how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式.how far ,how long 引导的特殊疑问句.

4. 复习基数词及时间的表示方法.

5. 了解中外文化的差异.

Important and difficult points :

1. how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句.

2. 乘坐交通工具的表示方法.

3. It takes /will take/took sb some time to do sth .

Teaching aids: cards and a tape-recorder .

Period 1

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings and free talk .

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

3. T: How do we get to school ? Some students walk ,some students take the bus ,some students ride a bike .Does anyone take the subway ? No , we have no subway .OK ,today we will learn Unit 4 .

Explain : get to

Step 2 While-task

SB Page19 ,1a&1c .

1. Write down how you get to school .

2. Look at the picture .Write down how the students get to school.

3. Make dialogues with the phrases .

4. Groupwork: Divide the students into groups of three or four .Practice reading the dialogues.

5. Act out their dialogues .

SB Page 19 , 1b .Listening

1. Make sure the Ss know what ot do .Give them an example orally if possible .

2. Read the names .

3. Play the tape and check the answers .

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

SB Page 20 , 2a&2b .

1. Revise the numbers .

2. Teach the new word :minute .

3. Play the tape for the students to finish 2a&2b .Then play again and check the answers .

Step 3 Post-task

If there is time ,make conversations .

Step 4 Homework

用对话的形式告诉老师你是怎么到达学校并需要多长时间,then please tell me how you get to school and how long it takes .


教 案 正 文 随堂记录

Period 2

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings .

2. Check the homework .

3. Go over the dialogue in Page20 ,2c .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 20 ,Grammar focus .

1. Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses .

2. Practice reading .

3. Explain the usage of “take” in “take the train” and “take sb some time to do sth” .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 21,3a .

1. Pay attention to the speech bubbles .Read the questions .

2. Read the passage by the Ss. Find the answers to the questions and write the answers on the lines .

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

3. Check the answers .

SB Page 21, 3b .

1. Show Ss the example in the box .Two students read it to the class .

2. Pairwork: Make your own conversations using the information in the left box.

3. Ask some pairs to present the conversations to the class

Step 4 Post-task

SB Page 21 ,Part 4 .

Groupwork.Divide the Ss into groups of three .In each group ,one is A,who look at Page 21.One is B,who look at Page 85,the other is C,who look at Page 86 .

Fill in the blanks .

The group who fill in the blanks first wins .

Step 5 Homework

Write two conversations in 3b in the exercise books .


教 案 正 文 随堂记录

Period 3

Teaching procedures :

Step 1 Leading in

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. Check the homework.

3. Go over the passage in 3a Page 21 .

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 22 ,1a .

1. Say the four new phrases and Ss repeat .

2. Match the words with the pictures .

3. Check the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 22,2a&2b .

1. Play the tape for the students to finish them .

2. Point out the two sets of pictures with a blank line in front of each .

3. Check the answers .

SB Page 22, 2c .Talk about how Nina gets to school .

Step 4 Post-task

教 案 正 文 随堂记录

SB Page 23, 3a .

1. Read the instructions to the class and read through the statements abut the article .

2. Read the article again by the Ss .Write if the statements are true or false in your exercise books.

3. Do the activity individually and check the answers .

SB Page 23 ,3b .

Read the article and fill in the blanks .Check the answers.

Selfcheck Part 2 .

1. Look at the picture .Make sure what the people in the picture doing .

2. Finish the conversation .

3. Practice reading .

Step 5 Homework

1. Write a newspaper article .

2. Go over this unit .

5.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇五
















































































6.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇六

教学目标 语言目标 What do you usually do on weekends?

I sometimes go to the beach.

How often do you eat vegetables? Every day.

Most of the students do homework every day.

能力目标 Talk about how often you do things

语言结构 Wh-questions

What do …?

How often …?

Adverbs of frequency


学习策略 Using context

Transforming information

重点词汇 Always, usually,often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never;

exercising, shopping, skateboarding,;

once, twice, three times a week, month, every day

milk, junk food, drink

Teaching procedures

Task One Who is the best English student?

目的 Talk about how often you do things

Steps Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

务 Step 1 Introduce the key vocabulary.

Ask the students to say what they see in the thought bubbles.

Check the answers on the board. Name each activity.

Repeat reading the following:

watching TV, reading, shopping, skateboarding, exercising, drawing

Step 2

Play the recording twice.

Correct the answers. Listen and write the letter of one activity(a through e) after the word in the list.

Step 3 Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

Practice the dialogue with one student.

Walk around the class to offer language support as needed. Work in pairs to make their own conversations about the people in the picture

Step 4 Explain how to do Activity 2a and 2b.

Play the recording four times.

Check the answers. Listen and number each activity.

Listen again and draw lines between the activities and the time statements.

Step 5 Have one student to read the list of activities to the class.

Fill in the chart with the words in 2a.

Make conversations.

Present the dialogue to the class.

务 Step 6 Ask the students what they can do to improve their English. Give as many things as they can to improve English.

Step 5 Draw the table with the given examples on the board.

Move around the room offering language support.

Ask the students the questions on the right. Go around the classroom to ask questions so that they can find who is the best English student.

Answer the questions:

1 Why do you think that?

2 What does that student do?

3 How often does he/she do it?

后 Step 6 Ask one student to read the survey.

Talk with several different students about the activity survey and guide the students to respond.

Point out the magazine article.

Check the answers. Talk about the survey with the teacher and get to know the definitions and percentages.

Fill in the blanks in the article.

Step7 Check the answers. Do exercises on pages 1-2 of the workbook to practice the language presented in this unit.

Task Two Who is the healthiest?

目的 Learn to talk about how often they do things to keep healthy.

Steps Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

务 Step 1 Check the answers.

Say the words in the box. Match the pictures with the words in the box.

Repeat the words after the teacher.

Step 2 Move around the room monitoring their work.

Ask two students to present their dialogue. Two students read the conversation.

Work in pairs to make their own conversations with the words in 1a.

Step 3 Play the recording four times.

Check the answers. Listen to the recording and circle Yes or No or I don’t know.

Fill in the survey in 2b.

Step 4

Ask two students to read the conversation in 2c.

Move around the room monitoring the work. Work in pairs to practice the conversation in 2b.

Step 5 Give some examples of healthy things and unhealthy things.

Ask some students to read their writings. Write about themselves. It must contain:

1 What healthy things do you do? How often?

2 What unhealthy things do you do? How often?

Step 6 Present the rules for the competition about the most healthy diet for the week. Make a diet for the week and show the diet to the class and also give some explanations.

务 Step 7 Read the instructions to the class and elicit the answer to the first question from the class.

Ask the students to do the activity individually. Read the letter and write answers to the questions.

7.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇七

1. care for 喜欢,照顾

2. care about 关心,担心

3. safety measure 安全措施

4. fake food product 假冒食品

5. fake milk powder 假冒奶粉

6. an increasing problem 不断增加的问题

7. social conscience 社会良知

II. Reading

1. want/have a day off = ask for a day’s leave 1 请一天假

2. pick a man’s pocket 掏某人口袋

3. leave sb alone别管他

4. do good to sb对某人有好处

5. bring in profit带来利润

6. be in want/need of急需

7. raise money 筹款

8. make a contribution 捐赠,作出贡献

9. afford to do sth供得起

10. be badly off穷困

11. make it short 长话短说,简而言之

12. close up (尤指暂时)关闭,使靠近

Language study

1. love (n. ) for the poor 对穷人的爱

2. have no eye for 没眼力,没眼光,不关心,不注意

3. far from 远离,远远不,完全不

4. comment on 评论

5. of Dickens’ times 狄更斯时代

6. in favour of 支持,赞成

7. in praise of 表扬

8. in honour of 为纪念,为庆祝

9. in the face of 面对

10. in hopes of= in the hope of = in the hope that 怀着。。。的希望

11. in search of 搜寻

12. in memory of 纪念,追念

13. turn the whole room upside down 把整个房间翻了个遍

14. turn down my suggestion拒绝接受我的建议

15. believe in信任某人

16. admit doing sth承认做了某事

17. end up with 以…结尾

18. as follows 如下

Integrating skills:

1. take one’s place 代替某人的位置

2. have an eye for:有眼力;有眼光;对…感兴趣

3. be content to do 满足于做某事

4. of late 最近,近来

5. on the contrary 相反地

8.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇八

Ⅰ Teaching Content

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

Ⅱ Teaching Goals

1. Learn and master some new words.

2. Improve the student speaking ability and listening ability.

3. Master the main sentence patterns.

4. Talk about how long you have been doing things.

5. To enable to ask for help when having difficulties in learning.

6. To train students’ reading skill.

Ⅲ Teaching Important and Difficult Points

1. Key vocabulary

raise, several, skater

2. Target language:

How long have you been skating?

I have been skating for five hours.

How long did you skate?

I skated for two hours.

Ⅳ Teaching Methods

1. Communicative Approach

2. Pairwork or Groupwork

3. Listening Method

Ⅴ Teaching Aids

A tape recorder

Word cards

Ⅵ Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greetings

1. Greet the whole class as usual.

a. What is the date today?

b. What day is it today?

c. What the weather like today?

2. Duty report.

Step 2 3a

1. Read the instructions to the class. Say, This activity asks you to give answers using language from this unit and from past units.

2. Look at the picture. Ask students what is happening in the picture. Students may not be familiar with the word marathon, meaning a long race.

3. Help the students form groups of three or four students to discuss this article and fill in the table.

4. Write some new words on blackboard and learn these words together.

5. Ask students to read the passage. You may want to read it aloud with the students or ask some students to read it aloud.

6. Check the answers.


Sam 4hours

Lu Ning 4hours

Li Chen 1hour

Step 3 3b

This activity asks students to calculate the times students started the race.

1. Read the instructions.

2. Ask students to complete the task.

3. Check the answers.


Alison 9am Lu Ning 10am

Sam 10am Li Chen 1pm

Step4 4

1. Read the instructions.

2. Ask two students to read the dialogue .

3. Ask another pair of students to ask the questions with another sport.

4. Ask students to complete the work in groups of four or as a full class activity.

5. Ask a few students to share the sample conversation.

Step 5 Summary and Homework

This class we have read a passage and done a survey. Also we have done some exercises of the workbook. It made us strengthen the target language we had learned in Section A.

Ⅶ Blackboard design

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

A:Liu Ying,what sport do you play?


A:When did you start?

B:When I was eleven.

A:So how long have you been skating?

B:Three and a half years.

9.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇九

Section A 1a---2c Listening & Speaking


本节课作为一节听说课,是《新目标英语》系列教材之一Go For it!八年级上册第七单元的第一课时。本单元围绕谈论未来生活和未来世界这个话题呈现了一般将来时will的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句以及there be句型一般将来时的用法。通过设置问题Do people have robots now? 和Will people have robots in their homes in 50 years?引起学生对现在和未来的思考,从而输入目标语言。由于本单元是学生学习一般将来时态的重要组成部分,一开始应该让学生接触丰富的语言材料,感知体会目标语言的运用,并进行模仿性输出。学情分析



⑴能掌握以下重点单词:future, pollution, robot, prediction, more, fewer, less… ⑵能掌握以下重点句型:

People will have robots in their homes.People won’t use money.Will people use money in 100 years? Yes, they will./ No, they won’t.There will be(more/less/fewer)free time.2.能力目标:



1.学习掌握一般将来时态will句型的结构; 2.掌握there be 句型的一般将来时态的结构。教学难点


2.Will people use money in 100 years? Yes, they will./No, they won’t.教学方法

任务型教学法、情景交际法以及自主学习与合作学习相结合 教学步骤 Step1: Lead-in Show students a video about Doraemon.And ask students:Do you know Doraemon? He is a cat robot that comes from the future world to help Nobita.And he has so many different tools from the future.They are magic, right? Do you think people will have robots like him in the future? So, today we are going to talk about the future world in 100 years.(通过卡通视频片段的展示,激发学生的学习热情,提升学生的学习兴趣,为下一步一般将来时态的学习做好铺垫)Step 2: Presentation First, show students some pictures on the screen by ppt.In the future, people will have robots in their homes.And ask students: What about the ages of people in the future? Can you guess? What about the books in the future? Second, put 3 sentences on the screen, ask Ss: what do they have in common? Show the sentence structure.And here is a picture of the future world, please tell me your ideas about the future world by making up sentences.Don’t forget to use the structure of “will+be/do”.Third, go on showing the sentence examples on the screen.Ask students about the pictures: What’s this? Do you think people will still use paper money in the future?

Kids go to school now, but in the future, do you think they will also go to school?

What do they have in common? Show them the sentence structure.Now, can you tell me your ideas about the year 2116 by making up sentences like this? And I will show you an example.Next, go on showing pictures about the nation.What about countries in the future? Now, we have so many countries in the world, but how about the future world? Can you guess its name? Maybe it will be called “the earth village”, do you think so?

There will be what in your home?(利用图片呈现本课功能句型,提升学生的学习兴趣,让学生自主总结功能句型的公式,并对功能句进行造句练习,同时为下一步的听力活动进行铺垫)Step 3: Listening Part

Now, please turn to page 49, we will listen to some predictions about the future.Before listening, read those sentences together to prepare for the listening exercise.(听前朗读听力材料,为下一步的听力练习打下基础,作铺垫。)Then do 1b together.And check the answers together.After checking the answers, the teacher starts with the general question: Now, look at those predictions, can you tell me will people have robots in 100 years? Let the students point out the sentence structure.And how to answer these questions?

Show the conversation between Dora and Nobita on the screen, make the students do the pair work.(在听力材料基础之上引入一般疑问句的概念,让学生自主总结句型结构,并拓展there will be 句型的一般疑问句,在此基础上进行口语练习)Step 4: Listening Work on 2a and 2b Have students look at the pictures on screen.There are many people in Dora’s life on the earth.(many/much---more)(few---fewer)(little—less)(完成第二个听力任务之前,通过图片对重点词汇more/fewer/less的导入,为之后的听力任务进行语言铺垫)Let students do 2a and 2b, and check the answers.Step5: Speaking Exercise.Students will do the job in a group of four.The whole class will be divided into 4 teams.A student from each team will choose a topic for their teams.And the teacher will give students some charts to fill in.They should give a report in front of the class by four of them.You will work in a group of four.And here are some charts to help you.Please try to fill in the chart I give you and then you four will give us a report.(通过自己选择口语话题,增添学生学习的积极主动性。通过小组合作学习的方式,调动学生的学习热情,同时通过调查表格的方式以任务型的教学方式对学生进行引导与帮助,创设情境,进行口语功能句的练习)。


in the future

live to be 200 years old

won’t= will not

predictions about the future many/much –more

few-fewer little-less

Unit 7 Will people have robots?

Section A 1a—2c 1.People will have robots in their homes 2.People won’t use money.3.There will be only one country.4.Will people have robots in their homes?

Yes, they will / No, they won’t 5.Will there be only one country?

10.初二上词组3(人教版八年级英语上册教案教学设计) 篇十

科 目 英语 设 计 者 时志芳 学校 郭店一中 授课班级 学生人数 课 题 Review of unit1-unit2 A

课 型 复习授课日期








1.能够运用一下句型进行交流: 1)-Where did you go on vacation?

-I went to New York City.2)-Did you go with anyone?

-Yes, I went with my mother.2.动词的规则和不规则变化 3.听力训练



2、针对目标二,采用小组展示的方式进行测评; 3.听力训练运用任务型教学。





七、教学流程设计 Step1.复合不定代词 A、单数形式


Is everyone here today? 今天,大家都到齐了吗?

2、当要对一群人讲话时,可使用以复合不定代词作主语的祈使句,句中的动词用原形。如: Nobody move!= Don’t anybody move!都别动!B、替代问题


1、含-one和-body等指人的复合代词,其代词应该是he/she, him/her,其-‘s属格形式的代词应该是his/her, his/hers。如:

Everyone has his/her own words.每个人都有他(她)自己的说辞。


Something goes wrong, doesn’t it? 出问题了,是吗? Step2.Review the key words and sentences 1.买些特别的东西_______





6.在购物中心_________ 7.如此…以至于…____________

8.跳上跳下_____________ 8.我感觉我是一只鸟._______________________________ 9.一天的差异是多么大呀!___________________________ Step3.Group work and summary and then share with others Step4.Exercise 八.作业设计 按要求转换句型。

1.She went to the mountains yesterday.(就划线部分提问)_________________________________________________ 2.We studied for exams last weekend.(变为否定句)__________________________________________________

3.They played soccer just now.(变为一般疑问句)__________________________________________________ 4.How was your summer vacation?(写出同义句)What ___________ your summer vacation __________ ? 5.I was born in 1990.(写出该句的问句)_________ ___________ you born? A.用所给词的正确形式填空。.1.Our train ride to Kunming was __________(relax).2.I was unhappy because the people there were _______(friend).3.The girl _________ much time __________(watch)TV last term.(上学期)4.What did they go to the _________(mountain)for? 5.It’s winter now.Many birds are _________(fly)to the south.6.We always have fun _________(learn)English.7.That day the weather _________(be not)hot nor cold.8.She always ________(walk)to school last year because she ________(has)no bike.9.What day _________(be)it yesterday? _________ you __________(has)a PE class? 10.The bus is too ___________(crowd).I decide ____________(wait)for the next bus.九.板书设计:
