


1.module11unit2学案 篇一



外研版《新标准英语》第二册Module3 Unit2 I don’t like riding bikes.安丘市青云山小学 刘国玲

一.教案背景: 1.面向学生:小学

2.学科:英语 外研社(三起)《新标准英语》三年级下册 3.课时:第二课时 4.学生课前准备:(1)预习生词:

swimming, skipping, riding bikes(2)通过百度搜索引擎【%2Fd%2Fd%2F%25e5%259f%25ba%25e7%25a1%2580%25e5%259b%25be%25e5%25ba%2593%2F%25e4%25ba%25ba%25e7%2589%25a9%25e5%259b%25be%25e5%25ba%2593%2F%25e5%25a5%25b3%25e6%2580%25a7%25e5%25a5%25b3%25e4%25ba%25ba%2Fc%2Fjpg%2F17-wehgwhggevwg%2520%2528125%2529.jpg&fromURLippr_z2C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3Fooo_z%26e3B4yrf1_z%26e3Bv54_z%26e3BvgAzdH3F1jpwtsAzdH3F%3F9cbc0l&W600&H903&T12471&S82&TPjpg***78_R&ic=0&s=&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn8&-1&di84534702400&***7_2.jpg&fromURLippr_z2C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3Fooo_z%26e3Bgtrtv_z%26e3Bv54AzdH3Ffi5oAzdH3F8AzdH3F89AzdH3Fmd8ndlbb89vju8cu_z%26e3Bip4s&W1024&H683&T8518&S184&TPjpg

(4)做单词认读游戏:老师把单词卡贴在教室的不同位置,让较好的同学说单词,其他同学边做动作边指向单词卡。也要以让同学模仿动作,其他同学边说单词边指向单词卡。IV.Learn the new text:(1)Listen and point.(2)Listen and repeat twice.(3)Learn the chant.(4)Learn the letters using the letter cards.V.课堂活动:

1.Read the text in groups then ask several groups to read in roles.2.Divide the students into two groups.One group read Part 1, the other group read Part 2.(Have a match)VI.达标测试:


1.skipping 2.table tennis 3.swimming 4.riding bikes


()I like skipping.()I don’t like skipping.【百度搜索】:***87_R&ic=0&s=&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn26&-1&di275404100400&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2F%2Fm72%2F156%2F016%2F1560160002.jpg&fromURLippr_z2C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3Fooo_z%26e3Bri5p5ri5p5_z%26e3BvgAzdH3Ffij3tp7h7AzdH3F4jt65g2i7wzi7wg2AzdH3Fh7wtsjxtw525g2zi7AzdH3F8cma8maaad_z%26e3Bip4&W600&H896&T8462&S316&TPjpg()I like swimming.()I don’t like swimming.VII.点评总结: 1.总结教学内容。

2.对同学或小组的表现进行评价。VIII.Homework : 1.抄写单词swimming.Skipping, riding bikes及字母。2.Recite the text.八、教学设计:

Module 3 Unit 2 I don’t like riding my bike.I like swimming / skipping.I don’t like skipping / riding my bike.九、教学反思:


2.module11unit2学案 篇二

外研英语七年级module1 unit2教案「广西适用」

Module 1 People and places Unit 2 They’re going to the opera. 教 学 设 计 教学内容 Unit 2 They’re going to the opera. 教材分析 The reading passage has so much information, and there are quite a few new words in it. This will help to improve students’ reading skill. 教学目标 To get information from reading material about what people are doing in different places. To get to know how to write a postcard. 教学重点 Reading ability: read for details. Vocabulary: thing, restaurant, wash, start, hot dog. Key points: put on, at this moment, leave work, at home, get dressed, look at, see you soon Additional new words: supper, who Difficult sentence: Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet. (Some are going to see an opera or watch a ballet.) 设计思路 Encourage the students to predict what the text will be about by reading the title .. Ask the students to read for details. Encourage the students to find out how to write a postcard by reading the post card. 教师活动 学生活动 教 学 流 程 教 学 流 程 1. 情 景 导 入 Review what they have learned from last lesson. 1. Ask Ss to do some actions. 2. The others talk about what they are doing. Some students would be asked to do some actions. Then the others talk about what they are doing. 2. 知 识 新 授 Vocabulary and sentence structure 1.Words guessing 2.Say what the people in the photos are doing. Students are supposed to match the new words with picture in Part 1 on Page 4, and to be able to read the new words, and then to know the meanings of the words. 3. 情 景 操 练 Ask the students to read the title on Page 4 and Part 2 on Page 5, then guess what will the text talk about. After that, ask students to read and find out information . Then ask students to finish part3 on page5. Pre-task activity: Pair work Read the title on Page 4 . Then discuss in pairs to guess what the text will talk about. After discussion, some students should be asked to tell the whole class about their guessing. While-task activity 1: Individual work Read the text and underline the words. While-task activity 2: Group work Work in groups of 4-6 to complete Part 2and3 on Page 5. Post-task activity: Group work Present their answers. 4. 情 景 回 归 Text explanation Discuss the sentences in the text, and try to get familiar with the words and phrases. 板书(或课 件)设计 Unit 2 They’re going to the opera. Key points: put on, at this moment, leave work, at home, get dressed, look at, see you soon Additional new words: supper, who Difficult sentence: Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet. 作业布置 1. Reading on Page 4and page90 2. Buying a new postcard FOR next lesson. 教学反思 Reading skill should be the focus of teaching in this unit. 随缘心语欢迎您!

3.module11unit2学案 篇三

Module 2 unit 2 What are you doing教案


能听、说、认读表示正在发生的动词短语:reading a book/watching TV/listening to music并能在日常生活中运用。能听懂,会说句型:what are you doing ? I am...,并在实际情景中运用。培养学生探究能力,鼓励学生积极思维,挖掘语言的创造和运用能力。


教学重点:what are you doing ?I am...并询问对方讲述自己正在发生的事情,及回答时动词的ing形式的使用。新授词组及单词listen to、read。

教学难点:what are you doing ?I am...和 what is she/he doing..?She/he is...在真实情景中综合运用。


1、知识目标:能听懂、会说本课句型“What are you doing? I’m„”








Step1.Warming up


2、Let’s do.T: talking to her friend, playing with a toy, writing a letter, taking pictures.”

Ss: Do the actions.(老师先发指令,学生做动作,再利用多媒体课件依次播放图片,让学生看图说出完整的句子, 如:He’s „/ She’s„).Step2.Presentation

1、老师先示范“看电视”的动作,让学生跟着做动作,边做边说:“I’m watching TV.”师适时提问:“What are you doing?”引导学生回答:“I’m watching TV.”

2、老师再分别示范“听音乐和读书”的动作,让学生跟着做动作,边做边说:“I’m listening to music./I’m reading a book.”(老师采用升降调讲授新单词:listen to、read.)并展开对话:

T: What are you doing? Ss: What are you doing? Ss: I’m listening to music.T: I’m reading a book.3、Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Q1: What is Sam doing? Q2: What is Amy doing? Q3: What is Tom doing? Step 3 Consolidation

1、Play a game “I act, you guess.”

一个学生做动作,另一个学生躲在其身后, 全班齐问What are you doing? S2根据动作猜出并回答:“I’m„”教师让全班同学评出最佳默契奖,并以stickers奖励。

2、Play a game again“find your friend.”


3、Listen and try to sing, then do the actions.Step 4 Summary

4.module11unit2学案 篇四


Module 2Unit2 How many icecreams do you want? 教学目标:

认知目标:单词:cheesekilolist 句型:Howmanyicecreamsdoyouwant? Howmuchcheesedoyouwant? Howmuchisitgoingtocost? 能力目标:使学生学会如何询问数量,如何购物。

教学重点:Howmany/much...doyouwant? 教学难点:Howmuchisitgoingtocost? 教学准备:课件,图片,单词卡片等。教学设想:step1:Warmer: 1.GreetingsandsingWearegoingtohaveapicnic.2.出示课件A“一分钟十问十答”step2:Teachingandlearning1.Newwords




(5)Game:Moreorle 课件F依次出示三种物品,找一个学生上教室前面来背对屏幕猜价钱,其它同学根据他说出的价钱说more或le来给他提Step3:Drill1.T:TodayisMid-Autummnday.Letshaveapartyattonight.But,thereothing.Letsmakealistatfrist.Andthen,letsgoshoing.1.让学生6人自由结组,并发给他们每组一张纸,让学生先来列一个清单。待学生列好清单后,利用实物投影展示几组。大家一起看一看,说一说清单上都有什么东西。




5.module11unit2学案 篇五


2、培养学生积极乐观的心态,以及对生活充满热情和期待的生活态度。教学重难点 教学重点:

巩固复习本模块的词汇:had, phone, cook, really, wash, did, didn’t, computer, love, him, Mrs, Miss 能够熟练地用动词原形+ ed的结构来描述过去的动作 教学难点;能够熟练地用动词原形+ ed的结构来描述过去的动作 教学准备

1、与教材内容相关的课件、声音、图片等多媒体素材。 教学过程

一、热身(Warming up)师生之间相互问候,进行自由对话,如 T:Good morning/ afternoon, everyone!: S: Cood morning/aftemoon, teacher.T :How are you today? S: I`m fine.Thank you.T:I hope each of you have a nice day!S:The same to you!T:Can you remember the new words in Module 7? S:Yes,had, phone, cook, really, wash, did, didn’t, computer, love, him, Mrs, Miss 2.教师带领学生复习本模块的新单词和重点句型,进行造句练习


教师带领学生大声朗读Listen and say.Then chant部分歌词理解歌词大意,教师可以请学生来翻译,教师进行补充讲解。s 让学生找出歌瑶中的动词过去式:walked,talked, looked, laughed, played, danced, jumped, stopped。再次朗读这些动词过去式的中英文。教师播放歌谣的录音,学生跟读,模仿发音和节奏

将学生分成五组,分别吟诵这首歌谣,要求学生在演唱时根据歌词意思加上适当的动作,比一比哪一组表现最好 活动二:传话游戏 教师引导学生看Follow 了解游戏的规则。


三、模块任务(Task)学生画出如Do and say部分的表格,然后询问班上的至少十位同学,调査这些同学在周一到周日做了什么事情。




板书设计Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish? I cooked nkkdles yesterday Oh,really? I holped Mum and I washed clothes What about Sam? 动词过去式:walked, talked, looked, laughed, played, danced, jumped, stopped

6.module11unit2学案 篇六


Teaching Aims:

1. Have Ss enhance their reading abilities

2. Have Ss gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to adopt different reading strategies.

Teaching Focus:

1. Help Ss know some knowledge about English language and its history.

2. Help Ss learn some language items.

Teaching Process:

Step1. Lead-in

As we all know, we Chinese students learn English as our foreign language. Are you good at English?

What do you think is the most difficult part of studying English---pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary or something else?

Do you think English has always stayed the same? Give some examples. (Long time no see.)

Step2. Skimming

Now we know that English has not always stayed the same. I think everything develops in the history. So English has a developing history. In our text book there is a passage about it. Now let’s look at it. Please turn to page 22. Skim the passage and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A.

Check the answers as a class.


Listen to the tape and get more detailed information in the reading. Please look at Part C1 and answer these five questions.

Check the answers as a class.

More detailed questions. Look at C2 and fill in the blanks.

Check the answers as a class.

Step4.Looking at the Reading Strategy and answer the questions.

What should you notice? Why?

Answers: dates, years, e.g. the 5th century…help you understand a sequence or events and how pieces of information relate to the text.

What can you do when you read a history article?

Answers: Make a time chart, listening relevant information such as times, places and events…

Step5.Reread the reading and look at the following chart to list information such as times and events.

Time Events

Before the middle of the 5th century People in Britain all speak a language called Celtic.

At the end of the 9th century The Vikings invaded Britain and brought their language.

By the 10th century Old English was the official language of England

In 1066 The Normans conquered England and took control of the country.

By the latter half of the 14th century English was adopted by all classes in England.

In 1399 Henry IV became King of England and used English for all official occasions.

During the Renaissance in the 16th century Modern English began.

Step6.Now let’s look at some exercise about True or False.

1. Old English consisted of an Anglo-Saxon base plus words from the languages of French and Norway. F

2. In 1066, the Normans took control of the country and English was replaced with French. F

3. The words for most animals come from old English just because the animals were raised and cooked by English servants. T

4. English was used for all official occasions after the Norman Conquest. F

5. People from different places sometimes misunderstand each other though they both speak English. T


1. Do you think it possible for Chinese to be the most widely used language some day? Why or why not?

2. Language borrows words from each other. Please list some of them.

Chinese words from English: 咖啡,沙发,模特儿,摩登,引擎,三明治,汉堡等

English words from Chinese: PingPong, Kongfu, tofu,etc.


1. Read the reading after class.

7.module11unit2学案 篇七


建议_________快地,迅速地__________激动的,兴奋的_____________ 美国中国人种类龙Passage 1

My name is Mary.I am eleven.Ted is my brother.He is thirteen.We are in the same school.My mother is a teacher.She is a teacher in our school.My father is a teacher, too.He is a Chinese teacher in a college.I have a cat.Its name is Miaomiao.It 相同的圆,圆圈


What about…? =How about………怎么样? Why don’t you…? 为什么不……呢? Come quickly!快来!go to America去美国 in the summer在夏天

the same as… 和……一样 I think so.我认为是这样。

I don’t think so.我认为不是这样。What kind of kite?什么种类的风筝?




4.我想要为我表弟带一个礼物。5.你建议什么呢? 6.筷子怎么样?


四、Unit 2

----Is Line A longer?----No, it isn’t.----Is Line A shorter?----No, it isn’t.----Is Line A the same as Line B?----Yes, it is.----Can you see a vase?----Yes, I can.----Can you see two heads?----Yes, I can.----Can you see a vase and two heads?----Yes, I can.----Is Circle A bigger?----No, it isn’t.----Is Circle A smaller?----No, it isn’t.----Is Circle A the same as Circle B?----Yes, it is.(No, I can’t.)is white.It is a nice cat.We are good friends.()1.I am twelve.()2.Ted is Mary’s brother.()3.Ted and I are in the same class.()4.My parents are teachers.()5.I have a cat.Passage 2

This is a Chinese gird.Her name is Wu Yan.She is a new student.She is in Yuying Middle School.She is in Class One, Grade Two.Bill is an American boy.He is eleven.He is Yuying Middle School, too.Miss Li is their PE teacher.She is a good teacher.(A.a Chinese American girl English girl

()2.She is astudent.A.goodB.newC.old()3.Bill is A.a Chinese American boyC.a good boy

()4.Their PEis Miss Li.A.friendB.teacherC.student()5.Miss Li is a good.A.teacherB.studentC.boy

8.module11unit2学案 篇八

New words:

1. invisible a. 看不见的 vision 视力 television 电视

2. courtyard n. 院子 court 法庭 yard院子 graveyard 坟场

3. shift vt. 移动 we shifted the furniture.

Vi. 转变=change the wind shifted to the west.

N. 轮班 I was on the night shift that day. 那天我值夜班。

4. wander: vi, vt 漫步,徘徊 wander (in) the street 逛街

wonder n. 奇迹,奇怪 v. 猜想

work wonders 创造奇迹

(It is) no wonder that …难怪

I’m wondering if I can use your bike.

5. official-looking 貌似官方的 good-looking 相貌好看的 plain-looking 相貌普通的

6. a stack of 一堆 a pile of 一堆

7. bow n. vi 鞠躬

bow n. 弓,蝴蝶结 arrow 箭

8. tear n. 眼泪 burst into tears

v. 撕 tear the letter into pieces

9. chase vt. n. 追逐,追赶

we are like the police chasing a thief. 我们就像警察抓小偷一样。

10. emergency n. 紧急情况,紧急事件

Will you excuse me a moment? I have an emergency to deal with.

In case of emergency, sound the alarm. 万一有紧急情况,请拉响警报。

11. burst vi 爆发

burst into tears/laughter/cheers(欢呼)/anger(大发雷霆)

burst out crying/laughing/cheering

burst in: vi break in: vi

burst into: vt break into: vt

Suddenly a gang of bandits broke in.

broke into the house 突然一群土匪闯了进来。

12. stare at 盯 glare at 瞪

glance at 瞥一眼 catch a glimpse of 瞥见

13. hold out ①拿出,伸出②坚持,维持

He held out a hand and stopped a taxi.

How long can our oil hold out?

Difficult points in the text.

1. Do you know how much work it takes to perform a play? 这里的work意为“需要”

Mastering a foreign language takes time and practice.

2. character ①[C]人物,角色,汉字②[U]性格;特征

There are many characters in this play, but they all have different character.

类似地difficulty: ①[C]难点,难事

②[U]困难 have difficulty in doing sth.

Experience ①[C] 经历②[U]经验

Do you have any difficulties about the article?

3. Can I join you?

Why not join us?

Join us in the discussion/walk

4. make room for 为…腾出空地 room 为[U],意为空间

There is no room left for putting the piano.

The old houses were pulled down/torn down to make room for a new building.

5. Mind if I sit down? 我坐下你介意吗?

此句为省略句 (do you)mind if I sit down?

常见的还有(I) hope you don’t mind.

(I) Hope you like it.

(It’s) Time to get up.

(It) sounds like a good idea.

6. throw at 砸向 he throws a stone at the dog.

Throw to: 扔给 he threw some bananas to the monkey.

Shout at 大嚷 she shouted at him, “get out of here.”

Shout to: 大喊 she shouted to us in the distance

7. tear the paper in two/ into halves

8. empty-handed a. + n. + ed.

Cold-blooded 冷面的 white-haired 白发的 narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的 left-handed 左撇子

9. way out 出路

9.module11unit2学案 篇九

Task one Choose the best answers

1. Dolly the sheep __________

A. looked exactly like the sheep that provides the egg.

B. was the exactly copy of the sheep that provides the nucleus.

C. look like the sheep that gave birth to it.

D. had the characteristics of all the three sheep.

2. How many female sheep are involved in the cloning? ___________

A. Four. B. Three. C. Two. D. One.

3. In the second paragraph, the word “straightforward” means ____.

A. uncomplicated B. honest C. frankD. difficult

4. Which of the following is not an advantage of cloning?

A. Cloning can be used for medical purposes.

B. Large quantities of food can be produced by cloning.

C. Famous persons who have passed away can be cloned.

D. Cloning can help keep animals from becoming extinct.

5. Which of the follow is NOT a problem or danger of cloning mentioned in the text?

A. Evil leaders may want to clone themselves.

B. Animal clones may develop the illness of older animals and may die younger than the donor animals.

C. There are moral objections to cloning human beings.

D. Too much cloning may lead to the destruction of the balance of nature.

6. The sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably live_____ years.

A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 13

7. What is the writing style?

A. Expositive. B. Descriptive. C. Argumentative.

8. The writer’s reaction towards cloning is____

A. Positive B. Negative C. neutral /Objective

Task two Find the phrases in the text and remember them

1.从---受益(P10下) __________________ 2.问题出现(P10下) __________________


4. 从生长着的植物上剪下枝条来______________________________________________________________________

5. 在性别和相貌上完全相同_____________________________________________

6. 自然克隆现象______________________ 思考: 人造克隆__________________

7. 两大用途___________________________________________________________

8. 用来生产大量的供商用的植物_________________________________________

9. 科学家的决心和耐心最终得到了回报___________________________________

10. 从…中取出(2个 图下小字)________________ ________________


12. 令人烦扰的消息_____________________13. 使沮丧_____________________

14. 适合于---的;适当的________________________________________________

15. 一方面….另一方面….. ______________________ ________________________

16. 引起了一阵强烈反对________________________________________________

17. 对媒体产生巨大的影响______________________________________________

18. 打开人们对…的眼界________________________________________________

Task three Fill in the blanks

Cloning is a way of making an_________ copy of another animal or plant. It can be used to clone plants and ___________. Cloning plants is _____________ while cloning animals is very _____________. However, the determination and patience of the scientists ________ _______with the birth of Dolly. But then came the _____________news that Dolly had become seriously ill. The fact ________ Dolly lived six, half the length of the life _________ __________ the cloning scientists. Dolly’s appearance _______ a storm of objections and had a great __________on the media and the public imagination. Scientists still wonder ____________cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.

Reading 课内探究案


I. What is the main idea of the passage?

The passage tells us that____________ cloning raised ______________and scientists are not sure about its_____________.

III. Fast reading: True or false.

1. Cloning means making a copy of an animal or a plant. ( )

2. Gardeners can make a lot of money by cloning plants. ( )

3. Cloning animals is as complicated as cloning plants. ( )

4. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal. ( )

5. Natural clones happen in animals as well as in plants. ( )

IV. Number the main ideas of the paragraphs.

___.Cloning has two major uses and successful clone.

___.Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant(definition)

___. The effect of Dolly.

___. It is forbidden to clone human beings.

___.The problems of Dolly.


Step one Find answers to the following questions

1. Read para1 and answer the following questions.

1) What is cloning?

2) How cloning happens in plants?

3) What about in animals?

2. Read para2 and answer the following questions.

1) What are the two major uses of cloning?

2) Why is it easier to make commercial plant clones than animal clones?

3. Read the procedure of cloning Dolly the sheep and translate it into Chinese.

4. Read para3 and 4 and finish the following table.

Way of birth

Life span

Cause of death

Reflections on Dolly

5. Read para5 and describe different attitudes towards human cloning..

Step two Discussion

Read the whole passage again and fill in the following chart.

Problems or dangers of cloning Advantages of cloning

Step three Translation

1. Cloning has always been with us and is here to stay.

2. It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones. It also happens in animals when twins identical in sex and appearance are produced from the same original egg.

3. But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off in with a breakthrough-the cloning of Dolly the sheep.

4. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal.

5. The questions that concerned all scientists were: “Would this be a major difficulty for the cloned animals? ……”

6. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination.

7. It suddenly opened everybody’s eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illness and even to produce human beings.

8. Governments became nervous and more conservative. Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning, but other countries like China and the UK, continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide.


1. It is a difficult task to undertake. 译文:__________________________________________

句中it 是形式主语吗?_________ 它具体指代什么?__________________________


2. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. 译文: _____________________________________________________________________ 本句是部分倒装还是全部倒装?_____ 什么规则让它倒装?____________________________

that 引导________ 从句,可以省略吗?________

3. Could it be solved if corrections were made on their research procedure?译文: _____________________________________________________________________

4. Find a sentence to replace the following one:

Suddenly human beings realized that they may cure serious illnesses or clone themselves by means of cloning.


【课后延伸】Improve your writing ability:







Words and expressions


Step one Words

1. differ V 不同,相异

In pairs, look at these pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Explain how they differ.(课文原句)

1) Humans differ from other animals in their ability to speak .

2) The two lawyers differed about how to present the case .


1) differ from… ____________(汉语)

2) differ in … _____________

3) differ with sb about/on sth .____________


Leaves are found on all kinds of trees ,but they differ greatly _______size and shape.

A. on B . from C .by D. in

用介词 from, with, on, about, upon 或 in 填空。

1) We differ _________ him _________ that question.

2) The two nations differ _____________culture and religion.

3) The climate here differ ___________ that of the South.

2.undertake v.着手 ;从事

The procedure is difficult to undertake, of course.(课文原句)

1) I can undertake the responsibility for the changes.


2) He undertook to be our guide .


undertake sth 承担某事

undertake to do sth 许诺做某事/ 同意做某事

undertake that …保证…

undertaking ( n ) 用单数/任务/事业/保证


(1) He will ___________________ next month (去旅行).

(2) He ________________________________ (承担了一项新任务).

3.forbid vt.禁止,不准,不许

Governments became nervous and many forbade research into human cloning.各国政府恐慌不安, 有许多政府命令禁止克隆人类的研究。(课文原句)

1) Smoking should be forbidden in public places.公共场所应禁止吸烟。

2)Lack of space forbids further treatment of the topic here.因篇幅所限,此处不便对本题作进一不步阐述。

3)Her father forbids her wine. = Her father forbids her to drink wine.

forbid sth. / doing sth./ sb. to do sth./ sb. (from)doing sth./ sb. sth/ that…(should) do


(1) The school ___________________________________ (禁止学生吸烟).

(2) He is forbidden to _______________________________ (进入这个房间).

4.obtain vt 获得,得到。

近义词辨析:obtain, acquire, get, gain

obtain knowledge (result, prizes ,approval)获得知识(结果,奖品,承认)经过努力获得。get 为最常用语,gain 指需要做出比obtain 更大的努力才能获得,还有增加重量之意。acquire 指经过努力获得的语言,技术等抽象的东西。


1) 用这种方法,你可以得到好的结果。


2) No pains, no __________.

Step two Phrases

1. cast down 沮丧 ,不愉快

Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illness were more appropriate to a much older animal.


be cast down = feel discouraged cast away丢弃, 抛弃, 使失事, 使漂流

cast off 放弃;丢弃, 摆脱 cast out赶走, 驱逐



(1) 听到这个消息他很沮丧。


(2) 发现事情的真相使他很沮丧。

________________________________________________ off 得到好结果,取得成功,偿清

1)Two hundred workers have been paid off .

2) Lily studied hard before the exam, and it paid off, he made an A.


pay sth off 还清 pay sb back for sth 因….报复/惩罚某人 pay sb back sth 还某人某物 pay for sth 付…的钱


(1) 下周我将还你的钱。 ____________________________________________

(2)___________________(他的努力没有白费)when the girl accepted his proposal .



1. The brothers d_____ widely in their tastes.

2. The question is quite s_______ , while that one is much more complicated.

3. It is quite d_____ to hear the bad news.

4.The film was a _____ (商业的)success.

5.I’d like to come, too, if you have no _____(反对).


1.At the beginning, he was against my proposal. However, in the end, he changed his mind.

At first he hesitated about my suggestion , but he _____ ______ agreed.

2.Later they learnt that an earthquake had taken place in that area.

Then ______ _____ _____ that the area had been hit by an earthquake.

3.Although he was not strong, he joined in the work.

_____ ______ _____ weakness, he took part in the work.

4.We are still far from being able to clone extinct animals.

We are still _____ _____ _____ from being able to clone extinct animals.

5.They don’t know if the new policy is in their favor.

They _____ _____ this new policy can bring benefit to them.


1. 人与动物的不同之处在于人能说话。(differ)

2.他为克隆承担全部责任。 (undertake)

3.作为惩罚,他被禁止克隆人类。 (forbid)

4.受到这样的惩罚,他很沮丧。 (cast down )

5.最后他的努力没有白费。 (pay off )

Using language


Step one Important words and expressions:

1. vt 打;击__________________ 2. initial _____________________

3. vt. 抵抗:抵制_____________ 4.reasonable__________________

5. n. 缺点;不利条件___________ 6.from time to time_____________

7. vt 崇拜;爱慕______________ 8. in vain______________________

9. Phr. 状况很好/坏____________ 10. bring back to life _____________

Step two Crazy reciting

1. From time to time people suggest that extinct animals like dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life through cloning.


2. All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain if there’s not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses.


a) But in fact we are a long way from being able to clone extinct animals.


b) Unfortunately, with what we know now, this is either impossible or unsuitable.



Read the text and finish the three questions:

Give reasons why it is either impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals

Reason 1:_________________________________________________________

Reason 2:_________________________________________________________

Reason 3:_________________________________________________________


Step one Read the text, and then tell whether the following sentences are true or false.

1. Scientists are still experimenting with cloning mammals because they think it can

make money.

2.The animals that have disappeared from the earth, like dinosaurs, can be brought

back to life through cloning.

3. If we can clone any extinct animals, we should let them live in a zoo.

Step two Analyze and translate the following sentences.

1. The popularity of films such as Jurassic Park, in which a scientist clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and excitement into people’s hearts.


2. The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die, but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation.



The reason ______________________________________is __________________, no one can look after his sick mother.

3. Based on what we know now, you cannot done animals that have been extinct longer than 10, 000 years.

_____________________________________________________________________ 精讲点拨

Words and phrases

1. strike vt, vi (struck. struck) 打;撞击

课文原句:The popularity of films such as Jurassic Park, in which a scientist clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and excitement into people’s hearts.

(1) The clock has just struck three. ____________

(2) They struck for better working conditions._____________

(3) The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera._______________

(4) An awful thought has just struck me.

(5) Struck by her beauty, I fell in love with her at the first sight._____________

(6) Strike a match____________

(7) Strike while the iron is hot. __________________________________

2.resist vt 对抗;抵制

课文原句:The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die, but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to their children.

pass on…to…________________resist v ___________

resist sth. __________________resist doing sth. ___________________

can’t resist doing sth. _____________________

3. in vain 白费力气;枉费心机

课文原句:All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses.

In vain did they try to persuade her to go



1. 他体重超重,健康状况不佳。

He is overweight and ________________________.

2. 我们所有的努力都付诸东流。


3. 我突然想到我们如何能改善局面了。


Unit 2 Book 8 Cloning

Reading 预习案

Task one 1-8 BBACDDAC

Task two 1. benefit from 2. problems arise 3. an exact copy of 4. take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones 5. identical in sex and appearance 6. natural clones man-made clones 7. two major uses 8. use it to produce commercial quantities of plants 9. at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off 10. remove … from take … out of 11. follow the progress of the first successful clone 12. the disturbing news 13. cast down 14. be appropriate to 15.on the one hand … on the other hand 16. raise a storm of objections 17. have a great impact on the media 18. open everybody’s eyes

Task three exact; animals; straightforward; complicated; paid off; disturbing; that; cast down; raised; impact; whether

Reading 课内探究案


I. animal; arguments; future


III. 2. 1. 4. 5. 3


Step one

1. 1)Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant.

2) It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing plants to make new ones.

3) It happens in animals when identical in sex and appearance are produced from the same original egg.

2. 1) Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial quantities of plants. Secondly it is valuable for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals.

2) Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very complicated.


Way of birth Cloning

Life span Six and a half years

Cause of death Illness appropriate to a much older animal

Reflections on Dolly Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. It suddenly opened everybody’s eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illness and even to produce human beings.

5. Religious leaders raised normal questions. Governments became nervous and more conservative. Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning, but other countries like China and UK continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. Some evil leaders hoped to clone themselves to attain their ambitions.

Step two Discussion

Problems or dangers of cloning Advantages of cloning

Animal clones may develop the illness of older animals. Medical cloning could produce cures for serious illness in humans.

Animal clones may die younger than the cloner animals. Cloning plants can produce plants of similar quality for sale.

Evil leaders may want to clone themselves. Cloning plants can be useful for research on new plant species.

There are moral objections to cloning human beings. Cloning can help save endangered animals.

Step three Translation

1. 克隆一直与我们同在,而且它还要持续下去。

2. 当园艺师从生长着的植物上剪下枝条来培植新植物时, 就会产生这种现象。这种现象也发生在动物身上,从用一个原生卵子产生性别和相貌相同的双胞胎也是克隆。

3. 但是,科学家的决心和耐心最终得到了回报,这就是具有突破性的克隆羊“多莉”的诞生。

4. 接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息。研究克隆的科学家发现多莉得的病更容易发生在年老的羊身上,这让他们很沮丧。

5. 科学家们的脑海里产生的问题是“这是不是所有克隆动物的一个主要困难呢?这种现象会不会永远发生?如果改进研究程序,问题会不会解决?”

6. 另一方面,多莉羊的出现引起了一阵强烈的反对,对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了极大的影响。

7. 它突然打开了人们的眼界,看到了有可能利用克隆技术来治疗重病,甚至还有可能克隆出人类。

8. 各国政府惶恐不安而且更加谨慎。有些政府开始改革司法制度,明令禁止进行克隆人类的研究,但是其他国家,如中国和英国,则仍然在继续收集克隆技术有可能提供丰富的医疗救助的证据。


1. 那是一项很难完成的任务。不是,指代cloning animals,后置定语。

2. 接着传来了多利病重的坏消息。全倒装,当表示方位或时间先后的副词放句首,谓语动词是不及物动词时,通常使用全部倒装。同位语,不可。

3. 如果改进克隆程序,问题能否被解决呢?

4. It suddenly opened everybody’s eyes to the possibility of using cloning to cure serious illness and even to produce human beings.


Today our class had a heated discussion about cloning, during which we are eager to give our own comments on its problems and express our own opinions. Generally, we have the following two major different opinions:

Some students who are for cloning think it brings more advantages than disadvantages. In their opinion, cloning is a great breakthrough in human scientific world of 21st century. Human beings can use it to produce quantities of good plans and animals, to save rare and endangered species, to keep the balance of nature and to develop new medicines for kinds of human illnesses.

While the rest oppose cloning, thinking it results in the early death of animals. They hold the opinion that cloning animals without plan can destroy the balance of nature and spread some illnesses. Some evil leaders may clone themselves by means of it and lead to a great disaster to human beings.

Words and expressions


differ from …不同于 2.differ in …在…不同,相异 3.differ with sb about/on sth 与….在哪方面有差异


1.D (1)with /about (2) in (3) from

2.undertake V 即时应用

(1)He will undertake a journey.

(2) He undertook a new project.


即时应用(1)forbids smoking (2) enter the room


1)By this means ,you obtain good results .

2)No pains ,no gains .

Step two Phrases

cast down

Hearing the news ,he was cast down .

He was cast down to find the truth .

pay off

1)I will pay you back next week .

2)His efforts paid off ….



1. differ 2.straightforward 3.disturbing 4.commerical 5. objection

二.句型转换 last 2.came to the news 3.Despite of his 4.a long way

5.wonder whether


Humans differ from other animals in their ability to speak .

He undertook full responsibility for cloning .

He was forbidden to clone humans as a punishment .

He was cast down because of the punishment .

At last ,his efforts paid off .

Using language


Step one 1. strike 2. 最初的;开始的3. resist 4. 合理的5. drawback 6. 不时7. adore 8. 枉费心机 9. in good/poor condition 10. 使复活


I. 1. You need perfect DNA

2. There is not enough diversity for cloned animals to overcome new diseases.

3. It would be unfair to clone any extinct animals if they would have to live in a zoo.


Step one. FFF

Step two.

1. 在《侏罗纪公园》这部影片中,有一位科学家克隆了好几种不同的绝种恐龙。 类似这样的电影受欢迎,证明了这一想法使人们感到既兴奋又恐惧。

2. 其优点是,如果发生了某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死去,而另外一些却能存活下来,而且把这种免疫力传给下一代。

The reason why he doesn’t want to go to college is that if he does, no one can look after his sick mother.

3. 就我们现在所知,你不可能克隆那些已经绝种了一万年以上的动物。


Words and phrases

1.1)报时,敲响 2)罢工 3)(灾难,疾病等)侵袭,爆发 4)想起,想到 5)被…打动 6)划火柴 7)趁热打铁

2. 传递; 留给


resist doing sth. 反对做某事

can’t resist doing sth. 忍不住做某事 vain 放在句首,句子用部分倒装


1. is in poor condition

2. All our efforts were in vain.



