


1.必修2易错易混易考点 篇一

1、文化只包括世界观、人生观、价值观等具有意识形态性质的部分。 ( × )


2、纯粹“自然”的东西也是文化。 ( × )

点拨: 纯粹“自然”的东西不能称为文化。

3、每个人的文化素养都是与生俱来的,不可以后天培养。( × )

点拨: 每个人的文化素养不是天生的,而是通过对社会生活的体验,特别是通过参与文化活动、接受文化知识教育而逐步培养出来的。

4、人们的精神活动离不开物质活动,精神产品离得开物质载体。( × )

点拨:人们的精神活动离不开物质活动,精神产品也凝结在一定的物质载体之中。 文化传承和发展必须通过物质载体。

5、文化会促进社会的发展。( × )

点拨: 先进的、健康的文化会促进社会的发展,落后的、腐朽的文化则会阻碍社会的发展。

6、经济是基础,一定的文化由一定的经济所决定,因此文化与经济的发展是同步的。( × )

点拨: 经济是基础,一定的文化由一定的经济所决定,但这并不意味着文化与经济的发展是同步的。 文化具有自身的传承性和相对独立性,文化可能超前也可能落后于经济的发展。

7、文化在综合国力竞争中的作用越来越重要,是综合国力竞争的基础。( × )

点拨: 文化在综合国力竞争中的作用越来越重要,文化越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,但不是综合国力竞争的基础。 综合国力竞争的基础是经济和科技实力。

8、文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识世界、改造世界的过程中直接转化为物质力量。( × )

点拨: 文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识世界、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量,但不能“直接”转化。 文化作为一种精神力量转化为物质力量必须通过人的实践活动。

2.必修2易错易混易考点 篇二


点拨: 建筑,被称为凝固的艺术。中国古代建筑,是展现中国传统文化的重要标志。文化遗产,是一个国家和民族历史文化成就的重要标志。




点拨: 传统文化自身既有精华又有糟粕,推动社会发展必须取其精华、去其糟粕。传统文化如果能顺应社会生活的变迁,不断满足人们日益增长的精神需求,就能对社会与人的发展起积极作用。如果一成不变,传统文化则会阻碍社会进步。


点拨: 继承和发展是同个过程的两个方面,不是两个过程。


点拨: 思想运动往往催生社会变革,促进文化发展。生产力与生产关系的矛盾运动,决定着社会制度的变化,也决定着文化的发展方向。


点拨: 教育作为人类特有的传承文化的能动性活动,既具有传递文化的特定功能,又具有创造文化的特定功能。




点拨: 汉字和史书典籍是中华文化源远流长的见证。中华文化源远流长的原因在于它所特有的包容性,即求同存异和兼收并蓄。


点拨: 文字的发明,标志着人类进入文明时代。汉字为书写中华文化,传承中华文明,发挥了巨大的作用,是中华文明的重要标志。


点拨: 中华民族是多民族的共同体,中华文化呈现各民族文化的丰富色彩,但这不等于民族文化之间没有共性。中华各民族的文化,既有各自的民族特性,又有中华文化的共性。各兄弟民族的文化相互交融、相互促进,各族人民对共同拥有的中华文化有强烈的认同感和归属感。


点拨: 对于其他民族文化,中华民族敞开其博大的胸怀,发扬其“包容性”的特点,吸收、借鉴其他民族文化中的积极成分,同时必须坚持文化发展的独立性。








点拨: 纯粹“自然”的东西不能称为文化。


点拨: 每个人的文化素养不是天生的,而是通过对社会生活的体验,特别是通过参与文化活动、接受文化知识教育而逐步培养出来的。




点拨: 先进的、健康的文化会促进社会的发展,落后的、腐朽的文化则会阻碍社会的发展。


点拨: 经济是基础,一定的文化由一定的经济所决定,但这并不意味着文化与经济的发展是同步的。文化具有自身的传承性和相对独立性,文化可能超前也可能落后于经济的发展。


点拨: 文化在综合国力竞争中的作用越来越重要,文化越来越成为综合国力竞争的重要因素,但不是综合国力竞争的基础。综合国力竞争的基础是经济和科技实力。


点拨: 文化作为一种精神力量,能够在人们认识世界、改造世界的过程中转化为物质力量,但不能“直接”转化。文化作为一种精神力量转化为物质力量必须通过人的实践活动。


点拨: 文化对人的影响,来自特定的文化环境。处在较好的文化环境中有利于形成较高的文化素养,但不是一定能形成较高的文化素养。


点拨: 文化影响人们的交往行为和交往方式,但不决定人们的交往行为和交往方式。




点拨: 世界观、人生观、价值观是人们文化素养的核心和标志。世界观、人生观、价值观一经形成,就具有确定的方向性,对人的综合素质和终身发展产生深远持久的影响。深远持久是难以抹去、难以改变,但不是不能改变、永久不变。


点拨: 积极参加健康有益的文化活动,不断丰富自身的精神世界,是培养健全人格的重要途径。


点拨: 文化有优秀与落后、健康与腐朽之分,优秀文化能够丰富人的精神世界,增强人的精神力量,促进人的全面发展。


点拨: 优秀文化为人的健康成长提供不可缺少的精神食粮,对促进人的全面发展起着不可替代的作用,但不能说起决定作用。






点拨: 文化多样性是人类社会的基本特征,是步的重要动力。人类社会赖以存在和发展的基础是生产,人类文明进步的根本动力是社会实践。


点拨: 民族文化是一个民族区别于其他民族的独特标志是正确的,但民族文化不是民族生存和发展的物质基础,而是民族生存和发展的精神根基。


点拨: 尊重文化多样性,既要认同本民族文化,又要尊重其他民族文化。对其他民族文化,要尊重但不一定要认同。


点拨: 文化多样性主要是指不同民族、不同国家都有自己独特的文化。尊重文化多样性,要遵循各民族文化一律平等的原则,或者各国文化一律平等的原则。但文化有先进与落后、健康与腐朽之分,因此各民族文化一律平等不等于各种文化一律平等。


点拨: 大众传媒能够最大程度地超越时空的局限,汇集来自世界各地的信息,日益显示出文化传递、沟通、共享的强大功能,是文化传播的主要手段而非主要途径。文化传播的重要途径有商业贸易、人口迁徙、教育等。注意区分文化传播的途径和文化传播的手段。


点拨: 新的传媒的出现,并不意味着旧的传媒的消失,各种传媒都在文化传播中发挥着重要作用。



3.必修2易错易混易考点 篇三


第二单元 把握世界的本质











































③真理是主观的。真理是客观的,真理的内容是客观的,检验真理标准的实践也是客观的。12.认识的特性: ①认识具有反复性。从认识的主体和客体两个角度来说明,强调认识的过程不是一帆风顺的,常常与谬误相伴而行。

4.[历年真题]易混易错选择题 篇四

1. ①study hard , you’ll succeed.

②study hard, you’ll fail.

a. unless b. or

c. but d. and

2. ①he lived in the city of beijing there’s a zhong guan cun.

②he lived in the city of beijing and there’s a zhong guan cun .

a. in that b. in it

c. where d. wherever

3. ①it’s nine o’clock we got to the station.

②it’s at nine o’clock we got to the station.

a. as b. that

c. when d. while

4. ① he said so made us very happy.

② he said made us very happy.

a. which b. what

c. that d. it

5. ①is this bike she lost the day before yesterday?

②is this the bike she lost the day before yesterday?

a. that b. what

c. the one d. it

6. ① is well known ,hong kong has been returned to our motherland.

② is well known that hong kong has been returned to our motherland.

a. which b. as

c. it d. that

7. ①he must have lived here for 10 years, he?

②he must have finished the work yesterday, he ?

a. mustn’t b. haven’t

c. didn’t d. hasn’t

8. ① there no buses, we had to walk home.

②there no buses, so we had to walk home.

a. is b. were

c. are d. being

9. ① we young people should go we’re most needed.

② we young people should go to we’re most needed.

a. the place which b. where

c. the place where d. which

10.①he is one of the students who good at drawing.

②he is the one of the students who good at drawing.

a. is b. does

c. are d. do

11. ①the book is worth ,i think.

②the book is worth of ,i think.

a. to read b. being read

c. reading d. read

12.①the little girl had no choice but at home.

②the little girl could do nothing but at home.

a. to stay b. to staying

c. stayed d. stay

13.①new york is much larger than in america.

② new york is much larger than in india.

a. other city b. any city

c. all cities d. any other city

14. ①many students find difficult to learn.

②many students find language difficult to learn.

a. english b. an english

c. the english d. england

15. ①we will never forget the days we spent together.

②we will never forget the days we worked together.

a. that b. where

c. on which d. when

16. ①tom got the first place, made his parents happy.

②tom got the first place,and made his parents happy.

a. as b. which

c. that d. this

17. ①he needs on.

②the doctor needs on him.

a. to operate b. being operated

c. operate d. to be operated

18. ①he is unfit for the job , ?

②he isn’t fit for the job , ?

a. isn’t he b. is he

c. doesn’t he d. dose he

19. ①let’s go at once, ?

②let us go at once, ?

a. will you b. shall we

c. do you d. does he

20. ① our teacher entered the classroom, .

②our teacher entered the classroom,with .

a. a book in hand b. book in hand

c. a book in his hand d. book in

21.① many times, so he could understand it.

② many times, he couldn’t understand it.

a. having been told b. having told

c. he had been told d. though he had been told 22.①the writer and scientist present at the meeting.

②the writer and the scientist present at the meeting.

a. were b. was

c. has d. had

23. ①three years later he turned doctor.

②three years later he became doctor.

a. an b. a

c. 不填 d. the

24.①my brother often plays football after school.

②my brother often plays piano after school.

a. 不填 b. a

c. the d. an

25.①she is good a teacher that we all like her .

②she is good teacher that we all like her.

a. so b. such c. such a d. quite a

26. ①she often goes to school bike.

②she often goes to school foot.

a. in b. at c. on d.by

27.①more than 70 percent of the population of these country peasants.

②more than 70 percent of the population of this country farming-population.

a. has b. have c. is d. are

28. ①he as well as his brother football now.

②he and his brother football now.

a. is playing b. is played

c. are playing d. are played

29. ①all of the apples rotten.

②all of the apple rotten.

a. are b. is

c. have been d. has been

30.①do you know john is getting on well with his studies?

②do you know john is getting on with his studies?

a. how b. which c. what d. that

31. ①the workers a new hospital since the end of last year.

②the workers a new hospital by the end of last year.

a. have built b. have been building

c. had built d. were building

32. ①it is 3 years his brother joined the army.

②it is 3 years ago his brother joined the army.

a. since b. that c. after d. before

33. ①they don’t know he will come unless told.

②they don’t know he will come until told.

a. that b. whether

c. how long d. if or not

34. ①i 10 dollars on the dictionary.

②i 10 dollars for the dictionary.

a. took b. cost

c. paid d. spent

35. ①he has two watches, but of them works well.

② he has two watches, and of them work well.

a. both b. none

c. neither d. either

36. ①—— who did you see in the room?

—— .

②——how many people did you see in the room?

—— .

a. no one b. none

c. anyone d. any one

37.①“you be a bit tired.why not stop to rest? ”

② “you be so tired that you had to stop to rest.”

a. should b. can’t

c. must d. mustn’t

38. ①jenny have kept her word. i wonder why she changed her mind.

②jenny have kept her word, i wonder why she didn’t change her mind.

a. must b. should

c. need d. would

39. ①this is the reason you all know.

②i really don’t know the reason professor li didn’t attend the meeting.

a. why b. which c. because d. that

40. ①he asked us the question the film was worth seeing.

②he made the suggestion the meeting should be put off.

a. when b. where c. that d. whether

41.①he is working hard, every one of us can see.

②he passed the exam, pleased every one of us.

a. as b. it c. that d. which

42.① studies hard will make greater progress.

② will come to finish this task hasn’t been decided yet.

a. who b. whoever

c. whatever d. no matter who

43.①i’m sure he finished the task on time yesterday.

②i’m not sure he will finish the task on time.

a. whether b. which c. if d. that

44. ①is this park he visited the other day?

②is this the park he visited the other day?

a. in which b. the one

c. 不填 d. where

45.①she didn’t leave the classroom she had finished the homework.

②she got to the station the bus left.

a. till b. since c. while d. before

46. ①it won’t be long we meet again.

②he came soon we had watered the garden.

a. till b. since c. after d. before

47. ① hard it may be, i will carry it out.

② great progress i have made, there is still a long way to go.

a. how b. however c. whatever d. what

48.①the reason he couldn’t come was that his mother was ill.

②it was his mother was ill that he couldn’t come.

a. as b. because c. since d. why

49. ①mary used to have with her husband.

②mary is asking for you. maybe she will have with you.

a. some words b. words

c. the word d. a word

50.①her composition is well written some spelling mistakes.

②she goes to school every day sun-day.

a. except b. besides

c. beside d. except for

51.① from the top of a twenty-storied building,wuhan looks very beautiful.

② these pictures,he couldn’t help thinking of those days when he was in wuhan.

a. seeing b. to see c. seen d. saw

52.①the question at the meeting yesterday is very important.

②the question now at the meeting is very important.

a. discussing b. discussed

c. being discussed d. to be discussed

53. ①our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made us .

②our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made herself .

a. to hear b. hearing c. heard d. hear

54. ①—you have bought a new car.

— .

②—mary has bought a new car.

— .

a. so did i b. so i have

c. so i did d. so have i

55. ①time , he shall go outing.

②if time , he shall go outing.

a. permited b. permits

c. permitting d. would permit

56.①she has many novels, some of are interesting.

②she has many novels,and some of are interesting.

a. that b. which c. it d. them

57. ① many times, he has already known how to do it.

② many times, but he still didn’t know how to do it.

a. having been told b. he had been told

c. though he had been told d. having told

58.①it was the first class miss li taught us we never forger.

②it was in the first class miss li taught us we never forget it.

a. that; that b. that; and

c. which; that d. that; which

59. ① this road and you’ll get to the cinema.

② this road, you’ll get to the cinema.

a. to follow b. follow

c. if following d. following after

60. ①she early before she came here.

②she early since she came here.

a. used to get up

b. has used to get up

c. has got used to getting up

d. was used to getting up.

61.①i can’t help the work for her because she’s too young to do it.

②i can’t help but the work for her because she’s too young to do it.

a. do b. did

c. doing d. to doing

62.①i forgot her the book. i’ll go back to take it.

②i forgot her the book, so i went back to take it again.

a. to return b. returning

c. to return back d. return

63. ①he had the sick girl to the hospital.

②he had the sick girl medicine to the hospital.

a. carry b. to carry

c. carrying d. carried

64. ① many times, but she still didn’t know how to do it.

② many times, she still didn’t know how to do it.

a. she was taught b. having taught

c. having been taught d. she has taught

65. ①we had thought what we did him.

②we had thought that we did him.

a. satisfying b. satisfaction

c. satisfied d. satisfy

66. ①she is considered the dance hall.

②she has considered the dance hall so far.

a. how to buying b. to buy

c. to have bought d. buying

67.① in the magazine, i made a decision to read it again.

② by the magazine, i made a decision to read it.

a. interest b. interested

c. to interest d. being interested

68. ①what me most was that nobody was on duty.

②what was most to me was that no-body was on duty.

a. to surprise b. surprising

c. surprised d. in surprise

69.①would you like to the film this evening?

②do you feel like to the film this evening?

a. going b. to go c. go d. gone

70.①there were 12 persons in the bus, a baby.

②there were 12 persons in the bus, a baby .

a. to include b. including

c. included d. to contain

71. ①he was too busy his friend.

②he was very busy his friend.

a. in accepting b. with

c. to receive d. receiving

72. ① , he could lift the heavy stone

② , he could not lift the heavy stone.

a. strong as he was b. so strong as was he

c. he was strong enough d. as he was strong

73. ① ,we had to go home on foot yesterday.

② ,so we had to go home on foot yesterday.

a. there being no buses

b. because there being no buses

c. there were no buses

d. without any buses

74.① he said at the meeting surprised us all.

② he said nothing at the meeting surprised us all.

a. what b. which c. that d. whether

75.① we’ll have a meeting tomorrow has been decided.

② we’ll have a meeting tomorrow has not been decided.

a. that b. if c. whether d. what

76. ①our teacher did he could to help us.

②our teacher did all he could to help us.

a. what b. which c. that d. whom

77.①the old man entered the room, by his son.

②the old man entered the room, his son.

a. follow b. to follow c. followed d. following

78.①the little boy would like her to the cinema.

②the little boy would like to the cin-ema.

a. to take b. taking

c. to be taken d. being taken

79.①it was in the house i saw that young man.

②it was the house i saw the young man.

a. which b. what c. that d. where

80.①this is the factory i worked two years ago.

②this is the factory i visited two years ago.

a. that b. where c. at that d. what

81.①my mother went home,and the door open.

②my mother went home, the door open.

a. to find b. found c. finding d. find

82. ① my mother didn’t come back on april 25,

was my birthday.

②my mother didn’t come back on april 25, was a pity.

a. that b. which c. when d. as

83. ①could you tell me to do it tomorrow?

②could you tell me to do tomorrow?

a. when b. how c. what d. that

84.①these professors already to the party are from england.

②these professors tomorrow to the party are from england.

a. being invited b. having been invited

c. invited d. to be invited

85. ①i’m sorry you so much trouble.

②i’m sorry for you so much trouble.

a. having given b. to have been given

c. to have given d. having been given

86. ①mary will sure to go there tomorrow.

②mary sure to go there tomorrow.

a. are b. be c. is d. does

87. ①you wait until your father back.

②you leave until you father back.

a. should…comes b. shouldn’t…will come

c. shouldn’t…comes d. should…will come

88. ①i think he must be a good student, ?

②she thinks he must be a good student, ?

a. mustn’t he b. doesn’t she

c. don’t they d. isn’t he

89. ①mr brown with his friends of collecting stamps.

②mr brown and his friends of collecting stamps.

a. is fond b. are fond c. fond d. fonds

90.①father promised i studied harder he would take me to beijing next summer.

②father promised he would take me to beijing next summer if i studied harder.

a. that b. if c. that if d. if that

91.① makes me feel sad seeing you living all alone.

② makes me feel sad is seeing you living all alone.

a. that b. this c. it d. what

92. ① he come,what you say to him?

② he comes,what you say to him?

a. should…would b. when…would

c. if…will d. were to…do

93. ①there is something wrong with my watch.

needs repairing.

②there is something wrong with my watch,

needs repairing.

a. it b. which c. which d. that

94. ①seeing is .

②to see is .

a. believing b. believe c. to believe d. belief

95. ①—do you need a pen?

—yes, i need .

②i bought a pen yesterday.

i like very muck.

a. this b. it c. that d. one

96.① japan lies east of china is known to all.

②i don’t know has happened to him now.

a. if b. what c. that d. where

97. ①it takes a lot of to build a house.

②a new chemical will be set up soon.

a. working b. works c. work d. job

98. ①he couldn’t help the housework,for he was busy.

②he couldn’t help at the news.

a. cry b. do c. doing d. crying

99. ① come if you have time.

②he do it the otherday.

a. do b. dos c. did d. have

100.①the building last year is a new school.

②the building next year is a new library.

a. building b. built c. to be built d. being built


1.db 2.cb 3.cb 4.cb 5.ca

6.bc7.dc 8.db 9.bc 10.ca

11.cb 12.ad 13.db 14.ac 15.ad

16.bd 17.da 18.ab 19.ba 20.bc

21.cd 22.ba 23.cb 24.ac 25.ac

26.dc 27.dc 28.ac 29.ab 30.da

31.bc 32.ab 33.ba 34.dc 35.ca

36.ab 37.cb 38.ba 39.da 40.dc

41.ad 42.ba 43.da 44.bc 45.ad

46.dc 47.bc 48.db 49.bd 50.da

51.ca 52.bc 53.dc 54.bd 55.cb

56.bd 57.ab 58.ab 59.bc 60.ac

61.ca 62.ab 63.da 64.ac 65.cd

66.bd 67.db 68.cb 69.ba 70.bc

71.cd 72.da 73.ac 74.ac 75.ac

76.ac 77.cd 78.ac 79.cd 80.ba

81.bc 82.bd 83.bc 84.cd 85.ca

86.bc 87.ac 88.db 89.ab 90.ca

91.cd 92.ac 93.ac 94.ac 95.db
