


1.初中英语试题解析 篇一

We’ve just moved in a house and we want to 1. _____ buy a new color television set, and I’m not 2. _____ sure about a size. Maybe we should buy a big 3. _____ one. If we buy a small one, we might have 4. _____ to change for it in a few years’ time for a bigger 5. _____ one. My husband thinks it’s no necessary to buy 6. _____ a very big one. He said our sitting room isn’t very 7. _____ big. If we put in a very big television, they will 8. _____ be bad for our eyes. Anyway, we’d better to make 9. _____ quick decision because the price may go up soon. 10. ____

2.初中英语试题解析 篇二


Car sharing is another way to drive green that's gaining in popularity, especially in urban areas. People who may not drive every day but still want a car to run errands (差事)or drive on weekends benefit most from car sharing. Car sharing is usually run by a service like Zipcar, though there are non-profit and informal car sharing services. Members pay a monthly fee and have access to an entire fleet of cars when they need one. The cars are parked in fixed spots around the city, so members only need to make a reservation, and then go to the pickup spot.

Car sharing has major environmental benefits because it reduces the number of cars on the road. Members don't drive just because they are in a car. They plan trips, and if they don't need a car, they don't use one. Still, a car is available to them if they need to make a big trip to the grocery store, pick someone up at the airport or if they want to go to the beach for the day. Members also benefit by having access to a car without any of the headaches of ownership. They usually don't have to pay for the gas, insurance or maintenance (保养), and the monthly membership fee is less than a typical car payment. So if you really want to go green but aren't ready to totally give up a car yet, car sharing may be the way to go.

If you still need to get around, but want to go even greener than sharing a car, share a bus!

1. The author intends to tell us that car sharing _______.

A. has become the most popular way to go to work

B. has become the best way to cut living costs

C. is becoming more and more popular in cities

D. is becoming popular both in urban and rural(乡村的)areas

2. We can conclude from the passage that .

A. Zipcar can't help you if you are running urgent errands

B. Zipcar, different from other services, aims green driving with no profit

C. Zipcar is a company supplying car sharing service for a monthly payment

D. Zipcar is a company providing formal car sharing free

3. The second paragraph mainly tells us _______.

A. why people will share a car

B. why car sharing benefits the environment

C. why car sharing is cheaper than owning a car

D. why a car is available to members

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Car sharing has become a new trend.

B. Car sharing can save you the headaches of ownership.

C. Bus sharing is even greener than car sharing.

D. Zipcar is the largest company offering car sharing services.



Scientists may have found a way to reduce shortages of type O blood. Type O is the kind of blood that hospitals most often need. What the researchers are testing is an easier way to make type O blood out of other kinds of blood.

There are four main kinds of blood. Most people are born with one of these four: type A, type B, type AB or type O. Type O can be safely given to anyone. So it is commonly used when a person is injured or sick and has to have blood.

Type O is the most common blood group. But the supplies of it available in hospitals and blood banks are usually limited. This is because of high demand. Type O blood is used in emergencies when there is no time to identify the patient's blood type.

Giving A, B or AB to someone with a different blood type, including O, can cause a bad reaction by the person's defense system. Their immune system can reject the blood. This immune reaction can be deadly.

The differences among blood types are linked to whether or not red blood cells contain certain kinds of sugar molecules. These molecules are found on the surface of the cells. They are known as antigens (抗原). These antigens are found with type A, B and AB blood but not with type O.

More than twenty-five years ago, scientists found that the antigens could be removed to create what they called universal-type ceils. They could be removed with chemicals called enzymes (酶). But large amounts of enzymes were required to make the change.

Doctor Henrik Clausen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark led the study. The next step, he says, is to complete safety tests. The team is working with the American company ZymeQuest to test the new method. If it meets safety requirements and is not too costly, it could become a widely used life-saving tool to increase the supply of universal blood.

1. The new way scientists use to reduce shortage of type O blood is _______.

A. to make type O blood out of other kinds of blood

B. to give birth to more babies with type O blood

C. to use other kinds of blood to replace type O blood

D. to appeal to more people to donate type O blood

2. People have different kinds of blood types because _______.

A. people's red blood cells contain different kinds of sugar molecules

B. the areas where people live have an influence on their blood types

C. they have different races, cultures and origins

D. they are born with different kinds of blood types

3. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. One person's antigens could easily be removed to another person.

B. A Denmark company sponsored the study led by Doctor Henrik Clausen.

C. Type O blood can be given to anybody regardless of his own blood type.

D. The new method is too costly to be put into use in hospitals.

4. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. People in the world have four different kinds of blood.

B. A new way to reduce the shortage of Type O blood.

C. Doctor Henrik Clausen and his research into blood type.

D. People's immune system can reject the wrong type of blood.



If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Haven't you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?

According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter. This is the area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.

The study also found the effect is greater, the younger people learn a second language.

A team led by Dr. Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of “early bilinguals” who had learnt a second language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners.

Scans showed that grey matter density (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference.

“Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language,” said the scientists.

It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.

Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills. “Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible (灵活的),”he said. “You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas.”

The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of 2 and 34. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all tested. The results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. “Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world,” explained the scientists.

1. The main subject talked about in this passage is _______.

A. science on learning a second language

B. man's ability of learning a second language

C. language can help brain power

D. language learning and maths study

2. In the second paragraph, the writer mentions “exercise” in order to _______.

A. say language is also a kind of physical labor

B. prove that one needs more practice when he (she) is learning a language

C. to show the importance of using the language when you learn the language

D. make people believe language learning helps grey matter work well

3. We may know from the scientific findings that _______.

A. the earlier you start to learn a second language, the higher the grey matter density is

B. there is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesn't know a second language

C. the experience of learning a second language has bad effect on people's brain

D. the ability of learning a second language is changing all the time

4. The underlined word “bilingual” probably means _______.

A. a researcher on language learning

B. a person who is good at learning foreign languages

C. a person who can speak two languages

D. an active language learner



Sometimes there doesn't seem to be enough rain. Other times there is too much. Maybe there isn't a lot we can do to control the rain, but there is a lot we can do to reduce problems caused by different rainfall patterns.

A new development at the London Wetland Centre in Barnes solves the problems of managing water with a “Rain Garden”. We are likely to be hearing about it a lot more often over the next few years. The idea is that the garden owner can store rainwater and use it in dry periods. They can reduce the problems caused by extra rain this way.

One of the key problems that the rain garden tries to deal with is the problem caused by too much water in the street. In a natural environment, a lot of rainwater is sent back into the air by plants. Much is also absorbed deep into the ground, and flows into streams and rivers. What happens in city environments can be completely different—a large, amount of rainwater flows straight off the hard surfaces of roofs and roads. The harder the rain, the less likely it will be absorbed into the ground—floods are the result. Rainwater running off roads is often polluted.

The rain garden deals with living plants rather than hard surfaces. Plants are designed to hold water and release it slowly, either into the ground, to be absorbed by plant roots (and so eventually back up into the atmosphere) or to go down into the water table. Not only does the rain garden reduce the amount of water that flows onto the street, but it helps to clean it; plants are very good at breaking down pollutants (污染物).

1. What's the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Explaining why there is a lack of rain at times.

B. Introducing several different patterns of rainfall.

C. Telling us how to avoid problems caused by rain.

D. Giving the idea that there are ways to manage rain water.

2. According to the second paragraph, “Rain Gardens” are likely to _______.

A. harm the environment in the short run

B. become popular over the next few years

C. be turned down by most new developments

D. be too expensive for common people to accept

3. We can learn from the third paragraph that _______.

A. floods are often the results of small rains

B. a heavy rain is less difficult for plants to absorb

C. the rain garden helps send rainwater back into the air

D. larger amounts of rainwater flow straight off in city environments

4. According to the last paragraph, what does the rain garden help to clean?

A. The plants. B. The ground.

C. The water. D. The street.



Children today are crazy about roller skating, for it's easy and fun. After supper on week-days, anytime on weekends and especially any day in school holidays, so many roller skaters flow into streets, squares, parks and playgrounds. What a beautiful sight!

But a long time ago, roller skating was a different story. Before 1750, the idea of skating didn't exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin, whose work was making musical instruments. In his spare time he liked playing the violin. Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer.

One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. Very pleased and a little excited, he accepted it. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think hard how to make a grand entrance at the party. A strange idea struck him one day—he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.

He tried different ways to make himself roll.Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each slice. These were the first roller skates. Very proud of his invention, he couldn't wait for the special day to come, when he would arrive at the party on wheels while playing the violin.

On the night of the party Merlin did as he had planned, rolling into the room playing his violin. Quite astonished, all present cast their eyes over him. Then, unexpectedly, came one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlin's grand entrance for a long time!

1. Merlin was considered a dreamer because he _______.

A. always dreamed while sleeping

B. invented the roller skates

C. often gave others surprises

D. had very rich imagination

2. Merlin roller skated into the room in order to _______.

A. arrive at the party on time

B. impress the party guests

C. test his new roller skates

D. make the host satisfied

3. The main point the writer tries to make in the last paragraph is _______.

A. the party guests laughed at Merlin

B. the roller skates needed improving

C. Merlin succeeded beyond expectation

D. Merlin got himself into great trouble

4. The text is mainly about _______.

A. an unusual party

B. the origin of roller skating

C. a funny musician

D. the great joy Merlin brought



When I was a kid, I was a little fat, but I was also into sports. In college, I was less active, and I started blowing up. It got out of control when I went to law school.

I'd made a mental decision a thousand times; I'm going to start losing weight now. But what prompted me to get serious about it was turning 30. At that point, I weighed 414 pounds. I was always tired. I have a family history of heart disease, and I was scared. I also wanted to look better. So a few weeks after my birthday, in the spring of 2006, I started to lose weight.

Walking was all I could do at first. I started by walking to a subway stop a few blocks away instead of the one closest to my apartment. On weekends, I'd walk in Central Park. I gradually increased the distance. A year later, I started to run. At first I could run for only two minutes, but I kept on.

It made a difference. I was losing nine or ten pounds a month, and I had a lot more energy. And there's something about running. It makes you feel like a kid again. I enjoyed it. I started to think about the New York City Marathon, which goes right past my apartment building. For years, I thought I could never do that. But now I realized that maybe I could. By my 33rd birthday, in the spring of 2009, I was down to 180 pounds. That summer, I started formally training for the marathon. And on the morning of November 1, I stood on the Verrazano Bridge in Staten Island with more than 40,000 other runners, waiting for the event to start. When we started moving, it was an amazing feeling to have people cheering me on, handing me cups of water. In Harlem, my mom and brother stood on a street corner, waving. And then I crossed the finish line in Central Park, and somebody put a medal around my neck. I was in tears from being so happy.

At that moment, I knew: If I set my mind to something, nothing is impossible.

1. How old is the writer in the year of 2006

A. 30. B. 31.

C. 32. D. 33.

2. The underlined word “blowing up” in Paragraph 1 could roughly be replaced by _______.

A. losing the temper

B. gaining weight

C. breaking the tire

D. air charging

3. The first step the writer takes to lose his weight is _______.

A. dieting B. running

C. walking D. swimming

4. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer once weighed 414 pounds.

B. The writer lives in New York City.

C. The writer almost lost more than 200 pounds during 3 years.

D. The starting point of the City Marathon is Central Park.



If a business wants to sell its products internationally, it had better do some market research first. This is a lesson that some large American corporations have learned the hard way.

What's in the name?

Sometimes the problem is the name. When General Motors introduced its Chevy Nova into Latin America, it overlooked the fact that Nova in Spanish means “It doesn't go”. Sure enough, the Chevy Nova never went anywhere in Latin America.

Translation problems

Sometimes it is the slogan that doesn't work. No company knows this better than Pepsi—Cola, with its “Come alive with Pepsi!” campaign. The campaign was so successful in the United States, Pepsi translated its slogan literally for its international campaign. As it turned out, the translations weren't quite right. Pepsi was begging Germans to “Come out of the grave” and telling the Chinese that “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.”

A picture's worth a thousand words

Other times, the problem involves packaging. A picture of a smiling baby has helped sell countless jars of Gerber baby food. When Gerber started selling baby food in Africa, they used the same packaging as in the US, with the smiling baby on the label. Later they learned that in African countries, the picture on the jar shows what the jar has in it, for many people there can't read.

Twist (扭曲,扭转) of fate

Even culture and religious factors and pure coincidence can be involved. Thorn McAn shoes have a Thorn McAn “signature” inside. To people in Bangladesh, which is a Muslim country, this signature looked like Arabic script for the word Allah. In that country, feet are considered unclean, and Muslims felt the company was offending God's name by having people walk on it.

1. From the text we learn that _______.

A. Chevy Nova was brought in Latin America

B. General Motors did the best market research of all companies

C. Pepsi still sold well in China owing to the translation problems

D. the “Come alive with Pepsi” campaign worked well in the US

2. What was Gerber's problem?

A. A translation problem.

B. Cultural factor.

C. Religious factor.

D. The picture on the jar.

3. For what reason were Thorn McAn shoes turned down in Bangladesh?

A. They are not designed attractively.

B. Their advertisements are not persuasive.

C. A signature looking like the word Allah was in the shoes.

D. Problem For Thorn McAn was the company's name.

4. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. Lessons from some large corporations.

B. How to make use of advertisements.

C. The importance of market research.

D. The importance of packaging.



Face-to-face communication involves much more than the spoken word. In fact, we often communicate our feelings to others through our body language without realizing we are doing so. We communicate through posture (姿态,体态), gesture and facial expression. But the eyes also play an important part in this unspoken language. William Shakespeare called the eyes “a window to the soul,” and you can learn to look through that window and better understand a person's body language by reading eye movement.

Begin a conversation and ask a simple question. Watch carefully for eye movement during the response. If the person looks up, he or she is thinking or forming pictures. This is also a sign of a visual thinker. Looking up and to the left shows recalling a memory, while looking up and to the right could show imaginative construction or lying.

If the person looks down, this could be a sign of obedience (服从) or even blame. Looking down and to the left can show a person talking to themselves. Looking down and to the right can show that they are feeling strong emotion.

Looking sideways can indicate distraction or checking out a potential threat, but a sideways glance can also show anger. In addition, eyes that look side to side often show shiftiness and lying.

A glance usually indicates a desire for something. Glancing at a door could show a desire to leave the room, while a glance, at a person could indicate a desire to talk to them. A glance is also used when it is forbidden to look at something.

A person who is lying to you may hold eye contact longer than normal. In addition, this person might smile with his mouth but not with his eyes. Smiling with the eyes is difficult to do if the emotion is not genuine.

Rapid blinking (眨) of the eyes can occur when a person is thinking, and this can also be another sign of lying. Again, a person who is aware of this sign might overcompensate (补偿过度) and stare.

1. The writer supported his argument in the first paragraph by _______.

A. using a quotation

B. defining the body language

C. telling a story of William Shakespeare

D. making a comment on eyes

2. Which of the following eye movement shows a dishonest speaker?

A. If he looks up and to the left.

B. If he looks up and to the right.

C. If he looks down and to the left.

D. If he looks down and to the right.

3. Which eye movement cannot hide your feelings?

A. Looking side to side.

B. Blinking the eyes quickly.

C. Smiling with the eyes.

D. Maintaining a prolonged eyes contact.

4. The writer wrote this passage to _______.

A. introduce the different meanings of the body languages

B. teach us how to use eyes to express ourselves

C. explain the importance of body languages

D. tell us how to read eye movement



【导读】绿色环保是当今人们的热点话题,因此也是考试中经常出现的内容之一。本文讲述了目前环保驾驶如何越来越受到人们的欢迎,应运而生的汽车共享(car sharing)及其服务机构也随之受到青睐。

1. C 推理判断题。文章第一句话Car sharing is another way to drive green that's gaining in popularity, especially in urban areas.是本文的主题句,据此可知答案为C。

2. C 推理判断题。从第一段中Car sharing is usually run by a service like Zipcar, though there are non-profit and informal car sharing services. Members pay a monthly fee and have access to an entire fleet of cars when they need one.两句可以判断出C为正确答案。

3. A 主旨大意题。第二段第一句话Car sharing has major environmental benefits because it reduces the number of cars on the road.和后面的内容都讲述了car sharing的优点。这些优点都是人们愿意car sharing的原因。

4. D 推理判断题。前三个选项文中已提及,只有D没有在文中提及。



1. A 细节理解题。由文章第一段最后一句话What the researchers are testing is an easier way to make type O blood out of other kinds of blood.可知答案为A。

2. A 细节理解题。由文章第五段第一句话The differences among blood types are linked to whether or not red blood cells contain certain kinds of sugar molecules.可知答案为A。

3. C 推理判断题。由文章第二段中的Type O can be safely given to anyone.和第三段中的Type O blood is used in emergencies when there is no time to identify the patient's blood type.可知答案为C。

4. B 主旨大意题。根据全文内容尤其是第一段可知本文主要介绍科学家发现了一种新的O型血的制造方法,所以答案为B。



1. C 主旨大意题。根据文章第二段和后面对研究的叙述可知C是正确答案。

2. D 推理判断题。根据第二段知:研究表明,学习其他语言可以改变主管信息加工的大脑区域,并使之更强大,这就如同锻炼可以增长肌肉一样。可以看出作者把学习第二语言对大脑的作用比作了身体锻炼对肌肉的作用。

3. A 推理判断题。根据第三、四、五段的内容可推知。

4. C 词义猜测题。根据第四段中的…took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of “early bilinguals” who had learnt a second language…和第五段的第一句话Scans showed that grey matter density (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language.可以推知答案为C。


【导读】一种新的方法rain garden可储存和清洁过多的雨水供干旱时使用,同时还解决了大雨可能造成城市内涝的问题。本文就是介绍rain garden是如何发挥作用的。

1. D 主旨大意题。根据第一段内容,尤其是最后一句可得知答案为D。

2. B 细节理解题。由第二段中We are likely to be hearing about it a lot more often over the next few years.一句可知答案为B。

3. D 细节理解题。由第三段中What happens in city environments can be completely different—a large, amount of rainwater flows straight off the hard surfaces of roofs and roads.一句可知答案。

4. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可得出答案。


【导读】身为乐器制造师的Merlin喜欢幻想、创新。一次参加化装舞会时,为了使他的入场给人们以新奇感,他用自己制出的旱冰鞋边滑边演奏小提琴入场,吸引了所有在场人的目光。文章介绍的是roller skating的起源。

1. D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句话Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer.和后面对故事情节的描述可得知答案为D。

2. B 细节理解题。根据第三段中As the day of the party came near,Merlin began to think hard how to make a grand entrance at the party. A strange idea struck him one day—he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.两句话可得知答案为B。

3. C 推理判断题。最后一段作者既写到意料之中的事情(Merlin穿着旱冰鞋参加聚会引起满堂宾客的注意),又提到意料之外的事情(他撞落墙上的大镜子),两件事的共同发生使Merlin获得了意想不到的成功,所以答案为C。

4. B 主旨大意题。文章介绍的是roller skating的起源。



1. A 细节理解题。从文章第二段中But what prompted me to get serious about it was turning 30.一句可知答案为A。

2. B 词义猜测题。根据前后语句可推知是“胖起来了”。

3. C 细节理解题。从文章第三段第一句话Walking was all I could do at first.可知答案为C。

4. D 推理判断题。从文章第四段中的And then I crossed the finish line in Central Park,…可知答案为D。



1. D 细节理解题。由第三段中The campaign was so successful in the United States,…一句可知答案为D。

2. D 细节理解题。由第四段内容可知答案为D。

3. C 细节理解题。由最后一段的内容尤其是最后一句话可知答案为C。

4. C 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段主题段的内容可知答案为C。



1. A 细节理解题。由第一段中William Shakespeare called the eyes “a window to the soul,”可知是引用莎士比亚的话,所以选A。

2. B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的while looking up and to the right could show imaginative construction or lying可知答案为B。

3. C 细节理解题。从倒数第二段中的Smiling with the eyes is difficult to do if the emotion is not genuine. 可知用眼睛来微笑是最真诚的, 所以答案为C。

4. D 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了一些眼神的含义,所以选D。

3.初中英语试题解析 篇三

(上海新东方学校口译教研组成员 郭中宝)


Spot-dictation:本次考试沿袭了2002以来的题材,即对社会现象的分析。短文主要讲述了office environment 中colleagues 之间的interpersonal communication。文章内容比较大陆化,没有新奇的观点。这样出题的目的有二:一是为了稳定考生的情绪;二是为了将考查的重点更多地聚焦在考生的英语基本功上。今年反映出来的主要问题有:1.单词拼写速度和准确度比较差。现在的考生往往借助Office Word或金山词霸帮助自己纠正拼写, 因此建议考生在笔考前增加英语书写练习。 2. 空格与空格之间的时间间隔比2004年的两次考试都要短,所以建议考生在考前完善自己的“简写符号”,比如用:std代表standard, 用dpt代表department等。

Listening comprehension: 此项 是考生得分率比较高的一项。本次考试的第一篇passage依然是环保类的题材;新闻中又出现了老生常谈的话题“巴以冲突”和“印巴问题”;还有一篇文章是关于entrepreneur,这与《高级口译听力教程》中的一篇文章极为相似。 考生在考试前有必要针对高频出现的题材进行突击式的单词积累。这样再听到同一题材的新闻,就能积极地调动自己的词汇/背景知识储备,帮助自己更好地理解文章的内容。《高级口译笔试备考精要》中有详细的高级口译听力单词分类。

Note-taking & Gap-filling:本次考试的Note-taking & Gap-filling,与高级口译考试2002年秋季的Note taking & Gap filling文章题材如出一辙,都是讲述社会心理学的一些基本现象。但是题目的难度有所加大,这就要求考生在备考中注意两点:一、从语音、词汇、背景知识方面完善自己的基本功,保证自己能听懂文章的中心意思;二、在理解的基础上,做出高质量的笔记。有些考生认为自己这部分的分数低主要是记不好笔记,其实这里面更大的原因在于他们对文章的内容根本就没有理解。记笔记要用“脑袋控制手,而不是用耳朵控制手”。笔记的目的是为了辅助记忆。 Listening Translation的难度一般,但主要问题仍然出现在记笔记上。


(上海新东方学校口译教研组成员 陈绮)



从2001年开始,中级口译阅读文章的题材就体现出了多样性和时效性的特点,越来越多的文章出自近期英美主流报刊。本次考题中不仅涉及环保控制、茶的保健作用、交通工具发展史、驾驶与健康的关系等司空见惯的话题,还考到了一些时髦的话题,如美国总统选举等。可见考生除了要对环保、医药、生物等热点领域的分类词汇了然于胸外,还要关心时事,积累一些背景词汇。如对美国总统选举一文中的electoral vote(选举人选票)和winner-take-all(赢者囊括全票原则)等词的理解就是正确解题的关键。


从题型上看,主题题、细节题、词义题和判断题这四大主力题型所占的题量分别为4、15、3和7题(另有一题是推断题),和以往的分布情况大致相仿,因此考生还是应该按照上课时的既定策略,按照先抓主题后找细节的方法,一旦定好主题就不要在个别词句上浪费时间。如茶的保健作用一文的首段:Americans are far more sophisticated about beverages than they were 20 years ago. Witness the Starbucks revolution and you誰l know where the trend goes. Now, spurred on by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and retard the aging process, tea is enjoying a similar jolt... 据分析,当文章的前三分之一篇幅内出现时间强对比,并且体现对新事物的高度评价时,主题就呼之欲出了,下文必然是对茶的保健作用的例证。所以看到这里已不必再一字一句往下读,对于细节题只要靠关键词定位,并按照课上归纳的“九大考点”按图索骥,找到答案即可。


由于文章大多来自于原汁原味的英美报刊,所以作者对于辞藻的选择体现了报刊语言的特色,那就是偏爱短词,这一点除了能体现作者的文字功底和对其选题的熟悉程度外还符合报纸一贯的简明风格,而这样的词往往就是考查的要点。如这次就考到了rub的名词含义,rub作动词表示摩擦,而作名词就是trouble的意思。在报刊文章里这样的短词随处可见,考生应通过多读外文报刊杂志来加以积累。另外,外来词也是报刊文章的常客,如本次出现的oolong(乌龙茶)。关于背景词的积累前面已经举过例子,这里就不再赘述,再举一例:government by the people对很多考生来说很不起眼,可是对美国历史稍有涉猎的同学都会知道,美国政府被林肯(Abraham Lincoln)誉为“民治、民有、民享的政府”,其英文原文就是the government of the people, by the people, for the people。在美国总统选举一问中,首段作者就对选举的公正性提出了疑问,所以试题中问到government “by the people”引号的作用时,我们应该选择的是“achieve sarcasm(讽刺作用)”。对于词汇的积累可以参照《中高级口译考试词汇必备》一书。



(上海新东方学校口译教研组翻译课题组组长 张驰新)





(邱政政 上海新东方英语综合能力部主任、口译教研组副组长)

一 《英语中级口译岗位资格证书》考试




二 《英语高级口译岗位资格证书》考试




4.考研英语试题大纲解析 篇四














5.海南高考英语试题答案与解析 篇五

第二部分. 阅读理解


21. C

参考解析:根据第一段第四行“when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid.” 当我看到报纸上75美元比我买的价格低的时候,我感觉我上当了。故正确答案选C。

22. A


23. D


24. D


25. B.


26. B.

参考解析:根据第三段第二句话in one study,......可知答案是reduce food intake. 减少食物的摄入。

27. C.


28. A


29. C


30. A


31. B

参考解析: 根据文章最后一段可知越来越多的学生会在gap year期间被迫去挣钱。所以他对此是担忧的。

32. C


33. B

参考解析:根据原文Tour B中Oxford:Included a guided tour of England’s oldest university and colleges判断出答案为B。

34. D

参考解析:根据每一部分的价格介绍:Tour A到3月17日为37英镑,Tour B为36英镑,Tour C为37英镑,Tour D为33英镑,故此选D。

35. A

参考解析:根据Hampton was once the home of four Kings and one Queen判断答案为A。


36. C

37. E

38. A

39. D

40. G

第三部分. 英语知识运用









参考解析:由语境可知,对手比作者女儿的队better trained,可以推断这将是一场痛苦的比赛。













参考解析:strike sb.意思是让某人突然想到,符合语境。





61. built


62. the


63. ability


64. using


65. slowly

参考解析:副词修饰动词give out.

66. to cool


67. at

参考解析:at the same time

68. goes


69. natural


70. how


第四部分. 写作


71. parent改为parents

72. on改为in

73. very去掉

74. looks改为looking

75. where改为that

76. begun改为began

77. telling改为told

78. a改为the

79. saw后加his

80. terrible改为terribly

6.小学六年级英语同义句试题解析 篇六















































7.初中英语试题解析 篇七








5 . 合作模式情感策略。合作模式,就是教师和学生之间、学生同学生之间进行合作,以达到学习英语的目的,同时学生是英语课堂的主体,教师在教学过程中要充分发挥学生在教学过程中的主体地位。通过学生同学生之间的相互合作,学生能够通过合作,得到团队精神,相互帮助,互相学习,集体荣誉感等诸多情感,能够更好的培养学生学习英语的热情。例如在教学过程中教师可以通过某一童话故事,或者某一短剧的剧本交给学生,可以给予学生英文版的也可以给予学生中文版的,通过学生和教师之间的合作将剧本还原到英文,并在课堂上进行表演,不同学生担任不同的角色,让学生在翻译和表演的过程增加对英语的热情,形成良好的团队模式,形成优秀的合作意识,在有效的增加课堂凝聚力的基础上促进师生之间的交流,让学生在这样的合作模式中不断提升自己,完善自己,加强英语课堂的活力。



8.初中英语试题解析 篇八







例如,一些具有漫画色彩的《海绵宝宝》。通过一些简单易懂的小故事来全面展现其中蕴含的大道理,如《冰河世纪》(Ice Age),《狮子王》(The Lion King)等。教师同时也可以播放一些具有科幻色彩的英文电影,进一步培养学生丰富的想象力,如《哈利·波特》(HARRY POTTER),《回到未来》(Back to the Future)等,或如一些记录校园生活的片段的英文电影,如《成长的烦恼》(Growing Pains)等。在英语教师教学牛津译林版初中英语“My school day”这一课程时,英语教师可以选取一部分与学生的实际生活相贴近的英文电影,如《成长的烦恼》。以此来不断弥补班级中的学生对于英语教材中知识的抽象性、僵硬性的认知情感,不断丰富学生的英语语言知识,进一步让班级中的学生都可以学习到更加纯正的英语语言。




例如,学生在观看《哈利·波特》(HARRY POTTER)的过程中,教师的需要事先要求学生进行猜测影片的核心主题内容,并进行联想与之相关的英语单词。与此同时,英语教师还可以进行适当的知识引导、提示、暗示等活动,让学生可以更加全方位地进行思考英文电影的核心主题。或者要求學生认真地进行观看电影的画面,让学生自我猜测。依据电影中的人物的具体动作、神态、画面情景等,最大限度地推测电影中的人物会讲些什么,即将会发生什么。然后再重新播放电影的原声,让学生进行合理的比较,进而切实有效地提高学生个体英语听的能力。




