


1.高一英语3单元英语作文 篇一

Section 3

Step1. Revision

Step2. Notes to the passage

1. 皮尔斯布鲁斯南在电影007中总是扮演Jams Bond。

Pierce Brosnan is always playing (the man named) James Bond in the films 007. 1) play = play the part of = act

She is always playing a kind old woman in films.

2) named Chuck Noland = who is named Chuck Noland 过去分词作定语

The girl called Mary is from England.

2. 他的演技如此出色以致很多人爱看他的电影。

His acting is so fine that many people like his film.

Cf. so … that ---- so that

1) so…that

(1) so + a. / v. + that

(2) so + a. + a(an) + 单数可数名词+ that

(3) so + many / few + 复数可数名词+ that

(4) so + much / little + 不可数名词+ that

e.g. 1. He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.

2. Jack is so smart a boy that he can work out the difficult math problem quickly.

3. I’ve had so many falls that I’m black and blue all over.

4. There is so much room in the hall that it can hold many people.

2) so that

(1) 引导目的状语从句,从句中的谓语动词常和can, many, should等情态动词连用。


e.g. 1. They set out early so that they can arrive on time.

2. He didn’t plan his time well, so that he didn’t finish the work in time

3. 上一部电影对他来说是一次挑战,因为他得学习如何驾驶直升机。

The last film was a challenge for him, because he had to learn how to drive the helicopter.

1) challenge challenge sb. to do sth.

e.g. He challenged me to play another tennis game.

I challenge him to a game of chess.


4. 为了学习飞行,他和教官交上了朋友。

In order to learn flight, he developed a friendship with the drillmaster.

1) cf. in order to ---- so as to

in order to 引导的不定式短语既可放于句首又可放于句后。

so as to 引导的不定式短语只可放于句后,不能放于句首。

e.g. 1) China is paying more and more attention to education in order to / so as to catch up with advanced countries.

2) In order to find the book, he searched the whole house.

2) flight on a flight


e.g. They are on holiday.

on the trip / journey on strike on duty

3) friendship通常不可数,表“友谊,”但表示“一段友谊”时为可数名词。

e.g. 1) Real friendship is more valuable than money.

2) There is a friendship of twenty years between him and me.

5. 在拍摄过程中他和同事们同甘共苦。

During the course of screening, he shared his happiness and sorrow with his fellows.

1) 公用;分摊(与in连用,可省略)

We shared the cake.

2) 分配(与out连用,可省略)

share sth. (out) between / among平均分配

The two children shared the watermalon between them.

3) share sth. with sb. 公用;合用

She shares her bed with her little cat.

4) share sth. with .sb. 告诉别人

He shared the story with us.

6. 这部电影很精彩,我要是看了就好了。

This film is very wonderful, I should have seen it.

should have done 表责备,后悔,该做某事而没有做。

------ I’m late for school today.

------ You should have gone to bed early last night.


1. Review the language points.

2. Finish some exercises in KKL.

2.高一英语3单元英语作文 篇二

◆in order to 为了……

课文原句:In order to survive, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend — a volleyball he calls Wilson.

In order to后接动词原形,多在句中作状语,表目的。这个词组经常和so as to放在一起考查,所以一定要弄清二者的区别与联系。In order to 和so as to 都表示“为了”,都作目的状语,都有时态和语态的变化:其一般现在时或将来时的主动语态为to do;完成时态则用to have done;一般现在时和完成时的被动语态则分别用to be done和to have been done。二者的区别在于:so as to一般不放于句首,而in order to 放在句首、句中和句尾均可。


All these gifts must be mailed immediately ____ in time for Christmas. (2005辽宁)

A. in order to have received

B. in order to receive

C. so as to be received

D. so as to be receiving

解析:本题考查的是in order to和so as to作目的状语时的语态。很明显句中“礼物是被收到的”,应使用被动语态,而A、B、D三个选项都不是被动语态,只有C选项正确。整句话的意思是:所有这些礼物必须马上寄出去,以便(收件人)圣诞节时能及时收到。

◆should have done 本应做(某事)

课文原句:He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.

Should have done表示“本来应该做某事但实际没有做”,含有责备的意味。在这里的意思是:他认识到他本来应该多关心他的朋友,但事实上他没有做到。其否定形式shouldn't have done则表示“本不该做某事,却做了”,如:I feel sick. I shouldn't have eaten a lot. (我觉得难受。我本不应该吃那么多)。此外,情态动词may/must/can后接完成时态,也可表推测,如:have done表示对过去的推测;may have done表示过去可能做了某事;must have done表示过去肯定做了某事,语气较may have done更为肯定;can't have done表示过去不可能做了某事。使用时一定要注意区分。


Mr. White ____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn't show up. (2004全国)

A. should have arrived B. should arrive

C. should have had arrivedD. should be arriving

解析:本题考查的就是should have done的用法,这句话的意思是:怀特先生本来八点半就应该到会场的,但是他没有出现。整句话用的是一般过去时态,表示过去应该做某事,但实际上没做,用should have done暗含一定的责备意味,选A。

◆so... that + 从句如此……以至于……

课文原句:Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.

这是结果状语从句最典型的句型之一,原文中定语从句的意思是:他这么忙,很少有时间和朋友们交流。其实在高考中经常考到的结果状语从句除了such... that,还有so...that。二者引导结果状语从句有所不同,要注意区分。


1) So + 形容词 + a/an + 单数可数名词 + that从句,如:He is so good a student that all teachers like him. 他是这么好的一个学生,所有的老师都喜欢他。

2) So + many/much/few/little(表数量) + 复数可数名词或不可数名词 + that从句,如:There is so much water in the bucket that he can hardly lift it out of the well. 桶里有这么多水,他几乎无法从井里把水提上来。


1) Such + a/an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + that从句,如:It was such a moving film that he burst into tears. 这部电影如此感人,他的眼泪夺眶而出。

2) Such + 形容词 + 名词复数/不可数名词 + that从句,如:It's such fine weather that most of us want to go on an outing. 天气这么好,我们大多数人都想出去玩。



We were in ________ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets. (2003上海)

A. a rush so anxious

B. a such anxious rush

C. so an anxious rush

D. such an anxious rush

解析:本题考查的就是so和such引导的结果状语从句,要注意so和such后面的语序,so后面紧接形容词构成so + adj. + a/an + 可数名词单数,而such后的语序则为:such+ a/an + adj. + n.,只有D选项的语序是正确的,符合语法结构。

[Unit 2]

◆except for 除了……以外

课文原句:In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.

Except for 意思是“除了”,后面一般接名词。在这句话中,except for后面的those指代的是香港学生。Except for从“中国学生”这个整体中排除了“香港学生”这部分。 但“those”一般指代较近的名词,所以这句话最好改为“English is learnt as a foreign language by all the chinese students at school, except for those...”

在高考题中,要区分四个表示“除了”的词:except/but/besides/except for。Except/but用法相同,表示“除了……以外”,用于同类事物的排除,后面可接名词、介词短语或that从句,如:We have lessons every day except/but Sunday. (除了周日,我们每天都有课)。Except for是从整体中排除,但排除的是不同类的事物,后面接名词,如:I like your apartment except for the decoration. (我喜欢你的公寓,除了装修)。Besides意思是“除了……之外还有”,包括所排除的部分,后面多接名词,如:She helps to cook and wash besides looking after the child. (她除了要照看小孩,还要帮着做饭和洗衣)。


The suit fitted him well ____ the color was a little brighter. (2005 上海)

A. except for B. except that

C. except when D. besides

解析:本题考查的是except和besides的用法,空格后面是一个完整句子the color was a little brighter,只有except后面可以接that从句,besides不可以接从句,因此只有B选项正确。同样,A选项错在except for后面多接名词,不接句子。

◆come about 出现,发生,产生

课文原句:How did this difference come about?

Come about表示“出现”或“产生”时,相当于happen,是一个不及物动词,后面一般不接宾语。与come有关的词组还有很多,如:come across突然想起来,偶遇;come along一起来,跟着来;come back回来,苏醒;come by从旁走过,得到。


It's already 10 o'clock, I wonder how it ____ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (2006 湖北)

A. came overB. came out

C. came aboutD. came up

解析:本题考查的就是come组成的短语。根据题意:现在已经十点了,我想知道她怎么走如此短的路程要迟到两个小时。How it come about意思是“怎么发生的?”“怎么可能?”;come about作不及物动词,相当于“happen”,表示偶然发生;it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。其余几项意思分别为:come over过来,顺便来访;come out结果是,出版;come up 走近,显现,出现,均不符合题意。选C。

[Unit 3]

◆see sb. off 为某人送行

课文原句:Is anybody seeing you off?

See sb. off 意思是“为某人送行”,如果sb. 是代词,则放在see和off之间;如果sb. 是名词,则既可放在see和off之间,也可放于off之后。易混淆的词组有see about(料理)、see to(照料)。


John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will ____ him ___ at the airport. (2005 广东)

A. send away B. leave off

C. see offD. show around

解析:根据语境暗示:约翰明天就要离开伦敦了,那我去机场自然应该是送他。为某人送行用see off。A选项是“派遣,打发”之意;B选项是“从……中去除”,D选项的意思是“带领某人参观”,均不符合题意。选C。


课文原句:You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim, and you should always wear a life jacket.

Unless意为“除非,如果不”,引导条件状语从句,相当于“If...not...”,后接表示条件的句子,且所接的句子要用肯定形式(不能用包含not的双重否定),翻译为“如果不……就不……”,或者“除非……才能……”,如:You will miss the bus unless you get up early. (除非你早点儿起床,你才能赶上公交车)。另外,这句话中的should表示一种警戒或劝告。


We won't keep winning games ____ we keep playing well. (2006 浙江)

A. becauseB. unless

C. when D. while



课文原句:The name "whitewater" comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.



Along with the letter was his promise ____ he would visit me this coming Christmas. (2004上海春)

A. which B. thatC. whatD. whether

3.高一英语3单元英语作文 篇三

Teaching objectives:

u To develop writing skills by reading the tips.

u To understand the mood of the Mum’s and Jack’s feelings.

Important and difficult points:

Writing a dialogue.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

The language you use in writing a dialogue:

l not too colloquialnot too redundant

l descriptive

Step 2 Reading

1 Read the instructions and know some tips of writing a dialogue.

2 Read Part A and discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.

a.‘Umm’ or ‘hmm’ shouldn’t be included in a written dialogue. b. We shouldn’t use ‘My room is too dirty’, ‘My room is a mess’, ‘clean up’ and ‘cleaning’, because in a written dialogue what has just been said shouldn’t be repeated.c. In a written dialogue we should write a sentence that shows the speaker is very angry instead of the sentence ‘I’m really very angry with you.’

3 Read again and do Part B.

A The sentences that show Mum is unhappy or angry:

Come and look.

Don’t you talk to me like that?

You should start cleaning now if you plan to leave!B The sentences that show Jack’s mood:

This is so unfair! I’ll never have enough time.

But I don’t think you’re being fair at all!

Step 3 Reading the Thank-you letter

1 Work in groups of 3 and present a dialogue. Keep the tips in mind. 2 Get the students to know:

The following should be included in your dialogue. a. What happened between Christina and her mother?

b. What did Christina do then ?

c. How as the problem solved ?

Step 4 Consolidation

Role-play the dialogue in three.


4.高一第一单元作文英语 篇四

Upon graduation, virtually all college students will confront the problem of the career choice. It is truly a tough choice. Students opinions differ greatly on this issue. Some hold that priority should be given to their interest in jobs, but others take the attitude that salary is the most critical factor influencing their career choices.

As to myself, I prefer the latter view. A well-paid job exerts a tremendous fascination on a great number of people, with no exception to me. Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one’s job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career. In my view, our career choices largely depend on how and where we have been brought up. come from a poor urban family and my parents were both laid-off workers. In order to finance my tuition, they have been working hard over the past four years. As the only son in my family, I have to shoulder the burden of supporting my family.

5.高一英语必修一三单元作文 篇五

第一单元 友谊Reading 安妮最好的

朋友 你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?或者你是不是担心你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你目前的困境呢?安妮·弗兰克想要的是第一种类型的朋友,于是她就把

日记当成了她最好的朋友。 安妮在第二次世界大战期间住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。她一家人都是犹太人,所以他们不得不躲藏起来,否则他们就会被德国纳粹抓去。她和她的家人躲藏了两年之后才被发现。在这段时间里,她唯一的忠实朋友就是她的日记了。她说,“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账。我要把这本日记当作我的朋友,我要把我这个朋友称作基蒂”。安妮自从1942年7月起就躲藏在那儿了,现在,来看看她的

心情吧。 亲爱的基蒂: 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。我记得非常清楚,以前,湛蓝的天空、鸟儿的歌唱、月光和鲜花,从未令我心迷神往过。自从我来到这里,这一切都变了。 ??比方说,有天晚上天气很暖和,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。但是因为月光太亮了,我不敢打开窗户。还有一次,就在五个月以前的一个晚上,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。我一直等到非关窗不可的时候才下楼去。漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量镇住了。这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚?? ??令人伤心的是??我只能透过脏兮兮的窗帘观看大自然,窗帘悬挂在沾满灰尘的窗前,但观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。 Using Language Reading, listening and writing 亲爱的王小姐: 我同班上的同学有件麻烦事。我跟我们班里的一位男同学一直相处很好,我们常常一起做家庭作业,而且很乐意相互帮助。我们成了非常好的朋友。可是,其他同学却开始在背后议论起来,他们说我和这位男同学在谈恋爱,这使我很生气。我不想中断这段友谊,但是我又讨厌人家背后说闲话。我该怎么办呢? Reading and writing 尊敬的编辑: 我是苏州高中的一名


6.高一英语3单元英语作文 篇六

Part One 听力部分 (20分)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


()6. Whose (谁的) basketball is it?

A. Its Marys.B. Its Kates.C. Its Lucys.

()7. Who has a yellow ruler?

A. Tom. B. Mike.C. David.

()8. Whats this in English?

A. Its a computer. B. Its a ball. C. Its a watch.

()9. Whats Kates telephone number?

A. 529-6407. B. 539-6403. C. 529-6403.

()10. Which (哪个) boy is Bobs cousin?

A. The boy in red.B. The boy in green. C. No one.


()11. Black Lis father is a doctor.

()12. Black Lis mother is a teacher.

()13. Black Li is fourteen.

()14. Beth is Black Lis mother.

()15. Adam is Black Lis father.

Ⅳ.听短文, 填入所缺的单词。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

Here is a (16) of my family. This is my (17). Her name is Mona. And this is my (18), Paul. These are my father and mother, David and Kelsey. The girl in the photo is Lily. She is my (19). The boy is me, my (20) son. My name is Eric.

Part Two 笔试部分 (80分)


()21. — Whats your sisters name?


A. My name is DaveB. Her name is Jenny

C. His name is TomD. My sisters name Jenny

()22. This computer old (旧的).

A. isB. amC. are D. be

()23. Mom,my good friends, Dave and Emma.

A. this is B. that isC. these areD. those is

()24. Thanksyour family photo.

A. forB. onC. toD. with

()25. Paul is my fathers brother. So he is my .

A. cousinB. auntC. uncleD. grandfather

()26. — Who are they?

—my classmates.

A. She isB. He isC. They are D. Those are

()27. — Is thatpicture?

— No, it ispicture.

A. your; hisB. my; sheC. you; my D. she; her

()28. —is she?

— She is my sister.

A. How oldB. WhoC. WhatD. Where

()29. — Are they your ?

— Yes, they are.

A. father B. parentsC. parentD. mother

()30. Whosin the picture?

A. heB. sheC. itD. her


31. 这是我堂弟,这是他的书包。

This is my ______. This is ______ ______.

32. 感谢你的全家福照片。

______ ______ the ______ of your family.

33. 这是她的朋友安娜。

This ______ ______ ______ Anna.

34. 这是我的父母,那是我的爷爷,那是我的奶奶。

These are my ______. Thats my ______. Thats my ______.

35. 这些是我的叔叔和阿姨。

______ ______ my ______ and aunt.


Look36 the picture. Its a picture 37my bedroom (卧室).38can you see in the bedroom? I can see39bed. 40you see a table next to the window? Yes, I can see some 4142the table. My pencil case and clock 43near the books. Wheres my cat? Can you see 44 ? Its under the table.45name is Mimi.

( )36. A. atB. toC. inD. of

( )37. A. inB. on C. ofD. at

( )38. A. Whats B. What C. Where D. Wheres

( )39. A. an B. aC. myD. I

( )40. A. Can B. AreC. DoD. Is

( )41. A. bookB. books C. a bookD. one

( )42. A. at B. of C. in D. on

( )43. A. amB. isC. areD. be

( )44. A. cat B. itC. a cat D. them

( )45. A. Its B. It C. Its D. It is



My name is Gao Ping. My English teacher is Julia. She is from (来自) England (英国). She has (有) two children (孩子), a son and a daughter. Her daughter is Alice. Her son is Tom.Julia and her daughter are in China, but her husband (丈夫) Paul Smith is in England.

Paul is a policeman (警察). Tom is in America (美国). He is a college (大学) student. Alice and I are in the same (同一的) school. We are classmates(同班同学), and we are good friends. I teach (教) her Chinese and she teaches me English.


()46. Julia and Paul are Alices parents.

()47. Toms sister is Gao Pings good friend.

()48. Gao Ping and Alice are sister and brother.

()49. Alices father is a doctor in England.

()50. Pauls wife (妻子) is a teacher in China.


This is a Chinese boy. His name is Li Wei. He is a new student(新生). He is in Yu Cai Middle School. His father, Mr Li, is a policeman. Li Weis mother, Mrs Li, is a teacher. Li Weis grandfather is a teacher, too. His grandmother is a worker. They are old. They are in Chengdu. Li Wei and his parents are in Wuhan.

() 51. Li Wei is.

A. a new studentB. a workerC. a teacherD. a new teacher

() 52. Li Weis mother is.

A. a policemanB. a teacherC. a workerD. a student

() 53. Is Li Weis grandfather a teacher?

A. No, he isnt. B. No, he is a doctor. C. Yes, he is.D. We dont know.

() 54. Li Weis grandparents are in.

A. WuhanB. SichuanC. HubeiD. Beijing

() 55. Which one is right (正确的)?

A. Li Wei is in Chengdu.

B. Li Weis parents are in Chengdu.

C. Li Wei and his parents are in Wuhan.

D. Li Wei and his grandparents are in Wuhan.


This is a p56of Emmas family. The girl i57Emma. Shes a s58. This is Paul. Hes Emmas b 59. He and his s 60are in the same school. Their f 61 is Dave. Hes a d62 . The woman is Emmas m 63. H 64 name is Linda. Shes a doctor, t 65. Their family is a good family.

56. p57. i 58. s59. b 60. s

61. f62. d63. m 64. H65. t





















7.高一必修二英语第一单元作文 篇七

Fun is what we experience during an act, happiness is what we experience after an act. The latter is a deeper, more abiding emotion. Watching a movie or television is fun activities that help us relax, temporarily forget our problems and even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

The way people cling to the belief that a fun-filled, painfree life equals happiness actually diminishes their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness, but in fact, the opposite is tree. More often than not, things that lead to happiness involves some pain. It seems no fun undertaking some hard work, but when you finish it successfully, you will feel happy.

8.高一英语必修一每单元话题作文 篇八

I’m a senior student. I like English very much. Besides attending English lessons at school, I often go to the English corner in the park near my home on Saturday morning. It was set up (formed) two years ago. Many high school students gather there. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are present at the English corner. There, we practice our spoken English, talk about what we are interested in, exchange our experience in learning English and so on. I’ve learned a lot. I have greatly improved myself in English since I visited it. It is really a great help to me.


9.高一英语3单元英语作文 篇九

1. 【课文原句】 —What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?

—My name’s Jenny. 我叫詹妮。

【中考链接】 1)—What’s your name?

—My name ______ Jim Green. (2006湖北荆州)

A. amB. areC. isD. be

2)— Hello!______?

— My name’s Alice. (2008浙江湖州)

A. How do you do

B. How are you

C. What’s your name

D. How old are you

3)My name ______ Lucy. May I know your name? (2008四川泸州)

A. amB. isC. are

4)I am a student. ________ name is Tom. (2008北京朝阳区)

A. MyB. Your C. HisD. Her

【答案与解析】 1)选C。主语My name为单数第三人称形式,谓语也要用单数第三人称形式。

2)选C。根据答语来判断,所问的应该是“What’s your name?”。



2. 【课文原句】 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。

【中考链接】—Hi, Ann! This is my sister, Jane.

—______ (2005湖北十堰市)

A. How are you?

B. Nice to meet you.

C. It’s very kind of you.

D. How old are you?

【答案与解析】选B。当两人初次见面时,一般要说Nice to meet you.。

Unit 2

1. 【课文原句】 —Excuse me, Sonia. Is this your pencil? 请原谅,索尼娅。这是你的铅笔吗?

—Yes, thank you. 是的,谢谢你。

【中考链接】 1)—______, could you tell me the way to the bank?

—Yes. Go straight and you’ll find it.

( 2006福建宁德)

A. HelloB. Excuse me

C. Hi D. Sorry

2)I am Cindy Brown. You can call ______ Cindy. (2008浙江温州)

A. us B. himC. herD. me

3)—Happy birthday, Tom.

—______. (2007湖北武汉)

A. With pleasureB. Thanks a lot

C. Yes, you tooD. The same to you

【答案与解析】 1) 选B。Excuse me 意为“请原谅、对不起”,主要用于向某人询问某事或提出请求而要打扰某人时。


3) 选B。当对方向你祝贺生日时,你应感谢对方。Thank you与Thanks意思相同。

2. 【课文原句】 —What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?

—It’s a backpack. 这是背包。

【中考链接】 —What’s this ______ English?

—It’s an English-Chinese dictionary.


A. at B. in C. on D. of

【答案与解析】 选B。英语中表示“用某种语言”时,要用介词in。

Unit 3

1.【课文原句】 These are his brothers. 这些是他的兄弟。

【中考链接】 1)This is my box. (改为复数形式)(2005福建宁德)

______ are our ______.

2)Lucy and Lily ______ sisters. They study at the same school. (2008北京市)

A. beB. am C. is D. are

【答案与解析】 1)填These, boxes。单句改为复述形式,要把相应的代词、名词改为复数形式。


2. 【课文原句】 He’s my friend. 他是我的朋友。

【中考链接】 —Who is the boy over there? —_______ is my brother. (2007北京课标卷)

A. HeB. His

C. Him D. Himself

【答案与解析】 选A。人称代词主格可用来充当主语。

3. 【课文原句】 Thanks for the photos of your family. 谢谢你的全家福。

【中考链接】 Thank you ______ inviting me to your birthday party. I really had a good time there. (2006宁夏)

A. onB. forC. inD. of

10.高一英语第一单元 篇十

4-1We went through hardships while working on this project.4-2I ‘ve gone through my ink.4-3.I called him several times, but I couldn’t get through.7-1 she had her book published last year.7-2.our teacher got us to finish our homework.7-3Don’t get Tony waiting for you outside all the time.7-4.he got his clothes dirty.8-1it will be three days before he comes back home.8-2it was not long before he told me about it.8-3The house fell down bebore I had tme to run out.8-4i must write it down before I forget it.Make当使役动词时用法

1.the workers were make to work for 14hours a day by the boss.2.would you please make yourself known to us?

3.We make him our monitor.4.That will only make matters worse.l.be fond ____ 喜欢,爱好 2.hunt ____搜索。追寻,寻找

3.in to ____ 为了 4.care ____担心,关心

5.such ____例如,诸如 6.drop sb a ____ 给某人写信(通常指写短信)

7.make oneself at ____别客气 8.____ total总共

9.except ____除了……之外 10.stay ____不睡,熬夜

11.____ about发生12.end ____ with以……告终

13.bring ____ 引进,引来 14.a great ____许许多多,极多

15.be ____对……深感兴趣,深深迷上…… 16.____ the Internet上网

17.____ classes逃学,逃课 18.get ____聚会,相聚,聚集

19.be proud ____为……感到骄傲20.keep an ____ on照看,注意

21.be curious ____对……感到好奇 22.shut ____(使)住口

23.joke ____开玩笑 24.____ the name of以……名义 25.____ the time 是,一直

11.高一英语第五单元教案 篇十一




T: now, please discuss the pictures in groups then guess what is the text about?

A few minutes later, the teacher ask several students to report their answers.



T: Who knows the names of the five films?

S:The five films are: Jaws, ET , Jurassic Park ,Schindler’s list, and Saving PrivateRyan.

T: You are correct.


A.快速阅读课文,按时间主线制作一个Steven Spielberg 的要事记

The teacher shows the years on the screen.

1946, 1968, 1959, 1975, 1982, 1993

T : let’s check the answer. I would like this group to answer these questions.

Sa: in 1946 Steven Spielberg was born in America.

Sb: in 1968 Steven Spielberg made his first real film.

Sc: in 1959 Steven Spielberg won a prize for a short film.

Sd: in 1975 Steven Spielberg he made one of his first films Jaws

Se: in 1982 Steven Spielberg made the film ET which was about creatures that come to the earth.

Sf: in 1993 he made the film Jurassic Park

B.快速阅读课文的Para3—5 , 查找出有关这5部电影内容和主题的信息,并核对与自己猜想是否相符。

films Information of the film

Jaws(1975) About a big shark that attacks and eat swimmers

Et (1982) About a little creature comes from outer space

Jurassic (1993) About an island where a very rich man keeps dinosaurs.

Schindler’s list(1993) About The cruelty of war/a German who saves Jewish people from being killed in the war.

Saving private ryan(1998) About the cruelty of war/an American leads his team to search for a soldier named Ryan.

3.个人活动( Scanning)


When and where was he born?

When did he start making films?

What did he use to make films at first? and later?

What was his dream?

What did he study?

When and with what did his career take off?

What does Spielberg owe his success to?

Step four: Post-reading

该部分可分成两块,其中第二块内容可以提前到阅读中去完成,也可在读后总结,当学生读完影片内容时,可以根据自己的理解写出五部影片的内容是什么(写尝试应用定语从句,体验定语从句的结构)。第一块(Questions)中第1,3,5三个问题比较难,从文中直接找不到答案,也是学生理解上需要升华的部分。可以通过分组,让学生讨论来理解这几个问题。让学生领会以下几点:1)、英语作为工具的重要性 2)、不懈努力、持之以恒 3)、成功需要家人的支持,合作、互助精神。

T: let’s turn to page 32, part 1.work in pairs and answer the five questions:

1. Why did Spielberg study English instead of the film?

2. Why were the people who saw the film Jaws were afraid to swim in the sea?

3. How important is his family to Spielberg’s career?

4. What was Spielberg’s dream?

5. What have you learn from reading about?

Step four: Homework

1.Preview the reading Not One Less on page34

2. Make sentences with the following words:

12.高一英语第一单元课件 篇十二

Learning aims: 学习目标:

Master the grammar of this unit. ------直接引语和间接引语Direct Speech & Indirect Speech

Teaching procedures: 学习过程

一、 自主学习(self-study)

Step 1 了解学习背景


Step 2. 什么是直接引语和间接引语


1. 引用别人的原话,被引用的部分叫直接引语,直接引语放在引号内,不用连词连接;

2. 用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语,不用引号,但通常用连词与主句连接。


例如:Mr. Black said, “I am busy.” --------( ) 引语

Mr. Black said that he was busy. -------( ) 引语

二、合作探究(Co-exploration )


直接引语变间接引语的3种情况 (陈述句,疑问句,祈使句)


1. 陈述句

直接引语如果是陈述句,变间接引语时,谓语动词后常用连词that 引导(that在口语中常省略),主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替。可以说sb. said that或 sb. said to sb. that,或sb. told sb. that,不可直接说sb. told that


He said, “I have been to the Great Wall.”

→ He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall.

→He said that he had been to the Great Wall.

→He told me that he had been to the Great Wall.


1) 人称的变化

He said, “I like it very much .” -------He said that he liked it very much.

He said to me, “I’ve left your book in my room.”------He told me that he had left my book in his room.

(学生自我检测: 你能找出哪些人称发生了变化了吗?)

2)时态的变化 (牢记下列规则)

时态的变化 例句(直接引语→间接引语)

一般现在时 → 一般过去时 She said, “I need a pen.” → She said that she needed a pen.

现在进行时 → 过去进行时 He said, “I am expecting a call.” → He said that he was expecting a call.

现在完成时→ 过去完成时

Tom said, “Our team has won the game.” →Tom said that his team had won the game.

一般过去时→ 过去完成时

Mary said, “I took it home with me.” →Mary said that she had taken it home with her.

过去完成时→过去完成时 He said, “I had finished my work before supper.” → He said that he had finished his work before supper.

一般将来时→过去将来时 Paul said, “I will call again later.” →Paul said that he would call again later.


1. 直接引语表述的是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变

The geography teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.” →

The geography teacher told us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

2. 主句谓语动词的时态是现在时态或将来时态,在引述时,时态不变。

She says, “I’ll never forget the days in the country.” →She says that she’ll never forget the days in the country.

He will say, “The boy was lazy.” → He will tell you that the boy was lazy.

3. 直接引语是一般过去时,并且和具体的过去时间连用,时态不变。

She said, “I was born in 1983.” → She said that she was born in 1983.

(学生自我检测: 你发现上述时态发生了变化了吗?试试你记住这些规定了吗?)

1 一般现在时 →( ) 2 现在进行时 → ( )

3 现在完成时→ ( ) 4 一般过去时→ ( )

5 过去完成时→ ( ) 6 一般将来时→ ( )



指示代词: 1 this → 2 these →

时间状语: 3 now → 4 ago → 5 four years ago →

6 today → 7 tomorrow → 8 yesterday →

9 this week → 10 last week → 11 next month →

12 the day after tomorrow →

13 the day before yesterday →

地点状语: 14 here →

趋向性动词的变化:15 come → 16 bring →

2. 疑问句 (一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句)

一般疑问句变为由if /whether引导的宾语从句,其他方面变化同陈述句的变化,

即句型:sb. asked (sb.) if/ whether +陈述句


即句型:sb. asked (sb.) what/when/who +陈述句

选择疑问句 变成whether…or句型来表达,而不用if…or…,也不用either…or…

例如: He asked, “Do you speak English or French?” →He asked me whether I spoke English or French.

I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?” → I asked him whether he would take bus or take train.

He said, “Are you interested in English?” →He asked whether I was interested in English.

He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?”

→He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.

3. 祈使句

转述祈使句时,将祈使句的动词原型变为动词不定式,并在不定时to 前根据句子的意思加上tell, ask, order 等动词,形成3 种句型

(1) 表示邀请、请求某人做某事时用ask sb. to do sth.

(2) 表示叫、吩咐某人做某事时用tell sb. to do sth

(3) 表示命令某人做某事时用order sb. to do sth .

表示否定时,在不定式前加not,构成句型ask sb. not to do sth., tell sb. not to do sth, order sb. not to do sth

例如: The old man said, “Don’t smoke in the hall.” → The old man told us not to smoke in the hall.

The officer said, “Go away.” → The officer ordered us to go away.

She said to us, “Please have a seat,” → she asked us to have a seat.

注意: 1. 当祈使句的直接引语变间接引语时,因为祈使句表示请求、命令等语气,所以不存在时态的变化,但是人称、指示代词、时间、地点状语等还要做相应的变化。

2. 祈使句中的please 在间接引语中必须省去,用句型ask sb. to do sth.

拓展: 1. 如果直接引语是表示“建议”的祈使句或疑问句,通常变为suggested that sb. should do sth或suggested doing sth

例如:He said, “ Let’s go to the park.” → He suggested (our) going to the park.

→ He suggested that we should go to the park.

2. 直接引语是感叹句时,间接引语可以用what或 how引导,也可以用 that引导

She said, “What a lovely day it is !” → She said what a lovely day it was!

→ She said that it was a lovely day.



I. Change the Direct Speech into Indirect Speech (解题技巧:先判断句子类型,再套相应句型)

1. “Shut up. ”she said to him.


2. “Speak louder, please,” he said to her.


3. “Can you speak louder?” he asked her.


4. “Don’t wait for me,” he said to them.


5. “Use your knife to cut the boots open,” the officer said to the guard.


6. He said, “Light travels much faster than sound.”


7. She said, “Did you see him last night?”


8. “What do you call your diary?” Anne’s sister asked her.


9. “When did you go to bed last night?” Father said to Lucy.


10. He said, “These books are mine.”


II. 单项填空 ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. He asked ________for the computer.

A did I pay how much B I paid how much

C how much did I pay D how much I paid

2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. → He asked me__________.

A had I seen the film B have I seen the film

C if I have seen the film D whether I had seen the film

3. “ I am a teacher,” Jack said. → He said_____________.

A that I am a teacher B I was a teacher

C that he is a teacher D he was a teacher

4. “You have already got well, haven’t you?” she asked. → She asked___________.

A if I have already got well, hadn’t you B whether I had already got well

C have I already got well D had I already got well

5. He asked, “Are you a Party member or a League member?” → He asked me ____________.

A am I a Party member or a League member

B was I a Party member or a League member

C whether I was a Party member or a League member

D whether was I a Party member or a League member

6. He asked, “How are you getting along?” →He asked____________.

A how am I getting along B how are you getting along

C how I was getting along D how was I getting along

7. He asked me _______with me.

A what the matter is B what the matter was

C what’s the matter D what was the matter

8. The mother asked her daughter__________.

A what did she do the day before B where did she find her lost watch

C when she got up that morning D that if she had finished her homework

9. Mary said, “I went to China in .” →Mary said she _______to China in 1998.

A went B had gone C have gone D go

10. He said, “ Mother, the boy is very naughty.” → He ________very naughty.

A said his mother that the boy was B said to his mother that the boy is

C told his mother that the boy was D spoke to his mother that the boy was

11. Mr. Smith warned her daughter ________after drinking. (浙江高一检测)

A never to drive B to never drive C never driving D never drives

12. A famous website was making an online survey asking us ________the film Jaws.

A how do we like B how we liked C how did we like D how we like

13. The teacher asked us ________so much noise.

A don’t make B not make C not making D not to make

14. -----Please don’t stamp the grass.


-------I ___________stamp the grass. (20山东高一检测)

A tell you don’t B tell you not to C told you didn’t D told you not to

15. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _______and see him.

A you will come B will you come C you come D do you come

四. 反思感悟(Reflection)

I have learned a lot about the grammar----direct speech and indirect speech.

I know___________________________________________________

五、作业 ( homework)

Key 1: 直接 , 间接

Key 2: 1一般过去时 2过去进行时 3过去完成时 4过去完成时 5过去完成时 6过去将来时

Key 3: 1 that 2 those 3 then 4 before / earlier 5 four years before / earlier 6 that day 7 the next /following day 8 the day before 9 that week 10 the week before 11 the next month 12 in 2 days’ time 13 2 days before / earlier 14 there 15 go 16 take

Key 4

1. 祈使句 She told him to shut up. 2. 祈使句 He asked her to speak louder.

3. 一般疑问句 He asked her if she could speak louder.

4. 祈使句的否定句He told them not to wait for him.

5. 祈使句 The officer ordered the guard to use his knife to cut the boots open.

6. 陈述句 He said that light travels much faster than sound.

7. 一般疑问句 She asked (me) if /whether I had seen him the night before.

8. 特殊疑问句Anne’s sister asked her what she called her diary.

9. 特殊疑问句 Father asked Lucy when she went to bed the night before.

10. 陈述句 He said that those books were his.

Key 5 1----5 DDDBC 6----10 CDCAC 7 What’s the matter? 做宾语时语序不变
